/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "tools/edit_gui_common.h" #include "MaterialPreviewPropView.h" // MaterialPropTreeView IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(MaterialPreviewPropView, CPropTreeView) MaterialPreviewPropView::MaterialPreviewPropView() { numLights = 0; materialPreview = NULL; } MaterialPreviewPropView::~MaterialPreviewPropView() { } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(MaterialPreviewPropView, CPropTreeView) ON_NOTIFY( PTN_ITEMCHANGED, IDC_PROPERTYTREE, OnPropertyChangeNotification ) ON_NOTIFY( PTN_ITEMBUTTONCLICK, IDC_PROPERTYTREE, OnPropertyButtonClick ) END_MESSAGE_MAP() void MaterialPreviewPropView::AddLight( void ) { int i, count, lightShaderIndex = 0; const idMaterial *mat; CPropTreeItemButton* pRoot; CPropTreeItemCombo* pCombo; CPropTreeItemColor* pColor; CPropTreeItemCheck* pCheck; CPropTreeItemEdit* pEdit; //Increase the number of lights numLights++; pRoot = (CPropTreeItemButton*)m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItemButton()); pRoot->SetLabelText(_T(va("Light #%d", numLights))); pRoot->SetInfoText(_T(va("Parameters for light number %d.", numLights))); pRoot->SetButtonText( "Remove" ); pRoot->SetCtrlID( numLights - 1 ); pRoot->Expand(); pCombo = (CPropTreeItemCombo*)m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItemCombo(), pRoot); pCombo->SetLabelText( _T("Shader") ); pCombo->SetInfoText( _T("Set the light shader.") ); pCombo->SetDropDownHeight( 200 ); pCombo->CreateComboBox(); // Add all light shaders to the combo box count = declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_MATERIAL ); for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { mat = declManager->MaterialByIndex(i, false); idStr materialName = mat->GetName(); materialName.ToLower(); if ( materialName.Left(7) == "lights/" || materialName.Left(5) == "fogs/" ) { pCombo->InsertString( lightShaderIndex, materialName ); pCombo->SetItemData( lightShaderIndex, lightShaderIndex ); if ( materialName == "lights/defaultpointlight" ) { pCombo->SetCurSel( lightShaderIndex ); } lightShaderIndex++; } } pColor = (CPropTreeItemColor*)m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItemColor(), pRoot); pColor->SetLabelText(_T("Color")); pColor->SetInfoText(_T("Color of the light.")); pColor->SetItemValue((LPARAM)RGB(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); // default as color white pEdit = (CPropTreeItemEdit*)m_Tree.InsertItem( new CPropTreeItemEdit(), pRoot); pEdit->SetLabelText(_T("Radius")); pEdit->SetInfoText(_T("Radius of the light.")); pEdit->SetItemValue( (LPARAM)_T("300.0") ); pCheck = (CPropTreeItemCheck*)m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItemCheck(), pRoot); pCheck->SetLabelText(_T("Move light")); pCheck->SetInfoText(_T("When checked, allow light to move.")); pCheck->CreateCheckBox(); pCheck->SetCheckState( BST_CHECKED ); if ( materialPreview ) { materialPreview->OnAddLight(); } } //Create sample data for the preview properties void MaterialPreviewPropView::InitializePropTree( void ) { int i; CPropTreeItem *pRoot; CPropTreeItem *pParmRoot; CPropTreeItemCheck *pCheck; CPropTreeItemEdit *pEdit; pRoot = m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItem()); pRoot->SetLabelText(_T("Preview Properties")); pRoot->SetInfoText(_T("Properties for the preview window.")); pRoot->Expand(); // have this item expanded by default CPropTreeItemCombo* pCombo; pCombo = (CPropTreeItemCombo*)m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItemCombo(), pRoot); pCombo->SetLabelText(_T("Model Type")); pCombo->SetInfoText(_T("Select the type of model on which to preview the material.")); pCombo->CreateComboBox(); pCombo->InsertString( 0, "Cube" ); pCombo->InsertString( 1, "Box - 2:1"); pCombo->InsertString( 2, "Box - 4:1"); pCombo->InsertString( 3, "Box - 1:2"); pCombo->InsertString( 4, "Box - 1:4"); pCombo->InsertString( 5, "Cylinder - V"); pCombo->InsertString( 6, "Cylinder - H"); pCombo->InsertString( 7, "Sphere"); pCombo->SetItemData( 0, 0 ); pCombo->SetItemData( 1, 1 ); pCombo->SetItemData( 2, 2 ); pCombo->SetItemData( 3, 3 ); pCombo->SetItemData( 4, 4 ); pCombo->SetItemData( 5, 5 ); pCombo->SetItemData( 6, 6 ); pCombo->SetItemData( 7, 7 ); pCombo->SetCurSel( 0 ); // Custom model entry /*pEdit = (CPropTreeItemEdit*)m_Tree.InsertItem( new CPropTreeItemEdit(), pRoot ); pEdit->SetLabelText(_T("Custom Model")); pEdit->SetInfoText(_T("Specify any model to display the current material.")); pEdit->SetItemValue((LPARAM)_T(""));*/ CPropTreeItemEditButton *pCutomButton; pCutomButton = (CPropTreeItemEditButton*)m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItemEditButton(), pRoot ); pCutomButton->SetButtonText(_T("...")); pCutomButton->SetLabelText(_T("Custom Model")); pCutomButton->SetInfoText(_T("Specify any model to display the current material.")); pCutomButton->SetItemValue((LPARAM)_T("")); // Checkbox for showing debug light spheres pCheck = (CPropTreeItemCheck*)m_Tree.InsertItem( new CPropTreeItemCheck(), pRoot ); pCheck->SetLabelText(_T("Show Lights")); pCheck->SetInfoText(_T("Show the light origin sphere and number in the preview.")); pCheck->CreateCheckBox(); pCheck->SetCheckState( BST_CHECKED ); // Local and Global shader parms pParmRoot = m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItem()); pParmRoot->SetLabelText(_T("Local Parms")); pParmRoot->SetInfoText(_T("Local shaderparms for the model being displayed.")); pParmRoot->Expand( FALSE ); // have this item NOT expanded by default for( i = 0; i < MAX_ENTITY_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) { pEdit = (CPropTreeItemEdit*)m_Tree.InsertItem( new CPropTreeItemEdit(), pParmRoot ); pEdit->SetLabelText(_T(va("parm%d", i))); pEdit->SetInfoText(_T("Set the local shaderparm for the model")); if ( i < 4 ) { pEdit->SetItemValue((LPARAM)_T("1")); } else { pEdit->SetItemValue((LPARAM)_T("0")); } } pParmRoot = m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItem()); pParmRoot->SetLabelText(_T("Global Parms")); pParmRoot->SetInfoText(_T("Global shaderparms for the renderworld being displayed.")); pParmRoot->Expand( FALSE ); // have this item NOT expanded by default for( i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) { pEdit = (CPropTreeItemEdit*)m_Tree.InsertItem( new CPropTreeItemEdit(), pParmRoot ); pEdit->SetLabelText(_T(va("global%d", i))); pEdit->SetInfoText(_T("Set the global shaderparm for the renderworld")); if ( i < 4 ) { pEdit->SetItemValue((LPARAM)_T("1")); } else { pEdit->SetItemValue((LPARAM)_T("0")); } } // Lights pRoot = m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItem()); pRoot->SetLabelText(_T("")); pRoot->SetInfoText(_T("")); CPropTreeItemButton *pButton; pButton = (CPropTreeItemButton*)m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItemButton()); pButton->SetButtonText(_T(" Add Light ")); pButton->SetLabelText(_T("Preview Lights")); pButton->SetInfoText(_T("Test the button.")); pRoot = m_Tree.InsertItem(new CPropTreeItem()); pRoot->SetLabelText(_T("")); pRoot->SetInfoText(_T("")); AddLight(); } // MaterialPreviewPropView drawing void MaterialPreviewPropView::OnDraw(CDC* pDC) { // TODO: add draw code here } // MaterialPreviewPropView diagnostics #ifdef _DEBUG void MaterialPreviewPropView::AssertValid() const { CPropTreeView::AssertValid(); } void MaterialPreviewPropView::Dump(CDumpContext& dc) const { CPropTreeView::Dump(dc); } #endif //_DEBUG void MaterialPreviewPropView::RegisterPreviewView( MaterialPreviewView *view ) { materialPreview = view; } // MaterialPreviewPropView message handlers void MaterialPreviewPropView::OnPropertyChangeNotification( NMHDR *nmhdr, LRESULT *lresult ) { idVec3 testColor; int lightId = 0; COLORREF color; NMPROPTREE *nmProp; CPropTreeItem *item; CPropTreeItem *parent; nmProp = (NMPROPTREE *)nmhdr; item = nmProp->pItem; // Determine which light this item modifies parent = item->GetParent(); if ( parent ) { lightId = parent->GetCtrlID(); } idStr itemLabel = item->GetLabelText(); if ( itemLabel == "Model Type" ) { materialPreview->OnModelChange( item->GetItemValue() ); } else if ( itemLabel == "Custom Model" ) { materialPreview->OnCustomModelChange( (const char *)item->GetItemValue() ); } else if ( itemLabel == "Show Lights" ) { materialPreview->OnShowLightsChange( item->GetItemValue() ? true : false ); } else if ( itemLabel == "Shader" ) { CPropTreeItemCombo *combo = (CPropTreeItemCombo *)item; CString materialName; combo->GetLBText( combo->GetCurSel(), materialName ); materialPreview->OnLightShaderChange( lightId, materialName.GetBuffer() ); } else if ( itemLabel == "Radius" ) { materialPreview->OnLightRadiusChange( lightId, atof( (char *)item->GetItemValue() ) ); } else if ( itemLabel == "Color" ) { color = item->GetItemValue(); testColor.x = (float)GetRValue( color ) * (float)( 1.f/255.f ); testColor.y = (float)GetGValue( color ) * (float)( 1.f/255.f ); testColor.z = (float)GetBValue( color ) * (float)( 1.f/255.f ); materialPreview->OnLightColorChange( lightId, testColor ); } else if ( itemLabel == "Move light" ) { materialPreview->OnLightAllowMoveChange( lightId, item->GetItemValue() ? true : false ); } else if ( itemLabel.Left(4) == "parm" ) { int index; itemLabel.Strip( "parm" ); index = atoi( itemLabel.c_str() ); materialPreview->OnLocalParmChange( index, atof( (char *)item->GetItemValue() ) ); } else if ( itemLabel.Left(6) == "global" ) { int index; itemLabel.Strip( "global" ); index = atoi( itemLabel.c_str() ); materialPreview->OnGlobalParmChange( index, atof( (char *)item->GetItemValue() ) ); } } void MaterialPreviewPropView::OnPropertyButtonClick( NMHDR *nmhdr, LRESULT *lresult ) { NMPROPTREE *nmProp; CPropTreeItem *item; nmProp = (NMPROPTREE *)nmhdr; item = nmProp->pItem; idStr itemLabel = item->GetLabelText(); if ( itemLabel == "Preview Lights" ) { AddLight(); } else if ( itemLabel.Left(5) == "Light" ) { CPropTreeItem *light; int lightId = item->GetCtrlID(); int testLightNum = 0; m_Tree.DeleteItem( item ); for( light = m_Tree.GetRootItem()->GetChild(); light != NULL; light = light->GetSibling() ) { idStr label = light->GetLabelText(); if ( label.Left(5) == "Light" ) { testLightNum++; light->SetLabelText(_T(va("Light #%d", testLightNum))); light->SetInfoText(_T(va("Parameters for light number %d.", testLightNum))); light->SetCtrlID( testLightNum - 1 ); } } materialPreview->OnDeleteLight( lightId ); numLights--; } else if ( itemLabel == "Custom Model" ) { CFileDialog dlg(TRUE); dlg.m_ofn.Flags |= OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST; item->Check(FALSE); if( dlg.DoModal()== IDOK) { item->Check(FALSE); item->SetItemValue((LPARAM)fileSystem->OSPathToRelativePath(dlg.m_ofn.lpstrFile)); m_Tree.SendNotify(PTN_ITEMCHANGED, item); } } }