/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "../../sys/win32/rc/guied_resource.h" #include "../common/ColorButton.h" #include "../common/MaskEdit.h" #include "GEApp.h" #include "GEItemPropsDlg.h" #include "GEPropertyPage.h" enum { RVITEMPROPS_GENERAL = 0, RVITEMPROPS_IMAGE, RVITEMPROPS_TEXT, RVITEMPROPS_KEYS, RVITEMPROPS_MAX }; class rvGEItemPropsImagePage : public rvGEPropertyPage { public: rvGEItemPropsImagePage ( idDict* dictValues ); virtual bool Init ( void ); virtual bool SetActive ( void ); virtual bool KillActive ( void ); virtual int HandleMessage ( UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); protected: void UpdateCheckedStates ( void ); idDict* mDict; }; rvGEItemPropsImagePage::rvGEItemPropsImagePage ( idDict* dict ) { mDict = dict; } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsImagePage::Init Subclass the custom controls on the page ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsImagePage::Init ( void ) { NumberEdit_Attach ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEX ) ); NumberEdit_Attach ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEY ) ); NumberEdit_Attach ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERSIZE ) ); return true; } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsImagePage::UpdateCheckedStates Updates the enabled state of all the controls that are linked to a checkbox ================ */ void rvGEItemPropsImagePage::UpdateCheckedStates ( void ) { char temp[64]; bool state; bool rstate; idStr result; bool enable; enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "backcolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBACKCOLOR ), enable ); state = IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBACKCOLOR ) && IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBACKCOLOR ) ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLOR ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLORALPHA ), state ); state = IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEMATERIAL) != 0; EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKGROUND ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVARIABLEBACKGROUND ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEX ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEY ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_XSCALE_STATIC), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_YSCALE_STATIC), state ); GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERSIZE ), temp, 64 ); enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "bordersize", "0" ) ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERSIZE ), enable ); state = atol( temp ) ? true : false; rstate = IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERCOLOR ) != 0; enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "bordercolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERCOLOR ), state && enable ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERMATERIAL ), state && enable); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLOR ), rstate && state && enable); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLORALPHA ), rstate && state && enable ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERMATERIAL ), !rstate && state ); state = (state && !rstate) || IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEMATERIAL); enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "matcolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLORSTATIC ), state && enable ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLOR ), state && enable ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLORALPHA ), state && enable ); } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsImagePage::HandleMessage Handles messages for the text item properties page ================ */ int rvGEItemPropsImagePage::HandleMessage ( UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( msg ) { case WM_DRAWITEM: ColorButton_DrawItem ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, wParam ), (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam ); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD(wParam) ) { case IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERSIZE: if ( HIWORD(wParam) == EN_CHANGE ) { UpdateCheckedStates ( ); } break; case IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERCOLOR: case IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERMATERIAL: case IDC_GUIED_USEBACKCOLOR: case IDC_GUIED_USEMATERIAL: UpdateCheckedStates ( ); break; case IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLORALPHA: case IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLORALPHA: case IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLORALPHA: { AlphaButton_OpenPopup ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, LOWORD(wParam) ) ); break; } case IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLOR: case IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLOR: case IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLOR: { CHOOSECOLOR col; ZeroMemory ( &col, sizeof(col) ); col.lStructSize = sizeof(col); col.lpCustColors = gApp.GetOptions().GetCustomColors ( ); col.hwndOwner = mPage; col.hInstance = NULL; col.Flags = CC_RGBINIT; col.rgbResult = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, LOWORD(wParam) ) ); if ( ChooseColor ( &col ) ) { ColorButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, LOWORD(wParam) ), col.rgbResult ); } break; } } break; } return rvGEPropertyPage::HandleMessage ( msg, wParam, lParam ); } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsImagePage::SetActive Initializes the text properties page by copying data from the attached window into the controls ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsImagePage::SetActive ( void ) { gApp.GetOptions().SetLastOptionsPage ( RVITEMPROPS_IMAGE ); ColorButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLOR ), mDict->GetString ( "backcolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); AlphaButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLORALPHA ), mDict->GetString ( "backcolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); ColorButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLOR ), mDict->GetString ( "matcolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); AlphaButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLORALPHA ), mDict->GetString ( "matcolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); ColorButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLOR ), mDict->GetString ( "bordercolor", "0,0,0,1" ) ); AlphaButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLORALPHA ), mDict->GetString ( "bordercolor", "0,0,0,1" ) ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKGROUND ), idStr(mDict->GetString ( "background", "" )).StripQuotes ( ) ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERMATERIAL ), idStr(mDict->GetString ( "borderShader", "" )).StripQuotes ( ) ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERSIZE ), idStr(mDict->GetString ( "bordersize", "0" )).StripQuotes ( ) ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEX ), idStr(mDict->GetString ( "matscalex", "1" )).StripQuotes ( ) ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEY ), idStr(mDict->GetString ( "matscaley", "1" )).StripQuotes ( ) ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVARIABLEBACKGROUND, mDict->GetBool ( "variablebackground", "0" ) ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEMATERIAL, idStr(mDict->GetString ( "background", "" )).StripQuotes ( ).Length()?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBACKCOLOR, idStr(mDict->GetString ( "backcolor", "" )).StripQuotes ( ).Length()?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED ); CheckRadioButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERCOLOR, IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERMATERIAL, idStr(mDict->GetString("borderShader","")).Length()?IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERMATERIAL:IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERCOLOR ); UpdateCheckedStates ( ); return true; } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsImagePage::KillActive Applys the settings currently stored in the property page back into the attached window ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsImagePage::KillActive ( void ) { char temp[1024]; bool matcolor = false; idStr s; if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEMATERIAL ) ) { float val; GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem(mPage,IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKGROUND), temp, 1024 ); s = "\""; s.Append(temp); s.Append("\"" ); mDict->Set ( "background", s ); matcolor = true; GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEX ), temp, 1024 ); val = atof(temp); if ( val >= 0.999f && val <= 1.001f ) { mDict->Delete ( "matscalex" ); } else { mDict->Set ( "matscalex", idStr::FloatArrayToString( &val, 1, 8 ) ); } GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATSCALEY ), temp, 1024 ); val = atof(temp); if ( val >= 0.999f && val <= 1.001f ) { mDict->Delete ( "matscaley" ); } else { mDict->Set ( "matscaley", idStr::FloatArrayToString( &val, 1, 8 ) ); } if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVARIABLEBACKGROUND ) ) { mDict->Set ( "variablebackground", "1" ); } else { mDict->Delete ( "variablebackground" ); } } else { mDict->Delete ( "background" ); mDict->Delete ( "variablebackground" ); mDict->Delete ( "matscalex" ); mDict->Delete ( "matscaley" ); } if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBACKCOLOR ) ) { if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLOR ) ) ) { COLORREF color = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLOR ) ); COLORREF alpha = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBACKCOLORALPHA ) ); mDict->Set ( "backcolor", StringFromVec4 ( idVec4((float)GetRValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetGValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetBValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetRValue(alpha )/255.0f ) ) ); } } else { mDict->Delete ( "backcolor" ); } GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERSIZE ), temp, 1024 ); if ( atoi ( temp ) ) { if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERSIZE) ) ) { mDict->Set ( "bordersize", va("%d", atoi(temp) ) ); } if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USEBORDERCOLOR ) ) { if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLOR ) ) ) { COLORREF color = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLOR ) ); COLORREF alpha = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERCOLORALPHA ) ); mDict->Set ( "bordercolor", StringFromVec4 ( idVec4((float)GetRValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetGValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetBValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetRValue(alpha )/255.0f ) ) ); } mDict->Delete ( "borderShader" ); } else { GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMBORDERMATERIAL ), temp, 1024 ); s = "\""; s.Append(temp); s.Append("\"" ); mDict->Set ( "borderShader", s ); mDict->Delete ( "bordercolor" ); matcolor = true; } } else { mDict->Delete ( "bordersize" ); mDict->Delete ( "bordercolor" ); mDict->Delete ( "borderShader" ); } if ( matcolor ) { if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLOR ) ) ) { COLORREF color = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLOR ) ); COLORREF alpha = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMMATCOLORALPHA ) ); mDict->Set ( "matcolor", StringFromVec4 ( idVec4((float)GetRValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetGValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetBValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetRValue(alpha )/255.0f ) ) ); } } else { mDict->Delete ( "matcolor" ); } return true; } class rvGEItemPropsTextPage : public rvGEPropertyPage { public: rvGEItemPropsTextPage ( idDict* dictValues ); virtual bool Init ( void ); virtual bool SetActive ( void ); virtual bool KillActive ( void ); virtual int HandleMessage ( UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); protected: void UpdateCheckedStates ( void ); idDict* mDict; }; rvGEItemPropsTextPage::rvGEItemPropsTextPage ( idDict* dict ) { mDict = dict; } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsTextPage::Init Subclass the custom controls on the page ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsTextPage::Init ( void ) { NumberEdit_Attach ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTSCALE ) ); NumberEdit_Attach ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNX ) ); NumberEdit_Attach ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNY ) ); SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGN ), CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Left" ); SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGN ), CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Center" ); SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGN ), CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LPARAM)"Right" ); SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT ), CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG)"" ); idFileList *folders; int i; folders = fileSystem->ListFiles( "fonts", "/" ); for ( i = 0; i < folders->GetNumFiles(); i++ ) { if ( folders->GetFile(i)[0] == '.' ) { continue; } SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT ), CB_ADDSTRING, 0, (LONG)folders->GetFile(i) ); } fileSystem->FreeFileList( folders ); return true; } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsTextPage::UpdateCheckedStates Updates the enabled state of all the controls that are linked to a checkbox ================ */ void rvGEItemPropsTextPage::UpdateCheckedStates ( void ) { bool state; idStr result; bool enable; state = IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USETEXT ) != 0; enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "forecolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLOR ), state && enable ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLORALPHA ), state && enable ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXT ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTSCALE ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTSCALE ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGN ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNX ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNY ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTNOWRAP), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_STATIC_ALIGNMENT ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_STATIC_X ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_STATIC_Y ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_STATIC_SCALE ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_STATIC_COLOR ), state ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_STATIC_FONT), state ); } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsTextPage::HandleMessage Handles messages for the text item properties page ================ */ int rvGEItemPropsTextPage::HandleMessage ( UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( msg ) { case WM_DRAWITEM: ColorButton_DrawItem ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, wParam ), (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lParam ); return TRUE; case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD(wParam) ) { case IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT: break; case IDC_GUIED_USETEXT: UpdateCheckedStates ( ); break; case IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLORALPHA: AlphaButton_OpenPopup ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, LOWORD(wParam) ) ); break; case IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLOR: { CHOOSECOLOR col; ZeroMemory ( &col, sizeof(col) ); col.lStructSize = sizeof(col); col.lpCustColors = gApp.GetOptions().GetCustomColors ( ); col.hwndOwner = mPage; col.hInstance = NULL; col.Flags = CC_RGBINIT; col.rgbResult = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, LOWORD(wParam) ) ); if ( ChooseColor ( &col ) ) { ColorButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, LOWORD(wParam) ), col.rgbResult ); } break; } } break; } return rvGEPropertyPage::HandleMessage ( msg, wParam, lParam ); } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsTextPage::SetActive Initializes the text properties page by copying data from the attached window into the controls ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsTextPage::SetActive ( void ) { gApp.GetOptions().SetLastOptionsPage ( RVITEMPROPS_TEXT ); ColorButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLOR ), mDict->GetString ( "forecolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); AlphaButton_SetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLORALPHA ), mDict->GetString ( "forecolor", "1,1,1,1" ) ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXT ), idStr(mDict->GetString ( "text", "" )).StripQuotes ( ) ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTSCALE ), mDict->GetString ( "textscale", "1.0" ) ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNX ), mDict->GetString ( "textalignx", "0" ) ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNY ), mDict->GetString ( "textaligny", "0" ) ); SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGN ), CB_SETCURSEL, atoi(mDict->GetString("textalign", "0")), 0 ); // Figure out which font to select idStr font = mDict->GetString ( "font", "" ); int fontSel; font.StripQuotes ( ); font.StripPath ( ); fontSel = SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT ), CB_FINDSTRING, -1, (LONG)font.c_str () ); SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT ), CB_SETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT ), CB_SETCURSEL, fontSel==-1?0:fontSel, 0 ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USETEXT, idStr(mDict->GetString ( "text", "" )).Length()?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTNOWRAP, atoi(idStr(mDict->GetString ( "nowrap", "0" )).StripQuotes())?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED ); UpdateCheckedStates ( ); return true; } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsTextPage::KillActive Applys the settings currently stored in the property page back into the attached window ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsTextPage::KillActive ( void ) { idStr s; char temp[1024]; int i; float f; if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_USETEXT ) ) { if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLOR ) ) ) { COLORREF color = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLOR ) ); COLORREF alpha = ColorButton_GetColor ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMFORECOLORALPHA ) ); mDict->Set ( "forecolor", StringFromVec4 ( idVec4((float)GetRValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetGValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetBValue ( color ) / 255.0f, (float)GetRValue(alpha )/255.0f ) ) ); } GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem(mPage,IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXT), temp, 1024 ); s = "\""; s.Append(temp); s.Append("\"" ); mDict->Set ( "text", s ); GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem(mPage,IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTSCALE), temp, 1024 ); f = atof( temp ); mDict->Set ( "textscale", idStr::FloatArrayToString( &f, 1, 8 ) ); i = SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGN ), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); s = va("%d", i ); if ( i != 0 ) { mDict->Set ( "textalign", s ); } else { mDict->Delete ( "textalign" ); } GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem(mPage,IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNX), temp, 1024 ); i = atoi(temp); if ( i ) { mDict->Set ( "textalignx", va("%d", i ) ); } else { mDict->Delete ( "textalignx" ); } GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem(mPage,IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTALIGNY), temp, 1024 ); i = atoi(temp); if ( i ) { mDict->Set ( "textaligny", va("%d", i ) ); } else { mDict->Delete ( "textaligny" ); } int fontSel = SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT ), CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 ); if ( fontSel == 0 ) { mDict->Delete ( "font" ); } else { char fontName[MAX_PATH]; SendMessage ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTFONT ), CB_GETLBTEXT, fontSel, (LONG)fontName ); mDict->Set ( "font", idStr("\"fonts/") + idStr(fontName) + idStr("\"" ) ); } if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMTEXTNOWRAP ) ) { mDict->Set ( "nowrap", "1" ); } else { mDict->Delete ( "nowrap" ); } } else { mDict->Delete ( "text" ); mDict->Delete ( "textscale" ); mDict->Delete ( "textalign" ); mDict->Delete ( "textalignx" ); mDict->Delete ( "textaligny" ); mDict->Delete ( "forecolor" ); mDict->Delete ( "font" ); } return true; } class rvGEItemPropsKeysPage : public rvGEPropertyPage { public: rvGEItemPropsKeysPage ( idDict* dictValues, rvGEWindowWrapper* wrapper ); virtual bool Init ( void ); virtual bool SetActive ( void ); virtual int HandleMessage ( UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); protected: idDict* mDict; rvGEWindowWrapper* mWrapper; }; rvGEItemPropsKeysPage::rvGEItemPropsKeysPage ( idDict* dict, rvGEWindowWrapper* wrapper ) { mDict = dict; mWrapper = wrapper; } INT_PTR CALLBACK ModifyItemKeyDlg_WndProc ( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( msg ) { case WM_INITDIALOG: { const idKeyValue* keyValue = (const idKeyValue*) lParam; MaskEdit_Attach ( GetDlgItem ( hwnd, IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEY ), " \t\r\n" ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( hwnd, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVALUE ), idStr(keyValue->GetValue()).StripQuotes ( ) ); if ( idStr::Icmp ( keyValue->GetKey(), "guied_temp" ) ) { if ( !idStr::Icmp ( keyValue->GetKey(), "name" ) || !idStr::Icmp ( keyValue->GetKey(), "rect" ) ) { // Dont allow editing the name keyname EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( hwnd, IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEY ), FALSE ); } SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( hwnd, IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEY ), keyValue->GetKey() ); SetFocus ( GetDlgItem ( hwnd, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVALUE ) ); SendMessage( GetDlgItem ( hwnd, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVALUE ), EM_SETSEL, 0, -1 ); SetWindowText ( hwnd, "New Item Key" ); } SetWindowLong ( hwnd, GWL_USERDATA, lParam ); return FALSE; } case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD(wParam) ) { case IDOK: { char key[1024]; char value[1024]; const idKeyValue* keyValue = (const idKeyValue*) GetWindowLong ( hwnd, GWL_USERDATA ); GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( hwnd, IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEY ), key, 1024 ); GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( hwnd, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVALUE ), value, 1024 ); if ( strlen ( key ) < 1 ) { gApp.MessageBox ( va("Invalid key name '%s'", key), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR ); } else { // FIXME: MrE may never change key value pairs directly! //keyValue->GetKey() = key; //keyValue->GetValue = value; EndDialog ( hwnd, 1); } break; } case IDCANCEL: EndDialog ( hwnd, 0 ); break; } break; } return FALSE; } int rvGEItemPropsKeysPage::HandleMessage ( UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { switch ( msg ) { case WM_NOTIFY: { NMHDR* nm = (NMHDR*) lParam; // There are a few protected keys that need to dissallow deleting so // check to see if the newly selected key is one of them and if so then // disable the delete button if ( nm->code == LVN_ITEMCHANGED ) { NMLISTVIEW* nmlv = (NMLISTVIEW*) nm; if ( nmlv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED ) { const idKeyValue* keyValue = (idKeyValue*) nmlv->lParam; assert( keyValue ); if ( !idStr::Icmp ( keyValue->GetKey(), "name" ) || !idStr::Icmp ( keyValue->GetKey(), "rect" ) ) { EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_DELETEKEY ), FALSE ); } else { EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_DELETEKEY ), TRUE ); } } } break; } case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD(wParam) ) { case IDC_GUIED_ADDKEY: { HWND list = GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEYS ); mDict->Set( "guied_temp", "" ); const idKeyValue* key = mDict->FindKey ( "guied_temp" ); idStr old = key->GetValue(); while ( 1 ) { if ( DialogBoxParam ( gApp.GetInstance (), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GUIED_ITEMKEY), mPage, ModifyItemKeyDlg_WndProc, (LPARAM)key ) ) { idStr finalValue; finalValue = key->GetValue(); if ( !mWrapper->VerfiyStateKey ( key->GetKey(), finalValue ) ) { finalValue = "\""; finalValue += key->GetValue(); finalValue += "\""; if ( !mWrapper->VerfiyStateKey ( key->GetKey(), finalValue ) ) { gApp.MessageBox ( va("Invalid property value '%s' for property '%s'", key->GetValue().c_str(), key->GetKey().c_str()), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR ); continue; } } mDict->Set( key->GetKey(), finalValue ); LVITEM item; ZeroMemory ( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = ListView_GetItemCount ( list ); item.pszText = (LPSTR)key->GetKey().c_str ( ); item.lParam = (LONG) key; int index = ListView_InsertItem ( list, &item ); finalValue.StripQuotes ( ); ListView_SetItemText ( list, index, 1, (LPSTR)finalValue.c_str ( ) ); break; } else { mDict->Delete ( "guied_temp" ); break; } } break; } case IDC_GUIED_EDITKEY: { HWND list = GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEYS ); int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( list, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if ( index != -1 ) { LVITEM item; item.iItem = index; item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; ListView_GetItem ( list, &item ); const idKeyValue* key = (const idKeyValue*)item.lParam; assert ( key ); while ( 1 ) { if ( DialogBoxParam ( gApp.GetInstance (), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GUIED_ITEMKEY), mPage, ModifyItemKeyDlg_WndProc, (LPARAM)key ) ) { idStr finalValue; finalValue = key->GetValue(); if ( !mWrapper->VerfiyStateKey ( key->GetKey(), finalValue ) ) { finalValue = "\""; finalValue += key->GetValue(); finalValue += "\""; if ( !mWrapper->VerfiyStateKey ( key->GetKey(), finalValue ) ) { gApp.MessageBox ( va("Invalid property value '%s' for property '%s'", key->GetValue().c_str(), key->GetKey().c_str()), MB_OK|MB_ICONERROR ); continue; } } // FIXME: MrE is this the right thing todo? mDict->Set( key->GetKey(), finalValue ); //key->GetValue() = finalValue; ListView_SetItemText ( list, index, 0, (LPSTR)key->GetKey().c_str() ); finalValue.StripQuotes ( ); ListView_SetItemText ( list, index, 1, (LPSTR)finalValue.c_str() ); break; } } } break; } case IDC_GUIED_DELETEKEY: { HWND list = GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEYS ); int index = ListView_GetNextItem ( list, -1, LVNI_SELECTED ); if ( index != -1 ) { LVITEM item; item.iItem = index; item.mask = LVIF_PARAM; ListView_GetItem ( list, &item ); const idKeyValue* key = (const idKeyValue*)item.lParam; assert ( key ); mDict->Delete ( key->GetKey() ); ListView_DeleteItem ( list, index ); } break; } } break; } return rvGEPropertyPage::HandleMessage ( msg, wParam, lParam ); } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsKeysPage::Init Called when the advanced page is first initialized. Setup the extended control styles and add the key/value columns ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsKeysPage::Init ( void ) { HWND list; RECT rWindow; // Get the list control list = GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEYS ); assert ( list ); GetClientRect ( list, &rWindow ); // Set the full row select for better visual appearance ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle ( list, LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT ); // Add the key column LVCOLUMN col; col.mask = LVCF_TEXT|LVCF_WIDTH; col.cx = .3 * (rWindow.right - rWindow.left); col.pszText = "Key"; ListView_InsertColumn ( list, 0, &col ); // Add the value column col.pszText = "Value"; col.cx = (rWindow.right - rWindow.left) - col.cx; ListView_InsertColumn ( list, 1, &col ); return true; } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsKeysPage::SetActive Called when the advanced page is made active and will add an entry to the keys list view for each key in the properties dictionary ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsKeysPage::SetActive ( void ) { int i; HWND list; gApp.GetOptions().SetLastOptionsPage ( RVITEMPROPS_KEYS ); // Get listview control list = GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMKEYS ); assert ( list ); // Delete anything already in there ListView_DeleteAllItems ( list ); // Add each key in the properties dictionary for ( i = 0; i < mDict->GetNumKeyVals(); i ++ ) { const idKeyValue* key = mDict->GetKeyVal ( i ); assert ( key ); // Add the item LVITEM item; ZeroMemory ( &item, sizeof(item) ); item.mask = LVIF_TEXT|LVIF_PARAM; item.iItem = ListView_GetItemCount ( list ); item.pszText = (LPSTR)key->GetKey().c_str ( ); item.lParam = (LONG) key; int index = ListView_InsertItem ( list, &item ); idStr value; value = key->GetValue(); value.StripQuotes ( ); ListView_SetItemText ( list, index, 1, (LPSTR)value.c_str() ); } return true; } class rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage : public rvGEPropertyPage { public: rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage ( idDict* dict, rvGEWindowWrapper::EWindowType type ); virtual bool SetActive ( void ); virtual bool KillActive ( void ); virtual bool Init ( void ); virtual int HandleMessage ( UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ); protected: void UpdateCheckedStates ( void ); idDict* mDict; idStr mType; }; rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage ( idDict* dict, rvGEWindowWrapper::EWindowType type ) { mDict = dict; mType = rvGEWindowWrapper::WindowTypeToString ( type ); } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::UpdateCheckedStates Updates the enabled state of all the controls that are linked to a checkbox ================ */ void rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::UpdateCheckedStates ( void ) { } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::HandleMessage Handles messages for the general item properties page ================ */ int rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::HandleMessage ( UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam ) { /* switch ( msg ) { case WM_COMMAND: switch ( LOWORD(wParam) ) { } break; } */ return rvGEPropertyPage::HandleMessage ( msg, wParam, lParam ); } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::Init Subclass the custom controls on the page ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::Init ( void ) { MaskEdit_Attach ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNAME ), " \t\n\r" ); return true; } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::SetActive Initializes the general properties page by copying data from the attached window into the controls ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::SetActive ( void ) { bool enable; idStr result; gApp.GetOptions().SetLastOptionsPage ( RVITEMPROPS_GENERAL ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNAME ), idStr(mDict->GetString ( "name", "unnamed" )).StripQuotes ( ) ); enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "visible", "1" ) ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVISIBLE, atol(idStr(mDict->GetString ( "visible", "1" )).StripQuotes ( ))?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVISIBLE ), enable ); enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "notime", "0" ) ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOTIME, atol(idStr(mDict->GetString ( "notime", "0" )).StripQuotes ( ))?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOTIME ), enable ); enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "noevents", "0" ) ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOEVENTS, atol(idStr(mDict->GetString ( "noevents", "0" )).StripQuotes ( ))?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOEVENTS ), enable ); enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "noclip", "0" ) ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCLIP, atol(idStr(mDict->GetString ( "noclip", "0" )).StripQuotes ( ))?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCLIP ), enable ); enable = !IsExpression ( mDict->GetString ( "nocursor", "0" ) ); EnableWindow ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCURSOR ), enable ); CheckDlgButton ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCURSOR, atol(idStr(mDict->GetString ( "nocursor", "0" )).StripQuotes ( ))?BST_CHECKED:BST_UNCHECKED ); SetWindowText ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_TYPE ), mType ); UpdateCheckedStates ( ); return true; } /* ================ rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::KillActive Applys the settings currently stored in the property page back into the attached window ================ */ bool rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage::KillActive ( void ) { char temp[1024]; GetWindowText ( GetDlgItem(mPage,IDC_GUIED_ITEMNAME), temp, 1024 ); mDict->Set ( "name", temp ); if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVISIBLE ) ) ) { if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMVISIBLE ) ) { mDict->Set ( "visible" , "1" ); } else { mDict->Set ( "visible" , "0" ); } } if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOTIME ) ) ) { if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOTIME ) ) { mDict->Set ( "notime" , "1" ); } else { mDict->Delete ( "notime" ); } } if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOEVENTS ) ) ) { if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOEVENTS ) ) { mDict->Set ( "noevents" , "1" ); } else { mDict->Delete ( "noevents" ); } } if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCLIP ) ) ) { if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCLIP ) ) { mDict->Set ( "noclip" , "1" ); } else { mDict->Delete ( "noclip" ); } } if ( IsWindowEnabled ( GetDlgItem ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCURSOR ) ) ) { if ( IsDlgButtonChecked ( mPage, IDC_GUIED_ITEMNOCURSOR ) ) { mDict->Set ( "nocursor" , "1" ); } else { mDict->Delete ( "nocursor" ); } } return true; } /* ================ GEItemPropsDlg_DoModal Starts the item properties dialog ================ */ bool GEItemPropsDlg_DoModal ( HWND parent, idWindow* window, idDict& dict ) { PROPSHEETHEADER propsh; PROPSHEETPAGE propsp[4]; rvGEWindowWrapper* wrapper; bool result; wrapper = rvGEWindowWrapper::GetWrapper ( window ); assert ( wrapper ); // Start the destination dictionary with the values in the window dictionary dict.Clear ( ); dict.Copy ( wrapper->GetStateDict ( )); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_GENERAL].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_GENERAL].dwFlags = PSP_USETITLE; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_GENERAL].hInstance = win32.hInstance; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_GENERAL].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GUIED_ITEMPROPS_GENERAL); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_GENERAL].pfnDlgProc = rvGEPropertyPage::WndProc; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_GENERAL].pszTitle = "General"; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_GENERAL].lParam = (LONG)new rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage ( &dict, wrapper->GetWindowType ( ) ); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_IMAGE].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_IMAGE].dwFlags = PSP_USETITLE; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_IMAGE].hInstance = win32.hInstance; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_IMAGE].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GUIED_ITEMPROPS_IMAGE); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_IMAGE].pfnDlgProc = rvGEPropertyPage::WndProc; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_IMAGE].pszTitle = "Image"; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_IMAGE].lParam = (LONG)new rvGEItemPropsImagePage ( &dict );; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_TEXT].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_TEXT].dwFlags = PSP_USETITLE; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_TEXT].hInstance = win32.hInstance; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_TEXT].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GUIED_ITEMPROPS_TEXT); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_TEXT].pfnDlgProc = rvGEPropertyPage::WndProc; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_TEXT].pszTitle = "Text"; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_TEXT].lParam = (LONG)new rvGEItemPropsTextPage ( &dict );; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_KEYS].dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_KEYS].dwFlags = PSP_USETITLE; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_KEYS].hInstance = win32.hInstance; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_KEYS].pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_GUIED_ITEMPROPS_KEYS); propsp[RVITEMPROPS_KEYS].pfnDlgProc = rvGEPropertyPage::WndProc; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_KEYS].pszTitle = "Keys"; propsp[RVITEMPROPS_KEYS].lParam = (LONG)new rvGEItemPropsKeysPage ( &dict, wrapper ); propsh.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETHEADER); propsh.nStartPage = gApp.GetOptions().GetLastOptionsPage ( ); propsh.dwFlags = PSH_PROPSHEETPAGE|PSH_NOAPPLYNOW|PSH_NOCONTEXTHELP; propsh.hwndParent = parent; propsh.pszCaption = "Item Properties"; propsh.nPages = RVITEMPROPS_MAX; propsh.ppsp = (LPCPROPSHEETPAGE)&propsp; // Bring up the item properties dialog now result = PropertySheet ( &propsh ) != NULL; // Cleanup delete (rvGEItemPropsGeneralPage*) propsp[0].lParam; delete (rvGEItemPropsImagePage*) propsp[1].lParam; delete (rvGEItemPropsTextPage*) propsp[2].lParam; delete (rvGEItemPropsKeysPage*) propsp[3].lParam; return result; }