
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.

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#include "../../idlib/precompiled.h"
#pragma hdrstop

#include "qe3.h"
#include "Radiant.h"
#include "autocaulk.h"

// Note: the code in here looks pretty goofy in places, and probably doesn't use the new Q4 class stuff fully,
//   but I just got it in and compiling from the JK2/SOF2 Radiants via some ugly code replaces, and it works, so there.
// Also, a bunch of Radiant fields no longer exist in this codebase, likewise the whole point of passing in the bool
//	to this code, but I've just left it as-is. A designer tested it and pronounced it fine.

//#pragma warning( disable : 4786)
//#include <list>
//using namespace std;
//#pragma warning( disable : 4786)

#undef strnicmp
#define strnicmp		idStr::Icmpn

#if 1

//extern void ClearBounds (idVec3 mins, idVec3 maxs);
//extern void AddPointToBounds (const idVec3 v, idVec3 mins, idVec3 maxs);
void ClearBounds (idVec3 &mins, idVec3 &maxs)
	mins[0] = mins[1] = mins[2] = 99999;
	maxs[0] = maxs[1] = maxs[2] = -99999;

void AddPointToBounds( const idVec3 &v, idVec3 &mins, idVec3 &maxs )
	int		i;
	float	val;

	for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		val = v[i];
		if (val < mins[i])
			mins[i] = val;
		if (val > maxs[i])
			maxs[i] = val;

static void FloorBounds(idVec3 &mins, idVec3 &maxs)
	for (int i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
		mins[i] = floor(mins[i] + 0.5);
		maxs[i] = floor(maxs[i] + 0.5);

static LPCSTR vtos(idVec3 &v3)
	return va("%.3ff,%.3f,%.3f",v3[0],v3[1],v3[2]);
struct PairBrushFace_t
	face_t*		pFace;
	brush_t*	pBrush;
idList < PairBrushFace_t > FacesToCaulk;
void Select_AutoCaulk()


	int iSystemBrushesSkipped = 0;
	face_t *pSelectedFace;

	brush_t *next;
	for (brush_t *pSelectedBrush = selected_brushes.next ; pSelectedBrush != &selected_brushes ; pSelectedBrush = next)
		next = pSelectedBrush->next;

		if (pSelectedBrush->owner->eclass->fixedsize)
			continue;	// apparently this means it's a model, so skip it...

		// new check, we can't caulk a brush that has any "system/" faces...
		bool bSystemFacePresent = false;
		for ( pSelectedFace = pSelectedBrush->brush_faces; pSelectedFace; pSelectedFace = pSelectedFace->next)
			if (!strnicmp(pSelectedFace->d_texture->GetName(),"system/",7))
				bSystemFacePresent = true;
		if (bSystemFacePresent)
			continue;	// verboten to caulk this.

		for (int iBrushListToScan = 0; iBrushListToScan<2; iBrushListToScan++)
			brush_t	*snext;
			for (brush_t *pScannedBrush = (iBrushListToScan?active_brushes.next:selected_brushes.next); pScannedBrush != (iBrushListToScan?&active_brushes:&selected_brushes) ; pScannedBrush = snext)
				snext = pScannedBrush->next;

				if ( pScannedBrush == pSelectedBrush)

				if (pScannedBrush->owner->eclass->fixedsize || pScannedBrush->pPatch || pScannedBrush->hiddenBrush)

				if (FilterBrush(pScannedBrush))

// idMaterial stuff no longer support this, not sure what else to do.
//   Searching for other occurences of QER_NOCARVE just shows people REMing the code and ignoring ths issue...
//				if (pScannedBrush->brush_faces->d_texture->bFromShader && (pScannedBrush->brush_faces->d_texture->TestMaterialFlag(QER_NOCARVE)))
//					continue;

				// basic-reject first to see if brushes can even possibly touch (coplanar counts as touching)
				int i;
				for (i=0 ; i<3 ; i++)
					if (pSelectedBrush->mins[i] > pScannedBrush->maxs[i] ||
						pSelectedBrush->maxs[i] < pScannedBrush->mins[i])
				if (i != 3)
					continue;	// can't be touching

				// ok, now for the clever stuff, we need to detect only those faces that are both coplanar and smaller
				//	or equal to the face they're coplanar with...
				for (pSelectedFace = pSelectedBrush->brush_faces; pSelectedFace; pSelectedFace = pSelectedFace->next)
					idWinding *pSelectedWinding = pSelectedFace->face_winding;

					if (!pSelectedWinding)
						continue;	// freed face, probably won't happen here, but who knows with this program?

	//				SquaredFace_t SelectedSquaredFace;
	//				WindingToSquaredFace( &SelectedSquaredFace, pSelectedWinding);

					for (face_t *pScannedFace = pScannedBrush->brush_faces; pScannedFace; pScannedFace = pScannedFace->next)
						// don't even try caulking against a system face, because these are often transparent and will leave holes
						if (!strnicmp(pScannedFace->d_texture->GetName(),"system/",7))

						// and don't try caulking against something inherently transparent...
						if (pScannedFace->d_texture->TestMaterialFlag(QER_TRANS))

						idWinding *pScannedWinding = pScannedFace->face_winding;

						if (!pScannedWinding)
							continue;	// freed face, probably won't happen here, but who knows with this program?

	//					SquaredFace_t ScannedSquaredFace;
	//					WindingToSquaredFace( &ScannedSquaredFace, pScannedWinding);

	/*					if (VectorCompare(ScannedSquaredFace.v3NormalisedRotationVector, SelectedSquaredFace.v3NormalisedRotationVector)
							VectorCompare(ScannedSquaredFace.v3NormalisedElevationVector, SelectedSquaredFace.v3NormalisedElevationVector)
							// brush faces are in parallel planes to each other, so check that their normals
							//	are opposite, by adding them together and testing for zero...
							// (if normals are opposite, then faces can be against/touching each other?)
							idVec3 v3ZeroTest;
							idVec3 v3Zero;v3Zero.Zero();	//static idVec3 v3Zero={0,0,0};

							if (v3ZeroTest == v3Zero)
								// planes are facing each other...
								// coplanar? (this is some maths of Gil's, which I don't even pretend to understand)
								float fTotalDist = 0;
								for (int _i=0; _i<3; _i++)
									fTotalDist += fabs(	DotProduct(pSelectedFace->plane.Normal(),(*pSelectedWinding)[0])
								//OutputDebugString(va("Dist = %g\n",fTotalDist));

								if (fTotalDist > 0.01)

								// every point in the selected face must be within (or equal to) the bounds of the
								//	scanned face...
								// work out the bounds first...
								idVec3 v3ScannedBoundsMins, v3ScannedBoundsMaxs;
								ClearBounds (v3ScannedBoundsMins, v3ScannedBoundsMaxs);
								int iPoint;
								for (iPoint=0; iPoint<pScannedWinding->GetNumPoints(); iPoint++)
									AddPointToBounds( (*pScannedWinding)[iPoint].ToVec3(), v3ScannedBoundsMins, v3ScannedBoundsMaxs);
								// floor 'em... (or .001 differences mess things up...
								FloorBounds(v3ScannedBoundsMins, v3ScannedBoundsMaxs);

								// now check points from selected face...
								bool bWithin = true;
								for (iPoint=0; iPoint < pSelectedWinding->GetNumPoints(); iPoint++)
									for (int iXYZ=0; iXYZ<3; iXYZ++)
										float f = floor((*pSelectedWinding)[iPoint][iXYZ] + 0.5);
										if (!
												f >= v3ScannedBoundsMins[iXYZ]
												f <= v3ScannedBoundsMaxs[iXYZ]
											bWithin = false;

								if (bWithin)
									PairBrushFace_t PairBrushFace;
													PairBrushFace.pFace = pSelectedFace;
													PairBrushFace.pBrush= pSelectedBrush;

	// apply caulk...
	int iFacesCaulked = 0;
	if (FacesToCaulk.Num())
		LPCSTR psCaulkName = "textures/common/caulk";
		const idMaterial *pCaulk = Texture_ForName(psCaulkName);

		if (pCaulk)
			// and call some other junk that Radiant wants so so we can use it later...
			texdef_t tex;
			memset (&tex, 0, sizeof(tex));
			tex.scale[0] = 1;
			tex.scale[1] = 1;
			//tex.flags = pCaulk->flags;	// field missing in Q4
			//tex.value = pCaulk->value;	// ditto
			//tex.contents = pCaulk->contents;	// ditto
			tex.SetName( pCaulk->GetName() );

			//Texture_SetTexture (&tex);

			for (int iListEntry = 0; iListEntry < FacesToCaulk.Num(); iListEntry++)
				PairBrushFace_t &PairBrushFace = FacesToCaulk[iListEntry];
				face_t *pFace = PairBrushFace.pFace;
				brush_t*pBrush= PairBrushFace.pBrush;

				pFace->d_texture = pCaulk;
				pFace->texdef = tex;

				Face_FitTexture(pFace, 1, 1);	// this doesn't work here for some reason... duh.

			/*Sys_Printf*/common->Printf(" Unable to locate caulk texture at: \"%s\"!\n",psCaulkName);

	/*Sys_Printf*/common->Printf("( %d faces caulked )\n",iFacesCaulked);

	if (iSystemBrushesSkipped)
		/*Sys_Printf*/common->Printf("( %d system-faced brushes skipped )\n",iSystemBrushesSkipped);

	Sys_UpdateWindows (W_ALL);