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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
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* *
* Vector control *
* ---------------- *
* *
* A 3D vector MFC control derived from CButton. *
* Features: *
* - Real-time light rendering on a 3D ball. *
* - Variable ball radius and position. *
* - Supports bitmap background (tiled). *
* - Supports vertical gradient color background (from color to color). *
* - Variable ball color (diffuse), light color and ambient color. *
* - Variable specular intensity. *
* - Supports attached controls (for automatic update). *
* - Variable mouse sensitivity. *
* - Supports front clipping (vector will not have negative Z values). *
* - Supports callback functions for the following events: *
* 1. The trackball has moved (vector is changing). *
* 2. The user dropped the trackball (released left mouse button) *
* i.e., the vector was changed. *
* *
* *
#ifndef _VECTOR_CTL_H
#define _VECTOR_CTL_H
// Callback pointer prototype:
typedef void (*VectorCtlCallbackProc)( idQuat rotation );
// The callback should look like:
// void CALLBACK MyCallBack (double dVecX, double dVecY, double dVecZ);
// or
// static void CALLBACK MyClass::MyCallBack (double dVecX, double dVecY, double dVecZ);
class CVectorCtl : public CButton
#define EPS 1.0e-6 // Epsilon
#define DEFAULT_VEC {0.00, 0.00, 1.00} // Default start vector
#define DEFAULT_DIFFUSE RGB( 30, 0, 200) // Default diffuse color
#define DEFAULT_AMBIENT RGB( 20, 20, 20) // Default ambient color
#define DEFAULT_LIGHT RGB(200, 200, 200) // Default light color
#define DEFAULT_START_BACKGROUND_COLOR RGB( 0, 0, 0) // Default gradient background start color
#define DEFAULT_END_BACKGROUND_COLOR RGB(140, 0, 120) // Default gradient background end color
#define DEFAULT_SPEC_EXP 25.0 // Default specular intensity
#define VAL_NOT_IN_USE -50000 // Internal use
CVectorCtl ();
virtual ~CVectorCtl ();
// Owner-drawn control support function
virtual void DrawItem( LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct );
// Sets / Gets diffuse (ball) color.
void SetDiffuseColor (COLORREF clr) { m_clrDiffuse = clr; Redraw (); }
COLORREF GetDiffuseColor () { return m_clrDiffuse; }
// Sets / Gets ambient (background) color.
void SetAmbientColor (COLORREF clr) { m_clrAmbient = clr; Redraw (); }
COLORREF GetAmbientColor () { return m_clrAmbient; }
// Sets / Gets light color.
void SetLightColor (COLORREF clr) { m_clrLight = clr; Redraw (); }
COLORREF GetLightColor () { return m_clrLight; }
// Sets background gradient color (from start to finish vertically)
void SetBackgroundColor (COLORREF clrStart, COLORREF clrEnd);
// Sets a background bitmap (resource ID)
BOOL SetBackgroundImage (UINT uBackgroundBitmapID);
// Sets / Gets specular intensity
BOOL SetSpecularExponent (double dExp);
double GetSpecularExponent () { return m_dSpecularExponent; }
// Enables auto-update of axis controls.
// Place the control's ID and the SetWindowText function will be called
// for each vector component to display the value in the control.
void SetAxisControl (int nXCtl, int nYCtl, int nZCtl);
// Sets / Gets ball radius (in pixels)
void SetRadius (UINT uRadius);
UINT GetRadius () { return UINT(m_iRadius); }
// Sets / Gets ball position (in pixels)
void SetCenter (UINT uHorizPos, UINT uVertPos);
UINT GetHorizCenter () { return UINT(m_iXCenter); }
UINT GetVertCenter () { return UINT(m_iYCenter); }
// Sets / Gets vector components
void SetX (double dx) { SetAxis (dx, 0); }
double GetX() { return m_dVec[0]; }
void SetY (double dy) { SetAxis (dy, 1); }
double GetY() { return m_dVec[1]; }
void SetZ (double dz) { SetAxis (dz, 2); }
double GetZ() { return m_dVec[2]; }
void SetVector (double dx, double dy, double dz);
void SetidAxis( const idMat3 &mat ) {
rotationMatrix = mat;
rotationQuat = mat.ToQuat();
m_dVec = mat[2];
// Sets / Gets mouse sensitivity
BOOL SetSensitivity (UINT uSens);
UINT GetSensitivity () { return UINT(m_dSensitivity); }
// Bounds / Unbounds vector to front (positive Z) only
void ClipToFront (BOOL bEnable) { m_bFrontVector = bEnable; }
// Set user-defined callback function to call whenever the vector has changed.
// Set to NULL to disable callback.
void SetVectorChangingCallback (VectorCtlCallbackProc proc)
{ m_procVectorChanging = proc; }
// Set user-defined callback function to call whenever the vector has finished
// changing (user dropped track-ball).
// Set to NULL to disable callback.
void SetVectorChangedCallback (VectorCtlCallbackProc proc)
{ m_procVectorChanged = proc; }
afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
// Mouse is being dragged
void OnMouseDrag (int , int);
// Create and measure off-screen buffer
void InitBitmap (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct, CDC *pDC);
// Build image to BitBlt
void BuildImage (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
// Free resources of background (non-ball) bitmap
void ClearBackgroundBitmap ();
// Normalize vector
BOOL Normalize ();
// Calculate lightning effect for a pixel on the ball
COLORREF CalcLight (double dx, double dy, double dz);
// Rotate our vector by X and Y angles
void RotateByXandY (double XRot, double YRot);
// Create background image resource
void CreateBackground ();
// Force redraw of entire image
void Redraw (BOOL bErase = FALSE);
// Update user-defined vector components controls
void UpdateAxisControls ();
// Sets a specific vector component to a specific value
void SetAxis (double d, int nAxis);
CBitmap m_bmpBuffer, // Buffer bitmap for BitBlt
m_bmpBack; // Background image bitmap
CDC m_dcMem; // Memory DC
BOOL m_bBmpCreated, // Was the bitmap created ?
m_bBackgroundBitmapUsed,// Are we using a background bitmap ?
m_bImageChange, // Has the image changed ?
m_bFrontVector, // Is the vector constrained to be facing front (positive Z) ?
m_bHasFocus, // Does the control have the focus ?
m_bSelected; // Is the control selected ?
int m_iWidth, // Region width
m_iHeight, // Region height
m_iRadius, // Ball radius
m_iSqrRadius, // Ball radius to the power of two
m_iXCenter, // X center point
m_iYCenter; // Y center point
CBitmap *m_pOldBitmap; // Previously selected bitmap
COLORREF m_clrDiffuse, // Ball diffusion color (self color)
m_clrAmbient, // Ambient (background) color
m_clrLight, // Color of light
m_clrBackgroundStart, // Background color gradient start
m_clrBackgroundEnd; // Background color gradient end
CWnd *pCtl[3]; // Pointers to axis display controls
double m_dSpecularExponent, // Specularity effect intensity
m_dSensitivity; // The bigger the number the less sensitive the mouse gets
// Valid ranges are 1..MAX_UINT
idVec3 m_dVec; // Vector components
idMat3 rotationMatrix; //
idQuat rotationQuat;
idQuat previousQuat;
idVec3 lastPress;
float radius;
VectorCtlCallbackProc m_procVectorChanging,