/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #define IDD_GUIED_ABOUT 5000 #define IDD_GUIED_OPTIONS_GRID 5001 #define IDD_GUIED_OPTIONS_GENERAL 5002 #define IDD_GUIED_ITEMPROPS_GENERAL 5003 #define IDD_GUIED_ITEMPROPS_ADVANCED 5004 #define IDD_GUIED_ITEMKEY 5005 #define IDD_GUIED_ALPHA 5006 #define IDD_GUIED_SCRIPTS 5007 #define IDD_GUIED_ITEMPROPS_KEYS 5008 #define IDD_GUIED_ITEM_VARIABLES 5009 #define IDD_GUIED_ITEMPROPS_TEXT 5010 #define IDD_GUIED_ITEMPROPS_IMAGE 5011 #define IDD_GUIED_TRANSFORMER 5012 #define IDD_GUIED_CHECKIN 5013 #define IDR_GUIED_MAIN 5014 #define IDR_GUIED_ACCELERATORS 5015 #define IDR_GUIED_ITEM_POPUP 5016 #define IDR_GUIED_VIEWERTOOLBAR 5017 #define IDI_GUIED 5018 #define IDI_GUIED_NAV_VISIBLE 5019 #define IDI_GUIED_NAV_SCRIPTS 5020 #define IDI_GUIED_NAV_VISIBLEDISABLED 5021 #define IDI_GUIED_NAV_SCRIPTSHI 5022 #define IDI_GUIED_NAV_COLLAPSE 5023 #define IDI_GUIED_NAV_EXPAND 5024 #define IDC_GUIED_OPTIONSTAB 5200 #define IDC_GUIED_GRIDCOLOR 5201 #define IDC_GUIED_SPACINGWIDTH 5202 #define IDC_GUIED_SPACINGHEIGHT 5203 #define IDC_GUIED_GRIDVISIBLE 5204 #define IDC_GUIED_GRIDSNAP 5205 #define IDC_GUIED_WINDOWTREE 5206 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMNAME 5207 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKGROUND 5208 #define IDC_GUIED_TYPE 5209 #define IDC_GUIED_USEMATERIAL 5210 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERMATERIAL 5211 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLOR 5212 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLOR 5213 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLOR 5214 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLOR 5215 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLORALPHA 5216 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXT 5217 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLORALPHA 5218 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTSCALE 5219 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERSIZE 5220 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLORALPHA 5221 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNX 5222 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNY 5223 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEX 5224 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEY 5225 #define IDC_GUIED_USEBACKCOLOR 5226 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLORSTATIC 5227 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEYS 5228 #define IDC_GUIED_ADDKEY 5229 #define IDC_GUIED_EDITKEY 5230 #define IDC_GUIED_DELETEKEY 5231 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEY 5232 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMVALUE 5233 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMVISIBLE 5234 #define IDC_GUIED_SELECTIONCOLOR 5235 #define IDC_GUIED_ALPHA 5236 #define IDC_GUIED_ALPHASLIDER 5237 #define IDC_GUIED_SCRIPT 5238 #define IDC_GUIED_ADDVARIABLE 5239 #define IDC_GUIED_EDITVARIABLE 5240 #define IDC_GUIED_DELETEVARIABLE 5241 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMVARIABLES 5242 #define IDC_GUIED_USETEXT 5243 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGN 5244 #define IDC_GUIED_STATIC_ALIGNMENT 5245 #define IDC_GUIED_STATIC_X 5246 #define IDC_GUIED_STATIC_Y 5247 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLORALPHA 5248 #define IDC_GUIED_STATIC_SCALE 5249 #define IDC_GUIED_STATIC_COLOR 5250 #define IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERCOLOR 5251 #define IDC_GUIED_STATIC_FONT 5252 #define IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERMATERIAL 5253 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT 5254 #define IDC_GUIED_STATIC_FONTSIZE 5255 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMVARIABLEBACKGROUND 5256 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONTSIZE 5257 #define IDC_GUIED_XSCALE_STATIC 5258 #define IDC_GUIED_YSCALE_STATIC 5259 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOEVENTS 5260 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCLIP 5261 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCLIP2 5262 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCURSOR 5263 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOTIME 5264 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMRECTX 5265 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMRECTW 5266 #define IDC_GUIED_IGNOREDESKTOP 5267 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMRECTH 5268 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTNOWRAP 5269 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMRECTY 5270 #define IDC_GUIED_FILENAME 5271 #define IDC_GUIED_COMMENT 5272 #define IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTSCALE_SPIN 5273 #define IDC_GUIED_HAND 5274 #define ID_GUIED_NEW_HTMLDEF 25000 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_NEWSLIDERDEF 25001 #define ID_GUIED_FILE_EXIT 25002 #define ID_GUIED_HELP_ABOUT 25003 #define ID_GUIED_WINDOW_CLOSEALL 25004 #define ID_GUIED_FILE_NEW 25005 #define ID_GUIED_FILE_OPEN 25006 #define ID_GUIED_FILE_CLOSE 25007 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_ZOOMIN 25008 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_ZOOMOUT 25009 #define ID_GUIED_FILE_SAVE 25010 #define ID_GUIED_FILE_SAVEAS 25011 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_SHOWGRID 25012 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_SNAPTOGRID 25013 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_GRIDSETTINGS 25014 #define ID_GUIED_EDIT_CUT 25015 #define ID_GUIED_EDIT_COPY 25016 #define ID_GUIED_EDIT_PASTE 25017 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_OPTIONS 25018 #define ID_GUIED_EDIT_REDO 25019 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_HIDESELECTED 25020 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_SHOWHIDDEN 25021 #define ID_GUIED_EDIT_UNDO 25022 #define ID_GUIED_EDIT_DELETE 25023 #define ID_GUIED_WINDOW_TILE 25024 #define ID_GUIED_WINDOW_SHOWNAVIGATOR 25025 #define ID_GUIED_FILE_MRU 25026 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_NEWEDITDEF 25027 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_NEWSCRIPTDEF 25028 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_PROPERTIES 25029 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ARRANGEBRINGFORWARD 25030 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ARRANGESENDTOBACK 25031 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ARRANGESENDBACKWARD 25032 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ARRANGEBRINGTOFRONT 25033 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ALIGNLEFTS 25034 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ALIGNCENTERS 25035 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ALIGNRIGHTS 25036 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ALIGNTOPS 25037 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ALIGNMIDDLES 25038 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ALIGNBOTTOMS 25039 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_MAKESAMESIZEWIDTH 25040 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_MAKESAMESIZEHEIGHT 25041 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_MAKESAMESIZEBOTH 25042 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_SCRIPTS 25043 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_ARRANGEMAKECHILD 25044 #define ID_GUIED_TOOLS_VIEWER 25045 #define ID_GUIED_WINDOW_CASCADE 25046 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_NEWWINDOWDEF 25047 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_UNHIDESELECTED 25048 #define ID_GUIED_WINDOW_SHOWTRANSFORMER 25049 #define ID_GUIED_TOOLS_RELOADMATERIALS 25050 #define ID_GUIED_SOURCECONTROL_CHECKIN 25051 #define ID_GUIED_SOURCECONTROL_CHECKOUT 25052 #define ID_GUIED_SOURCECONTROL_UNDOCHECKOUT 25053 #define ID_GUIED_SOURCECONTROL_GETLATESTVERSION 25054 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_NEWHTMLDEF 25055 #define ID_GUIED_VIEW_STATUSBAR 25056 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_NEWCHOICEDEF 25057 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_NEWBINDDEF 25058 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_NEWLISTDEF 25059 #define ID_GUIED_WINDOW_SHOWPROPERTIES 25060 #define ID_GUIED_ITEM_NEWRENDERDEF 25061 #define ID_GUIED_VIEWER_PAUSE 25062 #define ID_GUIED_VIEWER_PLAY 25063 #define ID_GUIED_VIEWER_START 25064 // Next default values for new objects // #ifdef APSTUDIO_INVOKED #ifndef APSTUDIO_READONLY_SYMBOLS #define _APS_3D_CONTROLS 1 #define _APS_NEXT_RESOURCE_VALUE 5025 #define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 25065 #define _APS_NEXT_CONTROL_VALUE 5275 #define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 5025 #endif #endif