
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.

This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").

Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.

If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.


#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "framework/Session_local.h"
#include "sound/sound.h"
#include "ui/DeviceContext.h"
#include "ui/Window.h"
#include "ui/UserInterfaceLocal.h"

#include "ui/GameBearShootWindow.h"

#define BEAR_GRAVITY 240
#define BEAR_SIZE 24.f
#define BEAR_SHRINK_TIME 2000.f

#define MAX_WINDFORCE 100.f

idCVar bearTurretAngle( "bearTurretAngle", "0", CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar bearTurretForce( "bearTurretForce", "200", CVAR_FLOAT, "" );

* BSEntity
BSEntity::BSEntity(idGameBearShootWindow* _game) {
	game = _game;
	visible = true;

	entColor = colorWhite;
	materialName = "";
	material = NULL;
	width = height = 8;
	rotation = 0.f;
	rotationSpeed = 0.f;
	fadeIn = false;
	fadeOut = false;


BSEntity::~BSEntity() {

void BSEntity::WriteToSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) {

	game->WriteSaveGameString( materialName, savefile );

	savefile->Write( &width, sizeof(width) );
	savefile->Write( &height, sizeof(height) );
	savefile->Write( &visible, sizeof(visible) );

	savefile->Write( &entColor, sizeof(entColor) );
	savefile->Write( &position, sizeof(position) );
	savefile->Write( &rotation, sizeof(rotation) );
	savefile->Write( &rotationSpeed, sizeof(rotationSpeed) );
	savefile->Write( &velocity, sizeof(velocity) );

	savefile->Write( &fadeIn, sizeof(fadeIn) );
	savefile->Write( &fadeOut, sizeof(fadeOut) );

void BSEntity::ReadFromSaveGame( idFile *savefile, idGameBearShootWindow* _game ) {
	game = _game;

	game->ReadSaveGameString( materialName, savefile );
	SetMaterial( materialName );

	savefile->Read( &width, sizeof(width) );
	savefile->Read( &height, sizeof(height) );
	savefile->Read( &visible, sizeof(visible) );

	savefile->Read( &entColor, sizeof(entColor) );
	savefile->Read( &position, sizeof(position) );
	savefile->Read( &rotation, sizeof(rotation) );
	savefile->Read( &rotationSpeed, sizeof(rotationSpeed) );
	savefile->Read( &velocity, sizeof(velocity) );

	savefile->Read( &fadeIn, sizeof(fadeIn) );
	savefile->Read( &fadeOut, sizeof(fadeOut) );

void BSEntity::SetMaterial(const char* name) {
	materialName = name;
	material = declManager->FindMaterial( name );
	material->SetSort( SS_GUI );

void BSEntity::SetSize( float _width, float _height ) {
	width = _width;
	height = _height;

void BSEntity::SetVisible( bool isVisible ) {
	visible = isVisible;

void BSEntity::Update( float timeslice ) {

	if ( !visible ) {

	// Fades
	if ( fadeIn && entColor.w < 1.f ) {
		entColor.w += 1 * timeslice;
		if ( entColor.w >= 1.f ) {
			entColor.w = 1.f;
			fadeIn = false;
	if ( fadeOut && entColor.w > 0.f ) {
		entColor.w -= 1 * timeslice;
		if ( entColor.w <= 0.f ) {
			entColor.w = 0.f;
			fadeOut = false;

	// Move the entity
	position += velocity * timeslice;

	// Rotate Entity
	rotation += rotationSpeed * timeslice;

void BSEntity::Draw(idDeviceContext *dc) {
	if ( visible ) {
		dc->DrawMaterialRotated( position.x, position.y, width, height, material, entColor, 1.0f, 1.0f, DEG2RAD(rotation) );

* idGameBearShootWindow
idGameBearShootWindow::idGameBearShootWindow(idDeviceContext *d, idUserInterfaceLocal *g) : idWindow(d, g) {
	dc = d;
	gui = g;

idGameBearShootWindow::idGameBearShootWindow(idUserInterfaceLocal *g) : idWindow(g) {
	gui = g;

idGameBearShootWindow::~idGameBearShootWindow() {

void idGameBearShootWindow::WriteToSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) {
	idWindow::WriteToSaveGame( savefile );

	gamerunning.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
	onFire.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
	onContinue.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );
	onNewGame.WriteToSaveGame( savefile );

	savefile->Write( &timeSlice, sizeof(timeSlice) );
	savefile->Write( &timeRemaining, sizeof(timeRemaining) );
	savefile->Write( &gameOver, sizeof(gameOver) );

	savefile->Write( &currentLevel, sizeof(currentLevel) );
	savefile->Write( &goalsHit, sizeof(goalsHit) );
	savefile->Write( &updateScore, sizeof(updateScore) );
	savefile->Write( &bearHitTarget, sizeof(bearHitTarget) );

	savefile->Write( &bearScale, sizeof(bearScale) );
	savefile->Write( &bearIsShrinking, sizeof(bearIsShrinking) );
	savefile->Write( &bearShrinkStartTime, sizeof(bearShrinkStartTime) );

	savefile->Write( &turretAngle, sizeof(turretAngle) );
	savefile->Write( &turretForce, sizeof(turretForce) );

	savefile->Write( &windForce, sizeof(windForce) );
	savefile->Write( &windUpdateTime, sizeof(windUpdateTime) );

	int numberOfEnts = entities.Num();
	savefile->Write( &numberOfEnts, sizeof(numberOfEnts) );

	for ( int i=0; i<numberOfEnts; i++ ) {
		entities[i]->WriteToSaveGame( savefile );

	int index;
	index = entities.FindIndex( turret );
	savefile->Write( &index, sizeof(index) );
	index = entities.FindIndex( bear );
	savefile->Write( &index, sizeof(index) );
	index = entities.FindIndex( helicopter );
	savefile->Write( &index, sizeof(index) );
	index = entities.FindIndex( goal );
	savefile->Write( &index, sizeof(index) );
	index = entities.FindIndex( wind );
	savefile->Write( &index, sizeof(index) );
	index = entities.FindIndex( gunblast );
	savefile->Write( &index, sizeof(index) );

void idGameBearShootWindow::ReadFromSaveGame( idFile *savefile ) {
	idWindow::ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );

	// Remove all existing entities

	gamerunning.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
	onFire.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
	onContinue.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );
	onNewGame.ReadFromSaveGame( savefile );

	savefile->Read( &timeSlice, sizeof(timeSlice) );
	savefile->Read( &timeRemaining, sizeof(timeRemaining) );
	savefile->Read( &gameOver, sizeof(gameOver) );

	savefile->Read( &currentLevel, sizeof(currentLevel) );
	savefile->Read( &goalsHit, sizeof(goalsHit) );
	savefile->Read( &updateScore, sizeof(updateScore) );
	savefile->Read( &bearHitTarget, sizeof(bearHitTarget) );

	savefile->Read( &bearScale, sizeof(bearScale) );
	savefile->Read( &bearIsShrinking, sizeof(bearIsShrinking) );
	savefile->Read( &bearShrinkStartTime, sizeof(bearShrinkStartTime) );

	savefile->Read( &turretAngle, sizeof(turretAngle) );
	savefile->Read( &turretForce, sizeof(turretForce) );

	savefile->Read( &windForce, sizeof(windForce) );
	savefile->Read( &windUpdateTime, sizeof(windUpdateTime) );

	int numberOfEnts;
	savefile->Read( &numberOfEnts, sizeof(numberOfEnts) );

	for ( int i=0; i<numberOfEnts; i++ ) {
		BSEntity *ent;

		ent = new BSEntity( this );
		ent->ReadFromSaveGame( savefile, this );
		entities.Append( ent );

	int index;
	savefile->Read( &index, sizeof(index) );
	turret = entities[index];
	savefile->Read( &index, sizeof(index) );
	bear = entities[index];
	savefile->Read( &index, sizeof(index) );
	helicopter = entities[index];
	savefile->Read( &index, sizeof(index) );
	goal = entities[index];
	savefile->Read( &index, sizeof(index) );
	wind = entities[index];
	savefile->Read( &index, sizeof(index) );
	gunblast = entities[index];

void idGameBearShootWindow::ResetGameState() {
	gamerunning = false;
	gameOver = false;
	onFire = false;
	onContinue = false;
	onNewGame = false;

	// Game moves forward 16 milliseconds every frame
	timeSlice = 0.016f;
	timeRemaining = 60.f;
	goalsHit = 0;
	updateScore = false;
	bearHitTarget = false;
	currentLevel = 1;
	turretAngle = 0.f;
	turretForce = 200.f;
	windForce = 0.f;
	windUpdateTime = 0;

	bearIsShrinking = false;
	bearShrinkStartTime = 0;
	bearScale = 1.f;

void idGameBearShootWindow::CommonInit() {
	BSEntity *			ent;

	// Precache sounds
	declManager->FindSound( "arcade_beargroan" );
	declManager->FindSound( "arcade_sargeshoot" );
	declManager->FindSound( "arcade_balloonpop" );
	declManager->FindSound( "arcade_levelcomplete1" );

	// Precache dynamically used materials
	declManager->FindMaterial( "game/bearshoot/helicopter_broken" );
	declManager->FindMaterial( "game/bearshoot/goal_dead" );
	declManager->FindMaterial( "game/bearshoot/gun_blast" );


	ent = new BSEntity( this );
	turret = ent;
	ent->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/turret" );
	ent->SetSize( 272, 144 );
	ent->position.x = -44;
	ent->position.y = 260;
	entities.Append( ent );

	ent = new BSEntity( this );
	ent->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/turret_base" );
	ent->SetSize( 144, 160 );
	ent->position.x = 16;
	ent->position.y = 280;
	entities.Append( ent );

	ent = new BSEntity( this );
	bear = ent;
	ent->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/bear" );
	ent->SetSize( BEAR_SIZE, BEAR_SIZE );
	ent->SetVisible( false );
	ent->position.x = 0;
	ent->position.y = 0;
	entities.Append( ent );

	ent = new BSEntity( this );
	helicopter = ent;
	ent->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/helicopter" );
	ent->SetSize( 64, 64 );
	ent->position.x = 550;
	ent->position.y = 100;
	entities.Append( ent );

	ent = new BSEntity( this );
	goal = ent;
	ent->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/goal" );
	ent->SetSize( 64, 64 );
	ent->position.x = 550;
	ent->position.y = 164;
	entities.Append( ent );

	ent = new BSEntity( this );
	wind = ent;
	ent->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/wind" );
	ent->SetSize( 100, 40 );
	ent->position.x = 500;
	ent->position.y = 430;
	entities.Append( ent );

	ent = new BSEntity( this );
	gunblast = ent;
	ent->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/gun_blast" );
	ent->SetSize( 64, 64 );
	ent->SetVisible( false );
	entities.Append( ent );

const char *idGameBearShootWindow::HandleEvent(const sysEvent_t *event, bool *updateVisuals) {
	int key = event->evValue;

	// need to call this to allow proper focus and capturing on embedded children
	const char *ret = idWindow::HandleEvent(event, updateVisuals);

	if ( event->evType == SE_KEY ) {

		if ( !event->evValue2 ) {
			return ret;
		if ( key == K_MOUSE1) {
			// Mouse was clicked
		} else {
			return ret;

	return ret;

bool idGameBearShootWindow::ParseInternalVar(const char *_name, idParser *src) {
	if ( idStr::Icmp(_name, "gamerunning") == 0 ) {
		gamerunning = src->ParseBool();
		return true;
	if ( idStr::Icmp(_name, "onFire") == 0 ) {
		onFire = src->ParseBool();
		return true;
	if ( idStr::Icmp(_name, "onContinue") == 0 ) {
		onContinue = src->ParseBool();
		return true;
	if ( idStr::Icmp(_name, "onNewGame") == 0 ) {
		onNewGame = src->ParseBool();
		return true;

	return idWindow::ParseInternalVar(_name, src);

idWinVar *idGameBearShootWindow::GetWinVarByName(const char *_name, bool winLookup, drawWin_t** owner) {
	idWinVar *retVar = NULL;

	if ( idStr::Icmp(_name, "gamerunning") == 0 ) {
		retVar = &gamerunning;
	} else	if ( idStr::Icmp(_name, "onFire") == 0 ) {
		retVar = &onFire;
	} else	if ( idStr::Icmp(_name, "onContinue") == 0 ) {
		retVar = &onContinue;
	} else	if ( idStr::Icmp(_name, "onNewGame") == 0 ) {
		retVar = &onNewGame;

	if(retVar) {
		return retVar;

	return idWindow::GetWinVarByName(_name, winLookup, owner);

void idGameBearShootWindow::PostParse() {

void idGameBearShootWindow::Draw(int time, float x, float y) {
	int i;

	//Update the game every frame before drawing

	for( i = entities.Num()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {

void idGameBearShootWindow::UpdateTurret() {
	idVec2	pt;
	idVec2	turretOrig;
	idVec2	right;
	float	dot, angle;

	pt.x = gui->CursorX();
	pt.y = gui->CursorY();
	turretOrig.Set( 80.f, 348.f );

	pt = pt - turretOrig;

	right.x = 1.f;
	right.y = 0.f;

	dot = pt * right;

	angle = RAD2DEG( acosf( dot ) );

	turretAngle = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.f, 90.f, angle );

void idGameBearShootWindow::UpdateBear() {
	int time = gui->GetTime();
	bool startShrink = false;

	// Apply gravity
	bear->velocity.y += BEAR_GRAVITY * timeSlice;

	// Apply wind
	bear->velocity.x += windForce * timeSlice;

	// Check for collisions
	if ( !bearHitTarget && !gameOver ) {
		idVec2 bearCenter;
		bool	collision = false;

		bearCenter.x = bear->position.x + bear->width/2;
		bearCenter.y = bear->position.y + bear->height/2;

		if ( bearCenter.x > (helicopter->position.x + 16) && bearCenter.x < (helicopter->position.x + helicopter->width - 29) ) {
			if ( bearCenter.y > (helicopter->position.y + 12) && bearCenter.y < (helicopter->position.y + helicopter->height - 7) ) {
				collision = true;

		if ( collision ) {
			// balloons pop and bear tumbles to ground
			helicopter->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/helicopter_broken" );
			helicopter->velocity.y = 230.f;
			goal->velocity.y = 230.f;
			session->sw->PlayShaderDirectly( "arcade_balloonpop" );

			bear->SetVisible( false );
			if ( bear->velocity.x > 0 ) {
				bear->velocity.x *= -1.f;
			bear->velocity *= 0.666f;
			bearHitTarget = true;
			updateScore = true;
			startShrink = true;

	// Check for ground collision
	if ( bear->position.y > 380 ) {
		bear->position.y = 380;

		if ( bear->velocity.Length() < 25 ) {
		} else {
			startShrink = true;

			bear->velocity.y *= -1.f;
			bear->velocity *= 0.5f;

			if ( bearScale ) {
				session->sw->PlayShaderDirectly( "arcade_balloonpop" );

	// Bear rotation is based on velocity
	float angle;
	idVec2 dir;

	dir = bear->velocity;

	angle = RAD2DEG( atan2( dir.x, dir.y ) );
	bear->rotation = angle - 90;

	// Update Bear scale
	if ( bear->position.x > 650 ) {
		startShrink = true;

	if ( !bearIsShrinking && bearScale && startShrink ) {
		bearShrinkStartTime = time;
		bearIsShrinking = true;

	if ( bearIsShrinking ) {
		if ( bearHitTarget ) {
			bearScale = 1 - ( (float)(time - bearShrinkStartTime) / BEAR_SHRINK_TIME );
		} else {
			bearScale = 1 - ( (float)(time - bearShrinkStartTime) / 750 );
		bearScale *= BEAR_SIZE;
		bear->SetSize( bearScale, bearScale );

		if ( bearScale < 0 ) {
			gui->HandleNamedEvent( "EnableFireButton" );
			bearIsShrinking = false;
			bearScale = 0.f;

			if ( bearHitTarget ) {
				goal->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/goal" );
				goal->position.x = 550;
				goal->position.y = 164;
				goal->velocity.y = (currentLevel-1) * 30;
				goal->entColor.w = 0.f;
				goal->fadeIn = true;
				goal->fadeOut = false;

				helicopter->SetVisible( true );
				helicopter->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/helicopter" );
				helicopter->position.x = 550;
				helicopter->position.y = 100;
				helicopter->velocity.y = goal->velocity.y;
				helicopter->entColor.w = 0.f;
				helicopter->fadeIn = true;
				helicopter->fadeOut = false;

void idGameBearShootWindow::UpdateHelicopter() {

	if ( bearHitTarget && bearIsShrinking ) {
		if ( helicopter->velocity.y != 0 && helicopter->position.y > 264 ) {
			helicopter->velocity.y = 0;
			goal->velocity.y = 0;

			helicopter->SetVisible( false );
			goal->SetMaterial( "game/bearshoot/goal_dead" );
			session->sw->PlayShaderDirectly( "arcade_beargroan", 1 );

			helicopter->fadeOut = true;
			goal->fadeOut = true;
	} else if ( currentLevel > 1 ) {
		int height = helicopter->position.y;
		float speed = (currentLevel-1) * 30;

		if ( height > 240 ) {
			helicopter->velocity.y = -speed;
			goal->velocity.y = -speed;
		} else if ( height < 30 ) {
			helicopter->velocity.y = speed;
			goal->velocity.y = speed;

void idGameBearShootWindow::UpdateButtons() {

	if ( onFire ) {
		idVec2 vec;

		gui->HandleNamedEvent( "DisableFireButton" );
		session->sw->PlayShaderDirectly( "arcade_sargeshoot" );

		bear->SetVisible( true );
		bearScale = 1.f;
		bear->SetSize( BEAR_SIZE, BEAR_SIZE );

		vec.x = idMath::Cos( DEG2RAD(turretAngle) );
		vec.x += ( 1 - vec.x ) * 0.18f;
		vec.y = -idMath::Sin( DEG2RAD(turretAngle) );

		turretForce = bearTurretForce.GetFloat();

		bear->position.x = 80 + ( 96 * vec.x );
		bear->position.y = 334 + ( 96 * vec.y );
		bear->velocity.x = vec.x * turretForce;
		bear->velocity.y = vec.y * turretForce;

		gunblast->position.x = 55 + ( 96 * vec.x );
		gunblast->position.y = 310 + ( 100 * vec.y );
		gunblast->SetVisible( true );
		gunblast->entColor.w = 1.f;
		gunblast->rotation = turretAngle;
		gunblast->fadeOut = true;

		bearHitTarget = false;

		onFire = false;

void idGameBearShootWindow::UpdateScore() {

	if ( gameOver ) {
		gui->HandleNamedEvent( "GameOver" );

	gui->SetStateString( "player_score", va("%i", goalsHit ) );

	// Check for level progression
	if ( !(goalsHit % 5) ) {
		gui->SetStateString( "current_level", va("%i", currentLevel ) );
		session->sw->PlayShaderDirectly( "arcade_levelcomplete1", 3 );

		timeRemaining += 30;

void idGameBearShootWindow::UpdateGame() {
	int i;

	if ( onNewGame ) {

		goal->position.x = 550;
		goal->position.y = 164;
		helicopter->position.x = 550;
		helicopter->position.y = 100;
		bear->SetVisible( false );

		bearTurretAngle.SetFloat( 0.f );
		bearTurretForce.SetFloat( 200.f );

		gamerunning = true;
	if ( onContinue ) {
		gameOver = false;
		timeRemaining = 60.f;

		onContinue = false;

	if(gamerunning == true) {
		int current_time = gui->GetTime();
		idRandom rnd( current_time );

		// Check for button presses

		if ( bear ) {
		if ( helicopter && goal ) {

		// Update Wind
		if ( windUpdateTime < current_time ) {
			float	scale;
			int		width;

			windForce = rnd.CRandomFloat() * ( MAX_WINDFORCE * 0.75f );
			if (windForce > 0) {
				windForce += ( MAX_WINDFORCE * 0.25f );
				wind->rotation = 0;
			} else {
				windForce -= ( MAX_WINDFORCE * 0.25f );
				wind->rotation = 180;

			scale = 1.f - (( MAX_WINDFORCE - idMath::Fabs(windForce) ) / MAX_WINDFORCE);
			width = 100*scale;

			if ( windForce < 0 ) {
				wind->position.x = 500 - width + 1;
			} else {
				wind->position.x = 500;
			wind->SetSize( width, 40 );

			windUpdateTime = current_time + 7000 + rnd.RandomInt(5000);

		// Update turret rotation angle
		if ( turret ) {
			turretAngle = bearTurretAngle.GetFloat();
			turret->rotation = turretAngle;

		for( i = 0; i < entities.Num(); i++ ) {
			entities[i]->Update( timeSlice );

		// Update countdown timer
		timeRemaining -= timeSlice;
		timeRemaining = idMath::ClampFloat( 0.f, 99999.f, timeRemaining );
		gui->SetStateString( "time_remaining", va("%2.1f", timeRemaining ) );

		if ( timeRemaining <= 0.f && !gameOver ) {
			gameOver = true;
			updateScore = true;

		if ( updateScore ) {
			updateScore = false;