/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "snd_local.h" #ifdef ID_DEDICATED idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_noSound( "s_noSound", "1", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ROM, "" ); #else idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_noSound( "s_noSound", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "" ); #endif idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_quadraticFalloff( "s_quadraticFalloff", "1", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_drawSounds( "s_drawSounds", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_INTEGER, "", 0, 2, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,2> ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_showStartSound( "s_showStartSound", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_useOcclusion( "s_useOcclusion", "1", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_maxSoundsPerShader( "s_maxSoundsPerShader", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "", 0, 10, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,10> ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_showLevelMeter( "s_showLevelMeter", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_constantAmplitude( "s_constantAmplitude", "-1", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_minVolume6( "s_minVolume6", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_dotbias6( "s_dotbias6", "0.8", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_minVolume2( "s_minVolume2", "0.25", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_dotbias2( "s_dotbias2", "1.1", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_spatializationDecay( "s_spatializationDecay", "2", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_reverse( "s_reverse", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_meterTopTime( "s_meterTopTime", "2000", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_volume( "s_volume_dB", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "volume in dB" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_playDefaultSound( "s_playDefaultSound", "1", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "play a beep for missing sounds" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_subFraction( "s_subFraction", "0.75", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "volume to subwoofer in 5.1" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_globalFraction( "s_globalFraction", "0.8", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "volume to all speakers when not spatialized" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_doorDistanceAdd( "s_doorDistanceAdd", "150", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_FLOAT, "reduce sound volume with this distance when going through a door" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_singleEmitter( "s_singleEmitter", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_INTEGER, "mute all sounds but this emitter" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_numberOfSpeakers( "s_numberOfSpeakers", "2", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "number of speakers" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_force22kHz( "s_force22kHz", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_clipVolumes( "s_clipVolumes", "1", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_realTimeDecoding( "s_realTimeDecoding", "1", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_INIT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_slowAttenuate( "s_slowAttenuate", "1", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL, "slowmo sounds attenuate over shorted distance" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_enviroSuitCutoffFreq( "s_enviroSuitCutoffFreq", "2000", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_enviroSuitCutoffQ( "s_enviroSuitCutoffQ", "2", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_reverbTime( "s_reverbTime", "1000", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_reverbFeedback( "s_reverbFeedback", "0.333", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_enviroSuitVolumeScale( "s_enviroSuitVolumeScale", "0.9", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_skipHelltimeFX( "s_skipHelltimeFX", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL, "" ); #if ID_OPENAL // off by default. OpenAL DLL gets loaded on-demand idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_libOpenAL( "s_libOpenAL", "openal32.dll", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Deprecated, kept for compability" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_useOpenAL( "s_useOpenAL", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "Deprecated, kept for compability" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_useEAXReverb( "s_useEAXReverb", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "use EAX reverb" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_muteEAXReverb( "s_muteEAXReverb", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL, "mute eax reverb" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_decompressionLimit( "s_decompressionLimit", "6", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "specifies maximum uncompressed sample length in seconds" ); #else idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_libOpenAL( "s_libOpenAL", "openal32.dll", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "OpenAL is not supported in this build" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_useOpenAL( "s_useOpenAL", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ROM, "OpenAL is not supported in this build" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_useEAXReverb( "s_useEAXReverb", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ROM, "EAX not available in this build" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_muteEAXReverb( "s_muteEAXReverb", "0", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ROM, "mute eax reverb" ); idCVar idSoundSystemLocal::s_decompressionLimit( "s_decompressionLimit", "6", CVAR_SOUND | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ROM, "specifies maximum uncompressed sample length in seconds" ); #endif bool idSoundSystemLocal::useEAXReverb = false; int idSoundSystemLocal::EAXAvailable = -1; idSoundSystemLocal soundSystemLocal; idSoundSystem *soundSystem = &soundSystemLocal; /* =============== SoundReloadSounds_f this is called from the main thread =============== */ void SoundReloadSounds_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { if ( !soundSystemLocal.soundCache ) { return; } bool force = false; if ( args.Argc() == 2 ) { force = true; } soundSystem->SetMute( true ); soundSystemLocal.soundCache->ReloadSounds( force ); soundSystem->SetMute( false ); common->Printf( "sound: changed sounds reloaded\n" ); } /* =============== ListSounds_f Optional parameter to only list sounds containing that string =============== */ void ListSounds_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { int i; const char *snd = args.Argv( 1 ); if ( !soundSystemLocal.soundCache ) { common->Printf( "No sound.\n" ); return; } int totalSounds = 0; int totalSamples = 0; int totalMemory = 0; int totalPCMMemory = 0; for( i = 0; i < soundSystemLocal.soundCache->GetNumObjects(); i++ ) { const idSoundSample *sample = soundSystemLocal.soundCache->GetObject(i); if ( !sample ) { continue; } if ( snd && sample->name.Find( snd, false ) < 0 ) { continue; } const waveformatex_t &info = sample->objectInfo; const char *stereo = ( info.nChannels == 2 ? "ST" : " " ); const char *format = ( info.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_TAG_OGG ) ? "OGG" : "WAV"; const char *defaulted = ( sample->defaultSound ? "(DEFAULTED)" : sample->purged ? "(PURGED)" : "" ); common->Printf( "%s %dkHz %6dms %5dkB %4s %s%s\n", stereo, sample->objectInfo.nSamplesPerSec / 1000, soundSystemLocal.SamplesToMilliseconds( sample->LengthIn44kHzSamples() ), sample->objectMemSize >> 10, format, sample->name.c_str(), defaulted ); if ( !sample->purged ) { totalSamples += sample->objectSize; if ( info.wFormatTag != WAVE_FORMAT_TAG_OGG ) totalPCMMemory += sample->objectMemSize; if ( !sample->hardwareBuffer ) totalMemory += sample->objectMemSize; } totalSounds++; } common->Printf( "%8d total sounds\n", totalSounds ); common->Printf( "%8d total samples loaded\n", totalSamples ); common->Printf( "%8d kB total system memory used\n", totalMemory >> 10 ); #if ID_OPENAL common->Printf( "%8d kB total OpenAL audio memory used\n", ( alGetInteger( alGetEnumValue( "AL_EAX_RAM_SIZE" ) ) - alGetInteger( alGetEnumValue( "AL_EAX_RAM_FREE" ) ) ) >> 10 ); #endif } /* =============== ListSoundDecoders_f =============== */ void ListSoundDecoders_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { int i, j, numActiveDecoders, numWaitingDecoders; idSoundWorldLocal *sw = soundSystemLocal.currentSoundWorld; numActiveDecoders = numWaitingDecoders = 0; for ( i = 0; i < sw->emitters.Num(); i++ ) { idSoundEmitterLocal *sound = sw->emitters[i]; if ( !sound ) { continue; } // run through all the channels for ( j = 0; j < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; j++ ) { idSoundChannel *chan = &sound->channels[j]; if ( chan->decoder == NULL ) { continue; } idSoundSample *sample = chan->decoder->GetSample(); if ( sample != NULL ) { continue; } const char *format = ( chan->leadinSample->objectInfo.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_TAG_OGG ) ? "OGG" : "WAV"; common->Printf( "%3d waiting %s: %s\n", numWaitingDecoders, format, chan->leadinSample->name.c_str() ); numWaitingDecoders++; } } for ( i = 0; i < sw->emitters.Num(); i++ ) { idSoundEmitterLocal *sound = sw->emitters[i]; if ( !sound ) { continue; } // run through all the channels for ( j = 0; j < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; j++ ) { idSoundChannel *chan = &sound->channels[j]; if ( chan->decoder == NULL ) { continue; } idSoundSample *sample = chan->decoder->GetSample(); if ( sample == NULL ) { continue; } const char *format = ( sample->objectInfo.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_TAG_OGG ) ? "OGG" : "WAV"; int localTime = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime() - chan->trigger44kHzTime; int sampleTime = sample->LengthIn44kHzSamples() * sample->objectInfo.nChannels; int percent; if ( localTime > sampleTime ) { if ( chan->parms.soundShaderFlags & SSF_LOOPING ) { percent = ( localTime % sampleTime ) * 100 / sampleTime; } else { percent = 100; } } else { percent = localTime * 100 / sampleTime; } common->Printf( "%3d decoding %3d%% %s: %s\n", numActiveDecoders, percent, format, sample->name.c_str() ); numActiveDecoders++; } } common->Printf( "%d decoders\n", numWaitingDecoders + numActiveDecoders ); common->Printf( "%d waiting decoders\n", numWaitingDecoders ); common->Printf( "%d active decoders\n", numActiveDecoders ); common->Printf( "%d kB decoder memory in %d blocks\n", idSampleDecoder::GetUsedBlockMemory() >> 10, idSampleDecoder::GetNumUsedBlocks() ); } /* =============== TestSound_f this is called from the main thread =============== */ void TestSound_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { if ( args.Argc() != 2 ) { common->Printf( "Usage: testSound \n" ); return; } if ( soundSystemLocal.currentSoundWorld ) { soundSystemLocal.currentSoundWorld->PlayShaderDirectly( args.Argv( 1 ) ); } } /* =============== SoundSystemRestart_f restart the sound thread this is called from the main thread =============== */ void SoundSystemRestart_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { soundSystem->SetMute( true ); soundSystemLocal.ShutdownHW(); soundSystemLocal.InitHW(); soundSystem->SetMute( false ); } /* =============== idSoundSystemLocal::Init initialize the sound system =============== */ void idSoundSystemLocal::Init() { common->Printf( "----- Initializing Sound System ------\n" ); isInitialized = false; muted = false; shutdown = false; currentSoundWorld = NULL; soundCache = NULL; olddwCurrentWritePos = 0; buffers = 0; CurrentSoundTime = 0; nextWriteBlock = 0xffffffff; memset( meterTops, 0, sizeof( meterTops ) ); memset( meterTopsTime, 0, sizeof( meterTopsTime ) ); for( int i = -600; i < 600; i++ ) { float pt = i * 0.1f; volumesDB[i+600] = pow( 2.0f,( pt * ( 1.0f / 6.0f ) ) ); } // make a 16 byte aligned finalMixBuffer finalMixBuffer = (float *) ( ( ( (intptr_t)realAccum ) + 15 ) & ~15 ); graph = NULL; if ( !s_noSound.GetBool() ) { idSampleDecoder::Init(); soundCache = new idSoundCache(); } // set up openal device and context common->StartupVariable( "s_useOpenAL", true ); common->StartupVariable( "s_useEAXReverb", true ); common->Printf( "Setup OpenAL device and context... " ); openalDevice = alcOpenDevice( NULL ); openalContext = alcCreateContext( openalDevice, NULL ); alcMakeContextCurrent( openalContext ); common->Printf( "Done.\n" ); #if ID_OPENAL_EAX // try to obtain EAX extensions if ( idSoundSystemLocal::s_useEAXReverb.GetBool() && alIsExtensionPresent( ID_ALCHAR "EAX4.0" ) ) { alEAXSet = (EAXSet)alGetProcAddress( ID_ALCHAR "EAXSet" ); alEAXGet = (EAXGet)alGetProcAddress( ID_ALCHAR "EAXGet" ); common->Printf( "OpenAL: found EAX 4.0 extension\n" ); EAXAvailable = 1; } else { common->Printf( "OpenAL: EAX 4.0 extension not found\n" ); idSoundSystemLocal::s_useEAXReverb.SetBool( false ); alEAXSet = (EAXSet)NULL; alEAXGet = (EAXGet)NULL; EAXAvailable = 0; } #else common->Printf("OpenAL: EAX 4.0 not supported in this build\n"); idSoundSystemLocal::s_useEAXReverb.SetBool( false ); EAXAvailable = 0; #endif #if ID_OPENAL_EAX // try to obtain EAX-RAM extension - not required for operation if ( alIsExtensionPresent( ID_ALCHAR "EAX-RAM" ) == AL_TRUE ) { alEAXSetBufferMode = (EAXSetBufferMode)alGetProcAddress( ID_ALCHAR "EAXSetBufferMode" ); alEAXGetBufferMode = (EAXGetBufferMode)alGetProcAddress( ID_ALCHAR "EAXGetBufferMode" ); common->Printf( "OpenAL: found EAX-RAM extension, %dkB\\%dkB\n", alGetInteger( alGetEnumValue( ID_ALCHAR "AL_EAX_RAM_FREE" ) ) / 1024, alGetInteger( alGetEnumValue( ID_ALCHAR "AL_EAX_RAM_SIZE" ) ) / 1024 ); } else { alEAXSetBufferMode = (EAXSetBufferMode)NULL; alEAXGetBufferMode = (EAXGetBufferMode)NULL; common->Printf( "OpenAL: no EAX-RAM extension\n" ); } #endif ALuint handle; openalSourceCount = 0; while ( openalSourceCount < 256 ) { alGetError(); alGenSources( 1, &handle ); if ( alGetError() != AL_NO_ERROR ) { break; } else { // store in source array openalSources[openalSourceCount].handle = handle; openalSources[openalSourceCount].startTime = 0; openalSources[openalSourceCount].chan = NULL; openalSources[openalSourceCount].inUse = false; openalSources[openalSourceCount].looping = false; // initialise sources alSourcef( handle, AL_ROLLOFF_FACTOR, 0.0f ); // found one source openalSourceCount++; } } common->Printf( "OpenAL: found %s\n", alcGetString( openalDevice, ALC_DEVICE_SPECIFIER ) ); common->Printf( "OpenAL: found %d hardware voices\n", openalSourceCount ); // adjust source count to allow for at least eight stereo sounds to play openalSourceCount -= 8; useEAXReverb = idSoundSystemLocal::s_useEAXReverb.GetBool(); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listSounds", ListSounds_f, CMD_FL_SOUND, "lists all sounds" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listSoundDecoders", ListSoundDecoders_f, CMD_FL_SOUND, "list active sound decoders" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "reloadSounds", SoundReloadSounds_f, CMD_FL_SOUND|CMD_FL_CHEAT, "reloads all sounds" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "testSound", TestSound_f, CMD_FL_SOUND | CMD_FL_CHEAT, "tests a sound", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_SoundName ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "s_restart", SoundSystemRestart_f, CMD_FL_SOUND, "restarts the sound system" ); common->Printf( "sound system initialized.\n" ); common->Printf( "--------------------------------------\n" ); } /* =============== idSoundSystemLocal::Shutdown =============== */ void idSoundSystemLocal::Shutdown() { ShutdownHW(); // EAX or not, the list needs to be cleared EFXDatabase.Clear(); efxloaded = false; // adjust source count back up to allow for freeing of all resources openalSourceCount += 8; for ( ALsizei i = 0; i < openalSourceCount; i++ ) { // stop source alSourceStop( openalSources[i].handle ); alSourcei( openalSources[i].handle, AL_BUFFER, 0 ); // delete source alDeleteSources( 1, &openalSources[i].handle ); // clear entry in source array openalSources[i].handle = 0; openalSources[i].startTime = 0; openalSources[i].chan = NULL; openalSources[i].inUse = false; openalSources[i].looping = false; } // destroy all the sounds (hardware buffers as well) delete soundCache; soundCache = NULL; // destroy openal device and context alcMakeContextCurrent( NULL ); alcDestroyContext( openalContext ); openalContext = NULL; alcCloseDevice( openalDevice ); openalDevice = NULL; idSampleDecoder::Shutdown(); } /* =============== idSoundSystemLocal::InitHW =============== */ bool idSoundSystemLocal::InitHW() { int numSpeakers = s_numberOfSpeakers.GetInteger(); if (numSpeakers != 2 && numSpeakers != 6) { common->Warning("invalid value for s_numberOfSpeakers. Use either 2 or 6"); numSpeakers = 2; s_numberOfSpeakers.SetInteger(numSpeakers); } if ( s_noSound.GetBool() ) { return false; } // put the real number in there s_numberOfSpeakers.SetInteger(numSpeakers); isInitialized = true; shutdown = false; return true; } /* =============== idSoundSystemLocal::ShutdownHW =============== */ bool idSoundSystemLocal::ShutdownHW() { if ( !isInitialized ) { return false; } shutdown = true; // don't do anything at AsyncUpdate() time Sys_Sleep( 100 ); // sleep long enough to make sure any async sound talking to hardware has returned common->Printf( "Shutting down sound hardware\n" ); isInitialized = false; if ( graph ) { Mem_Free( graph ); graph = NULL; } return true; } /* =============== idSoundSystemLocal::GetCurrent44kHzTime =============== */ int idSoundSystemLocal::GetCurrent44kHzTime( void ) const { if ( isInitialized ) { return CurrentSoundTime; } else { // NOTE: this would overflow 31bits within about 1h20 //return ( ( Sys_Milliseconds()*441 ) / 10 ) * 4; return idMath::FtoiFast( (float)Sys_Milliseconds() * 176.4f ); } } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::AsyncMix Mac OSX version. The system uses it's own thread and an IOProc callback =================== */ int idSoundSystemLocal::AsyncMix( int soundTime, float *mixBuffer ) { int inTime, numSpeakers; if ( !isInitialized || shutdown ) { return 0; } inTime = Sys_Milliseconds(); numSpeakers = s_numberOfSpeakers.GetInteger(); // let the active sound world mix all the channels in unless muted or avi demo recording if ( !muted && currentSoundWorld && !currentSoundWorld->fpa[0] ) { currentSoundWorld->MixLoop( soundTime, numSpeakers, mixBuffer ); } CurrentSoundTime = soundTime; return Sys_Milliseconds() - inTime; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::AsyncUpdate called from async sound thread when com_asyncSound == 1 ( Windows ) =================== */ int idSoundSystemLocal::AsyncUpdate( int inTime ) { if ( !isInitialized || shutdown ) { return 0; } ulong dwCurrentWritePos; dword dwCurrentBlock; // here we do it in samples ( overflows in 27 hours or so ) dwCurrentWritePos = idMath::Ftol( (float)Sys_Milliseconds() * 44.1f ) % ( MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES * ROOM_SLICES_IN_BUFFER ); dwCurrentBlock = dwCurrentWritePos / MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES; if ( nextWriteBlock == 0xffffffff ) { nextWriteBlock = dwCurrentBlock; } if ( dwCurrentBlock != nextWriteBlock ) { return 0; } soundStats.runs++; soundStats.activeSounds = 0; int numSpeakers = s_numberOfSpeakers.GetInteger(); nextWriteBlock++; nextWriteBlock %= ROOM_SLICES_IN_BUFFER; int newPosition = nextWriteBlock * MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES; if ( newPosition < olddwCurrentWritePos ) { buffers++; // buffer wrapped } // nextWriteSample is in multi-channel samples inside the buffer int nextWriteSamples = nextWriteBlock * MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES; olddwCurrentWritePos = newPosition; // newSoundTime is in multi-channel samples since the sound system was started int newSoundTime = ( buffers * MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES * ROOM_SLICES_IN_BUFFER ) + nextWriteSamples; // check for impending overflow // FIXME: we don't handle sound wrap-around correctly yet if ( newSoundTime > 0x6fffffff ) { buffers = 0; } if ( (newSoundTime - CurrentSoundTime) > (int)MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES ) { soundStats.missedWindow++; } // enable audio hardware caching alcSuspendContext( openalContext ); // let the active sound world mix all the channels in unless muted or avi demo recording if ( !muted && currentSoundWorld && !currentSoundWorld->fpa[0] ) { currentSoundWorld->MixLoop( newSoundTime, numSpeakers, finalMixBuffer ); } // disable audio hardware caching (this updates ALL settings since last alcSuspendContext) alcProcessContext( openalContext ); CurrentSoundTime = newSoundTime; soundStats.timeinprocess = Sys_Milliseconds() - inTime; return soundStats.timeinprocess; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::AsyncUpdateWrite sound output using a write API. all the scheduling based on time we mix MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES at a time, but we feed the audio device with smaller chunks (and more often) called by the sound thread when com_asyncSound is 3 ( Linux ) =================== */ int idSoundSystemLocal::AsyncUpdateWrite( int inTime ) { if ( !isInitialized || shutdown ) { return 0; } unsigned int dwCurrentBlock = (unsigned int)( inTime * 44.1f / MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES ); if ( nextWriteBlock == 0xffffffff ) { nextWriteBlock = dwCurrentBlock; } if ( dwCurrentBlock < nextWriteBlock ) { return 0; } if ( nextWriteBlock != dwCurrentBlock ) { Sys_Printf( "missed %d sound updates\n", dwCurrentBlock - nextWriteBlock ); } int sampleTime = dwCurrentBlock * MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES; int numSpeakers = s_numberOfSpeakers.GetInteger(); // enable audio hardware caching alcSuspendContext( openalContext ); // let the active sound world mix all the channels in unless muted or avi demo recording if ( !muted && currentSoundWorld && !currentSoundWorld->fpa[0] ) { currentSoundWorld->MixLoop( sampleTime, numSpeakers, finalMixBuffer ); } // disable audio hardware caching (this updates ALL settings since last alcSuspendContext) alcProcessContext( openalContext ); // only move to the next block if the write was successful nextWriteBlock = dwCurrentBlock + 1; CurrentSoundTime = sampleTime; return Sys_Milliseconds() - inTime; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::dB2Scale =================== */ float idSoundSystemLocal::dB2Scale( const float val ) const { if ( val == 0.0f ) { return 1.0f; // most common } else if ( val <= -60.0f ) { return 0.0f; } else if ( val >= 60.0f ) { return powf( 2.0f, val * ( 1.0f / 6.0f ) ); } int ival = (int)( ( val + 60.0f ) * 10.0f ); return volumesDB[ival]; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::ImageForTime =================== */ cinData_t idSoundSystemLocal::ImageForTime( const int milliseconds, const bool waveform ) { cinData_t ret; int i, j; if ( !isInitialized ) { memset( &ret, 0, sizeof( ret ) ); return ret; } Sys_EnterCriticalSection(); if ( !graph ) { graph = (dword *)Mem_Alloc( 256*128 * 4); } memset( graph, 0, 256*128 * 4 ); float *accum = finalMixBuffer; // unfortunately, these are already clamped int time = Sys_Milliseconds(); int numSpeakers = s_numberOfSpeakers.GetInteger(); if ( !waveform ) { for( j = 0; j < numSpeakers; j++ ) { int meter = 0; for( i = 0; i < MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES; i++ ) { float result = idMath::Fabs(accum[i*numSpeakers+j]); if ( result > meter ) { meter = result; } } meter /= 256; // 32768 becomes 128 if ( meter > 128 ) { meter = 128; } int offset; int xsize; if ( numSpeakers == 6 ) { offset = j * 40; xsize = 20; } else { offset = j * 128; xsize = 63; } int x,y; dword color = 0xff00ff00; for ( y = 0; y < 128; y++ ) { for ( x = 0; x < xsize; x++ ) { graph[(127-y)*256 + offset + x ] = color; } #if 0 if ( y == 80 ) { color = 0xff00ffff; } else if ( y == 112 ) { color = 0xff0000ff; } #endif if ( y > meter ) { break; } } if ( meter > meterTops[j] ) { meterTops[j] = meter; meterTopsTime[j] = time + s_meterTopTime.GetInteger(); } else if ( time > meterTopsTime[j] && meterTops[j] > 0 ) { meterTops[j]--; if (meterTops[j]) { meterTops[j]--; } } } for( j = 0; j < numSpeakers; j++ ) { int meter = meterTops[j]; int offset; int xsize; if ( numSpeakers == 6 ) { offset = j*40; xsize = 20; } else { offset = j*128; xsize = 63; } int x,y; dword color; if ( meter <= 80 ) { color = 0xff007f00; } else if ( meter <= 112 ) { color = 0xff007f7f; } else { color = 0xff00007f; } for ( y = meter; y < 128 && y < meter + 4; y++ ) { for ( x = 0; x < xsize; x++ ) { graph[(127-y)*256 + offset + x ] = color; } } } } else { dword colors[] = { 0xff007f00, 0xff007f7f, 0xff00007f, 0xff00ff00, 0xff00ffff, 0xff0000ff }; for( j = 0; j < numSpeakers; j++ ) { int xx = 0; float fmeter; int step = MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES / 256; for( i = 0; i < MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES; i += step ) { fmeter = 0.0f; for( int x = 0; x < step; x++ ) { float result = accum[(i+x)*numSpeakers+j]; result = result / 32768.0f; fmeter += result; } fmeter /= 4.0f; if ( fmeter < -1.0f ) { fmeter = -1.0f; } else if ( fmeter > 1.0f ) { fmeter = 1.0f; } int meter = (fmeter * 63.0f); graph[ (meter + 64) * 256 + xx ] = colors[j]; if ( meter < 0 ) { meter = -meter; } if ( meter > meterTops[xx] ) { meterTops[xx] = meter; meterTopsTime[xx] = time + 100; } else if ( time>meterTopsTime[xx] && meterTops[xx] > 0 ) { meterTops[xx]--; if ( meterTops[xx] ) { meterTops[xx]--; } } xx++; } } for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { int meter = meterTops[i]; for ( int y = -meter; y < meter; y++ ) { graph[ (y+64)*256 + i ] = colors[j]; } } } ret.imageHeight = 128; ret.imageWidth = 256; ret.image = (unsigned char *)graph; Sys_LeaveCriticalSection(); return ret; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::GetSoundDecoderInfo =================== */ int idSoundSystemLocal::GetSoundDecoderInfo( int index, soundDecoderInfo_t &decoderInfo ) { int i, j, firstEmitter, firstChannel; idSoundWorldLocal *sw = soundSystemLocal.currentSoundWorld; if ( index < 0 ) { firstEmitter = 0; firstChannel = 0; } else { firstEmitter = index / SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; firstChannel = index - firstEmitter * SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS + 1; } for ( i = firstEmitter; i < sw->emitters.Num(); i++ ) { idSoundEmitterLocal *sound = sw->emitters[i]; if ( !sound ) { continue; } // run through all the channels for ( j = firstChannel; j < SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS; j++ ) { idSoundChannel *chan = &sound->channels[j]; if ( chan->decoder == NULL ) { continue; } idSoundSample *sample = chan->decoder->GetSample(); if ( sample == NULL ) { continue; } decoderInfo.name = sample->name; decoderInfo.format = ( sample->objectInfo.wFormatTag == WAVE_FORMAT_TAG_OGG ) ? "OGG" : "WAV"; decoderInfo.numChannels = sample->objectInfo.nChannels; decoderInfo.numSamplesPerSecond = sample->objectInfo.nSamplesPerSec; decoderInfo.num44kHzSamples = sample->LengthIn44kHzSamples(); decoderInfo.numBytes = sample->objectMemSize; decoderInfo.looping = ( chan->parms.soundShaderFlags & SSF_LOOPING ) != 0; decoderInfo.lastVolume = chan->lastVolume; decoderInfo.start44kHzTime = chan->trigger44kHzTime; decoderInfo.current44kHzTime = soundSystemLocal.GetCurrent44kHzTime(); return ( i * SOUND_MAX_CHANNELS + j ); } firstChannel = 0; } return -1; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::AllocSoundWorld =================== */ idSoundWorld *idSoundSystemLocal::AllocSoundWorld( idRenderWorld *rw ) { idSoundWorldLocal *local = new idSoundWorldLocal; local->Init( rw ); return local; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::SetMute =================== */ void idSoundSystemLocal::SetMute( bool muteOn ) { muted = muteOn; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::SamplesToMilliseconds =================== */ int idSoundSystemLocal::SamplesToMilliseconds( int samples ) const { return ( samples / (PRIMARYFREQ/1000) ); } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::SamplesToMilliseconds =================== */ int idSoundSystemLocal::MillisecondsToSamples( int ms ) const { return ( ms * (PRIMARYFREQ/1000) ); } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::SetPlayingSoundWorld specifying NULL will cause silence to be played =================== */ void idSoundSystemLocal::SetPlayingSoundWorld( idSoundWorld *soundWorld ) { currentSoundWorld = static_cast(soundWorld); } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::GetPlayingSoundWorld =================== */ idSoundWorld *idSoundSystemLocal::GetPlayingSoundWorld( void ) { return currentSoundWorld; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::BeginLevelLoad =================== */ void idSoundSystemLocal::BeginLevelLoad() { if ( !isInitialized ) { return; } soundCache->BeginLevelLoad(); if ( efxloaded ) { EFXDatabase.UnloadFile(); efxloaded = false; } } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::EndLevelLoad =================== */ void idSoundSystemLocal::EndLevelLoad( const char *mapstring ) { if ( !isInitialized ) { return; } soundCache->EndLevelLoad(); #if ID_OPENAL_EAX idStr efxname( "efxs/" ); idStr mapname( mapstring ); mapname.SetFileExtension( ".efx" ); mapname.StripPath(); efxname += mapname; efxloaded = EFXDatabase.LoadFile( efxname ); if ( efxloaded ) { common->Printf("sound: found %s\n", efxname.c_str() ); } else { common->Printf("sound: missing %s\n", efxname.c_str() ); } #endif } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::AllocOpenALSource =================== */ ALuint idSoundSystemLocal::AllocOpenALSource( idSoundChannel *chan, bool looping, bool stereo ) { int timeOldestZeroVolSingleShot = Sys_Milliseconds(); int timeOldestZeroVolLooping = Sys_Milliseconds(); int timeOldestSingle = Sys_Milliseconds(); int iOldestZeroVolSingleShot = -1; int iOldestZeroVolLooping = -1; int iOldestSingle = -1; int iUnused = -1; int index = -1; ALsizei i; // Grab current msec time int time = Sys_Milliseconds(); // Cycle through all sources for ( i = 0; i < openalSourceCount; i++ ) { // Use any unused source first, // Then find oldest single shot quiet source, // Then find oldest looping quiet source and // Lastly find oldest single shot non quiet source.. if ( !openalSources[i].inUse ) { iUnused = i; break; } else if ( !openalSources[i].looping && openalSources[i].chan->lastVolume < SND_EPSILON ) { if ( openalSources[i].startTime < timeOldestZeroVolSingleShot ) { timeOldestZeroVolSingleShot = openalSources[i].startTime; iOldestZeroVolSingleShot = i; } } else if ( openalSources[i].looping && openalSources[i].chan->lastVolume < SND_EPSILON ) { if ( openalSources[i].startTime < timeOldestZeroVolLooping ) { timeOldestZeroVolLooping = openalSources[i].startTime; iOldestZeroVolLooping = i; } } else if ( !openalSources[i].looping ) { if ( openalSources[i].startTime < timeOldestSingle ) { timeOldestSingle = openalSources[i].startTime; iOldestSingle = i; } } } if ( iUnused != -1 ) { index = iUnused; } else if ( iOldestZeroVolSingleShot != - 1 ) { index = iOldestZeroVolSingleShot; } else if ( iOldestZeroVolLooping != -1 ) { index = iOldestZeroVolLooping; } else if ( iOldestSingle != -1 ) { index = iOldestSingle; } if ( index != -1 ) { // stop the channel that is being ripped off if ( openalSources[index].chan ) { // stop the channel only when not looping if ( !openalSources[index].looping ) { openalSources[index].chan->Stop(); } else { openalSources[index].chan->triggered = true; } // Free hardware resources openalSources[index].chan->ALStop(); } // Initialize structure openalSources[index].startTime = time; openalSources[index].chan = chan; openalSources[index].inUse = true; openalSources[index].looping = looping; openalSources[index].stereo = stereo; return openalSources[index].handle; } else { return 0; } } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::FreeOpenALSource =================== */ void idSoundSystemLocal::FreeOpenALSource( ALuint handle ) { ALsizei i; for ( i = 0; i < openalSourceCount; i++ ) { if ( openalSources[i].handle == handle ) { if ( openalSources[i].chan ) { openalSources[i].chan->openalSource = 0; } #if ID_OPENAL_EAX // Reset source EAX ROOM level when freeing stereo source if ( openalSources[i].stereo && alEAXSet ) { long Room = EAXSOURCE_DEFAULTROOM; alEAXSet( &EAXPROPERTYID_EAX_Source, EAXSOURCE_ROOM, openalSources[i].handle, &Room, sizeof(Room)); } #endif // Initialize structure openalSources[i].startTime = 0; openalSources[i].chan = NULL; openalSources[i].inUse = false; openalSources[i].looping = false; openalSources[i].stereo = false; } } } /* ============================================================ SoundFX and misc effects ============================================================ */ /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::ProcessSample =================== */ void SoundFX_Lowpass::ProcessSample( float* in, float* out ) { float c, a1, a2, a3, b1, b2; float resonance = idSoundSystemLocal::s_enviroSuitCutoffQ.GetFloat(); float cutoffFrequency = idSoundSystemLocal::s_enviroSuitCutoffFreq.GetFloat(); Initialize(); c = 1.0 / idMath::Tan16( idMath::PI * cutoffFrequency / 44100 ); // compute coefs a1 = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + resonance * c + c * c ); a2 = 2* a1; a3 = a1; b1 = 2.0 * ( 1.0 - c * c) * a1; b2 = ( 1.0 - resonance * c + c * c ) * a1; // compute output value out[0] = a1 * in[0] + a2 * in[-1] + a3 * in[-2] - b1 * out[-1] - b2 * out[-2]; } void SoundFX_LowpassFast::ProcessSample( float* in, float* out ) { // compute output value out[0] = a1 * in[0] + a2 * in[-1] + a3 * in[-2] - b1 * out[-1] - b2 * out[-2]; } void SoundFX_LowpassFast::SetParms( float p1, float p2, float p3 ) { float c; // set the vars freq = p1; res = p2; // precompute the coefs c = 1.0 / idMath::Tan( idMath::PI * freq / 44100 ); // compute coefs a1 = 1.0 / ( 1.0 + res * c + c * c ); a2 = 2* a1; a3 = a1; b1 = 2.0 * ( 1.0 - c * c) * a1; b2 = ( 1.0 - res * c + c * c ) * a1; } void SoundFX_Comb::Initialize() { if ( initialized ) return; initialized = true; maxlen = 50000; buffer = new float[maxlen]; currentTime = 0; } void SoundFX_Comb::ProcessSample( float* in, float* out ) { float gain = idSoundSystemLocal::s_reverbFeedback.GetFloat(); int len = idSoundSystemLocal::s_reverbTime.GetFloat() + param; Initialize(); // sum up and output out[0] = buffer[currentTime]; buffer[currentTime] = buffer[currentTime] * gain + in[0]; // increment current time currentTime++; if ( currentTime >= len ) currentTime -= len; } /* =================== idSoundSystemLocal::DoEnviroSuit =================== */ void idSoundSystemLocal::DoEnviroSuit( float* samples, int numSamples, int numSpeakers ) { float out[10000], *out_p = out + 2; float in[10000], *in_p = in + 2; // TODO port to OpenAL assert( false ); if ( !fxList.Num() ) { for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { SoundFX* fx; // lowpass filter fx = new SoundFX_Lowpass(); fx->SetChannel( i ); fxList.Append( fx ); // comb fx = new SoundFX_Comb(); fx->SetChannel( i ); fx->SetParameter( i * 100 ); fxList.Append( fx ); // comb fx = new SoundFX_Comb(); fx->SetChannel( i ); fx->SetParameter( i * 100 + 5 ); fxList.Append( fx ); } } for ( int i = 0; i < numSpeakers; i++ ) { int j; // restore previous samples memset( in, 0, 10000 * sizeof( float ) ); memset( out, 0, 10000 * sizeof( float ) ); // fx loop for ( int k = 0; k < fxList.Num(); k++ ) { SoundFX* fx = fxList[k]; // skip if we're not the right channel if ( fx->GetChannel() != i ) continue; // get samples and continuity fx->GetContinuitySamples( in_p[-1], in_p[-2], out_p[-1], out_p[-2] ); for ( j = 0; j < numSamples; j++ ) { in_p[j] = samples[j * numSpeakers + i] * s_enviroSuitVolumeScale.GetFloat(); } // process fx loop for ( j = 0; j < numSamples; j++ ) { fx->ProcessSample( in_p + j, out_p + j ); } // store samples and continuity fx->SetContinuitySamples( in_p[numSamples-2], in_p[numSamples-3], out_p[numSamples-2], out_p[numSamples-3] ); for ( j = 0; j < numSamples; j++ ) { samples[j * numSpeakers + i] = out_p[j]; } } } } /* ================= idSoundSystemLocal::PrintMemInfo ================= */ void idSoundSystemLocal::PrintMemInfo( MemInfo_t *mi ) { soundCache->PrintMemInfo( mi ); } /* =============== idSoundSystemLocal::IsEAXAvailable =============== */ int idSoundSystemLocal::IsEAXAvailable( void ) { #if !ID_OPENAL || !ID_OPENAL_EAX return -1; #else ALCdevice *device; ALCcontext *context; if ( EAXAvailable != -1 ) { return EAXAvailable; } // when dynamically loading the OpenAL subsystem, we need to get a context before alIsExtensionPresent would work device = alcOpenDevice( NULL ); context = alcCreateContext( device, NULL ); alcMakeContextCurrent( context ); if ( alIsExtensionPresent( ID_ALCHAR "EAX4.0" ) ) { alcMakeContextCurrent( NULL ); alcDestroyContext( context ); alcCloseDevice( device ); EAXAvailable = 1; return 1; } alcMakeContextCurrent( NULL ); alcDestroyContext( context ); alcCloseDevice( device ); EAXAvailable = 0; return 0; #endif }