/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "framework/Common.h" #include "sys/win32/win_local.h" #include #include static WSADATA winsockdata; static bool winsockInitialized = false; idCVar net_ip( "net_ip", "localhost", CVAR_SYSTEM, "local IP address" ); idCVar net_port( "net_port", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INTEGER, "local IP port number" ); idCVar net_forceLatency( "net_forceLatency", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INTEGER, "milliseconds latency" ); idCVar net_forceDrop( "net_forceDrop", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INTEGER, "percentage packet loss" ); static SOCKET ip_socket; typedef struct { unsigned long ip; unsigned long mask; } net_interface; #define MAX_INTERFACES 32 int num_interfaces = 0; net_interface netint[MAX_INTERFACES]; //============================================================================= /* ==================== NET_ErrorString ==================== */ const char *NET_ErrorString( void ) { int code; code = WSAGetLastError(); switch( code ) { case WSAEINTR: return "WSAEINTR"; case WSAEBADF: return "WSAEBADF"; case WSAEACCES: return "WSAEACCES"; case WSAEDISCON: return "WSAEDISCON"; case WSAEFAULT: return "WSAEFAULT"; case WSAEINVAL: return "WSAEINVAL"; case WSAEMFILE: return "WSAEMFILE"; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK: return "WSAEWOULDBLOCK"; case WSAEINPROGRESS: return "WSAEINPROGRESS"; case WSAEALREADY: return "WSAEALREADY"; case WSAENOTSOCK: return "WSAENOTSOCK"; case WSAEDESTADDRREQ: return "WSAEDESTADDRREQ"; case WSAEMSGSIZE: return "WSAEMSGSIZE"; case WSAEPROTOTYPE: return "WSAEPROTOTYPE"; case WSAENOPROTOOPT: return "WSAENOPROTOOPT"; case WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT: return "WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT"; case WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT: return "WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT"; case WSAEOPNOTSUPP: return "WSAEOPNOTSUPP"; case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT: return "WSAEPFNOSUPPORT"; case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT: return "WSAEAFNOSUPPORT"; case WSAEADDRINUSE: return "WSAEADDRINUSE"; case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL: return "WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL"; case WSAENETDOWN: return "WSAENETDOWN"; case WSAENETUNREACH: return "WSAENETUNREACH"; case WSAENETRESET: return "WSAENETRESET"; case WSAECONNABORTED: return "WSWSAECONNABORTEDAEINTR"; case WSAECONNRESET: return "WSAECONNRESET"; case WSAENOBUFS: return "WSAENOBUFS"; case WSAEISCONN: return "WSAEISCONN"; case WSAENOTCONN: return "WSAENOTCONN"; case WSAESHUTDOWN: return "WSAESHUTDOWN"; case WSAETOOMANYREFS: return "WSAETOOMANYREFS"; case WSAETIMEDOUT: return "WSAETIMEDOUT"; case WSAECONNREFUSED: return "WSAECONNREFUSED"; case WSAELOOP: return "WSAELOOP"; case WSAENAMETOOLONG: return "WSAENAMETOOLONG"; case WSAEHOSTDOWN: return "WSAEHOSTDOWN"; case WSASYSNOTREADY: return "WSASYSNOTREADY"; case WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED: return "WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED"; case WSANOTINITIALISED: return "WSANOTINITIALISED"; case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND: return "WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND"; case WSATRY_AGAIN: return "WSATRY_AGAIN"; case WSANO_RECOVERY: return "WSANO_RECOVERY"; case WSANO_DATA: return "WSANO_DATA"; default: return "NO ERROR"; } } /* ==================== Net_NetadrToSockadr ==================== */ void Net_NetadrToSockadr( const netadr_t *a, struct sockaddr *s ) { memset( s, 0, sizeof(*s) ); if( a->type == NA_BROADCAST ) { ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_BROADCAST; } else if( a->type == NA_IP || a->type == NA_LOOPBACK ) { ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_addr.s_addr = *(int *)&a->ip; } ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_port = htons( (short)a->port ); } /* ==================== Net_SockadrToNetadr ==================== */ void Net_SockadrToNetadr( struct sockaddr *s, netadr_t *a ) { unsigned int ip; if (s->sa_family == AF_INET) { ip = ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_addr.s_addr; *(unsigned int *)&a->ip = ip; a->port = htons( ((struct sockaddr_in *)s)->sin_port ); // we store in network order, that loopback test is host order.. ip = ntohl( ip ); if ( ip == INADDR_LOOPBACK ) { a->type = NA_LOOPBACK; } else { a->type = NA_IP; } } } /* ============= Net_ExtractPort ============= */ static bool Net_ExtractPort( const char *src, char *buf, int bufsize, int *port ) { char *p; idStr::Copynz( buf, src, bufsize ); p = strchr( buf, ':' ); if ( !p ) { return false; } *p = '\0'; *port = strtol( p+1, NULL, 10 ); if ( errno == ERANGE ) { return false; } return true; } /* ============= Net_StringToSockaddr ============= */ static bool Net_StringToSockaddr( const char *s, struct sockaddr *sadr, bool doDNSResolve ) { struct hostent *h; char buf[256]; int port; memset( sadr, 0, sizeof( *sadr ) ); ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_family = AF_INET; ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_port = 0; if( s[0] >= '0' && s[0] <= '9' ) { unsigned long ret = inet_addr(s); if ( ret != INADDR_NONE ) { *(int *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_addr = ret; } else { // check for port if ( !Net_ExtractPort( s, buf, sizeof( buf ), &port ) ) { return false; } ret = inet_addr( buf ); if ( ret == INADDR_NONE ) { return false; } *(int *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_addr = ret; ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_port = htons( port ); } } else if ( doDNSResolve ) { // try to remove the port first, otherwise the DNS gets confused into multiple timeouts // failed or not failed, buf is expected to contain the appropriate host to resolve if ( Net_ExtractPort( s, buf, sizeof( buf ), &port ) ) { ((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_port = htons( port ); } h = gethostbyname( buf ); if ( h == 0 ) { return false; } *(int *)&((struct sockaddr_in *)sadr)->sin_addr = *(int *)h->h_addr_list[0]; } return true; } /* ==================== NET_IPSocket ==================== */ int NET_IPSocket( const char *net_interface, int port, netadr_t *bound_to ) { SOCKET newsocket; struct sockaddr_in address; unsigned long _true = 1; int i = 1; int err; if( net_interface ) { common->DPrintf( "Opening IP socket: %s:%i\n", net_interface, port ); } else { common->DPrintf( "Opening IP socket: localhost:%i\n", port ); } if( ( newsocket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP ) ) == INVALID_SOCKET ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); if( err != WSAEAFNOSUPPORT ) { common->Printf( "WARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); } return 0; } // make it non-blocking if( ioctlsocket( newsocket, FIONBIO, &_true ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { common->Printf( "WARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: ioctl FIONBIO: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return 0; } // make it broadcast capable if( setsockopt( newsocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char *)&i, sizeof(i) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { common->Printf( "WARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: setsockopt SO_BROADCAST: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return 0; } if( !net_interface || !net_interface[0] || !idStr::Icmp( net_interface, "localhost" ) ) { address.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; } else { Net_StringToSockaddr( net_interface, (struct sockaddr *)&address, true ); } if( port == PORT_ANY ) { address.sin_port = 0; } else { address.sin_port = htons( (short)port ); } address.sin_family = AF_INET; if( bind( newsocket, (const struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { common->Printf( "WARNING: UDP_OpenSocket: bind: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); closesocket( newsocket ); return 0; } // if the port was PORT_ANY, we need to query again to know the real port we got bound to // ( this used to be in idPort::InitForPort ) if ( bound_to ) { int len = sizeof( address ); getsockname( newsocket, (sockaddr *)&address, &len ); Net_SockadrToNetadr( (sockaddr *)&address, bound_to ); } return newsocket; } /* ================== Net_WaitForUDPPacket ================== */ bool Net_WaitForUDPPacket( int netSocket, int timeout ) { int ret; fd_set set; struct timeval tv; if ( !netSocket ) { return false; } if ( timeout <= 0 ) { return true; } FD_ZERO( &set ); FD_SET( netSocket, &set ); tv.tv_sec = 0; tv.tv_usec = timeout * 1000; ret = select( netSocket + 1, &set, NULL, NULL, &tv ); if ( ret == -1 ) { common->DPrintf( "Net_WaitForUPDPacket select(): %s\n", strerror( errno ) ); return false; } // timeout with no data if ( ret == 0 ) { return false; } return true; } /* ================== Net_GetUDPPacket ================== */ bool Net_GetUDPPacket( int netSocket, netadr_t &net_from, char *data, int &size, int maxSize ) { int ret; struct sockaddr from; int fromlen; int err; if( !netSocket ) { return false; } fromlen = sizeof(from); ret = recvfrom( netSocket, data, maxSize, 0, (struct sockaddr *)&from, &fromlen ); if ( ret == SOCKET_ERROR ) { err = WSAGetLastError(); if( err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK || err == WSAECONNRESET ) { return false; } char buf[1024]; sprintf( buf, "Net_GetUDPPacket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); OutputDebugString( buf ); return false; } if ( netSocket == ip_socket ) { memset( ((struct sockaddr_in *)&from)->sin_zero, 0, 8 ); } Net_SockadrToNetadr( &from, &net_from ); if( ret == maxSize ) { char buf[1024]; sprintf( buf, "Net_GetUDPPacket: oversize packet from %s\n", Sys_NetAdrToString( net_from ) ); OutputDebugString( buf ); return false; } size = ret; return true; } /* ================== Net_SendUDPPacket ================== */ void Net_SendUDPPacket( int netSocket, int length, const void *data, const netadr_t to ) { int ret; struct sockaddr addr; if( !netSocket ) { return; } Net_NetadrToSockadr( &to, &addr ); ret = sendto( netSocket, (const char *)data, length, 0, &addr, sizeof(addr) ); if( ret == SOCKET_ERROR ) { int err = WSAGetLastError(); // wouldblock is silent if( err == WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) { return; } // some PPP links do not allow broadcasts and return an error if( ( err == WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL ) && ( to.type == NA_BROADCAST ) ) { return; } char buf[1024]; sprintf( buf, "Net_SendUDPPacket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); OutputDebugString( buf ); } } /* ==================== Sys_InitNetworking ==================== */ void Sys_InitNetworking( void ) { int r; r = WSAStartup( MAKEWORD( 1, 1 ), &winsockdata ); if( r ) { common->Printf( "WARNING: Winsock initialization failed, returned %d\n", r ); return; } winsockInitialized = true; common->Printf( "Winsock Initialized\n" ); PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapterInfo; PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pAdapter = NULL; DWORD dwRetVal = 0; PIP_ADDR_STRING pIPAddrString; ULONG ulOutBufLen; bool foundloopback; num_interfaces = 0; foundloopback = false; pAdapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *)malloc( sizeof( IP_ADAPTER_INFO ) ); if( !pAdapterInfo ) { common->FatalError( "Sys_InitNetworking: Couldn't malloc( %u )", (unsigned int)sizeof( IP_ADAPTER_INFO ) ); } ulOutBufLen = sizeof( IP_ADAPTER_INFO ); // Make an initial call to GetAdaptersInfo to get // the necessary size into the ulOutBufLen variable if( GetAdaptersInfo( pAdapterInfo, &ulOutBufLen ) == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW ) { free( pAdapterInfo ); pAdapterInfo = (IP_ADAPTER_INFO *)malloc( ulOutBufLen ); if( !pAdapterInfo ) { common->FatalError( "Sys_InitNetworking: Couldn't malloc( %ld )", ulOutBufLen ); } } if( ( dwRetVal = GetAdaptersInfo( pAdapterInfo, &ulOutBufLen) ) != NO_ERROR ) { // happens if you have no network connection common->Printf( "Sys_InitNetworking: GetAdaptersInfo failed (%ld).\n", dwRetVal ); } else { pAdapter = pAdapterInfo; while( pAdapter ) { common->Printf( "Found interface: %s %s - ", pAdapter->AdapterName, pAdapter->Description ); pIPAddrString = &pAdapter->IpAddressList; while( pIPAddrString ) { unsigned long ip_a, ip_m; if( !idStr::Icmp( "", pIPAddrString->IpAddress.String ) ) { foundloopback = true; } ip_a = ntohl( inet_addr( pIPAddrString->IpAddress.String ) ); ip_m = ntohl( inet_addr( pIPAddrString->IpMask.String ) ); //skip null netmasks if( !ip_m ) { common->Printf( "%s NULL netmask - skipped\n", pIPAddrString->IpAddress.String ); pIPAddrString = pIPAddrString->Next; continue; } common->Printf( "%s/%s\n", pIPAddrString->IpAddress.String, pIPAddrString->IpMask.String ); netint[num_interfaces].ip = ip_a; netint[num_interfaces].mask = ip_m; num_interfaces++; if( num_interfaces >= MAX_INTERFACES ) { common->Printf( "Sys_InitNetworking: MAX_INTERFACES(%d) hit.\n", MAX_INTERFACES ); free( pAdapterInfo ); return; } pIPAddrString = pIPAddrString->Next; } pAdapter = pAdapter->Next; } } // for some retarded reason, win32 doesn't count loopback as an adapter... if( !foundloopback && num_interfaces < MAX_INTERFACES ) { common->Printf( "Sys_InitNetworking: adding loopback interface\n" ); netint[num_interfaces].ip = ntohl( inet_addr( "" ) ); netint[num_interfaces].mask = ntohl( inet_addr( "" ) ); num_interfaces++; } free( pAdapterInfo ); } /* ==================== Sys_ShutdownNetworking ==================== */ void Sys_ShutdownNetworking( void ) { if ( !winsockInitialized ) { return; } WSACleanup(); winsockInitialized = false; } /* ============= Sys_StringToNetAdr ============= */ bool Sys_StringToNetAdr( const char *s, netadr_t *a, bool doDNSResolve ) { struct sockaddr sadr; if ( !Net_StringToSockaddr( s, &sadr, doDNSResolve ) ) { return false; } Net_SockadrToNetadr( &sadr, a ); return true; } /* ============= Sys_NetAdrToString ============= */ const char *Sys_NetAdrToString( const netadr_t a ) { static int index = 0; static char buf[ 4 ][ 64 ]; // flip/flop char *s; s = buf[index]; index = (index + 1) & 3; if ( a.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) { if ( a.port ) { idStr::snPrintf( s, 64, "localhost:%i", a.port ); } else { idStr::snPrintf( s, 64, "localhost" ); } } else if ( a.type == NA_IP ) { idStr::snPrintf( s, 64, "%i.%i.%i.%i:%i", a.ip[0], a.ip[1], a.ip[2], a.ip[3], a.port ); } return s; } /* ================== Sys_IsLANAddress ================== */ bool Sys_IsLANAddress( const netadr_t adr ) { #if ID_NOLANADDRESS common->Printf( "Sys_IsLANAddress: ID_NOLANADDRESS\n" ); return false; #endif if( adr.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) { return true; } if( adr.type != NA_IP ) { return false; } if( num_interfaces ) { int i; unsigned long *p_ip; unsigned long ip; p_ip = (unsigned long *)&adr.ip[0]; ip = ntohl( *p_ip ); for( i=0; i < num_interfaces; i++ ) { if( ( netint[i].ip & netint[i].mask ) == ( ip & netint[i].mask ) ) { return true; } } } return false; } /* =================== Sys_CompareNetAdrBase Compares without the port =================== */ bool Sys_CompareNetAdrBase( const netadr_t a, const netadr_t b ) { if ( a.type != b.type ) { return false; } if ( a.type == NA_LOOPBACK ) { return true; } if ( a.type == NA_IP ) { if ( a.ip[0] == b.ip[0] && a.ip[1] == b.ip[1] && a.ip[2] == b.ip[2] && a.ip[3] == b.ip[3] ) { return true; } return false; } common->Printf( "Sys_CompareNetAdrBase: bad address type\n" ); return false; } //============================================================================= #define MAX_UDP_MSG_SIZE 1400 typedef struct udpMsg_s { byte data[MAX_UDP_MSG_SIZE]; netadr_t address; int size; unsigned int time; struct udpMsg_s * next; } udpMsg_t; class idUDPLag { public: idUDPLag( void ); ~idUDPLag( void ); udpMsg_t * sendFirst; udpMsg_t * sendLast; udpMsg_t * recieveFirst; udpMsg_t * recieveLast; idBlockAlloc udpMsgAllocator; }; idUDPLag::idUDPLag( void ) { sendFirst = sendLast = recieveFirst = recieveLast = NULL; } idUDPLag::~idUDPLag( void ) { udpMsgAllocator.Shutdown(); } idUDPLag *udpPorts[65536]; /* ================== idPort::idPort ================== */ idPort::idPort() { netSocket = 0; memset( &bound_to, 0, sizeof( bound_to ) ); } /* ================== idPort::~idPort ================== */ idPort::~idPort() { Close(); } /* ================== InitForPort ================== */ bool idPort::InitForPort( int portNumber ) { netSocket = NET_IPSocket( net_ip.GetString(), portNumber, &bound_to ); if ( netSocket <= 0 ) { netSocket = 0; memset( &bound_to, 0, sizeof( bound_to ) ); return false; } udpPorts[ bound_to.port ] = new idUDPLag; return true; } /* ================== idPort::Close ================== */ void idPort::Close() { if ( netSocket ) { if ( udpPorts[ bound_to.port ] ) { delete udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]; udpPorts[ bound_to.port ] = NULL; } closesocket( netSocket ); netSocket = 0; memset( &bound_to, 0, sizeof( bound_to ) ); } } /* ================== idPort::GetPacket ================== */ bool idPort::GetPacket( netadr_t &from, void *data, int &size, int maxSize ) { udpMsg_t *msg; bool ret; while( 1 ) { ret = Net_GetUDPPacket( netSocket, from, (char *)data, size, maxSize ); if ( !ret ) { break; } if ( net_forceDrop.GetInteger() > 0 ) { if ( rand() < net_forceDrop.GetInteger() * RAND_MAX / 100 ) { continue; } } packetsRead++; bytesRead += size; if ( net_forceLatency.GetInteger() > 0 ) { assert( size <= MAX_UDP_MSG_SIZE ); msg = udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->udpMsgAllocator.Alloc(); memcpy( msg->data, data, size ); msg->size = size; msg->address = from; msg->time = Sys_Milliseconds(); msg->next = NULL; if ( udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveLast ) { udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveLast->next = msg; } else { udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveFirst = msg; } udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveLast = msg; } else { break; } } if ( net_forceLatency.GetInteger() > 0 || ( udpPorts[ bound_to.port] && udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveFirst ) ) { msg = udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveFirst; if ( msg && msg->time <= Sys_Milliseconds() - net_forceLatency.GetInteger() ) { memcpy( data, msg->data, msg->size ); size = msg->size; from = msg->address; udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveFirst = udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveFirst->next; if ( !udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveFirst ) { udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->recieveLast = NULL; } udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->udpMsgAllocator.Free( msg ); return true; } return false; } else { return ret; } } /* ================== idPort::GetPacketBlocking ================== */ bool idPort::GetPacketBlocking( netadr_t &from, void *data, int &size, int maxSize, int timeout ) { Net_WaitForUDPPacket( netSocket, timeout ); if ( GetPacket( from, data, size, maxSize ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ================== idPort::SendPacket ================== */ void idPort::SendPacket( const netadr_t to, const void *data, int size ) { udpMsg_t *msg; if ( to.type == NA_BAD ) { common->Warning( "idPort::SendPacket: bad address type NA_BAD - ignored" ); return; } packetsWritten++; bytesWritten += size; if ( net_forceDrop.GetInteger() > 0 ) { if ( rand() < net_forceDrop.GetInteger() * RAND_MAX / 100 ) { return; } } if ( net_forceLatency.GetInteger() > 0 || ( udpPorts[ bound_to.port ] && udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendFirst ) ) { assert( size <= MAX_UDP_MSG_SIZE ); msg = udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->udpMsgAllocator.Alloc(); memcpy( msg->data, data, size ); msg->size = size; msg->address = to; msg->time = Sys_Milliseconds(); msg->next = NULL; if ( udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendLast ) { udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendLast->next = msg; } else { udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendFirst = msg; } udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendLast = msg; for ( msg = udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendFirst; msg && msg->time <= Sys_Milliseconds() - net_forceLatency.GetInteger(); msg = udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendFirst ) { Net_SendUDPPacket( netSocket, msg->size, msg->data, msg->address ); udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendFirst = udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendFirst->next; if ( !udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendFirst ) { udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->sendLast = NULL; } udpPorts[ bound_to.port ]->udpMsgAllocator.Free( msg ); } } else { Net_SendUDPPacket( netSocket, size, data, to ); } } //============================================================================= /* ================== idTCP::idTCP ================== */ idTCP::idTCP() { fd = 0; memset( &address, 0, sizeof( address ) ); } /* ================== idTCP::~idTCP ================== */ idTCP::~idTCP() { Close(); } /* ================== idTCP::Init ================== */ bool idTCP::Init( const char *host, short port ) { unsigned long _true = 1; struct sockaddr sadr; if ( !Sys_StringToNetAdr( host, &address, true ) ) { common->Printf( "Couldn't resolve server name \"%s\"\n", host ); return false; } address.type = NA_IP; if ( !address.port ) { address.port = port; } common->Printf( "\"%s\" resolved to %i.%i.%i.%i:%i\n", host, address.ip[0], address.ip[1], address.ip[2], address.ip[3], address.port ); Net_NetadrToSockadr( &address, &sadr ); if ( fd ) { common->Warning( "idTCP::Init: already initialized?" ); } if ( ( fd = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ) == INVALID_SOCKET ) { fd = 0; common->Printf( "ERROR: idTCP::Init: socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); return false; } if ( connect( fd, &sadr, sizeof(sadr)) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { common->Printf( "ERROR: idTCP::Init: connect: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); closesocket( fd ); fd = 0; return false; } // make it non-blocking if( ioctlsocket( fd, FIONBIO, &_true ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { common->Printf( "ERROR: idTCP::Init: ioctl FIONBIO: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); closesocket( fd ); fd = 0; return false; } common->DPrintf( "Opened TCP connection\n" ); return true; } /* ================== idTCP::Close ================== */ void idTCP::Close() { if ( fd ) { closesocket( fd ); } fd = 0; } /* ================== idTCP::Read ================== */ int idTCP::Read( void *data, int size ) { int nbytes; if ( !fd ) { common->Printf("idTCP::Read: not initialized\n"); return -1; } if ( ( nbytes = recv( fd, (char *)data, size, 0 ) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { if ( WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK ) { return 0; } common->Printf( "ERROR: idTCP::Read: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); Close(); return -1; } // a successful read of 0 bytes indicates remote has closed the connection if ( nbytes == 0 ) { common->DPrintf( "idTCP::Read: read 0 bytes - assume connection closed\n" ); return -1; } return nbytes; } /* ================== idTCP::Write ================== */ int idTCP::Write( void *data, int size ) { int nbytes; if ( !fd ) { common->Printf("idTCP::Write: not initialized\n"); return -1; } if ( ( nbytes = send( fd, (char *)data, size, 0 ) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) { common->Printf( "ERROR: idTCP::Write: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() ); Close(); return -1; } return nbytes; }