// PropTree.cpp : implementation file // // Copyright (C) 1998-2001 Scott Ramsay // sramsay@gonavi.com // http://www.gonavi.com // // This material is provided "as is", with absolutely no warranty expressed // or implied. Any use is at your own risk. // // Permission to use or copy this software for any purpose is hereby granted // without fee, provided the above notices are retained on all copies. // Permission to modify the code and to distribute modified code is granted, // provided the above notices are retained, and a notice that the code was // modified is included with the above copyright notice. // // If you use this code, drop me an email. I'd like to know if you find the code // useful. //#include "stdafx.h" #include "tools/edit_gui_common.h" #include "PropTree.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif #define PROPTREEITEM_EXPANDCOLUMN 16 // width of the expand column #define PROPTREEITEM_COLRNG 5 // width of splitter //static AFX_EXTENSION_MODULE PropTreeDLL = {NULL, NULL}; static const CString strOfficeFontName = _T("Tahoma"); static const CString strDefaultFontName = _T("MS Sans Serif"); HINSTANCE ghInst; /*extern "C" int APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID) { if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { TRACE0("PROPTREE.DLL Initializing!\n"); if (!AfxInitExtensionModule(PropTreeDLL, hInstance)) return 0; new CDynLinkLibrary(PropTreeDLL); ghInst = hInstance; } else if (dwReason == DLL_PROCESS_DETACH) { TRACE0("PROPTREE.DLL Terminating!\n"); AfxTermExtensionModule(PropTreeDLL); } return 1; }*/ void InitPropTree(HINSTANCE hInstance) { ghInst = hInstance; } static int CALLBACK FontFamilyProcFonts(const LOGFONT FAR* lplf, const TEXTMETRIC FAR*, ULONG, LPARAM) { ASSERT(lplf != NULL); CString strFont = lplf->lfFaceName; return strFont.CollateNoCase (strOfficeFontName) == 0 ? 0 : 1; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPropTree UINT CPropTree::s_nInstanceCount; CFont* CPropTree::s_pNormalFont; CFont* CPropTree::s_pBoldFont; CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::s_pFound; CPropTree::CPropTree() : m_bShowInfo(TRUE), m_nInfoHeight(50), m_pVisbleList(NULL), m_Origin(100,0), m_nLastUID(1), m_pFocus(NULL), m_bDisableInput(FALSE) { m_Root.Expand(); // init global resources only once if (!s_nInstanceCount) InitGlobalResources(); s_nInstanceCount++; } CPropTree::~CPropTree() { DeleteAllItems(); s_nInstanceCount--; // free global resource when ALL CPropTrees are destroyed if (!s_nInstanceCount) FreeGlobalResources(); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CPropTree, CWnd) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CPropTree) ON_WM_CREATE() ON_WM_SIZE() ON_WM_ENABLE() ON_WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CPropTree message handlers const POINT& CPropTree::GetOrigin() { return m_Origin; } BOOL CPropTree::Create(DWORD dwStyle, const RECT& rect, CWnd* pParentWnd, UINT nID) { CWnd* pWnd = this; LPCTSTR pszCreateClass = AfxRegisterWndClass(CS_HREDRAW|CS_VREDRAW, ::LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW)); return pWnd->Create(pszCreateClass, _T(""), dwStyle, rect, pParentWnd, nID); } int CPropTree::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct) { if (CWnd::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1) return -1; DWORD dwStyle; CRect rc; GetClientRect(rc); // create CPropTreeList // dwStyle = WS_VISIBLE|WS_CHILD|WS_VSCROLL; if (!m_List.Create(dwStyle, rc, this, 100)) { TRACE0("Failed to create CPropTreeList\n"); return -1; } m_List.SetPropOwner(this); // create CPropTreeInfo // dwStyle &= ~WS_VSCROLL; if (!m_Info.Create(_T(""), dwStyle, rc, this)) { TRACE0("Failed to create CPropTreeInfo\n"); return -1; } m_Info.SetPropOwner(this); return 0; } CWnd* CPropTree::GetCtrlParent() { return &m_List; } void CPropTree::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy) { CWnd::OnSize(nType, cx, cy); ResizeChildWindows(cx, cy); } void CPropTree::ResizeChildWindows(int cx, int cy) { if (m_bShowInfo) { if (IsWindow(m_List.m_hWnd)) m_List.MoveWindow(0, 0, cx, cy - m_nInfoHeight); if (IsWindow(m_Info.m_hWnd)) m_Info.MoveWindow(0, cy - m_nInfoHeight, cx, m_nInfoHeight); } else { if (IsWindow(m_List.m_hWnd)) m_List.MoveWindow(0, 0, cx, cy); } } void CPropTree::InitGlobalResources() { NONCLIENTMETRICS info; info.cbSize = sizeof(info); ::SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETNONCLIENTMETRICS, sizeof(info), &info, 0); LOGFONT lf; memset(&lf, 0, sizeof (LOGFONT)); CWindowDC dc(NULL); lf.lfCharSet = (BYTE)GetTextCharsetInfo(dc.GetSafeHdc(), NULL, 0); lf.lfHeight = info.lfMenuFont.lfHeight; lf.lfWeight = info.lfMenuFont.lfWeight; lf.lfItalic = info.lfMenuFont.lfItalic; // check if we should use system font _tcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, info.lfMenuFont.lfFaceName); BOOL fUseSystemFont = (info.lfMenuFont.lfCharSet > SYMBOL_CHARSET); if (!fUseSystemFont) { // check for "Tahoma" font existance: if (::EnumFontFamilies(dc.GetSafeHdc(), NULL, FontFamilyProcFonts, 0)==0) { // Found! Use MS Office font! _tcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, strOfficeFontName); } else { // Not found. Use default font: _tcscpy(lf.lfFaceName, strDefaultFontName); } } s_pNormalFont = new CFont; s_pNormalFont->CreateFontIndirect(&lf); lf.lfWeight = FW_BOLD; s_pBoldFont = new CFont; s_pBoldFont->CreateFontIndirect(&lf); } void CPropTree::FreeGlobalResources() { if (s_pNormalFont) { delete s_pNormalFont; s_pNormalFont = NULL; } if (s_pBoldFont) { delete s_pBoldFont; s_pBoldFont = NULL; } } CFont* CPropTree::GetNormalFont() { return s_pNormalFont; } CFont* CPropTree::GetBoldFont() { return s_pBoldFont; } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::GetFocusedItem() { return m_pFocus; } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::GetRootItem() { return &m_Root; } void CPropTree::ClearVisibleList() { m_pVisbleList = NULL; } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::GetVisibleList() { return m_pVisbleList; } void CPropTree::AddToVisibleList(CPropTreeItem* pItem) { if (!pItem) return; // check for an empty visible list if (!m_pVisbleList) m_pVisbleList = pItem; else { // Add the new item to the end of the list CPropTreeItem* pNext; pNext = m_pVisbleList; while (pNext->GetNextVisible()) pNext = pNext->GetNextVisible(); pNext->SetNextVisible(pItem); } pItem->SetNextVisible(NULL); } BOOL CPropTree::EnumItems(CPropTreeItem* pItem, ENUMPROPITEMPROC proc, LPARAM lParam) { if (!pItem || !proc) return FALSE; CPropTreeItem* pNext; // don't count the root item in any enumerations if (pItem!=&m_Root && !proc(this, pItem, lParam)) return FALSE; // recurse thru all child items pNext = pItem->GetChild(); while (pNext) { if (!EnumItems(pNext, proc, lParam)) return FALSE; pNext = pNext->GetSibling(); } return TRUE; } void CPropTree::SetOriginOffset(LONG nOffset) { m_Origin.y = nOffset; } void CPropTree::UpdatedItems() { if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd)) return; Invalidate(); m_List.UpdateResize(); m_List.Invalidate(); } void CPropTree::DeleteAllItems() { Delete(NULL); UpdatedItems(); m_nLastUID = 1; // reset uid counter } void CPropTree::DeleteItem(CPropTreeItem* pItem) { Delete(pItem); UpdatedItems(); } LONG CPropTree::GetColumn() { return m_Origin.x; } void CPropTree::SetColumn(LONG nColumn) { CRect rc; GetClientRect(rc); if (rc.IsRectEmpty()) nColumn = __max(PROPTREEITEM_EXPANDCOLUMN, nColumn); else nColumn = __min(__max(PROPTREEITEM_EXPANDCOLUMN, nColumn), rc.Width() - PROPTREEITEM_EXPANDCOLUMN); m_Origin.x = nColumn; Invalidate(); } void CPropTree::Delete(CPropTreeItem* pItem) { if (pItem && pItem!=&m_Root && SendNotify(PTN_DELETEITEM, pItem)) return; // passing in a NULL item is the same as calling DeleteAllItems if (!pItem) pItem = &m_Root; // Clear the visible list before anything gets deleted ClearVisibleList(); // delete children CPropTreeItem* pIter; CPropTreeItem* pNext; pIter = pItem->GetChild(); while (pIter) { pNext = pIter->GetSibling(); DeleteItem(pIter); pIter = pNext; } // unlink from tree if (pItem->GetParent()) { if (pItem->GetParent()->GetChild()==pItem) pItem->GetParent()->SetChild(pItem->GetSibling()); else { pIter = pItem->GetParent()->GetChild(); while (pIter->GetSibling() && pIter->GetSibling()!=pItem) pIter = pIter->GetSibling(); if (pIter->GetSibling()) pIter->SetSibling(pItem->GetSibling()); } } if (pItem!=&m_Root) { if (pItem==GetFocusedItem()) SetFocusedItem(NULL); delete pItem; } } void CPropTree::SetFocusedItem(CPropTreeItem* pItem) { m_pFocus = pItem; EnsureVisible(m_pFocus); if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd)) return; Invalidate(); } void CPropTree::ShowInfoText(BOOL bShow) { m_bShowInfo = bShow; CRect rc; GetClientRect(rc); ResizeChildWindows(rc.Width(), rc.Height()); } BOOL CPropTree::IsItemVisible(CPropTreeItem* pItem) { if (!pItem) return FALSE; for (CPropTreeItem* pNext = m_pVisbleList; pNext; pNext = pNext->GetNextVisible()) { if (pNext==pItem) return TRUE; } return FALSE; } void CPropTree::EnsureVisible(CPropTreeItem* pItem) { if (!pItem) return; // item is not scroll visible (expand all parents) if (!IsItemVisible(pItem)) { CPropTreeItem* pParent; pParent = pItem->GetParent(); while (pParent) { pParent->Expand(); pParent = pParent->GetParent(); } UpdatedItems(); UpdateWindow(); } ASSERT(IsItemVisible(pItem)); CRect rc; m_List.GetClientRect(rc); rc.OffsetRect(0, m_Origin.y); rc.bottom -= pItem->GetHeight(); CPoint pt; pt = pItem->GetLocation(); if (!rc.PtInRect(pt)) { LONG oy; if (pt.y < rc.top) oy = pt.y; else oy = pt.y - rc.Height() + pItem->GetHeight(); m_List.OnVScroll(SB_THUMBTRACK, oy, NULL); } } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::InsertItem(CPropTreeItem* pItem, CPropTreeItem* pParent) { if (!pItem) return NULL; if (!pParent) pParent = &m_Root; if (!pParent->GetChild()) pParent->SetChild(pItem); else { // add to end of the sibling list CPropTreeItem* pNext; pNext = pParent->GetChild(); while (pNext->GetSibling()) pNext = pNext->GetSibling(); pNext->SetSibling(pItem); } pItem->SetParent(pParent); pItem->SetPropOwner(this); // auto generate a default ID pItem->SetCtrlID(m_nLastUID++); SendNotify(PTN_INSERTITEM, pItem); UpdatedItems(); return pItem; } LONG CPropTree::HitTest(const POINT& pt) { POINT p = pt; CPropTreeItem* pItem; // convert screen to tree coordinates p.y += m_Origin.y; if ((pItem = FindItem(pt))!=NULL) { if (!pItem->IsRootLevel() && pt.x >= m_Origin.x - PROPTREEITEM_COLRNG && pt.x <= m_Origin.x + PROPTREEITEM_COLRNG) return HTCOLUMN; if (pItem->HitButton(p)) { return HTBUTTON; } if (pt.x > m_Origin.x + PROPTREEITEM_COLRNG) return HTATTRIBUTE; if (pItem->HitExpand(p)) return HTEXPAND; if (pItem->HitCheckBox(p)) return HTCHECKBOX; return HTLABEL; } return HTCLIENT; } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::FindItem(const POINT& pt) { CPropTreeItem* pItem; CPoint p = pt; // convert screen to tree coordinates p.y += m_Origin.y; // search the visible list for the item for (pItem = m_pVisbleList; pItem; pItem = pItem->GetNextVisible()) { CPoint ipt = pItem->GetLocation(); if (p.y>=ipt.y && p.yGetHeight()) return pItem; } return NULL; } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::FindItem(UINT nCtrlID) { s_pFound = NULL; EnumItems(&m_Root, EnumFindItem, nCtrlID); return s_pFound; } BOOL CALLBACK CPropTree::EnumFindItem(CPropTree*, CPropTreeItem* pItem, LPARAM lParam) { ASSERT(pItem!=NULL); if (pItem->GetCtrlID()==(UINT)lParam) { s_pFound = pItem; return FALSE; } return TRUE; } BOOL CPropTree::IsDisableInput() { return m_bDisableInput; } void CPropTree::DisableInput(BOOL bDisable) { m_bDisableInput = bDisable; CWnd* pWnd; if ((pWnd = GetParent())!=NULL) pWnd->EnableWindow(!bDisable); } void CPropTree::SelectItems(CPropTreeItem* pItem, BOOL bSelect) { if (!pItem) pItem = &m_Root; EnumItems(pItem, EnumSelectAll, (LPARAM)bSelect); } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::FocusFirst() { CPropTreeItem *pold; pold = m_pFocus; SetFocusedItem(m_pVisbleList); if (m_pFocus) { SelectItems(NULL, FALSE); m_pFocus->Select(); } if (pold!=m_pFocus) SendNotify(PTN_SELCHANGE, m_pFocus); return m_pFocus; } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::FocusLast() { CPropTreeItem* pNext; CPropTreeItem* pChange; pChange = m_pFocus; pNext = m_pVisbleList; if (pNext) { while (pNext->GetNextVisible()) pNext = pNext->GetNextVisible(); SetFocusedItem(pNext); if (m_pFocus) { SelectItems(NULL, FALSE); m_pFocus->Select(); } } if (pChange!=m_pFocus) SendNotify(PTN_SELCHANGE, m_pFocus); return pNext; } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::FocusPrev() { CPropTreeItem* pNext; CPropTreeItem* pChange; pChange = m_pFocus; if (m_pFocus==NULL) { // get the last visible item pNext = m_pVisbleList; while (pNext && pNext->GetNextVisible()) pNext = pNext->GetNextVisible(); } else { pNext = m_pVisbleList; while (pNext && pNext->GetNextVisible()!=m_pFocus) pNext = pNext->GetNextVisible(); } if (pNext) SetFocusedItem(pNext); if (m_pFocus) { SelectItems(NULL, FALSE); m_pFocus->Select(); } if (pChange!=m_pFocus) SendNotify(PTN_SELCHANGE, m_pFocus); return pNext; } CPropTreeItem* CPropTree::FocusNext() { CPropTreeItem* pNext; CPropTreeItem* pChange; pChange = m_pFocus; if (m_pFocus==NULL) pNext = m_pVisbleList; else if (m_pFocus->GetNextVisible()) pNext = m_pFocus->GetNextVisible(); else pNext = NULL; if (pNext) SetFocusedItem(pNext); if (m_pFocus) { SelectItems(NULL, FALSE); m_pFocus->Select(); } if (pChange!=m_pFocus) SendNotify(PTN_SELCHANGE, m_pFocus); return pNext; } void CPropTree::UpdateMoveAllItems() { EnumItems(&m_Root, EnumMoveAll); } void CPropTree::RefreshItems(CPropTreeItem* pItem) { if (!pItem) pItem = &m_Root; EnumItems(pItem, EnumRefreshAll); UpdatedItems(); } BOOL CALLBACK CPropTree::EnumSelectAll(CPropTree*, CPropTreeItem* pItem, LPARAM lParam) { if (!pItem) return FALSE; pItem->Select((BOOL)lParam); return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK CPropTree::EnumRefreshAll(CPropTree*, CPropTreeItem* pItem, LPARAM) { if (!pItem) return FALSE; pItem->OnRefresh(); return TRUE; } BOOL CALLBACK CPropTree::EnumMoveAll(CPropTree*, CPropTreeItem* pItem, LPARAM) { if (!pItem) return FALSE; pItem->OnMove(); return TRUE; } LRESULT CPropTree::SendNotify(UINT nNotifyCode, CPropTreeItem* pItem) { if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd)) return 0L; if (!(GetStyle() & PTS_NOTIFY)) return 0L; NMPROPTREE nmmp; LPNMHDR lpnm; lpnm = NULL; switch (nNotifyCode) { case PTN_INSERTITEM: case PTN_DELETEITEM: case PTN_DELETEALLITEMS: case PTN_ITEMCHANGED: case PTN_ITEMBUTTONCLICK: case PTN_SELCHANGE: case PTN_ITEMEXPANDING: case PTN_COLUMNCLICK: case PTN_PROPCLICK: case PTN_CHECKCLICK: lpnm = (LPNMHDR)&nmmp; nmmp.pItem = pItem; break; } if (lpnm) { UINT_PTR id = (UINT_PTR)::GetMenu(m_hWnd); lpnm->code = nNotifyCode; lpnm->hwndFrom = m_hWnd; lpnm->idFrom = id; return GetParent()->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY, (WPARAM)id, (LPARAM)lpnm); } return 0L; } void CPropTree::OnEnable(BOOL bEnable) { CWnd::OnEnable(bEnable); Invalidate(); } void CPropTree::OnSysColorChange() { CWnd::OnSysColorChange(); Invalidate(); } BOOL CPropTree::IsSingleSelection() { // right now only support single selection return TRUE; }