/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "idlib/LangDict.h" #include "framework/Session.h" #include "sound/sound.h" #include "ui/Window.h" #include "ui/Winvar.h" #include "ui/UserInterfaceLocal.h" #include "ui/GuiScript.h" /* ========================= Script_Set ========================= */ void Script_Set(idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src) { idStr key, val; idWinStr *dest = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[0].var); if (dest) { if (idStr::Icmp(*dest, "cmd") == 0) { dest = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[1].var); int parmCount = src->Num(); if (parmCount > 2) { val = dest->c_str(); int i = 2; while (i < parmCount) { val += " \""; val += (*src)[i].var->c_str(); val += "\""; i++; } window->AddCommand(val); } else { window->AddCommand(*dest); } return; } } (*src)[0].var->Set((*src)[1].var->c_str()); (*src)[0].var->SetEval(false); } /* ========================= Script_SetFocus ========================= */ void Script_SetFocus(idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src) { idWinStr *parm = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[0].var); if (parm) { drawWin_t *win = window->GetGui()->GetDesktop()->FindChildByName(*parm); if (win && win->win) { window->SetFocus(win->win); } } } /* ========================= Script_ShowCursor ========================= */ void Script_ShowCursor(idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src) { idWinStr *parm = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[0].var); if ( parm ) { if ( atoi( *parm ) ) { window->GetGui()->GetDesktop()->ClearFlag( WIN_NOCURSOR ); } else { window->GetGui()->GetDesktop()->SetFlag( WIN_NOCURSOR ); } } } /* ========================= Script_RunScript run scripts must come after any set cmd set's in the script ========================= */ void Script_RunScript(idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src) { idWinStr *parm = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[0].var); if (parm) { idStr str = window->cmd; str += " ; runScript "; str += parm->c_str(); window->cmd = str; } } /* ========================= Script_LocalSound ========================= */ void Script_LocalSound(idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src) { idWinStr *parm = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[0].var); if (parm) { session->sw->PlayShaderDirectly(*parm); } } /* ========================= Script_EvalRegs ========================= */ void Script_EvalRegs(idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src) { window->EvalRegs(-1, true); } /* ========================= Script_EndGame ========================= */ void Script_EndGame( idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src ) { cvarSystem->SetCVarBool( "g_nightmare", true ); cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_APPEND, "disconnect\n" ); } /* ========================= Script_ResetTime ========================= */ void Script_ResetTime(idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src) { idWinStr *parm = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[0].var); drawWin_t *win = NULL; if (parm && src->Num() > 1) { win = window->GetGui()->GetDesktop()->FindChildByName(*parm); parm = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[1].var); } if (win && win->win) { win->win->ResetTime(atoi(*parm)); win->win->EvalRegs(-1, true); } else { window->ResetTime(atoi(*parm)); window->EvalRegs(-1, true); } } /* ========================= Script_ResetCinematics ========================= */ void Script_ResetCinematics(idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src) { window->ResetCinematics(); } /* ========================= Script_Transition ========================= */ void Script_Transition(idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src) { // transitions always affect rect or vec4 vars if (src->Num() >= 4) { idWinRectangle *rect = NULL; idWinVec4 *vec4 = dynamic_cast<idWinVec4*>((*src)[0].var); // // added float variable idWinFloat* val = NULL; // if (vec4 == NULL) { rect = dynamic_cast<idWinRectangle*>((*src)[0].var); // // added float variable if ( NULL == rect ) { val = dynamic_cast<idWinFloat*>((*src)[0].var); } // } idWinVec4 *from = dynamic_cast<idWinVec4*>((*src)[1].var); idWinVec4 *to = dynamic_cast<idWinVec4*>((*src)[2].var); idWinStr *timeStr = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[3].var); // // added float variable if (!((vec4 || rect || val) && from && to && timeStr)) { // common->Warning("Bad transition in gui %s in window %s\n", window->GetGui()->GetSourceFile(), window->GetName()); return; } int time = atoi(*timeStr); float ac = 0.0f; float dc = 0.0f; if (src->Num() > 4) { idWinStr *acv = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[4].var); idWinStr *dcv = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>((*src)[5].var); assert(acv && dcv); ac = atof(*acv); dc = atof(*dcv); } if (vec4) { vec4->SetEval(false); window->AddTransition(vec4, *from, *to, time, ac, dc); // // added float variable } else if ( val ) { val->SetEval ( false ); window->AddTransition(val, *from, *to, time, ac, dc); // } else { rect->SetEval(false); window->AddTransition(rect, *from, *to, time, ac, dc); } window->StartTransition(); } } typedef struct { const char *name; void (*handler) (idWindow *window, idList<idGSWinVar> *src); int mMinParms; int mMaxParms; } guiCommandDef_t; guiCommandDef_t commandList[] = { { "set", Script_Set, 2, 999 }, { "setFocus", Script_SetFocus, 1, 1 }, { "endGame", Script_EndGame, 0, 0 }, { "resetTime", Script_ResetTime, 0, 2 }, { "showCursor", Script_ShowCursor, 1, 1 }, { "resetCinematics", Script_ResetCinematics, 0, 2 }, { "transition", Script_Transition, 4, 6 }, { "localSound", Script_LocalSound, 1, 1 }, { "runScript", Script_RunScript, 1, 1 }, { "evalRegs", Script_EvalRegs, 0, 0 } }; int scriptCommandCount = sizeof(commandList) / sizeof(guiCommandDef_t); /* ========================= idGuiScript::idGuiScript ========================= */ idGuiScript::idGuiScript() { ifList = NULL; elseList = NULL; conditionReg = -1; handler = NULL; parms.SetGranularity( 2 ); } /* ========================= idGuiScript::~idGuiScript ========================= */ idGuiScript::~idGuiScript() { delete ifList; delete elseList; int c = parms.Num(); for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ ) { if ( parms[i].own ) { delete parms[i].var; } } } /* ========================= idGuiScript::WriteToSaveGame ========================= */ void idGuiScript::WriteToSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) { int i; if ( ifList ) { ifList->WriteToSaveGame( savefile ); } if ( elseList ) { elseList->WriteToSaveGame( savefile ); } savefile->Write( &conditionReg, sizeof( conditionReg ) ); for ( i = 0; i < parms.Num(); i++ ) { if ( parms[i].own ) { parms[i].var->WriteToSaveGame( savefile ); } } } /* ========================= idGuiScript::ReadFromSaveGame ========================= */ void idGuiScript::ReadFromSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) { int i; if ( ifList ) { ifList->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile ); } if ( elseList ) { elseList->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile ); } savefile->Read( &conditionReg, sizeof( conditionReg ) ); for ( i = 0; i < parms.Num(); i++ ) { if ( parms[i].own ) { parms[i].var->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile ); } } } /* ========================= idGuiScript::Parse ========================= */ bool idGuiScript::Parse(idParser *src) { int i; // first token should be function call // then a potentially variable set of parms // ended with a ; idToken token; if ( !src->ReadToken(&token) ) { src->Error( "Unexpected end of file" ); return false; } handler = NULL; for ( i = 0; i < scriptCommandCount ; i++ ) { if ( idStr::Icmp(token, commandList[i].name) == 0 ) { handler = commandList[i].handler; break; } } if (handler == NULL) { src->Error("Uknown script call %s", token.c_str()); } // now read parms til ; // all parms are read as idWinStr's but will be fixed up later // to be proper types while (1) { if ( !src->ReadToken(&token) ) { src->Error( "Unexpected end of file" ); return false; } if (idStr::Icmp(token, ";") == 0) { break; } if (idStr::Icmp(token, "}") == 0) { src->UnreadToken(&token); break; } idWinStr *str = new idWinStr(); *str = token; idGSWinVar wv; wv.own = true; wv.var = str; parms.Append( wv ); } // // verify min/max params if ( handler && (parms.Num() < commandList[i].mMinParms || parms.Num() > commandList[i].mMaxParms ) ) { src->Error("incorrect number of parameters for script %s", commandList[i].name ); } // return true; } /* ========================= idGuiScriptList::Execute ========================= */ void idGuiScriptList::Execute(idWindow *win) { int c = list.Num(); for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { idGuiScript *gs = list[i]; assert(gs); if (gs->conditionReg >= 0) { if (win->HasOps()) { float f = win->EvalRegs(gs->conditionReg); if (f) { if (gs->ifList) { win->RunScriptList(gs->ifList); } } else if (gs->elseList) { win->RunScriptList(gs->elseList); } } } gs->Execute(win); } } /* ========================= idGuiScriptList::FixupParms ========================= */ void idGuiScript::FixupParms(idWindow *win) { if (handler == &Script_Set) { bool precacheBackground = false; bool precacheSounds = false; idWinStr *str = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>(parms[0].var); assert(str); idWinVar *dest = win->GetWinVarByName(*str, true); if (dest) { delete parms[0].var; parms[0].var = dest; parms[0].own = false; if ( dynamic_cast<idWinBackground *>(dest) != NULL ) { precacheBackground = true; } } else if ( idStr::Icmp( str->c_str(), "cmd" ) == 0 ) { precacheSounds = true; } int parmCount = parms.Num(); for (int i = 1; i < parmCount; i++) { idWinStr *str = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>(parms[i].var); if (idStr::Icmpn(*str, "gui::", 5) == 0) { // always use a string here, no point using a float if it is one // FIXME: This creates duplicate variables, while not technically a problem since they // are all bound to the same guiDict, it does consume extra memory and is generally a bad thing idWinStr* defvar = new idWinStr(); defvar->Init ( *str, win ); win->AddDefinedVar ( defvar ); delete parms[i].var; parms[i].var = defvar; parms[i].own = false; //dest = win->GetWinVarByName(*str, true); //if (dest) { // delete parms[i].var; // parms[i].var = dest; // parms[i].own = false; //} // } else if ((*str[0]) == '$') { // // dont include the $ when asking for variable dest = win->GetGui()->GetDesktop()->GetWinVarByName((const char*)(*str) + 1, true); // if (dest) { delete parms[i].var; parms[i].var = dest; parms[i].own = false; } } else if ( idStr::Cmpn( str->c_str(), STRTABLE_ID, STRTABLE_ID_LENGTH ) == 0 ) { str->Set( common->GetLanguageDict()->GetString( str->c_str() ) ); } else if ( precacheBackground ) { const idMaterial *mat = declManager->FindMaterial( str->c_str() ); mat->SetSort( SS_GUI ); } else if ( precacheSounds ) { // Search for "play <...>" idToken token; idParser parser( LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS | LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT ); parser.LoadMemory(str->c_str(), str->Length(), "command"); while ( parser.ReadToken(&token) ) { if ( token.Icmp("play") == 0 ) { if ( parser.ReadToken(&token) && ( token != "" ) ) { declManager->FindSound( token.c_str() ); } } } } } } else if (handler == &Script_Transition) { if (parms.Num() < 4) { common->Warning("Window %s in gui %s has a bad transition definition", win->GetName(), win->GetGui()->GetSourceFile()); } idWinStr *str = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>(parms[0].var); assert(str); // drawWin_t *destowner; idWinVar *dest = win->GetWinVarByName(*str, true, &destowner ); // if (dest) { delete parms[0].var; parms[0].var = dest; parms[0].own = false; } else { common->Warning("Window %s in gui %s: a transition does not have a valid destination var %s", win->GetName(), win->GetGui()->GetSourceFile(),str->c_str()); } // // support variables as parameters int c; for ( c = 1; c < 3; c ++ ) { str = dynamic_cast<idWinStr*>(parms[c].var); idWinVec4 *v4 = new idWinVec4; parms[c].var = v4; parms[c].own = true; drawWin_t* owner; if ( (*str[0]) == '$' ) { dest = win->GetWinVarByName ( (const char*)(*str) + 1, true, &owner ); } else { dest = NULL; } if ( dest ) { idWindow* ownerparent; idWindow* destparent; if ( owner ) { ownerparent = owner->simp?owner->simp->GetParent():owner->win->GetParent(); destparent = destowner->simp?destowner->simp->GetParent():destowner->win->GetParent(); // If its the rectangle they are referencing then adjust it if ( ownerparent && destparent && (dest == (owner->simp?owner->simp->GetWinVarByName ( "rect" ):owner->win->GetWinVarByName ( "rect" ) ) ) ) { idRectangle rect; rect = *(dynamic_cast<idWinRectangle*>(dest)); ownerparent->ClientToScreen ( &rect ); destparent->ScreenToClient ( &rect ); *v4 = rect.ToVec4 ( ); } else { v4->Set ( dest->c_str ( ) ); } } else { v4->Set ( dest->c_str ( ) ); } } else { v4->Set(*str); } delete str; } // } else { int c = parms.Num(); for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { parms[i].var->Init(parms[i].var->c_str(), win); } } } /* ========================= idGuiScriptList::FixupParms ========================= */ void idGuiScriptList::FixupParms(idWindow *win) { int c = list.Num(); for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) { idGuiScript *gs = list[i]; gs->FixupParms(win); if (gs->ifList) { gs->ifList->FixupParms(win); } if (gs->elseList) { gs->elseList->FixupParms(win); } } } /* ========================= idGuiScriptList::WriteToSaveGame ========================= */ void idGuiScriptList::WriteToSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < list.Num(); i++ ) { list[i]->WriteToSaveGame( savefile ); } } /* ========================= idGuiScriptList::ReadFromSaveGame ========================= */ void idGuiScriptList::ReadFromSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < list.Num(); i++ ) { list[i]->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile ); } }