/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../../../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "AASFile.h" #include "AASFile_local.h" #include "AASReach.h" #define INSIDEUNITS 2.0f #define INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND 0.5f #define INSIDEUNITS_WALKSTART 0.1f #define INSIDEUNITS_SWIMEND 0.5f #define INSIDEUNITS_FLYEND 0.5f #define INSIDEUNITS_WATERJUMP 15.0f /* ================ idAASReach::ReachabilityExists ================ */ bool idAASReach::ReachabilityExists( int fromAreaNum, int toAreaNum ) { aasArea_t *area; idReachability *reach; area = &file->areas[fromAreaNum]; for ( reach = area->reach; reach; reach = reach->next ) { if ( reach->toAreaNum == toAreaNum ) { return true; } } return false; } /* ================ idAASReach::CanSwimInArea ================ */ ID_INLINE bool idAASReach::CanSwimInArea( int areaNum ) { return ( file->areas[areaNum].contents & AREACONTENTS_WATER ) != 0; } /* ================ idAASReach::AreaHasFloor ================ */ ID_INLINE bool idAASReach::AreaHasFloor( int areaNum ) { return ( file->areas[areaNum].flags & AREA_FLOOR ) != 0; } /* ================ idAASReach::AreaIsClusterPortal ================ */ ID_INLINE bool idAASReach::AreaIsClusterPortal( int areaNum ) { return ( file->areas[areaNum].contents & AREACONTENTS_CLUSTERPORTAL ) != 0; } /* ================ idAASReach::AddReachabilityToArea ================ */ void idAASReach::AddReachabilityToArea( idReachability *reach, int areaNum ) { aasArea_t *area; area = &file->areas[areaNum]; reach->next = area->reach; area->reach = reach; numReachabilities++; } /* ================ idAASReach::Reachability_Fly ================ */ void idAASReach::Reachability_Fly( int areaNum ) { int i, faceNum, otherAreaNum; aasArea_t *area; aasFace_t *face; idReachability_Fly *reach; area = &file->areas[areaNum]; for ( i = 0; i < area->numFaces; i++ ) { faceNum = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + i]; face = &file->faces[abs(faceNum)]; otherAreaNum = face->areas[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(faceNum)]; if ( otherAreaNum == 0 ) { continue; } if ( ReachabilityExists( areaNum, otherAreaNum ) ) { continue; } // create reachability going through this face reach = new idReachability_Fly(); reach->travelType = TFL_FLY; reach->toAreaNum = otherAreaNum; reach->fromAreaNum = areaNum; reach->edgeNum = 0; reach->travelTime = 1; reach->start = file->FaceCenter( abs(faceNum) ); if ( faceNum < 0 ) { reach->end = reach->start + file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_FLYEND; } else { reach->end = reach->start - file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_FLYEND; } AddReachabilityToArea( reach, areaNum ); } } /* ================ idAASReach::Reachability_Swim ================ */ void idAASReach::Reachability_Swim( int areaNum ) { int i, faceNum, otherAreaNum; aasArea_t *area; aasFace_t *face; idReachability_Swim *reach; if ( !CanSwimInArea( areaNum ) ) { return; } area = &file->areas[areaNum]; for ( i = 0; i < area->numFaces; i++ ) { faceNum = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + i]; face = &file->faces[abs(faceNum)]; otherAreaNum = face->areas[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(faceNum)]; if ( otherAreaNum == 0 ) { continue; } if ( !CanSwimInArea( otherAreaNum ) ) { continue; } if ( ReachabilityExists( areaNum, otherAreaNum ) ) { continue; } // create reachability going through this face reach = new idReachability_Swim(); reach->travelType = TFL_SWIM; reach->toAreaNum = otherAreaNum; reach->fromAreaNum = areaNum; reach->edgeNum = 0; reach->travelTime = 1; reach->start = file->FaceCenter( abs(faceNum) ); if ( faceNum < 0 ) { reach->end = reach->start + file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_SWIMEND; } else { reach->end = reach->start - file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_SWIMEND; } AddReachabilityToArea( reach, areaNum ); } } /* ================ idAASReach::Reachability_EqualFloorHeight ================ */ void idAASReach::Reachability_EqualFloorHeight( int areaNum ) { int i, k, l, m, n, faceNum, face1Num, face2Num, otherAreaNum, edge1Num, edge2Num; aasArea_t *area, *otherArea; aasFace_t *face, *face1, *face2; idReachability_Walk *reach; if ( !AreaHasFloor( areaNum ) ) { return; } area = &file->areas[areaNum]; for ( i = 0; i < area->numFaces; i++ ) { faceNum = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + i]; face = &file->faces[abs(faceNum)]; otherAreaNum = face->areas[INTSIGNBITNOTSET(faceNum)]; if ( !AreaHasFloor( otherAreaNum ) ) { continue; } otherArea = &file->areas[otherAreaNum]; for ( k = 0; k < area->numFaces; k++ ) { face1Num = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + k]; face1 = &file->faces[abs(face1Num)]; if ( !( face1->flags & FACE_FLOOR ) ) { continue; } for ( l = 0; l < otherArea->numFaces; l++ ) { face2Num = file->faceIndex[otherArea->firstFace + l]; face2 = &file->faces[abs(face2Num)]; if ( !( face2->flags & FACE_FLOOR ) ) { continue; } for ( m = 0; m < face1->numEdges; m++ ) { edge1Num = abs(file->edgeIndex[face1->firstEdge + m]); for ( n = 0; n < face2->numEdges; n++ ) { edge2Num = abs(file->edgeIndex[face2->firstEdge + n]); if ( edge1Num == edge2Num ) { break; } } if ( n < face2->numEdges ) { break; } } if ( m < face1->numEdges ) { break; } } if ( l < otherArea->numFaces ) { break; } } if ( k < area->numFaces ) { // create reachability reach = new idReachability_Walk(); reach->travelType = TFL_WALK; reach->toAreaNum = otherAreaNum; reach->fromAreaNum = areaNum; reach->edgeNum = abs( edge1Num ); reach->travelTime = 1; reach->start = file->EdgeCenter( edge1Num ); if ( faceNum < 0 ) { reach->end = reach->start + file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND; } else { reach->end = reach->start - file->planeList[face->planeNum].Normal() * INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND; } AddReachabilityToArea( reach, areaNum ); } } } /* ================ idAASReach::Reachability_Step_Barrier_WaterJump_WalkOffLedge ================ */ bool idAASReach::Reachability_Step_Barrier_WaterJump_WalkOffLedge( int area1num, int area2num ) { int i, j, k, l, edge1Num, edge2Num, areas[10]; int floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum, floor_foundReach; int water_foundReach; int side1, faceSide1, floorFace1Num; float dist, dist1, dist2, diff, /*invGravityDot, */ orthogonalDot; float x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4, tmp, y; float length, floor_bestLength, water_bestLength, floor_bestDist, water_bestDist; idVec3 v1, v2, v3, v4, tmpv, p1area1, p1area2, p2area1, p2area2; idVec3 normal, orthogonal, edgeVec, start, end; idVec3 floor_bestStart, floor_bestEnd, floor_bestNormal; idVec3 water_bestStart, water_bestEnd, water_bestNormal; idVec3 testPoint; idPlane *plane; aasArea_t *area1, *area2; aasFace_t *floorFace1, *floorFace2; aasEdge_t *edge1, *edge2; idReachability_Walk *walkReach; idReachability_BarrierJump *barrierJumpReach; idReachability_WaterJump *waterJumpReach; idReachability_WalkOffLedge *walkOffLedgeReach; aasTrace_t trace; // must be able to walk or swim in the first area if ( !AreaHasFloor( area1num ) && !CanSwimInArea( area1num ) ) { return false; } if ( !AreaHasFloor( area2num ) && !CanSwimInArea( area2num ) ) { return false; } area1 = &file->areas[area1num]; area2 = &file->areas[area2num]; // if the areas are not near anough in the x-y direction for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { if ( area1->bounds[0][i] > area2->bounds[1][i] + 2.0f ) { return false; } if ( area1->bounds[1][i] < area2->bounds[0][i] - 2.0f ) { return false; } } floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum = 0; floor_bestStart.Zero(); floor_bestEnd.Zero(); floor_bestNormal.Zero(); water_bestStart.Zero(); water_bestEnd.Zero(); water_bestNormal.Zero(); floor_foundReach = false; floor_bestDist = 99999; floor_bestLength = 0; water_foundReach = false; water_bestDist = 99999; water_bestLength = 0; for ( i = 0; i < area1->numFaces; i++ ) { floorFace1Num = file->faceIndex[area1->firstFace + i]; faceSide1 = floorFace1Num < 0; floorFace1 = &file->faces[abs(floorFace1Num)]; // if this isn't a floor face if ( !(floorFace1->flags & FACE_FLOOR) ) { // if we can swim in the first area if ( CanSwimInArea( area1num ) ) { // face plane must be more or less horizontal plane = &file->planeList[ floorFace1->planeNum ^ (!faceSide1) ]; if ( plane->Normal() * file->settings.invGravityDir < file->settings.minFloorCos ) { continue; } } else { // if we can't swim in the area it must be a ground face continue; } } for ( k = 0; k < floorFace1->numEdges; k++ ) { edge1Num = file->edgeIndex[floorFace1->firstEdge + k]; side1 = (edge1Num < 0); // NOTE: for water faces we must take the side area 1 is on into // account because the face is shared and doesn't have to be oriented correctly if ( !(floorFace1->flags & FACE_FLOOR) ) { side1 = (side1 == faceSide1); } edge1Num = abs(edge1Num); edge1 = &file->edges[edge1Num]; // vertices of the edge v1 = file->vertices[edge1->vertexNum[!side1]]; v2 = file->vertices[edge1->vertexNum[side1]]; // get a vertical plane through the edge // NOTE: normal is pointing into area 2 because the face edges are stored counter clockwise edgeVec = v2 - v1; normal = edgeVec.Cross( file->settings.invGravityDir ); normal.Normalize(); dist = normal * v1; // check the faces from the second area for ( j = 0; j < area2->numFaces; j++ ) { floorFace2 = &file->faces[abs(file->faceIndex[area2->firstFace + j])]; // must be a ground face if ( !(floorFace2->flags & FACE_FLOOR) ) { continue; } // check the edges of this ground face for ( l = 0; l < floorFace2->numEdges; l++ ) { edge2Num = abs(file->edgeIndex[floorFace2->firstEdge + l]); edge2 = &file->edges[edge2Num]; // vertices of the edge v3 = file->vertices[edge2->vertexNum[0]]; v4 = file->vertices[edge2->vertexNum[1]]; // check the distance between the two points and the vertical plane through the edge of area1 diff = normal * v3 - dist; if ( diff < -0.2f || diff > 0.2f ) { continue; } diff = normal * v4 - dist; if ( diff < -0.2f || diff > 0.2f ) { continue; } // project the two ground edges into the step side plane // and calculate the shortest distance between the two // edges if they overlap in the direction orthogonal to // the gravity direction orthogonal = file->settings.invGravityDir.Cross( normal ); //invGravityDot = file->settings.invGravityDir * file->settings.invGravityDir; orthogonalDot = orthogonal * orthogonal; // projection into the step plane // NOTE: since gravity is vertical this is just the z coordinate y1 = v1[2];//(v1 * file->settings.invGravity) / invGravityDot; y2 = v2[2];//(v2 * file->settings.invGravity) / invGravityDot; y3 = v3[2];//(v3 * file->settings.invGravity) / invGravityDot; y4 = v4[2];//(v4 * file->settings.invGravity) / invGravityDot; x1 = (v1 * orthogonal) / orthogonalDot; x2 = (v2 * orthogonal) / orthogonalDot; x3 = (v3 * orthogonal) / orthogonalDot; x4 = (v4 * orthogonal) / orthogonalDot; if ( x1 > x2 ) { tmp = x1; x1 = x2; x2 = tmp; tmp = y1; y1 = y2; y2 = tmp; tmpv = v1; v1 = v2; v2 = tmpv; } if ( x3 > x4 ) { tmp = x3; x3 = x4; x4 = tmp; tmp = y3; y3 = y4; y4 = tmp; tmpv = v3; v3 = v4; v4 = tmpv; } // if the two projected edge lines have no overlap if ( x2 <= x3 || x4 <= x1 ) { continue; } // if the two lines fully overlap if ( (x1 - 0.5f < x3 && x4 < x2 + 0.5f) && (x3 - 0.5f < x1 && x2 < x4 + 0.5f) ) { dist1 = y3 - y1; dist2 = y4 - y2; p1area1 = v1; p2area1 = v2; p1area2 = v3; p2area2 = v4; } else { // if the points are equal if ( x1 > x3 - 0.1f && x1 < x3 + 0.1f ) { dist1 = y3 - y1; p1area1 = v1; p1area2 = v3; } else if ( x1 < x3 ) { y = y1 + (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); dist1 = y3 - y; p1area1 = v3; p1area1[2] = y; p1area2 = v3; } else { y = y3 + (x1 - x3) * (y4 - y3) / (x4 - x3); dist1 = y - y1; p1area1 = v1; p1area2 = v1; p1area2[2] = y; } // if the points are equal if ( x2 > x4 - 0.1f && x2 < x4 + 0.1f ) { dist2 = y4 - y2; p2area1 = v2; p2area2 = v4; } else if ( x2 < x4 ) { y = y3 + (x2 - x3) * (y4 - y3) / (x4 - x3); dist2 = y - y2; p2area1 = v2; p2area2 = v2; p2area2[2] = y; } else { y = y1 + (x4 - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1); dist2 = y4 - y; p2area1 = v4; p2area1[2] = y; p2area2 = v4; } } // if both distances are pretty much equal then we take the middle of the points if ( dist1 > dist2 - 1.0f && dist1 < dist2 + 1.0f ) { dist = dist1; start = ( p1area1 + p2area1 ) * 0.5f; end = ( p1area2 + p2area2 ) * 0.5f; } else if (dist1 < dist2) { dist = dist1; start = p1area1; end = p1area2; } else { dist = dist2; start = p2area1; end = p2area2; } // get the length of the overlapping part of the edges of the two areas length = (p2area2 - p1area2).Length(); if ( floorFace1->flags & FACE_FLOOR ) { // if the vertical distance is smaller if ( dist < floor_bestDist || // or the vertical distance is pretty much the same // but the overlapping part of the edges is longer (dist < floor_bestDist + 1.0f && length > floor_bestLength) ) { floor_bestDist = dist; floor_bestLength = length; floor_foundReach = true; floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum = edge1Num; floor_bestStart = start; floor_bestNormal = normal; floor_bestEnd = end; } } else { // if the vertical distance is smaller if ( dist < water_bestDist || //or the vertical distance is pretty much the same //but the overlapping part of the edges is longer (dist < water_bestDist + 1.0f && length > water_bestLength) ) { water_bestDist = dist; water_bestLength = length; water_foundReach = true; water_bestStart = start; // best start point in area1 water_bestNormal = normal; // normal is pointing into area2 water_bestEnd = end; // best point towards area2 } } } } } } // // NOTE: swim reachabilities should already be filtered out // // Steps // // --------- // | step height -> TFL_WALK // --------| // // --------- // ~~~~~~~~| step height and low water -> TFL_WALK // --------| // // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // --------- // | step height and low water up to the step -> TFL_WALK // --------| // // check for a step reachability if ( floor_foundReach ) { // if area2 is higher but lower than the maximum step height // NOTE: floor_bestDist >= 0 also catches equal floor reachabilities if ( floor_bestDist >= 0 && floor_bestDist < file->settings.maxStepHeight ) { // create walk reachability from area1 to area2 walkReach = new idReachability_Walk(); walkReach->travelType = TFL_WALK; walkReach->toAreaNum = area2num; walkReach->fromAreaNum = area1num; walkReach->start = floor_bestStart + INSIDEUNITS_WALKSTART * floor_bestNormal; walkReach->end = floor_bestEnd + INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND * floor_bestNormal; walkReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum ); walkReach->travelTime = 0; if ( area2->flags & AREA_CROUCH ) { walkReach->travelTime += file->settings.tt_startCrouching; } AddReachabilityToArea( walkReach, area1num ); return true; } } // // Water Jumps // // --------- // | // ~~~~~~~~| // | // | higher than step height and water up to waterjump height -> TFL_WATERJUMP // --------| // // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // --------- // | // | // | // | higher than step height and low water up to the step -> TFL_WATERJUMP // --------| // // check for a waterjump reachability if ( water_foundReach ) { // get a test point a little bit towards area1 testPoint = water_bestEnd - INSIDEUNITS * water_bestNormal; // go down the maximum waterjump height testPoint[2] -= file->settings.maxWaterJumpHeight; // if there IS water the sv_maxwaterjump height below the bestend point if ( area1->flags & AREA_LIQUID ) { // don't create rediculous water jump reachabilities from areas very far below the water surface if ( water_bestDist < file->settings.maxWaterJumpHeight + 24 ) { // water jumping from or towards a crouch only areas is not possible if ( !(area1->flags & AREA_CROUCH) && !(area2->flags & AREA_CROUCH) ) { // create water jump reachability from area1 to area2 waterJumpReach = new idReachability_WaterJump(); waterJumpReach->travelType = TFL_WATERJUMP; waterJumpReach->toAreaNum = area2num; waterJumpReach->fromAreaNum = area1num; waterJumpReach->start = water_bestStart; waterJumpReach->end = water_bestEnd + INSIDEUNITS_WATERJUMP * water_bestNormal; waterJumpReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum ); waterJumpReach->travelTime = file->settings.tt_waterJump; AddReachabilityToArea( waterJumpReach, area1num ); return true; } } } } // // Barrier Jumps // // --------- // | // | // | // | higher than max step height lower than max barrier height -> TFL_BARRIERJUMP // --------| // // --------- // | // | // | // ~~~~~~~~| higher than max step height lower than max barrier height // --------| and a thin layer of water in the area to jump from -> TFL_BARRIERJUMP // // check for a barrier jump reachability if ( floor_foundReach ) { //if area2 is higher but lower than the maximum barrier jump height if ( floor_bestDist > 0 && floor_bestDist < file->settings.maxBarrierHeight ) { //if no water in area1 or a very thin layer of water on the ground if ( !water_foundReach || (floor_bestDist - water_bestDist < 16) ) { // cannot perform a barrier jump towards or from a crouch area if ( !(area1->flags & AREA_CROUCH) && !(area2->flags & AREA_CROUCH) ) { // create barrier jump reachability from area1 to area2 barrierJumpReach = new idReachability_BarrierJump(); barrierJumpReach->travelType = TFL_BARRIERJUMP; barrierJumpReach->toAreaNum = area2num; barrierJumpReach->fromAreaNum = area1num; barrierJumpReach->start = floor_bestStart + INSIDEUNITS_WALKSTART * floor_bestNormal; barrierJumpReach->end = floor_bestEnd + INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND * floor_bestNormal; barrierJumpReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum ); barrierJumpReach->travelTime = file->settings.tt_barrierJump; AddReachabilityToArea( barrierJumpReach, area1num ); return true; } } } } // // Walk and Walk Off Ledge // // --------| // | can walk or step back -> TFL_WALK // --------- // // --------| // | // | // | // | cannot walk/step back -> TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE // --------- // // --------| // | // |~~~~~~~~ // | // | cannot step back but can waterjump back -> TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE // --------- FIXME: create TFL_WALK reach?? // // check for a walk or walk off ledge reachability if ( floor_foundReach ) { if ( floor_bestDist < 0 ) { if ( floor_bestDist > -file->settings.maxStepHeight ) { // create walk reachability from area1 to area2 walkReach = new idReachability_Walk(); walkReach->travelType = TFL_WALK; walkReach->toAreaNum = area2num; walkReach->fromAreaNum = area1num; walkReach->start = floor_bestStart + INSIDEUNITS_WALKSTART * floor_bestNormal; walkReach->end = floor_bestEnd + INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND * floor_bestNormal; walkReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum ); walkReach->travelTime = 1; AddReachabilityToArea( walkReach, area1num ); return true; } // if no maximum fall height set or less than the max if ( !file->settings.maxFallHeight || idMath::Fabs(floor_bestDist) < file->settings.maxFallHeight ) { // trace a bounding box vertically to check for solids floor_bestEnd += INSIDEUNITS * floor_bestNormal; start = floor_bestEnd; start[2] = floor_bestStart[2]; end = floor_bestEnd; end[2] += 4; trace.areas = areas; trace.maxAreas = sizeof(areas) / sizeof(int); file->Trace( trace, start, end ); // if the trace didn't start in solid and nothing was hit if ( trace.lastAreaNum && trace.fraction >= 1.0f ) { // the trace end point must be in the goal area if ( trace.lastAreaNum == area2num ) { // don't create reachability if going through a cluster portal for (i = 0; i < trace.numAreas; i++) { if ( AreaIsClusterPortal( trace.areas[i] ) ) { break; } } if ( i >= trace.numAreas ) { // create a walk off ledge reachability from area1 to area2 walkOffLedgeReach = new idReachability_WalkOffLedge(); walkOffLedgeReach->travelType = TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE; walkOffLedgeReach->toAreaNum = area2num; walkOffLedgeReach->fromAreaNum = area1num; walkOffLedgeReach->start = floor_bestStart; walkOffLedgeReach->end = floor_bestEnd; walkOffLedgeReach->edgeNum = abs( floor_bestArea1FloorEdgeNum ); walkOffLedgeReach->travelTime = file->settings.tt_startWalkOffLedge + idMath::Fabs(floor_bestDist) * 50 / file->settings.gravityValue; AddReachabilityToArea( walkOffLedgeReach, area1num ); return true; } } } } } } return false; } /* ================ idAASReach::Reachability_WalkOffLedge ================ */ void idAASReach::Reachability_WalkOffLedge( int areaNum ) { int i, j, faceNum, edgeNum, side, reachAreaNum, p, areas[10]; aasArea_t *area; aasFace_t *face; aasEdge_t *edge; idPlane *plane; idVec3 v1, v2, mid, dir, testEnd; idReachability_WalkOffLedge *reach; aasTrace_t trace; if ( !AreaHasFloor( areaNum ) || CanSwimInArea( areaNum ) ) { return; } area = &file->areas[areaNum]; for ( i = 0; i < area->numFaces; i++ ) { faceNum = file->faceIndex[area->firstFace + i]; face = &file->faces[abs(faceNum)]; // face must be a floor face if ( !(face->flags & FACE_FLOOR) ) { continue; } for ( j = 0; j < face->numEdges; j++ ) { edgeNum = file->edgeIndex[face->firstEdge + j]; edge = &file->edges[abs(edgeNum)]; //if ( !(edge->flags & EDGE_LEDGE) ) { // continue; //} side = edgeNum < 0; v1 = file->vertices[edge->vertexNum[side]]; v2 = file->vertices[edge->vertexNum[!side]]; plane = &file->planeList[face->planeNum ^ INTSIGNBITSET(faceNum) ]; // get the direction into the other area dir = plane->Normal().Cross( v2 - v1 ); dir.Normalize(); mid = ( v1 + v2 ) * 0.5f; testEnd = mid + INSIDEUNITS_WALKEND * dir; testEnd[2] -= file->settings.maxFallHeight + 1.0f; trace.areas = areas; trace.maxAreas = sizeof(areas) / sizeof(int); file->Trace( trace, mid, testEnd ); reachAreaNum = trace.lastAreaNum; if ( !reachAreaNum || reachAreaNum == areaNum ) { continue; } if ( idMath::Fabs( mid[2] - trace.endpos[2] ) > file->settings.maxFallHeight ) { continue; } if ( !AreaHasFloor( reachAreaNum ) && !CanSwimInArea( reachAreaNum ) ) { continue; } if ( ReachabilityExists( areaNum, reachAreaNum) ) { continue; } // if not going through a cluster portal for ( p = 0; p < trace.numAreas; p++ ) { if ( AreaIsClusterPortal( trace.areas[p] ) ) { break; } } if ( p < trace.numAreas ) { continue; } reach = new idReachability_WalkOffLedge(); reach->travelType = TFL_WALKOFFLEDGE; reach->toAreaNum = reachAreaNum; reach->fromAreaNum = areaNum; reach->start = mid; reach->end = trace.endpos; reach->edgeNum = abs( edgeNum ); reach->travelTime = file->settings.tt_startWalkOffLedge + idMath::Fabs(mid[2] - trace.endpos[2]) * 50 / file->settings.gravityValue; AddReachabilityToArea( reach, areaNum ); } } } /* ================ idAASReach::FlagReachableAreas ================ */ void idAASReach::FlagReachableAreas( idAASFileLocal *file ) { int i, numReachableAreas; numReachableAreas = 0; for ( i = 1; i < file->areas.Num(); i++ ) { if ( ( file->areas[i].flags & ( AREA_FLOOR | AREA_LADDER ) ) || ( file->areas[i].contents & AREACONTENTS_WATER ) ) { file->areas[i].flags |= AREA_REACHABLE_WALK; } if ( file->GetSettings().allowFlyReachabilities ) { file->areas[i].flags |= AREA_REACHABLE_FLY; } numReachableAreas++; } common->Printf( "%6d reachable areas\n", numReachableAreas ); } /* ================ idAASReach::Build ================ */ bool idAASReach::Build( const idMapFile *mapFile, idAASFileLocal *file ) { int i, j, lastPercent, percent; this->mapFile = mapFile; this->file = file; numReachabilities = 0; common->Printf( "[Reachability]\n" ); // delete all existing reachabilities file->DeleteReachabilities(); FlagReachableAreas( file ); for ( i = 1; i < file->areas.Num(); i++ ) { if ( !( file->areas[i].flags & AREA_REACHABLE_WALK ) ) { continue; } if ( file->GetSettings().allowSwimReachabilities ) { Reachability_Swim( i ); } Reachability_EqualFloorHeight( i ); } lastPercent = -1; for ( i = 1; i < file->areas.Num(); i++ ) { if ( !( file->areas[i].flags & AREA_REACHABLE_WALK ) ) { continue; } for ( j = 0; j < file->areas.Num(); j++ ) { if ( i == j ) { continue; } if ( !( file->areas[j].flags & AREA_REACHABLE_WALK ) ) { continue; } if ( ReachabilityExists( i, j ) ) { continue; } if ( Reachability_Step_Barrier_WaterJump_WalkOffLedge( i, j ) ) { continue; } } //Reachability_WalkOffLedge( i ); percent = 100 * i / file->areas.Num(); if ( percent > lastPercent ) { common->Printf( "\r%6d%%", percent ); lastPercent = percent; } } if ( file->GetSettings().allowFlyReachabilities ) { for ( i = 1; i < file->areas.Num(); i++ ) { Reachability_Fly( i ); } } file->LinkReversedReachability(); common->Printf( "\r%6d reachabilities\n", numReachabilities ); return true; }