/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "gamesys/SysCvar.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Camera.h" #include "script/Script_Thread.h" const idEventDef EV_Thread_Execute( "<execute>", NULL ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_SetCallback( "<script_setcallback>", NULL ); // script callable events const idEventDef EV_Thread_TerminateThread( "terminate", "d" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Pause( "pause", NULL ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Wait( "wait", "f" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_WaitFrame( "waitFrame" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_WaitFor( "waitFor", "e" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_WaitForThread( "waitForThread", "d" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Print( "print", "s" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_PrintLn( "println", "s" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Say( "say", "s" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Assert( "assert", "f" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Trigger( "trigger", "e" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_SetCvar( "setcvar", "ss" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetCvar( "getcvar", "s", 's' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Random( "random", "f", 'f' ); #ifdef _D3XP const idEventDef EV_Thread_RandomInt( "randomInt", "d", 'd' ); #endif const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetTime( "getTime", NULL, 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_KillThread( "killthread", "s" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_SetThreadName( "threadname", "s" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetEntity( "getEntity", "s", 'e' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Spawn( "spawn", "s", 'e' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_CopySpawnArgs( "copySpawnArgs", "e" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_SetSpawnArg( "setSpawnArg", "ss" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_SpawnString( "SpawnString", "ss", 's' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_SpawnFloat( "SpawnFloat", "sf", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_SpawnVector( "SpawnVector", "sv", 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_ClearPersistantArgs( "clearPersistantArgs" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_SetPersistantArg( "setPersistantArg", "ss" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetPersistantString( "getPersistantString", "s", 's' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetPersistantFloat( "getPersistantFloat", "s", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetPersistantVector( "getPersistantVector", "s", 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_AngToForward( "angToForward", "v", 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_AngToRight( "angToRight", "v", 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_AngToUp( "angToUp", "v", 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Sine( "sin", "f", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Cosine( "cos", "f", 'f' ); #ifdef _D3XP const idEventDef EV_Thread_ArcSine( "asin", "f", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_ArcCosine( "acos", "f", 'f' ); #endif const idEventDef EV_Thread_SquareRoot( "sqrt", "f", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Normalize( "vecNormalize", "v", 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_VecLength( "vecLength", "v", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_VecDotProduct( "DotProduct", "vv", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_VecCrossProduct( "CrossProduct", "vv", 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_VecToAngles( "VecToAngles", "v", 'v' ); #ifdef _D3XP const idEventDef EV_Thread_VecToOrthoBasisAngles( "VecToOrthoBasisAngles", "v", 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_RotateVector("rotateVector", "vv", 'v'); #endif const idEventDef EV_Thread_OnSignal( "onSignal", "des" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_ClearSignal( "clearSignalThread", "de" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_SetCamera( "setCamera", "e" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_FirstPerson( "firstPerson", NULL ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Trace( "trace", "vvvvde", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_TracePoint( "tracePoint", "vvde", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetTraceFraction( "getTraceFraction", NULL, 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetTraceEndPos( "getTraceEndPos", NULL, 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetTraceNormal( "getTraceNormal", NULL, 'v' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetTraceEntity( "getTraceEntity", NULL, 'e' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetTraceJoint( "getTraceJoint", NULL, 's' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetTraceBody( "getTraceBody", NULL, 's' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_FadeIn( "fadeIn", "vf" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_FadeOut( "fadeOut", "vf" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_FadeTo( "fadeTo", "vff" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_StartMusic( "music", "s" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Error( "error", "s" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_Warning( "warning", "s" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_StrLen( "strLength", "s", 'd' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_StrLeft( "strLeft", "sd", 's' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_StrRight( "strRight", "sd", 's' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_StrSkip( "strSkip", "sd", 's' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_StrMid( "strMid", "sdd", 's' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_StrToFloat( "strToFloat", "s", 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_RadiusDamage( "radiusDamage", "vEEEsf" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_IsClient( "isClient", NULL, 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_IsMultiplayer( "isMultiplayer", NULL, 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetFrameTime( "getFrameTime", NULL, 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_GetTicsPerSecond( "getTicsPerSecond", NULL, 'f' ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_DebugLine( "debugLine", "vvvf" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_DebugArrow( "debugArrow", "vvvdf" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_DebugCircle( "debugCircle", "vvvfdf" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_DebugBounds( "debugBounds", "vvvf" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_DrawText( "drawText", "svfvdf" ); const idEventDef EV_Thread_InfluenceActive( "influenceActive", NULL, 'd' ); CLASS_DECLARATION( idClass, idThread ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Execute, idThread::Event_Execute ) EVENT( EV_Thread_TerminateThread, idThread::Event_TerminateThread ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Pause, idThread::Event_Pause ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Wait, idThread::Event_Wait ) EVENT( EV_Thread_WaitFrame, idThread::Event_WaitFrame ) EVENT( EV_Thread_WaitFor, idThread::Event_WaitFor ) EVENT( EV_Thread_WaitForThread, idThread::Event_WaitForThread ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Print, idThread::Event_Print ) EVENT( EV_Thread_PrintLn, idThread::Event_PrintLn ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Say, idThread::Event_Say ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Assert, idThread::Event_Assert ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Trigger, idThread::Event_Trigger ) EVENT( EV_Thread_SetCvar, idThread::Event_SetCvar ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetCvar, idThread::Event_GetCvar ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Random, idThread::Event_Random ) #ifdef _D3XP EVENT( EV_Thread_RandomInt, idThread::Event_RandomInt ) #endif EVENT( EV_Thread_GetTime, idThread::Event_GetTime ) EVENT( EV_Thread_KillThread, idThread::Event_KillThread ) EVENT( EV_Thread_SetThreadName, idThread::Event_SetThreadName ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetEntity, idThread::Event_GetEntity ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Spawn, idThread::Event_Spawn ) EVENT( EV_Thread_CopySpawnArgs, idThread::Event_CopySpawnArgs ) EVENT( EV_Thread_SetSpawnArg, idThread::Event_SetSpawnArg ) EVENT( EV_Thread_SpawnString, idThread::Event_SpawnString ) EVENT( EV_Thread_SpawnFloat, idThread::Event_SpawnFloat ) EVENT( EV_Thread_SpawnVector, idThread::Event_SpawnVector ) EVENT( EV_Thread_ClearPersistantArgs, idThread::Event_ClearPersistantArgs ) EVENT( EV_Thread_SetPersistantArg, idThread::Event_SetPersistantArg ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetPersistantString, idThread::Event_GetPersistantString ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetPersistantFloat, idThread::Event_GetPersistantFloat ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetPersistantVector, idThread::Event_GetPersistantVector ) EVENT( EV_Thread_AngToForward, idThread::Event_AngToForward ) EVENT( EV_Thread_AngToRight, idThread::Event_AngToRight ) EVENT( EV_Thread_AngToUp, idThread::Event_AngToUp ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Sine, idThread::Event_GetSine ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Cosine, idThread::Event_GetCosine ) #ifdef _D3XP EVENT( EV_Thread_ArcSine, idThread::Event_GetArcSine ) EVENT( EV_Thread_ArcCosine, idThread::Event_GetArcCosine ) #endif EVENT( EV_Thread_SquareRoot, idThread::Event_GetSquareRoot ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Normalize, idThread::Event_VecNormalize ) EVENT( EV_Thread_VecLength, idThread::Event_VecLength ) EVENT( EV_Thread_VecDotProduct, idThread::Event_VecDotProduct ) EVENT( EV_Thread_VecCrossProduct, idThread::Event_VecCrossProduct ) EVENT( EV_Thread_VecToAngles, idThread::Event_VecToAngles ) #ifdef _D3XP EVENT( EV_Thread_VecToOrthoBasisAngles, idThread::Event_VecToOrthoBasisAngles ) EVENT( EV_Thread_RotateVector, idThread::Event_RotateVector ) #endif EVENT( EV_Thread_OnSignal, idThread::Event_OnSignal ) EVENT( EV_Thread_ClearSignal, idThread::Event_ClearSignalThread ) EVENT( EV_Thread_SetCamera, idThread::Event_SetCamera ) EVENT( EV_Thread_FirstPerson, idThread::Event_FirstPerson ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Trace, idThread::Event_Trace ) EVENT( EV_Thread_TracePoint, idThread::Event_TracePoint ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetTraceFraction, idThread::Event_GetTraceFraction ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetTraceEndPos, idThread::Event_GetTraceEndPos ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetTraceNormal, idThread::Event_GetTraceNormal ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetTraceEntity, idThread::Event_GetTraceEntity ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetTraceJoint, idThread::Event_GetTraceJoint ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetTraceBody, idThread::Event_GetTraceBody ) EVENT( EV_Thread_FadeIn, idThread::Event_FadeIn ) EVENT( EV_Thread_FadeOut, idThread::Event_FadeOut ) EVENT( EV_Thread_FadeTo, idThread::Event_FadeTo ) EVENT( EV_SetShaderParm, idThread::Event_SetShaderParm ) EVENT( EV_Thread_StartMusic, idThread::Event_StartMusic ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Warning, idThread::Event_Warning ) EVENT( EV_Thread_Error, idThread::Event_Error ) EVENT( EV_Thread_StrLen, idThread::Event_StrLen ) EVENT( EV_Thread_StrLeft, idThread::Event_StrLeft ) EVENT( EV_Thread_StrRight, idThread::Event_StrRight ) EVENT( EV_Thread_StrSkip, idThread::Event_StrSkip ) EVENT( EV_Thread_StrMid, idThread::Event_StrMid ) EVENT( EV_Thread_StrToFloat, idThread::Event_StrToFloat ) EVENT( EV_Thread_RadiusDamage, idThread::Event_RadiusDamage ) EVENT( EV_Thread_IsClient, idThread::Event_IsClient ) EVENT( EV_Thread_IsMultiplayer, idThread::Event_IsMultiplayer ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetFrameTime, idThread::Event_GetFrameTime ) EVENT( EV_Thread_GetTicsPerSecond, idThread::Event_GetTicsPerSecond ) EVENT( EV_CacheSoundShader, idThread::Event_CacheSoundShader ) EVENT( EV_Thread_DebugLine, idThread::Event_DebugLine ) EVENT( EV_Thread_DebugArrow, idThread::Event_DebugArrow ) EVENT( EV_Thread_DebugCircle, idThread::Event_DebugCircle ) EVENT( EV_Thread_DebugBounds, idThread::Event_DebugBounds ) EVENT( EV_Thread_DrawText, idThread::Event_DrawText ) EVENT( EV_Thread_InfluenceActive, idThread::Event_InfluenceActive ) END_CLASS idThread *idThread::currentThread = NULL; int idThread::threadIndex = 0; idList<idThread *> idThread::threadList; trace_t idThread::trace; /* ================ idThread::CurrentThread ================ */ idThread *idThread::CurrentThread( void ) { return currentThread; } /* ================ idThread::CurrentThreadNum ================ */ int idThread::CurrentThreadNum( void ) { if ( currentThread ) { return currentThread->GetThreadNum(); } else { return 0; } } /* ================ idThread::BeginMultiFrameEvent ================ */ bool idThread::BeginMultiFrameEvent( idEntity *ent, const idEventDef *event ) { if ( !currentThread ) { gameLocal.Error( "idThread::BeginMultiFrameEvent called without a current thread" ); } return currentThread->interpreter.BeginMultiFrameEvent( ent, event ); } /* ================ idThread::EndMultiFrameEvent ================ */ void idThread::EndMultiFrameEvent( idEntity *ent, const idEventDef *event ) { if ( !currentThread ) { gameLocal.Error( "idThread::EndMultiFrameEvent called without a current thread" ); } currentThread->interpreter.EndMultiFrameEvent( ent, event ); } /* ================ idThread::idThread ================ */ idThread::idThread() { Init(); SetThreadName( va( "thread_%d", threadIndex ) ); if ( g_debugScript.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d: create thread (%d) '%s'\n", gameLocal.time, threadNum, threadName.c_str() ); } } /* ================ idThread::idThread ================ */ idThread::idThread( idEntity *self, const function_t *func ) { assert( self ); Init(); SetThreadName( self->name ); interpreter.EnterObjectFunction( self, func, false ); if ( g_debugScript.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d: create thread (%d) '%s'\n", gameLocal.time, threadNum, threadName.c_str() ); } } /* ================ idThread::idThread ================ */ idThread::idThread( const function_t *func ) { assert( func ); Init(); SetThreadName( func->Name() ); interpreter.EnterFunction( func, false ); if ( g_debugScript.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d: create thread (%d) '%s'\n", gameLocal.time, threadNum, threadName.c_str() ); } } /* ================ idThread::idThread ================ */ idThread::idThread( idInterpreter *source, const function_t *func, int args ) { Init(); interpreter.ThreadCall( source, func, args ); if ( g_debugScript.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d: create thread (%d) '%s'\n", gameLocal.time, threadNum, threadName.c_str() ); } } /* ================ idThread::idThread ================ */ idThread::idThread( idInterpreter *source, idEntity *self, const function_t *func, int args ) { assert( self ); Init(); SetThreadName( self->name ); interpreter.ThreadCall( source, func, args ); if ( g_debugScript.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d: create thread (%d) '%s'\n", gameLocal.time, threadNum, threadName.c_str() ); } } /* ================ idThread::~idThread ================ */ idThread::~idThread() { idThread *thread; int i; int n; if ( g_debugScript.GetBool() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%d: end thread (%d) '%s'\n", gameLocal.time, threadNum, threadName.c_str() ); } threadList.Remove( this ); n = threadList.Num(); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { thread = threadList[ i ]; if ( thread->WaitingOnThread() == this ) { thread->ThreadCallback( this ); } } if ( currentThread == this ) { currentThread = NULL; } } /* ================ idThread::ManualDelete ================ */ void idThread::ManualDelete( void ) { interpreter.terminateOnExit = false; } /* ================ idThread::Save ================ */ void idThread::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const { // We will check on restore that threadNum is still the same, // threads should have been restored in the same order. savefile->WriteInt( threadNum ); savefile->WriteObject( waitingForThread ); savefile->WriteInt( waitingFor ); savefile->WriteInt( waitingUntil ); interpreter.Save( savefile ); savefile->WriteDict( &spawnArgs ); savefile->WriteString( threadName ); savefile->WriteInt( lastExecuteTime ); savefile->WriteInt( creationTime ); savefile->WriteBool( manualControl ); } /* ================ idThread::Restore ================ */ void idThread::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) { savefile->ReadInt( threadNum ); savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast<idClass *&>( waitingForThread ) ); savefile->ReadInt( waitingFor ); savefile->ReadInt( waitingUntil ); interpreter.Restore( savefile ); savefile->ReadDict( &spawnArgs ); savefile->ReadString( threadName ); savefile->ReadInt( lastExecuteTime ); savefile->ReadInt( creationTime ); savefile->ReadBool( manualControl ); } /* ================ idThread::Init ================ */ void idThread::Init( void ) { // create a unique threadNum do { threadIndex++; if ( threadIndex == 0 ) { threadIndex = 1; } } while( GetThread( threadIndex ) ); threadNum = threadIndex; threadList.Append( this ); creationTime = gameLocal.time; lastExecuteTime = 0; manualControl = false; ClearWaitFor(); interpreter.SetThread( this ); } /* ================ idThread::GetThread ================ */ idThread *idThread::GetThread( int num ) { int i; int n; idThread *thread; n = threadList.Num(); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { thread = threadList[ i ]; if ( thread->GetThreadNum() == num ) { return thread; } } return NULL; } /* ================ idThread::DisplayInfo ================ */ void idThread::DisplayInfo( void ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%12i: '%s'\n" " File: %s(%d)\n" " Created: %d (%d ms ago)\n" " Status: ", threadNum, threadName.c_str(), interpreter.CurrentFile(), interpreter.CurrentLine(), creationTime, gameLocal.time - creationTime ); if ( interpreter.threadDying ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Dying\n" ); } else if ( interpreter.doneProcessing ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Paused since %d (%d ms)\n" " Reason: ", lastExecuteTime, gameLocal.time - lastExecuteTime ); if ( waitingForThread ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Waiting for thread #%3i '%s'\n", waitingForThread->GetThreadNum(), waitingForThread->GetThreadName() ); } else if ( ( waitingFor != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) && ( gameLocal.entities[ waitingFor ] ) ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Waiting for entity #%3i '%s'\n", waitingFor, gameLocal.entities[ waitingFor ]->name.c_str() ); } else if ( waitingUntil ) { gameLocal.Printf( "Waiting until %d (%d ms total wait time)\n", waitingUntil, waitingUntil - lastExecuteTime ); } else { gameLocal.Printf( "None\n" ); } } else { gameLocal.Printf( "Processing\n" ); } interpreter.DisplayInfo(); gameLocal.Printf( "\n" ); } /* ================ idThread::ListThreads_f ================ */ void idThread::ListThreads_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { int i; int n; n = threadList.Num(); for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) { //threadList[ i ]->DisplayInfo(); gameLocal.Printf( "%3i: %-20s : %s(%d)\n", threadList[ i ]->threadNum, threadList[ i ]->threadName.c_str(), threadList[ i ]->interpreter.CurrentFile(), threadList[ i ]->interpreter.CurrentLine() ); } gameLocal.Printf( "%d active threads\n\n", n ); } /* ================ idThread::Restart ================ */ void idThread::Restart( void ) { int i; int n; // reset the threadIndex threadIndex = 0; currentThread = NULL; n = threadList.Num(); for( i = n - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) { delete threadList[ i ]; } threadList.Clear(); memset( &trace, 0, sizeof( trace ) ); trace.c.entityNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE; } /* ================ idThread::DelayedStart ================ */ void idThread::DelayedStart( int delay ) { CancelEvents( &EV_Thread_Execute ); if ( gameLocal.time <= 0 ) { delay++; } PostEventMS( &EV_Thread_Execute, delay ); } /* ================ idThread::Start ================ */ bool idThread::Start( void ) { bool result; CancelEvents( &EV_Thread_Execute ); result = Execute(); return result; } /* ================ idThread::SetThreadName ================ */ void idThread::SetThreadName( const char *name ) { threadName = name; } /* ================ idThread::ObjectMoveDone ================ */ void idThread::ObjectMoveDone( int threadnum, idEntity *obj ) { idThread *thread; if ( !threadnum ) { return; } thread = GetThread( threadnum ); if ( thread ) { thread->ObjectMoveDone( obj ); } } /* ================ idThread::End ================ */ void idThread::End( void ) { // Tell thread to die. It will exit on its own. Pause(); interpreter.threadDying = true; } /* ================ idThread::KillThread ================ */ void idThread::KillThread( const char *name ) { int i; int num; int len; const char *ptr; idThread *thread; // see if the name uses a wild card ptr = strchr( name, '*' ); if ( ptr ) { len = ptr - name; } else { len = strlen( name ); } // kill only those threads whose name matches name num = threadList.Num(); for( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { thread = threadList[ i ]; if ( !idStr::Cmpn( thread->GetThreadName(), name, len ) ) { thread->End(); } } } /* ================ idThread::KillThread ================ */ void idThread::KillThread( int num ) { idThread *thread; thread = GetThread( num ); if ( thread ) { // Tell thread to die. It will delete itself on it's own. thread->End(); } } /* ================ idThread::Execute ================ */ bool idThread::Execute( void ) { idThread *oldThread; bool done; if ( manualControl && ( waitingUntil > gameLocal.time ) ) { return false; } oldThread = currentThread; currentThread = this; lastExecuteTime = gameLocal.time; ClearWaitFor(); done = interpreter.Execute(); if ( done ) { End(); if ( interpreter.terminateOnExit ) { PostEventMS( &EV_Remove, 0 ); } } else if ( !manualControl ) { if ( waitingUntil > lastExecuteTime ) { PostEventMS( &EV_Thread_Execute, waitingUntil - lastExecuteTime ); } else if ( interpreter.MultiFrameEventInProgress() ) { PostEventMS( &EV_Thread_Execute, gameLocal.msec ); } } currentThread = oldThread; return done; } /* ================ idThread::IsWaiting Checks if thread is still waiting for some event to occur. ================ */ bool idThread::IsWaiting( void ) { if ( waitingForThread || ( waitingFor != ENTITYNUM_NONE ) ) { return true; } if ( waitingUntil && ( waitingUntil > gameLocal.time ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ================ idThread::CallFunction NOTE: If this is called from within a event called by this thread, the function arguments will be invalid after calling this function. ================ */ void idThread::CallFunction( const function_t *func, bool clearStack ) { ClearWaitFor(); interpreter.EnterFunction( func, clearStack ); } /* ================ idThread::CallFunction NOTE: If this is called from within a event called by this thread, the function arguments will be invalid after calling this function. ================ */ void idThread::CallFunction( idEntity *self, const function_t *func, bool clearStack ) { assert( self ); ClearWaitFor(); interpreter.EnterObjectFunction( self, func, clearStack ); } /* ================ idThread::ClearWaitFor ================ */ void idThread::ClearWaitFor( void ) { waitingFor = ENTITYNUM_NONE; waitingForThread = NULL; waitingUntil = 0; } /* ================ idThread::IsWaitingFor ================ */ bool idThread::IsWaitingFor( idEntity *obj ) { assert( obj ); return waitingFor == obj->entityNumber; } /* ================ idThread::ObjectMoveDone ================ */ void idThread::ObjectMoveDone( idEntity *obj ) { assert( obj ); if ( IsWaitingFor( obj ) ) { ClearWaitFor(); DelayedStart( 0 ); } } /* ================ idThread::ThreadCallback ================ */ void idThread::ThreadCallback( idThread *thread ) { if ( interpreter.threadDying ) { return; } if ( thread == waitingForThread ) { ClearWaitFor(); DelayedStart( 0 ); } } /* ================ idThread::Event_SetThreadName ================ */ void idThread::Event_SetThreadName( const char *name ) { SetThreadName( name ); } /* ================ idThread::Error ================ */ void idThread::Error( const char *fmt, ... ) const { va_list argptr; char text[ 1024 ]; va_start( argptr, fmt ); vsprintf( text, fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); interpreter.Error( text ); } /* ================ idThread::Warning ================ */ void idThread::Warning( const char *fmt, ... ) const { va_list argptr; char text[ 1024 ]; va_start( argptr, fmt ); vsprintf( text, fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); interpreter.Warning( text ); } /* ================ idThread::ReturnString ================ */ void idThread::ReturnString( const char *text ) { gameLocal.program.ReturnString( text ); } /* ================ idThread::ReturnFloat ================ */ void idThread::ReturnFloat( float value ) { gameLocal.program.ReturnFloat( value ); } /* ================ idThread::ReturnInt ================ */ void idThread::ReturnInt( int value ) { // true integers aren't supported in the compiler, // so int values are stored as floats gameLocal.program.ReturnFloat( value ); } /* ================ idThread::ReturnVector ================ */ void idThread::ReturnVector( idVec3 const &vec ) { gameLocal.program.ReturnVector( vec ); } /* ================ idThread::ReturnEntity ================ */ void idThread::ReturnEntity( idEntity *ent ) { gameLocal.program.ReturnEntity( ent ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Execute ================ */ void idThread::Event_Execute( void ) { Execute(); } /* ================ idThread::Pause ================ */ void idThread::Pause( void ) { ClearWaitFor(); interpreter.doneProcessing = true; } /* ================ idThread::WaitMS ================ */ void idThread::WaitMS( int time ) { Pause(); waitingUntil = gameLocal.time + time; } /* ================ idThread::WaitSec ================ */ void idThread::WaitSec( float time ) { WaitMS( SEC2MS( time ) ); } /* ================ idThread::WaitFrame ================ */ void idThread::WaitFrame( void ) { Pause(); // manual control threads don't set waitingUntil so that they can be run again // that frame if necessary. if ( !manualControl ) { waitingUntil = gameLocal.time + gameLocal.msec; } } /*********************************************************************** Script callable events ***********************************************************************/ /* ================ idThread::Event_TerminateThread ================ */ void idThread::Event_TerminateThread( int num ) { KillThread( num ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Pause ================ */ void idThread::Event_Pause( void ) { Pause(); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Wait ================ */ void idThread::Event_Wait( float time ) { WaitSec( time ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_WaitFrame ================ */ void idThread::Event_WaitFrame( void ) { WaitFrame(); } /* ================ idThread::Event_WaitFor ================ */ void idThread::Event_WaitFor( idEntity *ent ) { if ( ent && ent->RespondsTo( EV_Thread_SetCallback ) ) { ent->ProcessEvent( &EV_Thread_SetCallback ); if ( gameLocal.program.GetReturnedInteger() ) { Pause(); waitingFor = ent->entityNumber; } } } /* ================ idThread::Event_WaitForThread ================ */ void idThread::Event_WaitForThread( int num ) { idThread *thread; thread = GetThread( num ); if ( !thread ) { if ( g_debugScript.GetBool() ) { // just print a warning and continue executing Warning( "Thread %d not running", num ); } } else { Pause(); waitingForThread = thread; } } /* ================ idThread::Event_Print ================ */ void idThread::Event_Print( const char *text ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%s", text ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_PrintLn ================ */ void idThread::Event_PrintLn( const char *text ) { gameLocal.Printf( "%s\n", text ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Say ================ */ void idThread::Event_Say( const char *text ) { cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_NOW, va( "say \"%s\"", text ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Assert ================ */ void idThread::Event_Assert( float value ) { assert( value ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Trigger ================ */ void idThread::Event_Trigger( idEntity *ent ) { if ( ent ) { ent->Signal( SIG_TRIGGER ); ent->ProcessEvent( &EV_Activate, gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer() ); ent->TriggerGuis(); } } /* ================ idThread::Event_SetCvar ================ */ void idThread::Event_SetCvar( const char *name, const char *value ) const { cvarSystem->SetCVarString( name, value ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetCvar ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetCvar( const char *name ) const { ReturnString( cvarSystem->GetCVarString( name ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Random ================ */ void idThread::Event_Random( float range ) const { float result; result = gameLocal.random.RandomFloat(); ReturnFloat( range * result ); } #ifdef _D3XP void idThread::Event_RandomInt( int range ) const { int result; result = gameLocal.random.RandomInt(range); ReturnFloat(result); } #endif /* ================ idThread::Event_GetTime ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetTime( void ) { ReturnFloat( MS2SEC( gameLocal.realClientTime ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_KillThread ================ */ void idThread::Event_KillThread( const char *name ) { KillThread( name ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetEntity ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetEntity( const char *name ) { int entnum; idEntity *ent; assert( name ); if ( name[ 0 ] == '*' ) { entnum = atoi( &name[ 1 ] ); if ( ( entnum < 0 ) || ( entnum >= MAX_GENTITIES ) ) { Error( "Entity number in string out of range." ); } ReturnEntity( gameLocal.entities[ entnum ] ); } else { ent = gameLocal.FindEntity( name ); ReturnEntity( ent ); } } /* ================ idThread::Event_Spawn ================ */ void idThread::Event_Spawn( const char *classname ) { idEntity *ent; spawnArgs.Set( "classname", classname ); gameLocal.SpawnEntityDef( spawnArgs, &ent ); ReturnEntity( ent ); spawnArgs.Clear(); } /* ================ idThread::Event_CopySpawnArgs ================ */ void idThread::Event_CopySpawnArgs( idEntity *ent ) { spawnArgs.Copy( ent->spawnArgs ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_SetSpawnArg ================ */ void idThread::Event_SetSpawnArg( const char *key, const char *value ) { spawnArgs.Set( key, value ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_SpawnString ================ */ void idThread::Event_SpawnString( const char *key, const char *defaultvalue ) { const char *result; spawnArgs.GetString( key, defaultvalue, &result ); ReturnString( result ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_SpawnFloat ================ */ void idThread::Event_SpawnFloat( const char *key, float defaultvalue ) { float result; spawnArgs.GetFloat( key, va( "%f", defaultvalue ), result ); ReturnFloat( result ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_SpawnVector ================ */ void idThread::Event_SpawnVector( const char *key, idVec3 &defaultvalue ) { idVec3 result; spawnArgs.GetVector( key, va( "%f %f %f", defaultvalue.x, defaultvalue.y, defaultvalue.z ), result ); ReturnVector( result ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_ClearPersistantArgs ================ */ void idThread::Event_ClearPersistantArgs( void ) { gameLocal.persistentLevelInfo.Clear(); } /* ================ idThread::Event_SetPersistantArg ================ */ void idThread::Event_SetPersistantArg( const char *key, const char *value ) { gameLocal.persistentLevelInfo.Set( key, value ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetPersistantString ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetPersistantString( const char *key ) { const char *result; gameLocal.persistentLevelInfo.GetString( key, "", &result ); ReturnString( result ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetPersistantFloat ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetPersistantFloat( const char *key ) { float result; gameLocal.persistentLevelInfo.GetFloat( key, "0", result ); ReturnFloat( result ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetPersistantVector ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetPersistantVector( const char *key ) { idVec3 result; gameLocal.persistentLevelInfo.GetVector( key, "0 0 0", result ); ReturnVector( result ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_AngToForward ================ */ void idThread::Event_AngToForward( idAngles &ang ) { ReturnVector( ang.ToForward() ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_AngToRight ================ */ void idThread::Event_AngToRight( idAngles &ang ) { idVec3 vec; ang.ToVectors( NULL, &vec ); ReturnVector( vec ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_AngToUp ================ */ void idThread::Event_AngToUp( idAngles &ang ) { idVec3 vec; ang.ToVectors( NULL, NULL, &vec ); ReturnVector( vec ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetSine ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetSine( float angle ) { ReturnFloat( idMath::Sin( DEG2RAD( angle ) ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetCosine ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetCosine( float angle ) { ReturnFloat( idMath::Cos( DEG2RAD( angle ) ) ); } #ifdef _D3XP /* ================ idThread::Event_GetArcSine ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetArcSine( float a ) { ReturnFloat(RAD2DEG(idMath::ASin(a))); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetArcCosine ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetArcCosine( float a ) { ReturnFloat(RAD2DEG(idMath::ACos(a))); } #endif /* ================ idThread::Event_GetSquareRoot ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetSquareRoot( float theSquare ) { ReturnFloat( idMath::Sqrt( theSquare ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_VecNormalize ================ */ void idThread::Event_VecNormalize( idVec3 &vec ) { idVec3 n; n = vec; n.Normalize(); ReturnVector( n ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_VecLength ================ */ void idThread::Event_VecLength( idVec3 &vec ) { ReturnFloat( vec.Length() ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_VecDotProduct ================ */ void idThread::Event_VecDotProduct( idVec3 &vec1, idVec3 &vec2 ) { ReturnFloat( vec1 * vec2 ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_VecCrossProduct ================ */ void idThread::Event_VecCrossProduct( idVec3 &vec1, idVec3 &vec2 ) { ReturnVector( vec1.Cross( vec2 ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_VecToAngles ================ */ void idThread::Event_VecToAngles( idVec3 &vec ) { idAngles ang = vec.ToAngles(); ReturnVector( idVec3( ang[0], ang[1], ang[2] ) ); } #ifdef _D3XP /* ================ idThread::Event_VecToOrthoBasisAngles ================ */ void idThread::Event_VecToOrthoBasisAngles( idVec3 &vec ) { idVec3 left, up; idAngles ang; vec.OrthogonalBasis( left, up ); idMat3 axis( left, up, vec ); ang = axis.ToAngles(); ReturnVector( idVec3( ang[0], ang[1], ang[2] ) ); } void idThread::Event_RotateVector( idVec3 &vec, idVec3 &ang ) { idAngles tempAng(ang); idMat3 axis = tempAng.ToMat3(); idVec3 ret = vec * axis; ReturnVector(ret); } #endif /* ================ idThread::Event_OnSignal ================ */ void idThread::Event_OnSignal( int signal, idEntity *ent, const char *func ) { const function_t *function; assert( func ); if ( !ent ) { Error( "Entity not found" ); } if ( ( signal < 0 ) || ( signal >= NUM_SIGNALS ) ) { Error( "Signal out of range" ); } function = gameLocal.program.FindFunction( func ); if ( !function ) { Error( "Function '%s' not found", func ); } ent->SetSignal( ( signalNum_t )signal, this, function ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_ClearSignalThread ================ */ void idThread::Event_ClearSignalThread( int signal, idEntity *ent ) { if ( !ent ) { Error( "Entity not found" ); } if ( ( signal < 0 ) || ( signal >= NUM_SIGNALS ) ) { Error( "Signal out of range" ); } ent->ClearSignalThread( ( signalNum_t )signal, this ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_SetCamera ================ */ void idThread::Event_SetCamera( idEntity *ent ) { if ( !ent ) { Error( "Entity not found" ); return; } if ( !ent->IsType( idCamera::Type ) ) { Error( "Entity is not a camera" ); return; } gameLocal.SetCamera( ( idCamera * )ent ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_FirstPerson ================ */ void idThread::Event_FirstPerson( void ) { gameLocal.SetCamera( NULL ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Trace ================ */ void idThread::Event_Trace( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const idVec3 &mins, const idVec3 &maxs, int contents_mask, idEntity *passEntity ) { if ( mins == vec3_origin && maxs == vec3_origin ) { gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( trace, start, end, contents_mask, passEntity ); } else { gameLocal.clip.TraceBounds( trace, start, end, idBounds( mins, maxs ), contents_mask, passEntity ); } ReturnFloat( trace.fraction ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_TracePoint ================ */ void idThread::Event_TracePoint( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int contents_mask, idEntity *passEntity ) { gameLocal.clip.TracePoint( trace, start, end, contents_mask, passEntity ); ReturnFloat( trace.fraction ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetTraceFraction ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetTraceFraction( void ) { ReturnFloat( trace.fraction ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetTraceEndPos ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetTraceEndPos( void ) { ReturnVector( trace.endpos ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetTraceNormal ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetTraceNormal( void ) { if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) { ReturnVector( trace.c.normal ); } else { ReturnVector( vec3_origin ); } } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetTraceEntity ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetTraceEntity( void ) { if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f ) { ReturnEntity( gameLocal.entities[ trace.c.entityNum ] ); } else { ReturnEntity( ( idEntity * )NULL ); } } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetTraceJoint ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetTraceJoint( void ) { if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f && trace.c.id < 0 ) { idAFEntity_Base *af = static_cast<idAFEntity_Base *>( gameLocal.entities[ trace.c.entityNum ] ); if ( af && af->IsType( idAFEntity_Base::Type ) && af->IsActiveAF() ) { ReturnString( af->GetAnimator()->GetJointName( CLIPMODEL_ID_TO_JOINT_HANDLE( trace.c.id ) ) ); return; } } ReturnString( "" ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetTraceBody ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetTraceBody( void ) { if ( trace.fraction < 1.0f && trace.c.id < 0 ) { idAFEntity_Base *af = static_cast<idAFEntity_Base *>( gameLocal.entities[ trace.c.entityNum ] ); if ( af && af->IsType( idAFEntity_Base::Type ) && af->IsActiveAF() ) { int bodyId = af->BodyForClipModelId( trace.c.id ); idAFBody *body = af->GetAFPhysics()->GetBody( bodyId ); if ( body ) { ReturnString( body->GetName() ); return; } } } ReturnString( "" ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_FadeIn ================ */ void idThread::Event_FadeIn( idVec3 &color, float time ) { idVec4 fadeColor; idPlayer *player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if ( player ) { fadeColor.Set( color[ 0 ], color[ 1 ], color[ 2 ], 0.0f ); player->playerView.Fade(fadeColor, SEC2MS( time ) ); } } /* ================ idThread::Event_FadeOut ================ */ void idThread::Event_FadeOut( idVec3 &color, float time ) { idVec4 fadeColor; idPlayer *player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if ( player ) { fadeColor.Set( color[ 0 ], color[ 1 ], color[ 2 ], 1.0f ); player->playerView.Fade(fadeColor, SEC2MS( time ) ); } } /* ================ idThread::Event_FadeTo ================ */ void idThread::Event_FadeTo( idVec3 &color, float alpha, float time ) { idVec4 fadeColor; idPlayer *player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if ( player ) { fadeColor.Set( color[ 0 ], color[ 1 ], color[ 2 ], alpha ); player->playerView.Fade(fadeColor, SEC2MS( time ) ); } } /* ================ idThread::Event_SetShaderParm ================ */ void idThread::Event_SetShaderParm( int parmnum, float value ) { if ( ( parmnum < 0 ) || ( parmnum >= MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS ) ) { Error( "shader parm index (%d) out of range", parmnum ); } gameLocal.globalShaderParms[ parmnum ] = value; } /* ================ idThread::Event_StartMusic ================ */ void idThread::Event_StartMusic( const char *text ) { gameSoundWorld->PlayShaderDirectly( text ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Warning ================ */ void idThread::Event_Warning( const char *text ) { Warning( "%s", text ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_Error ================ */ void idThread::Event_Error( const char *text ) { Error( "%s", text ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_StrLen ================ */ void idThread::Event_StrLen( const char *string ) { int len; len = strlen( string ); idThread::ReturnInt( len ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_StrLeft ================ */ void idThread::Event_StrLeft( const char *string, int num ) { int len; if ( num < 0 ) { idThread::ReturnString( "" ); return; } len = strlen( string ); if ( len < num ) { idThread::ReturnString( string ); return; } idStr result( string, 0, num ); idThread::ReturnString( result ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_StrRight ================ */ void idThread::Event_StrRight( const char *string, int num ) { int len; if ( num < 0 ) { idThread::ReturnString( "" ); return; } len = strlen( string ); if ( len < num ) { idThread::ReturnString( string ); return; } idThread::ReturnString( string + len - num ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_StrSkip ================ */ void idThread::Event_StrSkip( const char *string, int num ) { int len; if ( num < 0 ) { idThread::ReturnString( string ); return; } len = strlen( string ); if ( len < num ) { idThread::ReturnString( "" ); return; } idThread::ReturnString( string + num ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_StrMid ================ */ void idThread::Event_StrMid( const char *string, int start, int num ) { int len; if ( num < 0 ) { idThread::ReturnString( "" ); return; } if ( start < 0 ) { start = 0; } len = strlen( string ); if ( start > len ) { start = len; } if ( start + num > len ) { num = len - start; } idStr result( string, start, start + num ); idThread::ReturnString( result ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_StrToFloat( const char *string ) ================ */ void idThread::Event_StrToFloat( const char *string ) { float result; result = atof( string ); idThread::ReturnFloat( result ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_RadiusDamage ================ */ void idThread::Event_RadiusDamage( const idVec3 &origin, idEntity *inflictor, idEntity *attacker, idEntity *ignore, const char *damageDefName, float dmgPower ) { gameLocal.RadiusDamage( origin, inflictor, attacker, ignore, ignore, damageDefName, dmgPower ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_IsClient ================ */ void idThread::Event_IsClient( void ) { idThread::ReturnFloat( gameLocal.isClient ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_IsMultiplayer ================ */ void idThread::Event_IsMultiplayer( void ) { idThread::ReturnFloat( gameLocal.isMultiplayer ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetFrameTime ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetFrameTime( void ) { idThread::ReturnFloat( MS2SEC( gameLocal.msec ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_GetTicsPerSecond ================ */ void idThread::Event_GetTicsPerSecond( void ) { idThread::ReturnFloat( USERCMD_HZ ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_CacheSoundShader ================ */ void idThread::Event_CacheSoundShader( const char *soundName ) { declManager->FindSound( soundName ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_DebugLine ================ */ void idThread::Event_DebugLine( const idVec3 &color, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const float lifetime ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( idVec4( color.x, color.y, color.z, 0.0f ), start, end, SEC2MS( lifetime ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_DebugArrow ================ */ void idThread::Event_DebugArrow( const idVec3 &color, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const int size, const float lifetime ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugArrow( idVec4( color.x, color.y, color.z, 0.0f ), start, end, size, SEC2MS( lifetime ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_DebugCircle ================ */ void idThread::Event_DebugCircle( const idVec3 &color, const idVec3 &origin, const idVec3 &dir, const float radius, const int numSteps, const float lifetime ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugCircle( idVec4( color.x, color.y, color.z, 0.0f ), origin, dir, radius, numSteps, SEC2MS( lifetime ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_DebugBounds ================ */ void idThread::Event_DebugBounds( const idVec3 &color, const idVec3 &mins, const idVec3 &maxs, const float lifetime ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( idVec4( color.x, color.y, color.z, 0.0f ), idBounds( mins, maxs ), vec3_origin, SEC2MS( lifetime ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_DrawText ================ */ void idThread::Event_DrawText( const char *text, const idVec3 &origin, float scale, const idVec3 &color, const int align, const float lifetime ) { gameRenderWorld->DrawText( text, origin, scale, idVec4( color.x, color.y, color.z, 0.0f ), gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer()->viewAngles.ToMat3(), align, SEC2MS( lifetime ) ); } /* ================ idThread::Event_InfluenceActive ================ */ void idThread::Event_InfluenceActive( void ) { idPlayer *player; player = gameLocal.GetLocalPlayer(); if ( player && player->GetInfluenceLevel() ) { idThread::ReturnInt( true ); } else { idThread::ReturnInt( false ); } }