/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "framework/FileSystem.h" #include "tools/compilers/aas/BrushBSP.h" #define BSP_GRID_SIZE 512.0f #define SPLITTER_EPSILON 0.1f #define VERTEX_MELT_EPSILON 0.1f #define VERTEX_MELT_HASH_SIZE 32 #define PORTAL_PLANE_NORMAL_EPSILON 0.00001f #define PORTAL_PLANE_DIST_EPSILON 0.01f //#define OUPUT_BSP_STATS_PER_GRID_CELL //=============================================================== // // idBrushBSPPortal // //=============================================================== /* ============ idBrushBSPPortal::idBrushBSPPortal ============ */ idBrushBSPPortal::idBrushBSPPortal( void ) { planeNum = -1; winding = NULL; nodes[0] = nodes[1] = NULL; next[0] = next[1] = NULL; faceNum = 0; flags = 0; } /* ============ idBrushBSPPortal::~idBrushBSPPortal ============ */ idBrushBSPPortal::~idBrushBSPPortal( void ) { if ( winding ) { delete winding; } } /* ============ idBrushBSPPortal::AddToNodes ============ */ void idBrushBSPPortal::AddToNodes( idBrushBSPNode *front, idBrushBSPNode *back ) { if ( nodes[0] || nodes[1] ) { common->Error( "AddToNode: allready included" ); } assert( front && back ); nodes[0] = front; next[0] = front->portals; front->portals = this; nodes[1] = back; next[1] = back->portals; back->portals = this; } /* ============ idBrushBSPPortal::RemoveFromNode ============ */ void idBrushBSPPortal::RemoveFromNode( idBrushBSPNode *l ) { idBrushBSPPortal **pp, *t; // remove reference to the current portal pp = &l->portals; while (1) { t = *pp; if ( !t ) { common->Error( "idBrushBSPPortal::RemoveFromNode: portal not in node" ); } if ( t == this ) { break; } if ( t->nodes[0] == l ) { pp = &t->next[0]; } else if ( t->nodes[1] == l ) { pp = &t->next[1]; } else { common->Error( "idBrushBSPPortal::RemoveFromNode: portal not bounding node" ); } } if ( nodes[0] == l ) { *pp = next[0]; nodes[0] = NULL; } else if ( nodes[1] == l ) { *pp = next[1]; nodes[1] = NULL; } else { common->Error( "idBrushBSPPortal::RemoveFromNode: mislinked portal" ); } } /* ============ idBrushBSPPortal::Flip ============ */ void idBrushBSPPortal::Flip( void ) { idBrushBSPNode *frontNode, *backNode; frontNode = nodes[0]; backNode = nodes[1]; if ( frontNode ) { RemoveFromNode( frontNode ); } if ( backNode ) { RemoveFromNode( backNode ); } AddToNodes( frontNode, backNode ); plane = -plane; planeNum ^= 1; winding->ReverseSelf(); } /* ============ idBrushBSPPortal::Split ============ */ int idBrushBSPPortal::Split( const idPlane &splitPlane, idBrushBSPPortal **front, idBrushBSPPortal **back ) { idWinding *frontWinding, *backWinding; (*front) = (*back) = NULL; winding->Split( splitPlane, 0.1f, &frontWinding, &backWinding ); if ( frontWinding ) { (*front) = new idBrushBSPPortal(); (*front)->plane = plane; (*front)->planeNum = planeNum; (*front)->flags = flags; (*front)->winding = frontWinding; } if ( backWinding ) { (*back) = new idBrushBSPPortal(); (*back)->plane = plane; (*back)->planeNum = planeNum; (*back)->flags = flags; (*back)->winding = backWinding; } if ( frontWinding && backWinding ) { return PLANESIDE_CROSS; } else if ( frontWinding ) { return PLANESIDE_FRONT; } else { return PLANESIDE_BACK; } } //=============================================================== // // idBrushBSPNode // //=============================================================== /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::idBrushBSPNode ============ */ idBrushBSPNode::idBrushBSPNode( void ) { brushList.Clear(); contents = 0; flags = 0; volume = NULL; portals = NULL; children[0] = children[1] = NULL; areaNum = 0; occupied = 0; } /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::~idBrushBSPNode ============ */ idBrushBSPNode::~idBrushBSPNode( void ) { idBrushBSPPortal *p; // delete brushes brushList.Free(); // delete volume brush if ( volume ) { delete volume; } // delete portals for ( p = portals; p; p = portals ) { p->RemoveFromNode( this ); if ( !p->nodes[0] && !p->nodes[1] ) { delete p; } } } /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::SetContentsFromBrushes ============ */ void idBrushBSPNode::SetContentsFromBrushes( void ) { idBrush *brush; contents = 0; for ( brush = brushList.Head(); brush; brush = brush->Next() ) { contents |= brush->GetContents(); } } /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::GetPortalBounds ============ */ idBounds idBrushBSPNode::GetPortalBounds( void ) { int s, i; idBrushBSPPortal *p; idBounds bounds; bounds.Clear(); for ( p = portals; p; p = p->next[s] ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == this); for ( i = 0; i < p->winding->GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { bounds.AddPoint( (*p->winding)[i].ToVec3() ); } } return bounds; } /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::TestLeafNode ============ */ bool idBrushBSPNode::TestLeafNode( void ) { int s, n; float d; idBrushBSPPortal *p; idVec3 center; idPlane plane; n = 0; center = vec3_origin; for ( p = portals; p; p = p->next[s] ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == this); center += p->winding->GetCenter(); n++; } center /= n; for ( p = portals; p; p = p->next[s] ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == this); if ( s ) { plane = -p->GetPlane(); } else { plane = p->GetPlane(); } d = plane.Distance( center ); if ( d < 0.0f ) { return false; } } return true; } /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::Split ============ */ bool idBrushBSPNode::Split( const idPlane &splitPlane, int splitPlaneNum ) { int s, i; idWinding *mid; idBrushBSPPortal *p, *midPortal, *newPortals[2]; idBrushBSPNode *newNodes[2]; mid = new idWinding( splitPlane.Normal(), splitPlane.Dist() ); for ( p = portals; p && mid; p = p->next[s] ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == this); if ( s ) { mid = mid->Clip( -p->plane, 0.1f, false ); } else { mid = mid->Clip( p->plane, 0.1f, false ); } } if ( !mid ) { return false; } // allocate two new nodes for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { newNodes[i] = new idBrushBSPNode(); newNodes[i]->flags = flags; newNodes[i]->contents = contents; newNodes[i]->parent = this; } // split all portals of the node for ( p = portals; p; p = portals ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == this); p->Split( splitPlane, &newPortals[0], &newPortals[1] ); for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( newPortals[i] ) { if ( s ) { newPortals[i]->AddToNodes( p->nodes[0], newNodes[i] ); } else { newPortals[i]->AddToNodes( newNodes[i], p->nodes[1] ); } } } p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[0] ); p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[1] ); delete p; } // add seperating portal midPortal = new idBrushBSPPortal(); midPortal->plane = splitPlane; midPortal->planeNum = splitPlaneNum; midPortal->winding = mid; midPortal->AddToNodes( newNodes[0], newNodes[1] ); // set new child nodes children[0] = newNodes[0]; children[1] = newNodes[1]; plane = splitPlane; return true; } /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::PlaneSide ============ */ int idBrushBSPNode::PlaneSide( const idPlane &plane, float epsilon ) const { int s, side; idBrushBSPPortal *p; bool front, back; front = back = false; for ( p = portals; p; p = p->next[s] ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == this); side = p->winding->PlaneSide( plane, epsilon ); if ( side == SIDE_CROSS || side == SIDE_ON) { return side; } if ( side == SIDE_FRONT ) { if ( back ) { return SIDE_CROSS; } front = true; } if ( side == SIDE_BACK ) { if ( front ) { return SIDE_CROSS; } back = true; } } if ( front ) { return SIDE_FRONT; } return SIDE_BACK; } /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::RemoveFlagFlood ============ */ void idBrushBSPNode::RemoveFlagFlood( int flag ) { int s; idBrushBSPPortal *p; RemoveFlag( flag ); for ( p = GetPortals(); p; p = p->Next(s) ) { s = (p->GetNode(1) == this); if ( !(p->GetNode( !s )->GetFlags() & flag ) ) { continue; } p->GetNode( !s )->RemoveFlagFlood( flag ); } } /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::RemoveFlagRecurse ============ */ void idBrushBSPNode::RemoveFlagRecurse( int flag ) { RemoveFlag( flag ); if ( children[0] ) { children[0]->RemoveFlagRecurse( flag ); } if ( children[1] ) { children[1]->RemoveFlagRecurse( flag ); } } /* ============ idBrushBSPNode::RemoveFlagRecurseFlood ============ */ void idBrushBSPNode::RemoveFlagRecurseFlood( int flag ) { RemoveFlag( flag ); if ( !children[0] && !children[1] ) { RemoveFlagFlood( flag ); } else { if ( children[0] ) { children[0]->RemoveFlagRecurseFlood( flag ); } if ( children[1] ) { children[1]->RemoveFlagRecurseFlood( flag ); } } } //=============================================================== // // idBrushBSP // //=============================================================== /* ============ idBrushBSP::idBrushBSP ============ */ idBrushBSP::idBrushBSP( void ) { root = outside = NULL; numSplits = numPrunedSplits = 0; brushMapContents = 0; brushMap = NULL; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::~idBrushBSP ============ */ idBrushBSP::~idBrushBSP( void ) { RemoveMultipleLeafNodeReferences_r( root ); Free_r( root ); if ( outside ) { delete outside; } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::RemoveMultipleLeafNodeReferences_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::RemoveMultipleLeafNodeReferences_r( idBrushBSPNode *node ) { if ( !node ) { return; } if ( node->children[0] ) { if ( node->children[0]->parent != node ) { node->children[0] = NULL; } else { RemoveMultipleLeafNodeReferences_r( node->children[0] ); } } if ( node->children[1] ) { if ( node->children[1]->parent != node ) { node->children[1] = NULL; } else { RemoveMultipleLeafNodeReferences_r( node->children[1] ); } } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::Free_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::Free_r( idBrushBSPNode *node ) { if ( !node ) { return; } Free_r( node->children[0] ); Free_r( node->children[1] ); delete node; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::IsValidSplitter ============ */ ID_INLINE bool idBrushBSP::IsValidSplitter( const idBrushSide *side ) { return !( side->GetFlags() & ( SFL_SPLIT | SFL_USED_SPLITTER ) ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::BrushSplitterStats ============ */ typedef struct splitterStats_s { int numFront; // number of brushes at the front of the splitter int numBack; // number of brushes at the back of the splitter int numSplits; // number of brush sides split by the splitter int numFacing; // number of brushes facing this splitter int epsilonBrushes; // number of tiny brushes this splitter would create } splitterStats_t; int idBrushBSP::BrushSplitterStats( const idBrush *brush, int planeNum, const idPlaneSet &planeList, bool *testedPlanes, struct splitterStats_s &stats ) { int i, j, num, s, lastNumSplits; const idPlane *plane; const idWinding *w; float d, d_front, d_back, brush_front, brush_back; plane = &planeList[planeNum]; // get the plane side for the brush bounds s = brush->GetBounds().PlaneSide( *plane, SPLITTER_EPSILON ); if ( s == PLANESIDE_FRONT ) { stats.numFront++; return BRUSH_PLANESIDE_FRONT; } if ( s == PLANESIDE_BACK ) { stats.numBack++; return BRUSH_PLANESIDE_BACK; } // if the brush actually uses the planenum, we can tell the side for sure for ( i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ ) { num = brush->GetSide( i )->GetPlaneNum(); if ( !(( num ^ planeNum ) >> 1) ) { if ( num == planeNum ) { stats.numBack++; stats.numFacing++; return ( BRUSH_PLANESIDE_BACK | BRUSH_PLANESIDE_FACING ); } if ( num == ( planeNum ^ 1 ) ) { stats.numFront++; stats.numFacing++; return ( BRUSH_PLANESIDE_FRONT | BRUSH_PLANESIDE_FACING ); } } } lastNumSplits = stats.numSplits; brush_front = brush_back = 0.0f; for ( i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ ) { if ( !IsValidSplitter( brush->GetSide( i ) ) ) { continue; } j = brush->GetSide( i )->GetPlaneNum(); if ( testedPlanes[j] || testedPlanes[j^1] ) { continue; } w = brush->GetSide(i)->GetWinding(); if ( !w ) { continue; } d_front = d_back = 0.0f; for ( j = 0; j < w->GetNumPoints(); j++ ) { d = plane->Distance( (*w)[j].ToVec3() ); if ( d > d_front ) { d_front = d; } else if ( d < d_back ) { d_back = d; } } if ( d_front > SPLITTER_EPSILON && d_back < -SPLITTER_EPSILON ) { stats.numSplits++; } if ( d_front > brush_front ) { brush_front = d_front; } else if ( d_back < brush_back ) { brush_back = d_back; } } // if brush sides are split and the brush only pokes one unit through the plane if ( stats.numSplits > lastNumSplits && (brush_front < 1.0f || brush_back > -1.0f) ) { stats.epsilonBrushes++; } return BRUSH_PLANESIDE_BOTH; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::FindSplitter ============ */ int idBrushBSP::FindSplitter( idBrushBSPNode *node, const idPlaneSet &planeList, bool *testedPlanes, struct splitterStats_s &bestStats ) { int i, planeNum, bestSplitter, value, bestValue, f, numBrushSides; idBrush *brush, *b; splitterStats_t stats; memset( testedPlanes, 0, planeList.Num() * sizeof( bool ) ); bestSplitter = -1; bestValue = -99999999; for ( brush = node->brushList.Head(); brush; brush = brush->Next() ) { if ( brush->GetFlags() & BFL_NO_VALID_SPLITTERS ) { continue; } for ( i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ ) { if ( !IsValidSplitter( brush->GetSide(i) ) ) { continue; } planeNum = brush->GetSide(i)->GetPlaneNum(); if ( testedPlanes[planeNum] || testedPlanes[planeNum^1] ) { continue; } testedPlanes[planeNum] = testedPlanes[planeNum^1] = true; if ( node->volume->Split( planeList[planeNum], planeNum, NULL, NULL ) != PLANESIDE_CROSS ) { continue; } memset( &stats, 0, sizeof( stats ) ); f = 15 + 5 * (brush->GetSide(i)->GetPlane().Type() < PLANETYPE_TRUEAXIAL); numBrushSides = node->brushList.NumSides(); for ( b = node->brushList.Head(); b; b = b->Next() ) { // if the brush has no valid splitters left if ( b->GetFlags() & BFL_NO_VALID_SPLITTERS ) { b->SetPlaneSide( BRUSH_PLANESIDE_BOTH ); } else { b->SetPlaneSide( BrushSplitterStats( b, planeNum, planeList, testedPlanes, stats ) ); } numBrushSides -= b->GetNumSides(); // best value we can get using this plane as a splitter value = f * (stats.numFacing + numBrushSides) - 10 * stats.numSplits - stats.epsilonBrushes * 1000; // if the best value for this plane can't get any better than the best value we have if ( value < bestValue ) { break; } } if ( b ) { continue; } value = f * stats.numFacing - 10 * stats.numSplits - abs(stats.numFront - stats.numBack) - stats.epsilonBrushes * 1000; if ( value > bestValue ) { bestValue = value; bestSplitter = planeNum; bestStats = stats; for ( b = node->brushList.Head(); b; b = b->Next() ) { b->SavePlaneSide(); } } } } return bestSplitter; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::SetSplitterUsed ============ */ void idBrushBSP::SetSplitterUsed( idBrushBSPNode *node, int planeNum ) { int i, numValidBrushSplitters; idBrush *brush; for ( brush = node->brushList.Head(); brush; brush = brush->Next() ) { if ( !( brush->GetSavedPlaneSide() & BRUSH_PLANESIDE_FACING ) ) { continue; } numValidBrushSplitters = 0; for ( i = 0; i < brush->GetNumSides(); i++ ) { if ( !(( brush->GetSide(i)->GetPlaneNum() ^ planeNum ) >> 1) ) { brush->GetSide(i)->SetFlag( SFL_USED_SPLITTER ); } else if ( IsValidSplitter( brush->GetSide(i) ) ) { numValidBrushSplitters++; } } if ( numValidBrushSplitters == 0 ) { brush->SetFlag( BFL_NO_VALID_SPLITTERS ); } } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::BuildBrushBSP_r ============ */ idBrushBSPNode *idBrushBSP::BuildBrushBSP_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, const idPlaneSet &planeList, bool *testedPlanes, int skipContents ) { int planeNum; splitterStats_t bestStats; planeNum = FindSplitter( node, planeList, testedPlanes, bestStats ); // if no split plane found this is a leaf node if ( planeNum == -1 ) { node->SetContentsFromBrushes(); if ( brushMap && ( node->contents & brushMapContents ) ) { brushMap->WriteBrush( node->volume ); } // free node memory node->brushList.Free(); delete node->volume; node->volume = NULL; node->children[0] = node->children[1] = NULL; return node; } numSplits++; numGridCellSplits++; // mark all brush sides on the split plane as used SetSplitterUsed( node, planeNum ); // set node split plane node->plane = planeList[planeNum]; // allocate children node->children[0] = new idBrushBSPNode(); node->children[1] = new idBrushBSPNode(); // split node volume and brush list for children node->volume->Split( node->plane, -1, &node->children[0]->volume, &node->children[1]->volume ); node->brushList.Split( node->plane, -1, node->children[0]->brushList, node->children[1]->brushList, true ); node->children[0]->parent = node->children[1]->parent = node; // free node memory node->brushList.Free(); delete node->volume; node->volume = NULL; // process children node->children[0] = BuildBrushBSP_r( node->children[0], planeList, testedPlanes, skipContents ); node->children[1] = BuildBrushBSP_r( node->children[1], planeList, testedPlanes, skipContents ); // if both children contain the skip contents if ( node->children[0]->contents & node->children[1]->contents & skipContents ) { node->contents = node->children[0]->contents | node->children[1]->contents; delete node->children[0]; delete node->children[1]; node->children[0] = node->children[1] = NULL; numSplits--; numGridCellSplits--; } return node; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::ProcessGridCell ============ */ idBrushBSPNode *idBrushBSP::ProcessGridCell( idBrushBSPNode *node, int skipContents ) { idPlaneSet planeList; bool *testedPlanes; #ifdef OUPUT_BSP_STATS_PER_GRID_CELL common->Printf( "[Grid Cell %d]\n", ++numGridCells ); common->Printf( "%6d brushes\n", node->brushList.Num() ); #endif numGridCellSplits = 0; // chop away all brush overlap node->brushList.Chop( BrushChopAllowed ); // merge brushes if possible //node->brushList.Merge( BrushMergeAllowed ); // create a list with planes for this grid cell node->brushList.CreatePlaneList( planeList ); #ifdef OUPUT_BSP_STATS_PER_GRID_CELL common->Printf( "[Grid Cell BSP]\n" ); #endif testedPlanes = new bool[planeList.Num()]; BuildBrushBSP_r( node, planeList, testedPlanes, skipContents ); delete testedPlanes; #ifdef OUPUT_BSP_STATS_PER_GRID_CELL common->Printf( "\r%6d splits\n", numGridCellSplits ); #endif return node; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::BuildGrid_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::BuildGrid_r( idList &gridCells, idBrushBSPNode *node ) { int axis; float dist; idBounds bounds; idVec3 normal, halfSize; if ( !node->brushList.Num() ) { delete node->volume; node->volume = NULL; node->children[0] = node->children[1] = NULL; return; } bounds = node->volume->GetBounds(); halfSize = (bounds[1] - bounds[0]) * 0.5f; for ( axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++ ) { if ( halfSize[axis] > BSP_GRID_SIZE ) { dist = BSP_GRID_SIZE * ( floor( (bounds[0][axis] + halfSize[axis]) / BSP_GRID_SIZE ) + 1 ); } else { dist = BSP_GRID_SIZE * ( floor( bounds[0][axis] / BSP_GRID_SIZE ) + 1 ); } if ( dist > bounds[0][axis] + 1.0f && dist < bounds[1][axis] - 1.0f ) { break; } } if ( axis >= 3 ) { gridCells.Append( node ); return; } numSplits++; normal = vec3_origin; normal[axis] = 1.0f; node->plane.SetNormal( normal ); node->plane.SetDist( (int) dist ); // allocate children node->children[0] = new idBrushBSPNode(); node->children[1] = new idBrushBSPNode(); // split volume and brush list for children node->volume->Split( node->plane, -1, &node->children[0]->volume, &node->children[1]->volume ); node->brushList.Split( node->plane, -1, node->children[0]->brushList, node->children[1]->brushList ); node->children[0]->brushList.SetFlagOnFacingBrushSides( node->plane, SFL_USED_SPLITTER ); node->children[1]->brushList.SetFlagOnFacingBrushSides( node->plane, SFL_USED_SPLITTER ); node->children[0]->parent = node->children[1]->parent = node; // free node memory node->brushList.Free(); delete node->volume; node->volume = NULL; // process children BuildGrid_r( gridCells, node->children[0] ); BuildGrid_r( gridCells, node->children[1] ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::Build ============ */ void idBrushBSP::Build( idBrushList brushList, int skipContents, bool (*ChopAllowed)( idBrush *b1, idBrush *b2 ), bool (*MergeAllowed)( idBrush *b1, idBrush *b2 ) ) { int i; idList gridCells; common->Printf( "[Brush BSP]\n" ); common->Printf( "%6d brushes\n", brushList.Num() ); BrushChopAllowed = ChopAllowed; BrushMergeAllowed = MergeAllowed; numGridCells = 0; treeBounds = brushList.GetBounds(); root = new idBrushBSPNode(); root->brushList = brushList; root->volume = new idBrush(); root->volume->FromBounds( treeBounds ); root->parent = NULL; BuildGrid_r( gridCells, root ); common->Printf( "\r%6d grid cells\n", gridCells.Num() ); #ifdef OUPUT_BSP_STATS_PER_GRID_CELL for ( i = 0; i < gridCells.Num(); i++ ) { ProcessGridCell( gridCells[i], skipContents ); } #else common->Printf( "\r%6d %%", 0 ); for ( i = 0; i < gridCells.Num(); i++ ) { DisplayRealTimeString( "\r%6d", i * 100 / gridCells.Num() ); ProcessGridCell( gridCells[i], skipContents ); } common->Printf( "\r%6d %%\n", 100 ); #endif common->Printf( "\r%6d splits\n", numSplits ); if ( brushMap ) { delete brushMap; } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::WriteBrushMap ============ */ void idBrushBSP::WriteBrushMap( const idStr &fileName, const idStr &ext, int contents ) { brushMap = new idBrushMap( fileName, ext ); brushMapContents = contents; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::PruneTree_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::PruneTree_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, int contents ) { int i, s; idBrushBSPNode *nodes[2]; idBrushBSPPortal *p, *nextp; if ( !node->children[0] || !node->children[1] ) { return; } PruneTree_r( node->children[0], contents ); PruneTree_r( node->children[1], contents ); if ( ( node->children[0]->contents & node->children[1]->contents & contents ) ) { node->contents = node->children[0]->contents | node->children[1]->contents; // move all child portals to parent for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { for ( p = node->children[i]->portals; p; p = nextp ) { s = ( p->nodes[1] == node->children[i] ); nextp = p->next[s]; nodes[s] = node; nodes[!s] = p->nodes[!s]; p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[0] ); p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[1] ); if ( nodes[!s] == node->children[!i] ) { delete p; // portal seperates both children } else { p->AddToNodes( nodes[0], nodes[1] ); } } } delete node->children[0]; delete node->children[1]; node->children[0] = NULL; node->children[1] = NULL; numPrunedSplits++; } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::PruneTree ============ */ void idBrushBSP::PruneTree( int contents ) { numPrunedSplits = 0; common->Printf( "[Prune BSP]\n" ); PruneTree_r( root, contents ); common->Printf( "%6d splits pruned\n", numPrunedSplits ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::BaseWindingForNode ============ */ #define BASE_WINDING_EPSILON 0.001f idWinding *idBrushBSP::BaseWindingForNode( idBrushBSPNode *node ) { idWinding *w; idBrushBSPNode *n; w = new idWinding( node->plane.Normal(), node->plane.Dist() ); // clip by all the parents for ( n = node->parent; n && w; n = n->parent ) { if ( n->children[0] == node ) { // take front w = w->Clip( n->plane, BASE_WINDING_EPSILON ); } else { // take back w = w->Clip( -n->plane, BASE_WINDING_EPSILON ); } node = n; } return w; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MakeNodePortal create the new portal by taking the full plane winding for the cutting plane and clipping it by all of parents of this node ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MakeNodePortal( idBrushBSPNode *node ) { idBrushBSPPortal *newPortal, *p; idWinding *w; int side = 0; w = BaseWindingForNode( node ); // clip the portal by all the other portals in the node for ( p = node->portals; p && w; p = p->next[side] ) { if ( p->nodes[0] == node ) { side = 0; w = w->Clip( p->plane, 0.1f ); } else if ( p->nodes[1] == node ) { side = 1; w = w->Clip( -p->plane, 0.1f ); } else { common->Error( "MakeNodePortal: mislinked portal" ); } } if ( !w ) { return; } if ( w->IsTiny() ) { delete w; return; } newPortal = new idBrushBSPPortal(); newPortal->plane = node->plane; newPortal->winding = w; newPortal->AddToNodes( node->children[0], node->children[1] ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::SplitNodePortals Move or split the portals that bound the node so that the node's children have portals instead of node. ============ */ #define SPLIT_WINDING_EPSILON 0.001f void idBrushBSP::SplitNodePortals( idBrushBSPNode *node ) { int side; idBrushBSPPortal *p, *nextPortal, *newPortal; idBrushBSPNode *f, *b, *otherNode; idPlane *plane; idWinding *frontWinding, *backWinding; plane = &node->plane; f = node->children[0]; b = node->children[1]; for ( p = node->portals; p; p = nextPortal ) { if (p->nodes[0] == node) { side = 0; } else if (p->nodes[1] == node) { side = 1; } else { common->Error( "idBrushBSP::SplitNodePortals: mislinked portal" ); return; } nextPortal = p->next[side]; otherNode = p->nodes[!side]; p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[0] ); p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[1] ); // cut the portal into two portals, one on each side of the cut plane p->winding->Split( *plane, SPLIT_WINDING_EPSILON, &frontWinding, &backWinding ); if ( frontWinding && frontWinding->IsTiny() ) { delete frontWinding; frontWinding = NULL; //tinyportals++; } if ( backWinding && backWinding->IsTiny() ) { delete backWinding; backWinding = NULL; //tinyportals++; } if ( !frontWinding && !backWinding ) { // tiny windings on both sides continue; } if ( !frontWinding ) { delete backWinding; if ( side == 0 ) { p->AddToNodes( b, otherNode ); } else { p->AddToNodes( otherNode, b ); } continue; } if ( !backWinding ) { delete frontWinding; if ( side == 0 ) { p->AddToNodes( f, otherNode ); } else { p->AddToNodes( otherNode, f ); } continue; } // the winding is split newPortal = new idBrushBSPPortal(); *newPortal = *p; newPortal->winding = backWinding; delete p->winding; p->winding = frontWinding; if ( side == 0 ) { p->AddToNodes( f, otherNode ); newPortal->AddToNodes( b, otherNode ); } else { p->AddToNodes( otherNode, f ); newPortal->AddToNodes( otherNode, b ); } } node->portals = NULL; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MakeTreePortals_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MakeTreePortals_r( idBrushBSPNode *node ) { int i; idBounds bounds; numPortals++; DisplayRealTimeString( "\r%6d", numPortals ); bounds = node->GetPortalBounds(); if ( bounds[0][0] >= bounds[1][0] ) { //common->Warning( "node without volume" ); } for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( bounds[0][i] < MIN_WORLD_COORD || bounds[1][i] > MAX_WORLD_COORD ) { common->Warning( "node with unbounded volume" ); break; } } if ( !node->children[0] || !node->children[1] ) { return; } MakeNodePortal( node ); SplitNodePortals( node ); MakeTreePortals_r( node->children[0] ); MakeTreePortals_r( node->children[1] ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MakeOutsidePortals ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MakeOutsidePortals( void ) { int i, j, n; idBounds bounds; idBrushBSPPortal *p, *portals[6]; idVec3 normal; // pad with some space so there will never be null volume leaves bounds = treeBounds.Expand( 32 ); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( bounds[0][i] > bounds[1][i] ) { common->Error( "empty BSP tree" ); } } outside = new idBrushBSPNode(); outside->parent = NULL; outside->children[0] = outside->children[1] = NULL; outside->brushList.Clear(); outside->portals = NULL; outside->contents = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { p = new idBrushBSPPortal(); normal = vec3_origin; normal[i] = j ? -1 : 1; p->plane.SetNormal( normal ); p->plane.SetDist( j ? -bounds[j][i] : bounds[j][i] ); p->winding = new idWinding( p->plane.Normal(), p->plane.Dist() ); p->AddToNodes( root, outside ); n = j * 3 + i; portals[n] = p; } } // clip the base windings with all the other planes for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) { for ( j = 0; j < 6; j++ ) { if (j == i) { continue; } portals[i]->winding = portals[i]->winding->Clip( portals[j]->plane, ON_EPSILON ); } } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::Portalize ============ */ void idBrushBSP::Portalize( void ) { common->Printf( "[Portalize BSP]\n" ); common->Printf( "%6d nodes\n", (numSplits - numPrunedSplits) * 2 + 1 ); numPortals = 0; MakeOutsidePortals(); MakeTreePortals_r( root ); common->Printf( "\r%6d nodes portalized\n", numPortals ); } /* ============= LeakFile Finds the shortest possible chain of portals that leads from the outside leaf to a specific occupied leaf. ============= */ void idBrushBSP::LeakFile( const idStr &fileName ) { int count, next, s; idVec3 mid; idFile *lineFile; idBrushBSPNode *node, *nextNode = NULL; idBrushBSPPortal *p, *nextPortal = NULL; idStr qpath, name; if ( !outside->occupied ) { return; } qpath = fileName; qpath.SetFileExtension( "lin" ); common->Printf( "writing %s...\n", qpath.c_str() ); lineFile = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_devpath" ); if ( !lineFile ) { common->Error( "Couldn't open %s\n", qpath.c_str() ); return; } count = 0; node = outside; while( node->occupied > 1 ) { // find the best portal exit next = node->occupied; for (p = node->portals; p; p = p->next[!s] ) { s = (p->nodes[0] == node); if ( p->nodes[s]->occupied && p->nodes[s]->occupied < next ) { nextPortal = p; nextNode = p->nodes[s]; next = nextNode->occupied; } } node = nextNode; mid = nextPortal->winding->GetCenter(); lineFile->Printf( "%f %f %f\n", mid[0], mid[1], mid[2] ); count++; } // add the origin of the entity from which the leak was found lineFile->Printf( "%f %f %f\n", leakOrigin[0], leakOrigin[1], leakOrigin[2] ); fileSystem->CloseFile( lineFile ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::FloodThroughPortals_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::FloodThroughPortals_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, int contents, int depth ) { idBrushBSPPortal *p; int s; if ( !node ) { common->Error( "FloodThroughPortals_r: NULL node\n" ); } if ( node->occupied ) { common->Error( "FloodThroughPortals_r: node already occupied\n" ); } node->occupied = depth; for ( p = node->portals; p; p = p->next[s] ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == node); // if the node at the other side of the portal is removed if ( !p->nodes[!s] ) { continue; } // if the node at the other side of the portal is occupied already if ( p->nodes[!s]->occupied ) { continue; } // can't flood through the portal if it has the seperating contents at the other side if ( p->nodes[!s]->contents & contents ) { continue; } // flood recursively through the current portal FloodThroughPortals_r( p->nodes[!s], contents, depth+1 ); } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::FloodFromOrigin ============ */ bool idBrushBSP::FloodFromOrigin( const idVec3 &origin, int contents ) { idBrushBSPNode *node; //find the leaf to start in node = root; while( node->children[0] && node->children[1] ) { if ( node->plane.Side( origin ) == PLANESIDE_BACK ) { node = node->children[1]; } else { node = node->children[0]; } } if ( !node ) { return false; } // if inside the inside/outside seperating contents if ( node->contents & contents ) { return false; } // if the node is already occupied if ( node->occupied ) { return false; } FloodThroughPortals_r( node, contents, 1 ); return true; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::FloodFromEntities Marks all nodes that can be reached by entites. ============ */ bool idBrushBSP::FloodFromEntities( const idMapFile *mapFile, int contents, const idStrList &classNames ) { int i, j; bool inside; idVec3 origin; idMapEntity *mapEnt; idStr classname; inside = false; outside->occupied = 0; // skip the first entity which is assumed to be the worldspawn for ( i = 1; i < mapFile->GetNumEntities(); i++ ) { mapEnt = mapFile->GetEntity( i ); if ( !mapEnt->epairs.GetVector( "origin", "", origin ) ) { continue; } if ( !mapEnt->epairs.GetString( "classname", "", classname ) ) { continue; } for ( j = 0; j < classNames.Num(); j++ ) { if ( classname.Icmp( classNames[j] ) == 0 ) { break; } } if ( j >= classNames.Num() ) { continue; } origin[2] += 1; // nudge around a little if ( FloodFromOrigin( origin, contents ) ) { inside = true; } if ( outside->occupied ) { leakOrigin = origin; break; } } if ( !inside ) { common->Warning( "no entities inside" ); } else if ( outside->occupied ) { common->Warning( "reached outside from entity %d (%s)", i, classname.c_str() ); } return ( inside && !outside->occupied ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::RemoveOutside_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::RemoveOutside_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, int contents ) { if ( !node ) { return; } if ( node->children[0] || node->children[1] ) { RemoveOutside_r( node->children[0], contents ); RemoveOutside_r( node->children[1], contents ); return; } if ( !node->occupied ) { if ( !( node->contents & contents ) ) { outsideLeafNodes++; node->contents |= contents; } else { solidLeafNodes++; } } else { insideLeafNodes++; } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::RemoveOutside ============ */ bool idBrushBSP::RemoveOutside( const idMapFile *mapFile, int contents, const idStrList &classNames ) { common->Printf( "[Remove Outside]\n" ); solidLeafNodes = outsideLeafNodes = insideLeafNodes = 0; if ( !FloodFromEntities( mapFile, contents, classNames ) ) { return false; } RemoveOutside_r( root, contents ); common->Printf( "%6d solid leaf nodes\n", solidLeafNodes ); common->Printf( "%6d outside leaf nodes\n", outsideLeafNodes ); common->Printf( "%6d inside leaf nodes\n", insideLeafNodes ); //PruneTree( contents ); return true; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::SetPortalPlanes_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::SetPortalPlanes_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, idPlaneSet &planeList ) { int s; idBrushBSPPortal *p; if ( !node ) { return; } for ( p = node->portals; p; p = p->next[s] ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == node); if ( p->planeNum == -1 ) { p->planeNum = planeList.FindPlane( p->plane, PORTAL_PLANE_NORMAL_EPSILON, PORTAL_PLANE_DIST_EPSILON ); } } SetPortalPlanes_r( node->children[0], planeList ); SetPortalPlanes_r( node->children[1], planeList ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::SetPortalPlanes give all portals a plane number ============ */ void idBrushBSP::SetPortalPlanes( void ) { SetPortalPlanes_r( root, portalPlanes ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MergeLeafNodePortals ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MergeLeafNodePortals( idBrushBSPNode *node, int skipContents ) { int s1, s2; bool foundPortal; idBrushBSPPortal *p1, *p2, *nextp1, *nextp2; idWinding *newWinding, *reverse; // pass 1: merge all portals that seperate the same leaf nodes for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = nextp1 ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); nextp1 = p1->Next(s1); for ( p2 = nextp1; p2; p2 = nextp2 ) { s2 = (p2->GetNode(1) == node); nextp2 = p2->Next(s2); // if both portals seperate the same leaf nodes if ( p1->nodes[!s1] == p2->nodes[!s2] ) { // add the winding of p2 to the winding of p1 p1->winding->AddToConvexHull( p2->winding, p1->plane.Normal() ); // delete p2 p2->RemoveFromNode( p2->nodes[0] ); p2->RemoveFromNode( p2->nodes[1] ); delete p2; numMergedPortals++; nextp1 = node->GetPortals(); break; } } } // pass 2: merge all portals in the same plane if they all have the skip contents at the other side for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = nextp1 ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); nextp1 = p1->Next(s1); if ( !(p1->nodes[!s1]->contents & skipContents) ) { continue; } // test if all portals in this plane have the skip contents at the other side foundPortal = false; for ( p2 = node->GetPortals(); p2; p2 = nextp2 ) { s2 = (p2->GetNode(1) == node); nextp2 = p2->Next(s2); if ( p2 == p1 || (p2->planeNum & ~1) != (p1->planeNum & ~1) ) { continue; } foundPortal = true; if ( !(p2->nodes[!s2]->contents & skipContents) ) { break; } } // if all portals in this plane have the skip contents at the other side if ( !p2 && foundPortal ) { for ( p2 = node->GetPortals(); p2; p2 = nextp2 ) { s2 = (p2->GetNode(1) == node); nextp2 = p2->Next(s2); if ( p2 == p1 || (p2->planeNum & ~1) != (p1->planeNum & ~1) ) { continue; } // add the winding of p2 to the winding of p1 p1->winding->AddToConvexHull( p2->winding, p1->plane.Normal() ); // delete p2 p2->RemoveFromNode( p2->nodes[0] ); p2->RemoveFromNode( p2->nodes[1] ); delete p2; numMergedPortals++; } nextp1 = node->GetPortals(); } } // pass 3: try to merge portals in the same plane that have the skip contents at the other side for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = nextp1 ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); nextp1 = p1->Next(s1); if ( !(p1->nodes[!s1]->contents & skipContents) ) { continue; } for ( p2 = nextp1; p2; p2 = nextp2 ) { s2 = (p2->GetNode(1) == node); nextp2 = p2->Next(s2); if ( !(p2->nodes[!s2]->contents & skipContents) ) { continue; } if ( (p2->planeNum & ~1) != (p1->planeNum & ~1) ) { continue; } // try to merge the two portal windings if ( p2->planeNum == p1->planeNum ) { newWinding = p1->winding->TryMerge( *p2->winding, p1->plane.Normal() ); } else { reverse = p2->winding->Reverse(); newWinding = p1->winding->TryMerge( *reverse, p1->plane.Normal() ); delete reverse; } // if successfully merged if ( newWinding ) { // replace the winding of the first portal delete p1->winding; p1->winding = newWinding; // delete p2 p2->RemoveFromNode( p2->nodes[0] ); p2->RemoveFromNode( p2->nodes[1] ); delete p2; numMergedPortals++; nextp1 = node->GetPortals(); break; } } } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MergePortals_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MergePortals_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, int skipContents ) { if ( !node ) { return; } if ( node->contents & skipContents ) { return; } if ( !node->children[0] && !node->children[1] ) { MergeLeafNodePortals( node, skipContents ); return; } MergePortals_r( node->children[0], skipContents ); MergePortals_r( node->children[1], skipContents ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MergePortals ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MergePortals( int skipContents ) { numMergedPortals = 0; common->Printf( "[Merge Portals]\n" ); SetPortalPlanes(); MergePortals_r( root, skipContents ); common->Printf( "%6d portals merged\n", numMergedPortals ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::PruneMergedTree_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::PruneMergedTree_r( idBrushBSPNode *node ) { int i; idBrushBSPNode *leafNode; if ( !node ) { return; } PruneMergedTree_r( node->children[0] ); PruneMergedTree_r( node->children[1] ); for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( node->children[i] ) { leafNode = node->children[i]->children[0]; if ( leafNode && leafNode == node->children[i]->children[1] ) { if ( leafNode->parent == node->children[i] ) { leafNode->parent = node; } delete node->children[i]; node->children[i] = leafNode; } } } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::UpdateTreeAfterMerge_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::UpdateTreeAfterMerge_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, const idBounds &bounds, idBrushBSPNode *oldNode, idBrushBSPNode *newNode ) { if ( !node ) { return; } if ( !node->children[0] && !node->children[1] ) { return; } if ( node->children[0] == oldNode ) { node->children[0] = newNode; } if ( node->children[1] == oldNode ) { node->children[1] = newNode; } switch( bounds.PlaneSide( node->plane, 2.0f ) ) { case PLANESIDE_FRONT: UpdateTreeAfterMerge_r( node->children[0], bounds, oldNode, newNode ); break; case PLANESIDE_BACK: UpdateTreeAfterMerge_r( node->children[1], bounds, oldNode, newNode ); break; default: UpdateTreeAfterMerge_r( node->children[0], bounds, oldNode, newNode ); UpdateTreeAfterMerge_r( node->children[1], bounds, oldNode, newNode ); break; } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::TryMergeLeafNodes NOTE: multiple brances of the BSP tree might point to the same leaf node after merging ============ */ bool idBrushBSP::TryMergeLeafNodes( idBrushBSPPortal *portal, int side ) { int i, j, k, s1, s2, s; idBrushBSPNode *nodes[2], *node1, *node2; idBrushBSPPortal *p1, *p2, *p, *nextp; idPlane plane; idWinding *w; idBounds bounds, b; nodes[0] = node1 = portal->nodes[side]; nodes[1] = node2 = portal->nodes[!side]; // check if the merged node would still be convex for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { j = !i; for ( p1 = nodes[i]->portals; p1; p1 = p1->next[s1] ) { s1 = (p1->nodes[1] == nodes[i]); if ( p1->nodes[!s1] == nodes[j] ) { continue; } if ( s1 ) { plane = -p1->plane; } else { plane = p1->plane; } // all the non seperating portals of the other node should be at the front or on the plane for ( p2 = nodes[j]->portals; p2; p2 = p2->next[s2] ) { s2 = (p2->nodes[1] == nodes[j]); if ( p2->nodes[!s2] == nodes[i] ) { continue; } w = p2->winding; for ( k = 0; k < w->GetNumPoints(); k++ ) { if ( plane.Distance( (*w)[k].ToVec3() ) < -0.1f ) { return false; } } } } } // remove all portals that seperate the two nodes for ( p = node1->portals; p; p = nextp ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == node1); nextp = p->next[s]; if ( p->nodes[!s] == node2 ) { p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[0] ); p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[1] ); delete p; } } // move all portals of node2 to node1 for ( p = node2->portals; p; p = node2->portals ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == node2); nodes[s] = node1; nodes[!s] = p->nodes[!s]; p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[0] ); p->RemoveFromNode( p->nodes[1] ); p->AddToNodes( nodes[0], nodes[1] ); } // get bounds for the new node bounds.Clear(); for ( p = node1->portals; p; p = p->next[s] ) { s = (p->nodes[1] == node1); p->GetWinding()->GetBounds( b ); bounds += b; } // replace every reference to node2 by a reference to node1 UpdateTreeAfterMerge_r( root, bounds, node2, node1 ); delete node2; return true; } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MeltFloor_r flood through portals touching the bounds to find all vertices that might be inside the bounds ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MeltFlood_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, int skipContents, idBounds &bounds, idVectorSet &vertexList ) { int s1, i; idBrushBSPPortal *p1; idBounds b; const idWinding *w; node->SetFlag( NODE_VISITED ); for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = p1->Next(s1) ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); if ( p1->GetNode( !s1 )->GetFlags() & NODE_VISITED ) { continue; } w = p1->GetWinding(); for ( i = 0; i < w->GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { if ( bounds.ContainsPoint( (*w)[i].ToVec3() ) ) { vertexList.FindVector( (*w)[i].ToVec3(), VERTEX_MELT_EPSILON ); } } } for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = p1->Next(s1) ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); if ( p1->GetNode( !s1 )->GetFlags() & NODE_VISITED ) { continue; } if ( p1->GetNode( !s1 )->GetContents() & skipContents ) { continue; } w = p1->GetWinding(); w->GetBounds( b ); if ( !bounds.IntersectsBounds( b ) ) { continue; } MeltFlood_r( p1->GetNode( !s1 ), skipContents, bounds, vertexList ); } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MeltLeafNodePortals ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MeltLeafNodePortals( idBrushBSPNode *node, int skipContents, idVectorSet &vertexList ) { int s1, i; idBrushBSPPortal *p1; idBounds bounds; if ( node->GetFlags() & NODE_DONE ) { return; } node->SetFlag( NODE_DONE ); // melt things together for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = p1->Next(s1) ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); if ( p1->GetNode( !s1 )->GetFlags() & NODE_DONE ) { continue; } p1->winding->GetBounds( bounds ); bounds.ExpandSelf( 2 * VERTEX_MELT_HASH_SIZE * VERTEX_MELT_EPSILON ); vertexList.Init( bounds[0], bounds[1], VERTEX_MELT_HASH_SIZE, 128 ); // get all vertices to be considered MeltFlood_r( node, skipContents, bounds, vertexList ); node->RemoveFlagFlood( NODE_VISITED ); for ( i = 0; i < vertexList.Num(); i++ ) { if ( p1->winding->InsertPointIfOnEdge( vertexList[i], p1->plane, 0.1f ) ) { numInsertedPoints++; } } } DisplayRealTimeString( "\r%6d", numInsertedPoints ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MeltPortals_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MeltPortals_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, int skipContents, idVectorSet &vertexList ) { if ( !node ) { return; } if ( node->contents & skipContents ) { return; } if ( !node->children[0] && !node->children[1] ) { MeltLeafNodePortals( node, skipContents, vertexList ); return; } MeltPortals_r( node->children[0], skipContents, vertexList ); MeltPortals_r( node->children[1], skipContents, vertexList ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::RemoveLeafNodeColinearPoints ============ */ void idBrushBSP::RemoveLeafNodeColinearPoints( idBrushBSPNode *node ) { int s1; idBrushBSPPortal *p1; // remove colinear points for ( p1 = node->GetPortals(); p1; p1 = p1->Next(s1) ) { s1 = (p1->GetNode(1) == node); p1->winding->RemoveColinearPoints( p1->plane.Normal(), 0.1f ); } } /* ============ idBrushBSP::RemoveColinearPoints_r ============ */ void idBrushBSP::RemoveColinearPoints_r( idBrushBSPNode *node, int skipContents ) { if ( !node ) { return; } if ( node->contents & skipContents ) { return; } if ( !node->children[0] && !node->children[1] ) { RemoveLeafNodeColinearPoints( node ); return; } RemoveColinearPoints_r( node->children[0], skipContents ); RemoveColinearPoints_r( node->children[1], skipContents ); } /* ============ idBrushBSP::MeltPortals ============ */ void idBrushBSP::MeltPortals( int skipContents ) { idVectorSet vertexList; numInsertedPoints = 0; common->Printf( "[Melt Portals]\n" ); RemoveColinearPoints_r( root, skipContents ); MeltPortals_r( root, skipContents, vertexList ); root->RemoveFlagRecurse( NODE_DONE ); common->Printf( "\r%6d points inserted\n", numInsertedPoints ); }