
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.

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#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "tools/compilers/dmap/dmap.h"

#include "tools/compilers/compiler_public.h"

dmapGlobals_t	dmapGlobals;

bool ProcessModel( uEntity_t *e, bool floodFill ) {
	bspface_t	*faces;

	// build a bsp tree using all of the sides
	// of all of the structural brushes
	faces = MakeStructuralBspFaceList ( e->primitives );
	e->tree = FaceBSP( faces );

	// create portals at every leaf intersection
	// to allow flood filling
	MakeTreePortals( e->tree );

	// classify the leafs as opaque or areaportal
	FilterBrushesIntoTree( e );

	// see if the bsp is completely enclosed
	if ( floodFill && !dmapGlobals.noFlood ) {
		if ( FloodEntities( e->tree ) ) {
			// set the outside leafs to opaque
			FillOutside( e );
		} else {
			common->Printf ( "**********************\n" );
			common->Warning( "******* leaked *******" );
			common->Printf ( "**********************\n" );
			LeakFile( e->tree );
			// bail out here.  If someone really wants to
			// process a map that leaks, they should use
			// -noFlood
			return false;

	// get minimum convex hulls for each visible side
	// this must be done before creating area portals,
	// because the visible hull is used as the portal
	ClipSidesByTree( e );

	// determine areas before clipping tris into the
	// tree, so tris will never cross area boundaries
	FloodAreas( e );

	// we now have a BSP tree with solid and non-solid leafs marked with areas
	// all primitives will now be clipped into this, throwing away
	// fragments in the solid areas
	PutPrimitivesInAreas( e );

	// now build shadow volumes for the lights and split
	// the optimize lists by the light beam trees
	// so there won't be unneeded overdraw in the static
	// case
	Prelight( e );

	// optimizing is a superset of fixing tjunctions
	if ( !dmapGlobals.noOptimize ) {
		OptimizeEntity( e );
	} else  if ( !dmapGlobals.noTJunc ) {
		FixEntityTjunctions( e );

	// now fix t junctions across areas
	FixGlobalTjunctions( e );

	return true;

bool ProcessModels( void ) {
	bool	oldVerbose;
	uEntity_t	*entity;

	oldVerbose = dmapGlobals.verbose;

	for ( dmapGlobals.entityNum = 0 ; dmapGlobals.entityNum < dmapGlobals.num_entities ; dmapGlobals.entityNum++ ) {

		entity = &dmapGlobals.uEntities[dmapGlobals.entityNum];
		if ( !entity->primitives ) {

		common->Printf( "############### entity %i ###############\n", dmapGlobals.entityNum );

		// if we leaked, stop without any more processing
		if ( !ProcessModel( entity, (bool)(dmapGlobals.entityNum == 0 ) ) ) {
			return false;

		// we usually don't want to see output for submodels unless
		// something strange is going on
		if ( !dmapGlobals.verboseentities ) {
			dmapGlobals.verbose = false;

	dmapGlobals.verbose = oldVerbose;

	return true;

void DmapHelp( void ) {

	"Usage: dmap [options] mapfile\n"
	"noCurves          = don't process curves\n"
	"noCM              = don't create collision map\n"
	"noAAS             = don't create AAS files\n"


void ResetDmapGlobals( void ) {
	dmapGlobals.mapFileBase[0] = '\0';
	dmapGlobals.dmapFile = NULL;
	dmapGlobals.num_entities = 0;
	dmapGlobals.uEntities = NULL;
	dmapGlobals.entityNum = 0;
	dmapGlobals.verbose = false;
	dmapGlobals.glview = false;
	dmapGlobals.noOptimize = false;
	dmapGlobals.verboseentities = false;
	dmapGlobals.noCurves = false;
	dmapGlobals.fullCarve = false;
	dmapGlobals.noModelBrushes = false;
	dmapGlobals.noTJunc = false;
	dmapGlobals.nomerge = false;
	dmapGlobals.noFlood = false;
	dmapGlobals.noClipSides = false;
	dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = false;
	dmapGlobals.noShadow = false;
	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_NONE;
	dmapGlobals.drawflag = false;
	dmapGlobals.totalShadowTriangles = 0;
	dmapGlobals.totalShadowVerts = 0;

void Dmap( const idCmdArgs &args ) {
	int			i;
	int			start, end;
	char		path[1024];
	idStr		passedName;
	bool		leaked = false;
	bool		noCM = false;
	bool		noAAS = false;


	if ( args.Argc() < 2 ) {

	common->Printf("---- dmap ----\n");

	dmapGlobals.fullCarve = true;
	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_MERGE_SURFACES;		// create shadows by merging all surfaces, but no super optimization
//	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_CLIP_OCCLUDERS;		// remove occluders that are completely covered
//	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_SIL_OPTIMIZE;
//	dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = SO_CULL_OCCLUDED;

	dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = true;

	for ( i = 1 ; i < args.Argc() ; i++ ) {
		const char *s;

		s = args.Argv(i);
		if ( s[0] == '-' ) {
			if ( s[0] == '\0' ) {

		if ( !idStr::Icmp( s,"glview" ) ) {
			dmapGlobals.glview = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "v" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "verbose = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.verbose = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "draw" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "drawflag = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.drawflag = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noFlood" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noFlood = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noFlood = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noLightCarve" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noLightCarve = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "lightCarve" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noLightCarve = false\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noLightCarve = false;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noOpt" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noOptimize = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noOptimize = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "verboseentities" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "verboseentities = true\n");
			dmapGlobals.verboseentities = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noCurves" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noCurves = true\n");
			dmapGlobals.noCurves = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noModels" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noModels = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noModelBrushes = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noClipSides" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noClipSides = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noClipSides = true;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noCarve" ) ) {
			common->Printf( "noCarve = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.fullCarve = false;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "shadowOpt" ) ) {
			dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel = (shadowOptLevel_t)atoi( args.Argv( i+1 ) );
			common->Printf( "shadowOpt = %i\n",dmapGlobals.shadowOptLevel );
			i += 1;
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noTjunc" ) ) {
			// triangle optimization won't work properly without tjunction fixing
			common->Printf ("noTJunc = true\n" );
			dmapGlobals.noTJunc = true;
			dmapGlobals.noOptimize = true;
			common->Printf ("forcing noOptimize = true\n" );
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noCM" ) ) {
			noCM = true;
			common->Printf( "noCM = true\n" );
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "noAAS" ) ) {
			noAAS = true;
			common->Printf( "noAAS = true\n" );
		} else if ( !idStr::Icmp( s, "editorOutput" ) ) {
#ifdef _WIN32
			com_outputMsg = true;
		} else {

	if ( i >= args.Argc() ) {
		common->Error( "usage: dmap [options] mapfile" );

	passedName = args.Argv(i);		// may have an extension
	if ( passedName.Icmpn( "maps/", 4 ) != 0 ) {
		passedName = "maps/" + passedName;

	idStr stripped = passedName;
	idStr::Copynz( dmapGlobals.mapFileBase, stripped, sizeof(dmapGlobals.mapFileBase) );

	bool region = false;
	// if this isn't a regioned map, delete the last saved region map
	if ( passedName.Right( 4 ) != ".reg" ) {
		sprintf( path, "%s.reg", dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
		fileSystem->RemoveFile( path );
	} else {
		region = true;

	passedName = stripped;

	// delete any old line leak files
	sprintf( path, "%s.lin", dmapGlobals.mapFileBase );
	fileSystem->RemoveFile( path );

	// start from scratch
	start = Sys_Milliseconds();

	if ( !LoadDMapFile( passedName ) ) {

	if ( ProcessModels() ) {
	} else {
		leaked = true;


	common->Printf( "%i total shadow triangles\n", dmapGlobals.totalShadowTriangles );
	common->Printf( "%i total shadow verts\n", dmapGlobals.totalShadowVerts );

	end = Sys_Milliseconds();
	common->Printf( "-----------------------\n" );
	common->Printf( "%5.0f seconds for dmap\n", ( end - start ) * 0.001f );

	if ( !leaked ) {

		if ( !noCM ) {

			// make sure the collision model manager is not used by the game
			cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_NOW, "disconnect" );

			// create the collision map
			start = Sys_Milliseconds();

			collisionModelManager->LoadMap( dmapGlobals.dmapFile );

			end = Sys_Milliseconds();
			common->Printf( "-------------------------------------\n" );
			common->Printf( "%5.0f seconds to create collision map\n", ( end - start ) * 0.001f );

		if ( !noAAS && !region ) {
			// create AAS files
			RunAAS_f( args );

	// free the common .map representation
	delete dmapGlobals.dmapFile;

	// clear the map plane list

#ifdef _WIN32
	if ( com_outputMsg && com_hwndMsg != NULL ) {
		unsigned int msg = ::RegisterWindowMessage( DMAP_DONE );
		::PostMessage( com_hwndMsg, msg, 0, 0 );

void Dmap_f( const idCmdArgs &args ) {

	common->ClearWarnings( "running dmap" );

	// refresh the screen each time we print so it doesn't look
	// like it is hung
	common->SetRefreshOnPrint( true );
	Dmap( args );
	common->SetRefreshOnPrint( false );
