/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop // DirectX SDK #include #include #include #include "../../sound/snd_local.h" #include "win_local.h" #include "../../openal/idal.cpp" #define SAFE_DELETE(p) { if(p) { delete (p); (p)=NULL; } } #define SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(p) { if(p) { delete[] (p); (p)=NULL; } } #define SAFE_RELEASE(p) { if(p) { (p)->Release(); (p)=NULL; } } class idAudioBufferWIN32 : public idAudioBuffer { public: idAudioBufferWIN32( LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER apDSBuffer, dword dwDSBufferSize, idWaveFile* pWaveFile=NULL ); ~idAudioBufferWIN32(); int FillBufferWithSound( LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pDSB, bool bRepeatWavIfBufferLarger ); bool Lock( void **pDSLockedBuffer, ulong *dwDSLockedBufferSize ); bool Unlock(void *pDSLockedBuffer, dword dwDSLockedBufferSize ); bool GetCurrentPosition( ulong *pdwCurrentWriteCursor ); int Play( dword dwPriority=0, dword dwFlags=0 ); int Stop( void ); int Reset( void ); bool IsSoundPlaying( void ); void SetVolume( float x); idWaveFile* m_pWaveFile; private: LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER m_apDSBuffer; dword m_dwDSBufferSize; int RestoreBuffer( LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pDSB, bool* pbWasRestored ); }; class idAudioHardwareWIN32 : public idAudioHardware { public: idAudioHardwareWIN32(); ~idAudioHardwareWIN32(); bool Initialize( ); bool InitializeSpeakers( byte *buffer, int bufferSize, dword dwPrimaryFreq, dword dwPrimaryBitRate, dword dwSpeakers ); void SetPrimaryBufferFormat( dword dwPrimaryFreq, dword dwPrimaryBitRate, dword dwSpeakers ); int Create( idWaveFile* pWaveFile, idAudioBuffer** ppiab ); int Create( idAudioBuffer** ppSound, const char* strWaveFileName, dword dwCreationFlags = 0 ); int CreateFromMemory( idAudioBufferWIN32** ppSound, byte* pbData, ulong ulDataSize, waveformatextensible_t *pwfx, dword dwCreationFlags = 0 ); bool Lock( void **pDSLockedBuffer, ulong *dwDSLockedBufferSize ); bool Unlock( void *pDSLockedBuffer, dword dwDSLockedBufferSize ); bool GetCurrentPosition( ulong *pdwCurrentWriteCursor ); int GetNumberOfSpeakers() { return numSpeakers; } int GetMixBufferSize() { return MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES * blockAlign; } // WIN32 driver doesn't support write API bool Flush( void ) { return true; } void Write( bool ) { } short* GetMixBuffer( void ) { return NULL; } private: LPDIRECTSOUND m_pDS; LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pDSBPrimary; idAudioBufferWIN32 *speakers; int numSpeakers; int bitsPerSample; int bufferSize; // allocate buffer handed over to DirectSound int blockAlign; // channels * bits per sample / 8: sound frame size }; idAudioHardware *idAudioHardware::Alloc() { return new idAudioHardwareWIN32; } idAudioHardware::~idAudioHardware() {} /* ================ idAudioHardwareWIN32::idAudioHardware ================ */ idAudioHardwareWIN32::idAudioHardwareWIN32() { m_pDS = NULL; pDSBPrimary = NULL; speakers = NULL; } /* ================ idAudioHardwareWIN32::~idAudioHardware ================ */ idAudioHardwareWIN32::~idAudioHardwareWIN32() { SAFE_DELETE( speakers ); SAFE_RELEASE( pDSBPrimary ); SAFE_RELEASE( m_pDS ); } /* =============== idAudioHardwareWIN32::Initialize =============== */ bool idAudioHardwareWIN32::Initialize( void ) { int hr; bufferSize = 0; numSpeakers = 0; blockAlign = 0; SAFE_RELEASE( m_pDS ); // Create IDirectSound using the primary sound device if( FAILED( hr = DirectSoundCreate( NULL, &m_pDS, NULL ) )) { return false; } // Set primary buffer format SetPrimaryBufferFormat( PRIMARYFREQ, 16, idSoundSystemLocal::s_numberOfSpeakers.GetInteger() ); return true; } /* =============== idAudioHardwareWIN32::InitializeSpeakers =============== */ bool idAudioHardwareWIN32::InitializeSpeakers( byte *speakerData, int bufferSize, dword dwPrimaryFreq, dword dwPrimaryBitRate, dword dwSpeakers ) { if ( dwSpeakers == 2 ) { WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE wfx; ZeroMemory( &wfx, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) ); wfx.Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfx.Format.nChannels = 2; wfx.Format.nSamplesPerSec = dwPrimaryFreq; wfx.Format.wBitsPerSample = dwPrimaryBitRate; wfx.Format.nBlockAlign = wfx.Format.wBitsPerSample / 8 * wfx.Format.nChannels; wfx.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfx.Format.nSamplesPerSec * wfx.Format.nBlockAlign; wfx.Format.cbSize = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX); CreateFromMemory( &speakers, speakerData, bufferSize, (waveformatextensible_t *)&wfx ); common->Printf("sound: STEREO\n"); } else { WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE waveFormatPCMEx; ZeroMemory( &waveFormatPCMEx, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) ); waveFormatPCMEx.Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nChannels = 6; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nSamplesPerSec = dwPrimaryFreq; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.wBitsPerSample = dwPrimaryBitRate; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nBlockAlign = waveFormatPCMEx.Format.wBitsPerSample / 8 * waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nChannels; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nSamplesPerSec * waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nBlockAlign; waveFormatPCMEx.dwChannelMask = KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_5POINT1; // SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT | // SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER | SPEAKER_LOW_FREQUENCY | // SPEAKER_BACK_LEFT | SPEAKER_BACK_RIGHT waveFormatPCMEx.SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM; // Specify PCM waveFormatPCMEx.Format.cbSize = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE); waveFormatPCMEx.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = 16; CreateFromMemory( &speakers, speakerData, bufferSize, (waveformatextensible_t *)&waveFormatPCMEx ); common->Printf("sound: MULTICHANNEL\n"); } if (!speakers) { return false; } speakers->Play(0,DSBPLAY_LOOPING); return true; } /* =============== idAudioHardwareWIN32::SetPrimaryBufferFormat Set primary buffer to a specified format For example, to set the primary buffer format to 22kHz stereo, 16-bit then: dwPrimaryChannels = 2 dwPrimaryFreq = 22050, dwPrimaryBitRate = 16 =============== */ void idAudioHardwareWIN32::SetPrimaryBufferFormat( dword dwPrimaryFreq, dword dwPrimaryBitRate, dword dwSpeakers ) { HRESULT hr; if( m_pDS == NULL ) { return; } ulong cfgSpeakers; m_pDS->GetSpeakerConfig( &cfgSpeakers ); DSCAPS dscaps; dscaps.dwSize = sizeof(DSCAPS); m_pDS->GetCaps(&dscaps); if (dscaps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_EMULDRIVER) { return; } // Get the primary buffer DSBUFFERDESC dsbd; ZeroMemory( &dsbd, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC) ); dsbd.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbd.dwFlags = DSBCAPS_PRIMARYBUFFER; dsbd.dwBufferBytes = 0; dsbd.lpwfxFormat = NULL; // Obtain write-primary cooperative level. if( FAILED( hr = m_pDS->SetCooperativeLevel(win32.hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY ) ) ) { DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("SetPrimaryBufferFormat"), hr ); return; } if( FAILED( hr = m_pDS->CreateSoundBuffer( &dsbd, &pDSBPrimary, NULL ) ) ) { return; } if ( dwSpeakers == 6 && (cfgSpeakers == DSSPEAKER_5POINT1 || cfgSpeakers == DSSPEAKER_SURROUND) ) { WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE waveFormatPCMEx; ZeroMemory( &waveFormatPCMEx, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE) ); waveFormatPCMEx.Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nChannels = 6; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nSamplesPerSec = dwPrimaryFreq; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.wBitsPerSample = (WORD) dwPrimaryBitRate; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nBlockAlign = waveFormatPCMEx.Format.wBitsPerSample / 8 * waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nChannels; waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nSamplesPerSec * waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nBlockAlign; waveFormatPCMEx.dwChannelMask = KSAUDIO_SPEAKER_5POINT1; // SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT | // SPEAKER_FRONT_CENTER | SPEAKER_LOW_FREQUENCY | // SPEAKER_BACK_LEFT | SPEAKER_BACK_RIGHT waveFormatPCMEx.SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM; // Specify PCM waveFormatPCMEx.Format.cbSize = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE); waveFormatPCMEx.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = 16; if( FAILED( hr = pDSBPrimary->SetFormat((WAVEFORMATEX*)&waveFormatPCMEx) ) ) { DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("SetPrimaryBufferFormat"), hr ); return; } numSpeakers = 6; // force it to think 5.1 blockAlign = waveFormatPCMEx.Format.nBlockAlign; } else { if (dwSpeakers == 6) { common->Printf("sound: hardware reported unable to use multisound, defaulted to stereo\n"); } WAVEFORMATEX wfx; ZeroMemory( &wfx, sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) ); wfx.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; wfx.nChannels = 2; wfx.nSamplesPerSec = dwPrimaryFreq; wfx.wBitsPerSample = (WORD) dwPrimaryBitRate; wfx.nBlockAlign = wfx.wBitsPerSample / 8 * wfx.nChannels; wfx.nAvgBytesPerSec = wfx.nSamplesPerSec * wfx.nBlockAlign; wfx.cbSize = sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX); if( FAILED( hr = pDSBPrimary->SetFormat(&wfx) ) ) { return; } numSpeakers = 2; // force it to think stereo blockAlign = wfx.nBlockAlign; } byte *speakerData; bufferSize = MIXBUFFER_SAMPLES * sizeof(word) * numSpeakers * ROOM_SLICES_IN_BUFFER; speakerData = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( bufferSize ); memset( speakerData, 0, bufferSize ); InitializeSpeakers( speakerData, bufferSize, dwPrimaryFreq, dwPrimaryBitRate, numSpeakers ); } /* =============== idAudioHardwareWIN32::Create =============== */ int idAudioHardwareWIN32::Create( idAudioBuffer** ppSound, const char* strWaveFileName, dword dwCreationFlags ) { int hr; LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER apDSBuffer = NULL; dword dwDSBufferSize = NULL; idWaveFile* pWaveFile = NULL; if( m_pDS == NULL ) return -1; if( strWaveFileName == NULL || ppSound == NULL ) return -1; pWaveFile = new idWaveFile(); pWaveFile->Open( strWaveFileName, NULL ); if( pWaveFile->GetOutputSize() == 0 ) { // Wave is blank, so don't create it. hr = E_FAIL; goto LFail; } // Make the DirectSound buffer the same size as the wav file dwDSBufferSize = pWaveFile->GetOutputSize(); // Create the direct sound buffer, and only request the flags needed // since each requires some overhead and limits if the buffer can // be hardware accelerated DSBUFFERDESC dsbd; memset( &dsbd, 0, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC) ); dsbd.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbd.dwFlags = dwCreationFlags; dsbd.dwBufferBytes = dwDSBufferSize; dsbd.guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL; dsbd.lpwfxFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX*)&pWaveFile->mpwfx; // DirectSound is only guarenteed to play PCM data. Other // formats may or may not work depending the sound card driver. if( FAILED( hr = m_pDS->CreateSoundBuffer( &dsbd, &apDSBuffer, NULL ) ) ) return -1; // Create the sound *ppSound = new idAudioBufferWIN32( apDSBuffer, dwDSBufferSize, pWaveFile ); pWaveFile->Close(); return 0; LFail: // Cleanup SAFE_DELETE( pWaveFile ); return -1; } /* =============== idAudioHardwareWIN32::Create =============== */ int idAudioHardwareWIN32::Create( idWaveFile* pWaveFile, idAudioBuffer** ppiab ) { int hr; LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER apDSBuffer = NULL; dword dwDSBufferSize = NULL; if( m_pDS == NULL ) return -1; if( pWaveFile == NULL ) return -1; *ppiab = NULL; if( pWaveFile->GetOutputSize() == 0 ) { // Wave is blank, so don't create it. hr = E_FAIL; goto LFail; } // Make the DirectSound buffer the same size as the wav file dwDSBufferSize = pWaveFile->GetOutputSize(); // Create the direct sound buffer, and only request the flags needed // since each requires some overhead and limits if the buffer can // be hardware accelerated DSBUFFERDESC dsbd; memset( &dsbd, 0, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC) ); dsbd.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbd.dwFlags = 0; dsbd.dwBufferBytes = dwDSBufferSize; dsbd.guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL; dsbd.lpwfxFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX*)&pWaveFile->mpwfx; // DirectSound is only guarenteed to play PCM data. Other // formats may or may not work depending the sound card driver. if( FAILED( hr = m_pDS->CreateSoundBuffer( &dsbd, &apDSBuffer, NULL ) ) ) return -1; // Create the sound *ppiab = new idAudioBufferWIN32( apDSBuffer, dwDSBufferSize, pWaveFile ); return 0; LFail: // Cleanup SAFE_DELETE( pWaveFile ); return -1; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Name: idAudioHardwareWIN32::CreateFromMemory() // Desc: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int idAudioHardwareWIN32::CreateFromMemory( idAudioBufferWIN32** ppSound, byte* pbData, ulong ulDataSize, waveformatextensible_t* pwfx, dword dwCreationFlags ) { int hr; LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER apDSBuffer = NULL; dword dwDSBufferSize = NULL; idWaveFile* pWaveFile = NULL; if( m_pDS == NULL ) return -1; if( pbData == NULL || ppSound == NULL ) return -1; pWaveFile = new idWaveFile(); pWaveFile->OpenFromMemory( (short *)pbData, ulDataSize, (waveformatextensible_t *)pwfx); // Make the DirectSound buffer the same size as the wav file dwDSBufferSize = ulDataSize; // Create the direct sound buffer, and only request the flags needed // since each requires some overhead and limits if the buffer can // be hardware accelerated DSBUFFERDESC dsbd; memset( &dsbd, 0, sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC) ); dsbd.dwSize = sizeof(DSBUFFERDESC); dsbd.dwFlags = dwCreationFlags | DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2; dsbd.dwBufferBytes = dwDSBufferSize; dsbd.guid3DAlgorithm = GUID_NULL; dsbd.lpwfxFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX *)pwfx; if( FAILED( hr = m_pDS->CreateSoundBuffer( &dsbd, &apDSBuffer, NULL ) ) ) return -1; // Create the sound *ppSound = new idAudioBufferWIN32( apDSBuffer, dwDSBufferSize, pWaveFile ); return S_OK; } /* =============== idAudioHardwareWIN32::Lock =============== */ bool idAudioHardwareWIN32::Lock( void **pDSLockedBuffer, ulong *dwDSLockedBufferSize ) { if (speakers) { return speakers->Lock( pDSLockedBuffer, dwDSLockedBufferSize ); } return false; } /* =============== idAudioHardwareWIN32::Unlock =============== */ bool idAudioHardwareWIN32::Unlock(void *pDSLockedBuffer, dword dwDSLockedBufferSize ) { if (speakers) { return speakers->Unlock( pDSLockedBuffer, dwDSLockedBufferSize ); } return false; } /* =============== idAudioHardwareWIN32::GetCurrentPosition =============== */ bool idAudioHardwareWIN32::GetCurrentPosition( ulong *pdwCurrentWriteCursor ) { if (speakers) { return speakers->GetCurrentPosition( pdwCurrentWriteCursor ); } return false; } static HMODULE hOpenAL = NULL; /* =============== Sys_LoadOpenAL =============== */ bool Sys_LoadOpenAL( void ) { #if ID_OPENAL const char *sym; if ( hOpenAL ) { return true; } hOpenAL = LoadLibrary( idSoundSystemLocal::s_libOpenAL.GetString() ); if ( !hOpenAL ) { common->Warning( "LoadLibrary %s failed.", idSoundSystemLocal::s_libOpenAL.GetString() ); return false; } if ( ( sym = InitializeIDAL( hOpenAL ) ) ) { common->Warning( "GetProcAddress %s failed.", sym ); FreeLibrary( hOpenAL ); hOpenAL = NULL; return false; } return true; #else return false; #endif } /* =============== Sys_FreeOpenAL =============== */ void Sys_FreeOpenAL( void ) { if ( hOpenAL ) { FreeLibrary( hOpenAL ); hOpenAL = NULL; } } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::idAudioBuffer =============== */ idAudioBufferWIN32::idAudioBufferWIN32( LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER apDSBuffer, dword dwDSBufferSize, idWaveFile* pWaveFile ) { m_apDSBuffer = apDSBuffer; m_dwDSBufferSize = dwDSBufferSize; m_pWaveFile = pWaveFile; if (pWaveFile) { FillBufferWithSound( m_apDSBuffer, false ); m_apDSBuffer->SetCurrentPosition(0); } } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::~idAudioBuffer =============== */ idAudioBufferWIN32::~idAudioBufferWIN32() { SAFE_DELETE(m_pWaveFile); SAFE_RELEASE( m_apDSBuffer ); m_pWaveFile = NULL; m_apDSBuffer = NULL; } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::FillBufferWithSound =============== */ int idAudioBufferWIN32::FillBufferWithSound( LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pDSB, bool bRepeatWavIfBufferLarger ) { int hr; void* pDSLockedBuffer = NULL; // Pointer to locked buffer memory ulong dwDSLockedBufferSize = 0; // Size of the locked DirectSound buffer int dwWavDataRead = 0; // Amount of data read from the wav file if( pDSB == NULL ) return -1; // we may not even have a wavefile if (m_pWaveFile==NULL) { return -1; } // Make sure we have focus, and we didn't just switch in from // an app which had a DirectSound device if( FAILED( hr = RestoreBuffer( pDSB, NULL ) ) ) { DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("RestoreBuffer"), hr ); return -1; } // Lock the buffer down if( FAILED( hr = pDSB->Lock( 0, m_dwDSBufferSize, &pDSLockedBuffer, &dwDSLockedBufferSize, NULL, NULL, 0L ) ) ) { DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("Lock"), hr ); return -1; } // Reset the wave file to the beginning m_pWaveFile->ResetFile(); if( FAILED( hr = m_pWaveFile->Read( (byte*) pDSLockedBuffer, dwDSLockedBufferSize, &dwWavDataRead ) ) ) { return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("Read"), hr ); } if( dwWavDataRead == 0 ) { // Wav is blank, so just fill with silence memset( pDSLockedBuffer, (byte)(m_pWaveFile->mpwfx.Format.wBitsPerSample == 8 ? 128 : 0 ), dwDSLockedBufferSize ); } else if( dwWavDataRead < (int)dwDSLockedBufferSize ) { // If the wav file was smaller than the DirectSound buffer, // we need to fill the remainder of the buffer with data if( bRepeatWavIfBufferLarger ) { // Reset the file and fill the buffer with wav data int dwReadSoFar = dwWavDataRead; // From previous call above. while( dwReadSoFar < (int)dwDSLockedBufferSize ) { // This will keep reading in until the buffer is full // for very short files if( FAILED( hr = m_pWaveFile->ResetFile() ) ) { return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("ResetFile"), hr ); } hr = m_pWaveFile->Read( (byte*)pDSLockedBuffer + dwReadSoFar, dwDSLockedBufferSize - dwReadSoFar, &dwWavDataRead ); if( FAILED(hr) ) { return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("Read"), hr ); } dwReadSoFar += dwWavDataRead; } } else { // Don't repeat the wav file, just fill in silence memset( (byte*) pDSLockedBuffer + dwWavDataRead, (byte)(m_pWaveFile->mpwfx.Format.wBitsPerSample == 8 ? 128 : 0 ), dwDSLockedBufferSize - dwWavDataRead); } } // Unlock the buffer, we don't need it anymore. pDSB->Unlock( pDSLockedBuffer, dwDSLockedBufferSize, NULL, 0 ); return S_OK; } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::RestoreBuffer Desc: Restores the lost buffer. *pbWasRestored returns true if the buffer was restored. It can also NULL if the information is not needed. =============== */ int idAudioBufferWIN32::RestoreBuffer( LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pDSB, bool* pbWasRestored ) { int hr; if( pDSB == NULL ) { return -1; } if( pbWasRestored ) { *pbWasRestored = false; } ulong dwStatus; if( FAILED( hr = pDSB->GetStatus( &dwStatus ) ) ) { return DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("GetStatus"), hr ); } if( dwStatus & DSBSTATUS_BUFFERLOST ) { // Since the app could have just been activated, then // DirectSound may not be giving us control yet, so // the restoring the buffer may fail. // If it does, sleep until DirectSound gives us control. do { hr = pDSB->Restore(); if( hr == DSERR_BUFFERLOST ) { Sleep( 10 ); } hr = pDSB->Restore(); } while( hr ); if( pbWasRestored != NULL ) { *pbWasRestored = true; } return S_OK; } else { return S_FALSE; } } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::Play Desc: Plays the sound using voice management flags. Pass in DSBPLAY_LOOPING in the dwFlags to loop the sound =============== */ int idAudioBufferWIN32::Play( dword dwPriority, dword dwFlags ) { int hr; bool bRestored; if( m_apDSBuffer == NULL ) { return -1; } // Restore the buffer if it was lost if( FAILED( hr = RestoreBuffer( m_apDSBuffer, &bRestored ) ) ) { common->Error( TEXT("RestoreBuffer"), hr ); } if( bRestored ) { // The buffer was restored, so we need to fill it with new data if( FAILED( hr = FillBufferWithSound( m_apDSBuffer, false ) ) ) { common->Error( TEXT("FillBufferWithSound"), hr ); } // Make DirectSound do pre-processing on sound effects Reset(); } m_apDSBuffer->Play( 0, dwPriority, dwFlags ); return 0; } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::Stop Desc: Stops the sound from playing =============== */ int idAudioBufferWIN32::Stop() { if( this == NULL || m_apDSBuffer == NULL ) { return -1; } m_apDSBuffer->Stop(); return 0; } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::Reset Desc: Reset all of the sound buffers =============== */ int idAudioBufferWIN32::Reset() { if( m_apDSBuffer == NULL ) { return -1; } m_apDSBuffer->SetCurrentPosition( 0 ); return 0; } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::IsSoundPlaying Desc: Checks to see if a buffer is playing and returns true if it =============== */ bool idAudioBufferWIN32::IsSoundPlaying( ) { if( m_apDSBuffer == NULL ) { return false; } if( m_apDSBuffer ) { ulong dwStatus = 0; m_apDSBuffer->GetStatus( &dwStatus ); if ( dwStatus & DSBSTATUS_PLAYING ) { return true; } } return false; } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::Lock =============== */ bool idAudioBufferWIN32::Lock( void **pDSLockedBuffer, ulong *dwDSLockedBufferSize ) { int hr; // Restore the buffer if it was lost bool bRestored; if( FAILED( hr = RestoreBuffer( m_apDSBuffer, &bRestored ) ) ) { return false; } // Lock the DirectSound buffer if( FAILED( hr = m_apDSBuffer->Lock( 0, m_dwDSBufferSize, pDSLockedBuffer, dwDSLockedBufferSize, NULL, NULL, 0 ) ) ) { return false; } return true; } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::Unlock =============== */ bool idAudioBufferWIN32::Unlock(void *pDSLockedBuffer, dword dwDSLockedBufferSize ) { // Unlock the DirectSound buffer m_apDSBuffer->Unlock( pDSLockedBuffer, dwDSLockedBufferSize, NULL, 0 ); return true; } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::GetCurrentPosition =============== */ bool idAudioBufferWIN32::GetCurrentPosition( ulong *pdwCurrentWriteCursor ) { int hr; // Make sure we have focus, and we didn't just switch in from // an app which had a DirectSound device if( FAILED( hr = RestoreBuffer( m_apDSBuffer, NULL ) ) ) { DXTRACE_ERR( TEXT("RestoreBuffer"), hr ); return false; } if( FAILED( hr = m_apDSBuffer->GetCurrentPosition( NULL, pdwCurrentWriteCursor ) ) ) { return false; } return true; } /* =============== idAudioBufferWIN32::SetVolume =============== */ void idAudioBufferWIN32::SetVolume( float x) { if (m_apDSBuffer) { m_apDSBuffer->SetVolume(x); } }