/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "sys/sys_local.h" #include "TypeInfo/TypeInfoGen.h" idSession * session = NULL; idDeclManager * declManager = NULL; idEventLoop * eventLoop = NULL; int idEventLoop::JournalLevel( void ) const { return 0; } /* ============================================================== idCommon ============================================================== */ #define STDIO_PRINT( pre, post ) \ va_list argptr; \ va_start( argptr, fmt ); \ printf( pre ); \ vprintf( fmt, argptr ); \ printf( post ); \ va_end( argptr ) class idCommonLocal : public idCommon { public: idCommonLocal( void ) {} virtual void Init( int argc, const char **argv, const char *cmdline ) {} virtual void Shutdown( void ) {} virtual void Quit( void ) {} virtual bool IsInitialized( void ) const { return true; } virtual void Frame( void ) {} virtual void GUIFrame( bool execCmd, bool network ) {} virtual void Async( void ) {} virtual void StartupVariable( const char *match, bool once ) {} virtual void InitTool( const toolFlag_t tool, const idDict *dict ) {} virtual void ActivateTool( bool active ) {} virtual void WriteConfigToFile( const char *filename ) {} virtual void WriteFlaggedCVarsToFile( const char *filename, int flags, const char *setCmd ) {} virtual void BeginRedirect( char *buffer, int buffersize, void (*flush)( const char * ) ) {} virtual void EndRedirect( void ) {} virtual void SetRefreshOnPrint( bool set ) {} virtual void Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) { STDIO_PRINT( "", "" ); } virtual void VPrintf( const char *fmt, va_list arg ) { vprintf( fmt, arg ); } virtual void DPrintf( const char *fmt, ... ) { /*STDIO_PRINT( "", "" );*/ } virtual void Warning( const char *fmt, ... ) { STDIO_PRINT( "WARNING: ", "\n" ); } virtual void DWarning( const char *fmt, ...) { /*STDIO_PRINT( "WARNING: ", "\n" );*/ } virtual void PrintWarnings( void ) {} virtual void ClearWarnings( const char *reason ) {} virtual void Error( const char *fmt, ... ) { STDIO_PRINT( "ERROR: ", "\n" ); exit(0); } virtual void FatalError( const char *fmt, ... ) { STDIO_PRINT( "FATAL ERROR: ", "\n" ); exit(0); } virtual const idLangDict *GetLanguageDict() { return NULL; } virtual const char * KeysFromBinding( const char *bind ) { return NULL; } virtual const char * BindingFromKey( const char *key ) { return NULL; } virtual int ButtonState( int key ) { return 0; } virtual int KeyState( int key ) { return 0; } }; idCVar com_developer( "developer", "0", CVAR_BOOL|CVAR_SYSTEM, "developer mode" ); idCommonLocal commonLocal; idCommon * common = &commonLocal; /* ============================================================== idSys ============================================================== */ void Sys_Mkdir( const char *path ) {} ID_TIME_T Sys_FileTimeStamp( FILE *fp ) { return 0; } #ifdef _WIN32 #include #include const char *Sys_Cwd( void ) { static char cwd[1024]; _getcwd( cwd, sizeof( cwd ) - 1 ); cwd[sizeof( cwd ) - 1] = 0; return cwd; } bool Sys_GetPath(sysPath_t type, idStr &path) { switch(type) { case PATH_BASE: path = Sys_Cwd(); return true; case PATH_SAVE: path = cvarSystem->GetCVarString("fs_basepath"); return true; case PATH_EXE: return false; } return false; } int Sys_ListFiles( const char *directory, const char *extension, idStrList &list ) { idStr search; struct _finddata_t findinfo; int findhandle; int flag; if ( !extension) { extension = ""; } // passing a slash as extension will find directories if ( extension[0] == '/' && extension[1] == 0 ) { extension = ""; flag = 0; } else { flag = _A_SUBDIR; } sprintf( search, "%s\\*%s", directory, extension ); // search list.Clear(); findhandle = _findfirst( search, &findinfo ); if ( findhandle == -1 ) { return -1; } do { if ( flag ^ ( findinfo.attrib & _A_SUBDIR ) ) { list.Append( findinfo.name ); } } while ( _findnext( findhandle, &findinfo ) != -1 ); _findclose( findhandle ); return list.Num(); } #else bool Sys_GetPath(sysPath_t, idStr &) { return false; } int Sys_ListFiles( const char *directory, const char *extension, idStrList &list ) { return 0; } #endif void Sys_CreateThread( xthread_t function, void *parms, xthreadInfo &info, const char *name ) {} void Sys_DestroyThread( xthreadInfo& info ) {} void Sys_EnterCriticalSection( int index ) {} void Sys_LeaveCriticalSection( int index ) {} void Sys_WaitForEvent( int index ) {} void Sys_TriggerEvent( int index ) {} /* ============== idSysLocal stub ============== */ void idSysLocal::DebugPrintf( const char *fmt, ... ) {} void idSysLocal::DebugVPrintf( const char *fmt, va_list arg ) {} double idSysLocal::GetClockTicks( void ) { return 0.0; } double idSysLocal::ClockTicksPerSecond( void ) { return 1.0; } int idSysLocal::GetProcessorId( void ) { return 0; } const char * idSysLocal::FPU_GetState( void ) { return ""; } bool idSysLocal::FPU_StackIsEmpty( void ) { return true; } void idSysLocal::FPU_SetFTZ( bool enable ) {} void idSysLocal::FPU_SetDAZ( bool enable ) {} bool idSysLocal::LockMemory( void *ptr, int bytes ) { return false; } bool idSysLocal::UnlockMemory( void *ptr, int bytes ) { return false; } uintptr_t idSysLocal::DLL_Load( const char *dllName ) { return 0; } void * idSysLocal::DLL_GetProcAddress( uintptr_t dllHandle, const char *procName ) { return NULL; } void idSysLocal::DLL_Unload( uintptr_t dllHandle ) { } void idSysLocal::DLL_GetFileName( const char *baseName, char *dllName, int maxLength ) { } sysEvent_t idSysLocal::GenerateMouseButtonEvent( int button, bool down ) { sysEvent_t ev; memset( &ev, 0, sizeof( ev ) ); return ev; } sysEvent_t idSysLocal::GenerateMouseMoveEvent( int deltax, int deltay ) { sysEvent_t ev; memset( &ev, 0, sizeof( ev ) ); return ev; } void idSysLocal::OpenURL( const char *url, bool quit ) { } void idSysLocal::StartProcess( const char *exeName, bool quit ) { } void idSysLocal::FPU_EnableExceptions( int exceptions ) { } idSysLocal sysLocal; idSys * sys = &sysLocal; /* ============================================================== main ============================================================== */ int main( int argc, char** argv ) { idStr fileName, sourcePath; idTypeInfoGen *generator; idLib::common = common; idLib::cvarSystem = cvarSystem; idLib::fileSystem = fileSystem; idLib::sys = sys; idLib::Init(); cmdSystem->Init(); cvarSystem->Init(); idCVar::RegisterStaticVars(); fileSystem->Init(); generator = new idTypeInfoGen; if ( argc > 1 ) { sourcePath = idStr( "../"SOURCE_CODE_BASE_FOLDER"/" ) + argv[1]; } else { sourcePath = "../"SOURCE_CODE_BASE_FOLDER"/game"; } if ( argc > 2 ) { fileName = idStr( "../"SOURCE_CODE_BASE_FOLDER"/" ) + argv[2]; } else { fileName = "../"SOURCE_CODE_BASE_FOLDER"/game/gamesys/GameTypeInfo.h"; } if ( argc > 3 ) { for ( int i = 3; i < argc; i++ ) { generator->AddDefine( argv[i] ); } } else { generator->AddDefine( "__cplusplus" ); generator->AddDefine( "GAME_DLL" ); generator->AddDefine( "ID_TYPEINFO" ); } generator->CreateTypeInfo( sourcePath ); generator->WriteTypeInfo( fileName ); delete generator; fileName.Clear(); sourcePath.Clear(); fileSystem->Shutdown( false ); cvarSystem->Shutdown(); cmdSystem->Shutdown(); idLib::ShutDown(); return 0; }