mirror of
synced 2025-03-20 09:41:13 +00:00
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's required for the compilation unit. platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential defines and types. All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game specific root. Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h. precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/. Add some missing header guards.
1033 lines
25 KiB
1033 lines
25 KiB
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "framework/FileSystem.h"
#include "framework/Game.h"
#include "renderer/RenderWorld.h"
#include "tools/compilers/aas/AASBuild_local.h"
#define BFL_PATCH 0x1000
// idAASBuild
idAASBuild::idAASBuild( void ) {
file = NULL;
procNodes = NULL;
numProcNodes = 0;
numGravitationalSubdivisions = 0;
numMergedLeafNodes = 0;
numLedgeSubdivisions = 0;
ledgeMap = NULL;
idAASBuild::~idAASBuild( void ) {
void idAASBuild::Shutdown( void ) {
aasSettings = NULL;
if ( file ) {
delete file;
file = NULL;
numGravitationalSubdivisions = 0;
numMergedLeafNodes = 0;
numLedgeSubdivisions = 0;
if ( ledgeMap ) {
delete ledgeMap;
ledgeMap = NULL;
void idAASBuild::ParseProcNodes( idLexer *src ) {
int i;
src->ExpectTokenString( "{" );
idAASBuild::numProcNodes = src->ParseInt();
if ( idAASBuild::numProcNodes < 0 ) {
src->Error( "idAASBuild::ParseProcNodes: bad numProcNodes" );
idAASBuild::procNodes = (aasProcNode_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( idAASBuild::numProcNodes * sizeof( aasProcNode_t ) );
for ( i = 0; i < idAASBuild::numProcNodes; i++ ) {
aasProcNode_t *node;
node = &(idAASBuild::procNodes[i]);
src->Parse1DMatrix( 4, node->plane.ToFloatPtr() );
node->children[0] = src->ParseInt();
node->children[1] = src->ParseInt();
src->ExpectTokenString( "}" );
bool idAASBuild::LoadProcBSP( const char *name, ID_TIME_T minFileTime ) {
idStr fileName;
idToken token;
idLexer *src;
// load it
fileName = name;
fileName.SetFileExtension( PROC_FILE_EXT );
if ( !src->IsLoaded() ) {
common->Warning("idAASBuild::LoadProcBSP: couldn't load %s", fileName.c_str() );
delete src;
return false;
// if the file is too old
if ( src->GetFileTime() < minFileTime ) {
delete src;
return false;
if ( !src->ReadToken( &token ) || token.Icmp( PROC_FILE_ID ) ) {
common->Warning( "idAASBuild::LoadProcBSP: bad id '%s' instead of '%s'", token.c_str(), PROC_FILE_ID );
delete src;
return false;
// parse the file
while ( 1 ) {
if ( !src->ReadToken( &token ) ) {
if ( token == "model" ) {
if ( token == "shadowModel" ) {
if ( token == "interAreaPortals" ) {
if ( token == "nodes" ) {
idAASBuild::ParseProcNodes( src );
src->Error( "idAASBuild::LoadProcBSP: bad token \"%s\"", token.c_str() );
delete src;
return true;
void idAASBuild::DeleteProcBSP( void ) {
if ( procNodes ) {
Mem_Free( procNodes );
procNodes = NULL;
numProcNodes = 0;
bool idAASBuild::ChoppedAwayByProcBSP( int nodeNum, idFixedWinding *w, const idVec3 &normal, const idVec3 &origin, const float radius ) {
int res;
idFixedWinding back;
aasProcNode_t *node;
float dist;
do {
node = idAASBuild::procNodes + nodeNum;
dist = node->plane.Normal() * origin + node->plane[3];
if ( dist > radius ) {
else if ( dist < -radius ) {
res = SIDE_BACK;
else {
res = w->Split( &back, node->plane, ON_EPSILON );
if ( res == SIDE_FRONT ) {
nodeNum = node->children[0];
else if ( res == SIDE_BACK ) {
nodeNum = node->children[1];
else if ( res == SIDE_ON ) {
// continue with the side the winding faces
if ( node->plane.Normal() * normal > 0.0f ) {
nodeNum = node->children[0];
else {
nodeNum = node->children[1];
else {
// if either node is not solid
if ( node->children[0] < 0 || node->children[1] < 0 ) {
return false;
// only recurse if the node is not solid
if ( node->children[1] > 0 ) {
if ( !idAASBuild::ChoppedAwayByProcBSP( node->children[1], &back, normal, origin, radius ) ) {
return false;
nodeNum = node->children[0];
} while ( nodeNum > 0 );
if ( nodeNum < 0 ) {
return false;
return true;
void idAASBuild::ClipBrushSidesWithProcBSP( idBrushList &brushList ) {
int i, clippedSides;
idBrush *brush;
idFixedWinding neww;
idBounds bounds;
float radius;
idVec3 origin;
// if the .proc file has no BSP tree
if ( idAASBuild::procNodes == NULL ) {
clippedSides = 0;
for ( brush = brushList.Head(); brush; brush = brush->Next() ) {
for ( i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ ) {
if ( !brush->GetSide(i)->GetWinding() ) {
// make a local copy of the winding
neww = *brush->GetSide(i)->GetWinding();
neww.GetBounds( bounds );
origin = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * 0.5f;
radius = origin.Length() + ON_EPSILON;
origin = bounds[0] + origin;
if ( ChoppedAwayByProcBSP( 0, &neww, brush->GetSide(i)->GetPlane().Normal(), origin, radius ) ) {
brush->GetSide(i)->SetFlag( SFL_USED_SPLITTER );
common->Printf( "%6d brush sides clipped\n", clippedSides );
int idAASBuild::ContentsForAAS( int contents ) {
int c;
c = 0;
if ( contents & CONTENTS_WATER ) {
if ( contents & CONTENTS_AREAPORTAL ) {
if ( contents & CONTENTS_AAS_OBSTACLE ) {
return c;
idBrushList idAASBuild::AddBrushesForMapBrush( const idMapBrush *mapBrush, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis, int entityNum, int primitiveNum, idBrushList brushList ) {
int contents, i;
idMapBrushSide *mapSide;
const idMaterial *mat;
idList<idBrushSide *> sideList;
idBrush *brush;
idPlane plane;
contents = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < mapBrush->GetNumSides(); i++ ) {
mapSide = mapBrush->GetSide(i);
mat = declManager->FindMaterial( mapSide->GetMaterial() );
contents |= mat->GetContentFlags();
plane = mapSide->GetPlane();
plane.FixDegeneracies( DEGENERATE_DIST_EPSILON );
sideList.Append( new idBrushSide( plane, -1 ) );
contents = ContentsForAAS( contents );
if ( !contents ) {
for ( i = 0; i < sideList.Num(); i++ ) {
delete sideList[i];
return brushList;
brush = new idBrush();
brush->SetContents( contents );
if ( !brush->FromSides( sideList ) ) {
common->Warning( "brush primitive %d on entity %d is degenerate", primitiveNum, entityNum );
delete brush;
return brushList;
brush->SetEntityNum( entityNum );
brush->SetPrimitiveNum( primitiveNum );
brush->Transform( origin, axis );
brushList.AddToTail( brush );
return brushList;
idBrushList idAASBuild::AddBrushesForMapPatch( const idMapPatch *mapPatch, const idVec3 &origin, const idMat3 &axis, int entityNum, int primitiveNum, idBrushList brushList ) {
int i, j, contents, validBrushes;
float dot;
int v1, v2, v3, v4;
idFixedWinding w;
idPlane plane;
idVec3 d1, d2;
idBrush *brush;
idSurface_Patch mesh;
const idMaterial *mat;
mat = declManager->FindMaterial( mapPatch->GetMaterial() );
contents = ContentsForAAS( mat->GetContentFlags() );
if ( !contents ) {
return brushList;
mesh = idSurface_Patch( *mapPatch );
// if the patch has an explicit number of subdivisions use it to avoid cracks
if ( mapPatch->GetExplicitlySubdivided() ) {
mesh.SubdivideExplicit( mapPatch->GetHorzSubdivisions(), mapPatch->GetVertSubdivisions(), false, true );
} else {
validBrushes = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < mesh.GetWidth() - 1; i++ ) {
for ( j = 0; j < mesh.GetHeight() - 1; j++ ) {
v1 = j * mesh.GetWidth() + i;
v2 = v1 + 1;
v3 = v1 + mesh.GetWidth() + 1;
v4 = v1 + mesh.GetWidth();
d1 = mesh[v2].xyz - mesh[v1].xyz;
d2 = mesh[v3].xyz - mesh[v1].xyz;
plane.SetNormal( d1.Cross(d2) );
if ( plane.Normalize() != 0.0f ) {
plane.FitThroughPoint( mesh[v1].xyz );
dot = plane.Distance( mesh[v4].xyz );
// if we can turn it into a quad
if ( idMath::Fabs(dot) < 0.1f ) {
w += mesh[v1].xyz;
w += mesh[v2].xyz;
w += mesh[v3].xyz;
w += mesh[v4].xyz;
brush = new idBrush();
brush->SetContents( contents );
if ( brush->FromWinding( w, plane ) ) {
brush->SetEntityNum( entityNum );
brush->SetPrimitiveNum( primitiveNum );
brush->SetFlag( BFL_PATCH );
brush->Transform( origin, axis );
brushList.AddToTail( brush );
else {
delete brush;
else {
// create one of the triangles
w += mesh[v1].xyz;
w += mesh[v2].xyz;
w += mesh[v3].xyz;
brush = new idBrush();
brush->SetContents( contents );
if ( brush->FromWinding( w, plane ) ) {
brush->SetEntityNum( entityNum );
brush->SetPrimitiveNum( primitiveNum );
brush->SetFlag( BFL_PATCH );
brush->Transform( origin, axis );
brushList.AddToTail( brush );
else {
delete brush;
// create the other triangle
d1 = mesh[v3].xyz - mesh[v1].xyz;
d2 = mesh[v4].xyz - mesh[v1].xyz;
plane.SetNormal( d1.Cross(d2) );
if ( plane.Normalize() != 0.0f ) {
plane.FitThroughPoint( mesh[v1].xyz );
w += mesh[v1].xyz;
w += mesh[v3].xyz;
w += mesh[v4].xyz;
brush = new idBrush();
brush->SetContents( contents );
if ( brush->FromWinding( w, plane ) ) {
brush->SetEntityNum( entityNum );
brush->SetPrimitiveNum( primitiveNum );
brush->SetFlag( BFL_PATCH );
brush->Transform( origin, axis );
brushList.AddToTail( brush );
else {
delete brush;
if ( !validBrushes ) {
common->Warning( "patch primitive %d on entity %d is completely degenerate", primitiveNum, entityNum );
return brushList;
idBrushList idAASBuild::AddBrushesForMapEntity( const idMapEntity *mapEnt, int entityNum, idBrushList brushList ) {
int i;
idVec3 origin;
idMat3 axis;
if ( mapEnt->GetNumPrimitives() < 1 ) {
return brushList;
mapEnt->epairs.GetVector( "origin", "0 0 0", origin );
if ( !mapEnt->epairs.GetMatrix( "rotation", "1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1", axis ) ) {
float angle = mapEnt->epairs.GetFloat( "angle" );
if ( angle != 0.0f ) {
axis = idAngles( 0.0f, angle, 0.0f ).ToMat3();
} else {
for ( i = 0; i < mapEnt->GetNumPrimitives(); i++ ) {
idMapPrimitive *mapPrim;
mapPrim = mapEnt->GetPrimitive(i);
if ( mapPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_BRUSH ) {
brushList = AddBrushesForMapBrush( static_cast<idMapBrush*>(mapPrim), origin, axis, entityNum, i, brushList );
if ( mapPrim->GetType() == idMapPrimitive::TYPE_PATCH ) {
if ( aasSettings->usePatches ) {
brushList = AddBrushesForMapPatch( static_cast<idMapPatch*>(mapPrim), origin, axis, entityNum, i, brushList );
return brushList;
idBrushList idAASBuild::AddBrushesForMapFile( const idMapFile * mapFile, idBrushList brushList ) {
int i;
common->Printf( "[Brush Load]\n" );
brushList = AddBrushesForMapEntity( mapFile->GetEntity( 0 ), 0, brushList );
for ( i = 1; i < mapFile->GetNumEntities(); i++ ) {
const char *classname = mapFile->GetEntity( i )->epairs.GetString( "classname" );
if ( idStr::Icmp( classname, "func_aas_obstacle" ) == 0 ) {
brushList = AddBrushesForMapEntity( mapFile->GetEntity( i ), i, brushList );
common->Printf( "%6d brushes\n", brushList.Num() );
return brushList;
bool idAASBuild::CheckForEntities( const idMapFile *mapFile, idStrList &entityClassNames ) const {
int i;
idStr classname;
com_editors |= EDITOR_AAS;
for ( i = 0; i < mapFile->GetNumEntities(); i++ ) {
if ( !mapFile->GetEntity(i)->epairs.GetString( "classname", "", classname ) ) {
if ( aasSettings->ValidEntity( classname ) ) {
entityClassNames.AddUnique( classname );
com_editors &= ~EDITOR_AAS;
return ( entityClassNames.Num() != 0 );
bool MergeAllowed( idBrush *b1, idBrush *b2 ) {
return ( b1->GetContents() == b2->GetContents() && !( ( b1->GetFlags() | b2->GetFlags() ) & BFL_PATCH ) );
bool ExpandedChopAllowed( idBrush *b1, idBrush *b2 ) {
return ( b1->GetContents() == b2->GetContents() );
bool ExpandedMergeAllowed( idBrush *b1, idBrush *b2 ) {
return ( b1->GetContents() == b2->GetContents() );
void idAASBuild::ChangeMultipleBoundingBoxContents_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, int mask ) {
while( node ) {
if ( !( node->GetContents() & mask ) ) {
node->SetContents( node->GetContents() & ~AREACONTENTS_SOLID );
ChangeMultipleBoundingBoxContents_r( node->GetChild( 0 ), mask );
node = node->GetChild( 1 );
bool idAASBuild::Build( const idStr &fileName, const idAASSettings *settings ) {
int i, bit, mask, startTime;
idMapFile * mapFile;
idBrushList brushList;
idList<idBrushList*> expandedBrushes;
idBrush *b;
idBrushBSP bsp;
idStr name;
idAASReach reach;
idAASCluster cluster;
idStrList entityClassNames;
startTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
aasSettings = settings;
name = fileName;
name.SetFileExtension( "map" );
mapFile = new idMapFile;
if ( !mapFile->Parse( name ) ) {
delete mapFile;
common->Error( "Couldn't load map file: '%s'", name.c_str() );
return false;
// check if this map has any entities that use this AAS file
if ( !CheckForEntities( mapFile, entityClassNames ) ) {
delete mapFile;
common->Printf( "no entities in map that use %s\n", settings->fileExtension.c_str() );
return true;
// load map file brushes
brushList = AddBrushesForMapFile( mapFile, brushList );
// if empty map
if ( brushList.Num() == 0 ) {
delete mapFile;
common->Error( "%s is empty", name.c_str() );
return false;
// merge as many brushes as possible before expansion
brushList.Merge( MergeAllowed );
// if there is a .proc file newer than the .map file
if ( LoadProcBSP( fileName, mapFile->GetFileTime() ) ) {
ClipBrushSidesWithProcBSP( brushList );
// make copies of the brush list
expandedBrushes.Append( &brushList );
for ( i = 1; i < aasSettings->numBoundingBoxes; i++ ) {
expandedBrushes.Append( brushList.Copy() );
// expand brushes for the axial bounding boxes
for ( i = 0; i < expandedBrushes.Num(); i++ ) {
for ( b = expandedBrushes[i]->Head(); b; b = b->Next() ) {
b->ExpandForAxialBox( aasSettings->boundingBoxes[i] );
bit = 1 << ( i + AREACONTENTS_BBOX_BIT );
mask |= bit;
b->SetContents( b->GetContents() | bit );
// move all brushes back into the original list
for ( i = 1; i < aasSettings->numBoundingBoxes; i++ ) {
brushList.AddToTail( *expandedBrushes[i] );
delete expandedBrushes[i];
if ( aasSettings->writeBrushMap ) {
bsp.WriteBrushMap( fileName, "_" + aasSettings->fileExtension, AREACONTENTS_SOLID );
// build BSP tree from brushes
bsp.Build( brushList, AREACONTENTS_SOLID, ExpandedChopAllowed, ExpandedMergeAllowed );
// only solid nodes with all bits set for all bounding boxes need to stay solid
ChangeMultipleBoundingBoxContents_r( bsp.GetRootNode(), mask );
// portalize the bsp tree
// remove subspaces not reachable by entities
if ( !bsp.RemoveOutside( mapFile, AREACONTENTS_SOLID, entityClassNames ) ) {
bsp.LeakFile( name );
delete mapFile;
common->Printf( "%s has no outside", name.c_str() );
return false;
// gravitational subdivision
GravitationalSubdivision( bsp );
// merge portals where possible
bsp.MergePortals( AREACONTENTS_SOLID );
// melt portal windings
bsp.MeltPortals( AREACONTENTS_SOLID );
if ( aasSettings->writeBrushMap ) {
WriteLedgeMap( fileName, "_" + aasSettings->fileExtension + "_ledge" );
// ledge subdivisions
LedgeSubdivision( bsp );
// merge leaf nodes
MergeLeafNodes( bsp );
// merge portals where possible
bsp.MergePortals( AREACONTENTS_SOLID );
// melt portal windings
bsp.MeltPortals( AREACONTENTS_SOLID );
// store the file from the bsp tree
StoreFile( bsp );
file->settings = *aasSettings;
// calculate reachability
reach.Build( mapFile, file );
// build clusters
cluster.Build( file );
// optimize the file
if ( !aasSettings->noOptimize ) {
// write the file
name.SetFileExtension( aasSettings->fileExtension );
file->Write( name, mapFile->GetGeometryCRC() );
// delete the map file
delete mapFile;
common->Printf( "%6d seconds to create AAS\n", (Sys_Milliseconds() - startTime) / 1000 );
return true;
bool idAASBuild::BuildReachability( const idStr &fileName, const idAASSettings *settings ) {
int startTime;
idMapFile * mapFile;
idStr name;
idAASReach reach;
idAASCluster cluster;
startTime = Sys_Milliseconds();
aasSettings = settings;
name = fileName;
name.SetFileExtension( "map" );
mapFile = new idMapFile;
if ( !mapFile->Parse( name ) ) {
delete mapFile;
common->Error( "Couldn't load map file: '%s'", name.c_str() );
return false;
file = new idAASFileLocal();
name.SetFileExtension( aasSettings->fileExtension );
if ( !file->Load( name, 0 ) ) {
delete mapFile;
common->Error( "Couldn't load AAS file: '%s'", name.c_str() );
return false;
file->settings = *aasSettings;
// calculate reachability
reach.Build( mapFile, file );
// build clusters
cluster.Build( file );
// write the file
file->Write( name, mapFile->GetGeometryCRC() );
// delete the map file
delete mapFile;
common->Printf( "%6d seconds to calculate reachability\n", (Sys_Milliseconds() - startTime) / 1000 );
return true;
int ParseOptions( const idCmdArgs &args, idAASSettings &settings ) {
int i;
idStr str;
for ( i = 1; i < args.Argc(); i++ ) {
str = args.Argv( i );
str.StripLeading( '-' );
if ( str.Icmp( "usePatches" ) == 0 ) {
settings.usePatches = true;
common->Printf( "usePatches = true\n" );
} else if ( str.Icmp( "writeBrushMap" ) == 0 ) {
settings.writeBrushMap = true;
common->Printf( "writeBrushMap = true\n" );
} else if ( str.Icmp( "playerFlood" ) == 0 ) {
settings.playerFlood = true;
common->Printf( "playerFlood = true\n" );
} else if ( str.Icmp( "noOptimize" ) == 0 ) {
settings.noOptimize = true;
common->Printf( "noOptimize = true\n" );
return args.Argc() - 1;
void RunAAS_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
int i;
idAASBuild aas;
idAASSettings settings;
idStr mapName;
if ( args.Argc() <= 1 ) {
common->Printf( "runAAS [options] <mapfile>\n"
" -usePatches = use bezier patches for collision detection.\n"
" -writeBrushMap = write a brush map with the AAS geometry.\n"
" -playerFlood = use player spawn points as valid AAS positions.\n" );
common->ClearWarnings( "compiling AAS" );
common->SetRefreshOnPrint( true );
// get the aas settings definitions
const idDict *dict = gameEdit->FindEntityDefDict( "aas_types", false );
if ( !dict ) {
common->Error( "Unable to find entityDef for 'aas_types'" );
const idKeyValue *kv = dict->MatchPrefix( "type" );
while( kv != NULL ) {
const idDict *settingsDict = gameEdit->FindEntityDefDict( kv->GetValue(), false );
if ( !settingsDict ) {
common->Warning( "Unable to find '%s' in def/aas.def", kv->GetValue().c_str() );
} else {
settings.FromDict( kv->GetValue(), settingsDict );
i = ParseOptions( args, settings );
mapName = args.Argv(i);
if ( mapName.Icmpn( "maps/", 4 ) != 0 ) {
mapName = "maps/" + mapName;
aas.Build( mapName, &settings );
kv = dict->MatchPrefix( "type", kv );
if ( kv ) {
common->Printf( "=======================================================\n" );
common->SetRefreshOnPrint( false );
void RunAASDir_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
int i;
idAASBuild aas;
idAASSettings settings;
idFileList *mapFiles;
if ( args.Argc() <= 1 ) {
common->Printf( "runAASDir <folder>\n" );
common->ClearWarnings( "compiling AAS" );
common->SetRefreshOnPrint( true );
// get the aas settings definitions
const idDict *dict = gameEdit->FindEntityDefDict( "aas_types", false );
if ( !dict ) {
common->Error( "Unable to find entityDef for 'aas_types'" );
// scan for .map files
mapFiles = fileSystem->ListFiles( idStr("maps/") + args.Argv(1), ".map" );
// create AAS files for all the .map files
for ( i = 0; i < mapFiles->GetNumFiles(); i++ ) {
if ( i ) {
common->Printf( "=======================================================\n" );
const idKeyValue *kv = dict->MatchPrefix( "type" );
while( kv != NULL ) {
const idDict *settingsDict = gameEdit->FindEntityDefDict( kv->GetValue(), false );
if ( !settingsDict ) {
common->Warning( "Unable to find '%s' in def/aas.def", kv->GetValue().c_str() );
} else {
settings.FromDict( kv->GetValue(), settingsDict );
aas.Build( idStr( "maps/" ) + args.Argv( 1 ) + "/" + mapFiles->GetFile( i ), &settings );
kv = dict->MatchPrefix( "type", kv );
if ( kv ) {
common->Printf( "=======================================================\n" );
fileSystem->FreeFileList( mapFiles );
common->SetRefreshOnPrint( false );
void RunReach_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
int i;
idAASBuild aas;
idAASSettings settings;
if ( args.Argc() <= 1 ) {
common->Printf( "runReach [options] <mapfile>\n" );
common->ClearWarnings( "calculating AAS reachability" );
common->SetRefreshOnPrint( true );
// get the aas settings definitions
const idDict *dict = gameEdit->FindEntityDefDict( "aas_types", false );
if ( !dict ) {
common->Error( "Unable to find entityDef for 'aas_types'" );
const idKeyValue *kv = dict->MatchPrefix( "type" );
while( kv != NULL ) {
const idDict *settingsDict = gameEdit->FindEntityDefDict( kv->GetValue(), false );
if ( !settingsDict ) {
common->Warning( "Unable to find '%s' in def/aas.def", kv->GetValue().c_str() );
} else {
settings.FromDict( kv->GetValue(), settingsDict );
i = ParseOptions( args, settings );
aas.BuildReachability( idStr("maps/") + args.Argv(i), &settings );
kv = dict->MatchPrefix( "type", kv );
if ( kv ) {
common->Printf( "=======================================================\n" );
common->SetRefreshOnPrint( false );