/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "tr_local.h" int c_turboUsedVerts; int c_turboUnusedVerts; /* ===================== R_CreateVertexProgramTurboShadowVolume are dangling edges that are outside the light frustum still making planes? ===================== */ srfTriangles_t *R_CreateVertexProgramTurboShadowVolume( const idRenderEntityLocal *ent, const srfTriangles_t *tri, const idRenderLightLocal *light, srfCullInfo_t &cullInfo ) { int i, j; srfTriangles_t *newTri; silEdge_t *sil; const glIndex_t *indexes; const byte *facing; R_CalcInteractionFacing( ent, tri, light, cullInfo ); if ( r_useShadowProjectedCull.GetBool() ) { R_CalcInteractionCullBits( ent, tri, light, cullInfo ); } int numFaces = tri->numIndexes / 3; int numShadowingFaces = 0; facing = cullInfo.facing; // if all the triangles are inside the light frustum if ( cullInfo.cullBits == LIGHT_CULL_ALL_FRONT || !r_useShadowProjectedCull.GetBool() ) { // count the number of shadowing faces for ( i = 0; i < numFaces; i++ ) { numShadowingFaces += facing[i]; } numShadowingFaces = numFaces - numShadowingFaces; } else { // make all triangles that are outside the light frustum "facing", so they won't cast shadows indexes = tri->indexes; byte *modifyFacing = cullInfo.facing; const byte *cullBits = cullInfo.cullBits; for ( j = i = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, j++ ) { if ( !modifyFacing[j] ) { int i1 = indexes[i+0]; int i2 = indexes[i+1]; int i3 = indexes[i+2]; if ( cullBits[i1] & cullBits[i2] & cullBits[i3] ) { modifyFacing[j] = 1; } else { numShadowingFaces++; } } } } if ( !numShadowingFaces ) { // no faces are inside the light frustum and still facing the right way return NULL; } // shadowVerts will be NULL on these surfaces, so the shadowVerts will be taken from the ambient surface newTri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf(); newTri->numVerts = tri->numVerts * 2; // alloc the max possible size #ifdef USE_TRI_DATA_ALLOCATOR R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, ( numShadowingFaces + tri->numSilEdges ) * 6 ); glIndex_t *tempIndexes = newTri->indexes; glIndex_t *shadowIndexes = newTri->indexes; #else glIndex_t *tempIndexes = (glIndex_t *)_alloca16( tri->numSilEdges * 6 * sizeof( tempIndexes[0] ) ); glIndex_t *shadowIndexes = tempIndexes; #endif // create new triangles along sil planes for ( sil = tri->silEdges, i = tri->numSilEdges; i > 0; i--, sil++ ) { int f1 = facing[sil->p1]; int f2 = facing[sil->p2]; if ( !( f1 ^ f2 ) ) { continue; } int v1 = sil->v1 << 1; int v2 = sil->v2 << 1; // set the two triangle winding orders based on facing // without using a poorly-predictable branch shadowIndexes[0] = v1; shadowIndexes[1] = v2 ^ f1; shadowIndexes[2] = v2 ^ f2; shadowIndexes[3] = v1 ^ f2; shadowIndexes[4] = v1 ^ f1; shadowIndexes[5] = v2 ^ 1; shadowIndexes += 6; } int numShadowIndexes = shadowIndexes - tempIndexes; // we aren't bothering to separate front and back caps on these newTri->numIndexes = newTri->numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps = numShadowIndexes + numShadowingFaces * 6; newTri->numShadowIndexesNoCaps = numShadowIndexes; newTri->shadowCapPlaneBits = SHADOW_CAP_INFINITE; #ifdef USE_TRI_DATA_ALLOCATOR // decrease the size of the memory block to only store the used indexes R_ResizeStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, newTri->numIndexes ); #else // allocate memory for the indexes R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, newTri->numIndexes ); // copy the indexes we created for the sil planes SIMDProcessor->Memcpy( newTri->indexes, tempIndexes, numShadowIndexes * sizeof( tempIndexes[0] ) ); #endif // these have no effect, because they extend to infinity newTri->bounds.Clear(); // put some faces on the model and some on the distant projection indexes = tri->indexes; shadowIndexes = newTri->indexes + numShadowIndexes; for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, j++ ) { if ( facing[j] ) { continue; } int i0 = indexes[i+0] << 1; shadowIndexes[2] = i0; shadowIndexes[3] = i0 ^ 1; int i1 = indexes[i+1] << 1; shadowIndexes[1] = i1; shadowIndexes[4] = i1 ^ 1; int i2 = indexes[i+2] << 1; shadowIndexes[0] = i2; shadowIndexes[5] = i2 ^ 1; shadowIndexes += 6; } return newTri; } /* ===================== R_CreateTurboShadowVolume ===================== */ srfTriangles_t *R_CreateTurboShadowVolume( const idRenderEntityLocal *ent, const srfTriangles_t *tri, const idRenderLightLocal *light, srfCullInfo_t &cullInfo ) { int i, j; idVec3 localLightOrigin; srfTriangles_t *newTri; silEdge_t *sil; const glIndex_t *indexes; const byte *facing; R_CalcInteractionFacing( ent, tri, light, cullInfo ); if ( r_useShadowProjectedCull.GetBool() ) { R_CalcInteractionCullBits( ent, tri, light, cullInfo ); } int numFaces = tri->numIndexes / 3; int numShadowingFaces = 0; facing = cullInfo.facing; // if all the triangles are inside the light frustum if ( cullInfo.cullBits == LIGHT_CULL_ALL_FRONT || !r_useShadowProjectedCull.GetBool() ) { // count the number of shadowing faces for ( i = 0; i < numFaces; i++ ) { numShadowingFaces += facing[i]; } numShadowingFaces = numFaces - numShadowingFaces; } else { // make all triangles that are outside the light frustum "facing", so they won't cast shadows indexes = tri->indexes; byte *modifyFacing = cullInfo.facing; const byte *cullBits = cullInfo.cullBits; for ( j = i = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, j++ ) { if ( !modifyFacing[j] ) { int i1 = indexes[i+0]; int i2 = indexes[i+1]; int i3 = indexes[i+2]; if ( cullBits[i1] & cullBits[i2] & cullBits[i3] ) { modifyFacing[j] = 1; } else { numShadowingFaces++; } } } } if ( !numShadowingFaces ) { // no faces are inside the light frustum and still facing the right way return NULL; } newTri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf(); #ifdef USE_TRI_DATA_ALLOCATOR R_AllocStaticTriSurfShadowVerts( newTri, tri->numVerts * 2 ); shadowCache_t *shadowVerts = newTri->shadowVertexes; #else shadowCache_t *shadowVerts = (shadowCache_t *)_alloca16( tri->numVerts * 2 * sizeof( shadowVerts[0] ) ); #endif R_GlobalPointToLocal( ent->modelMatrix, light->globalLightOrigin, localLightOrigin ); int *vertRemap = (int *)_alloca16( tri->numVerts * sizeof( vertRemap[0] ) ); SIMDProcessor->Memset( vertRemap, -1, tri->numVerts * sizeof( vertRemap[0] ) ); for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, j++ ) { if ( facing[j] ) { continue; } // this may pull in some vertexes that are outside // the frustum, because they connect to vertexes inside vertRemap[tri->silIndexes[i+0]] = 0; vertRemap[tri->silIndexes[i+1]] = 0; vertRemap[tri->silIndexes[i+2]] = 0; } newTri->numVerts = SIMDProcessor->CreateShadowCache( &shadowVerts->xyz, vertRemap, localLightOrigin, tri->verts, tri->numVerts ); c_turboUsedVerts += newTri->numVerts; c_turboUnusedVerts += tri->numVerts * 2 - newTri->numVerts; #ifdef USE_TRI_DATA_ALLOCATOR R_ResizeStaticTriSurfShadowVerts( newTri, newTri->numVerts ); #else R_AllocStaticTriSurfShadowVerts( newTri, newTri->numVerts ); SIMDProcessor->Memcpy( newTri->shadowVertexes, shadowVerts, newTri->numVerts * sizeof( shadowVerts[0] ) ); #endif // alloc the max possible size #ifdef USE_TRI_DATA_ALLOCATOR R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, ( numShadowingFaces + tri->numSilEdges ) * 6 ); glIndex_t *tempIndexes = newTri->indexes; glIndex_t *shadowIndexes = newTri->indexes; #else glIndex_t *tempIndexes = (glIndex_t *)_alloca16( tri->numSilEdges * 6 * sizeof( tempIndexes[0] ) ); glIndex_t *shadowIndexes = tempIndexes; #endif // create new triangles along sil planes for ( sil = tri->silEdges, i = tri->numSilEdges; i > 0; i--, sil++ ) { int f1 = facing[sil->p1]; int f2 = facing[sil->p2]; if ( !( f1 ^ f2 ) ) { continue; } int v1 = vertRemap[sil->v1]; int v2 = vertRemap[sil->v2]; // set the two triangle winding orders based on facing // without using a poorly-predictable branch shadowIndexes[0] = v1; shadowIndexes[1] = v2 ^ f1; shadowIndexes[2] = v2 ^ f2; shadowIndexes[3] = v1 ^ f2; shadowIndexes[4] = v1 ^ f1; shadowIndexes[5] = v2 ^ 1; shadowIndexes += 6; } int numShadowIndexes = shadowIndexes - tempIndexes; // we aren't bothering to separate front and back caps on these newTri->numIndexes = newTri->numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps = numShadowIndexes + numShadowingFaces * 6; newTri->numShadowIndexesNoCaps = numShadowIndexes; newTri->shadowCapPlaneBits = SHADOW_CAP_INFINITE; #ifdef USE_TRI_DATA_ALLOCATOR // decrease the size of the memory block to only store the used indexes R_ResizeStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, newTri->numIndexes ); #else // allocate memory for the indexes R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( newTri, newTri->numIndexes ); // copy the indexes we created for the sil planes SIMDProcessor->Memcpy( newTri->indexes, tempIndexes, numShadowIndexes * sizeof( tempIndexes[0] ) ); #endif // these have no effect, because they extend to infinity newTri->bounds.Clear(); // put some faces on the model and some on the distant projection indexes = tri->silIndexes; shadowIndexes = newTri->indexes + numShadowIndexes; for ( i = 0, j = 0; i < tri->numIndexes; i += 3, j++ ) { if ( facing[j] ) { continue; } int i0 = vertRemap[indexes[i+0]]; shadowIndexes[2] = i0; shadowIndexes[3] = i0 ^ 1; int i1 = vertRemap[indexes[i+1]]; shadowIndexes[1] = i1; shadowIndexes[4] = i1 ^ 1; int i2 = vertRemap[indexes[i+2]]; shadowIndexes[0] = i2; shadowIndexes[5] = i2 ^ 1; shadowIndexes += 6; } return newTri; }