/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "framework/FileSystem.h" #include "framework/async/NetworkSystem.h" #include "renderer/RenderSystem.h" #include "gamesys/SysCmds.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Player.h" #include "Game_local.h" /* =============================================================================== Client running game code: - entity events don't work and should not be issued - entities should never be spawned outside idGameLocal::ClientReadSnapshot =============================================================================== */ // adds tags to the network protocol to detect when things go bad ( internal consistency ) // NOTE: this changes the network protocol #ifndef ASYNC_WRITE_TAGS #define ASYNC_WRITE_TAGS 0 #endif idCVar net_clientShowSnapshot( "net_clientShowSnapshot", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "", 0, 3, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,3> ); idCVar net_clientShowSnapshotRadius( "net_clientShowSnapshotRadius", "128", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" ); idCVar net_clientSmoothing( "net_clientSmoothing", "0.8", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "smooth other clients angles and position.", 0.0f, 0.95f ); idCVar net_clientSelfSmoothing( "net_clientSelfSmoothing", "0.6", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "smooth self position if network causes prediction error.", 0.0f, 0.95f ); idCVar net_clientMaxPrediction( "net_clientMaxPrediction", "1000", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "maximum number of milliseconds a client can predict ahead of server." ); idCVar net_clientLagOMeter( "net_clientLagOMeter", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_NOCHEAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "draw prediction graph" ); /* ================ idGameLocal::InitAsyncNetwork ================ */ void idGameLocal::InitAsyncNetwork( void ) { int i, type; for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { for ( type = 0; type < declManager->GetNumDeclTypes(); type++ ) { clientDeclRemap[i][type].Clear(); } } memset( clientEntityStates, 0, sizeof( clientEntityStates ) ); memset( clientPVS, 0, sizeof( clientPVS ) ); memset( clientSnapshots, 0, sizeof( clientSnapshots ) ); eventQueue.Init(); savedEventQueue.Init(); entityDefBits = -( idMath::BitsForInteger( declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_ENTITYDEF ) ) + 1 ); localClientNum = 0; // on a listen server SetLocalUser will set this right realClientTime = 0; isNewFrame = true; clientSmoothing = net_clientSmoothing.GetFloat(); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ShutdownAsyncNetwork ================ */ void idGameLocal::ShutdownAsyncNetwork( void ) { entityStateAllocator.Shutdown(); snapshotAllocator.Shutdown(); eventQueue.Shutdown(); savedEventQueue.Shutdown(); memset( clientEntityStates, 0, sizeof( clientEntityStates ) ); memset( clientPVS, 0, sizeof( clientPVS ) ); memset( clientSnapshots, 0, sizeof( clientSnapshots ) ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::InitLocalClient ================ */ void idGameLocal::InitLocalClient( int clientNum ) { isServer = false; isClient = true; localClientNum = clientNum; clientSmoothing = net_clientSmoothing.GetFloat(); } /* ================ idGameLocal::InitClientDeclRemap ================ */ void idGameLocal::InitClientDeclRemap( int clientNum ) { int type, i, num; for ( type = 0; type < declManager->GetNumDeclTypes(); type++ ) { // only implicit materials and sound shaders decls are used if ( type != DECL_MATERIAL && type != DECL_SOUND ) { continue; } num = declManager->GetNumDecls( (declType_t) type ); clientDeclRemap[clientNum][type].Clear(); clientDeclRemap[clientNum][type].AssureSize( num, -1 ); // pre-initialize the remap with non-implicit decls, all non-implicit decls are always going // to be in order and in sync between server and client because of the decl manager checksum for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { const idDecl *decl = declManager->DeclByIndex( (declType_t) type, i, false ); if ( decl->IsImplicit() ) { // once the first implicit decl is found all remaining decls are considered implicit as well break; } clientDeclRemap[clientNum][type][i] = i; } } } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerSendDeclRemapToClient ================ */ void idGameLocal::ServerSendDeclRemapToClient( int clientNum, declType_t type, int index ) { idBitMsg outMsg; byte msgBuf[MAX_GAME_MESSAGE_SIZE]; // if no client connected for this spot if ( entities[clientNum] == NULL ) { return; } // increase size of list if required if ( index >= clientDeclRemap[clientNum][type].Num() ) { clientDeclRemap[clientNum][(int)type].AssureSize( index + 1, -1 ); } // if already remapped if ( clientDeclRemap[clientNum][(int)type][index] != -1 ) { return; } const idDecl *decl = declManager->DeclByIndex( type, index, false ); if ( decl == NULL ) { gameLocal.Error( "server tried to remap bad %s decl index %d", declManager->GetDeclNameFromType( type ), index ); return; } // set the index at the server clientDeclRemap[clientNum][(int)type][index] = index; // write update to client outMsg.Init( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); outMsg.BeginWriting(); outMsg.WriteByte( GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_REMAP_DECL ); outMsg.WriteByte( type ); outMsg.WriteInt( index ); outMsg.WriteString( decl->GetName() ); networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( clientNum, outMsg ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerRemapDecl ================ */ int idGameLocal::ServerRemapDecl( int clientNum, declType_t type, int index ) { // only implicit materials and sound shaders decls are used if ( type != DECL_MATERIAL && type != DECL_SOUND ) { return index; } if ( clientNum == -1 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { ServerSendDeclRemapToClient( i, type, index ); } } else { ServerSendDeclRemapToClient( clientNum, type, index ); } return index; } /* ================ idGameLocal::ClientRemapDecl ================ */ int idGameLocal::ClientRemapDecl( declType_t type, int index ) { // only implicit materials and sound shaders decls are used if ( type != DECL_MATERIAL && type != DECL_SOUND ) { return index; } // negative indexes are sometimes used for NULL decls if ( index < 0 ) { return index; } // make sure the index is valid if ( clientDeclRemap[localClientNum][(int)type].Num() == 0 ) { gameLocal.Error( "client received decl index %d before %s decl remap was initialized", index, declManager->GetDeclNameFromType( type ) ); return -1; } if ( index >= clientDeclRemap[localClientNum][(int)type].Num() ) { gameLocal.Error( "client received unmapped %s decl index %d from server", declManager->GetDeclNameFromType( type ), index ); return -1; } if ( clientDeclRemap[localClientNum][(int)type][index] == -1 ) { gameLocal.Error( "client received unmapped %s decl index %d from server", declManager->GetDeclNameFromType( type ), index ); return -1; } return clientDeclRemap[localClientNum][type][index]; } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerAllowClient ================ */ allowReply_t idGameLocal::ServerAllowClient( int numClients, const char *IP, const char *guid, const char *password, char reason[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ) { reason[0] = '\0'; if ( serverInfo.GetInt( "si_pure" ) && !mpGame.IsPureReady() ) { idStr::snPrintf( reason, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "#str_07139" ); return ALLOW_NOTYET; } if ( !serverInfo.GetInt( "si_maxPlayers" ) ) { idStr::snPrintf( reason, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "#str_07140" ); return ALLOW_NOTYET; } if ( numClients >= serverInfo.GetInt( "si_maxPlayers" ) ) { idStr::snPrintf( reason, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "#str_07141" ); return ALLOW_NOTYET; } if ( !cvarSystem->GetCVarBool( "si_usepass" ) ) { return ALLOW_YES; } const char *pass = cvarSystem->GetCVarString( "g_password" ); if ( pass[ 0 ] == '\0' ) { common->Warning( "si_usepass is set but g_password is empty" ); cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_NOW, "say si_usepass is set but g_password is empty" ); // avoids silent misconfigured state idStr::snPrintf( reason, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "#str_07142" ); return ALLOW_NOTYET; } if ( !idStr::Cmp( pass, password ) ) { return ALLOW_YES; } idStr::snPrintf( reason, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "#str_07143" ); Printf( "Rejecting client %s from IP %s: invalid password\n", guid, IP ); return ALLOW_BADPASS; } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerClientConnect ================ */ void idGameLocal::ServerClientConnect( int clientNum, const char *guid ) { // make sure no parasite entity is left if ( entities[ clientNum ] ) { common->DPrintf( "ServerClientConnect: remove old player entity\n" ); delete entities[ clientNum ]; } userInfo[ clientNum ].Clear(); mpGame.ServerClientConnect( clientNum ); Printf( "client %d connected.\n", clientNum ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerClientBegin ================ */ void idGameLocal::ServerClientBegin( int clientNum ) { idBitMsg outMsg; byte msgBuf[MAX_GAME_MESSAGE_SIZE]; // initialize the decl remap InitClientDeclRemap( clientNum ); // send message to initialize decl remap at the client (this is always the very first reliable game message) outMsg.Init( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); outMsg.BeginWriting(); outMsg.WriteByte( GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_INIT_DECL_REMAP ); networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( clientNum, outMsg ); // spawn the player SpawnPlayer( clientNum ); if ( clientNum == localClientNum ) { mpGame.EnterGame( clientNum ); } // send message to spawn the player at the clients outMsg.Init( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); outMsg.BeginWriting(); outMsg.WriteByte( GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_SPAWN_PLAYER ); outMsg.WriteByte( clientNum ); outMsg.WriteInt( spawnIds[ clientNum ] ); networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( -1, outMsg ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerClientDisconnect ================ */ void idGameLocal::ServerClientDisconnect( int clientNum ) { int i; idBitMsg outMsg; byte msgBuf[MAX_GAME_MESSAGE_SIZE]; outMsg.Init( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); outMsg.BeginWriting(); outMsg.WriteByte( GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_DELETE_ENT ); outMsg.WriteBits( ( spawnIds[ clientNum ] << GENTITYNUM_BITS ) | clientNum, 32 ); // see GetSpawnId networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( -1, outMsg ); // free snapshots stored for this client FreeSnapshotsOlderThanSequence( clientNum, 0x7FFFFFFF ); // free entity states stored for this client for ( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ ) { if ( clientEntityStates[ clientNum ][ i ] ) { entityStateAllocator.Free( clientEntityStates[ clientNum ][ i ] ); clientEntityStates[ clientNum ][ i ] = NULL; } } // clear the client PVS memset( clientPVS[ clientNum ], 0, sizeof( clientPVS[ clientNum ] ) ); // delete the player entity delete entities[ clientNum ]; mpGame.DisconnectClient( clientNum ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerWriteInitialReliableMessages Send reliable messages to initialize the client game up to a certain initial state. ================ */ void idGameLocal::ServerWriteInitialReliableMessages( int clientNum ) { int i; idBitMsg outMsg; byte msgBuf[MAX_GAME_MESSAGE_SIZE]; entityNetEvent_t *event; // spawn players for ( i = 0; i < MAX_CLIENTS; i++ ) { if ( entities[i] == NULL || i == clientNum ) { continue; } outMsg.Init( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); outMsg.BeginWriting( ); outMsg.WriteByte( GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_SPAWN_PLAYER ); outMsg.WriteByte( i ); outMsg.WriteInt( spawnIds[ i ] ); networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( clientNum, outMsg ); } // send all saved events for ( event = savedEventQueue.Start(); event; event = event->next ) { outMsg.Init( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); outMsg.BeginWriting(); outMsg.WriteByte( GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_EVENT ); outMsg.WriteBits( event->spawnId, 32 ); outMsg.WriteByte( event->event ); outMsg.WriteInt( event->time ); outMsg.WriteBits( event->paramsSize, idMath::BitsForInteger( MAX_EVENT_PARAM_SIZE ) ); if ( event->paramsSize ) { outMsg.WriteData( event->paramsBuf, event->paramsSize ); } networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( clientNum, outMsg ); } // update portals for opened doors int numPortals = gameRenderWorld->NumPortals(); outMsg.Init( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); outMsg.BeginWriting(); outMsg.WriteByte( GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_PORTALSTATES ); outMsg.WriteInt( numPortals ); for ( i = 0; i < numPortals; i++ ) { outMsg.WriteBits( gameRenderWorld->GetPortalState( (qhandle_t) (i+1) ) , NUM_RENDER_PORTAL_BITS ); } networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( clientNum, outMsg ); mpGame.ServerWriteInitialReliableMessages( clientNum ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::SaveEntityNetworkEvent ================ */ void idGameLocal::SaveEntityNetworkEvent( const idEntity *ent, int eventId, const idBitMsg *msg ) { entityNetEvent_t *event; event = savedEventQueue.Alloc(); event->spawnId = GetSpawnId( ent ); event->event = eventId; event->time = time; if ( msg ) { event->paramsSize = msg->GetSize(); memcpy( event->paramsBuf, msg->GetData(), msg->GetSize() ); } else { event->paramsSize = 0; } savedEventQueue.Enqueue( event, idEventQueue::OUTOFORDER_IGNORE ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::FreeSnapshotsOlderThanSequence ================ */ void idGameLocal::FreeSnapshotsOlderThanSequence( int clientNum, int sequence ) { snapshot_t *snapshot, *lastSnapshot, *nextSnapshot; entityState_t *state; for ( lastSnapshot = NULL, snapshot = clientSnapshots[clientNum]; snapshot; snapshot = nextSnapshot ) { nextSnapshot = snapshot->next; if ( snapshot->sequence < sequence ) { for ( state = snapshot->firstEntityState; state; state = snapshot->firstEntityState ) { snapshot->firstEntityState = snapshot->firstEntityState->next; entityStateAllocator.Free( state ); } if ( lastSnapshot ) { lastSnapshot->next = snapshot->next; } else { clientSnapshots[clientNum] = snapshot->next; } snapshotAllocator.Free( snapshot ); } else { lastSnapshot = snapshot; } } } /* ================ idGameLocal::ApplySnapshot ================ */ bool idGameLocal::ApplySnapshot( int clientNum, int sequence ) { snapshot_t *snapshot, *lastSnapshot, *nextSnapshot; entityState_t *state; FreeSnapshotsOlderThanSequence( clientNum, sequence ); for ( lastSnapshot = NULL, snapshot = clientSnapshots[clientNum]; snapshot; snapshot = nextSnapshot ) { nextSnapshot = snapshot->next; if ( snapshot->sequence == sequence ) { for ( state = snapshot->firstEntityState; state; state = state->next ) { if ( clientEntityStates[clientNum][state->entityNumber] ) { entityStateAllocator.Free( clientEntityStates[clientNum][state->entityNumber] ); } clientEntityStates[clientNum][state->entityNumber] = state; } memcpy( clientPVS[clientNum], snapshot->pvs, sizeof( snapshot->pvs ) ); if ( lastSnapshot ) { lastSnapshot->next = nextSnapshot; } else { clientSnapshots[clientNum] = nextSnapshot; } snapshotAllocator.Free( snapshot ); return true; } else { lastSnapshot = snapshot; } } return false; } /* ================ idGameLocal::WriteGameStateToSnapshot ================ */ void idGameLocal::WriteGameStateToSnapshot( idBitMsgDelta &msg ) const { int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) { msg.WriteFloat( globalShaderParms[i] ); } mpGame.WriteToSnapshot( msg ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ReadGameStateFromSnapshot ================ */ void idGameLocal::ReadGameStateFromSnapshot( const idBitMsgDelta &msg ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < MAX_GLOBAL_SHADER_PARMS; i++ ) { globalShaderParms[i] = msg.ReadFloat(); } mpGame.ReadFromSnapshot( msg ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerWriteSnapshot Write a snapshot of the current game state for the given client. ================ */ void idGameLocal::ServerWriteSnapshot( int clientNum, int sequence, idBitMsg &msg, byte *clientInPVS, int numPVSClients ) { int i, msgSize, msgWriteBit; idPlayer *player, *spectated = NULL; idEntity *ent; pvsHandle_t pvsHandle; idBitMsgDelta deltaMsg; snapshot_t *snapshot; entityState_t *base, *newBase; int numSourceAreas, sourceAreas[ idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ]; player = static_cast<idPlayer *>( entities[ clientNum ] ); if ( !player ) { return; } if ( player->spectating && player->spectator != clientNum && entities[ player->spectator ] ) { spectated = static_cast< idPlayer * >( entities[ player->spectator ] ); } else { spectated = player; } // free too old snapshots FreeSnapshotsOlderThanSequence( clientNum, sequence - 64 ); // allocate new snapshot snapshot = snapshotAllocator.Alloc(); snapshot->sequence = sequence; snapshot->firstEntityState = NULL; snapshot->next = clientSnapshots[clientNum]; clientSnapshots[clientNum] = snapshot; memset( snapshot->pvs, 0, sizeof( snapshot->pvs ) ); // get PVS for this player // don't use PVSAreas for networking - PVSAreas depends on animations (and md5 bounds), which are not synchronized numSourceAreas = gameRenderWorld->BoundsInAreas( spectated->GetPlayerPhysics()->GetAbsBounds(), sourceAreas, idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ); pvsHandle = gameLocal.pvs.SetupCurrentPVS( sourceAreas, numSourceAreas, PVS_NORMAL ); #if ASYNC_WRITE_TAGS idRandom tagRandom; tagRandom.SetSeed( random.RandomInt() ); msg.WriteInt( tagRandom.GetSeed() ); #endif // create the snapshot for( ent = spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) { // if the entity is not in the player PVS if ( !ent->PhysicsTeamInPVS( pvsHandle ) && ent->entityNumber != clientNum ) { continue; } // add the entity to the snapshot pvs snapshot->pvs[ ent->entityNumber >> 5 ] |= 1 << ( ent->entityNumber & 31 ); // if that entity is not marked for network synchronization if ( !ent->fl.networkSync ) { continue; } // save the write state to which we can revert when the entity didn't change at all msg.SaveWriteState( msgSize, msgWriteBit ); // write the entity to the snapshot msg.WriteBits( ent->entityNumber, GENTITYNUM_BITS ); base = clientEntityStates[clientNum][ent->entityNumber]; if ( base ) { base->state.BeginReading(); } newBase = entityStateAllocator.Alloc(); newBase->entityNumber = ent->entityNumber; newBase->state.Init( newBase->stateBuf, sizeof( newBase->stateBuf ) ); newBase->state.BeginWriting(); deltaMsg.Init( base ? &base->state : NULL, &newBase->state, &msg ); deltaMsg.WriteBits( spawnIds[ ent->entityNumber ], 32 - GENTITYNUM_BITS ); deltaMsg.WriteBits( ent->GetType()->typeNum, idClass::GetTypeNumBits() ); deltaMsg.WriteBits( ServerRemapDecl( -1, DECL_ENTITYDEF, ent->entityDefNumber ), entityDefBits ); // write the class specific data to the snapshot ent->WriteToSnapshot( deltaMsg ); if ( !deltaMsg.HasChanged() ) { msg.RestoreWriteState( msgSize, msgWriteBit ); entityStateAllocator.Free( newBase ); } else { newBase->next = snapshot->firstEntityState; snapshot->firstEntityState = newBase; #if ASYNC_WRITE_TAGS msg.WriteInt( tagRandom.RandomInt() ); #endif } } msg.WriteBits( ENTITYNUM_NONE, GENTITYNUM_BITS ); // write the PVS to the snapshot #if ASYNC_WRITE_PVS for ( i = 0; i < idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS; i++ ) { if ( i < numSourceAreas ) { msg.WriteInt( sourceAreas[ i ] ); } else { msg.WriteInt( 0 ); } } gameLocal.pvs.WritePVS( pvsHandle, msg ); #endif for ( i = 0; i < ENTITY_PVS_SIZE; i++ ) { msg.WriteDeltaInt( clientPVS[clientNum][i], snapshot->pvs[i] ); } // free the PVS pvs.FreeCurrentPVS( pvsHandle ); // write the game and player state to the snapshot base = clientEntityStates[clientNum][ENTITYNUM_NONE]; // ENTITYNUM_NONE is used for the game and player state if ( base ) { base->state.BeginReading(); } newBase = entityStateAllocator.Alloc(); newBase->entityNumber = ENTITYNUM_NONE; newBase->next = snapshot->firstEntityState; snapshot->firstEntityState = newBase; newBase->state.Init( newBase->stateBuf, sizeof( newBase->stateBuf ) ); newBase->state.BeginWriting(); deltaMsg.Init( base ? &base->state : NULL, &newBase->state, &msg ); if ( player->spectating && player->spectator != player->entityNumber && gameLocal.entities[ player->spectator ] && gameLocal.entities[ player->spectator ]->IsType( idPlayer::Type ) ) { static_cast< idPlayer * >( gameLocal.entities[ player->spectator ] )->WritePlayerStateToSnapshot( deltaMsg ); } else { player->WritePlayerStateToSnapshot( deltaMsg ); } WriteGameStateToSnapshot( deltaMsg ); // copy the client PVS string memcpy( clientInPVS, snapshot->pvs, ( numPVSClients + 7 ) >> 3 ); LittleRevBytes( clientInPVS, sizeof( int ), sizeof( clientInPVS ) / sizeof ( int ) ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerApplySnapshot ================ */ bool idGameLocal::ServerApplySnapshot( int clientNum, int sequence ) { return ApplySnapshot( clientNum, sequence ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::NetworkEventWarning ================ */ void idGameLocal::NetworkEventWarning( const entityNetEvent_t *event, const char *fmt, ... ) { char buf[1024]; int length = 0; va_list argptr; int entityNum = event->spawnId & ( ( 1 << GENTITYNUM_BITS ) - 1 ); int id = event->spawnId >> GENTITYNUM_BITS; length += idStr::snPrintf( buf+length, sizeof(buf)-1-length, "event %d for entity %d %d: ", event->event, entityNum, id ); va_start( argptr, fmt ); length = idStr::vsnPrintf( buf+length, sizeof(buf)-1-length, fmt, argptr ); va_end( argptr ); idStr::Append( buf, sizeof(buf), "\n" ); common->DWarning( buf ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerProcessEntityNetworkEventQueue ================ */ void idGameLocal::ServerProcessEntityNetworkEventQueue( void ) { idEntity *ent; entityNetEvent_t *event; idBitMsg eventMsg; while ( eventQueue.Start() ) { event = eventQueue.Start(); if ( event->time > time ) { break; } idEntityPtr< idEntity > entPtr; if( !entPtr.SetSpawnId( event->spawnId ) ) { NetworkEventWarning( event, "Entity does not exist any longer, or has not been spawned yet." ); } else { ent = entPtr.GetEntity(); assert( ent ); eventMsg.Init( event->paramsBuf, sizeof( event->paramsBuf ) ); eventMsg.SetSize( event->paramsSize ); eventMsg.BeginReading(); if ( !ent->ServerReceiveEvent( event->event, event->time, eventMsg ) ) { NetworkEventWarning( event, "unknown event" ); } } entityNetEvent_t* freedEvent id_attribute((unused)) = eventQueue.Dequeue(); assert( freedEvent == event ); eventQueue.Free( event ); } } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerSendChatMessage ================ */ void idGameLocal::ServerSendChatMessage( int to, const char *name, const char *text ) { idBitMsg outMsg; byte msgBuf[ MAX_GAME_MESSAGE_SIZE ]; outMsg.Init( msgBuf, sizeof( msgBuf ) ); outMsg.BeginWriting(); outMsg.WriteByte( GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_CHAT ); outMsg.WriteString( name ); outMsg.WriteString( text, -1, false ); networkSystem->ServerSendReliableMessage( to, outMsg ); if ( to == -1 || to == localClientNum ) { mpGame.AddChatLine( "%s^0: %s\n", name, text ); } } /* ================ idGameLocal::ServerProcessReliableMessage ================ */ void idGameLocal::ServerProcessReliableMessage( int clientNum, const idBitMsg &msg ) { int id; id = msg.ReadByte(); switch( id ) { case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_CHAT: case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_TCHAT: { char name[128]; char text[128]; msg.ReadString( name, sizeof( name ) ); msg.ReadString( text, sizeof( text ) ); mpGame.ProcessChatMessage( clientNum, id == GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_TCHAT, name, text, NULL ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_VCHAT: { int index = msg.ReadInt(); bool team = msg.ReadBits( 1 ) != 0; mpGame.ProcessVoiceChat( clientNum, team, index ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_KILL: { mpGame.WantKilled( clientNum ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_DROPWEAPON: { mpGame.DropWeapon( clientNum ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_CALLVOTE: { mpGame.ServerCallVote( clientNum, msg ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_CASTVOTE: { bool vote = ( msg.ReadByte() != 0 ); mpGame.CastVote( clientNum, vote ); break; } #if 0 // uncomment this if you want to track when players are in a menu case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_MENU: { bool menuUp = ( msg.ReadBits( 1 ) != 0 ); break; } #endif case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_EVENT: { entityNetEvent_t *event; // allocate new event event = eventQueue.Alloc(); eventQueue.Enqueue( event, idEventQueue::OUTOFORDER_DROP ); event->spawnId = msg.ReadBits( 32 ); event->event = msg.ReadByte(); event->time = msg.ReadInt(); event->paramsSize = msg.ReadBits( idMath::BitsForInteger( MAX_EVENT_PARAM_SIZE ) ); if ( event->paramsSize ) { if ( event->paramsSize > MAX_EVENT_PARAM_SIZE ) { NetworkEventWarning( event, "invalid param size" ); return; } msg.ReadByteAlign(); msg.ReadData( event->paramsBuf, event->paramsSize ); } break; } default: { Warning( "Unknown client->server reliable message: %d", id ); break; } } } /* ================ idGameLocal::ClientShowSnapshot ================ */ void idGameLocal::ClientShowSnapshot( int clientNum ) const { int baseBits; idEntity *ent; idPlayer *player; idMat3 viewAxis; idBounds viewBounds; entityState_t *base; if ( !net_clientShowSnapshot.GetInteger() ) { return; } player = static_cast<idPlayer *>( entities[clientNum] ); if ( !player ) { return; } viewAxis = player->viewAngles.ToMat3(); viewBounds = player->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds().Expand( net_clientShowSnapshotRadius.GetFloat() ); for( ent = snapshotEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->snapshotNode.Next() ) { if ( net_clientShowSnapshot.GetInteger() == 1 && ent->snapshotBits == 0 ) { continue; } const idBounds &entBounds = ent->GetPhysics()->GetAbsBounds(); if ( !entBounds.IntersectsBounds( viewBounds ) ) { continue; } base = clientEntityStates[clientNum][ent->entityNumber]; if ( base ) { baseBits = base->state.GetNumBitsWritten(); } else { baseBits = 0; } if ( net_clientShowSnapshot.GetInteger() == 2 && baseBits == 0 ) { continue; } gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorGreen, entBounds ); gameRenderWorld->DrawText( va( "%d: %s (%d,%d bytes of %d,%d)\n", ent->entityNumber, ent->name.c_str(), ent->snapshotBits >> 3, ent->snapshotBits & 7, baseBits >> 3, baseBits & 7 ), entBounds.GetCenter(), 0.1f, colorWhite, viewAxis, 1 ); } } /* ================ idGameLocal::UpdateLagometer ================ */ void idGameLocal::UpdateLagometer( int aheadOfServer, int dupeUsercmds ) { int i, j, ahead; for ( i = 0; i < LAGO_HEIGHT; i++ ) { memmove( (byte *)lagometer + LAGO_WIDTH * 4 * i, (byte *)lagometer + LAGO_WIDTH * 4 * i + 4, ( LAGO_WIDTH - 1 ) * 4 ); } j = LAGO_WIDTH - 1; for ( i = 0; i < LAGO_HEIGHT; i++ ) { lagometer[i][j][0] = lagometer[i][j][1] = lagometer[i][j][2] = lagometer[i][j][3] = 0; } ahead = idMath::Rint( (float)aheadOfServer / 16.0f ); if ( ahead >= 0 ) { for ( i = 2 * Max( 0, 5 - ahead ); i < 2 * 5; i++ ) { lagometer[i][j][1] = 255; lagometer[i][j][3] = 255; } } else { for ( i = 2 * 5; i < 2 * ( 5 + Min( 10, -ahead ) ); i++ ) { lagometer[i][j][0] = 255; lagometer[i][j][1] = 255; lagometer[i][j][3] = 255; } } for ( i = LAGO_HEIGHT - 2 * Min( 6, dupeUsercmds ); i < LAGO_HEIGHT; i++ ) { lagometer[i][j][0] = 255; if ( dupeUsercmds <= 2 ) { lagometer[i][j][1] = 255; } lagometer[i][j][3] = 255; } } /* ================ idGameLocal::ClientReadSnapshot ================ */ void idGameLocal::ClientReadSnapshot( int clientNum, int sequence, const int gameFrame, const int gameTime, const int dupeUsercmds, const int aheadOfServer, const idBitMsg &msg ) { int i, typeNum, entityDefNumber, numBitsRead; idTypeInfo *typeInfo; idEntity *ent; idPlayer *player, *spectated; pvsHandle_t pvsHandle; idDict args; const char *classname; idBitMsgDelta deltaMsg; snapshot_t *snapshot; entityState_t *base, *newBase; int spawnId; int numSourceAreas, sourceAreas[ idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ]; idWeapon *weap; if ( net_clientLagOMeter.GetBool() && renderSystem ) { UpdateLagometer( aheadOfServer, dupeUsercmds ); if ( !renderSystem->UploadImage( LAGO_IMAGE, (byte *)lagometer, LAGO_IMG_WIDTH, LAGO_IMG_HEIGHT ) ) { common->Printf( "lagometer: UploadImage failed. turning off net_clientLagOMeter\n" ); net_clientLagOMeter.SetBool( false ); } } InitLocalClient( clientNum ); // clear any debug lines from a previous frame gameRenderWorld->DebugClearLines( time ); // clear any debug polygons from a previous frame gameRenderWorld->DebugClearPolygons( time ); // update the game time framenum = gameFrame; time = gameTime; previousTime = time - msec; // so that StartSound/StopSound doesn't risk skipping isNewFrame = true; // clear the snapshot entity list snapshotEntities.Clear(); // allocate new snapshot snapshot = snapshotAllocator.Alloc(); snapshot->sequence = sequence; snapshot->firstEntityState = NULL; snapshot->next = clientSnapshots[clientNum]; clientSnapshots[clientNum] = snapshot; #if ASYNC_WRITE_TAGS idRandom tagRandom; tagRandom.SetSeed( msg.ReadInt() ); #endif // read all entities from the snapshot for ( i = msg.ReadBits( GENTITYNUM_BITS ); i != ENTITYNUM_NONE; i = msg.ReadBits( GENTITYNUM_BITS ) ) { base = clientEntityStates[clientNum][i]; if ( base ) { base->state.BeginReading(); } newBase = entityStateAllocator.Alloc(); newBase->entityNumber = i; newBase->next = snapshot->firstEntityState; snapshot->firstEntityState = newBase; newBase->state.Init( newBase->stateBuf, sizeof( newBase->stateBuf ) ); newBase->state.BeginWriting(); numBitsRead = msg.GetNumBitsRead(); deltaMsg.Init( base ? &base->state : NULL, &newBase->state, &msg ); spawnId = deltaMsg.ReadBits( 32 - GENTITYNUM_BITS ); typeNum = deltaMsg.ReadBits( idClass::GetTypeNumBits() ); entityDefNumber = ClientRemapDecl( DECL_ENTITYDEF, deltaMsg.ReadBits( entityDefBits ) ); typeInfo = idClass::GetType( typeNum ); if ( !typeInfo ) { Error( "Unknown type number %d for entity %d with class number %d", typeNum, i, entityDefNumber ); } ent = entities[i]; // if there is no entity or an entity of the wrong type if ( !ent || ent->GetType()->typeNum != typeNum || ent->entityDefNumber != entityDefNumber || spawnId != spawnIds[ i ] ) { if ( i < MAX_CLIENTS && ent ) { // SPAWN_PLAYER should be taking care of spawning the entity with the right spawnId common->Warning( "ClientReadSnapshot: recycling client entity %d\n", i ); } delete ent; spawnCount = spawnId; args.Clear(); args.SetInt( "spawn_entnum", i ); args.Set( "name", va( "entity%d", i ) ); if ( entityDefNumber >= 0 ) { if ( entityDefNumber >= declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_ENTITYDEF ) ) { Error( "server has %d entityDefs instead of %d", entityDefNumber, declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_ENTITYDEF ) ); } classname = declManager->DeclByIndex( DECL_ENTITYDEF, entityDefNumber, false )->GetName(); args.Set( "classname", classname ); if ( !SpawnEntityDef( args, &ent ) || !entities[i] || entities[i]->GetType()->typeNum != typeNum ) { Error( "Failed to spawn entity with classname '%s' of type '%s'", classname, typeInfo->classname ); } } else { ent = SpawnEntityType( *typeInfo, &args, true ); if ( !entities[i] || entities[i]->GetType()->typeNum != typeNum ) { Error( "Failed to spawn entity of type '%s'", typeInfo->classname ); } } if ( i < MAX_CLIENTS && i >= numClients ) { numClients = i + 1; } } // add the entity to the snapshot list ent->snapshotNode.AddToEnd( snapshotEntities ); ent->snapshotSequence = sequence; // read the class specific data from the snapshot ent->ReadFromSnapshot( deltaMsg ); ent->snapshotBits = msg.GetNumBitsRead() - numBitsRead; #if ASYNC_WRITE_TAGS if ( msg.ReadInt() != tagRandom.RandomInt() ) { cmdSystem->BufferCommandText( CMD_EXEC_NOW, "writeGameState" ); if ( entityDefNumber >= 0 && entityDefNumber < declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_ENTITYDEF ) ) { classname = declManager->DeclByIndex( DECL_ENTITYDEF, entityDefNumber, false )->GetName(); Error( "write to and read from snapshot out of sync for classname '%s' of type '%s'", classname, typeInfo->classname ); } else { Error( "write to and read from snapshot out of sync for type '%s'", typeInfo->classname ); } } #endif } player = static_cast<idPlayer *>( entities[clientNum] ); if ( !player ) { return; } // if prediction is off, enable local client smoothing player->SetSelfSmooth( dupeUsercmds > 2 ); if ( player->spectating && player->spectator != clientNum && entities[ player->spectator ] ) { spectated = static_cast< idPlayer * >( entities[ player->spectator ] ); } else { spectated = player; } // get PVS for this player // don't use PVSAreas for networking - PVSAreas depends on animations (and md5 bounds), which are not synchronized numSourceAreas = gameRenderWorld->BoundsInAreas( spectated->GetPlayerPhysics()->GetAbsBounds(), sourceAreas, idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ); pvsHandle = gameLocal.pvs.SetupCurrentPVS( sourceAreas, numSourceAreas, PVS_NORMAL ); // read the PVS from the snapshot #if ASYNC_WRITE_PVS int serverPVS[idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS]; i = numSourceAreas; while ( i < idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS ) { sourceAreas[ i++ ] = 0; } for ( i = 0; i < idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS; i++ ) { serverPVS[ i ] = msg.ReadInt(); } if ( memcmp( sourceAreas, serverPVS, idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS * sizeof( int ) ) ) { common->Warning( "client PVS areas != server PVS areas, sequence 0x%x", sequence ); for ( i = 0; i < idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS; i++ ) { common->DPrintf( "%3d ", sourceAreas[ i ] ); } common->DPrintf( "\n" ); for ( i = 0; i < idEntity::MAX_PVS_AREAS; i++ ) { common->DPrintf( "%3d ", serverPVS[ i ] ); } common->DPrintf( "\n" ); } gameLocal.pvs.ReadPVS( pvsHandle, msg ); #endif for ( i = 0; i < ENTITY_PVS_SIZE; i++ ) { snapshot->pvs[i] = msg.ReadDeltaInt( clientPVS[clientNum][i] ); } // add entities in the PVS that haven't changed since the last applied snapshot for( ent = spawnedEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->spawnNode.Next() ) { // if the entity is already in the snapshot if ( ent->snapshotSequence == sequence ) { continue; } // if the entity is not in the snapshot PVS if ( !( snapshot->pvs[ent->entityNumber >> 5] & ( 1 << ( ent->entityNumber & 31 ) ) ) ) { if ( ent->PhysicsTeamInPVS( pvsHandle ) ) { if ( ent->entityNumber >= MAX_CLIENTS && ent->entityNumber < mapSpawnCount ) { // server says it's not in PVS, client says it's in PVS // if that happens on map entities, most likely something is wrong // I can see that moving pieces along several PVS could be a legit situation though // this is a band aid, which means something is not done right elsewhere common->DWarning( "client thinks map entity 0x%x (%s) is stale, sequence 0x%x", ent->entityNumber, ent->name.c_str(), sequence ); } else { ent->FreeModelDef(); ent->UpdateVisuals(); ent->GetPhysics()->UnlinkClip(); } } continue; } // add the entity to the snapshot list ent->snapshotNode.AddToEnd( snapshotEntities ); ent->snapshotSequence = sequence; ent->snapshotBits = 0; base = clientEntityStates[clientNum][ent->entityNumber]; if ( !base ) { // entity has probably fl.networkSync set to false continue; } base->state.BeginReading(); deltaMsg.Init( &base->state, NULL, (const idBitMsg *)NULL ); spawnId = deltaMsg.ReadBits( 32 - GENTITYNUM_BITS ); typeNum = deltaMsg.ReadBits( idClass::GetTypeNumBits() ); entityDefNumber = deltaMsg.ReadBits( entityDefBits ); typeInfo = idClass::GetType( typeNum ); // if the entity is not the right type if ( !typeInfo || ent->GetType()->typeNum != typeNum || ent->entityDefNumber != entityDefNumber ) { // should never happen - it does though. with != entityDefNumber only? common->DWarning( "entity '%s' is not the right type %p 0x%d 0x%x 0x%x 0x%x", ent->GetName(), typeInfo, ent->GetType()->typeNum, typeNum, ent->entityDefNumber, entityDefNumber ); continue; } // read the class specific data from the base state ent->ReadFromSnapshot( deltaMsg ); } // free the PVS pvs.FreeCurrentPVS( pvsHandle ); // read the game and player state from the snapshot base = clientEntityStates[clientNum][ENTITYNUM_NONE]; // ENTITYNUM_NONE is used for the game and player state if ( base ) { base->state.BeginReading(); } newBase = entityStateAllocator.Alloc(); newBase->entityNumber = ENTITYNUM_NONE; newBase->next = snapshot->firstEntityState; snapshot->firstEntityState = newBase; newBase->state.Init( newBase->stateBuf, sizeof( newBase->stateBuf ) ); newBase->state.BeginWriting(); deltaMsg.Init( base ? &base->state : NULL, &newBase->state, &msg ); if ( player->spectating && player->spectator != player->entityNumber && gameLocal.entities[ player->spectator ] && gameLocal.entities[ player->spectator ]->IsType( idPlayer::Type ) ) { static_cast< idPlayer * >( gameLocal.entities[ player->spectator ] )->ReadPlayerStateFromSnapshot( deltaMsg ); weap = static_cast< idPlayer * >( gameLocal.entities[ player->spectator ] )->weapon.GetEntity(); if ( weap && ( weap->GetRenderEntity()->bounds[0] == weap->GetRenderEntity()->bounds[1] ) ) { // update the weapon's viewmodel bounds so that the model doesn't flicker in the spectator's view weap->GetAnimator()->GetBounds( gameLocal.time, weap->GetRenderEntity()->bounds ); weap->UpdateVisuals(); } } else { player->ReadPlayerStateFromSnapshot( deltaMsg ); } ReadGameStateFromSnapshot( deltaMsg ); // visualize the snapshot ClientShowSnapshot( clientNum ); // process entity events ClientProcessEntityNetworkEventQueue(); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ClientApplySnapshot ================ */ bool idGameLocal::ClientApplySnapshot( int clientNum, int sequence ) { return ApplySnapshot( clientNum, sequence ); } /* ================ idGameLocal::ClientProcessEntityNetworkEventQueue ================ */ void idGameLocal::ClientProcessEntityNetworkEventQueue( void ) { idEntity *ent; entityNetEvent_t *event; idBitMsg eventMsg; while( eventQueue.Start() ) { event = eventQueue.Start(); // only process forward, in order if ( event->time > time ) { break; } idEntityPtr< idEntity > entPtr; if( !entPtr.SetSpawnId( event->spawnId ) ) { if( !gameLocal.entities[ event->spawnId & ( ( 1 << GENTITYNUM_BITS ) - 1 ) ] ) { // if new entity exists in this position, silently ignore NetworkEventWarning( event, "Entity does not exist any longer, or has not been spawned yet." ); } } else { ent = entPtr.GetEntity(); assert( ent ); eventMsg.Init( event->paramsBuf, sizeof( event->paramsBuf ) ); eventMsg.SetSize( event->paramsSize ); eventMsg.BeginReading(); if ( !ent->ClientReceiveEvent( event->event, event->time, eventMsg ) ) { NetworkEventWarning( event, "unknown event" ); } } entityNetEvent_t* freedEvent id_attribute((unused)) = eventQueue.Dequeue(); assert( freedEvent == event ); eventQueue.Free( event ); } } /* ================ idGameLocal::ClientProcessReliableMessage ================ */ void idGameLocal::ClientProcessReliableMessage( int clientNum, const idBitMsg &msg ) { int id, line; idPlayer *p; idDict backupSI; InitLocalClient( clientNum ); id = msg.ReadByte(); switch( id ) { case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_INIT_DECL_REMAP: { InitClientDeclRemap( clientNum ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_REMAP_DECL: { int type, index; char name[MAX_STRING_CHARS]; type = msg.ReadByte(); index = msg.ReadInt(); msg.ReadString( name, sizeof( name ) ); const idDecl *decl = declManager->FindType( (declType_t)type, name, false ); if ( decl != NULL ) { if ( index >= clientDeclRemap[clientNum][type].Num() ) { clientDeclRemap[clientNum][type].AssureSize( index + 1, -1 ); } clientDeclRemap[clientNum][type][index] = decl->Index(); } break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_SPAWN_PLAYER: { int client = msg.ReadByte(); int spawnId = msg.ReadInt(); if ( !entities[ client ] ) { SpawnPlayer( client ); entities[ client ]->FreeModelDef(); } // fix up the spawnId to match what the server says // otherwise there is going to be a bogus delete/new of the client entity in the first ClientReadFromSnapshot spawnIds[ client ] = spawnId; break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_DELETE_ENT: { int spawnId = msg.ReadBits( 32 ); idEntityPtr< idEntity > entPtr; if( !entPtr.SetSpawnId( spawnId ) ) { break; } delete entPtr.GetEntity(); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_CHAT: case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_TCHAT: { // (client should never get a TCHAT though) char name[128]; char text[128]; msg.ReadString( name, sizeof( name ) ); msg.ReadString( text, sizeof( text ) ); mpGame.AddChatLine( "%s^0: %s\n", name, text ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_SOUND_EVENT: { snd_evt_t snd_evt = (snd_evt_t)msg.ReadByte(); mpGame.PlayGlobalSound( -1, snd_evt ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_SOUND_INDEX: { int index = gameLocal.ClientRemapDecl( DECL_SOUND, msg.ReadInt() ); if ( index >= 0 && index < declManager->GetNumDecls( DECL_SOUND ) ) { const idSoundShader *shader = declManager->SoundByIndex( index ); mpGame.PlayGlobalSound( -1, SND_COUNT, shader->GetName() ); } break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_DB: { idMultiplayerGame::msg_evt_t msg_evt = (idMultiplayerGame::msg_evt_t)msg.ReadByte(); int parm1, parm2; parm1 = msg.ReadByte( ); parm2 = msg.ReadByte( ); mpGame.PrintMessageEvent( -1, msg_evt, parm1, parm2 ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_EVENT: { entityNetEvent_t *event; // allocate new event event = eventQueue.Alloc(); eventQueue.Enqueue( event, idEventQueue::OUTOFORDER_IGNORE ); event->spawnId = msg.ReadBits( 32 ); event->event = msg.ReadByte(); event->time = msg.ReadInt(); event->paramsSize = msg.ReadBits( idMath::BitsForInteger( MAX_EVENT_PARAM_SIZE ) ); if ( event->paramsSize ) { if ( event->paramsSize > MAX_EVENT_PARAM_SIZE ) { NetworkEventWarning( event, "invalid param size" ); return; } msg.ReadByteAlign(); msg.ReadData( event->paramsBuf, event->paramsSize ); } break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_SERVERINFO: { idDict info; msg.ReadDeltaDict( info, NULL ); gameLocal.SetServerInfo( info ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_RESTART: { MapRestart(); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_TOURNEYLINE: { line = msg.ReadByte( ); p = static_cast< idPlayer * >( entities[ clientNum ] ); if ( !p ) { break; } p->tourneyLine = line; break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_STARTVOTE: { char voteString[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; int clientNum = msg.ReadByte( ); msg.ReadString( voteString, sizeof( voteString ) ); mpGame.ClientStartVote( clientNum, voteString ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_UPDATEVOTE: { int result = msg.ReadByte( ); int yesCount = msg.ReadByte( ); int noCount = msg.ReadByte( ); mpGame.ClientUpdateVote( (idMultiplayerGame::vote_result_t)result, yesCount, noCount ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_PORTALSTATES: { int numPortals = msg.ReadInt(); assert( numPortals == gameRenderWorld->NumPortals() ); for ( int i = 0; i < numPortals; i++ ) { gameRenderWorld->SetPortalState( (qhandle_t) (i+1), msg.ReadBits( NUM_RENDER_PORTAL_BITS ) ); } break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_PORTAL: { qhandle_t portal = msg.ReadInt(); int blockingBits = msg.ReadBits( NUM_RENDER_PORTAL_BITS ); assert( portal > 0 && portal <= gameRenderWorld->NumPortals() ); gameRenderWorld->SetPortalState( portal, blockingBits ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_STARTSTATE: { mpGame.ClientReadStartState( msg ); break; } case GAME_RELIABLE_MESSAGE_WARMUPTIME: { mpGame.ClientReadWarmupTime( msg ); break; } default: { Error( "Unknown server->client reliable message: %d", id ); break; } } } /* ================ idGameLocal::ClientPrediction ================ */ gameReturn_t idGameLocal::ClientPrediction( int clientNum, const usercmd_t *clientCmds, bool lastPredictFrame ) { idEntity *ent; idPlayer *player; gameReturn_t ret; ret.sessionCommand[ 0 ] = '\0'; player = static_cast<idPlayer *>( entities[clientNum] ); if ( !player ) { return ret; } // check for local client lag if ( networkSystem->ClientGetTimeSinceLastPacket() >= net_clientMaxPrediction.GetInteger() ) { player->isLagged = true; } else { player->isLagged = false; } InitLocalClient( clientNum ); // update the game time framenum++; previousTime = time; time += msec; // update the real client time and the new frame flag if ( time > realClientTime ) { realClientTime = time; isNewFrame = true; } else { isNewFrame = false; } // set the user commands for this frame memcpy( usercmds, clientCmds, numClients * sizeof( usercmds[ 0 ] ) ); // run prediction on all entities from the last snapshot for( ent = snapshotEntities.Next(); ent != NULL; ent = ent->snapshotNode.Next() ) { ent->thinkFlags |= TH_PHYSICS; ent->ClientPredictionThink(); } // service any pending events idEvent::ServiceEvents(); // show any debug info for this frame if ( isNewFrame ) { RunDebugInfo(); D_DrawDebugLines(); } if ( sessionCommand.Length() ) { strncpy( ret.sessionCommand, sessionCommand, sizeof( ret.sessionCommand ) ); } return ret; } /* =============== idGameLocal::Tokenize =============== */ void idGameLocal::Tokenize( idStrList &out, const char *in ) { char buf[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ]; char *token, *next; idStr::Copynz( buf, in, MAX_STRING_CHARS ); token = buf; next = strchr( token, ';' ); while ( token ) { if ( next ) { *next = '\0'; } idStr::ToLower( token ); out.Append( token ); if ( next ) { token = next + 1; next = strchr( token, ';' ); } else { token = NULL; } } } /* =============== idGameLocal::DownloadRequest =============== */ bool idGameLocal::DownloadRequest( const char *IP, const char *guid, const char *paks, char urls[ MAX_STRING_CHARS ] ) { if ( !cvarSystem->GetCVarInteger( "net_serverDownload" ) ) { return false; } if ( cvarSystem->GetCVarInteger( "net_serverDownload" ) == 1 ) { // 1: single URL redirect if ( !strlen( cvarSystem->GetCVarString( "si_serverURL" ) ) ) { common->Warning( "si_serverURL not set" ); return false; } idStr::snPrintf( urls, MAX_STRING_CHARS, "1;%s", cvarSystem->GetCVarString( "si_serverURL" ) ); return true; } // 2: table of pak URLs // first token is the game pak if request, empty if not requested by the client // there may be empty tokens for paks the server couldn't pinpoint - the order matters idStr reply = "2;"; idStrList dlTable, pakList; int i, j; Tokenize( dlTable, cvarSystem->GetCVarString( "net_serverDlTable" ) ); Tokenize( pakList, paks ); for ( i = 0; i < pakList.Num(); i++ ) { if ( i > 0 ) { reply += ";"; } if ( pakList[ i ][ 0 ] == '\0' ) { if ( i == 0 ) { // pak 0 will always miss when client doesn't ask for game bin common->DPrintf( "no game pak request\n" ); } else { common->DPrintf( "no pak %d\n", i ); } continue; } for ( j = 0; j < dlTable.Num(); j++ ) { if ( !fileSystem->FilenameCompare( pakList[ i ], dlTable[ j ] ) ) { break; } } if ( j == dlTable.Num() ) { common->Printf( "download for %s: pak not matched: %s\n", IP, pakList[ i ].c_str() ); } else { idStr url = cvarSystem->GetCVarString( "net_serverDlBaseURL" ); url.AppendPath( dlTable[ j ] ); reply += url; common->DPrintf( "download for %s: %s\n", IP, url.c_str() ); } } idStr::Copynz( urls, reply, MAX_STRING_CHARS ); return true; } /* =============== idEventQueue::Alloc =============== */ entityNetEvent_t* idEventQueue::Alloc() { entityNetEvent_t* event = eventAllocator.Alloc(); event->prev = NULL; event->next = NULL; return event; } /* =============== idEventQueue::Free =============== */ void idEventQueue::Free( entityNetEvent_t *event ) { // should only be called on an unlinked event! assert( !event->next && !event->prev ); eventAllocator.Free( event ); } /* =============== idEventQueue::Shutdown =============== */ void idEventQueue::Shutdown() { eventAllocator.Shutdown(); this->Init(); } /* =============== idEventQueue::Init =============== */ void idEventQueue::Init( void ) { start = NULL; end = NULL; } /* =============== idEventQueue::Dequeue =============== */ entityNetEvent_t* idEventQueue::Dequeue( void ) { entityNetEvent_t* event = start; if ( !event ) { return NULL; } start = start->next; if ( !start ) { end = NULL; } else { start->prev = NULL; } event->next = NULL; event->prev = NULL; return event; } /* =============== idEventQueue::RemoveLast =============== */ entityNetEvent_t* idEventQueue::RemoveLast( void ) { entityNetEvent_t *event = end; if ( !event ) { return NULL; } end = event->prev; if ( !end ) { start = NULL; } else { end->next = NULL; } event->next = NULL; event->prev = NULL; return event; } /* =============== idEventQueue::Enqueue =============== */ void idEventQueue::Enqueue( entityNetEvent_t *event, outOfOrderBehaviour_t behaviour ) { if ( behaviour == OUTOFORDER_DROP ) { // go backwards through the queue and determine if there are // any out-of-order events while ( end && end->time > event->time ) { entityNetEvent_t *outOfOrder = RemoveLast(); common->DPrintf( "WARNING: new event with id %d ( time %d ) caused removal of event with id %d ( time %d ), game time = %d.\n", event->event, event->time, outOfOrder->event, outOfOrder->time, gameLocal.time ); Free( outOfOrder ); } } else if ( behaviour == OUTOFORDER_SORT && end ) { // NOT TESTED -- sorting out of order packets hasn't been // tested yet... wasn't strictly necessary for // the patch fix. entityNetEvent_t *cur = end; // iterate until we find a time < the new event's while ( cur && cur->time > event->time ) { cur = cur->prev; } if ( !cur ) { // add to start event->next = start; event->prev = NULL; start = event; } else { // insert event->prev = cur; event->next = cur->next; cur->next = event; } return; } // add the new event event->next = NULL; event->prev = NULL; if ( end ) { end->next = event; event->prev = end; } else { start = event; } end = event; }