/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "framework/async/AsyncNetwork.h" #include "framework/Common.h" #include "framework/Session.h" #include "framework/CVarSystem.h" idCVar * idCVar::staticVars = NULL; /* =============================================================================== idInternalCVar =============================================================================== */ class idInternalCVar : public idCVar { friend class idCVarSystemLocal; public: idInternalCVar( void ); idInternalCVar( const char *newName, const char *newValue, int newFlags ); idInternalCVar( const idCVar *cvar ); virtual ~idInternalCVar( void ); const char ** CopyValueStrings( const char **strings ); void Update( const idCVar *cvar ); void UpdateValue( void ); void UpdateCheat( void ); void Set( const char *newValue, bool force, bool fromServer ); void Reset( void ); private: idStr nameString; // name idStr resetString; // resetting will change to this value idStr valueString; // value idStr descriptionString; // description virtual void InternalSetString( const char *newValue ); virtual void InternalServerSetString( const char *newValue ); virtual void InternalSetBool( const bool newValue ); virtual void InternalSetInteger( const int newValue ); virtual void InternalSetFloat( const float newValue ); }; /* ============ idInternalCVar::idInternalCVar ============ */ idInternalCVar::idInternalCVar( void ) { } /* ============ idInternalCVar::idInternalCVar ============ */ idInternalCVar::idInternalCVar( const char *newName, const char *newValue, int newFlags ) { nameString = newName; name = nameString.c_str(); valueString = newValue; value = valueString.c_str(); resetString = newValue; descriptionString = ""; description = descriptionString.c_str(); flags = ( newFlags & ~CVAR_STATIC ) | CVAR_MODIFIED; valueMin = 1; valueMax = -1; valueStrings = NULL; valueCompletion = 0; UpdateValue(); UpdateCheat(); internalVar = this; } /* ============ idInternalCVar::idInternalCVar ============ */ idInternalCVar::idInternalCVar( const idCVar *cvar ) { nameString = cvar->GetName(); name = nameString.c_str(); valueString = cvar->GetString(); value = valueString.c_str(); resetString = cvar->GetString(); descriptionString = cvar->GetDescription(); description = descriptionString.c_str(); flags = cvar->GetFlags() | CVAR_MODIFIED; valueMin = cvar->GetMinValue(); valueMax = cvar->GetMaxValue(); valueStrings = CopyValueStrings( cvar->GetValueStrings() ); valueCompletion = cvar->GetValueCompletion(); UpdateValue(); UpdateCheat(); internalVar = this; } /* ============ idInternalCVar::~idInternalCVar ============ */ idInternalCVar::~idInternalCVar( void ) { Mem_Free( valueStrings ); valueStrings = NULL; } /* ============ idInternalCVar::CopyValueStrings ============ */ const char **idInternalCVar::CopyValueStrings( const char **strings ) { int i, totalLength; const char **ptr; char *str; if ( !strings ) { return NULL; } totalLength = 0; for ( i = 0; strings[i] != NULL; i++ ) { totalLength += idStr::Length( strings[i] ) + 1; } ptr = (const char **) Mem_Alloc( ( i + 1 ) * sizeof( char * ) + totalLength ); str = (char *) (((byte *)ptr) + ( i + 1 ) * sizeof( char * ) ); for ( i = 0; strings[i] != NULL; i++ ) { ptr[i] = str; strcpy( str, strings[i] ); str += idStr::Length( strings[i] ) + 1; } ptr[i] = NULL; return ptr; } /* ============ idInternalCVar::Update ============ */ void idInternalCVar::Update( const idCVar *cvar ) { // if this is a statically declared variable if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_STATIC ) { if ( flags & CVAR_STATIC ) { // the code has more than one static declaration of the same variable, make sure they have the same properties if ( resetString.Icmp( cvar->GetString() ) != 0 ) { common->Warning( "CVar '%s' declared multiple times with different initial value", nameString.c_str() ); } if ( ( flags & (CVAR_BOOL|CVAR_INTEGER|CVAR_FLOAT) ) != ( cvar->GetFlags() & (CVAR_BOOL|CVAR_INTEGER|CVAR_FLOAT) ) ) { common->Warning( "CVar '%s' declared multiple times with different type", nameString.c_str() ); } if ( valueMin != cvar->GetMinValue() || valueMax != cvar->GetMaxValue() ) { common->Warning( "CVar '%s' declared multiple times with different minimum/maximum", nameString.c_str() ); } } // the code is now specifying a variable that the user already set a value for, take the new value as the reset value resetString = cvar->GetString(); descriptionString = cvar->GetDescription(); description = descriptionString.c_str(); valueMin = cvar->GetMinValue(); valueMax = cvar->GetMaxValue(); Mem_Free( valueStrings ); valueStrings = CopyValueStrings( cvar->GetValueStrings() ); valueCompletion = cvar->GetValueCompletion(); UpdateValue(); cvarSystem->SetModifiedFlags( cvar->GetFlags() ); } flags |= cvar->GetFlags(); UpdateCheat(); // only allow one non-empty reset string without a warning if ( resetString.Length() == 0 ) { resetString = cvar->GetString(); } else if ( cvar->GetString()[0] && resetString.Cmp( cvar->GetString() ) != 0 ) { common->Warning( "cvar \"%s\" given initial values: \"%s\" and \"%s\"\n", nameString.c_str(), resetString.c_str(), cvar->GetString() ); } } /* ============ idInternalCVar::UpdateValue ============ */ void idInternalCVar::UpdateValue( void ) { bool clamped = false; if ( flags & CVAR_BOOL ) { integerValue = ( atoi( value ) != 0 ); floatValue = integerValue; if ( idStr::Icmp( value, "0" ) != 0 && idStr::Icmp( value, "1" ) != 0 ) { valueString = idStr( (bool)( integerValue != 0 ) ); value = valueString.c_str(); } } else if ( flags & CVAR_INTEGER ) { integerValue = (int)atoi( value ); if ( valueMin < valueMax ) { if ( integerValue < valueMin ) { integerValue = (int)valueMin; clamped = true; } else if ( integerValue > valueMax ) { integerValue = (int)valueMax; clamped = true; } } if ( clamped || !idStr::IsNumeric( value ) || (idStr::FindChar( value, '.' )!=-1) ) { valueString = idStr( integerValue ); value = valueString.c_str(); } floatValue = (float)integerValue; } else if ( flags & CVAR_FLOAT ) { floatValue = (float)atof( value ); if ( valueMin < valueMax ) { if ( floatValue < valueMin ) { floatValue = valueMin; clamped = true; } else if ( floatValue > valueMax ) { floatValue = valueMax; clamped = true; } } if ( clamped || !idStr::IsNumeric( value ) ) { valueString = idStr( floatValue ); value = valueString.c_str(); } integerValue = (int)floatValue; } else { if ( valueStrings && valueStrings[0] ) { integerValue = 0; for ( int i = 0; valueStrings[i]; i++ ) { if ( valueString.Icmp( valueStrings[i] ) == 0 ) { integerValue = i; break; } } valueString = valueStrings[integerValue]; value = valueString.c_str(); floatValue = (float)integerValue; } else if ( valueString.Length() < 32 ) { floatValue = (float)atof( value ); integerValue = (int)floatValue; } else { floatValue = 0.0f; integerValue = 0; } } } /* ============ idInternalCVar::UpdateCheat ============ */ void idInternalCVar::UpdateCheat( void ) { // all variables are considered cheats except for a few types if ( flags & ( CVAR_NOCHEAT | CVAR_INIT | CVAR_ROM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC ) ) { flags &= ~CVAR_CHEAT; } else { flags |= CVAR_CHEAT; } } /* ============ idInternalCVar::Set ============ */ void idInternalCVar::Set( const char *newValue, bool force, bool fromServer ) { if ( session && session->IsMultiplayer() && !fromServer ) { #ifndef ID_TYPEINFO if ( ( flags & CVAR_NETWORKSYNC ) && idAsyncNetwork::client.IsActive() ) { common->Printf( "%s is a synced over the network and cannot be changed on a multiplayer client.\n", nameString.c_str() ); #if ID_ALLOW_CHEATS common->Printf( "ID_ALLOW_CHEATS override!\n" ); #else return; #endif } #endif if ( ( flags & CVAR_CHEAT ) && !cvarSystem->GetCVarBool( "net_allowCheats" ) ) { common->Printf( "%s cannot be changed in multiplayer.\n", nameString.c_str() ); #if ID_ALLOW_CHEATS common->Printf( "ID_ALLOW_CHEATS override!\n" ); #else return; #endif } } if ( !newValue ) { newValue = resetString.c_str(); } if ( !force ) { if ( flags & CVAR_ROM ) { common->Printf( "%s is read only.\n", nameString.c_str() ); return; } if ( flags & CVAR_INIT ) { common->Printf( "%s is write protected.\n", nameString.c_str() ); return; } } if ( valueString.Icmp( newValue ) == 0 ) { return; } valueString = newValue; value = valueString.c_str(); UpdateValue(); SetModified(); cvarSystem->SetModifiedFlags( flags ); } /* ============ idInternalCVar::Reset ============ */ void idInternalCVar::Reset( void ) { valueString = resetString; value = valueString.c_str(); UpdateValue(); } /* ============ idInternalCVar::InternalSetString ============ */ void idInternalCVar::InternalSetString( const char *newValue ) { Set( newValue, true, false ); } /* =============== idInternalCVar::InternalServerSetString =============== */ void idInternalCVar::InternalServerSetString( const char *newValue ) { Set( newValue, true, true ); } /* ============ idInternalCVar::InternalSetBool ============ */ void idInternalCVar::InternalSetBool( const bool newValue ) { Set( idStr( newValue ), true, false ); } /* ============ idInternalCVar::InternalSetInteger ============ */ void idInternalCVar::InternalSetInteger( const int newValue ) { Set( idStr( newValue ), true, false ); } /* ============ idInternalCVar::InternalSetFloat ============ */ void idInternalCVar::InternalSetFloat( const float newValue ) { Set( idStr( newValue ), true, false ); } /* =============================================================================== idCVarSystemLocal =============================================================================== */ class idCVarSystemLocal : public idCVarSystem { public: idCVarSystemLocal( void ); virtual ~idCVarSystemLocal( void ) {} virtual void Init( void ); virtual void Shutdown( void ); virtual bool IsInitialized( void ) const; virtual void Register( idCVar *cvar ); virtual idCVar * Find( const char *name ); virtual void SetCVarString( const char *name, const char *value, int flags = 0 ); virtual void SetCVarBool( const char *name, const bool value, int flags = 0 ); virtual void SetCVarInteger( const char *name, const int value, int flags = 0 ); virtual void SetCVarFloat( const char *name, const float value, int flags = 0 ); virtual const char * GetCVarString( const char *name ) const; virtual bool GetCVarBool( const char *name ) const; virtual int GetCVarInteger( const char *name ) const; virtual float GetCVarFloat( const char *name ) const; virtual bool Command( const idCmdArgs &args ); virtual void CommandCompletion( void(*callback)( const char *s ) ); virtual void ArgCompletion( const char *cmdString, void(*callback)( const char *s ) ); virtual void SetModifiedFlags( int flags ); virtual int GetModifiedFlags( void ) const; virtual void ClearModifiedFlags( int flags ); virtual void ResetFlaggedVariables( int flags ); virtual void RemoveFlaggedAutoCompletion( int flags ); virtual void WriteFlaggedVariables( int flags, const char *setCmd, idFile *f ) const; virtual const idDict * MoveCVarsToDict( int flags ) const; virtual void SetCVarsFromDict( const idDict &dict ); void RegisterInternal( idCVar *cvar ); idInternalCVar * FindInternal( const char *name ) const; void SetInternal( const char *name, const char *value, int flags ); private: bool initialized; idList cvars; idHashIndex cvarHash; int modifiedFlags; // use a static dictionary to MoveCVarsToDict can be used from game static idDict moveCVarsToDict; private: static void Toggle_f( const idCmdArgs &args ); static void Set_f( const idCmdArgs &args ); static void SetS_f( const idCmdArgs &args ); static void SetU_f( const idCmdArgs &args ); static void SetT_f( const idCmdArgs &args ); static void SetA_f( const idCmdArgs &args ); static void Reset_f( const idCmdArgs &args ); static void ListByFlags( const idCmdArgs &args, cvarFlags_t flags ); static void List_f( const idCmdArgs &args ); static void Restart_f( const idCmdArgs &args ); }; idCVarSystemLocal localCVarSystem; idCVarSystem * cvarSystem = &localCVarSystem; idDict idCVarSystemLocal::moveCVarsToDict; #define NUM_COLUMNS 77 // 78 - 1 #define NUM_NAME_CHARS 33 #define NUM_DESCRIPTION_CHARS ( NUM_COLUMNS - NUM_NAME_CHARS ) #define FORMAT_STRING "%-32s " const char *CreateColumn( const char *text, int columnWidth, const char *indent, idStr &string ) { int i, lastLine; string.Clear(); for ( lastLine = i = 0; text[i] != '\0'; i++ ) { if ( i - lastLine >= columnWidth || text[i] == '\n' ) { while( i > 0 && text[i] > ' ' && text[i] != '/' && text[i] != ',' && text[i] != '\\' ) { i--; } while( lastLine < i ) { string.Append( text[lastLine++] ); } string.Append( indent ); lastLine++; } } while( lastLine < i ) { string.Append( text[lastLine++] ); } return string.c_str(); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::FindInternal ============ */ idInternalCVar *idCVarSystemLocal::FindInternal( const char *name ) const { int hash = cvarHash.GenerateKey( name, false ); for ( int i = cvarHash.First( hash ); i != -1; i = cvarHash.Next( i ) ) { if ( cvars[i]->nameString.Icmp( name ) == 0 ) { return cvars[i]; } } return NULL; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetInternal ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetInternal( const char *name, const char *value, int flags ) { int hash; idInternalCVar *internal; internal = FindInternal( name ); if ( internal ) { internal->InternalSetString( value ); internal->flags |= flags & ~CVAR_STATIC; internal->UpdateCheat(); } else { internal = new idInternalCVar( name, value, flags ); hash = cvarHash.GenerateKey( internal->nameString.c_str(), false ); cvarHash.Add( hash, cvars.Append( internal ) ); } } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::idCVarSystemLocal ============ */ idCVarSystemLocal::idCVarSystemLocal( void ) { initialized = false; modifiedFlags = 0; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::Init ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::Init( void ) { modifiedFlags = 0; cmdSystem->AddCommand( "toggle", Toggle_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "toggles a cvar" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "set", Set_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "sets a cvar" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "sets", SetS_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "sets a cvar and flags it as server info" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "setu", SetU_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "sets a cvar and flags it as user info" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "sett", SetT_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "sets a cvar and flags it as tool" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "seta", SetA_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "sets a cvar and flags it as archive" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "reset", Reset_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "resets a cvar" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "listCvars", List_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "lists cvars" ); cmdSystem->AddCommand( "cvar_restart", Restart_f, CMD_FL_SYSTEM, "restart the cvar system" ); initialized = true; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::Shutdown ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::Shutdown( void ) { cvars.DeleteContents( true ); cvarHash.Free(); moveCVarsToDict.Clear(); initialized = false; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::IsInitialized ============ */ bool idCVarSystemLocal::IsInitialized( void ) const { return initialized; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::Register ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::Register( idCVar *cvar ) { int hash; idInternalCVar *internal; cvar->SetInternalVar( cvar ); internal = FindInternal( cvar->GetName() ); if ( internal ) { internal->Update( cvar ); } else { internal = new idInternalCVar( cvar ); hash = cvarHash.GenerateKey( internal->nameString.c_str(), false ); cvarHash.Add( hash, cvars.Append( internal ) ); } cvar->SetInternalVar( internal ); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::Find ============ */ idCVar *idCVarSystemLocal::Find( const char *name ) { return FindInternal( name ); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarString ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarString( const char *name, const char *value, int flags ) { SetInternal( name, value, flags ); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarBool ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarBool( const char *name, const bool value, int flags ) { SetInternal( name, idStr( value ), flags ); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarInteger ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarInteger( const char *name, const int value, int flags ) { SetInternal( name, idStr( value ), flags ); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarFloat ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarFloat( const char *name, const float value, int flags ) { SetInternal( name, idStr( value ), flags ); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarString ============ */ const char *idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarString( const char *name ) const { idInternalCVar *internal = FindInternal( name ); if ( internal ) { return internal->GetString(); } return ""; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarBool ============ */ bool idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarBool( const char *name ) const { idInternalCVar *internal = FindInternal( name ); if ( internal ) { return internal->GetBool(); } return false; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarInteger ============ */ int idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarInteger( const char *name ) const { idInternalCVar *internal = FindInternal( name ); if ( internal ) { return internal->GetInteger(); } return 0; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarFloat ============ */ float idCVarSystemLocal::GetCVarFloat( const char *name ) const { idInternalCVar *internal = FindInternal( name ); if ( internal ) { return internal->GetFloat(); } return 0.0f; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::Command ============ */ bool idCVarSystemLocal::Command( const idCmdArgs &args ) { idInternalCVar *internal; internal = FindInternal( args.Argv( 0 ) ); if ( internal == NULL ) { return false; } if ( args.Argc() == 1 ) { // print the variable common->Printf( "\"%s\" is:\"%s\"" S_COLOR_WHITE " default:\"%s\"\n", internal->nameString.c_str(), internal->valueString.c_str(), internal->resetString.c_str() ); if ( idStr::Length( internal->GetDescription() ) > 0 ) { common->Printf( S_COLOR_WHITE "%s\n", internal->GetDescription() ); } } else { // set the value internal->Set( args.Args(), false, false ); } return true; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::CommandCompletion ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::CommandCompletion( void(*callback)( const char *s ) ) { for( int i = 0; i < cvars.Num(); i++ ) { callback( cvars[i]->GetName() ); } } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::ArgCompletion ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::ArgCompletion( const char *cmdString, void(*callback)( const char *s ) ) { idCmdArgs args; args.TokenizeString( cmdString, false ); for( int i = 0; i < cvars.Num(); i++ ) { if ( !cvars[i]->valueCompletion ) { continue; } if ( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( 0 ), cvars[i]->nameString.c_str() ) == 0 ) { cvars[i]->valueCompletion( args, callback ); break; } } } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetModifiedFlags ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetModifiedFlags( int flags ) { modifiedFlags |= flags; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::GetModifiedFlags ============ */ int idCVarSystemLocal::GetModifiedFlags( void ) const { return modifiedFlags; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::ClearModifiedFlags ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::ClearModifiedFlags( int flags ) { modifiedFlags &= ~flags; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::ResetFlaggedVariables ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::ResetFlaggedVariables( int flags ) { for( int i = 0; i < cvars.Num(); i++ ) { idInternalCVar *cvar = cvars[i]; if ( cvar->GetFlags() & flags ) { cvar->Set( NULL, true, true ); } } } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::RemoveFlaggedAutoCompletion ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::RemoveFlaggedAutoCompletion( int flags ) { for( int i = 0; i < cvars.Num(); i++ ) { idInternalCVar *cvar = cvars[i]; if ( cvar->GetFlags() & flags ) { cvar->valueCompletion = NULL; } } } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::WriteFlaggedVariables Appends lines containing "set variable value" for all variables with the "flags" flag set to true. ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::WriteFlaggedVariables( int flags, const char *setCmd, idFile *f ) const { for( int i = 0; i < cvars.Num(); i++ ) { idInternalCVar *cvar = cvars[i]; if ( cvar->GetFlags() & flags ) { f->Printf( "%s %s \"%s\"\n", setCmd, cvar->GetName(), cvar->GetString() ); } } } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::MoveCVarsToDict ============ */ const idDict* idCVarSystemLocal::MoveCVarsToDict( int flags ) const { moveCVarsToDict.Clear(); for( int i = 0; i < cvars.Num(); i++ ) { idCVar *cvar = cvars[i]; if ( cvar->GetFlags() & flags ) { moveCVarsToDict.Set( cvar->GetName(), cvar->GetString() ); } } return &moveCVarsToDict; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarsFromDict ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetCVarsFromDict( const idDict &dict ) { idInternalCVar *internal; for( int i = 0; i < dict.GetNumKeyVals(); i++ ) { const idKeyValue *kv = dict.GetKeyVal( i ); internal = FindInternal( kv->GetKey() ); if ( internal ) { internal->InternalServerSetString( kv->GetValue() ); } } } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::Toggle_f ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::Toggle_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { int argc, i; float current, set; const char *text; argc = args.Argc(); if ( argc < 2 ) { common->Printf ("usage:\n" " toggle - toggles between 0 and 1\n" " toggle - toggles between 0 and \n" " toggle [string 1] [string 2]...[string n] - cycles through all strings\n"); return; } idInternalCVar *cvar = localCVarSystem.FindInternal( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if ( cvar == NULL ) { common->Warning( "Toggle_f: cvar \"%s\" not found", args.Argv( 1 ) ); return; } if ( argc > 3 ) { // cycle through multiple values text = cvar->GetString(); for( i = 2; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( !idStr::Icmp( text, args.Argv( i ) ) ) { // point to next value i++; break; } } if ( i >= argc ) { i = 2; } common->Printf( "set %s = %s\n", args.Argv(1), args.Argv( i ) ); cvar->Set( va("%s", args.Argv( i ) ), false, false ); } else { // toggle between 0 and 1 current = cvar->GetFloat(); if ( argc == 3 ) { set = atof( args.Argv( 2 ) ); } else { set = 1.0f; } if ( current == 0.0f ) { current = set; } else { current = 0.0f; } common->Printf( "set %s = %f\n", args.Argv(1), current ); cvar->Set( idStr( current ), false, false ); } } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::Set_f ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::Set_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { const char *str; str = args.Args( 2, args.Argc() - 1 ); localCVarSystem.SetCVarString( args.Argv(1), str ); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetS_f ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetS_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { idInternalCVar *cvar; Set_f( args ); cvar = localCVarSystem.FindInternal( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if ( !cvar ) { return; } cvar->flags |= CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetU_f ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetU_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { idInternalCVar *cvar; Set_f( args ); cvar = localCVarSystem.FindInternal( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if ( !cvar ) { return; } cvar->flags |= CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetT_f ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetT_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { idInternalCVar *cvar; Set_f( args ); cvar = localCVarSystem.FindInternal( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if ( !cvar ) { return; } cvar->flags |= CVAR_TOOL; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::SetA_f ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::SetA_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { idInternalCVar *cvar; Set_f( args ); cvar = localCVarSystem.FindInternal( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if ( !cvar ) { return; } // FIXME: enable this for ship, so mods can store extra data // but during development we don't want obsolete cvars to continue // to be saved // cvar->flags |= CVAR_ARCHIVE; } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::Reset_f ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::Reset_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { idInternalCVar *cvar; if ( args.Argc() != 2 ) { common->Printf ("usage: reset \n"); return; } cvar = localCVarSystem.FindInternal( args.Argv( 1 ) ); if ( !cvar ) { return; } cvar->Reset(); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::ListByFlags ============ */ // NOTE: the const wonkyness is required to make msvc happy template<> ID_INLINE int idListSortCompare( const idInternalCVar * const *a, const idInternalCVar * const *b ) { return idStr::Icmp( (*a)->GetName(), (*b)->GetName() ); } void idCVarSystemLocal::ListByFlags( const idCmdArgs &args, cvarFlags_t flags ) { int i, argNum; idStr match, indent, string; const idInternalCVar *cvar; idListcvarList; enum { SHOW_VALUE, SHOW_DESCRIPTION, SHOW_TYPE, SHOW_FLAGS } show; argNum = 1; show = SHOW_VALUE; if ( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum ), "-" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum ), "/" ) == 0 ) { if ( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "help" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "?" ) == 0 ) { argNum = 3; show = SHOW_DESCRIPTION; } else if ( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "type" ) == 0 || idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "range" ) == 0 ) { argNum = 3; show = SHOW_TYPE; } else if ( idStr::Icmp( args.Argv( argNum + 1 ), "flags" ) == 0 ) { argNum = 3; show = SHOW_FLAGS; } } if ( args.Argc() > argNum ) { match = args.Args( argNum, -1 ); match.Replace( " ", "" ); } else { match = ""; } for ( i = 0; i < localCVarSystem.cvars.Num(); i++ ) { cvar = localCVarSystem.cvars[i]; if ( !( cvar->GetFlags() & flags ) ) { continue; } if ( match.Length() && !cvar->nameString.Filter( match, false ) ) { continue; } cvarList.Append( cvar ); } cvarList.Sort(); switch( show ) { case SHOW_VALUE: { for ( i = 0; i < cvarList.Num(); i++ ) { cvar = cvarList[i]; common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_WHITE "\"%s\"\n", cvar->nameString.c_str(), cvar->valueString.c_str() ); } break; } case SHOW_DESCRIPTION: { indent.Fill( ' ', NUM_NAME_CHARS ); indent.Insert( "\n", 0 ); for ( i = 0; i < cvarList.Num(); i++ ) { cvar = cvarList[i]; common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_WHITE "%s\n", cvar->nameString.c_str(), CreateColumn( cvar->GetDescription(), NUM_DESCRIPTION_CHARS, indent, string ) ); } break; } case SHOW_TYPE: { for ( i = 0; i < cvarList.Num(); i++ ) { cvar = cvarList[i]; if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_BOOL ) { common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_CYAN "bool\n", cvar->GetName() ); } else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_INTEGER ) { if ( cvar->GetMinValue() < cvar->GetMaxValue() ) { common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_GREEN "int " S_COLOR_WHITE "[%d, %d]\n", cvar->GetName(), (int) cvar->GetMinValue(), (int) cvar->GetMaxValue() ); } else { common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_GREEN "int\n", cvar->GetName() ); } } else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_FLOAT ) { if ( cvar->GetMinValue() < cvar->GetMaxValue() ) { common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_RED "float " S_COLOR_WHITE "[%s, %s]\n", cvar->GetName(), idStr( cvar->GetMinValue() ).c_str(), idStr( cvar->GetMaxValue() ).c_str() ); } else { common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_RED "float\n", cvar->GetName() ); } } else if ( cvar->GetValueStrings() ) { common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_WHITE "string " S_COLOR_WHITE "[", cvar->GetName() ); for ( int j = 0; cvar->GetValueStrings()[j] != NULL; j++ ) { if ( j ) { common->Printf( S_COLOR_WHITE ", %s", cvar->GetValueStrings()[j] ); } else { common->Printf( S_COLOR_WHITE "%s", cvar->GetValueStrings()[j] ); } } common->Printf( S_COLOR_WHITE "]\n" ); } else { common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING S_COLOR_WHITE "string\n", cvar->GetName() ); } } break; } case SHOW_FLAGS: { for ( i = 0; i < cvarList.Num(); i++ ) { cvar = cvarList[i]; common->Printf( FORMAT_STRING, cvar->GetName() ); string = ""; if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_BOOL ) { string += S_COLOR_CYAN "B "; } else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_INTEGER ) { string += S_COLOR_GREEN "I "; } else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_FLOAT ) { string += S_COLOR_RED "F "; } else { string += S_COLOR_WHITE "S "; } if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_SYSTEM ) { string += S_COLOR_WHITE "SYS "; } else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_RENDERER ) { string += S_COLOR_WHITE "RNDR "; } else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_SOUND ) { string += S_COLOR_WHITE "SND "; } else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_GUI ) { string += S_COLOR_WHITE "GUI "; } else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_GAME ) { string += S_COLOR_WHITE "GAME "; } else if ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_TOOL ) { string += S_COLOR_WHITE "TOOL "; } else { string += S_COLOR_WHITE " "; } string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_USERINFO ) ? "UI " : " "; string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_SERVERINFO ) ? "SI " : " "; string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_STATIC ) ? "ST " : " "; string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_CHEAT ) ? "CH " : " "; string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_INIT ) ? "IN " : " "; string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_ROM ) ? "RO " : " "; string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_ARCHIVE ) ? "AR " : " "; string += ( cvar->GetFlags() & CVAR_MODIFIED ) ? "MO " : " "; string += "\n"; common->Printf( string ); } break; } } common->Printf( "\n%i cvars listed\n\n", cvarList.Num() ); common->Printf( "listCvar [search string] = list cvar values\n" "listCvar -help [search string] = list cvar descriptions\n" "listCvar -type [search string] = list cvar types\n" "listCvar -flags [search string] = list cvar flags\n" ); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::List_f ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::List_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { ListByFlags( args, CVAR_ALL ); } /* ============ idCVarSystemLocal::Restart_f ============ */ void idCVarSystemLocal::Restart_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) { int i, hash; idInternalCVar *cvar; for ( i = 0; i < localCVarSystem.cvars.Num(); i++ ) { cvar = localCVarSystem.cvars[i]; // don't mess with rom values if ( cvar->flags & ( CVAR_ROM | CVAR_INIT ) ) { continue; } // throw out any variables the user created if ( !( cvar->flags & CVAR_STATIC ) ) { hash = localCVarSystem.cvarHash.GenerateKey( cvar->nameString, false ); delete cvar; localCVarSystem.cvars.RemoveIndex( i ); localCVarSystem.cvarHash.RemoveIndex( hash, i ); i--; continue; } cvar->Reset(); } }