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dhewg 79ad905e05 Fix all whitespace errors
Excluding 3rd party files.
2011-12-10 15:35:54 +01:00

240 lines
6.6 KiB

# a collection of utility functions to manipulate pak files
import os, zipfile, md5, pdb
# sorts in reverse alphabetical order like doom does for searching
def list_paks( path ):
files = os.listdir( path )
for i in files:
if ( i[-4:] != '.pk4' ):
files.remove( i )
return files
def list_files_in_pak( pak ):
files = []
zippy = zipfile.ZipFile( pak )
files += zippy.namelist()
return files
# no sorting, blunt list of everything
def list_files_in_paks( path ):
files = []
zippies = list_paks( path )
for fname in zippies:
print fname
zippy = zipfile.ZipFile( os.path.join( path, fname ) )
files += zippy.namelist()
# sort and remove dupes
dico = {}
for f in files:
dico[ f ] = 1
files = dico.keys()
return files
# build a dictionary of names -> ( pak name, md5 ) from a path of pk4s
def md5_in_paks( path ):
ret = {}
zippies = list_paks( path )
for fname in zippies:
print fname
zippy = zipfile.ZipFile( os.path.join( path, fname ) )
for file in zippy.namelist():
if ( ret.has_key( file ) ):
data = zippy.read( file )
m = md5.new()
m.update( data )
ret[ file ] = ( fname, m.hexdigest() )
return ret
# find which files need to be updated in a set of paks from an expanded list
# returns ( updated, not_found, {} )
# ignores directories
# by default, no case match is done
# if case match is set, return ( updated, not_found, { zip case -> FS case } )
# updated will contain the zip case name
def list_updated_files( pak_path, base_path, case_match = False ):
not_found = []
updated = []
case_table = {}
pak_md5 = md5_in_paks( pak_path )
for file in pak_md5.keys():
if ( file[-1] == '/' ):
path = os.path.join( base_path, file )
if ( case_match ):
ret = ifind( base_path, file )
if ( not ret[ 0 ] ):
not_found.append( file )
case_table[ path ] = ret[ 1 ]
path = os.path.join( base_path, ret[ 1 ] )
f = open( path )
data = f.read()
if ( case_match ):
raise "internal error: ifind success but later read failed"
not_found.append( file )
m = md5.new()
m.update( data )
if ( m.hexdigest() != pak_md5[ file ][ 1 ] ):
print file
updated.append( file )
return ( updated, not_found, case_table )
# find which files are missing in the expanded path, and extract the directories
# returns ( files, dirs, missing )
def status_files_for_path( path, infiles ):
files = []
dirs = []
missing = []
for i in infiles:
test_path = os.path.join( path, i )
if ( os.path.isfile( test_path ) ):
files.append( i )
elif ( os.path.isdir( test_path ) ):
dirs.append( i )
missing.append( i )
return ( files, dirs, missing )
# build a pak from a base path and a list of files
def build_pak( pak, path, files ):
zippy = zipfile.ZipFile( pak, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED )
for i in files:
source_path = os.path.join( path, i )
print source_path
zippy.write( source_path, i )
# process the list of files after a run to update media
# dds/ -> verify all the .dds are present in zip ( case insensitive )
# .wav -> verify that all .wav have a .ogg version in zip ( case insensitive )
# .tga not in dds/ -> try to find a .dds for them
# work from a list of files, and a path to the base pak files
# files: text files with files line by line
# pak_path: the path to the pak files to compare against
# returns: ( [ missing ], [ bad ] )
# bad are files the function didn't know what to do about ( bug )
# missing are lowercased of all the files that where not matched in build
# the dds/ ones are all forced to .dds extension
# missing .wav are returned in the missing list both as .wav and .ogg
# ( that's handy when you need to fetch next )
def check_files_against_build( files, pak_path ):
pak_list = list_files_in_paks( pak_path )
# make it lowercase
tmp = []
for i in pak_list:
tmp.append( i.lower() )
pak_list = tmp
# read the files and make them lowercase
f = open( files )
check_files = f.readlines()
tmp = []
for i in check_files:
s = i.lower()
s = s.replace( '\n', '' )
s = s.replace( '\r', '' )
tmp.append( s )
check_files = tmp
# start processing
bad = []
missing = []
for i in check_files:
if ( i[ :4 ] == 'dds/' ):
if ( i[ len(i)-4: ] == '.tga' ):
i = i[ :-4 ] + '.dds'
elif ( i[ len(i)-4: ] != '.dds' ):
print 'File not understood: ' + i
bad.append( i )
pak_list.index( i )
print 'Not found: ' + i
missing.append( i )
elif ( i[ len(i)-4: ] == '.wav' ):
i = i[ :-4 ] + '.ogg'
pak_list.index( i )
print 'Not found: ' + i
missing.append( i )
missing.append( i[ :-4 ] + '.wav' )
elif ( i[ len(i)-4: ] == '.tga' ):
# tga, not from dds/
pak_list.index( i )
print 'Not found: ' + i
missing.append( i )
i = 'dds/' + i[ :-4 ] + '.dds'
print 'Add dds : ' + i
missing.append( i )
pak_list.index( i )
print 'Not found: ' + i
missing.append( i )
return ( missing, bad )
# match a path to a file in a case insensitive way
# return ( True/False, 'walked up to' )
def ifind( base, path ):
refpath = path
path = os.path.normpath( path )
path = os.path.normcase( path )
# early out just in case
if ( os.path.exists( path ) ):
return ( True, path )
head = path
components = []
while ( len( head ) ):
( head, chunk ) = os.path.split( head )
components.append( chunk )
#print 'head: %s - components: %s' % ( head, repr( components ) )
level = 0
for root, dirs, files in os.walk( base, topdown = True ):
if ( level < len( components ) - 1 ):
#print 'filter dirs: %s' % repr( dirs )
dirs_del = []
for i in dirs:
if ( not i.lower() == components[ level ].lower() ):
dirs_del.append( i )
for i in dirs_del:
dirs.remove( i )
level += 1
# we assume there is never going to be 2 dirs with only case difference
if ( len( dirs ) != 1 ):
#print '%s: ifind failed dirs matching at %s - dirs: %s' % ( refpath, root, repr( dirs ) )
return ( False, root[ len( base ) + 1: ] )
# must find the file here
for i in files:
if ( i.lower() == components[-1].lower() ):
return ( True, os.path.join( root, i )[ len( base ) + 1: ] )
return ( False, root[ len( base ) + 1: ] )
# do case insensitive FS search on files list
# return [ cased files, not found (unmodified ) ]
def ifind_list( base, files ):
cased = []
notfound = []
for i in files:
ret = ifind( base, i )
if ( ret[ 0 ] ):
cased.append( ret[ 1 ] )
notfound.append( i )
return [ cased, notfound ]