mirror of
synced 2025-03-23 03:01:08 +00:00
this avoid breaking the game DLL ABI (framework/DeclParticle.h is part of the SDK), and for now doesn't make a difference, because that keyword was introduced by TDM and thus is only used in their particle defs. When we break the game ABI/API anyway (probably for high FPS support), this commit can just be reverted
1452 lines
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1452 lines
39 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "idlib/geometry/DrawVert.h"
#include "framework/File.h"
#include "renderer/RenderWorld.h"
#include "framework/DeclParticle.h"
struct ParticleParmDesc {
const char *name;
int count;
const char *desc;
const ParticleParmDesc ParticleDistributionDesc[] = {
{ "rect", 3, "" },
{ "cylinder", 4, "" },
{ "sphere", 3, "" }
const ParticleParmDesc ParticleDirectionDesc[] = {
{ "cone", 1, "" },
{ "outward", 1, "" },
const ParticleParmDesc ParticleOrientationDesc[] = {
{ "view", 0, "" },
{ "aimed", 2, "" },
{ "x", 0, "" },
{ "y", 0, "" },
{ "z", 0, "" }
const ParticleParmDesc ParticleCustomDesc[] = {
{ "standard", 0, "Standard" },
{ "helix", 5, "sizeX Y Z radialSpeed axialSpeed" },
{ "flies", 3, "radialSpeed axialSpeed size" },
{ "orbit", 2, "radius speed"},
{ "drip", 2, "something something" }
const int CustomParticleCount = sizeof( ParticleCustomDesc ) / sizeof( const ParticleParmDesc );
size_t idDeclParticle::Size( void ) const {
return sizeof( idDeclParticle );
void idDeclParticle::GetStageBounds( idParticleStage *stage ) {
// this isn't absolutely guaranteed, but it should be close
particleGen_t g;
renderEntity_t renderEntity;
memset( &renderEntity, 0, sizeof( renderEntity ) );
renderEntity.axis = mat3_identity;
renderView_t renderView;
memset( &renderView, 0, sizeof( renderView ) );
renderView.viewaxis = mat3_identity;
g.renderEnt = &renderEntity;
g.renderView = &renderView;
g.axis = mat3_identity;
idRandom steppingRandom;
steppingRandom.SetSeed( 0 );
// just step through a lot of possible particles as a representative sampling
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; i++ ) {
g.random = g.originalRandom = steppingRandom;
int maxMsec = stage->particleLife * 1000;
for ( int inCycleTime = 0 ; inCycleTime < maxMsec ; inCycleTime += 16 ) {
// make sure we get the very last tic, which may make up an extreme edge
if ( inCycleTime + 16 > maxMsec ) {
inCycleTime = maxMsec - 1;
g.frac = (float)inCycleTime / ( stage->particleLife * 1000 );
g.age = inCycleTime * 0.001f;
// if the particle doesn't get drawn because it is faded out or beyond a kill region,
// don't increment the verts
idVec3 origin;
stage->ParticleOrigin( &g, origin );
stage->bounds.AddPoint( origin );
// find the max size
float maxSize = 0;
for ( float f = 0; f <= 1.0f; f += 1.0f / 64 ) {
float size = stage->size.Eval( f, steppingRandom );
float aspect = stage->aspect.Eval( f, steppingRandom );
if ( aspect > 1 ) {
size *= aspect;
if ( size > maxSize ) {
maxSize = size;
maxSize += 8; // just for good measure
// users can specify a per-stage bounds expansion to handle odd cases
stage->bounds.ExpandSelf( maxSize + stage->boundsExpansion );
Parses a variable length list of parms on one line
void idDeclParticle::ParseParms( idLexer &src, float *parms, int maxParms ) {
idToken token;
memset( parms, 0, maxParms * sizeof( *parms ) );
int count = 0;
while( 1 ) {
if ( !src.ReadTokenOnLine( &token ) ) {
if ( count == maxParms ) {
src.Error( "too many parms on line" );
parms[count] = atof( token );
void idDeclParticle::ParseParametric( idLexer &src, idParticleParm *parm ) {
idToken token;
parm->table = NULL;
parm->from = parm->to = 0.0f;
if ( !src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
src.Error( "not enough parameters" );
if ( token.IsNumeric() ) {
// can have a to + 2nd parm
parm->from = parm->to = atof( token );
if ( src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
if ( !token.Icmp( "to" ) ) {
if ( !src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
src.Error( "missing second parameter" );
parm->to = atof( token );
} else {
src.UnreadToken( &token );
} else {
// table
parm->table = static_cast<const idDeclTable *>( declManager->FindType( DECL_TABLE, token, false ) );
idParticleStage *idDeclParticle::ParseParticleStage( idLexer &src ) {
idToken token;
idParticleStage *stage = new idParticleStage;
while (1) {
if ( src.HadError() ) {
if ( !src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
if ( !token.Icmp( "}" ) ) {
if ( !token.Icmp( "material" ) ) {
src.ReadToken( &token );
stage->material = declManager->FindMaterial( token.c_str() );
if ( !token.Icmp( "count" ) ) {
stage->totalParticles = src.ParseInt();
if ( !token.Icmp( "time" ) ) {
stage->particleLife = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "cycles" ) ) {
stage->cycles = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "timeOffset" ) ) {
stage->timeOffset = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "deadTime" ) ) {
stage->deadTime = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "randomDistribution" ) ) {
stage->randomDistribution = src.ParseBool();
if ( !token.Icmp( "bunching" ) ) {
stage->spawnBunching = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "distribution" ) ) {
src.ReadToken( &token );
if ( !token.Icmp( "rect" ) ) {
stage->distributionType = PDIST_RECT;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "cylinder" ) ) {
stage->distributionType = PDIST_CYLINDER;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "sphere" ) ) {
stage->distributionType = PDIST_SPHERE;
} else {
src.Error( "bad distribution type: %s\n", token.c_str() );
ParseParms( src, stage->distributionParms, sizeof( stage->distributionParms ) / sizeof( stage->distributionParms[0] ) );
if ( !token.Icmp( "direction" ) ) {
src.ReadToken( &token );
if ( !token.Icmp( "cone" ) ) {
stage->directionType = PDIR_CONE;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "outward" ) ) {
stage->directionType = PDIR_OUTWARD;
} else {
src.Error( "bad direction type: %s\n", token.c_str() );
ParseParms( src, stage->directionParms, sizeof( stage->directionParms ) / sizeof( stage->directionParms[0] ) );
if ( !token.Icmp( "orientation" ) ) {
src.ReadToken( &token );
if ( !token.Icmp( "view" ) ) {
stage->orientation = POR_VIEW;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "aimed" ) ) {
stage->orientation = POR_AIMED;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "x" ) ) {
stage->orientation = POR_X;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "y" ) ) {
stage->orientation = POR_Y;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "z" ) ) {
stage->orientation = POR_Z;
} else {
src.Error( "bad orientation type: %s\n", token.c_str() );
ParseParms( src, stage->orientationParms, sizeof( stage->orientationParms ) / sizeof( stage->orientationParms[0] ) );
if ( !token.Icmp( "customPath" ) ) {
src.ReadToken( &token );
if ( !token.Icmp( "standard" ) ) {
stage->customPathType = PPATH_STANDARD;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "helix" ) ) {
stage->customPathType = PPATH_HELIX;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "flies" ) ) {
stage->customPathType = PPATH_FLIES;
} else if ( !token.Icmp( "spherical" ) ) {
stage->customPathType = PPATH_ORBIT;
} else {
src.Error( "bad path type: %s\n", token.c_str() );
ParseParms( src, stage->customPathParms, sizeof( stage->customPathParms ) / sizeof( stage->customPathParms[0] ) );
if ( !token.Icmp( "speed" ) ) {
ParseParametric( src, &stage->speed );
if ( !token.Icmp( "rotation" ) ) {
ParseParametric( src, &stage->rotationSpeed );
if ( !token.Icmp( "angle" ) ) {
stage->initialAngle = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "entityColor" ) ) {
stage->entityColor = src.ParseBool();
if ( !token.Icmp( "size" ) ) {
ParseParametric( src, &stage->size );
if ( !token.Icmp( "aspect" ) ) {
ParseParametric( src, &stage->aspect );
if ( !token.Icmp( "fadeIn" ) ) {
stage->fadeInFraction = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "fadeOut" ) ) {
stage->fadeOutFraction = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "fadeIndex" ) ) {
stage->fadeIndexFraction = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "color" ) ) {
stage->color[0] = src.ParseFloat();
stage->color[1] = src.ParseFloat();
stage->color[2] = src.ParseFloat();
stage->color[3] = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "fadeColor" ) ) {
stage->fadeColor[0] = src.ParseFloat();
stage->fadeColor[1] = src.ParseFloat();
stage->fadeColor[2] = src.ParseFloat();
stage->fadeColor[3] = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp("offset" ) ) {
stage->offset[0] = src.ParseFloat();
stage->offset[1] = src.ParseFloat();
stage->offset[2] = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "animationFrames" ) ) {
stage->animationFrames = src.ParseInt();
if ( !token.Icmp( "animationRate" ) ) {
stage->animationRate = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "boundsExpansion" ) ) {
stage->boundsExpansion = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "gravity" ) ) {
src.ReadToken( &token );
if ( !token.Icmp( "world" ) ) {
stage->worldGravity = true;
} else {
src.UnreadToken( &token );
stage->gravity = src.ParseFloat();
if ( !token.Icmp( "softeningRadius" ) ) { // #3878 soft particles
common->Warning( "Particle %s from %s has stage with \"softeningRadius\" attribute, which is currently ignored (we soften all suitable particles)\n",
this->GetName(), src.GetFileName() );
// DG: disable this for now to avoid breaking the game ABI
//stage->softeningRadius = src.ParseFloat();
src.Error( "unknown token %s\n", token.c_str() );
// derive values
stage->cycleMsec = ( stage->particleLife + stage->deadTime ) * 1000;
return stage;
bool idDeclParticle::Parse( const char *text, const int textLength ) {
idLexer src;
idToken token;
src.LoadMemory( text, textLength, GetFileName(), GetLineNum() );
src.SetFlags( DECL_LEXER_FLAGS );
src.SkipUntilString( "{" );
depthHack = 0.0f;
while (1) {
if ( !src.ReadToken( &token ) ) {
if ( !token.Icmp( "}" ) ) {
if ( !token.Icmp( "{" ) ) {
idParticleStage *stage = ParseParticleStage( src );
if ( !stage ) {
src.Warning( "Particle stage parse failed" );
return false;
stages.Append( stage );
if ( !token.Icmp( "depthHack" ) ) {
depthHack = src.ParseFloat();
src.Warning( "bad token %s", token.c_str() );
return false;
// calculate the bounds
for( int i = 0; i < stages.Num(); i++ ) {
GetStageBounds( stages[i] );
bounds.AddBounds( stages[i]->bounds );
if ( bounds.GetVolume() <= 0.1f ) {
bounds = idBounds( vec3_origin ).Expand( 8.0f );
return true;
void idDeclParticle::FreeData( void ) {
stages.DeleteContents( true );
const char *idDeclParticle::DefaultDefinition( void ) const {
"\t" "{\n"
"\t\t" "material\t_default\n"
"\t\t" "count\t20\n"
"\t\t" "time\t\t1.0\n"
"\t" "}\n"
void idDeclParticle::WriteParticleParm( idFile *f, idParticleParm *parm, const char *name ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\t%s\t\t\t\t ", name );
if ( parm->table ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "%s\n", parm->table->GetName() );
} else {
f->WriteFloatString( "\"%.3f\" ", parm->from );
if ( parm->from == parm->to ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
} else {
f->WriteFloatString( " to \"%.3f\"\n", parm->to );
void idDeclParticle::WriteStage( idFile *f, idParticleStage *stage ) {
int i;
f->WriteFloatString( "\t{\n" );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tcount\t\t\t\t%i\n", stage->totalParticles );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tmaterial\t\t\t%s\n", stage->material->GetName() );
if ( stage->animationFrames ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tanimationFrames \t%i\n", stage->animationFrames );
if ( stage->animationRate ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tanimationRate \t\t%.3f\n", stage->animationRate );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\ttime\t\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->particleLife );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tcycles\t\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->cycles );
if ( stage->timeOffset ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\ttimeOffset\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->timeOffset );
if ( stage->deadTime ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tdeadTime\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->deadTime );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tbunching\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->spawnBunching );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tdistribution\t\t%s ", ParticleDistributionDesc[stage->distributionType].name );
for ( i = 0; i < ParticleDistributionDesc[stage->distributionType].count; i++ ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "%.3f ", stage->distributionParms[i] );
f->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tdirection\t\t\t%s ", ParticleDirectionDesc[stage->directionType].name );
for ( i = 0; i < ParticleDirectionDesc[stage->directionType].count; i++ ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\"%.3f\" ", stage->directionParms[i] );
f->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\torientation\t\t\t%s ", ParticleOrientationDesc[stage->orientation].name );
for ( i = 0; i < ParticleOrientationDesc[stage->orientation].count; i++ ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "%.3f ", stage->orientationParms[i] );
f->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
if ( stage->customPathType != PPATH_STANDARD ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tcustomPath %s ", ParticleCustomDesc[stage->customPathType].name );
for ( i = 0; i < ParticleCustomDesc[stage->customPathType].count; i++ ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "%.3f ", stage->customPathParms[i] );
f->WriteFloatString( "\n" );
if ( stage->entityColor ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tentityColor\t\t\t1\n" );
WriteParticleParm( f, &stage->speed, "speed" );
WriteParticleParm( f, &stage->size, "size" );
WriteParticleParm( f, &stage->aspect, "aspect" );
if ( stage->rotationSpeed.from ) {
WriteParticleParm( f, &stage->rotationSpeed, "rotation" );
if ( stage->initialAngle ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tangle\t\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->initialAngle );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\trandomDistribution\t\t\t\t%i\n", static_cast<int>( stage->randomDistribution ) );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tboundsExpansion\t\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->boundsExpansion );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tfadeIn\t\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->fadeInFraction );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tfadeOut\t\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->fadeOutFraction );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tfadeIndex\t\t\t\t%.3f\n", stage->fadeIndexFraction );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tcolor \t\t\t\t%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", stage->color.x, stage->color.y, stage->color.z, stage->color.w );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tfadeColor \t\t\t%.3f %.3f %.3f %.3f\n", stage->fadeColor.x, stage->fadeColor.y, stage->fadeColor.z, stage->fadeColor.w );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\toffset \t\t\t\t%.3f %.3f %.3f\n", stage->offset.x, stage->offset.y, stage->offset.z );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t\tgravity \t\t\t" );
if ( stage->worldGravity ) {
f->WriteFloatString( "world " );
f->WriteFloatString( "%.3f\n", stage->gravity );
f->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" );
bool idDeclParticle::RebuildTextSource( void ) {
idFile_Memory f;
"\tGenerated by the Particle Editor.\n"
"\tTo use the particle editor, launch the game and type 'editParticles' on the console.\n"
"*/\n" );
f.WriteFloatString( "particle %s {\n", GetName() );
if ( depthHack ) {
f.WriteFloatString( "\tdepthHack\t%f\n", depthHack );
for ( int i = 0; i < stages.Num(); i++ ) {
WriteStage( &f, stages[i] );
f.WriteFloatString( "}" );
SetText( f.GetDataPtr() );
return true;
bool idDeclParticle::Save( const char *fileName ) {
if ( fileName ) {
declManager->CreateNewDecl( DECL_PARTICLE, GetName(), fileName );
return true;
float idParticleParm::Eval( float frac, idRandom &rand ) const {
if ( table ) {
return table->TableLookup( frac );
return from + frac * ( to - from );
float idParticleParm::Integrate( float frac, idRandom &rand ) const {
if ( table ) {
common->Printf( "idParticleParm::Integrate: can't integrate tables\n" );
return 0;
return ( from + frac * ( to - from ) * 0.5f ) * frac;
idParticleStage::idParticleStage( void ) {
material = NULL;
totalParticles = 0;
cycles = 0.0f;
cycleMsec = 0;
spawnBunching = 0.0f;
particleLife = 0.0f;
timeOffset = 0.0f;
deadTime = 0.0f;
distributionType = PDIST_RECT;
distributionParms[0] = distributionParms[1] = distributionParms[2] = distributionParms[3] = 0.0f;
directionType = PDIR_CONE;
directionParms[0] = directionParms[1] = directionParms[2] = directionParms[3] = 0.0f;
// idParticleParm speed;
gravity = 0.0f;
worldGravity = false;
customPathType = PPATH_STANDARD;
customPathParms[0] = customPathParms[1] = customPathParms[2] = customPathParms[3] = 0.0f;
customPathParms[4] = customPathParms[5] = customPathParms[6] = customPathParms[7] = 0.0f;
animationFrames = 0;
animationRate = 0.0f;
randomDistribution = true;
entityColor = false;
initialAngle = 0.0f;
// idParticleParm rotationSpeed;
orientation = POR_VIEW;
orientationParms[0] = orientationParms[1] = orientationParms[2] = orientationParms[3] = 0.0f;
// idParticleParm size
// idParticleParm aspect
fadeInFraction = 0.0f;
fadeOutFraction = 0.0f;
fadeIndexFraction = 0.0f;
hidden = false;
boundsExpansion = 0.0f;
// DG: disable softeningRadius for now to avoid breaking the game ABI
// (will always behave like if softeningRadius = -2.0f)
//softeningRadius = -2.0f; // -2 means "auto" - #3878 soft particles
Sets the stage to a default state
void idParticleStage::Default() {
material = declManager->FindMaterial( "_default" );
totalParticles = 100;
spawnBunching = 1.0f;
particleLife = 1.5f;
timeOffset = 0.0f;
deadTime = 0.0f;
distributionType = PDIST_RECT;
distributionParms[0] = 8.0f;
distributionParms[1] = 8.0f;
distributionParms[2] = 8.0f;
distributionParms[3] = 0.0f;
directionType = PDIR_CONE;
directionParms[0] = 90.0f;
directionParms[1] = 0.0f;
directionParms[2] = 0.0f;
directionParms[3] = 0.0f;
orientation = POR_VIEW;
orientationParms[0] = 0.0f;
orientationParms[1] = 0.0f;
orientationParms[2] = 0.0f;
orientationParms[3] = 0.0f;
speed.from = 150.0f;
speed.to = 150.0f;
speed.table = NULL;
gravity = 1.0f;
worldGravity = false;
customPathType = PPATH_STANDARD;
customPathParms[0] = 0.0f;
customPathParms[1] = 0.0f;
customPathParms[2] = 0.0f;
customPathParms[3] = 0.0f;
customPathParms[4] = 0.0f;
customPathParms[5] = 0.0f;
customPathParms[6] = 0.0f;
customPathParms[7] = 0.0f;
animationFrames = 0;
animationRate = 0.0f;
initialAngle = 0.0f;
rotationSpeed.from = 0.0f;
rotationSpeed.to = 0.0f;
rotationSpeed.table = NULL;
size.from = 4.0f;
size.to = 4.0f;
size.table = NULL;
aspect.from = 1.0f;
aspect.to = 1.0f;
aspect.table = NULL;
color.x = 1.0f;
color.y = 1.0f;
color.z = 1.0f;
color.w = 1.0f;
fadeColor.x = 0.0f;
fadeColor.y = 0.0f;
fadeColor.z = 0.0f;
fadeColor.w = 0.0f;
fadeInFraction = 0.1f;
fadeOutFraction = 0.25f;
fadeIndexFraction = 0.0f;
boundsExpansion = 0.0f;
randomDistribution = true;
entityColor = false;
cycleMsec = ( particleLife + deadTime ) * 1000;
// DG: disable softeningRadius for now to avoid breaking game ABI
//softeningRadius = -2.0f; // -2 means "auto" - #3878 soft particles
includes trails and cross faded animations
int idParticleStage::NumQuadsPerParticle() const {
int count = 1;
if ( orientation == POR_AIMED ) {
int trails = idMath::Ftoi( orientationParms[0] );
// each trail stage will add an extra quad
count *= ( 1 + trails );
// if we are doing strip-animation, we need to double the number and cross fade them
if ( animationFrames > 1 ) {
count *= 2;
return count;
void idParticleStage::ParticleOrigin( particleGen_t *g, idVec3 &origin ) const {
if ( customPathType == PPATH_STANDARD ) {
// find intial origin distribution
float radiusSqr, angle1, angle2;
switch( distributionType ) {
case PDIST_RECT: { // ( sizeX sizeY sizeZ )
origin[0] = ( ( randomDistribution ) ? g->random.CRandomFloat() : 1.0f ) * distributionParms[0];
origin[1] = ( ( randomDistribution ) ? g->random.CRandomFloat() : 1.0f ) * distributionParms[1];
origin[2] = ( ( randomDistribution ) ? g->random.CRandomFloat() : 1.0f ) * distributionParms[2];
case PDIST_CYLINDER: { // ( sizeX sizeY sizeZ ringFraction )
angle1 = ( ( randomDistribution ) ? g->random.CRandomFloat() : 1.0f ) * idMath::TWO_PI;
idMath::SinCos16( angle1, origin[0], origin[1] );
origin[2] = ( ( randomDistribution ) ? g->random.CRandomFloat() : 1.0f );
// reproject points that are inside the ringFraction to the outer band
if ( distributionParms[3] > 0.0f ) {
radiusSqr = origin[0] * origin[0] + origin[1] * origin[1];
if ( radiusSqr < distributionParms[3] * distributionParms[3] ) {
// if we are inside the inner reject zone, rescale to put it out into the good zone
float f = sqrt( radiusSqr ) / distributionParms[3];
float invf = 1.0f / f;
float newRadius = distributionParms[3] + f * ( 1.0f - distributionParms[3] );
float rescale = invf * newRadius;
origin[0] *= rescale;
origin[1] *= rescale;
origin[0] *= distributionParms[0];
origin[1] *= distributionParms[1];
origin[2] *= distributionParms[2];
case PDIST_SPHERE: { // ( sizeX sizeY sizeZ ringFraction )
// iterating with rejection is the only way to get an even distribution over a sphere
if ( randomDistribution ) {
do {
origin[0] = g->random.CRandomFloat();
origin[1] = g->random.CRandomFloat();
origin[2] = g->random.CRandomFloat();
radiusSqr = origin[0] * origin[0] + origin[1] * origin[1] + origin[2] * origin[2];
} while( radiusSqr > 1.0f );
} else {
origin.Set( 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
radiusSqr = 3.0f;
if ( distributionParms[3] > 0.0f ) {
// we could iterate until we got something that also satisfied ringFraction,
// but for narrow rings that could be a lot of work, so reproject inside points instead
if ( radiusSqr < distributionParms[3] * distributionParms[3] ) {
// if we are inside the inner reject zone, rescale to put it out into the good zone
float f = sqrt( radiusSqr ) / distributionParms[3];
float invf = 1.0f / f;
float newRadius = distributionParms[3] + f * ( 1.0f - distributionParms[3] );
float rescale = invf * newRadius;
origin[0] *= rescale;
origin[1] *= rescale;
origin[2] *= rescale;
origin[0] *= distributionParms[0];
origin[1] *= distributionParms[1];
origin[2] *= distributionParms[2];
// offset will effect all particle origin types
// add this before the velocity and gravity additions
origin += offset;
// add the velocity over time
idVec3 dir;
switch( directionType ) {
case PDIR_CONE: {
// angle is the full angle, so 360 degrees is any spherical direction
angle1 = g->random.CRandomFloat() * directionParms[0] * idMath::M_DEG2RAD;
angle2 = g->random.CRandomFloat() * idMath::PI;
float s1, c1, s2, c2;
idMath::SinCos16( angle1, s1, c1 );
idMath::SinCos16( angle2, s2, c2 );
dir[0] = s1 * c2;
dir[1] = s1 * s2;
dir[2] = c1;
dir = origin;
dir[2] += directionParms[0];
common->Error( "idParticleStage::ParticleOrigin: bad direction" );
// add speed
float iSpeed = speed.Integrate( g->frac, g->random );
origin += dir * iSpeed * particleLife;
} else {
// custom paths completely override both the origin and velocity calculations, but still
// use the standard gravity
float angle1, angle2, speed1, speed2;
switch( customPathType ) {
case PPATH_HELIX: { // ( sizeX sizeY sizeZ radialSpeed axialSpeed )
speed1 = g->random.CRandomFloat();
speed2 = g->random.CRandomFloat();
angle1 = g->random.RandomFloat() * idMath::TWO_PI + customPathParms[3] * speed1 * g->age;
float s1, c1;
idMath::SinCos16( angle1, s1, c1 );
origin[0] = c1 * customPathParms[0];
origin[1] = s1 * customPathParms[1];
origin[2] = g->random.RandomFloat() * customPathParms[2] + customPathParms[4] * speed2 * g->age;
case PPATH_FLIES: { // ( radialSpeed axialSpeed size )
speed1 = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.4f, 1.0f, g->random.CRandomFloat() );
speed2 = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.4f, 1.0f, g->random.CRandomFloat() );
angle1 = g->random.RandomFloat() * idMath::PI * 2 + customPathParms[0] * speed1 * g->age;
angle2 = g->random.RandomFloat() * idMath::PI * 2 + customPathParms[1] * speed1 * g->age;
float s1, c1, s2, c2;
idMath::SinCos16( angle1, s1, c1 );
idMath::SinCos16( angle2, s2, c2 );
origin[0] = c1 * c2;
origin[1] = s1 * c2;
origin[2] = -s2;
origin *= customPathParms[2];
case PPATH_ORBIT: { // ( radius speed axis )
angle1 = g->random.RandomFloat() * idMath::TWO_PI + customPathParms[1] * g->age;
float s1, c1;
idMath::SinCos16( angle1, s1, c1 );
origin[0] = c1 * customPathParms[0];
origin[1] = s1 * customPathParms[0];
origin.ProjectSelfOntoSphere( customPathParms[0] );
case PPATH_DRIP: { // ( speed )
origin[0] = 0.0f;
origin[1] = 0.0f;
origin[2] = -( g->age * customPathParms[0] );
default: {
common->Error( "idParticleStage::ParticleOrigin: bad customPathType" );
origin += offset;
// adjust for the per-particle smoke offset
origin *= g->axis;
origin += g->origin;
// add gravity after adjusting for axis
if ( worldGravity ) {
idVec3 gra( 0, 0, -gravity );
gra *= g->renderEnt->axis.Transpose();
origin += gra * g->age * g->age;
} else {
origin[2] -= gravity * g->age * g->age;
int idParticleStage::ParticleVerts( particleGen_t *g, idVec3 origin, idDrawVert *verts ) const {
float psize = size.Eval( g->frac, g->random );
float paspect = aspect.Eval( g->frac, g->random );
float width = psize;
float height = psize * paspect;
idVec3 left, up;
if ( orientation == POR_AIMED ) {
// reset the values to an earlier time to get a previous origin
idRandom currentRandom = g->random;
float currentAge = g->age;
float currentFrac = g->frac;
idDrawVert *verts_p = verts;
idVec3 stepOrigin = origin;
idVec3 stepLeft;
int numTrails = idMath::Ftoi( orientationParms[0] );
float trailTime = orientationParms[1];
if ( trailTime == 0 ) {
trailTime = 0.5f;
float height = 1.0f / ( 1 + numTrails );
float t = 0;
for ( int i = 0 ; i <= numTrails ; i++ ) {
g->random = g->originalRandom;
g->age = currentAge - ( i + 1 ) * trailTime / ( numTrails + 1 ); // time to back up
g->frac = g->age / particleLife;
idVec3 oldOrigin;
ParticleOrigin( g, oldOrigin );
up = stepOrigin - oldOrigin; // along the direction of travel
idVec3 forwardDir;
g->renderEnt->axis.ProjectVector( g->renderView->viewaxis[0], forwardDir );
up -= ( up * forwardDir ) * forwardDir;
left = up.Cross( forwardDir );
left *= psize;
verts_p[0] = verts[0];
verts_p[1] = verts[1];
verts_p[2] = verts[2];
verts_p[3] = verts[3];
if ( i == 0 ) {
verts_p[0].xyz = stepOrigin - left;
verts_p[1].xyz = stepOrigin + left;
} else {
verts_p[0].xyz = stepOrigin - stepLeft;
verts_p[1].xyz = stepOrigin + stepLeft;
verts_p[2].xyz = oldOrigin - left;
verts_p[3].xyz = oldOrigin + left;
// modify texcoords
verts_p[0].st[0] = verts[0].st[0];
verts_p[0].st[1] = t;
verts_p[1].st[0] = verts[1].st[0];
verts_p[1].st[1] = t;
verts_p[2].st[0] = verts[2].st[0];
verts_p[2].st[1] = t+height;
verts_p[3].st[0] = verts[3].st[0];
verts_p[3].st[1] = t+height;
t += height;
verts_p += 4;
stepOrigin = oldOrigin;
stepLeft = left;
g->random = currentRandom;
g->age = currentAge;
g->frac = currentFrac;
return 4 * (numTrails+1);
// constant rotation
float angle;
angle = ( initialAngle ) ? initialAngle : 360 * g->random.RandomFloat();
float angleMove = rotationSpeed.Integrate( g->frac, g->random ) * particleLife;
// have hald the particles rotate each way
if ( g->index & 1 ) {
angle += angleMove;
} else {
angle -= angleMove;
angle = angle / 180 * idMath::PI;
float c = idMath::Cos16( angle );
float s = idMath::Sin16( angle );
if ( orientation == POR_Z ) {
// oriented in entity space
left[0] = s;
left[1] = c;
left[2] = 0;
up[0] = c;
up[1] = -s;
up[2] = 0;
} else if ( orientation == POR_X ) {
// oriented in entity space
left[0] = 0;
left[1] = c;
left[2] = s;
up[0] = 0;
up[1] = -s;
up[2] = c;
} else if ( orientation == POR_Y ) {
// oriented in entity space
left[0] = c;
left[1] = 0;
left[2] = s;
up[0] = -s;
up[1] = 0;
up[2] = c;
} else {
// oriented in viewer space
idVec3 entityLeft, entityUp;
g->renderEnt->axis.ProjectVector( g->renderView->viewaxis[1], entityLeft );
g->renderEnt->axis.ProjectVector( g->renderView->viewaxis[2], entityUp );
left = entityLeft * c + entityUp * s;
up = entityUp * c - entityLeft * s;
left *= width;
up *= height;
verts[0].xyz = origin - left + up;
verts[1].xyz = origin + left + up;
verts[2].xyz = origin - left - up;
verts[3].xyz = origin + left - up;
return 4;
void idParticleStage::ParticleTexCoords( particleGen_t *g, idDrawVert *verts ) const {
float s, width;
float t, height;
if ( animationFrames > 1 ) {
width = 1.0f / animationFrames;
float floatFrame;
if ( animationRate ) {
// explicit, cycling animation
floatFrame = g->age * animationRate;
} else {
// single animation cycle over the life of the particle
floatFrame = g->frac * animationFrames;
int intFrame = (int)floatFrame;
g->animationFrameFrac = floatFrame - intFrame;
s = width * intFrame;
} else {
s = 0.0f;
width = 1.0f;
t = 0.0f;
height = 1.0f;
verts[0].st[0] = s;
verts[0].st[1] = t;
verts[1].st[0] = s+width;
verts[1].st[1] = t;
verts[2].st[0] = s;
verts[2].st[1] = t+height;
verts[3].st[0] = s+width;
verts[3].st[1] = t+height;
void idParticleStage::ParticleColors( particleGen_t *g, idDrawVert *verts ) const {
float fadeFraction = 1.0f;
// most particles fade in at the beginning and fade out at the end
if ( g->frac < fadeInFraction ) {
fadeFraction *= ( g->frac / fadeInFraction );
if ( 1.0f - g->frac < fadeOutFraction ) {
fadeFraction *= ( ( 1.0f - g->frac ) / fadeOutFraction );
// individual gun smoke particles get more and more faded as the
// cycle goes on (note that totalParticles won't be correct for a surface-particle deform)
if ( fadeIndexFraction ) {
float indexFrac = ( totalParticles - g->index ) / (float)totalParticles;
if ( indexFrac < fadeIndexFraction ) {
fadeFraction *= indexFrac / fadeIndexFraction;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 4 ; i++ ) {
float fcolor = ( ( entityColor ) ? g->renderEnt->shaderParms[i] : color[i] ) * fadeFraction + fadeColor[i] * ( 1.0f - fadeFraction );
int icolor = idMath::FtoiFast( fcolor * 255.0f );
if ( icolor < 0 ) {
icolor = 0;
} else if ( icolor > 255 ) {
icolor = 255;
verts[0].color[i] =
verts[1].color[i] =
verts[2].color[i] =
verts[3].color[i] = icolor;
Returns 0 if no particle is created because it is completely faded out
Returns 4 if a normal quad is created
Returns 8 if two cross faded quads are created
Vertex order is:
0 1
2 3
int idParticleStage::CreateParticle( particleGen_t *g, idDrawVert *verts ) const {
idVec3 origin;
ParticleColors( g, verts );
// if we are completely faded out, kill the particle
if ( verts[0].color[0] == 0 && verts[0].color[1] == 0 && verts[0].color[2] == 0 && verts[0].color[3] == 0 ) {
return 0;
ParticleOrigin( g, origin );
ParticleTexCoords( g, verts );
int numVerts = ParticleVerts( g, origin, verts );
if ( animationFrames <= 1 ) {
return numVerts;
// if we are doing strip-animation, we need to double the quad and cross fade it
float width = 1.0f / animationFrames;
float frac = g->animationFrameFrac;
float iFrac = 1.0f - frac;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numVerts ; i++ ) {
verts[numVerts + i] = verts[i];
verts[numVerts + i].st[0] += width;
verts[numVerts + i].color[0] *= frac;
verts[numVerts + i].color[1] *= frac;
verts[numVerts + i].color[2] *= frac;
verts[numVerts + i].color[3] *= frac;
verts[i].color[0] *= iFrac;
verts[i].color[1] *= iFrac;
verts[i].color[2] *= iFrac;
verts[i].color[3] *= iFrac;
return numVerts * 2;
const char* idParticleStage::GetCustomPathName() {
int index = ( customPathType < CustomParticleCount ) ? customPathType : 0;
return ParticleCustomDesc[index].name;
const char* idParticleStage::GetCustomPathDesc() {
int index = ( customPathType < CustomParticleCount ) ? customPathType : 0;
return ParticleCustomDesc[index].desc;
int idParticleStage::NumCustomPathParms() {
int index = ( customPathType < CustomParticleCount ) ? customPathType : 0;
return ParticleCustomDesc[index].count;
void idParticleStage::SetCustomPathType( const char *p ) {
customPathType = PPATH_STANDARD;
for ( int i = 0; i < CustomParticleCount; i ++ ) {
if ( idStr::Icmp( p, ParticleCustomDesc[i].name ) == 0 ) {
customPathType = static_cast<prtCustomPth_t>( i );
void idParticleStage::operator=( const idParticleStage &src ) {
material = src.material;
totalParticles = src.totalParticles;
cycles = src.cycles;
cycleMsec = src.cycleMsec;
spawnBunching = src.spawnBunching;
particleLife = src.particleLife;
timeOffset = src.timeOffset;
deadTime = src.deadTime;
distributionType = src.distributionType;
distributionParms[0] = src.distributionParms[0];
distributionParms[1] = src.distributionParms[1];
distributionParms[2] = src.distributionParms[2];
distributionParms[3] = src.distributionParms[3];
directionType = src.directionType;
directionParms[0] = src.directionParms[0];
directionParms[1] = src.directionParms[1];
directionParms[2] = src.directionParms[2];
directionParms[3] = src.directionParms[3];
speed = src.speed;
gravity = src.gravity;
worldGravity = src.worldGravity;
randomDistribution = src.randomDistribution;
entityColor = src.entityColor;
customPathType = src.customPathType;
customPathParms[0] = src.customPathParms[0];
customPathParms[1] = src.customPathParms[1];
customPathParms[2] = src.customPathParms[2];
customPathParms[3] = src.customPathParms[3];
customPathParms[4] = src.customPathParms[4];
customPathParms[5] = src.customPathParms[5];
customPathParms[6] = src.customPathParms[6];
customPathParms[7] = src.customPathParms[7];
offset = src.offset;
animationFrames = src.animationFrames;
animationRate = src.animationRate;
initialAngle = src.initialAngle;
rotationSpeed = src.rotationSpeed;
orientation = src.orientation;
orientationParms[0] = src.orientationParms[0];
orientationParms[1] = src.orientationParms[1];
orientationParms[2] = src.orientationParms[2];
orientationParms[3] = src.orientationParms[3];
size = src.size;
aspect = src.aspect;
color = src.color;
fadeColor = src.fadeColor;
fadeInFraction = src.fadeInFraction;
fadeOutFraction = src.fadeOutFraction;
fadeIndexFraction = src.fadeIndexFraction;
hidden = src.hidden;
boundsExpansion = src.boundsExpansion;
bounds = src.bounds;