/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "tools/edit_gui_common.h" #include "MaterialDoc.h" #include "MaterialView.h" /** * Constructor for MaterialDoc. */ MaterialDoc::MaterialDoc(void) { modified = false; applyWaiting = false; sourceModify = false; } /** * Destructor for MaterialDoc. */ MaterialDoc::~MaterialDoc(void) { ClearEditMaterial(); } /** * Initializes the MaterialDoc instance with a specific idMaterial. This method will * parse the material into the internal dictionary representation and optionally * allow the idMaterial object to reparse the source. * @param material The idMaterial instance to use. * @param parseMaterial Flag to determine if the material should be parsed into the editor representation. * @param parseRenderMaterial Flag to determine if the idMaterial object should be reparsed. */ void MaterialDoc::SetRenderMaterial(idMaterial* material, bool parseMaterial, bool parseRenderMatierial) { renderMaterial = material; if(!parseMaterial || !renderMaterial) return; if(parseRenderMatierial) { char *declText = (char *) _alloca( material->GetTextLength() + 1 ); material->GetText( declText ); renderMaterial->GetText(declText); ParseMaterialText(declText); } ClearEditMaterial(); name = material->GetName(); idLexer src; char *declText = (char *) _alloca( material->GetTextLength() + 1 ); material->GetText( declText ); renderMaterial->GetText(declText); src.LoadMemory(declText, strlen(declText), "Material"); ParseMaterial(&src); } /** * Returns the number of stages in this material. */ int MaterialDoc::GetStageCount() { return editMaterial.stages.Num(); } /** * Returns the index of the stage with the specified type and name or -1 * if the stage does not exist. * @param stageType The type of stage to find. * @param name The name of the stage to find. */ int MaterialDoc::FindStage(int stageType, const char* name) { for(int i = 0; i < editMaterial.stages.Num(); i++) { int type = GetAttributeInt(i, "stagetype"); idStr localname = GetAttribute(i, "name"); if(stageType == type && !localname.Icmp(name)) return i; } return -1; } /** * Returns a copy of the specified stage. * @param stage The stage to return. */ MEStage_t MaterialDoc::GetStage(int stage) { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); return *editMaterial.stages[stage]; } /** * Specifies the enabled state of a single stage. * @param stage The stage to change. * @param enabled The enabled state. */ void MaterialDoc::EnableStage(int stage, bool enabled) { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); editMaterial.stages[stage]->enabled = enabled; OnMaterialChanged(); } /** * Sets the enabled state of all stages. * @param enabled The enabled state. */ void MaterialDoc::EnableAllStages(bool enabled) { for(int i = 0; i < GetStageCount(); i++) { editMaterial.stages[i]->enabled = enabled; } } /** * Returns the enabled state of a stage. * @param stage The stage to check. */ bool MaterialDoc::IsStageEnabled(int stage) { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); return editMaterial.stages[stage]->enabled; } /** * Returns an attribute string from the material or a stage. * @param stage The stage or -1 for the material. * @param attribName The name of the attribute. * @param defaultString The default value if the attribute is not specified. */ const char* MaterialDoc::GetAttribute(int stage, const char* attribName, const char* defaultString) { if(stage == -1) { return editMaterial.materialData.GetString(attribName, defaultString); } else { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); MEStage_t* pStage = editMaterial.stages[stage]; return pStage->stageData.GetString(attribName, defaultString); } } /** * Returns an attribute int from the material or a stage. * @param stage The stage or -1 for the material. * @param attribName The name of the attribute. * @param defaultString The default value if the attribute is not specified. */ int MaterialDoc::GetAttributeInt(int stage, const char* attribName, const char* defaultString) { if(stage == -1) { return editMaterial.materialData.GetInt(attribName, defaultString); } else { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); MEStage_t* pStage = editMaterial.stages[stage]; return pStage->stageData.GetInt(attribName, defaultString); } } /** * Returns an attribute float from the material or a stage. * @param stage The stage or -1 for the material. * @param attribName The name of the attribute. * @param defaultString The default value if the attribute is not specified. */ float MaterialDoc::GetAttributeFloat(int stage, const char* attribName, const char* defaultString) { if(stage == -1) { return editMaterial.materialData.GetFloat(attribName, defaultString); } else { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); MEStage_t* pStage = editMaterial.stages[stage]; return pStage->stageData.GetFloat(attribName, defaultString); } } /** * Returns an attribute bool from the material or a stage. * @param stage The stage or -1 for the material. * @param attribName The name of the attribute. * @param defaultString The default value if the attribute is not specified. */ bool MaterialDoc::GetAttributeBool(int stage, const char* attribName, const char* defaultString) { if(stage == -1) { return editMaterial.materialData.GetBool(attribName, defaultString); } else { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); MEStage_t* pStage = editMaterial.stages[stage]; return pStage->stageData.GetBool(attribName, defaultString); } } /** * Sets an attribute string in the material or a stage. * @param stage The stage or -1 for the material. * @param attribName The name of the attribute. * @param value The value to set. * @param addUndo Flag that specifies if the system should add an undo operation. */ void MaterialDoc::SetAttribute(int stage, const char* attribName, const char* value, bool addUndo) { //Make sure we need to set the attribute idStr orig = GetAttribute(stage, attribName); if(orig.Icmp(value)) { idDict* dict; if(stage == -1) { dict = &editMaterial.materialData; } else { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); dict = &editMaterial.stages[stage]->stageData; } if(addUndo) { //Create a new Modifier for this change so we can undo and redo later AttributeMaterialModifierString* mod = new AttributeMaterialModifierString(manager, name, stage, attribName, value, orig); manager->AddMaterialUndoModifier(mod); } dict->Set(attribName, value); manager->AttributeChanged(this, stage, attribName); OnMaterialChanged(); } } /** * Sets an attribute int in the material or a stage. * @param stage The stage or -1 for the material. * @param attribName The name of the attribute. * @param value The value to set. * @param addUndo Flag that specifies if the system should add an undo operation. */ void MaterialDoc::SetAttributeInt(int stage, const char* attribName, int value, bool addUndo) { //Make sure we need to set the attribute int orig = GetAttributeInt(stage, attribName); if(orig != value) { idDict* dict; if(stage == -1) { dict = &editMaterial.materialData; } else { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); dict = &editMaterial.stages[stage]->stageData; } dict->SetInt(attribName, value); manager->AttributeChanged(this, stage, attribName); OnMaterialChanged(); } } /** * Sets an attribute float in the material or a stage. * @param stage The stage or -1 for the material. * @param attribName The name of the attribute. * @param value The value to set. * @param addUndo Flag that specifies if the system should add an undo operation. */ void MaterialDoc::SetAttributeFloat(int stage, const char* attribName, float value, bool addUndo) { //Make sure we need to set the attribute float orig = GetAttributeFloat(stage, attribName); if(orig != value) { idDict* dict; if(stage == -1) { dict = &editMaterial.materialData; } else { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); dict = &editMaterial.stages[stage]->stageData; } dict->SetFloat(attribName, value); manager->AttributeChanged(this, stage, attribName); OnMaterialChanged(); } } /** * Sets an attribute bool in the material or a stage. * @param stage The stage or -1 for the material. * @param attribName The name of the attribute. * @param value The value to set. * @param addUndo Flag that specifies if the system should add an undo operation. */ void MaterialDoc::SetAttributeBool(int stage, const char* attribName, bool value, bool addUndo) { //Make sure we need to set the attribute bool orig = GetAttributeBool(stage, attribName); if(orig != value) { idDict* dict; if(stage == -1) { dict = &editMaterial.materialData; } else { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); dict = &editMaterial.stages[stage]->stageData; } if(addUndo) { //Create a new Modifier for this change so we can undo and redo later AttributeMaterialModifierBool* mod = new AttributeMaterialModifierBool(manager, name, stage, attribName, value, orig); manager->AddMaterialUndoModifier(mod); } dict->SetBool(attribName, value); manager->AttributeChanged(this, stage, attribName); OnMaterialChanged(); } } /** * Sets the material name. * @param materialName The new name of the material. * @param addUndo Flag that specifies if the system should add an undo operation. */ void MaterialDoc::SetMaterialName(const char* materialName, bool addUndo) { idStr oldName = name; declManager->RenameDecl(DECL_MATERIAL, oldName, materialName); name = renderMaterial->GetName(); if(addUndo) { RenameMaterialModifier* mod = new RenameMaterialModifier(manager, name, oldName); manager->AddMaterialUndoModifier(mod); } manager->MaterialNameChanged(oldName, this); OnMaterialChanged(); //Need to do an instant apply for material name changes ApplyMaterialChanges(); } /** * Sets the entire dictionary for a material or stage * @param stage The stage or -1 for the material. * @param data The dictionary to copy. */ void MaterialDoc::SetData(int stage, idDict* data) { idDict* dict; if(stage == -1) { dict = &editMaterial.materialData; } else { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); dict = &editMaterial.stages[stage]->stageData; } dict->Clear(); dict->Copy(*data); } /** * Called when the editor modifies the source of the material. * @param text The new source text. */ void MaterialDoc::SourceModify(SourceModifyOwner* owner) { sourceModifyOwner = owner; sourceModify = true; OnMaterialChanged(); } /** * Returns true if the source text of this material has been edited. */ bool MaterialDoc::IsSourceModified() { return sourceModify; } /** * Applies any source changes to the edit representation of the material. */ void MaterialDoc::ApplySourceModify(idStr& text) { if(sourceModify) { //Changes in the source need to clear any undo redo buffer because we have no idea what has changed manager->ClearUndo(); manager->ClearRedo(); ClearEditMaterial(); idLexer src; src.LoadMemory(text, text.Length(), "Material"); src.SetFlags( LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | // multiple strings seperated by whitespaces are not concatenated LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS | // no escape characters inside strings LEXFL_ALLOWPATHNAMES | // allow path seperators in names LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS | // allow multi character literals LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT | // allow multiple strings seperated by '\' to be concatenated LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS // just set a flag instead of fatal erroring ); idToken token; if(!src.ReadToken(&token)) { src.Warning( "Missing decl name" ); return; } ParseMaterial(&src); sourceModify = false; //Check to see if the name has changed if(token.Icmp(name)) { SetMaterialName(token, false); } } } /** * Returns the appropriate source for the editing */ const char* MaterialDoc::GetEditSourceText() { return GenerateSourceText(); } /** * Adds a stage to the material. * @param stageType The type of the stage: normal or special. * @param stageName The name of the stage. * @param addUndo Flag that specifies if the system should add an undo operation. */ void MaterialDoc::AddStage(int stageType, const char* stageName, bool addUndo) { MEStage_t* newStage = new MEStage_t(); int index = editMaterial.stages.Append(newStage); newStage->stageData.Set("name", stageName); newStage->stageData.SetInt("stagetype", stageType); newStage->enabled = true; if(addUndo) { StageInsertModifier* mod = new StageInsertModifier(manager, name, index, stageType, stageName); manager->AddMaterialUndoModifier(mod); } manager->StageAdded(this, index); OnMaterialChanged(); } /** * Inserts a new stage to the material at a specified location. * @param stage The location to insert the stage. * @param stageType The type of the stage: normal or special. * @param stageName The name of the stage. * @param addUndo Flag that specifies if the system should add an undo operation. */ void MaterialDoc::InsertStage(int stage, int stageType, const char* stageName, bool addUndo) { MEStage_t* newStage = new MEStage_t(); editMaterial.stages.Insert(newStage, stage); newStage->stageData.Set("name", stageName); newStage->stageData.SetInt("stagetype", stageType); newStage->enabled = true; if(addUndo) { StageInsertModifier* mod = new StageInsertModifier(manager, name, stage, stageType, stageName); manager->AddMaterialUndoModifier(mod); } manager->StageAdded(this, stage); OnMaterialChanged(); } /** * Removes a stage from the material. * @param stage The stage to remove. * @param addUndo Flag that specifies if the system should add an undo operation. */ void MaterialDoc::RemoveStage(int stage, bool addUndo) { assert(stage >= 0 && stage < GetStageCount()); if(addUndo) { //Add modifier to undo this operation StageDeleteModifier* mod = new StageDeleteModifier(manager, name, stage, editMaterial.stages[stage]->stageData); manager->AddMaterialUndoModifier(mod); } //delete the stage and remove it from the list delete editMaterial.stages[stage]; editMaterial.stages.RemoveIndex(stage); manager->StageDeleted(this, stage); OnMaterialChanged(); } /** * Removes all stages from the material. */ void MaterialDoc::ClearStages() { //Delete each stage and clear the list for(int i = GetStageCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { RemoveStage(i); } } /** * Moves a stage from one location to another. * @param from The original location of the stage. * @param to The new location of the stage. * @param addUndo Flag that specifies if the system should add an undo operation. */ void MaterialDoc::MoveStage(int from, int to, bool addUndo) { assert(from >= 0 && from < GetStageCount()); assert(to >= 0 && to < GetStageCount()); int origFrom = from; int origTo = to; if(from < to) to++; MEStage_t* pMove = editMaterial.stages[from]; editMaterial.stages.Insert(pMove, to); if(from > to) from++; editMaterial.stages.RemoveIndex(from); manager->StageMoved(this, origFrom, origTo); if(addUndo) { StageMoveModifier *mod = new StageMoveModifier(manager, name, origFrom, origTo); manager->AddMaterialUndoModifier(mod); } OnMaterialChanged(); } /** * Applies any changes to the material * @param force If true then the material will be applied regardless of the number of changes. */ void MaterialDoc::ApplyMaterialChanges(bool force) { if(force || applyWaiting) { if(sourceModify && sourceModifyOwner) { idStr text = sourceModifyOwner->GetSourceText(); ApplySourceModify(text); } ReplaceSourceText(); char *declText = (char *) _alloca( renderMaterial->GetTextLength() + 1 ); renderMaterial->GetText( declText ); renderMaterial->GetText(declText); ParseMaterialText(declText); applyWaiting = false; assert(manager); manager->MaterialApplied(this); } } /** * Saves the material. */ void MaterialDoc::Save() { EnableAllStages(true); //Apply the material so that the renderMaterial has the source text if(!deleted) { ApplyMaterialChanges(true); } else { //Replace the text with nothing renderMaterial->SetText(" "); } if(renderMaterial->Save()) { modified = false; //Notify the world assert(manager); manager->MaterialSaved(this); } else { MessageBox(GetMaterialEditorWindow(), va("Unable to save '%s'. It may be read-only", name.c_str()), "Save Error", MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR); } } /** * Deletes the material. */ void MaterialDoc::Delete() { deleted = true; OnMaterialChanged(); } /** * Sets the proper internal states and notifies the MaterialDocManager once a material has been changed. */ void MaterialDoc::OnMaterialChanged() { modified = true; applyWaiting = true; assert(manager); manager->MaterialChanged(this); } /** * Passes text to a render material for parsing. * @param source The text that sould be applied to the idMaterial. */ void MaterialDoc::ParseMaterialText(const char* source) { /*idLexer src; src.LoadMemory(source, strlen(source), "material"); src.SetFlags( LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | // multiple strings seperated by whitespaces are not concatenated LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS | // no escape characters inside strings LEXFL_ALLOWPATHNAMES | // allow path seperators in names LEXFL_ALLOWMULTICHARLITERALS | // allow multi character literals LEXFL_ALLOWBACKSLASHSTRINGCONCAT | // allow multiple strings seperated by '\' to be concatenated LEXFL_NOFATALERRORS // just set a flag instead of fatal erroring ); //Skip the name becuase the material parsing code expects it src.SkipUntilString("{");*/ //Now let the material parse the text renderMaterial->Parse(source, strlen(source)); } /** * Parses the source text from an idMaterial and initializes the editor dictionary representation * of the material. * @param src The idLexer object that contains the material text. */ void MaterialDoc::ParseMaterial(idLexer* src) { idToken token; //Parse past the name src->SkipUntilString("{"); while ( 1 ) { if ( !src->ExpectAnyToken( &token ) ) { //Todo: Add some error checking here return; } if ( token == "}" ) { break; } if(ParseMaterialDef(&token, src, MaterialDefManager::MATERIAL_DEF_MATERIAL, &editMaterial.materialData)) { continue; } if ( !token.Icmp( "diffusemap" ) ) { //Added as a special stage idStr str; src->ReadRestOfLine( str ); AddSpecialMapStage("diffusemap", str); } else if ( !token.Icmp( "specularmap" ) ) { idStr str; src->ReadRestOfLine( str ); AddSpecialMapStage("specularmap", str); } else if ( !token.Icmp( "bumpmap" ) ) { idStr str; src->ReadRestOfLine( str ); AddSpecialMapStage("bumpmap", str); } else if( token == "{" ) { ParseStage(src); } } } /** * Parses a single stage from the source text from an idMaterial and initializes the editor dictionary * representation of the material. * @param src The idLexer object that contains the material text. */ void MaterialDoc::ParseStage(idLexer* src) { MEStage_t* newStage = new MEStage_t(); int index = editMaterial.stages.Append(newStage); newStage->stageData.SetInt("stagetype", STAGE_TYPE_NORMAL); newStage->enabled = true; idToken token; while ( 1 ) { if ( !src->ExpectAnyToken( &token ) ) { //Todo: Add some error checking here return; } if ( token == "}" ) { break; } if(ParseMaterialDef(&token, src, MaterialDefManager::MATERIAL_DEF_STAGE, &newStage->stageData)) { continue; } if(!token.Icmp("name")) { idStr str; src->ReadRestOfLine( str ); str.StripTrailing('\"'); str.StripLeading('\"'); newStage->stageData.Set("name", str); continue; } } idStr name; newStage->stageData.GetString("name", "", name); if(name.Length() <= 0) newStage->stageData.Set("name", va("Stage %d", index+1)); } /** * Adds a special stage to the material. * @param stageName The name of the special stage bumpmap, diffusemap or specularmap * @param map The map for the special stage. */ void MaterialDoc::AddSpecialMapStage(const char* stageName, const char* map) { MEStage_t* newStage = new MEStage_t(); int index = editMaterial.stages.Append(newStage); newStage->stageData.Set("name", stageName); newStage->stageData.Set("map", map); newStage->stageData.SetInt("stagetype", STAGE_TYPE_SPECIALMAP); newStage->enabled = true; } /** * Finds the appropriate material definition for the supplied token and initializes the * internal dictionary data. * @param token The token to lookup * @param src The idLexer that contains the material source text. * @param type The type of attribute grouping to use material, stage or special stage. * @param dict The dictionary to initialize. */ bool MaterialDoc::ParseMaterialDef(idToken* token, idLexer* src, int type, idDict* dict) { MaterialDefList* defs = MaterialDefManager::GetMaterialDefs(type); for(int i = 0; i < defs->Num(); i++) { if(!token->Icmp((*defs)[i]->dictName)) { switch((*defs)[i]->type) { case MaterialDef::MATERIAL_DEF_TYPE_STRING: { idStr str; src->ReadRestOfLine( str ); if((*defs)[i]->quotes) { str.StripTrailing('\"'); str.StripLeading('\"'); } dict->Set((*defs)[i]->dictName, str); } break; case MaterialDef::MATERIAL_DEF_TYPE_BOOL: { src->SkipRestOfLine(); dict->SetBool((*defs)[i]->dictName, true); } break; case MaterialDef::MATERIAL_DEF_TYPE_FLOAT: { idStr str; src->ReadRestOfLine( str ); dict->Set((*defs)[i]->dictName, str); } break; case MaterialDef::MATERIAL_DEF_TYPE_INT: { idStr str; src->ReadRestOfLine( str ); dict->Set((*defs)[i]->dictName, str); } break; } return true; } } return false; } /** * Cleans up the edit material by deleting the stage data structures. */ void MaterialDoc::ClearEditMaterial() { for(int i = 0; i < GetStageCount(); i++) { delete editMaterial.stages[i]; } editMaterial.stages.Clear(); editMaterial.materialData.Clear(); } /** * Writes the internal dictionary data to the standard format. */ const char* MaterialDoc::GenerateSourceText() { idFile_Memory f; f.WriteFloatString("\n\n/*\n" "\tGenerated by the Material Editor.\n" "\tType 'materialeditor' at the console to launch the material editor.\n" "*/\n" ); f.WriteFloatString("%s\n", name.c_str()); f.WriteFloatString( "{\n" ); WriteMaterialDef(-1, &f, MaterialDefManager::MATERIAL_DEF_MATERIAL, 1); for(int i = 0; i < editMaterial.stages.Num(); i++) { if(editMaterial.stages[i]->enabled) { WriteStage(i, &f); } } f.WriteFloatString( "}\n" ); return f.GetDataPtr(); } /** * Writes the internal dictionary data to the standard format and replaces the * idMaterial source text with the newly generated text. */ void MaterialDoc::ReplaceSourceText() { renderMaterial->SetText(GenerateSourceText()); } /** * Writes a single stage. * @param stage The stage to write. * @param file The file where the stage should be wirtten */ void MaterialDoc::WriteStage(int stage, idFile_Memory* file) { //idStr stageName = GetAttribute(stage, "name"); int type = GetAttributeInt(stage, "stagetype"); //if(!stageName.Icmp("diffusemap") || !stageName.Icmp("specularmap") || !stageName.Icmp("bumpmap")) { if(type == STAGE_TYPE_SPECIALMAP) { WriteSpecialMapStage(stage, file); return; } file->WriteFloatString( "\t{\n" ); idStr name = GetAttribute(stage, "name"); if(name.Length() > 0) { file->WriteFloatString("\t\tname\t\"%s\"\n", name.c_str()); } WriteMaterialDef(stage, file, MaterialDefManager::MATERIAL_DEF_STAGE, 2); file->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" ); } /** * Writes a single special stage. * @param stage The stage to write. * @param file The file where the stage should be wirtten */ void MaterialDoc::WriteSpecialMapStage(int stage, idFile_Memory* file) { idStr stageName = GetAttribute(stage, "name"); idStr map = GetAttribute(stage, "map"); file->WriteFloatString( "\t%s\t%s\n", stageName.c_str(), map.c_str() ); } /** * Writes a set of material attributes to a file. * @param stage The stage to write or -1 for the material. * @param file The file where the stage should be wirtten. * @param type The attribute grouping to use. * @param indent The number of tabs to indent the text. */ void MaterialDoc::WriteMaterialDef(int stage, idFile_Memory* file, int type, int indent) { idStr prefix = ""; for(int i = 0; i < indent; i++) { prefix += "\t"; } MaterialDefList* defs = MaterialDefManager::GetMaterialDefs(type); for(int i = 0; i < defs->Num(); i++) { switch((*defs)[i]->type) { case MaterialDef::MATERIAL_DEF_TYPE_STRING: { idStr attrib = GetAttribute(stage, (*defs)[i]->dictName); if(attrib.Length() > 0) { if((*defs)[i]->quotes) file->WriteFloatString("%s%s\t\"%s\"\n", prefix.c_str(), (*defs)[i]->dictName.c_str(), attrib.c_str()); else file->WriteFloatString("%s%s\t%s\n", prefix.c_str(), (*defs)[i]->dictName.c_str(), attrib.c_str()); } } break; case MaterialDef::MATERIAL_DEF_TYPE_BOOL: { if(GetAttributeBool(stage, (*defs)[i]->dictName)) file->WriteFloatString("%s%s\t\n",prefix.c_str(), (*defs)[i]->dictName.c_str()); } break; case MaterialDef::MATERIAL_DEF_TYPE_FLOAT: { float val = GetAttributeFloat(stage, (*defs)[i]->dictName); file->WriteFloatString("%s%s\t%f\n", prefix.c_str(), (*defs)[i]->dictName.c_str(), val); } break; case MaterialDef::MATERIAL_DEF_TYPE_INT: { int val = GetAttributeInt(stage, (*defs)[i]->dictName); file->WriteFloatString("%s%s\t%d\n", prefix.c_str(), (*defs)[i]->dictName.c_str(), val); } break; } } }