mirror of
synced 2025-03-19 17:21:42 +00:00
Now the game cycles between QuickSave, QuickSave2, QuickSave3, ... (up to com_numQuicksaves files, 4 by default, up to 99), always replacing the oldest. Quick-loading always loads the newest quicksave, but all quicksaves can be loaded via the load game menu.
386 lines
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386 lines
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Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#ifndef __SESSIONLOCAL_H__
#define __SESSIONLOCAL_H__
#include "idlib/containers/StrList.h"
#include "idlib/Dict.h"
#include "framework/Session.h"
#include "framework/UsercmdGen.h"
#include "framework/KeyInput.h"
#include "framework/DeclEntityDef.h"
#include "renderer/RenderSystem.h"
#include "renderer/RenderWorld.h"
#include "ui/ListGUI.h"
if connected to a server
if handshaking
if map loading
if in game
else if a game loaded
if in load game menu
if main menu up
else if playing render demo
if error dialog
full console
typedef struct {
usercmd_t cmd;
int consistencyHash;
} logCmd_t;
struct fileTIME_T {
int index;
ID_TIME_T timeStamp;
operator int() const { return timeStamp; }
typedef struct {
idDict serverInfo;
idDict syncedCVars;
idDict userInfo[MAX_ASYNC_CLIENTS];
idDict persistentPlayerInfo[MAX_ASYNC_CLIENTS];
usercmd_t mapSpawnUsercmd[MAX_ASYNC_CLIENTS]; // needed for tracking delta angles
} mapSpawnData_t;
typedef enum {
} timeDemo_t;
const int CONNECT_TRANSMIT_TIME = 1000;
const int MAX_LOGGED_USERCMDS = 60*60*60; // one hour of single player, 15 minutes of four player
class idSessionLocal : public idSession {
virtual ~idSessionLocal();
virtual void Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
virtual void Stop();
virtual void UpdateScreen( bool outOfSequence = true );
virtual void PacifierUpdate();
virtual void Frame();
virtual bool IsMultiplayer();
virtual bool ProcessEvent( const sysEvent_t *event );
virtual void StartMenu( bool playIntro = false );
virtual void ExitMenu();
virtual void GuiFrameEvents();
virtual void SetGUI( idUserInterface *gui, HandleGuiCommand_t handle );
virtual const char *MessageBox( msgBoxType_t type, const char *message, const char *title = NULL, bool wait = false, const char *fire_yes = NULL, const char *fire_no = NULL, bool network = false );
virtual void StopBox( void );
virtual void DownloadProgressBox( backgroundDownload_t *bgl, const char *title, int progress_start = 0, int progress_end = 100 );
virtual void SetPlayingSoundWorld();
virtual void TimeHitch( int msec );
virtual void ReadCDKey( void );
virtual void WriteCDKey( void );
virtual const char *GetCDKey( bool xp );
virtual bool CheckKey( const char *key, bool netConnect, bool offline_valid[ 2 ] );
virtual bool CDKeysAreValid( bool strict );
virtual void ClearCDKey( bool valid[ 2 ] );
virtual void SetCDKeyGuiVars( void );
virtual bool WaitingForGameAuth( void );
virtual void CDKeysAuthReply( bool valid, const char *auth_msg );
virtual int GetSaveGameVersion( void );
virtual const char *GetCurrentMapName();
int GetLocalClientNum();
void MoveToNewMap( const char *mapName );
// loads a map and starts a new game on it
void StartNewGame( const char *mapName, bool devmap = false );
void PlayIntroGui();
void LoadSession( const char *name );
void SaveSession( const char *name );
// called by Draw when the scene to scene wipe is still running
void DrawWipeModel();
void StartWipe( const char *materialName, bool hold = false);
void CompleteWipe();
void ClearWipe();
void ShowLoadingGui();
void ScrubSaveGameFileName( idStr &saveFileName ) const;
idStr GetAutoSaveName( const char *mapName ) const;
bool LoadGame(const char *saveName);
// DG: added saveFileName so we can set a sensible filename for autosaves (see comment in MoveToNewMap())
bool SaveGame(const char *saveName, bool autosave = false, const char* saveFileName = NULL);
bool QuickSave();
bool QuickLoad();
const char *GetAuthMsg( void );
static idCVar com_showAngles;
static idCVar com_showTics;
static idCVar com_minTics;
static idCVar com_fixedTic;
static idCVar com_showDemo;
static idCVar com_skipGameDraw;
static idCVar com_aviDemoWidth;
static idCVar com_aviDemoHeight;
static idCVar com_aviDemoSamples;
static idCVar com_aviDemoTics;
static idCVar com_wipeSeconds;
static idCVar com_guid;
static idCVar com_numQuicksaves;
static idCVar gui_configServerRate;
int timeHitch;
bool menuActive;
idSoundWorld * menuSoundWorld; // so the game soundWorld can be muted
bool insideExecuteMapChange; // draw loading screen and update
// screen on prints
int bytesNeededForMapLoad; //
// we don't want to redraw the loading screen for every single
// console print that happens
int lastPacifierTime;
// this is the information required to be set before ExecuteMapChange() is called,
// which can be saved off at any time with the following commands so it can all be played back
mapSpawnData_t mapSpawnData;
idStr currentMapName; // for checking reload on same level
bool mapSpawned; // cleared on Stop()
int numClients; // from serverInfo
int logIndex;
logCmd_t loggedUsercmds[MAX_LOGGED_USERCMDS];
int statIndex;
logStats_t loggedStats[MAX_LOGGED_STATS];
int lastSaveIndex;
// each game tic, numClients usercmds will be added, until full
bool insideUpdateScreen; // true while inside ::UpdateScreen()
bool loadingSaveGame; // currently loading map from a SaveGame
idFile * savegameFile; // this is the savegame file to load from
int savegameVersion;
idFile * cmdDemoFile; // if non-zero, we are reading commands from a file
int latchedTicNumber; // set to com_ticNumber each frame
int lastGameTic; // while latchedTicNumber > lastGameTic, run game frames
int lastDemoTic;
bool syncNextGameFrame;
bool aviCaptureMode; // if true, screenshots will be taken and sound captured
idStr aviDemoShortName; //
float aviDemoFrameCount;
int aviTicStart;
timeDemo_t timeDemo;
int timeDemoStartTime;
int numDemoFrames; // for timeDemo and demoShot
int demoTimeOffset;
renderView_t currentDemoRenderView;
// the next one will be read when
// com_frameTime + demoTimeOffset > currentDemoRenderView.
// TODO: make this private (after sync networking removal and idnet tweaks)
idUserInterface * guiActive;
HandleGuiCommand_t guiHandle;
idUserInterface * guiInGame;
idUserInterface * guiMainMenu;
idListGUI * guiMainMenu_MapList; // easy map list handling
idUserInterface * guiRestartMenu;
idUserInterface * guiLoading;
idUserInterface * guiIntro;
idUserInterface * guiGameOver;
idUserInterface * guiTest;
idUserInterface * guiTakeNotes;
idUserInterface * guiMsg;
idUserInterface * guiMsgRestore; // store the calling GUI for restore
idStr msgFireBack[ 2 ];
bool msgRunning;
int msgRetIndex;
bool msgIgnoreButtons;
bool waitingOnBind;
const idMaterial * whiteMaterial;
const idMaterial * wipeMaterial;
int wipeStartTic;
int wipeStopTic;
bool wipeHold;
int emptyDrawCount; // watchdog to force the main menu to restart
void Clear();
void DrawCmdGraph();
void Draw();
void WriteCmdDemo( const char *name, bool save = false);
void StartPlayingCmdDemo( const char *demoName);
void TimeCmdDemo( const char *demoName);
void SaveCmdDemoToFile(idFile *file);
void LoadCmdDemoFromFile(idFile *file);
void StartRecordingRenderDemo( const char *name );
void StopRecordingRenderDemo();
void StartPlayingRenderDemo( idStr name );
void StopPlayingRenderDemo();
void CompressDemoFile( const char *scheme, const char *name );
void TimeRenderDemo( const char *name, bool twice = false );
void AVIRenderDemo( const char *name );
void AVICmdDemo( const char *name );
void AVIGame( const char *name );
void BeginAVICapture( const char *name );
void EndAVICapture();
void AdvanceRenderDemo( bool singleFrameOnly );
void RunGameTic();
void FinishCmdLoad();
void LoadLoadingGui(const char *mapName);
void DemoShot( const char *name );
void TestGUI( const char *name );
int GetBytesNeededForMapLoad( const char *mapName );
void SetBytesNeededForMapLoad( const char *mapName, int bytesNeeded );
void ExecuteMapChange( bool noFadeWipe = false );
void UnloadMap();
// return true if we actually waiting on an auth reply
bool MaybeWaitOnCDKey( void );
// Session_menu.cpp
idStrList loadGameList;
idStrList modsList;
idUserInterface * GetActiveMenu();
void DispatchCommand( idUserInterface *gui, const char *menuCommand, bool doIngame = true );
void MenuEvent( const sysEvent_t *event );
bool HandleSaveGameMenuCommand( idCmdArgs &args, int &icmd );
void HandleInGameCommands( const char *menuCommand );
void HandleMainMenuCommands( const char *menuCommand );
void HandleChatMenuCommands( const char *menuCommand );
void HandleIntroMenuCommands( const char *menuCommand );
void HandleRestartMenuCommands( const char *menuCommand );
void HandleMsgCommands( const char *menuCommand );
void HandleNoteCommands( const char *menuCommand );
void GetSaveGameList( idStrList &fileList, idList<fileTIME_T> &fileTimes );
void TakeNotes( const char * p, bool extended = false );
void UpdateMPLevelShot( void );
void SetSaveGameGuiVars( void );
void SetMainMenuGuiVars( void );
void SetModsMenuGuiVars( void );
void SetMainMenuSkin( void );
void SetPbMenuGuiVars( void );
// DG: true if running the Demo version of Doom3 (for FT_IsDemo, see Common.h)
bool IsDemoVersion()
return demoversion;
bool BoxDialogSanityCheck( void );
void EmitGameAuth( void );
typedef enum {
CDKEY_UNKNOWN, // need to perform checks on the key
CDKEY_INVALID, // that key is wrong
CDKEY_OK, // valid
CDKEY_CHECKING, // sent a check request ( gameAuth only )
CDKEY_NA // does not apply, xp key when xp is not present
} cdKeyState_t;
static const int CDKEY_BUF_LEN = 17;
static const int CDKEY_AUTH_TIMEOUT = 5000;
char cdkey[ CDKEY_BUF_LEN ];
cdKeyState_t cdkey_state;
char xpkey[ CDKEY_BUF_LEN ];
cdKeyState_t xpkey_state;
int authEmitTimeout;
bool authWaitBox;
idStr authMsg;
bool demoversion; // DG: true if running the Demo version of Doom3, for FT_IsDemo (see Common.h)
extern idSessionLocal sessLocal;
#endif /* !__SESSIONLOCAL_H__ */