/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "framework/Common.h" #include "renderer/tr_local.h" #include "renderer/VertexCache.h" static const int FRAME_MEMORY_BYTES = 0x200000; static const int EXPAND_HEADERS = 1024; idCVar idVertexCache::r_showVertexCache( "r_showVertexCache", "0", CVAR_INTEGER|CVAR_RENDERER, "" ); idCVar idVertexCache::r_vertexBufferMegs( "r_vertexBufferMegs", "32", CVAR_INTEGER|CVAR_RENDERER, "" ); idVertexCache vertexCache; /* ============== R_ListVertexCache_f ============== */ static void R_ListVertexCache_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { vertexCache.List(); } /* ============== idVertexCache::ActuallyFree ============== */ void idVertexCache::ActuallyFree( vertCache_t *block ) { if (!block) { common->Error( "idVertexCache Free: NULL pointer" ); } if ( block->user ) { // let the owner know we have purged it *block->user = NULL; block->user = NULL; } // temp blocks are in a shared space that won't be freed if ( block->tag != TAG_TEMP ) { staticAllocTotal -= block->size; staticCountTotal--; if ( block->vbo ) { #if 0 // this isn't really necessary, it will be reused soon enough // filling with zero length data is the equivalent of freeing qglBindBufferARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, block->vbo); qglBufferDataARB(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0, 0, GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW_ARB); #endif } else if ( block->virtMem ) { Mem_Free( block->virtMem ); block->virtMem = NULL; } } block->tag = TAG_FREE; // mark as free // unlink stick it back on the free list block->next->prev = block->prev; block->prev->next = block->next; #if 1 // stick it on the front of the free list so it will be reused immediately block->next = freeStaticHeaders.next; block->prev = &freeStaticHeaders; #else // stick it on the back of the free list so it won't be reused soon (just for debugging) block->next = &freeStaticHeaders; block->prev = freeStaticHeaders.prev; #endif block->next->prev = block; block->prev->next = block; } /* ============== idVertexCache::Position this will be a real pointer with virtual memory, but it will be an int offset cast to a pointer with ARB_vertex_buffer_object The ARB_vertex_buffer_object will be bound ============== */ void *idVertexCache::Position( vertCache_t *buffer ) { if ( !buffer || buffer->tag == TAG_FREE ) { common->FatalError( "idVertexCache::Position: bad vertCache_t" ); } // the ARB vertex object just uses an offset if ( buffer->vbo ) { if ( r_showVertexCache.GetInteger() == 2 ) { if ( buffer->tag == TAG_TEMP ) { common->Printf( "GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB = %i + %zd (%i bytes)\n", buffer->vbo, buffer->offset, buffer->size ); } else { common->Printf( "GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB = %i (%i bytes)\n", buffer->vbo, buffer->size ); } } if ( buffer->indexBuffer ) { qglBindBufferARB( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, buffer->vbo ); } else { qglBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, buffer->vbo ); } return (void *)buffer->offset; } // virtual memory is a real pointer return (void *)((byte *)buffer->virtMem + buffer->offset); } void idVertexCache::UnbindIndex() { qglBindBufferARB( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0 ); } //================================================================================ /* =========== idVertexCache::Init =========== */ void idVertexCache::Init() { cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listVertexCache", R_ListVertexCache_f, CMD_FL_RENDERER, "lists vertex cache" ); if ( r_vertexBufferMegs.GetInteger() < 8 ) { r_vertexBufferMegs.SetInteger( 8 ); } virtualMemory = false; // use ARB_vertex_buffer_object unless explicitly disabled if( r_useVertexBuffers.GetInteger() && glConfig.ARBVertexBufferObjectAvailable ) { common->Printf( "using ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory\n" ); } else { virtualMemory = true; r_useIndexBuffers.SetBool( false ); common->Printf( "WARNING: vertex array range in virtual memory (SLOW)\n" ); } // initialize the cache memory blocks freeStaticHeaders.next = freeStaticHeaders.prev = &freeStaticHeaders; staticHeaders.next = staticHeaders.prev = &staticHeaders; freeDynamicHeaders.next = freeDynamicHeaders.prev = &freeDynamicHeaders; dynamicHeaders.next = dynamicHeaders.prev = &dynamicHeaders; deferredFreeList.next = deferredFreeList.prev = &deferredFreeList; // set up the dynamic frame memory frameBytes = FRAME_MEMORY_BYTES; staticAllocTotal = 0; byte *junk = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( frameBytes ); for ( int i = 0 ; i < NUM_VERTEX_FRAMES ; i++ ) { allocatingTempBuffer = true; // force the alloc to use GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB Alloc( junk, frameBytes, &tempBuffers[i] ); allocatingTempBuffer = false; tempBuffers[i]->tag = TAG_FIXED; // unlink these from the static list, so they won't ever get purged tempBuffers[i]->next->prev = tempBuffers[i]->prev; tempBuffers[i]->prev->next = tempBuffers[i]->next; } Mem_Free( junk ); EndFrame(); } /* =========== idVertexCache::PurgeAll Used when toggling vertex programs on or off, because the cached data isn't valid =========== */ void idVertexCache::PurgeAll() { while( staticHeaders.next != &staticHeaders ) { ActuallyFree( staticHeaders.next ); } } /* =========== idVertexCache::Shutdown =========== */ void idVertexCache::Shutdown() { // PurgeAll(); // !@#: also purge the temp buffers headerAllocator.Shutdown(); } /* =========== idVertexCache::Alloc =========== */ void idVertexCache::Alloc( void *data, int size, vertCache_t **buffer, bool indexBuffer ) { vertCache_t *block; if ( size <= 0 ) { common->Error( "idVertexCache::Alloc: size = %i\n", size ); } // if we can't find anything, it will be NULL *buffer = NULL; // if we don't have any remaining unused headers, allocate some more if ( freeStaticHeaders.next == &freeStaticHeaders ) { for ( int i = 0; i < EXPAND_HEADERS; i++ ) { block = headerAllocator.Alloc(); block->next = freeStaticHeaders.next; block->prev = &freeStaticHeaders; block->next->prev = block; block->prev->next = block; if( !virtualMemory ) { qglGenBuffersARB( 1, & block->vbo ); } } } // move it from the freeStaticHeaders list to the staticHeaders list block = freeStaticHeaders.next; block->next->prev = block->prev; block->prev->next = block->next; block->next = staticHeaders.next; block->prev = &staticHeaders; block->next->prev = block; block->prev->next = block; block->size = size; block->offset = 0; block->tag = TAG_USED; // save data for debugging staticAllocThisFrame += block->size; staticCountThisFrame++; staticCountTotal++; staticAllocTotal += block->size; // this will be set to zero when it is purged block->user = buffer; *buffer = block; // allocation doesn't imply used-for-drawing, because at level // load time lots of things may be created, but they aren't // referenced by the GPU yet, and can be purged if needed. block->frameUsed = currentFrame - NUM_VERTEX_FRAMES; block->indexBuffer = indexBuffer; // copy the data if ( block->vbo ) { if ( indexBuffer ) { qglBindBufferARB( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, block->vbo ); qglBufferDataARB( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, (GLsizeiptrARB)size, data, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB ); } else { qglBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, block->vbo ); if ( allocatingTempBuffer ) { qglBufferDataARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, (GLsizeiptrARB)size, data, GL_STREAM_DRAW_ARB ); } else { qglBufferDataARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, (GLsizeiptrARB)size, data, GL_STATIC_DRAW_ARB ); } } } else { block->virtMem = Mem_Alloc( size ); SIMDProcessor->Memcpy( block->virtMem, data, size ); } } /* =========== idVertexCache::Touch =========== */ void idVertexCache::Touch( vertCache_t *block ) { if ( !block ) { common->Error( "idVertexCache Touch: NULL pointer" ); } if ( block->tag == TAG_FREE ) { common->FatalError( "idVertexCache Touch: freed pointer" ); } if ( block->tag == TAG_TEMP ) { common->FatalError( "idVertexCache Touch: temporary pointer" ); } block->frameUsed = currentFrame; // move to the head of the LRU list block->next->prev = block->prev; block->prev->next = block->next; block->next = staticHeaders.next; block->prev = &staticHeaders; staticHeaders.next->prev = block; staticHeaders.next = block; } /* =========== idVertexCache::Free =========== */ void idVertexCache::Free( vertCache_t *block ) { if (!block) { return; } if ( block->tag == TAG_FREE ) { common->FatalError( "idVertexCache Free: freed pointer" ); } if ( block->tag == TAG_TEMP ) { common->FatalError( "idVertexCache Free: temporary pointer" ); } // this block still can't be purged until the frame count has expired, // but it won't need to clear a user pointer when it is block->user = NULL; block->next->prev = block->prev; block->prev->next = block->next; block->next = deferredFreeList.next; block->prev = &deferredFreeList; deferredFreeList.next->prev = block; deferredFreeList.next = block; } /* =========== idVertexCache::AllocFrameTemp A frame temp allocation must never be allowed to fail due to overflow. We can't simply sync with the GPU and overwrite what we have, because there may still be future references to dynamically created surfaces. =========== */ vertCache_t *idVertexCache::AllocFrameTemp( void *data, int size ) { vertCache_t *block; if ( size <= 0 ) { common->Error( "idVertexCache::AllocFrameTemp: size = %i\n", size ); } if ( dynamicAllocThisFrame + size > frameBytes ) { // if we don't have enough room in the temp block, allocate a static block, // but immediately free it so it will get freed at the next frame tempOverflow = true; Alloc( data, size, &block ); Free( block); return block; } // this data is just going on the shared dynamic list // if we don't have any remaining unused headers, allocate some more if ( freeDynamicHeaders.next == &freeDynamicHeaders ) { for ( int i = 0; i < EXPAND_HEADERS; i++ ) { block = headerAllocator.Alloc(); block->next = freeDynamicHeaders.next; block->prev = &freeDynamicHeaders; block->next->prev = block; block->prev->next = block; } } // move it from the freeDynamicHeaders list to the dynamicHeaders list block = freeDynamicHeaders.next; block->next->prev = block->prev; block->prev->next = block->next; block->next = dynamicHeaders.next; block->prev = &dynamicHeaders; block->next->prev = block; block->prev->next = block; block->size = size; block->tag = TAG_TEMP; block->indexBuffer = false; block->offset = dynamicAllocThisFrame; dynamicAllocThisFrame += block->size; dynamicCountThisFrame++; block->user = NULL; block->frameUsed = 0; // copy the data block->virtMem = tempBuffers[listNum]->virtMem; block->vbo = tempBuffers[listNum]->vbo; if ( block->vbo ) { qglBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, block->vbo ); qglBufferSubDataARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, block->offset, (GLsizeiptrARB)size, data ); } else { SIMDProcessor->Memcpy( (byte *)block->virtMem + block->offset, data, size ); } return block; } /* =========== idVertexCache::EndFrame =========== */ void idVertexCache::EndFrame() { // display debug information if ( r_showVertexCache.GetBool() ) { int staticUseCount = 0; int staticUseSize = 0; for ( vertCache_t *block = staticHeaders.next ; block != &staticHeaders ; block = block->next ) { if ( block->frameUsed == currentFrame ) { staticUseCount++; staticUseSize += block->size; } } const char *frameOverflow = tempOverflow ? "(OVERFLOW)" : ""; common->Printf( "vertex dynamic:%i=%ik%s, static alloc:%i=%ik used:%i=%ik total:%i=%ik\n", dynamicCountThisFrame, dynamicAllocThisFrame/1024, frameOverflow, staticCountThisFrame, staticAllocThisFrame/1024, staticUseCount, staticUseSize/1024, staticCountTotal, staticAllocTotal/1024 ); } #if 0 // if our total static count is above our working memory limit, start purging things while ( staticAllocTotal > r_vertexBufferMegs.GetInteger() * 1024 * 1024 ) { // free the least recently used } #endif if( !virtualMemory ) { // unbind vertex buffers so normal virtual memory will be used in case // r_useVertexBuffers / r_useIndexBuffers qglBindBufferARB( GL_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0 ); qglBindBufferARB( GL_ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER_ARB, 0 ); } currentFrame = tr.frameCount; listNum = currentFrame % NUM_VERTEX_FRAMES; staticAllocThisFrame = 0; staticCountThisFrame = 0; dynamicAllocThisFrame = 0; dynamicCountThisFrame = 0; tempOverflow = false; // free all the deferred free headers while( deferredFreeList.next != &deferredFreeList ) { ActuallyFree( deferredFreeList.next ); } // free all the frame temp headers vertCache_t *block = dynamicHeaders.next; if ( block != &dynamicHeaders ) { block->prev = &freeDynamicHeaders; dynamicHeaders.prev->next = freeDynamicHeaders.next; freeDynamicHeaders.next->prev = dynamicHeaders.prev; freeDynamicHeaders.next = block; dynamicHeaders.next = dynamicHeaders.prev = &dynamicHeaders; } } /* ============= idVertexCache::List ============= */ void idVertexCache::List( void ) { int numActive = 0; int frameStatic = 0; int totalStatic = 0; vertCache_t *block; for ( block = staticHeaders.next ; block != &staticHeaders ; block = block->next) { numActive++; totalStatic += block->size; if ( block->frameUsed == currentFrame ) { frameStatic += block->size; } } int numFreeStaticHeaders = 0; for ( block = freeStaticHeaders.next ; block != &freeStaticHeaders ; block = block->next ) { numFreeStaticHeaders++; } int numFreeDynamicHeaders = 0; for ( block = freeDynamicHeaders.next ; block != &freeDynamicHeaders ; block = block->next ) { numFreeDynamicHeaders++; } common->Printf( "%i megs working set\n", r_vertexBufferMegs.GetInteger() ); common->Printf( "%i dynamic temp buffers of %ik\n", NUM_VERTEX_FRAMES, frameBytes / 1024 ); common->Printf( "%5i active static headers\n", numActive ); common->Printf( "%5i free static headers\n", numFreeStaticHeaders ); common->Printf( "%5i free dynamic headers\n", numFreeDynamicHeaders ); if ( !virtualMemory ) { common->Printf( "Vertex cache is in ARB_vertex_buffer_object memory (FAST).\n"); } else { common->Printf( "Vertex cache is in virtual memory (SLOW)\n" ); } if ( r_useIndexBuffers.GetBool() ) { common->Printf( "Index buffers are accelerated.\n" ); } else { common->Printf( "Index buffers are not used.\n" ); } } /* ============= idVertexCache::IsFast just for gfxinfo printing ============= */ bool idVertexCache::IsFast() { if ( virtualMemory ) { return false; } return true; }