/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "framework/Session.h" #include "renderer/ModelManager.h" #include "renderer/RenderWorld_local.h" #include "renderer/tr_local.h" /* ================ idRenderWorldLocal::FreeWorld ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::FreeWorld() { int i; // this will free all the lightDefs and entityDefs FreeDefs(); // free all the portals and check light/model references for ( i = 0 ; i < numPortalAreas ; i++ ) { portalArea_t *area; portal_t *portal, *nextPortal; area = &portalAreas[i]; for ( portal = area->portals ; portal ; portal = nextPortal ) { nextPortal = portal->next; delete portal->w; R_StaticFree( portal ); } // there shouldn't be any remaining lightRefs or entityRefs if ( area->lightRefs.areaNext != &area->lightRefs ) { common->Error( "FreeWorld: unexpected remaining lightRefs" ); } if ( area->entityRefs.areaNext != &area->entityRefs ) { common->Error( "FreeWorld: unexpected remaining entityRefs" ); } } if ( portalAreas ) { R_StaticFree( portalAreas ); portalAreas = NULL; numPortalAreas = 0; R_StaticFree( areaScreenRect ); areaScreenRect = NULL; } if ( doublePortals ) { R_StaticFree( doublePortals ); doublePortals = NULL; numInterAreaPortals = 0; } if ( areaNodes ) { R_StaticFree( areaNodes ); areaNodes = NULL; } // free all the inline idRenderModels for ( i = 0 ; i < localModels.Num() ; i++ ) { renderModelManager->RemoveModel( localModels[i] ); delete localModels[i]; } localModels.Clear(); areaReferenceAllocator.Shutdown(); interactionAllocator.Shutdown(); areaNumRefAllocator.Shutdown(); mapName = ""; } /* ================ idRenderWorldLocal::TouchWorldModels ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::TouchWorldModels( void ) { int i; for ( i = 0 ; i < localModels.Num() ; i++ ) { renderModelManager->CheckModel( localModels[i]->Name() ); } } /* ================ idRenderWorldLocal::ParseModel ================ */ idRenderModel *idRenderWorldLocal::ParseModel( idLexer *src ) { idRenderModel *model; idToken token; int i, j; srfTriangles_t *tri; modelSurface_t surf; src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); // parse the name src->ExpectAnyToken( &token ); model = renderModelManager->AllocModel(); model->InitEmpty( token ); int numSurfaces = src->ParseInt(); if ( numSurfaces < 0 ) { src->Error( "R_ParseModel: bad numSurfaces" ); } for ( i = 0 ; i < numSurfaces ; i++ ) { src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); src->ExpectAnyToken( &token ); surf.shader = declManager->FindMaterial( token ); ((idMaterial*)surf.shader)->AddReference(); tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf(); surf.geometry = tri; tri->numVerts = src->ParseInt(); tri->numIndexes = src->ParseInt(); R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( tri, tri->numVerts ); for ( j = 0 ; j < tri->numVerts ; j++ ) { float vec[8]; src->Parse1DMatrix( 8, vec ); tri->verts[j].xyz[0] = vec[0]; tri->verts[j].xyz[1] = vec[1]; tri->verts[j].xyz[2] = vec[2]; tri->verts[j].st[0] = vec[3]; tri->verts[j].st[1] = vec[4]; tri->verts[j].normal[0] = vec[5]; tri->verts[j].normal[1] = vec[6]; tri->verts[j].normal[2] = vec[7]; } R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( tri, tri->numIndexes ); for ( j = 0 ; j < tri->numIndexes ; j++ ) { tri->indexes[j] = src->ParseInt(); } src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ); // add the completed surface to the model model->AddSurface( surf ); } src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ); model->FinishSurfaces(); return model; } /* ================ idRenderWorldLocal::ParseShadowModel ================ */ idRenderModel *idRenderWorldLocal::ParseShadowModel( idLexer *src ) { idRenderModel *model; idToken token; int j; srfTriangles_t *tri; modelSurface_t surf; src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); // parse the name src->ExpectAnyToken( &token ); model = renderModelManager->AllocModel(); model->InitEmpty( token ); surf.shader = tr.defaultMaterial; tri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf(); surf.geometry = tri; tri->numVerts = src->ParseInt(); tri->numShadowIndexesNoCaps = src->ParseInt(); tri->numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps = src->ParseInt(); tri->numIndexes = src->ParseInt(); tri->shadowCapPlaneBits = src->ParseInt(); R_AllocStaticTriSurfShadowVerts( tri, tri->numVerts ); tri->bounds.Clear(); for ( j = 0 ; j < tri->numVerts ; j++ ) { float vec[8]; src->Parse1DMatrix( 3, vec ); tri->shadowVertexes[j].xyz[0] = vec[0]; tri->shadowVertexes[j].xyz[1] = vec[1]; tri->shadowVertexes[j].xyz[2] = vec[2]; tri->shadowVertexes[j].xyz[3] = 1; // no homogenous value tri->bounds.AddPoint( tri->shadowVertexes[j].xyz.ToVec3() ); } R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( tri, tri->numIndexes ); for ( j = 0 ; j < tri->numIndexes ; j++ ) { tri->indexes[j] = src->ParseInt(); } // add the completed surface to the model model->AddSurface( surf ); src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ); // we do NOT do a model->FinishSurfaceces, because we don't need sil edges, planes, tangents, etc. // model->FinishSurfaces(); return model; } /* ================ idRenderWorldLocal::SetupAreaRefs ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::SetupAreaRefs() { int i; connectedAreaNum = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < numPortalAreas ; i++ ) { portalAreas[i].areaNum = i; portalAreas[i].lightRefs.areaNext = portalAreas[i].lightRefs.areaPrev = &portalAreas[i].lightRefs; portalAreas[i].entityRefs.areaNext = portalAreas[i].entityRefs.areaPrev = &portalAreas[i].entityRefs; } } /* ================ idRenderWorldLocal::ParseInterAreaPortals ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::ParseInterAreaPortals( idLexer *src ) { int i, j; src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); numPortalAreas = src->ParseInt(); if ( numPortalAreas < 0 ) { src->Error( "R_ParseInterAreaPortals: bad numPortalAreas" ); return; } portalAreas = (portalArea_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( numPortalAreas * sizeof( portalAreas[0] ) ); areaScreenRect = (idScreenRect *) R_ClearedStaticAlloc( numPortalAreas * sizeof( idScreenRect ) ); // set the doubly linked lists SetupAreaRefs(); numInterAreaPortals = src->ParseInt(); if ( numInterAreaPortals < 0 ) { src->Error( "R_ParseInterAreaPortals: bad numInterAreaPortals" ); return; } doublePortals = (doublePortal_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( numInterAreaPortals * sizeof( doublePortals [0] ) ); for ( i = 0 ; i < numInterAreaPortals ; i++ ) { int numPoints, a1, a2; idWinding *w; portal_t *p; numPoints = src->ParseInt(); a1 = src->ParseInt(); a2 = src->ParseInt(); w = new idWinding( numPoints ); w->SetNumPoints( numPoints ); for ( j = 0 ; j < numPoints ; j++ ) { src->Parse1DMatrix( 3, (*w)[j].ToFloatPtr() ); // no texture coordinates (*w)[j][3] = 0; (*w)[j][4] = 0; } // add the portal to a1 p = (portal_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( sizeof( *p ) ); p->intoArea = a2; p->doublePortal = &doublePortals[i]; p->w = w; p->w->GetPlane( p->plane ); p->next = portalAreas[a1].portals; portalAreas[a1].portals = p; doublePortals[i].portals[0] = p; // reverse it for a2 p = (portal_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( sizeof( *p ) ); p->intoArea = a1; p->doublePortal = &doublePortals[i]; p->w = w->Reverse(); p->w->GetPlane( p->plane ); p->next = portalAreas[a2].portals; portalAreas[a2].portals = p; doublePortals[i].portals[1] = p; } src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ); } /* ================ idRenderWorldLocal::ParseNodes ================ */ void idRenderWorldLocal::ParseNodes( idLexer *src ) { int i; src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); numAreaNodes = src->ParseInt(); if ( numAreaNodes < 0 ) { src->Error( "R_ParseNodes: bad numAreaNodes" ); } areaNodes = (areaNode_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( numAreaNodes * sizeof( areaNodes[0] ) ); for ( i = 0 ; i < numAreaNodes ; i++ ) { areaNode_t *node; node = &areaNodes[i]; src->Parse1DMatrix( 4, node->plane.ToFloatPtr() ); node->children[0] = src->ParseInt(); node->children[1] = src->ParseInt(); } src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ); } /* ================ idRenderWorldLocal::CommonChildrenArea_r ================ */ int idRenderWorldLocal::CommonChildrenArea_r( areaNode_t *node ) { int nums[2]; for ( int i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { if ( node->children[i] <= 0 ) { nums[i] = -1 - node->children[i]; } else { nums[i] = CommonChildrenArea_r( &areaNodes[ node->children[i] ] ); } } // solid nodes will match any area if ( nums[0] == AREANUM_SOLID ) { nums[0] = nums[1]; } if ( nums[1] == AREANUM_SOLID ) { nums[1] = nums[0]; } int common; if ( nums[0] == nums[1] ) { common = nums[0]; } else { common = CHILDREN_HAVE_MULTIPLE_AREAS; } node->commonChildrenArea = common; return common; } /* ================= idRenderWorldLocal::ClearWorld Sets up for a single area world ================= */ void idRenderWorldLocal::ClearWorld() { numPortalAreas = 1; portalAreas = (portalArea_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( sizeof( portalAreas[0] ) ); areaScreenRect = (idScreenRect *) R_ClearedStaticAlloc( sizeof( idScreenRect ) ); SetupAreaRefs(); // even though we only have a single area, create a node // that has both children pointing at it so we don't need to // areaNodes = (areaNode_t *)R_ClearedStaticAlloc( sizeof( areaNodes[0] ) ); areaNodes[0].plane[3] = 1; areaNodes[0].children[0] = -1; areaNodes[0].children[1] = -1; } /* ================= idRenderWorldLocal::FreeDefs dump all the interactions ================= */ void idRenderWorldLocal::FreeDefs() { int i; generateAllInteractionsCalled = false; if ( interactionTable ) { R_StaticFree( interactionTable ); interactionTable = NULL; } // free all lightDefs for ( i = 0 ; i < lightDefs.Num() ; i++ ) { idRenderLightLocal *light; light = lightDefs[i]; if ( light && light->world == this ) { FreeLightDef( i ); lightDefs[i] = NULL; } } // free all entityDefs for ( i = 0 ; i < entityDefs.Num() ; i++ ) { idRenderEntityLocal *mod; mod = entityDefs[i]; if ( mod && mod->world == this ) { FreeEntityDef( i ); entityDefs[i] = NULL; } } } /* ================= idRenderWorldLocal::InitFromMap A NULL or empty name will make a world without a map model, which is still useful for displaying a bare model ================= */ bool idRenderWorldLocal::InitFromMap( const char *name ) { idLexer * src; idToken token; idStr filename; idRenderModel * lastModel; // if this is an empty world, initialize manually if ( !name || !name[0] ) { FreeWorld(); mapName.Clear(); ClearWorld(); return true; } // load it filename = name; filename.SetFileExtension( PROC_FILE_EXT ); // if we are reloading the same map, check the timestamp // and try to skip all the work ID_TIME_T currentTimeStamp; fileSystem->ReadFile( filename, NULL, ¤tTimeStamp ); if ( name == mapName ) { if ( currentTimeStamp != FILE_NOT_FOUND_TIMESTAMP && currentTimeStamp == mapTimeStamp ) { common->Printf( "idRenderWorldLocal::InitFromMap: retaining existing map\n" ); FreeDefs(); TouchWorldModels(); AddWorldModelEntities(); ClearPortalStates(); return true; } common->Printf( "idRenderWorldLocal::InitFromMap: timestamp has changed, reloading.\n" ); } FreeWorld(); src = new idLexer( filename, LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NODOLLARPRECOMPILE ); if ( !src->IsLoaded() ) { common->Printf( "idRenderWorldLocal::InitFromMap: %s not found\n", filename.c_str() ); ClearWorld(); return false; } mapName = name; mapTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp; // if we are writing a demo, archive the load command if ( session->writeDemo ) { WriteLoadMap(); } if ( !src->ReadToken( &token ) || token.Icmp( PROC_FILE_ID ) ) { common->Printf( "idRenderWorldLocal::InitFromMap: bad id '%s' instead of '%s'\n", token.c_str(), PROC_FILE_ID ); delete src; return false; } // parse the file while ( 1 ) { if ( !src->ReadToken( &token ) ) { break; } if ( token == "model" ) { lastModel = ParseModel( src ); // add it to the model manager list renderModelManager->AddModel( lastModel ); // save it in the list to free when clearing this map localModels.Append( lastModel ); continue; } if ( token == "shadowModel" ) { lastModel = ParseShadowModel( src ); // add it to the model manager list renderModelManager->AddModel( lastModel ); // save it in the list to free when clearing this map localModels.Append( lastModel ); continue; } if ( token == "interAreaPortals" ) { ParseInterAreaPortals( src ); continue; } if ( token == "nodes" ) { ParseNodes( src ); continue; } src->Error( "idRenderWorldLocal::InitFromMap: bad token \"%s\"", token.c_str() ); } delete src; // if it was a trivial map without any areas, create a single area if ( !numPortalAreas ) { ClearWorld(); } // find the points where we can early-our of reference pushing into the BSP tree CommonChildrenArea_r( &areaNodes[0] ); AddWorldModelEntities(); ClearPortalStates(); // done! return true; } /* ===================== idRenderWorldLocal::ClearPortalStates ===================== */ void idRenderWorldLocal::ClearPortalStates() { int i, j; // all portals start off open for ( i = 0 ; i < numInterAreaPortals ; i++ ) { doublePortals[i].blockingBits = PS_BLOCK_NONE; } // flood fill all area connections for ( i = 0 ; i < numPortalAreas ; i++ ) { for ( j = 0 ; j < NUM_PORTAL_ATTRIBUTES ; j++ ) { connectedAreaNum++; FloodConnectedAreas( &portalAreas[i], j ); } } } /* ===================== idRenderWorldLocal::AddWorldModelEntities ===================== */ void idRenderWorldLocal::AddWorldModelEntities() { int i; // add the world model for each portal area // we can't just call AddEntityDef, because that would place the references // based on the bounding box, rather than explicitly into the correct area for ( i = 0 ; i < numPortalAreas ; i++ ) { idRenderEntityLocal *def; int index; def = new idRenderEntityLocal; // try and reuse a free spot index = entityDefs.FindNull(); if ( index == -1 ) { index = entityDefs.Append(def); } else { entityDefs[index] = def; } def->index = index; def->world = this; def->parms.hModel = renderModelManager->FindModel( va("_area%i", i ) ); if ( def->parms.hModel->IsDefaultModel() || !def->parms.hModel->IsStaticWorldModel() ) { common->Error( "idRenderWorldLocal::InitFromMap: bad area model lookup" ); } idRenderModel *hModel = def->parms.hModel; for ( int j = 0; j < hModel->NumSurfaces(); j++ ) { const modelSurface_t *surf = hModel->Surface( j ); if ( ( surf->shader->GetName() == idStr( "textures/smf/portal_sky" ) ) || ( surf->shader->GetName() == idStr( "textures/editor/portal_sky" ) ) ) { def->needsPortalSky = true; } } def->referenceBounds = def->parms.hModel->Bounds(); def->parms.axis[0][0] = 1; def->parms.axis[1][1] = 1; def->parms.axis[2][2] = 1; R_AxisToModelMatrix( def->parms.axis, def->parms.origin, def->modelMatrix ); // in case an explicit shader is used on the world, we don't // want it to have a 0 alpha or color def->parms.shaderParms[0] = def->parms.shaderParms[1] = def->parms.shaderParms[2] = def->parms.shaderParms[3] = 1; AddEntityRefToArea( def, &portalAreas[i] ); } } /* ===================== CheckAreaForPortalSky ===================== */ bool idRenderWorldLocal::CheckAreaForPortalSky( int areaNum ) { areaReference_t *ref; assert( areaNum >= 0 && areaNum < numPortalAreas ); for ( ref = portalAreas[areaNum].entityRefs.areaNext; ref->entity; ref = ref->areaNext ) { assert( ref->area == &portalAreas[areaNum] ); if ( ref->entity && ref->entity->needsPortalSky ) { return true; } } return false; }