/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code (?Doom 3 Source Code?). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../../../idlib/precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "codec.h" float glimit( const float val ) { if (val<0) return 0; if (val>255) return 255; return val; } codec::codec() { int i; common->Printf("init: initing.....\n"); codebooksize = 256; codebook2 = (VQDATA **) Mem_ClearedAlloc(256*sizeof(VQDATA *)); for(i=0; i < 256; i++) { codebook2[i] = (VQDATA *) Mem_ClearedAlloc(16*sizeof(VQDATA)); } codebook4 = (VQDATA **) Mem_ClearedAlloc(256*sizeof(VQDATA *)); for(i=0; i < 256; i++) { codebook4[i] = (VQDATA *) Mem_ClearedAlloc(64*sizeof(VQDATA)); } previousImage[0] = 0; previousImage[1] = 0; image = 0; whichFrame = 0; qStatus = 0; luti = 0; overAmount = 0; codebookmade = 0; slop = 0; } codec::~codec() { common->Printf("codec: resetting\n"); if (qStatus) Mem_Free( qStatus); if (luti) Mem_Free(luti); if (previousImage[0]) delete previousImage[0]; if (previousImage[1]) delete previousImage[1]; qStatus = 0; initRGBtab = 0; previousImage[0] = 0; whichFrame = 0; luti = 0; return; } /* Because Shellsort is a variation on Insertion Sort, it has the same * inconsistency that I noted in the InsertionSort class. Notice where I * subtract a move to compensate for calling a swap for visual purposes. */ void codec::Sort( float *list, int *intIndex, int numElements ) { #define STRIDE_FACTOR 3 // good value for stride factor is not well-understood // 3 is a fairly good choice (Sedgewick) int c,d, stride; bool found; stride = 1; while (stride <= numElements) stride = stride*STRIDE_FACTOR +1; while (stride>(STRIDE_FACTOR-1)) { // loop to sort for each value of stride stride = stride / STRIDE_FACTOR; for (c = stride; c < numElements; c++){ found = false; d = c-stride; while ((d >= 0) && !found) { // move to left until correct place if (list[d]CurrentFilename()); sprintf( temptb, "%s.tb", theRoQ->CurrentFilename()); onf = 0; len = (int)strlen(tempcb); for(x=0;xPrintf("trying %s\n", cbFile); fpcb = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( cbFile ); if ( !fpcb ) { doopen = true; common->Printf("failed....\n"); } else { if ( dimension2 == 16 ) x = 3584; else x = 2560; if ( fpcb->Read( lineout, x ) != x ) { doopen = true; common->Printf("failed....\n"); } fileSystem->CloseFile( fpcb ); } if ( doopen ) { common->Printf("segment: making %s\n", cbFile); numc = numElements; if (numElements > numc) numc = numElements; onf = 0; for(x=0;x<256;x++) { for(y=0;ysamplesPerPixel(); cbook = (byte *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( 3 * image->pixelsWide() * image->pixelsHigh()); float *snrBook = (float *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( image->pixelsWide() * image->pixelsHigh() ); dst = cbook; int numEntries = 0; for (i=0; i= MIN_SNR*4) { for(y=qStatus[i].yat;ybitmapData() + (yy*(bpp*image->pixelsWide())) + (xx*bpp); memcpy( dst, src, 3); dst += 3; } } } } } } common->Printf("segment: %d 4x4 cels to vq\n", numEntries ); VQ( numEntries, dimension4, cbook, snrBook, codebook4, true ); dst = cbook; numEntries = 0; for( i=0; i<256; i++ ) { for(y=0;y<4;y+=2) { for(x=0;x<4;x+=2) { snrBook[numEntries] = 1.0f; numEntries++; for(yy=y;yy<(y+2);yy++) { for(xx=x;xx<(x+2);xx++) { dst[0] = codebook4[i][yy*12+xx*3+0]; dst[1] = codebook4[i][yy*12+xx*3+1]; dst[2] = codebook4[i][yy*12+xx*3+2]; dst += 3; } } } } } common->Printf("segment: %d 2x2 cels to vq\n", numEntries); VQ( numEntries, dimension2, cbook, snrBook, codebook2, false ); Mem_Free(cbook); Mem_Free(snrBook); index = 0; for( onf = 0; onf < 256; onf++ ) { numc = 0; fcr = fcb = 0; for( x = 0; x < 4; x++ ) { fy = RMULT*(float)(codebook2[onf][numc+0]) + GMULT*(float)(codebook2[onf][numc+1]) + BMULT*(float)(codebook2[onf][numc+2]) + 0.5f; if (fy<0) fy = 0; if (fy>255) fy = 255; fcr += RIEMULT*(float)(codebook2[onf][numc+0]); fcr += GIEMULT*(float)(codebook2[onf][numc+1]); fcr += BIEMULT*(float)(codebook2[onf][numc+2]); fcb += RQEMULT*(float)(codebook2[onf][numc+0]); fcb += GQEMULT*(float)(codebook2[onf][numc+1]); fcb += BQEMULT*(float)(codebook2[onf][numc+2]); lineout[index++] = (byte)fy; numc += 3; } fcr = (fcr/4)+128.5f; if (fcr<0) fcr = 0; if (fcr>255) fcr = 255; fcb = (fcb/4)+128.5f; if (fcb<0) fcb = 0; if (fcb>255) fcr = 255; //common->Printf(" fcr == %f, fcb == %f\n", fcr, fcb ); lineout[index++] = (byte)fcr; lineout[index++] = (byte)fcb; } for(onf=0;onf<256;onf++) { for(y=0;y<4;y+=2) { for(x=0;x<4;x+=2) { numc = 0; for(yy=y;yy<(y+2);yy++) { temp = (yy*dimension2)+x*(dimension2/4); find[numc++] = (byte)(codebook4[onf][temp+0] + 0.50f); find[numc++] = (byte)(codebook4[onf][temp+1] + 0.50f); find[numc++] = (byte)(codebook4[onf][temp+2] + 0.50f); find[numc++] = (byte)(codebook4[onf][temp+3] + 0.50f); find[numc++] = (byte)(codebook4[onf][temp+4] + 0.50f); find[numc++] = (byte)(codebook4[onf][temp+5] + 0.50f); } lineout[index++] = BestCodeword( find, dimension2, codebook2 ); } } } fpcb = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( cbFile ); common->Printf("made up %d entries\n", index); fpcb->Write( lineout, index ); fileSystem->CloseFile( fpcb ); common->Printf("finished write\n"); } for(y=0;y<256;y++) { x = y*6; y0 = (float)lineout[x++]; y1 = (float)lineout[x++]; y2 = (float)lineout[x++]; y3 = (float)lineout[x++]; cb = (float)lineout[x++]; cb -= 128; cr = (float)lineout[x ]; cr -= 128; x = 0; codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y0 + 1.40200f*cr ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y0 - 0.34414f*cb - 0.71414f*cr ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y0 + 1.77200f*cb ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y1 + 1.40200f*cr ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y1 - 0.34414f*cb - 0.71414f*cr ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y1 + 1.77200f*cb ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y2 + 1.40200f*cr ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y2 - 0.34414f*cb - 0.71414f*cr ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y2 + 1.77200f*cb ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y3 + 1.40200f*cr ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y3 - 0.34414f*cb - 0.71414f*cr ); codebook2[y][x++] = glimit( y3 + 1.77200f*cb ); } index = 6*256; for(onf=0;onf<256;onf++) { for(y=0;y<4;y+=2) { for(x=0;x<4;x+=2) { best = lineout[index++]; numc = 0; for(yy=y;yy<(y+2);yy++) { temp = (yy*dimension2)+x*(dimension2/4); codebook4[onf][temp+0] = codebook2[best][numc++]; //r codebook4[onf][temp+1] = codebook2[best][numc++]; //g codebook4[onf][temp+2] = codebook2[best][numc++]; //b codebook4[onf][temp+3] = codebook2[best][numc++]; //r a codebook4[onf][temp+4] = codebook2[best][numc++]; //g r codebook4[onf][temp+5] = codebook2[best][numc++]; //b g } } } } theRoQ->WriteCodeBook(lineout); //PrepareCodeBook(); Mem_Free(lineout); } int codec::BestCodeword( unsigned char *tempvector, int dimension, VQDATA **codebook ) { VQDATA dist; VQDATA bestDist = HUGE; VQDATA tempvq[64]; int bestIndex = -1; for( int i=0; i= bestDist) { continue; } dist += (g0-g1)*(g0-g1); if (dist >= bestDist) { continue; } dist += (b0-b1)*(b0-b1); if (dist >= bestDist) { continue; } } if ( dist < bestDist ) { bestDist = dist; bestIndex = i; } } return bestIndex; } void codec::SetPreviousImage( const char*filename, NSBitmapImageRep *timage ) { if (previousImage[0]) { delete previousImage[0]; } if (previousImage[1]) { delete previousImage[1]; } common->Printf("setPreviousImage:%s\n", filename); previousImage[0] = new NSBitmapImageRep( ); previousImage[1] = new NSBitmapImageRep( ); whichFrame=1; *previousImage[0] = *timage; *previousImage[1] = *timage; pixelsHigh = previousImage[0]->pixelsHigh(); pixelsWide = previousImage[0]->pixelsWide(); common->Printf("setPreviousImage: %dx%d\n", pixelsWide, pixelsHigh ); } void codec::MakePreviousImage( quadcel *pquad ) { int i, dy, dx, pluck, size, ind, xx, yy, pWide; int x, y; byte *rgbmap, *idataA, *fccdictionary; bool diff; for(i=0;i<256;i++) { used2[i] = used4[i] = false; } pWide = pixelsWide & 0xfff0; if (!previousImage[0]) { previousImage[0] = new NSBitmapImageRep( pWide, (pixelsHigh & 0xfff0) ); previousImage[1] = new NSBitmapImageRep( pWide, (pixelsHigh & 0xfff0) ); } rgbmap = previousImage[(whichFrame&1)]->bitmapData(); if ((whichFrame&1) == 1) { fccdictionary = previousImage[0]->bitmapData(); } else { fccdictionary = previousImage[1]->bitmapData(); } idataA = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( 16*16*4 ); for(i=0;i>1)*dimension2)+(dx>>1)*(dimension2/4); if (rgbmap[pluck+0] != codebook4[ind][xx+0]) diff = true; if (rgbmap[pluck+1] != codebook4[ind][xx+1]) diff = true; if (rgbmap[pluck+2] != codebook4[ind][xx+2]) diff = true; if (dimension4 == 64 && rgbmap[pluck+3] != codebook4[ind][xx+3]) diff = true; rgbmap[pluck+0] = (byte)codebook4[ind][xx+0]; rgbmap[pluck+1] = (byte)codebook4[ind][xx+1]; rgbmap[pluck+2] = (byte)codebook4[ind][xx+2]; if (dimension4 == 64) rgbmap[pluck+3] = (byte)codebook4[ind][xx+3]; else rgbmap[pluck+3] = 255; pluck += 4; } } if (diff == false && whichFrame) common->Printf("drawImage: SLD just changed the same thing\n"); break; case PAT: ind = pquad[i].patten[0]; used4[ind] = true; for( dy=0; dyPrintf("drawImage: PAT just changed the same thing\n"); break; case CCC: dx = 1; for(yy=0;yy<4;yy+=2) { for(xx=0;xx<4;xx+=2) { ind = pquad[i].patten[dx++]; used2[ind] = true; dy = 0; for(y=yy;y<(yy+2);y++) { for(x=xx;x<(xx+2);x++) { pluck = (((y+pquad[i].yat)*pWide)+(pquad[i].xat+x))*4; if (rgbmap[pluck+0] != codebook2[ind][dy+0]) diff = true; if (rgbmap[pluck+1] != codebook2[ind][dy+1]) diff = true; if (rgbmap[pluck+2] != codebook2[ind][dy+2]) diff = true; if (dimension4 == 64 && rgbmap[pluck+3] != codebook2[ind][dy+3]) diff = true; rgbmap[pluck+0] = (byte)codebook2[ind][dy+0]; rgbmap[pluck+1] = (byte)codebook2[ind][dy+1]; rgbmap[pluck+2] = (byte)codebook2[ind][dy+2]; if (dimension4 == 64) { rgbmap[pluck+3] = (byte)codebook2[ind][dy+3]; dy += 4; } else { rgbmap[pluck+3] = 255; dy += 3; } } } } } if (diff == false && whichFrame) { /* common->Printf("drawImage: CCC just changed the same thing\n"); common->Printf("sparseEncode: something is wrong here\n"); common->Printf("xat: %d\n", pquad[i].xat); common->Printf("yat: %d\n", pquad[i].yat); common->Printf("size %d\n", pquad[i].size); common->Printf("type: %d\n", pquad[i].status); common->Printf("motsnr: %0f\n", pquad[i].snr[FCC]); common->Printf("cccsnr: %0f\n", pquad[i].snr[CCC]); common->Printf("rmse: %0f\n", pquad[i].rsnr); common->Printf("pat0: %0d\n", pquad[i].patten[1]); common->Printf("pat1: %0d\n", pquad[i].patten[2]); common->Printf("pat2: %0d\n", pquad[i].patten[3]); common->Printf("pat3: %0d\n", pquad[i].patten[4]); //exit(1); */ } break; case FCC: dx = pquad[i].xat - ((pquad[i].domain >> 8 ) - 128); dy = pquad[i].yat - ((pquad[i].domain & 0xff) - 128); if (image->pixelsWide()==(image->pixelsHigh()*4)) dx = pquad[i].xat - ((pquad[i].domain >> 8 ) - 128)*2; if (theRoQ->Scaleable()) { dx = pquad[i].xat - ((pquad[i].domain >> 8 ) - 128)*2; dy = pquad[i].yat - ((pquad[i].domain & 0xff) - 128)*2; } // if (pquad[i].yat == 0) common->Printf("dx = %d, dy = %d, xat = %d\n", dx, dy, pquad[i].xat); ind = (dy*pWide+dx)*4; for( dy=0; dyPrintf("drawImage: FCC just changed the same thing\n"); break; case MOT: break; default: common->Error( "bad code!!\n"); break; } } } if (whichFrame == 0) { memcpy( previousImage[1]->bitmapData(), previousImage[0]->bitmapData(), pWide*(pixelsHigh & 0xfff0)*4); } x = 0; y = 0; for(i=0;i<256;i++) { if (used4[i]) x++; if (used2[i]) y++; } if (theRoQ->IsQuiet() == false) common->Printf("drawImage: used %d 4x4 and %d 2x2 VQ cels\n", x,y); Mem_Free( idataA ); } void codec::InitImages( void ) { int x,y, index0, index1, temp; float ftemp; byte *lutimage; numQuadCels = ((pixelsWide & 0xfff0)*(pixelsHigh & 0xfff0))/(MINSIZE*MINSIZE); numQuadCels += numQuadCels/4 + numQuadCels/16; if (qStatus) Mem_Free(qStatus); qStatus = (quadcel *)Mem_ClearedAlloc(numQuadCels*sizeof (quadcel)); InitQStatus(); // if (previousImage[0]) { pixelsWide = previousImage[0]->pixelsWide(); pixelsHigh = previousImage[0]->pixelsHigh(); temp = ((whichFrame+1)&1); if (!luti) luti = (byte *)Mem_Alloc(pixelsWide*pixelsHigh); lutimage = previousImage[temp]->bitmapData(); if (theRoQ->IsQuiet() == false) { common->Printf("initImage: remaking lut image using buffer %d\n", temp); } index0 = index1 = 0; for(y=0;ysamplesPerPixel(); index1++; } } } } void codec::QuadX( int startX, int startY, int quadSize) { int startSize; int bigx, bigy, lowx, lowy; lowx = lowy = 0; bigx = pixelsWide & 0xfff0; bigy = pixelsHigh & 0xfff0; if ( (startX >= lowx) && (startX+quadSize) <= (bigx) && (startY+quadSize) <= (bigy) && (startY >= lowy) && quadSize <= MAXSIZE) { qStatus[onQuad].size = quadSize; qStatus[onQuad].xat = startX; qStatus[onQuad].yat = startY; qStatus[onQuad].rsnr = 999999; onQuad++; } if (quadSize != MINSIZE) { startSize = quadSize>>1; QuadX( startX , startY , startSize ); QuadX( startX+startSize , startY , startSize ); QuadX( startX , startY+startSize , startSize ); QuadX( startX+startSize , startY+startSize , startSize ); } } void codec::InitQStatus( void ) { int i,x,y; for (i=0; ipatten[0] = best = BestCodeword( tempImage, dimension4, codebook4 ); for(y=0;y<8;y++) { for(x=0;x<8;x++) { temp = y*32+x*4; i = ((y/2)*4*(dimension2/4))+(x/2)*(dimension2/4); tempImage[temp+0] = (byte)codebook4[best][i+0]; tempImage[temp+1] = (byte)codebook4[best][i+1]; tempImage[temp+2] = (byte)codebook4[best][i+2]; if (dimension4 == 64) tempImage[temp+3] = (byte)codebook4[best][i+3]; else tempImage[temp+3] = 255; } } pquad->snr[SLD] = Snr( cel, tempImage, 8 )+1.0; } void codec::VqData4( byte *cel, quadcel *pquad ) { byte tempImage[64]; int i, best, bpp; // if (theRoQ->makingVideo] && previousImage[0]) return self; if (dimension4 == 64) bpp = 4; else bpp = 3; for(i=0;i<16;i++) { tempImage[i*bpp+0] = cel[i*4+0]; tempImage[i*bpp+1] = cel[i*4+1]; tempImage[i*bpp+2] = cel[i*4+2]; if (dimension4 == 64) tempImage[i*bpp+3] = cel[i*4+3]; } pquad->patten[0] = best = BestCodeword( tempImage, dimension4, codebook4 ); for(i=0;i<16;i++) { tempImage[i*4+0] = (byte)codebook4[best][i*bpp+0]; tempImage[i*4+1] = (byte)codebook4[best][i*bpp+1]; tempImage[i*4+2] = (byte)codebook4[best][i*bpp+2]; if (dimension4 == 64) tempImage[i*4+3] = (byte)codebook4[best][i*bpp+3]; else tempImage[i*4+3] = 255; } pquad->snr[PAT] = Snr( cel, tempImage, 4 ); } void codec::VqData2( byte *cel, quadcel *pquad ) { byte tempImage[16], tempOut[64]; int i, j, best,x,y,xx,yy,bpp; if (dimension4 == 64) bpp = 4; else bpp = 3; j = 1; for(yy=0;yy<4;yy+=2) { for(xx=0;xx<4;xx+=2) { i = 0; for(y=yy;y<(yy+2);y++) { for(x=xx;x<(xx+2);x++) { tempImage[i++] = cel[y*16+x*4+0]; tempImage[i++] = cel[y*16+x*4+1]; tempImage[i++] = cel[y*16+x*4+2]; if (dimension4 == 64) tempImage[i++] = cel[y*16+x*4+3]; } } pquad->patten[j++] = best = BestCodeword( tempImage, dimension2, codebook2 ); i = 0; for(y=yy;y<(yy+2);y++) { for(x=xx;x<(xx+2);x++) { tempOut[y*16+x*4+0] = (byte)codebook2[best][i++]; tempOut[y*16+x*4+1] = (byte)codebook2[best][i++]; tempOut[y*16+x*4+2] = (byte)codebook2[best][i++]; if (dimension4 == 64) tempOut[y*16+x*4+3] = (byte)codebook2[best][i++]; else tempOut[y*16+x*4+3] = 255; } } } } pquad->snr[CCC] = Snr( cel, tempOut, 4 ); } void codec::IRGBtab(void) { initRGBtab++; } float codec::Snr( byte *old, byte *bnew, int size ) { int i, j; float fsnr; register int ind; ind = 0; for(i=0; idomain = 0x8080; pquad->snr[FCC] = 9999; return; } ony = realy - (realy & 0xfff0); onx = realx - (realx & 0xfff0); xLen = previousImage[0]->pixelsWide(); yLen = previousImage[0]->pixelsHigh(); ripl = xLen-size; breakHigh = 99999999; fabort = 0; lowX = lowY = -1; depthx = depthy = 1; searchY = 8; //16; searchX = 8; //32; //if (xLen == (yLen*4)) depthx = 2; //if (theRoQ->Scaleable()) depthx = depthy = 2; if (clamp) { searchX = searchY = 8; } searchX = searchX*depthx; searchY = searchY*depthy; xxMean = dxMean*depthx; yyMean = dyMean*depthy; if (((realx-xxMean)+searchX)<0 ||(((realx-xxMean)-searchX)+depthx+size)>xLen || ((realy-yyMean)+searchY)<0 || (((realy-yyMean)-searchY)+depthy+size)>yLen) { pquad->snr[FCC] = 9999; return; } int sPsQ = -1; for( sX=(((realx-xxMean)-searchX)+depthx); sX<=((realx-xxMean)+searchX) && !fabort; sX+=depthx ) { for( sY=(((realy-yyMean)-searchY)+depthy); sY<=((realy-yyMean)+searchY) && breakHigh; sY+=depthy ) { temp1 = xLen*sY+sX; if ( sX >= 0 && (sX+size) <= xLen && sY >= 0 && (sY+size) <= yLen ) { bpp = previousImage[0]->samplesPerPixel(); ripl = (xLen-size)*bpp; mblur0 = 0; bitma2 = bitmap; scale1 = previousImage[((whichFrame+1)&1)]->bitmapData() + temp1*bpp; // mblur0 = 0; // bitma2 = luty; // scale1 = luti + temp1; for( y=0; y breakHigh) { break; } scale1 += ripl; } if (breakHigh > mblur0) { breakHigh = mblur0; lowX = sX; lowY = sY; } } } } if (lowX != -1 && lowY != -1) { bpp = previousImage[0]->samplesPerPixel(); ripl = (xLen-size)*bpp; mblur0 = 0; bitma2 = bitmap; scale1 = previousImage[((whichFrame+1)&1)]->bitmapData() + (xLen*lowY+lowX)*bpp; for( y=0; ydomain = (sX<<8)+sY; pquad->snr[FCC] = lowestSNR; } } void codec::GetData( unsigned char *iData, int qSize, int startX, int startY, NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap) { int x,y,yoff,bpp,yend,xend; byte *iPlane[5]; int r,g,b,a; yend = qSize+startY; xend = qSize+startX; if (startY > bitmap->pixelsHigh()) return; if (yend > bitmap->pixelsHigh()) yend = bitmap->pixelsHigh(); if (xend > bitmap->pixelsWide()) xend = bitmap->pixelsWide(); bpp = bitmap->samplesPerPixel(); if (bitmap->hasAlpha()) { iPlane[0] = bitmap->bitmapData(); for(y=startY;ypixelsWide()*bpp; for(x=startX;xbitmapData(); for(y=startY;ypixelsWide()*bpp; for(x=startX;x theRoQ->NormalFrameSize()) { quickadd[CCC] = 0.5f; quickadd[PAT] = 1.0f; } */ wtemp = 99999; for(i=(DEAD-1);i>0;i--) { if ( qtemp->snr[i]*quickadd[i] < wtemp ) { *status = i; *snr = qtemp->snr[i]; wtemp = qtemp->snr[i]*quickadd[i]; } } if ( qtemp->mark ) *status = MOT; } int codec::GetCurrentQuadOutputSize( quadcel *pquad ) { int totalbits, i, totalbytes; int quickadd[DEAD+1]; totalbits = 0; quickadd[DEP] = 2; quickadd[SLD] = 10; quickadd[PAT] = 10; quickadd[CCC] = 34; quickadd[MOT] = 2; quickadd[FCC] = 10; quickadd[DEAD] = 0; for( i=0; i> 3)+2; return (totalbytes); } float codec::GetCurrentRMSE( quadcel *pquad ) { int i, j; double totalbits; totalbits = 0; j = 0; for( i=0; iIsLastFrame() && !detail) { pquad[i].mark = true; } } LowestQuad( &pquad[i] ,&pquad[i].status, &pquad[i].rsnr, true ); newsnr += pquad[i].rsnr; } Mem_Free(idataA); Mem_Free(idataB); newsnr /= 4; LowestQuad( &pquad[lownum], &pquad[lownum].status, &pquad[lownum].rsnr, false ); if ( pquad[lownum+nx*0+1].status == MOT && pquad[lownum+nx*1+1].status == MOT && pquad[lownum+nx*2+1].status == MOT && pquad[lownum+nx*3+1].status == MOT && nsize == 4) { newsnr = 9999; pquad[lownum].status = MOT; } if ( pquad[lownum].rsnr > newsnr ) { pquad[lownum].status = DEP; pquad[lownum].rsnr = 0; for( i=lownum+1; iMarkQuadx( pquad[i].xat, pquad[i].yat, nsize, pquad[i].rsnr, qStatus[i].status ); } } else { theRoQ->MarkQuadx( pquad[lownum].xat, pquad[lownum].yat, nsize*2, pquad[lownum].rsnr, qStatus[lownum].status ); pquad[lownum+nx*0+1].status = 0; pquad[lownum+nx*1+1].status = 0; pquad[lownum+nx*2+1].status = 0; pquad[lownum+nx*3+1].status = 0; pquad[lownum+nx*0+1].size = 0; pquad[lownum+nx*1+1].size = 0; pquad[lownum+nx*2+1].size = 0; pquad[lownum+nx*3+1].size = 0; } } else { lownum = -1; } return lownum; } int codec::MotMeanX( void ) { return dxMean; } int codec::MotMeanY( void ) { return dyMean; } void codec::SparseEncode( void ) { int i, j, osize, fsize, num[DEAD+1], *ilist, onf, ong, wtype, temp; float *flist, sRMSE, numredo; byte *idataA, *idataB; osize = 8; image = theRoQ->CurrentImage(); newImage = 0; pixelsHigh = image->pixelsHigh(); pixelsWide = image->pixelsWide(); dimension2 = 12; dimension4 = 48; if (image->hasAlpha()&&(theRoQ->ParamNoAlpha() == false)) { dimension2 = 16; dimension4 = 64; } idataA = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( 16*16*4 ); idataB = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( 16*16*4 ); if (!previousImage[0]) common->Printf("sparseEncode: sparsely encoding a %d,%d image\n", pixelsWide, pixelsHigh); InitImages(); flist = (float *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( (numQuadCels+1) *sizeof(float) ); ilist = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( (numQuadCels+1) *sizeof(int ) ); fsize = 56*1024; if (theRoQ->NumberOfFrames()>2) { if (previousImage[0]) fsize = theRoQ->NormalFrameSize(); else fsize = theRoQ->FirstFrameSize(); if (theRoQ->HasSound() && fsize > 6000 && previousImage[0]) fsize = 6000; } fsize += (slop/50); if (fsize > 64000) { fsize = 64000; } if (previousImage[0] && fsize > theRoQ->NormalFrameSize()*2) { fsize = theRoQ->NormalFrameSize()*2; } dxMean = dyMean = 0; if (previousImage[0]) wtype = 1; else wtype = 0; for( i=0; iIsLastFrame()) { qStatus[i].mark = true; } if (!qStatus[i].mark) { FvqData( idataA, qStatus[i].size, qStatus[i].xat, qStatus[i].yat, &qStatus[i], false ); } } LowestQuad( &qStatus[i], &qStatus[i].status, &qStatus[i].rsnr, wtype ); if (qStatus[i].rsnr < 9999) theRoQ->MarkQuadx( qStatus[i].xat, qStatus[i].yat, qStatus[i].size, qStatus[i].rsnr, qStatus[i].status ); } else { if ( qStatus[i].size < osize ) { qStatus[i].status = 0; qStatus[i].size = 0; } else { qStatus[i].status = DEP; qStatus[i].rsnr = 0; } } } // // the quad is complete, so status can now be used for quad decomposition // the first thing to do is to set it up for all the 4x4 cels to get output // and then recurse from there to see what's what // sRMSE = GetCurrentRMSE( qStatus ); if (theRoQ->IsQuiet() == false) { common->Printf("sparseEncode: rmse of quad0 is %f, size is %d (meant to be %d)\n", sRMSE, GetCurrentQuadOutputSize(qStatus), fsize ); } onf = 0; for(i=0;i> 8 ) - 128; dyMean += (qStatus[i].domain & 0xff) - 128; temp++; } } if (temp) { dxMean /= temp; dyMean /= temp; } */ common->Printf("sparseEncode: dx/dy mean is %d,%d\n", dxMean, dyMean); numredo = 0; detail = false; if (codebookmade && whichFrame>4) fsize -= 256; temp = 0; for( i=0; i 0 ) { GetData( idataA, qStatus[i].size, qStatus[i].xat, qStatus[i].yat, image ); if (osize == 8) VqData8( idataA, &qStatus[i] ); if (previousImage[0]) { int dx,dy; dx = (qStatus[i].domain >> 8 ) - 128 - dxMean + 8; dy = (qStatus[i].domain & 0xff) - 128 - dyMean + 8; if (dx<0||dx>15||dy<0||dy>15) { qStatus[i].snr[FCC] = 9999; temp++; FvqData( idataA, qStatus[i].size, qStatus[i].xat, qStatus[i].yat, &qStatus[i], true ); dx = (qStatus[i].domain >> 8 ) - 128 - dxMean + 8; dy = (qStatus[i].domain & 0xff) - 128 - dyMean + 8; if ((dx<0||dx>15||dy<0||dy>15)&&qStatus[i].snr[FCC]!=9999&&qStatus[i].status==FCC) { common->Printf("sparseEncode: something is wrong here, dx/dy is %d,%d after being clamped\n", dx, dy); common->Printf("xat: %d\n", qStatus[i].xat); common->Printf("yat: %d\n", qStatus[i].yat); common->Printf("size %d\n", qStatus[i].size); common->Printf("type: %d\n", qStatus[i].status); common->Printf("mot: %04x\n", qStatus[i].domain); common->Printf("motsnr: %0f\n", qStatus[i].snr[FCC]); common->Printf("rmse: %0f\n", qStatus[i].rsnr); common->Error("need to go away now\n"); } } } LowestQuad( &qStatus[i], &qStatus[i].status, &qStatus[i].rsnr, wtype ); theRoQ->MarkQuadx( qStatus[i].xat, qStatus[i].yat, qStatus[i].size, qStatus[i].rsnr, qStatus[i].status ); /* if (qStatus[i].status==FCC && qStatus[i].snr[FCC]>qStatus[i].snr[SLD]) { common->Printf("sparseEncode: something is wrong here\n"); common->Printf("xat: %d\n", qStatus[i].xat); common->Printf("yat: %d\n", qStatus[i].yat); common->Printf("size %d\n", qStatus[i].size); common->Printf("type: %d\n", qStatus[i].status); common->Printf("mot: %04x\n", qStatus[i].domain); common->Printf("motsnr: %0f\n", qStatus[i].snr[FCC]); common->Printf("sldsnr: %0f\n", qStatus[i].snr[SLD]); common->Printf("rmse: %0f\n", qStatus[i].rsnr); //common->Error("need to go away now\n"); } */ } } if (theRoQ->IsQuiet() == false) { common->Printf("sparseEncode: rmse of quad0 is %f, size is %d (meant to be %d)\n", GetCurrentRMSE( qStatus ), GetCurrentQuadOutputSize( qStatus ), fsize ); common->Printf("sparseEncode: %d outside fcc limits\n", temp); } onf = 0; for(i=0;i 0 && qStatus[ilist[ong]].mark == false) { // badsnr = [self getCurrentRMSE: qStatus]; osize = AddQuad( qStatus, ilist[ong++] ); // if ([self getCurrentRMSE: qStatus] >= badsnr) { // break; // } } if ( GetCurrentQuadOutputSize( qStatus ) < fsize) { ong = 0; while ( GetCurrentQuadOutputSize(qStatus) < fsize && ong < onf) { // badsnr = [self getCurrentRMSE: qStatus]; i = ilist[ong++]; if (qStatus[i].mark) { detail = false; qStatus[i].mark = false; GetData( idataA, qStatus[i].size, qStatus[i].xat, qStatus[i].yat, image ); if (qStatus[i].size == 8) VqData8( idataA, &qStatus[i] ); if (qStatus[i].size == 4) VqData4( idataA, &qStatus[i] ); if (qStatus[i].size == 4) VqData2( idataA, &qStatus[i] ); if (previousImage[0]) { FvqData( idataA, qStatus[i].size, qStatus[i].xat, qStatus[i].yat, &qStatus[i], true ); } LowestQuad( &qStatus[i], &qStatus[i].status, &qStatus[i].rsnr, wtype ); if (qStatus[i].rsnr <= MIN_SNR) { break; } theRoQ->MarkQuadx( qStatus[i].xat, qStatus[i].yat, qStatus[i].size, qStatus[i].rsnr, qStatus[i].status ); } // if ([self getCurrentRMSE: qStatus] >= badsnr) { // break; // } } ong = 0; while ( GetCurrentQuadOutputSize( qStatus ) < fsize && ong < onf && flist[ong] > 0) { // badsnr = [self getCurrentRMSE: qStatus]; i = ilist[ong++]; // if (qStatus[i].rsnr <= MIN_SNR) { // break; // } detail = true; osize = AddQuad( qStatus, i ); // if ([self getCurrentRMSE: qStatus] >= badsnr) { // break; // } } } common->Printf("sparseEncode: rmse of frame %d is %f, size is %d\n", whichFrame, GetCurrentRMSE(qStatus), GetCurrentQuadOutputSize(qStatus) ); if (previousImage[0]) fsize = theRoQ->NormalFrameSize(); else fsize = theRoQ->FirstFrameSize(); slop += (fsize - GetCurrentQuadOutputSize(qStatus)); if (theRoQ->IsQuiet() == false) { for(i=0;iPrintf("sparseEncode: for 08x08 CCC = %d, FCC = %d, MOT = %d, SLD = %d, PAT = %d\n", num[CCC], num[FCC], num[MOT], num[SLD], num[PAT]); for(i=0;iPrintf("sparseEncode: for 04x04 CCC = %d, FCC = %d, MOT = %d, SLD = %d, PAT = %d\n", num[CCC], num[FCC], num[MOT], num[SLD], num[PAT]); common->Printf("sparseEncode: average RMSE = %f, numActiveQuadCels = %d, estSize = %d, slop = %d \n", GetCurrentRMSE(qStatus), j, GetCurrentQuadOutputSize(qStatus), slop); } theRoQ->WriteFrame( qStatus ); MakePreviousImage( qStatus ); Mem_Free(idataA); Mem_Free(idataB); Mem_Free(flist); Mem_Free(ilist); if (newImage) delete newImage; whichFrame++; } void codec::EncodeNothing( void ) { int i, j, osize, fsize, num[DEAD+1], *ilist, wtype; float *flist, sRMSE; byte *idataA, *idataB; osize = 8; image = theRoQ->CurrentImage(); newImage = 0; pixelsHigh = image->pixelsHigh(); pixelsWide = image->pixelsWide(); dimension2 = 12; dimension4 = 48; if (image->hasAlpha()&&(theRoQ->ParamNoAlpha() == false)) { dimension2 = 16; dimension4 = 64; } idataA = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( 16*16*4 ); idataB = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( 16*16*4 ); if (!previousImage[0]) common->Printf("sparseEncode: sparsely encoding a %d,%d image\n", pixelsWide, pixelsHigh); InitImages(); flist = (float *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( (numQuadCels+1) * sizeof(float) ); ilist = (int *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( (numQuadCels+1) * sizeof(int ) ); fsize = 56*1024; if (theRoQ->NumberOfFrames()>2) { if (previousImage[0]) fsize = theRoQ->NormalFrameSize(); else fsize = theRoQ->FirstFrameSize(); if (theRoQ->HasSound() && fsize > 6000 && previousImage[0]) fsize = 6000; } dxMean = dyMean = 0; if (previousImage[0]) wtype = 1; else wtype = 0; for( i=0; iMarkQuadx( qStatus[i].xat, qStatus[i].yat, qStatus[i].size, qStatus[i].rsnr, qStatus[i].status ); } else { if ( qStatus[i].size < osize ) { qStatus[i].status = 0; qStatus[i].size = 0; } else { qStatus[i].status = DEP; qStatus[i].rsnr = 0; } } } // // the quad is complete, so status can now be used for quad decomposition // the first thing to do is to set it up for all the 4x4 cels to get output // and then recurse from there to see what's what // sRMSE = GetCurrentRMSE( qStatus ); common->Printf("sparseEncode: rmse of frame %d is %f, size is %d\n", whichFrame, sRMSE, GetCurrentQuadOutputSize( qStatus ) ); if (theRoQ->IsQuiet() == false) { for(i=0;iPrintf("sparseEncode: for 08x08 CCC = %d, FCC = %d, MOT = %d, SLD = %d, PAT = %d\n", num[CCC], num[FCC], num[MOT], num[SLD], num[PAT]); for(i=0;iPrintf("sparseEncode: for 04x04 CCC = %d, FCC = %d, MOT = %d, SLD = %d, PAT = %d\n", num[CCC], num[FCC], num[MOT], num[SLD], num[PAT]); common->Printf("sparseEncode: average RMSE = %f, numActiveQuadCels = %d, estSize = %d \n", GetCurrentRMSE(qStatus), j, GetCurrentQuadOutputSize(qStatus)); } theRoQ->WriteFrame( qStatus ); MakePreviousImage( qStatus ); Mem_Free(idataA); Mem_Free(idataB); Mem_Free(flist); Mem_Free(ilist); if (newImage) delete newImage; whichFrame++; } void codec::VQ( const int numEntries, const int dimension, const unsigned char *vectors, float *import, VQDATA **codebook, const bool optimize ) { int startMsec = Sys_Milliseconds(); if (numEntries <= 256) { // // copy the entries into the codebooks // for( int i=0; iPrintf("VQ: has %d entries to process\n", numFinalEntries ); // // are we done? // int end; if (numFinalEntries > 256) { // // find the closest two and eliminate one // double bestDist = HUGE; double dist, simport; int bestIndex = -1; int bestOtherIndex = 0; int aentries = 0; for( i=0; i8192) { end = i+32; } else if (numFinalEntries>4096) { end = i+64; } else if (numFinalEntries>2048) { end = i+128; } else if (numFinalEntries>1024) { end = i+256; } else if (numFinalEntries>512) { end = i+512; } if (end>numEntries) { end = numEntries; } } ibase = i*dimension; for( j=i+1; j8192) { end = i+32; } else if (numFinalEntries>4096) { end = i+64; } else if (numFinalEntries>2048) { end = i+128; } else if (numFinalEntries>1024) { end = i+256; } else if (numFinalEntries>512) { end = i+512; } } if (end>numEntries) { end = numEntries; } ibase = i*dimension; for( j=i+1; j scaledBestDist ) { break; } #endif } dist *= simport; if ( dist < bestDist ) { bestDist = dist; bestIndex = i; bestOtherIndex = j; } } snrs[aentries] = bestDist; indexes[aentries] = bestIndex; indexet[aentries] = bestOtherIndex; aentries++; } } // // and lose one // inuse[bestIndex] = false; numFinalEntries--; import[bestOtherIndex] += import[bestIndex]; if ((numFinalEntries&511)==0) { common->Printf("VQ: has %d entries to process\n", numFinalEntries ); session->UpdateScreen(); } } while (numFinalEntries > 256); } // // copy the entries into the codebooks // int onEntry = 0; for( i=0; iPrintf("First vq = %d\n ", i); } if (onEntry == 255) { common->Printf("last vq = %d\n", i); } onEntry++; } } int endMsec = Sys_Milliseconds(); common->Printf( "VQ took %i msec\n", endMsec - startMsec ); }