/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #define IDD_FINDTEXTURE 10000 #define IDD_ENTITY 10001 #define IDD_GAMMA 10002 #define IDD_FINDBRUSH 10003 #define IDD_ROTATE 10004 #define IDD_SIDES 10005 #define IDD_ABOUT 10006 #define IDD_SURFACE 10007 #define IDD_PROJECT 10008 #define IDD_TEXTUREBAR 10009 #define IDD_ADDCMD 10010 #define IDD_PLAYWAVE 10011 #define IDD_TEXLIST 10012 #define IDD_DLG_PREFS 10013 #define IDD_DLG_MAPINFO 10014 #define IDD_DLG_ENTITYLIST 10015 #define IDD_DLG_SCRIPTS 10016 #define IDD_DLG_NEWPROJECT 10017 #define IDD_DLG_COMMANDLIST 10018 #define IDD_DLG_INFORMATION 10019 #define IDD_DLG_GROUP 10020 #define IDD_DLG_CAMERA 10021 #define IDD_DLG_CAMERAEVENT 10022 #define IDD_DLG_CAMERATARGET 10023 #define IDD_DLG_WAIT 10024 #define IDD_DIALOG_SCALE 10025 #define IDD_DIALOG_FINDREPLACE 10026 #define IDD_DIALOG_STAIRS 10027 #define IDD_DIALOG_INPUT 10028 #define IDD_DIALOG_TEXTURELIST 10029 #define IDD_DIALOG_NEWPATCH 10030 #define IDD_DIALOG_TEXTURELAYOUT 10031 #define IDD_DIALOG_CAP 10032 #define IDD_DIALOG_THICKEN 10033 #define IDD_DIALOG_PATCH 10034 #define IDD_DIALOG_LIGHT 10035 #define IDD_DIALOG_ENTITY 10036 #define IDD_DIALOG_COLORS 10037 #define IDD_DIALOG_INSPECTORS 10038 #define IDD_DIALOG_TEXTURE 10039 #define IDD_DIALOG_PREVIEW 10040 #define IDD_DIALOG_CONSOLE 10041 #define IDD_DIALOG_COMMENTS 10042 #define IDD_DIALOG_EDITVIEW 10043 #define IDD_DIALOG_EDITPREVIEW 10044 #define IDD_DIALOG_NEW_INSPECTORS 10045 #define IDD_DIALOG_NEWCURVE 10046 #define IDD_DIALOG_GETSTRING 10047 #define IDD_ENTFINDREPLACE 10048 #define IDR_ACCELERATOR1 10049 #define IDR_ACCEL_SURFACE 10050 #define IDR_MINIACCEL 10051 #define IDR_MAINFRAME 10052 #define IDR_RADIANTYPE 10053 #define IDR_SHADERFRAME 10054 #define IDR_SHADERTYPE 10055 #define IDR_TOOLBAR1 10056 #define IDR_TOOLBAR_SCALELOCK 10057 #define IDR_TOOLBAR_ADVANCED 10058 #define IDR_MENU_DROP 10059 #define IDR_MENU_QUAKE3 10060 #define IDR_MENU_EV 10061 #define IDR_POPUP_TEXTURE 10062 #define IDR_POPUP_SELECTION 10063 #define IDR_POPUP_VIEW 10064 #define IDR_POPUP_GROUP 10065 #define IDR_POPUP_SPLINE 10066 #define IDR_POPUP_MATERIAL 10067 #define IDR_POPUP_ENTITY 10068 #define IDB_IENDCAP 10069 #define IDB_ENDCAP 10070 #define IDB_BEVEL 10071 #define IDB_IBEVEL 10072 #define IDB_VIEWQE4 10073 #define IDB_VIEW4WAY 10074 #define IDB_VIEWDEFAULT 10075 #define IDB_VIEWDEFAULT2 10076 #define IDB_VIEWDEFAULT3 10077 #define IDB_VIEWDEFAULT_Z 10078 #define IDB_BITMAP_GROUPS 10079 #define IDB_BITMAP_MATERIAL 10080 #define IDB_BITMAP_HSB 10081 #define IDB_BITMAP_RGB 10082 #define IDC_VIEWDEFAULT 10200 #define IDC_VIEWDEFAULT_Z 10201 #define IDC_SELECT 10202 #define IDC_APPLY 10203 #define IDC_REFRESH 10204 #define IDC_BUTTON_RELOAD 10205 #define IDC_BUTTON_ADD 10206 #define IDC_BUTTON_OPEN 10207 #define IDC_APPLY2 10208 #define IDC_APPLY_DIFFERENT 10209 #define IDC_BUTTON_PLAY 10210 #define IDC_CHECK1 10211 #define IDC_TESTCAMERA 10212 #define IDC_CHECK_LIVE 10213 #define IDC_BTN_HIDE 10214 #define IDC_SPIN1 10215 #define IDC_SPIN2 10216 #define IDC_SPIN3 10217 #define IDC_RADIO2 10218 #define IDC_RADIO3 10219 #define IDC_RADIO_VIEWTYPE 10220 #define IDC_RADIO_FALLOFF2 10221 #define IDC_RADIO_VIEWTYPE2 10222 #define IDC_RADIO_FALLOFF3 10223 #define IDC_RADIO_VIEWTYPE3 10224 #define IDC_LIST_ENTITIES 10225 #define IDC_RADIO_VIEWTYPE4 10226 #define IDC_EDIT_TOTALBRUSHES 10227 #define IDC_CHECK_LOADLAST 10228 #define IDC_CHECK_AUTOSAVE 10229 #define IDC_CHECK_LOADLASTMAP 10230 #define IDC_LIST_ENTITY 10231 #define IDC_LIST_SCRIPTS 10232 #define IDC_NEW 10233 #define IDC_EDIT 10234 #define IDC_EDIT_NAME 10235 #define IDC_RUN 10236 #define IDC_LIST_COMMANDS 10237 #define IDC_CHECK_FACE 10238 #define IDC_CHECK_RIGHTCLICK 10239 #define IDC_CHECK_TEXTUREWINDOW 10240 #define IDC_CHECK_TEXTURETOOLBAR 10241 #define IDC_CHECK_LIGHTDRAW 10242 #define IDC_CHECK_SNAPT 10243 #define IDC_CHECK_TEXTURESCROLLBAR 10244 #define IDC_CHECK_RUNQUAKE 10245 #define IDC_CHECK_SETGAME 10246 #define IDC_CHECK_DISPLAYLISTS 10247 #define IDC_EDIT_AUTOSAVE 10248 #define IDC_CHK_FLAT 10249 #define IDC_CHECK_NEWMAPFORMAT 10250 #define IDC_BTN_APPLYTEXTURESTUFF 10251 #define IDC_CHECK_QE4PAINTING 10252 #define IDC_BTN_PLAY 10253 #define IDC_BTN_ADD 10254 #define IDC_BTN_TEXTURE 10255 #define IDC_BTN_PREVIEW 10256 #define IDC_BTN_ADDTARGET 10257 #define IDC_BTN_SET 10258 #define IDC_BTN_OLDCOLOR 10259 #define IDC_BUTTON_MODEL 10260 #define IDC_SPIN_AUTOSAVE 10261 #define IDC_BTN_DEL 10262 #define IDC_BUTTON_SOUND 10263 #define IDC_CHECK_SIZEPAINT 10264 #define IDC_BTN_EDIT 10265 #define IDC_BUTTON_GUI 10266 #define IDC_EDIT_X 10267 #define IDC_SPIN_UNDO 10268 #define IDC_BTN_HIDEALL 10269 #define IDC_BUTTON_PARTICLE 10270 #define IDC_CHECK_SNAPSHOTS 10271 #define IDC_BTN_SHOWALL 10272 #define IDC_BUTTON_SKIN 10273 #define IDC_EDIT_FIND 10274 #define IDC_SPIN_POINTSIZE 10275 #define IDC_BUTTON_CURVE 10276 #define IDC_EDIT_REPLACE 10277 #define IDC_EDIT_S 10278 #define IDC_CHECK_SELECTED 10279 #define IDC_EDIT_T 10280 #define IDC_CHECK_FORCE 10281 #define IDC_EDIT1 10282 #define IDC_ROTATE_BOX 10283 #define IDC_ROTZ 10284 #define IDC_EDIT_TOTALENTITIES 10285 #define IDC_EDIT_Y 10286 #define IDC_EDIT_KEY 10287 #define IDC_EDIT_INPUT 10288 #define IDC_EDIT_PATH 10289 #define IDC_PARTICLE_EDIT2 10290 #define IDC_ROTY 10291 #define IDC_EDIT_NET 10292 #define IDC_EDIT_Z 10293 #define IDC_EDIT_COMMENTS 10294 #define IDC_E_VALUE_FIELD 10295 #define IDC_E_LIST 10296 #define IDC_E_COMMENT 10297 #define IDC_E_PROPS 10298 #define IDC_E_135 10299 #define IDC_E_180 10300 #define IDC_E_225 10301 #define IDC_E_270 10302 #define IDC_E_90 10303 #define IDC_E_45 10304 #define IDC_E_0 10305 #define IDC_E_315 10306 #define IDC_E_UP 10307 #define IDC_E_DOWN 10308 #define IDC_E_ADDPROP 10309 #define IDC_E_DELPROP 10310 #define IDC_E_CREATE 10311 #define IDC_E_STATUS 10312 #define IDC_SHIFT_BOX 10313 #define IDC_HSHIFT 10314 #define IDC_VSHIFT 10315 #define IDC_ROTATEV 10316 #define IDC_HSTRETCH 10317 #define IDC_SCALEV 10318 #define IDC_EDIT_STATUSPOINTSIZE 10319 #define IDC_SCALEH 10320 #define IDC_EDIT_ROTATION 10321 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD1 10322 #define IDC_EDIT_UNDOLEVELS 10323 #define IDC_HSCALE 10324 #define IDC_VSCALE 10325 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD1 10326 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD2 10327 #define IDC_ROTATE 10328 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD2 10329 #define IDC_SLIDER_CAMSPEED 10330 #define IDC_G_EDIT 10331 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD3 10332 #define IDC_CHECK_CAMXYUPDATE 10333 #define IDC_STATIC_KEY 10334 #define IDC_FIND_BRUSH 10335 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD3 10336 #define IDC_STATIC_VALUE 10337 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD4 10338 #define IDC_E_KEY_FIELD 10339 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD4 10340 #define IDC_FIND_ENTITY 10341 #define IDC_STATIC_FIELD5 10342 #define IDC_SIDES 10343 #define IDC_EDIT_FIELD5 10344 #define IDC_COMBO_WHATGAME 10345 #define IDC_ROTX 10346 #define IDC_BTN_COLOR 10347 #define IDC_STATIC_COLOR 10348 #define IDC_E_COLOR 10349 #define IDC_ABOUT_GLVENDOR 10350 #define IDC_ABOUT_GLVERSION 10351 #define IDC_BTN_THECOLOR 10352 #define IDC_ABOUT_GLRENDERER 10353 #define IDC_STATIC_STUFF 10354 #define IDC_TEXTURE 10355 #define IDC_CHECK_ALTDRAG 10356 #define IDC_PRJRSHCMD 10357 #define IDC_SPIN_HSHIFT 10358 #define IDC_CHECK_MOUSECHASE 10359 #define IDC_PRJREMOTEBASE 10360 #define IDC_SPIN_VSHIFT 10361 #define IDC_CHECK_FACECOLOR 10362 #define IDC_PRJENTITYPATH 10363 #define IDC_SPIN_VSCALE 10364 #define IDC_CHECK_NOCLAMP 10365 #define IDC_PRJTEXPATH 10366 #define IDC_SPIN_HSCALE 10367 #define IDC_PRJAUTOSAVE 10368 #define IDC_SPIN_ROTATE 10369 #define IDC_ADDCMD 10370 #define IDC_EDIT_ROTATEAMT 10371 #define IDC_CMD_LIST 10372 #define IDC_CHECK_DLLENTITIES 10373 #define IDC_PRJBASEPATH 10374 #define IDC_CHECK_WIDETOOLBAR 10375 #define IDC_CMDCOMMAND 10376 #define IDC_CHECK_BUGGYICD 10377 #define IDC_CMDMENUTEXT 10378 #define IDC_CHECK_SGIOPENGL 10379 #define IDC_REMCMD 10380 #define IDC_PRJINTERVAL 10381 #define IDC_CHECK_HICOLOR 10382 #define IDC_PRJMAPSPATH 10383 #define IDC_CHECK_SHADERTEST 10384 #define IDC_EDITCMD 10385 #define IDC_CHECK_SHOWSHADERS 10386 #define IDC_ABOUT_GLEXTENSIONS 10387 #define IDC_LIST_TEXTURES 10388 #define IDC_COMBO_WIDTH 10389 #define IDC_COMBO_HEIGHT 10390 #define IDC_BTN_PATCHDETAILS 10391 #define IDC_BTN_PATCHRESET 10392 #define IDC_BTN_PATCHNATURAL 10393 #define IDC_RADIO_CAP 10394 #define IDC_BTN_PATCHFIT 10395 #define IDC_RADIO_CAP2 10396 #define IDC_CHECK_SEAMS 10397 #define IDC_BTN_FLIPX 10398 #define IDC_RADIO_CAP3 10399 #define IDC_EDIT_AMOUNT 10400 #define IDC_BTN_FLIPY 10401 #define IDC_RADIO_CAP4 10402 #define IDC_BTN_ASSIGNSOUND 10403 #define IDC_BTN_AXIAL 10404 #define IDC_BTN_ASSIGNMODEL 10405 #define IDC_BTN_FACEFIT 10406 #define IDC_SLIDER_TEXTUREQUALITY 10407 #define IDC_LIST1 10408 #define IDC_BTN_BRUSHFIT 10409 #define IDC_LIST_EVENTS 10410 #define IDC_LIST_WAV 10411 #define IDC_PARTICLE_LIST1 10412 #define IDC_LIST_VARS 10413 #define IDC_TREE1 10414 #define IDC_TREE_TEXTURES 10415 #define IDC_COMBO_ROW 10416 #define IDC_COMBO_COL 10417 #define IDC_COMBO_TYPE 10418 #define IDC_EDIT_WIDTH 10419 #define IDC_CHECK_BPRIMIT 10420 #define IDC_EDIT_HEIGHT 10421 #define IDC_SPIN_WIDTH 10422 #define IDC_SPIN_HEIGHT 10423 #define IDC_COMBO_SHADERS 10424 #define IDC_TREE_GROUP 10425 #define IDC_CHECK_NOSTIPPLE 10426 #define IDC_TAB_MODE 10427 #define IDC_CHECK_POINT 10428 #define IDC_CHECK_EQUALRADIUS 10429 #define IDC_RADIO_FALLOFF 10430 #define IDC_CHECK_PROJECTED 10431 #define IDC_CHECK_EXPLICITFALLOFF 10432 #define IDC_CHECK_CENTER 10433 #define IDC_SLIDER_BRIGHTNESS 10434 #define IDC_CHECK_PARALLEL 10435 #define IDC_CHECK_SHADOWS 10436 #define IDC_CHECK_DIFFUSE 10437 #define IDC_CHECK_SPECULAR 10438 #define IDC_EDIT_RADIUSY 10439 #define IDC_EDIT_RADIUSZ 10440 #define IDC_EDIT_RADIUSX 10441 #define IDC_EDIT_TARGETX 10442 #define IDC_EDIT_TARGETY 10443 #define IDC_EDIT_TARGETZ 10444 #define IDC_EDIT_RIGHTX 10445 #define IDC_EDIT_RIGHTY 10446 #define IDC_EDIT_RIGHTZ 10447 #define IDC_EDIT_UPX 10448 #define IDC_EDIT_UPY 10449 #define IDC_EDIT_UPZ 10450 #define IDC_EDIT_STARTX 10451 #define IDC_EDIT_STARTY 10452 #define IDC_EDIT_STARTZ 10453 #define IDC_EDIT_ENDX 10454 #define IDC_EDIT_ENDY 10455 #define IDC_EDIT_ENDZ 10456 #define IDC_EDIT_CENTERX 10457 #define IDC_COMBO_TEXTURE 10458 #define IDC_EDIT_CENTERY 10459 #define IDC_EDIT_MAPS 10460 #define IDC_EDIT_CENTERZ 10461 #define IDC_EDIT_CAM_NAME 10462 #define IDC_COMBO_SPLINES 10463 #define IDC_SCROLLBAR_SEGMENT 10464 #define IDC_EDIT_LENGTH 10465 #define IDC_EDIT_SEGMENT 10466 #define IDC_BTN_ADDEVENT 10467 #define IDC_BTN_DELEVENT 10468 #define IDC_CHECK_TRACKCAMERA 10469 #define IDC_RADIO_EVENT 10470 #define IDC_EDIT_TOTALSEGMENTS 10471 #define IDC_RADIO5 10472 #define IDC_RADIO6 10473 #define IDC_RADIO7 10474 #define IDC_RADIO8 10475 #define IDC_EDIT_PARAM 10476 #define IDC_RADIO9 10477 #define IDC_RADIO_FIXED 10478 #define IDC_RADIO10 10479 #define IDC_RADIO11 10480 #define IDC_RADIO_EDITPOINTS 10481 #define IDC_RADIO12 10482 #define IDC_RADIO_EDITPOINTS2 10483 #define IDC_BTN_DELETEPOINTS 10484 #define IDC_RADIO13 10485 #define IDC_EDIT_TYPE 10486 #define IDC_RADIO14 10487 #define IDC_BTN_SELECTALL 10488 #define IDC_RADIO15 10489 #define IDC_CHECK_SUBDIVIDE 10490 #define IDC_RADIO16 10491 #define IDC_SLIDER_HORZ 10492 #define IDC_SLIDER_VERT 10493 #define IDC_EDIT_HORZ 10494 #define IDC_EDIT_VERT 10495 #define IDC_LOAD 10496 #define IDC_PREVIEW 10497 #define IDC_CHECK_HIDEROOT 10498 #define IDC_CHECK_ABSOLUTE 10499 #define IDC_LIGHTPREVIEW 10500 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR1 10501 #define IDC_STATIC_RGB_RECT 10502 #define IDC_STATIC_HSB_RECT 10503 #define IDC_EDIT_RED 10504 #define IDC_SPIN_RED 10505 #define IDC_EDIT_GREEN 10506 #define IDC_SPIN_GREEN 10507 #define IDC_EDIT_BLUE 10508 #define IDC_SPIN_BLUE 10509 #define IDC_BUTTON_COLOR2 10510 #define IDC_STATIC_NEWCOLOR 10511 #define IDC_EDIT_HUE 10512 #define IDC_SPIN_HUE 10513 #define IDC_ANIMATION_SLIDER 10514 #define IDC_EDIT_SAT 10515 #define IDC_SPIN_SAT 10516 #define IDC_BTN_APPLY 10517 #define IDC_EDIT_VAL 10518 #define IDC_SPIN_VAL 10519 #define IDC_EDIT_OVERBRIGHT 10520 #define IDC_SPIN_OVERBRIGHT 10521 #define IDC_WAITSTR 10522 #define IDC_COMBO_CLASS 10523 #define IDC_EDIT_INFO 10524 #define IDC_LIST_KEYVAL 10525 #define IDC_BUTTON_BROWSE 10526 #define IDC_BUTTON_CREATE 10527 #define IDC_CUSTOM1 10528 #define IDC_TAB_INSPECTOR 10529 #define IDC_STATIC_TITLE 10530 #define IDC_STATIC_VAL 10531 #define IDC_TREE_MEDIA 10532 #define IDC_EDIT_CONSOLE 10533 #define IDC_BUTTON_SAVE 10534 #define IDC_STATIC_LINE 10535 #define IDC_BUTTON_GOTO 10536 #define IDC_EDIT_GOTO 10537 #define IDC_EDIT_LINE 10538 #define IDC_ENTITY_PLAY_ANIM 10539 #define IDC_ENTITY_ANIMATIONS 10540 #define IDC_ENTITY_STOP_ANIM 10541 #define IDC_ENTITY_CURRENT_ANIM 10542 #define IDC_COMBO_CURVES 10543 #define IDC_EDIT_FIND_KEY 10544 #define IDC_EDIT_FIND_VALUE 10545 #define IDC_EDIT_REPLACE_KEY 10546 #define IDC_EDIT_REPLACE_VALUE 10547 #define IDC_KEYCOPY 10548 #define IDC_VALUECOPY 10549 #define IDC_CHECK_FIND_WHOLESTRINGMATCHONLY 10550 #define IDC_REPLACE 10551 #define IDC_FIND 10552 #define IDC_PROMPT 10553 #define IDC_CHECK_SELECTALLMATCHING 10554 #define ID_COLOR_SUPERMAL 30000 #define ID_Menu 30001 #define ID_DROP_VIEWOPTIONS 30002 #define ID_VIEWOPTIONS_WIREFRAME 30003 #define ID_WIREFRAME_ON 30004 #define ID_WIREFRAME_OFF 30005 #define ID_VIEWOPTIONS_FORCEVISIBILITY 30006 #define ID_FORCEVISIBILITY_ON 30007 #define ID_FORCEVISIBILITY_OFF 30008 #define ID_SELECT_COMPLETEENTITY 30009 #define ID_PATCH_NURBEDITOR 30010 #define ID_PRECISION_CURSOR_CYCLE 30011 #define ID_THEMES_MAX 30012 #define ID_MATERIALS_GENERATEMATERIALSLIST 30013 #define ID_MATERIAL_EDIT 30014 #define ID_SELECT_ALLTARGETS 30015 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCOMBATNODES 30016 #define ID_FILE_IMPORT 30017 #define ID_VIEW_XY 30018 #define ID_VIEW_SIDE 30019 #define ID_VIEW_FRONT 30020 #define ID_CAMERATOGGLE 30021 #define ID_VIEW_CAMERATOGGLE 30022 #define ID_TEXTURES_POPUP 30023 #define ID_POPUP_SELECTION 30024 #define ID_VIEW_CHANGE 30025 #define ID_VIEW_CAMERAUPDATE 30026 #define ID_VIEW_CLIPPER 30027 #define ID_PREFS 30028 #define ID_TOGGLE_LOCK 30029 #define ID_EDIT_MAPINFO 30030 #define ID_EDIT_ENTITYINFO 30031 #define ID_BRUSH_SCRIPTS 30032 #define ID_VIEW_NEXTVIEW 30033 #define ID_HELP_COMMANDLIST 30034 #define ID_FILE_NEWPROJECT 30035 #define ID_SNAPTOGRID 30036 #define ID_SPLIT_SELECTED 30037 #define ID_CLIP_SELECTED 30038 #define ID_FLIP_CLIP 30039 #define ID_TOGGLEVIEW_YZ 30040 #define ID_TOGGLEVIEW_XZ 30041 #define ID_COLORS_GRIDTEXT 30042 #define ID_COLORS_BRUSH 30043 #define ID_COLORS_SELECTEDBRUSH 30044 #define ID_COLORS_CLIPPER 30045 #define ID_COLORS_GRIDBLOCK 30046 #define ID_COLORS_VIEWNAME 30047 #define ID_COLOR_SETORIGINAL 30048 #define ID_COLOR_SETQER 30049 #define ID_COLOR_SETBLACK 30050 #define ID_BYEBYE 30051 #define ID_SELECT_SCALE 30052 #define ID_SELECT_MOUSEROTATE 30053 #define ID_TEXTURE_REPLACESELECTED 30054 #define ID_TEXTURE_REPLACEALL 30055 #define ID_SELECT_COMPLETE_ENTITY 30056 #define ID_SCALELOCKX 30057 #define ID_SCALELOCKY 30058 #define ID_SCALELOCKZ 30059 #define ID_VIEW_CUBICCLIPPING 30060 #define ID_FILE_PROJECTSETTINGS 30061 #define ID_VIEW_CUBEOUT 30062 #define ID_VIEW_CUBEIN 30063 #define ID_NODES_LOADNODES 30064 #define ID_NODES_SHOWNODES 30065 #define ID_NODES_SHOWLINKS 30066 #define ID_NODES_REMOVEALLNODES 30067 #define ID_NODES_COUNTNODES 30068 #define ID_NODES_GIVEMONEYTONELNO 30069 #define ID_FILE_SAVEREGION 30070 #define ID_FILE_LOADREGION 30071 #define ID_SELECTION_MOVEDOWN 30072 #define ID_TOOLBAR_MAIN 30073 #define ID_SELECTION_MOVEUP 30074 #define ID_TOOLBAR_TEXTURE 30075 #define ID_BRUSH_MAKECONE 30076 #define ID_TEXTURES_LOAD 30077 #define ID_TOGGLE_ROTATELOCK 30078 #define ID_CURVE_CYLINDER 30079 #define ID_CURVE_ENDCAP 30080 #define ID_CURVE_BEVEL 30081 #define ID_CURVE_SPHERE 30082 #define ID_CURVE_HEMISPHERE 30083 #define ID_CURVE_QUARTER 30084 #define ID_CURVE_EIGHTHSPHERE 30085 #define ID_CURVE_INVERTCURVE 30086 #define ID_FILE_IMPORTMAP 30087 #define ID_FILE_EXPORTMAP 30088 #define ID_EDIT_LOADPREFAB 30089 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCURVES 30090 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGELEFT 30091 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGERIGHT 30092 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGEUP 30093 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECT_NUDGEDOWN 30094 #define ID_TEXTURES_LOADLIST 30095 #define ID_DONTSELECTCURVE 30096 #define ID_CONVERTCURVES 30097 #define ID_DYNAMIC_LIGHTING 30098 #define ID_PATCH_SHOWBOUNDINGBOX 30099 #define ID_CURVE_SIMPLEPATCHMESH 30100 #define ID_PATCH_WIREFRAME 30101 #define ID_PATCH_WELD 30102 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHTUBE 30103 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHCONE 30104 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHENDCAP 30105 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHBEVEL 30106 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHINVERTEDENDCAP 30107 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHINVERTEDBEVEL 30108 #define ID_PATCH_DRILLDOWN 30109 #define ID_CURVE_LOADPATCHFILE 30110 #define ID_CURVE_INSERTROW 30111 #define ID_CURVE_INSERTCOLUMN 30112 #define ID_CURVE_DELETEROW 30113 #define ID_CURVE_DELETECOLUMN 30114 #define ID_PATCH_INSDEL 30115 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_ADDCOLUMN 30116 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_INSERTCOLUMN 30117 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_ADDROW 30118 #define ID_CURVE_INSERT_INSERTROW 30119 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_FIRSTCOLUMN 30120 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_LASTCOLUMN 30121 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_FIRSTROW 30122 #define ID_CURVE_DELETE_LASTROW 30123 #define ID_CURVE_NEGATIVE 30124 #define ID_PATCH_BEND 30125 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHDENSETUBE 30126 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHVERYDENSETUBE 30127 #define ID_CURVE_CAP 30128 #define ID_CURVE_CAP_INVERTEDBEVEL 30129 #define ID_CURVE_CAP_INVERTEDENDCAP 30130 #define ID_CURVE_REDISPERSE_ROWS 30131 #define ID_CURVE_REDISPERSE_COLS 30132 #define ID_PATCH_NATURALIZE 30133 #define ID_CURVE_PATCHSQUARE 30134 #define ID_BRUSH_PRIMITIVES_SPHERE 30135 #define ID_BRUSH_PRIMITIVES_TORUS 30136 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_200 30137 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_100 30138 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_50 30139 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_25 30140 #define ID_TEXTURES_TEXTUREWINDOWSCALE_10 30141 #define ID_CURVE_NEGATIVETEXTUREX 30142 #define ID_TEXTURES_FLUSH 30143 #define ID_CURVE_OVERLAY_SET 30144 #define ID_CURVE_OVERLAY_CLEAR 30145 #define ID_CURVE_NEGATIVETEXTUREY 30146 #define ID_CURVE_THICKEN 30147 #define ID_CURVE_CYCLECAP 30148 #define ID_CURVE_CYCLECAPALT 30149 #define ID_CURVE_MATRIX_TRANSPOSE 30150 #define ID_PLUGINS_REFRESH 30151 #define ID_TEXTURES_RELOADSHADERS 30152 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_BOUNDINGBOX 30153 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_WRITEFRAME 30154 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_SELECTEDWIREFRAME 30155 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_SELECTEDSKINNED 30156 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_SKINNED 30157 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_SKINNEDANDBOXED 30158 #define ID_SHOW_ENTITIES 30159 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITIESAS_WIREFRAME 30160 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWHINT 30161 #define ID_VIEW_OPENGLLIGHTING 30162 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCAULK 30163 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWANGLES 30164 #define ID_EDIT_SAVEPREFAB 30165 #define ID_CURVE_MOREENDCAPSBEVELS_SQUAREENDCAP 30166 #define ID_CURVE_MOREENDCAPSBEVELS_SQUAREBEVEL 30167 #define ID_CURVE_PRIMITIVES_SPHERE 30168 #define ID_VIEW_HIDESHOW_HIDESELECTED 30169 #define ID_VIEW_HIDESHOW_SHOWHIDDEN 30170 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHADERS_SHOW 30171 #define ID_SELECTION_CSGADD 30172 #define ID_VIEW_HIDESHOW_HIDENOTSELECTED 30173 #define ID_SELECTION_CSGMERGE 30174 #define ID_TEXTURES_FLUSH_UNUSED 30175 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_REMOVE 30176 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_ADDTO_WORLD 30177 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_NEWGROUP 30178 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_NAME 30179 #define ID_DROP_GROUP_ADDTO 30180 #define ID_SHOW_LIGHTVOLUMES 30181 #define ID_SHOW_LIGHTTEXTURES 30182 #define ID_SHOW_DOOM 30183 #define ID_SPLINES_MODE 30184 #define ID_SPLINES_LOAD 30185 #define ID_SPLINES_SAVE 30186 #define ID_MATERIAL_INFO 30187 #define ID_SPLINE_TEST 30188 #define ID_POPUP_NEWCAMERA_INTERPOLATED 30189 #define ID_POPUP_NEWCAMERA_SPLINE 30190 #define ID_POPUP_NEWCAMERA_FIXED 30191 #define ID_SELECTION_MOVEONLY 30192 #define ID_SELECT_BRUSHESONLY 30193 #define ID_SELECT_BYBOUNDINGBRUSH 30194 #define ID_TEXTURES_HIDEALL 30195 #define ID_SELECTION_COMBINE 30196 #define ID_PATCH_COMBINE 30197 #define ID_VIEW_RENDERMODE 30198 #define ID_VIEW_REBUILDRENDERDATA 30199 #define ID_VIEW_REALTIMEREBUILD 30200 #define ID_VIEW_RENDERENTITYOUTLINES 30201 #define ID_VIEW_MATERIALANIMATION 30202 #define ID_DROP_NEWMODEL 30203 #define ID_SELECT_AXIALTEXTURE_BYWIDTH 30204 #define ID_SELECT_AXIALTEXTURE_BYHEIGHT 30205 #define ID_SELECT_AXIALTEXTURE_ARBITRARY 30206 #define ID_SELECTION_EXPORT_TOOBJ 30207 #define ID_VIEW_RENDERSELECTION 30208 #define ID_VIEW_SHOW_SHOWVISPORTALS 30209 #define ID_SELECT_NOMODELS 30210 #define ID_VIEW_RENDERSOUND 30211 #define ID_SOUND_POPUP 30212 #define ID_SOUND_SHOWSOUNDVOLUMES 30213 #define ID_SOUND_SHOWSELECTEDSOUNDVOLUMES 30214 #define ID_VIEW_SHOW_NODRAW 30215 #define ID_SELECT_MOUSESCALE 30216 #define ID_SELECTION_EXPORT_TOCM 30217 #define ID_SPLINES_EDITPOINTS 30218 #define ID_SPLINES_ADDPOINTS 30219 #define ID_SPLINES_INSERTPOINTS 30220 #define ID_SPLINES_DELETEPOINTS 30221 #define ID_PLUGIN_START 30222 #define ID_PLUGIN_END 30223 #define ID_FILE_EXIT 30224 #define ID_FILE_SAVEAS 30225 #define ID_VIEW_CENTER 30226 #define ID_VIEW_UPFLOOR 30227 #define ID_VIEW_DOWNFLOOR 30228 #define ID_BRUSH_FLIPX 30229 #define ID_BRUSH_FLIPY 30230 #define ID_BRUSH_FLIPZ 30231 #define ID_BRUSH_ROTATEX 30232 #define ID_BRUSH_ROTATEY 30233 #define ID_BRUSH_ROTATEZ 30234 #define ID_BSP_FULLVIS 30235 #define ID_BSP_FASTVIS 30236 #define ID_BSP_NOVIS 30237 #define ID_BSP_RELIGHT 30238 #define ID_BSP_ENTITIES 30239 #define ID_FILE_POINTFILE 30240 #define ID_VIEW_100 30241 #define ID_VIEW_75 30242 #define ID_VIEW_50 30243 #define ID_VIEW_25 30244 #define ID_VIEW_12 30245 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHOWALL 30246 #define ID_TEXTURES_SHOWINUSE 30247 #define ID_TEXTURES_TOGGLEVIEW 30248 #define ID_SELECTION_CREATEENTITY 30249 #define ID_SELECTION_EDITENTITY 30250 #define ID_MISC_BENCHMARK 30251 #define ID_REGION_OFF 30252 #define ID_REGION_SETXY 30253 #define ID_REGION_SETBRUSH 30254 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKEHOLLOW 30255 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTPARTIALTALL 30256 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTCOMPLETETALL 30257 #define ID_SELECTION_CSGSUBTRACT 30258 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTTOUCHING 30259 #define ID_VIEW_NEAREST 30260 #define ID_VIEW_NEARESTMIPMAP 30261 #define ID_VIEW_LINEAR 30262 #define ID_VIEW_BILINEAR 30263 #define ID_VIEW_BILINEARMIPMAP 30264 #define ID_VIEW_TRILINEAR 30265 #define ID_TEXTURES_WIREFRAME 30266 #define ID_TEXTURES_FLATSHADE 30267 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWNAMES 30268 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOMIN 30269 #define ID_VIEW_ZOOMOUT 30270 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCOORDINATES 30271 #define ID_VIEW_Z100 30272 #define ID_VIEW_ZZOOMIN 30273 #define ID_VIEW_ZZOOMOUT 30274 #define ID_SELECTION_CLONE 30275 #define ID_SELECTION_DESELECT 30276 #define ID_SELECTION_DELETE 30277 #define ID_SELECTION_DRAGVERTECIES 30278 #define ID_SELECTION_DRAGEDGES 30279 #define ID_REGION_SETTALLBRUSH 30280 #define ID_SELECTION_SELECTINSIDE 30281 #define ID_PROJECT_RELEAD 30282 #define ID_PROJECT_CHANGE 30283 #define ID_MISC_GAMMA 30284 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWENT 30285 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWPATH 30286 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWLIGHTS 30287 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWCLIP 30288 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWWATER 30289 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWWORLD 30290 #define ID_MISC_TEXTUREBACKGROUN 30291 #define ID_TEXTUREBK 30292 #define ID_COLORS_XYBK 30293 #define ID_FILE_ABOUT 30294 #define ID_VIEW_CONSOLE 30295 #define ID_VIEW_ENTITY 30296 #define ID_VIEW_TEXTURE 30297 #define ID_COLORS_MAJOR 30298 #define ID_COLORS_MINOR 30299 #define ID_SELECTION_CONNECT 30300 #define ID_FILE_LOADPROJECT 30301 #define ID_MISC_FINDBRUSH 30302 #define ID_MISC_NEXTLEAKSPOT 30303 #define ID_MISC_PREVIOUSLEAKSPOT 30304 #define ID_BRUSH_3SIDED 30305 #define ID_BRUSH_4SIDED 30306 #define ID_BRUSH_5SIDED 30307 #define ID_BRUSH_6SIDED 30308 #define ID_BRUSH_7SIDED 30309 #define ID_BRUSH_8SIDED 30310 #define ID_BRUSH_9SIDED 30311 #define ID_SELECTION_ARBITRARYROTATION 30312 #define ID_BRUSH_ARBITRARYSIDED 30313 #define ID_SELECTION_UNGROUPENTITY 30314 #define ID_MISC_SELECTENTITYCOLOR 30315 #define ID_MISC_PRINTXY 30316 #define ID_HELP_ABOUT 30317 #define ID_EDIT_COPYBRUSH 30318 #define ID_EDIT_PASTEBRUSH 30319 #define ID_TEXTURES_INSPECTOR 30320 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWDETAIL 30321 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKE_DETAIL 30322 #define ID_SELECTION_MAKE_STRUCTURAL 30323 #define ID_REGION_SETSELECTION 30324 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWBLOCKS 30325 #define ID_CAMERA_UP 30326 #define ID_CAMERA_DOWN 30327 #define ID_CAMERA_LEFT 30328 #define ID_CAMERA_RIGHT 30329 #define ID_CAMERA_FORWARD 30330 #define ID_CAMERA_BACK 30331 #define ID_CAMERA_ANGLEUP 30332 #define ID_CAMERA_ANGLEDOWN 30333 #define ID_CAMERA_STRAFELEFT 30334 #define ID_CAMERA_STRAFERIGHT 30335 #define ID_GRID_TOGGLE 30336 #define ID_ENTITYLIST 30337 #define ID_MAPINFO 30338 #define ID_TOGGLECONSOLE 30339 #define ID_TOGGLECAMERA 30340 #define ID_TOGGLEZ 30341 #define ID_TOGGLEVIEW 30342 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_DEC 30343 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_INC 30344 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_FIT 30345 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_ROTATECLOCK 30346 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_ROTATECOUNTER 30347 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALEUP 30348 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALEDOWN 30349 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTLEFT 30350 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTRIGHT 30351 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTUP 30352 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SHIFTDOWN 30353 #define ID_GRID_NEXT 30354 #define ID_GRID_PREV 30355 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALELEFT 30356 #define ID_SELECTION_TEXTURE_SCALERIGHT 30357 #define ID_SELECTION_PRINT 30358 #define ID_SELECTION_TOGGLESIZEPAINT 30359 #define ID_PATCH_TAB 30360 #define ID_PATCH_ENTER 30361 #define ID_SELECT_SNAPTOGRID 30362 #define ID_PATCH_INSPECTOR 30363 #define ID_SELECT_ALL 30364 #define ID_CURVE_FREEZE 30365 #define ID_CURVE_UNFREEZE 30366 #define ID_CURVE_UNFREEZEALL 30367 #define ID_SELECT_RESELECT 30368 #define ID_FITBRUSH 30369 #define ID_FITFACE 30370 #define ID_VIEW_CROSSHAIR 30371 #define ID_SELECTION_INVERT 30372 #define ID_VIEW_GROUPS 30373 #define ID_PROJECTED_LIGHT 30374 #define ID_SPLINES_POPUP 30375 #define ID_SELECTION_CENTER_ORIGIN 30376 #define ID_CURVE_INCREASE_VERT 30377 #define ID_CURVE_DECREASE_VERT 30378 #define ID_CURVE_INCREASE_HORZ 30379 #define ID_CURVE_DECREASE_HORZ 30380 #define ID_GRID_START 30381 #define ID_GRID_POINT0625 30382 #define ID_GRID_POINT125 30383 #define ID_GRID_POINT25 30384 #define ID_GRID_POINT5 30385 #define ID_GRID_1 30386 #define ID_GRID_2 30387 #define ID_GRID_4 30388 #define ID_GRID_8 30389 #define ID_GRID_16 30390 #define ID_GRID_32 30391 #define ID_GRID_64 30392 #define ID_GRID_END 30393 #define ID_VIEW_MEDIABROWSER 30394 #define ID_VIEW_GAME 30395 #define ID_PATCH_NATURALIZEALT 30396 #define ID_VIEW_SHOWTRIGGERS 30397 #define ID_AUTOCAULK 30398 #define ID_MISC_FINDORREPLACEENTITY 30399 #define ID_MISC_SETVIEWPOS 30400 #define ID_MISC_FINDNEXTENT 30401 #define ID_SELECTION_VIEW_WIREFRAMEON 30402 #define ID_SELECTION_VIEW_WIREFRAMEOFF 30403 #define ID_SELECTION_VIEW_VISIBLEON 30404 #define ID_SELECTION_VIEW_VISIBLEOFF 30405 /* Begin SS2 changes */ #define ID_SET_VIEW_TOP 30406 #define ID_SET_VIEW_SIDE 30407 #define ID_SET_VIEW_FRONT 30408 /* End changes */ #define ID_ENTITY_START 40000 #define ID_ENTITY_END 45000 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 10083 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 30406 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 10555 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 10083 #endif #endif