/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see . In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "../precompiled.h" #pragma hdrstop //#define FRUSTUM_DEBUG /* bit 0 = min x bit 1 = max x bit 2 = min y bit 3 = max y bit 4 = min z bit 5 = max z */ static int boxVertPlanes[8] = { ( (1<<0) | (1<<2) | (1<<4) ), ( (1<<1) | (1<<2) | (1<<4) ), ( (1<<1) | (1<<3) | (1<<4) ), ( (1<<0) | (1<<3) | (1<<4) ), ( (1<<0) | (1<<2) | (1<<5) ), ( (1<<1) | (1<<2) | (1<<5) ), ( (1<<1) | (1<<3) | (1<<5) ), ( (1<<0) | (1<<3) | (1<<5) ), }; /* ============ BoxToPoints ============ */ void BoxToPoints( const idVec3 ¢er, const idVec3 &extents, const idMat3 &axis, idVec3 points[8] ) { idMat3 ax; idVec3 temp[4]; ax[0] = extents[0] * axis[0]; ax[1] = extents[1] * axis[1]; ax[2] = extents[2] * axis[2]; temp[0] = center - ax[0]; temp[1] = center + ax[0]; temp[2] = ax[1] - ax[2]; temp[3] = ax[1] + ax[2]; points[0] = temp[0] - temp[3]; points[1] = temp[1] - temp[3]; points[2] = temp[1] + temp[2]; points[3] = temp[0] + temp[2]; points[4] = temp[0] - temp[2]; points[5] = temp[1] - temp[2]; points[6] = temp[1] + temp[3]; points[7] = temp[0] + temp[3]; } /* ================ idFrustum::PlaneDistance ================ */ float idFrustum::PlaneDistance( const idPlane &plane ) const { float min, max; AxisProjection( plane.Normal(), min, max ); if ( min + plane[3] > 0.0f ) { return min + plane[3]; } if ( max + plane[3] < 0.0f ) { return max + plane[3]; } return 0.0f; } /* ================ idFrustum::PlaneSide ================ */ int idFrustum::PlaneSide( const idPlane &plane, const float epsilon ) const { float min, max; AxisProjection( plane.Normal(), min, max ); if ( min + plane[3] > epsilon ) { return PLANESIDE_FRONT; } if ( max + plane[3] < epsilon ) { return PLANESIDE_BACK; } return PLANESIDE_CROSS; } /* ============ idFrustum::CullPoint ============ */ bool idFrustum::CullPoint( const idVec3 &point ) const { idVec3 p; float scale; // transform point to frustum space p = ( point - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); // test whether or not the point is within the frustum if ( p.x < dNear || p.x > dFar ) { return true; } scale = p.x * invFar; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.y ) > dLeft * scale ) { return true; } if ( idMath::Fabs( p.z ) > dUp * scale ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::CullLocalBox Tests if any of the planes of the frustum can be used as a separating plane. 3 muls best case 25 muls worst case ============ */ bool idFrustum::CullLocalBox( const idVec3 &localOrigin, const idVec3 &extents, const idMat3 &localAxis ) const { float d1, d2; idVec3 testOrigin; idMat3 testAxis; // near plane d1 = dNear - localOrigin.x; d2 = idMath::Fabs( extents[0] * localAxis[0][0] ) + idMath::Fabs( extents[1] * localAxis[1][0] ) + idMath::Fabs( extents[2] * localAxis[2][0] ); if ( d1 - d2 > 0.0f ) { return true; } // far plane d1 = localOrigin.x - dFar; if ( d1 - d2 > 0.0f ) { return true; } testOrigin = localOrigin; testAxis = localAxis; if ( testOrigin.y < 0.0f ) { testOrigin.y = -testOrigin.y; testAxis[0][1] = -testAxis[0][1]; testAxis[1][1] = -testAxis[1][1]; testAxis[2][1] = -testAxis[2][1]; } // test left/right planes d1 = dFar * testOrigin.y - dLeft * testOrigin.x; d2 = idMath::Fabs( extents[0] * ( dFar * testAxis[0][1] - dLeft * testAxis[0][0] ) ) + idMath::Fabs( extents[1] * ( dFar * testAxis[1][1] - dLeft * testAxis[1][0] ) ) + idMath::Fabs( extents[2] * ( dFar * testAxis[2][1] - dLeft * testAxis[2][0] ) ); if ( d1 - d2 > 0.0f ) { return true; } if ( testOrigin.z < 0.0f ) { testOrigin.z = -testOrigin.z; testAxis[0][2] = -testAxis[0][2]; testAxis[1][2] = -testAxis[1][2]; testAxis[2][2] = -testAxis[2][2]; } // test up/down planes d1 = dFar * testOrigin.z - dUp * testOrigin.x; d2 = idMath::Fabs( extents[0] * ( dFar * testAxis[0][2] - dUp * testAxis[0][0] ) ) + idMath::Fabs( extents[1] * ( dFar * testAxis[1][2] - dUp * testAxis[1][0] ) ) + idMath::Fabs( extents[2] * ( dFar * testAxis[2][2] - dUp * testAxis[2][0] ) ); if ( d1 - d2 > 0.0f ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::CullBounds Tests if any of the planes of the frustum can be used as a separating plane. 24 muls best case 37 muls worst case ============ */ bool idFrustum::CullBounds( const idBounds &bounds ) const { idVec3 localOrigin, center, extents; idMat3 localAxis; center = ( bounds[0] + bounds[1] ) * 0.5f; extents = bounds[1] - center; // transform the bounds into the space of this frustum localOrigin = ( center - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); localAxis = axis.Transpose(); return CullLocalBox( localOrigin, extents, localAxis ); } /* ============ idFrustum::CullBounds Tests if any of the planes of the frustum can be used as a separating plane. 39 muls best case 61 muls worst case ============ */ bool idFrustum::CullBox( const idBox &box ) const { idVec3 localOrigin; idMat3 localAxis; // transform the box into the space of this frustum localOrigin = ( box.GetCenter() - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); localAxis = box.GetAxis() * axis.Transpose(); return CullLocalBox( localOrigin, box.GetExtents(), localAxis ); } /* ============ idFrustum::CullSphere Tests if any of the planes of the frustum can be used as a separating plane. 9 muls best case 21 muls worst case ============ */ bool idFrustum::CullSphere( const idSphere &sphere ) const { float d, r, rs, sFar; idVec3 center; center = ( sphere.GetOrigin() - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); r = sphere.GetRadius(); // test near plane if ( dNear - center.x > r ) { return true; } // test far plane if ( center.x - dFar > r ) { return true; } rs = r * r; sFar = dFar * dFar; // test left/right planes d = dFar * idMath::Fabs( center.y ) - dLeft * center.x; if ( ( d * d ) > rs * ( sFar + dLeft * dLeft ) ) { return true; } // test up/down planes d = dFar * idMath::Fabs( center.z ) - dUp * center.x; if ( ( d * d ) > rs * ( sFar + dUp * dUp ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::CullLocalFrustum Tests if any of the planes of this frustum can be used as a separating plane. 0 muls best case 30 muls worst case ============ */ bool idFrustum::CullLocalFrustum( const idFrustum &localFrustum, const idVec3 indexPoints[8], const idVec3 cornerVecs[4] ) const { int index; float dx, dy, dz, leftScale, upScale; // test near plane dy = -localFrustum.axis[1].x; dz = -localFrustum.axis[2].x; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = -cornerVecs[index].x; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].x < dNear ) { return true; } // test far plane dy = localFrustum.axis[1].x; dz = localFrustum.axis[2].x; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = cornerVecs[index].x; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].x > dFar ) { return true; } leftScale = dLeft * invFar; // test left plane dy = dFar * localFrustum.axis[1].y - dLeft * localFrustum.axis[1].x; dz = dFar * localFrustum.axis[2].y - dLeft * localFrustum.axis[2].x; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = dFar * cornerVecs[index].y - dLeft * cornerVecs[index].x; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].y > indexPoints[index].x * leftScale ) { return true; } // test right plane dy = -dFar * localFrustum.axis[1].y - dLeft * localFrustum.axis[1].x; dz = -dFar * localFrustum.axis[2].y - dLeft * localFrustum.axis[2].x; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = -dFar * cornerVecs[index].y - dLeft * cornerVecs[index].x; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].y < -indexPoints[index].x * leftScale ) { return true; } upScale = dUp * invFar; // test up plane dy = dFar * localFrustum.axis[1].z - dUp * localFrustum.axis[1].x; dz = dFar * localFrustum.axis[2].z - dUp * localFrustum.axis[2].x; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = dFar * cornerVecs[index].z - dUp * cornerVecs[index].x; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].z > indexPoints[index].x * upScale ) { return true; } // test down plane dy = -dFar * localFrustum.axis[1].z - dUp * localFrustum.axis[1].x; dz = -dFar * localFrustum.axis[2].z - dUp * localFrustum.axis[2].x; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = -dFar * cornerVecs[index].z - dUp * cornerVecs[index].x; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].z < -indexPoints[index].x * upScale ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::CullFrustum Tests if any of the planes of this frustum can be used as a separating plane. 58 muls best case 88 muls worst case ============ */ bool idFrustum::CullFrustum( const idFrustum &frustum ) const { idFrustum localFrustum; idVec3 indexPoints[8], cornerVecs[4]; // transform the given frustum into the space of this frustum localFrustum = frustum; localFrustum.origin = ( frustum.origin - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); localFrustum.axis = frustum.axis * axis.Transpose(); localFrustum.ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs( indexPoints, cornerVecs ); return CullLocalFrustum( localFrustum, indexPoints, cornerVecs ); } /* ============ idFrustum::CullLocalWinding ============ */ bool idFrustum::CullLocalWinding( const idVec3 *points, const int numPoints, int *pointCull ) const { int i, pCull, culled; float leftScale, upScale; leftScale = dLeft * invFar; upScale = dUp * invFar; culled = -1; for ( i = 0; i < numPoints; i++ ) { const idVec3 &p = points[i]; pCull = 0; if ( p.x < dNear ) { pCull = 1; } else if ( p.x > dFar ) { pCull = 2; } if ( idMath::Fabs( p.y ) > p.x * leftScale ) { pCull |= 4 << FLOATSIGNBITSET( p.y ); } if ( idMath::Fabs( p.z ) > p.x * upScale ) { pCull |= 16 << FLOATSIGNBITSET( p.z ); } culled &= pCull; pointCull[i] = pCull; } return ( culled != 0 ); } /* ============ idFrustum::CullWinding ============ */ bool idFrustum::CullWinding( const idWinding &winding ) const { int i, *pointCull; idVec3 *localPoints; idMat3 transpose; localPoints = (idVec3 *) _alloca16( winding.GetNumPoints() * sizeof( idVec3 ) ); pointCull = (int *) _alloca16( winding.GetNumPoints() * sizeof( int ) ); transpose = axis.Transpose(); for ( i = 0; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { localPoints[i] = ( winding[i].ToVec3() - origin ) * transpose; } return CullLocalWinding( localPoints, winding.GetNumPoints(), pointCull ); } /* ============ idFrustum::BoundsCullLocalFrustum Tests if any of the bounding box planes can be used as a separating plane. ============ */ bool idFrustum::BoundsCullLocalFrustum( const idBounds &bounds, const idFrustum &localFrustum, const idVec3 indexPoints[8], const idVec3 cornerVecs[4] ) const { int index; float dx, dy, dz; dy = -localFrustum.axis[1].x; dz = -localFrustum.axis[2].x; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = -cornerVecs[index].x; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].x < bounds[0].x ) { return true; } dy = localFrustum.axis[1].x; dz = localFrustum.axis[2].x; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = cornerVecs[index].x; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].x > bounds[1].x ) { return true; } dy = -localFrustum.axis[1].y; dz = -localFrustum.axis[2].y; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = -cornerVecs[index].y; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].y < bounds[0].y ) { return true; } dy = localFrustum.axis[1].y; dz = localFrustum.axis[2].y; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = cornerVecs[index].y; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].y > bounds[1].y ) { return true; } dy = -localFrustum.axis[1].z; dz = -localFrustum.axis[2].z; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = -cornerVecs[index].z; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].z < bounds[0].z ) { return true; } dy = localFrustum.axis[1].z; dz = localFrustum.axis[2].z; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = cornerVecs[index].z; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); if ( indexPoints[index].z > bounds[1].z ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::LocalLineIntersection 7 divs 30 muls ============ */ bool idFrustum::LocalLineIntersection( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end ) const { idVec3 dir; float d1, d2, fstart, fend, lstart, lend, f, x; float leftScale, upScale; int startInside = 1; leftScale = dLeft * invFar; upScale = dUp * invFar; dir = end - start; // test near plane if ( dNear > 0.0f ) { d1 = dNear - start.x; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { d2 = dNear - end.x; if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); if ( idMath::Fabs( start.y + f * dir.y ) <= dNear * leftScale ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.z + f * dir.z ) <= dNear * upScale ) { return true; } } } } } // test far plane d1 = start.x - dFar; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { d2 = end.x - dFar; if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); if ( idMath::Fabs( start.y + f * dir.y ) <= dFar * leftScale ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.z + f * dir.z ) <= dFar * upScale ) { return true; } } } } fstart = dFar * start.y; fend = dFar * end.y; lstart = dLeft * start.x; lend = dLeft * end.x; // test left plane d1 = fstart - lstart; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { d2 = fend - lend; if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( x >= dNear && x <= dFar ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.z + f * dir.z ) <= x * upScale ) { return true; } } } } // test right plane d1 = -fstart - lstart; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { d2 = -fend - lend; if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( x >= dNear && x <= dFar ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.z + f * dir.z ) <= x * upScale ) { return true; } } } } fstart = dFar * start.z; fend = dFar * end.z; lstart = dUp * start.x; lend = dUp * end.x; // test up plane d1 = fstart - lstart; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { d2 = fend - lend; if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( x >= dNear && x <= dFar ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.y + f * dir.y ) <= x * leftScale ) { return true; } } } } // test down plane d1 = -fstart - lstart; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { d2 = -fend - lend; if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( x >= dNear && x <= dFar ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.y + f * dir.y ) <= x * leftScale ) { return true; } } } } return ( startInside != 0 ); } /* ============ idFrustum::LocalRayIntersection Returns true if the ray starts inside the frustum. If there was an intersection scale1 <= scale2 ============ */ bool idFrustum::LocalRayIntersection( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale1, float &scale2 ) const { idVec3 end; float d1, d2, fstart, fend, lstart, lend, f, x; float leftScale, upScale; int startInside = 1; leftScale = dLeft * invFar; upScale = dUp * invFar; end = start + dir; scale1 = idMath::INFINITY; scale2 = -idMath::INFINITY; // test near plane if ( dNear > 0.0f ) { d1 = dNear - start.x; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); d2 = dNear - end.x; if ( d1 != d2 ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); if ( idMath::Fabs( start.y + f * dir.y ) <= dNear * leftScale ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.z + f * dir.z ) <= dNear * upScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) scale1 = f; if ( f > scale2 ) scale2 = f; } } } } // test far plane d1 = start.x - dFar; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); d2 = end.x - dFar; if ( d1 != d2 ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); if ( idMath::Fabs( start.y + f * dir.y ) <= dFar * leftScale ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.z + f * dir.z ) <= dFar * upScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) scale1 = f; if ( f > scale2 ) scale2 = f; } } } fstart = dFar * start.y; fend = dFar * end.y; lstart = dLeft * start.x; lend = dLeft * end.x; // test left plane d1 = fstart - lstart; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); d2 = fend - lend; if ( d1 != d2 ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( x >= dNear && x <= dFar ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.z + f * dir.z ) <= x * upScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) scale1 = f; if ( f > scale2 ) scale2 = f; } } } // test right plane d1 = -fstart - lstart; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); d2 = -fend - lend; if ( d1 != d2 ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( x >= dNear && x <= dFar ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.z + f * dir.z ) <= x * upScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) scale1 = f; if ( f > scale2 ) scale2 = f; } } } fstart = dFar * start.z; fend = dFar * end.z; lstart = dUp * start.x; lend = dUp * end.x; // test up plane d1 = fstart - lstart; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); d2 = fend - lend; if ( d1 != d2 ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( x >= dNear && x <= dFar ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.y + f * dir.y ) <= x * leftScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) scale1 = f; if ( f > scale2 ) scale2 = f; } } } // test down plane d1 = -fstart - lstart; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); d2 = -fend - lend; if ( d1 != d2 ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( x >= dNear && x <= dFar ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( start.y + f * dir.y ) <= x * leftScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) scale1 = f; if ( f > scale2 ) scale2 = f; } } } return ( startInside != 0 ); } /* ============ idFrustum::ContainsPoint ============ */ bool idFrustum::ContainsPoint( const idVec3 &point ) const { return !CullPoint( point ); } /* ============ idFrustum::LocalFrustumIntersectsFrustum ============ */ bool idFrustum::LocalFrustumIntersectsFrustum( const idVec3 points[8], const bool testFirstSide ) const { int i; // test if any edges of the other frustum intersect this frustum for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( LocalLineIntersection( points[i], points[4+i] ) ) { return true; } } if ( testFirstSide ) { for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( LocalLineIntersection( points[i], points[(i+1)&3] ) ) { return true; } } } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( LocalLineIntersection( points[4+i], points[4+((i+1)&3)] ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::LocalFrustumIntersectsBounds ============ */ bool idFrustum::LocalFrustumIntersectsBounds( const idVec3 points[8], const idBounds &bounds ) const { int i; // test if any edges of the other frustum intersect this frustum for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( bounds.LineIntersection( points[i], points[4+i] ) ) { return true; } } if ( dNear > 0.0f ) { for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( bounds.LineIntersection( points[i], points[(i+1)&3] ) ) { return true; } } } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( bounds.LineIntersection( points[4+i], points[4+((i+1)&3)] ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::IntersectsBounds ============ */ bool idFrustum::IntersectsBounds( const idBounds &bounds ) const { idVec3 localOrigin, center, extents; idMat3 localAxis; center = ( bounds[0] + bounds[1] ) * 0.5f; extents = bounds[1] - center; localOrigin = ( center - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); localAxis = axis.Transpose(); if ( CullLocalBox( localOrigin, extents, localAxis ) ) { return false; } idVec3 indexPoints[8], cornerVecs[4]; ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs( indexPoints, cornerVecs ); if ( BoundsCullLocalFrustum( bounds, *this, indexPoints, cornerVecs ) ) { return false; } idSwap( indexPoints[2], indexPoints[3] ); idSwap( indexPoints[6], indexPoints[7] ); if ( LocalFrustumIntersectsBounds( indexPoints, bounds ) ) { return true; } BoxToPoints( localOrigin, extents, localAxis, indexPoints ); if ( LocalFrustumIntersectsFrustum( indexPoints, true ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::IntersectsBox ============ */ bool idFrustum::IntersectsBox( const idBox &box ) const { idVec3 localOrigin; idMat3 localAxis; localOrigin = ( box.GetCenter() - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); localAxis = box.GetAxis() * axis.Transpose(); if ( CullLocalBox( localOrigin, box.GetExtents(), localAxis ) ) { return false; } idVec3 indexPoints[8], cornerVecs[4]; idFrustum localFrustum; localFrustum = *this; localFrustum.origin = ( origin - box.GetCenter() ) * box.GetAxis().Transpose(); localFrustum.axis = axis * box.GetAxis().Transpose(); localFrustum.ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs( indexPoints, cornerVecs ); if ( BoundsCullLocalFrustum( idBounds( -box.GetExtents(), box.GetExtents() ), localFrustum, indexPoints, cornerVecs ) ) { return false; } idSwap( indexPoints[2], indexPoints[3] ); idSwap( indexPoints[6], indexPoints[7] ); if ( LocalFrustumIntersectsBounds( indexPoints, idBounds( -box.GetExtents(), box.GetExtents() ) ) ) { return true; } BoxToPoints( localOrigin, box.GetExtents(), localAxis, indexPoints ); if ( LocalFrustumIntersectsFrustum( indexPoints, true ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::IntersectsSphere FIXME: test this ============ */ #define VORONOI_INDEX( x, y, z ) ( x + y * 3 + z * 9 ) bool idFrustum::IntersectsSphere( const idSphere &sphere ) const { int index, x, y, z; float scale, r, d; idVec3 p, dir, points[8]; if ( CullSphere( sphere ) ) { return false; } x = y = z = 0; dir.Zero(); p = ( sphere.GetOrigin() - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); if ( p.x <= dNear ) { scale = dNear * invFar; dir.y = idMath::Fabs( p.y ) - dLeft * scale; dir.z = idMath::Fabs( p.z ) - dUp * scale; } else if ( p.x >= dFar ) { dir.y = idMath::Fabs( p.y ) - dLeft; dir.z = idMath::Fabs( p.z ) - dUp; } else { scale = p.x * invFar; dir.y = idMath::Fabs( p.y ) - dLeft * scale; dir.z = idMath::Fabs( p.z ) - dUp * scale; } if ( dir.y > 0.0f ) { y = ( 1 + FLOATSIGNBITNOTSET( p.y ) ); } if ( dir.z > 0.0f ) { z = ( 1 + FLOATSIGNBITNOTSET( p.z ) ); } if ( p.x < dNear ) { scale = dLeft * dNear * invFar; if ( p.x < dNear + ( scale - p.y ) * scale * invFar ) { scale = dUp * dNear * invFar; if ( p.x < dNear + ( scale - p.z ) * scale * invFar ) { x = 1; } } } else { if ( p.x > dFar ) { x = 2; } else if ( p.x > dFar + ( dLeft - p.y ) * dLeft * invFar ) { x = 2; } else if ( p.x > dFar + ( dUp - p.z ) * dUp * invFar ) { x = 2; } } r = sphere.GetRadius(); index = VORONOI_INDEX( x, y, z ); switch( index ) { case VORONOI_INDEX( 0, 0, 0 ): return true; case VORONOI_INDEX( 1, 0, 0 ): return ( dNear - p.x < r ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 2, 0, 0 ): return ( p.x - dFar < r ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 0, 1, 0 ): d = dFar * p.y - dLeft * p.x; return ( d * d < r * r * ( dFar * dFar + dLeft * dLeft ) ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 0, 2, 0 ): d = -dFar * p.z - dLeft * p.x; return ( d * d < r * r * ( dFar * dFar + dLeft * dLeft ) ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 0, 0, 1 ): d = dFar * p.z - dUp * p.x; return ( d * d < r * r * ( dFar * dFar + dUp * dUp ) ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 0, 0, 2 ): d = -dFar * p.z - dUp * p.x; return ( d * d < r * r * ( dFar * dFar + dUp * dUp ) ); default: { ToIndexPoints( points ); switch( index ) { case VORONOI_INDEX( 1, 1, 1 ): return sphere.ContainsPoint( points[0] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 2, 1, 1 ): return sphere.ContainsPoint( points[4] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 1, 2, 1 ): return sphere.ContainsPoint( points[1] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 2, 2, 1 ): return sphere.ContainsPoint( points[5] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 1, 1, 2 ): return sphere.ContainsPoint( points[2] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 2, 1, 2 ): return sphere.ContainsPoint( points[6] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 1, 2, 2 ): return sphere.ContainsPoint( points[3] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 2, 2, 2 ): return sphere.ContainsPoint( points[7] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 1, 1, 0 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[0], points[2] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 2, 1, 0 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[4], points[6] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 1, 2, 0 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[1], points[3] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 2, 2, 0 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[5], points[7] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 1, 0, 1 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[0], points[1] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 2, 0, 1 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[4], points[5] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 0, 1, 1 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[0], points[4] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 0, 2, 1 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[1], points[5] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 1, 0, 2 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[2], points[3] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 2, 0, 2 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[6], points[7] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 0, 1, 2 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[2], points[6] ); case VORONOI_INDEX( 0, 2, 2 ): return sphere.LineIntersection( points[3], points[7] ); } break; } } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::IntersectsFrustum ============ */ bool idFrustum::IntersectsFrustum( const idFrustum &frustum ) const { idVec3 indexPoints2[8], cornerVecs2[4]; idFrustum localFrustum2; localFrustum2 = frustum; localFrustum2.origin = ( frustum.origin - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); localFrustum2.axis = frustum.axis * axis.Transpose(); localFrustum2.ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs( indexPoints2, cornerVecs2 ); if ( CullLocalFrustum( localFrustum2, indexPoints2, cornerVecs2 ) ) { return false; } idVec3 indexPoints1[8], cornerVecs1[4]; idFrustum localFrustum1; localFrustum1 = *this; localFrustum1.origin = ( origin - frustum.origin ) * frustum.axis.Transpose(); localFrustum1.axis = axis * frustum.axis.Transpose(); localFrustum1.ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs( indexPoints1, cornerVecs1 ); if ( frustum.CullLocalFrustum( localFrustum1, indexPoints1, cornerVecs1 ) ) { return false; } idSwap( indexPoints2[2], indexPoints2[3] ); idSwap( indexPoints2[6], indexPoints2[7] ); if ( LocalFrustumIntersectsFrustum( indexPoints2, ( localFrustum2.dNear > 0.0f ) ) ) { return true; } idSwap( indexPoints1[2], indexPoints1[3] ); idSwap( indexPoints1[6], indexPoints1[7] ); if ( frustum.LocalFrustumIntersectsFrustum( indexPoints1, ( localFrustum1.dNear > 0.0f ) ) ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::IntersectsWinding ============ */ bool idFrustum::IntersectsWinding( const idWinding &winding ) const { int i, j, *pointCull; float min, max; idVec3 *localPoints, indexPoints[8], cornerVecs[4]; idMat3 transpose; idPlane plane; localPoints = (idVec3 *) _alloca16( winding.GetNumPoints() * sizeof( idVec3 ) ); pointCull = (int *) _alloca16( winding.GetNumPoints() * sizeof( int ) ); transpose = axis.Transpose(); for ( i = 0; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { localPoints[i] = ( winding[i].ToVec3() - origin ) * transpose; } // if the winding is culled if ( CullLocalWinding( localPoints, winding.GetNumPoints(), pointCull ) ) { return false; } winding.GetPlane( plane ); ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs( indexPoints, cornerVecs ); AxisProjection( indexPoints, cornerVecs, plane.Normal(), min, max ); // if the frustum does not cross the winding plane if ( min + plane[3] > 0.0f || max + plane[3] < 0.0f ) { return false; } // test if any of the winding edges goes through the frustum for ( i = 0; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { j = (i+1)%winding.GetNumPoints(); if ( !( pointCull[i] & pointCull[j] ) ) { if ( LocalLineIntersection( localPoints[i], localPoints[j] ) ) { return true; } } } idSwap( indexPoints[2], indexPoints[3] ); idSwap( indexPoints[6], indexPoints[7] ); // test if any edges of the frustum intersect the winding for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( winding.LineIntersection( plane, indexPoints[i], indexPoints[4+i] ) ) { return true; } } if ( dNear > 0.0f ) { for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( winding.LineIntersection( plane, indexPoints[i], indexPoints[(i+1)&3] ) ) { return true; } } } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if ( winding.LineIntersection( plane, indexPoints[4+i], indexPoints[4+((i+1)&3)] ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::LineIntersection Returns true if the line intersects the box between the start and end point. ============ */ bool idFrustum::LineIntersection( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end ) const { return LocalLineIntersection( ( start - origin ) * axis.Transpose(), ( end - origin ) * axis.Transpose() ); } /* ============ idFrustum::RayIntersection Returns true if the ray intersects the bounds. The ray can intersect the bounds in both directions from the start point. If start is inside the frustum then scale1 < 0 and scale2 > 0. ============ */ bool idFrustum::RayIntersection( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale1, float &scale2 ) const { if ( LocalRayIntersection( ( start - origin ) * axis.Transpose(), dir * axis.Transpose(), scale1, scale2 ) ) { return true; } if ( scale1 <= scale2 ) { return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::FromProjection Creates a frustum which contains the projection of the bounds. ============ */ bool idFrustum::FromProjection( const idBounds &bounds, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const float dFar ) { return FromProjection( idBox( bounds, vec3_origin, mat3_identity ), projectionOrigin, dFar ); } /* ============ idFrustum::FromProjection Creates a frustum which contains the projection of the box. ============ */ bool idFrustum::FromProjection( const idBox &box, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const float dFar ) { int i, bestAxis; float value, bestValue; idVec3 dir; assert( dFar > 0.0f ); this->dNear = this->dFar = this->invFar = 0.0f; dir = box.GetCenter() - projectionOrigin; if ( dir.Normalize() == 0.0f ) { return false; } bestAxis = 0; bestValue = idMath::Fabs( box.GetAxis()[0] * dir ); for ( i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) { value = idMath::Fabs( box.GetAxis()[i] * dir ); if ( value * box.GetExtents()[bestAxis] * box.GetExtents()[bestAxis] < bestValue * box.GetExtents()[i] * box.GetExtents()[i] ) { bestValue = value; bestAxis = i; } } #if 1 int j, minX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ; idVec3 points[8]; minX = minY = maxY = minZ = maxZ = 0; for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { axis[0] = dir; axis[1] = box.GetAxis()[bestAxis] - ( box.GetAxis()[bestAxis] * axis[0] ) * axis[0]; axis[1].Normalize(); axis[2].Cross( axis[0], axis[1] ); BoxToPoints( ( box.GetCenter() - projectionOrigin ) * axis.Transpose(), box.GetExtents(), box.GetAxis() * axis.Transpose(), points ); if ( points[0].x <= 1.0f ) { return false; } minX = minY = maxY = minZ = maxZ = 0; for ( i = 1; i < 8; i++ ) { if ( points[i].x <= 1.0f ) { return false; } if ( points[i].x < points[minX].x ) { minX = i; } if ( points[minY].x * points[i].y < points[i].x * points[minY].y ) { minY = i; } else if ( points[maxY].x * points[i].y > points[i].x * points[maxY].y ) { maxY = i; } if ( points[minZ].x * points[i].z < points[i].x * points[minZ].z ) { minZ = i; } else if ( points[maxZ].x * points[i].z > points[i].x * points[maxZ].z ) { maxZ = i; } } if ( j == 0 ) { dir += idMath::Tan16( 0.5f * ( idMath::ATan16( points[minY].y, points[minY].x ) + idMath::ATan16( points[maxY].y, points[maxY].x ) ) ) * axis[1]; dir += idMath::Tan16( 0.5f * ( idMath::ATan16( points[minZ].z, points[minZ].x ) + idMath::ATan16( points[maxZ].z, points[maxZ].x ) ) ) * axis[2]; dir.Normalize(); } } this->origin = projectionOrigin; this->dNear = points[minX].x; this->dFar = dFar; this->dLeft = Max( idMath::Fabs( points[minY].y / points[minY].x ), idMath::Fabs( points[maxY].y / points[maxY].x ) ) * dFar; this->dUp = Max( idMath::Fabs( points[minZ].z / points[minZ].x ), idMath::Fabs( points[maxZ].z / points[maxZ].x ) ) * dFar; this->invFar = 1.0f / dFar; #elif 1 int j; float f, x; idBounds b; idVec3 points[8]; for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) { axis[0] = dir; axis[1] = box.GetAxis()[bestAxis] - ( box.GetAxis()[bestAxis] * axis[0] ) * axis[0]; axis[1].Normalize(); axis[2].Cross( axis[0], axis[1] ); BoxToPoints( ( box.GetCenter() - projectionOrigin ) * axis.Transpose(), box.GetExtents(), box.GetAxis() * axis.Transpose(), points ); b.Clear(); for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { x = points[i].x; if ( x <= 1.0f ) { return false; } f = 1.0f / x; points[i].y *= f; points[i].z *= f; b.AddPoint( points[i] ); } if ( j == 0 ) { dir += idMath::Tan16( 0.5f * ( idMath::ATan16( b[1][1] ) + idMath::ATan16( b[0][1] ) ) ) * axis[1]; dir += idMath::Tan16( 0.5f * ( idMath::ATan16( b[1][2] ) + idMath::ATan16( b[0][2] ) ) ) * axis[2]; dir.Normalize(); } } this->origin = projectionOrigin; this->dNear = b[0][0]; this->dFar = dFar; this->dLeft = Max( idMath::Fabs( b[0][1] ), idMath::Fabs( b[1][1] ) ) * dFar; this->dUp = Max( idMath::Fabs( b[0][2] ), idMath::Fabs( b[1][2] ) ) * dFar; this->invFar = 1.0f / dFar; #else float dist; idVec3 org; axis[0] = dir; axis[1] = box.GetAxis()[bestAxis] - ( box.GetAxis()[bestAxis] * axis[0] ) * axis[0]; axis[1].Normalize(); axis[2].Cross( axis[0], axis[1] ); for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { dist[i] = idMath::Fabs( box.GetExtents()[0] * ( axis[i] * box.GetAxis()[0] ) ) + idMath::Fabs( box.GetExtents()[1] * ( axis[i] * box.GetAxis()[1] ) ) + idMath::Fabs( box.GetExtents()[2] * ( axis[i] * box.GetAxis()[2] ) ); } dist[0] = axis[0] * ( box.GetCenter() - projectionOrigin ) - dist[0]; if ( dist[0] <= 1.0f ) { return false; } float invDist = 1.0f / dist[0]; this->origin = projectionOrigin; this->dNear = dist[0]; this->dFar = dFar; this->dLeft = dist[1] * invDist * dFar; this->dUp = dist[2] * invDist * dFar; this->invFar = 1.0f / dFar; #endif return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::FromProjection Creates a frustum which contains the projection of the sphere. ============ */ bool idFrustum::FromProjection( const idSphere &sphere, const idVec3 &projectionOrigin, const float dFar ) { idVec3 dir; float d, r, s, x, y; assert( dFar > 0.0f ); dir = sphere.GetOrigin() - projectionOrigin; d = dir.Normalize(); r = sphere.GetRadius(); if ( d <= r + 1.0f ) { this->dNear = this->dFar = this->invFar = 0.0f; return false; } origin = projectionOrigin; axis = dir.ToMat3(); s = idMath::Sqrt( d * d - r * r ); x = r / d * s; y = idMath::Sqrt( s * s - x * x ); this->dNear = d - r; this->dFar = dFar; this->dLeft = x / y * dFar; this->dUp = dLeft; this->invFar = 1.0f / dFar; return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ConstrainToBounds Returns false if no part of the bounds extends beyond the near plane. ============ */ bool idFrustum::ConstrainToBounds( const idBounds &bounds ) { float min, max, newdFar; bounds.AxisProjection( axis[0], min, max ); newdFar = max - axis[0] * origin; if ( newdFar <= dNear ) { MoveFarDistance( dNear + 1.0f ); return false; } MoveFarDistance( newdFar ); return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ConstrainToBox Returns false if no part of the box extends beyond the near plane. ============ */ bool idFrustum::ConstrainToBox( const idBox &box ) { float min, max, newdFar; box.AxisProjection( axis[0], min, max ); newdFar = max - axis[0] * origin; if ( newdFar <= dNear ) { MoveFarDistance( dNear + 1.0f ); return false; } MoveFarDistance( newdFar ); return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ConstrainToSphere Returns false if no part of the sphere extends beyond the near plane. ============ */ bool idFrustum::ConstrainToSphere( const idSphere &sphere ) { float min, max, newdFar; sphere.AxisProjection( axis[0], min, max ); newdFar = max - axis[0] * origin; if ( newdFar <= dNear ) { MoveFarDistance( dNear + 1.0f ); return false; } MoveFarDistance( newdFar ); return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ConstrainToFrustum Returns false if no part of the frustum extends beyond the near plane. ============ */ bool idFrustum::ConstrainToFrustum( const idFrustum &frustum ) { float min, max, newdFar; frustum.AxisProjection( axis[0], min, max ); newdFar = max - axis[0] * origin; if ( newdFar <= dNear ) { MoveFarDistance( dNear + 1.0f ); return false; } MoveFarDistance( newdFar ); return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ToPlanes planes point outwards ============ */ void idFrustum::ToPlanes( idPlane planes[6] ) const { int i; idVec3 scaled[2]; idVec3 points[4]; planes[0].Normal() = -axis[0]; planes[0].SetDist( -dNear ); planes[1].Normal() = axis[0]; planes[1].SetDist( dFar ); scaled[0] = axis[1] * dLeft; scaled[1] = axis[2] * dUp; points[0] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; points[1] = -scaled[0] + scaled[1]; points[2] = -scaled[0] - scaled[1]; points[3] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { planes[i+2].Normal() = points[i].Cross( points[(i+1)&3] - points[i] ); planes[i+2].Normalize(); planes[i+2].FitThroughPoint( points[i] ); } } /* ============ idFrustum::ToPoints ============ */ void idFrustum::ToPoints( idVec3 points[8] ) const { idMat3 scaled; scaled[0] = origin + axis[0] * dNear; scaled[1] = axis[1] * ( dLeft * dNear * invFar ); scaled[2] = axis[2] * ( dUp * dNear * invFar ); points[0] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; points[1] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; points[2] = points[1] - scaled[2]; points[3] = points[0] - scaled[2]; points[0] += scaled[2]; points[1] += scaled[2]; scaled[0] = origin + axis[0] * dFar; scaled[1] = axis[1] * dLeft; scaled[2] = axis[2] * dUp; points[4] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; points[5] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; points[6] = points[5] - scaled[2]; points[7] = points[4] - scaled[2]; points[4] += scaled[2]; points[5] += scaled[2]; } /* ============ idFrustum::ToClippedPoints ============ */ void idFrustum::ToClippedPoints( const float fractions[4], idVec3 points[8] ) const { idMat3 scaled; scaled[0] = origin + axis[0] * dNear; scaled[1] = axis[1] * ( dLeft * dNear * invFar ); scaled[2] = axis[2] * ( dUp * dNear * invFar ); points[0] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; points[1] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; points[2] = points[1] - scaled[2]; points[3] = points[0] - scaled[2]; points[0] += scaled[2]; points[1] += scaled[2]; scaled[0] = axis[0] * dFar; scaled[1] = axis[1] * dLeft; scaled[2] = axis[2] * dUp; points[4] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; points[5] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; points[6] = points[5] - scaled[2]; points[7] = points[4] - scaled[2]; points[4] += scaled[2]; points[5] += scaled[2]; points[4] = origin + fractions[0] * points[4]; points[5] = origin + fractions[1] * points[5]; points[6] = origin + fractions[2] * points[6]; points[7] = origin + fractions[3] * points[7]; } /* ============ idFrustum::ToIndexPoints ============ */ void idFrustum::ToIndexPoints( idVec3 indexPoints[8] ) const { idMat3 scaled; scaled[0] = origin + axis[0] * dNear; scaled[1] = axis[1] * ( dLeft * dNear * invFar ); scaled[2] = axis[2] * ( dUp * dNear * invFar ); indexPoints[0] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; indexPoints[2] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; indexPoints[1] = indexPoints[0] + scaled[2]; indexPoints[3] = indexPoints[2] + scaled[2]; indexPoints[0] -= scaled[2]; indexPoints[2] -= scaled[2]; scaled[0] = origin + axis[0] * dFar; scaled[1] = axis[1] * dLeft; scaled[2] = axis[2] * dUp; indexPoints[4] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; indexPoints[6] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; indexPoints[5] = indexPoints[4] + scaled[2]; indexPoints[7] = indexPoints[6] + scaled[2]; indexPoints[4] -= scaled[2]; indexPoints[6] -= scaled[2]; } /* ============ idFrustum::ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs 22 muls ============ */ void idFrustum::ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs( idVec3 indexPoints[8], idVec3 cornerVecs[4] ) const { idMat3 scaled; scaled[0] = origin + axis[0] * dNear; scaled[1] = axis[1] * ( dLeft * dNear * invFar ); scaled[2] = axis[2] * ( dUp * dNear * invFar ); indexPoints[0] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; indexPoints[2] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; indexPoints[1] = indexPoints[0] + scaled[2]; indexPoints[3] = indexPoints[2] + scaled[2]; indexPoints[0] -= scaled[2]; indexPoints[2] -= scaled[2]; scaled[0] = axis[0] * dFar; scaled[1] = axis[1] * dLeft; scaled[2] = axis[2] * dUp; cornerVecs[0] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; cornerVecs[2] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; cornerVecs[1] = cornerVecs[0] + scaled[2]; cornerVecs[3] = cornerVecs[2] + scaled[2]; cornerVecs[0] -= scaled[2]; cornerVecs[2] -= scaled[2]; indexPoints[4] = cornerVecs[0] + origin; indexPoints[5] = cornerVecs[1] + origin; indexPoints[6] = cornerVecs[2] + origin; indexPoints[7] = cornerVecs[3] + origin; } /* ============ idFrustum::AxisProjection 18 muls ============ */ void idFrustum::AxisProjection( const idVec3 indexPoints[8], const idVec3 cornerVecs[4], const idVec3 &dir, float &min, float &max ) const { float dx, dy, dz; int index; dy = dir.x * axis[1].x + dir.y * axis[1].y + dir.z * axis[1].z; dz = dir.x * axis[2].x + dir.y * axis[2].y + dir.z * axis[2].z; index = ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dy ) << 1 ) | FLOATSIGNBITSET( dz ); dx = dir.x * cornerVecs[index].x + dir.y * cornerVecs[index].y + dir.z * cornerVecs[index].z; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); min = indexPoints[index] * dir; index = ~index & 3; dx = -dir.x * cornerVecs[index].x - dir.y * cornerVecs[index].y - dir.z * cornerVecs[index].z; index |= ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( dx ) << 2 ); max = indexPoints[index] * dir; } /* ============ idFrustum::AxisProjection 40 muls ============ */ void idFrustum::AxisProjection( const idVec3 &dir, float &min, float &max ) const { idVec3 indexPoints[8], cornerVecs[4]; ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs( indexPoints, cornerVecs ); AxisProjection( indexPoints, cornerVecs, dir, min, max ); } /* ============ idFrustum::AxisProjection 76 muls ============ */ void idFrustum::AxisProjection( const idMat3 &ax, idBounds &bounds ) const { idVec3 indexPoints[8], cornerVecs[4]; ToIndexPointsAndCornerVecs( indexPoints, cornerVecs ); AxisProjection( indexPoints, cornerVecs, ax[0], bounds[0][0], bounds[1][0] ); AxisProjection( indexPoints, cornerVecs, ax[1], bounds[0][1], bounds[1][1] ); AxisProjection( indexPoints, cornerVecs, ax[2], bounds[0][2], bounds[1][2] ); } /* ============ idFrustum::AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull ============ */ void idFrustum::AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int &startCull, int &endCull, idBounds &bounds ) const { idVec3 dir, p; float d1, d2, fstart, fend, lstart, lend, f; float leftScale, upScale; int cull1, cull2; #ifdef FRUSTUM_DEBUG static idCVar r_showInteractionScissors( "r_showInteractionScissors", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_INTEGER, "", 0, 2, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,2> ); if ( r_showInteractionScissors.GetInteger() > 1 ) { session->rw->DebugLine( colorGreen, origin + start * axis, origin + end * axis ); } #endif leftScale = dLeft * invFar; upScale = dUp * invFar; dir = end - start; fstart = dFar * start.y; fend = dFar * end.y; lstart = dLeft * start.x; lend = dLeft * end.x; // test left plane d1 = -fstart + lstart; d2 = -fend + lend; cull1 = FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); cull2 = FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ); if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( p.x > 0.0f ) { p.z = start.z + f * dir.z; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.z ) <= p.x * upScale ) { p.y = 1.0f; p.z = p.z * dFar / ( p.x * dUp ); bounds.AddPoint( p ); } } } } // test right plane d1 = fstart + lstart; d2 = fend + lend; cull1 |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) << 1; cull2 |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) << 1; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( p.x > 0.0f ) { p.z = start.z + f * dir.z; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.z ) <= p.x * upScale ) { p.y = -1.0f; p.z = p.z * dFar / ( p.x * dUp ); bounds.AddPoint( p ); } } } } fstart = dFar * start.z; fend = dFar * end.z; lstart = dUp * start.x; lend = dUp * end.x; // test up plane d1 = -fstart + lstart; d2 = -fend + lend; cull1 |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) << 2; cull2 |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) << 2; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( p.x > 0.0f ) { p.y = start.y + f * dir.y; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.y ) <= p.x * leftScale ) { p.y = p.y * dFar / ( p.x * dLeft ); p.z = 1.0f; bounds.AddPoint( p ); } } } } // test down plane d1 = fstart + lstart; d2 = fend + lend; cull1 |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) << 3; cull2 |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) << 3; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( p.x > 0.0f ) { p.y = start.y + f * dir.y; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.y ) <= p.x * leftScale ) { p.y = p.y * dFar / ( p.x * dLeft ); p.z = -1.0f; bounds.AddPoint( p ); } } } } if ( cull1 == 0 && start.x > 0.0f ) { // add start point to projection bounds p.x = start.x; p.y = start.y * dFar / ( start.x * dLeft ); p.z = start.z * dFar / ( start.x * dUp ); bounds.AddPoint( p ); } if ( cull2 == 0 && end.x > 0.0f ) { // add end point to projection bounds p.x = end.x; p.y = end.y * dFar / ( end.x * dLeft ); p.z = end.z * dFar / ( end.x * dUp ); bounds.AddPoint( p ); } if ( start.x < bounds[0].x ) { bounds[0].x = start.x < 0.0f ? 0.0f : start.x; } if ( end.x < bounds[0].x ) { bounds[0].x = end.x < 0.0f ? 0.0f : end.x; } startCull = cull1; endCull = cull2; } /* ============ idFrustum::AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull ============ */ void idFrustum::AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, int startCull, int endCull, idBounds &bounds ) const { idVec3 dir, p; float d1, d2, fstart, fend, lstart, lend, f; float leftScale, upScale; int clip; clip = startCull ^ endCull; if ( !clip ) { return; } #ifdef FRUSTUM_DEBUG static idCVar r_showInteractionScissors( "r_showInteractionScissors", "0", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_INTEGER, "", 0, 2, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,2> ); if ( r_showInteractionScissors.GetInteger() > 1 ) { session->rw->DebugLine( colorGreen, origin + start * axis, origin + end * axis ); } #endif leftScale = dLeft * invFar; upScale = dUp * invFar; dir = end - start; if ( clip & (1|2) ) { fstart = dFar * start.y; fend = dFar * end.y; lstart = dLeft * start.x; lend = dLeft * end.x; if ( clip & 1 ) { // test left plane d1 = -fstart + lstart; d2 = -fend + lend; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( p.x > 0.0f ) { p.z = start.z + f * dir.z; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.z ) <= p.x * upScale ) { p.y = 1.0f; p.z = p.z * dFar / ( p.x * dUp ); bounds.AddPoint( p ); } } } } } if ( clip & 2 ) { // test right plane d1 = fstart + lstart; d2 = fend + lend; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( p.x > 0.0f ) { p.z = start.z + f * dir.z; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.z ) <= p.x * upScale ) { p.y = -1.0f; p.z = p.z * dFar / ( p.x * dUp ); bounds.AddPoint( p ); } } } } } } if ( clip & (4|8) ) { fstart = dFar * start.z; fend = dFar * end.z; lstart = dUp * start.x; lend = dUp * end.x; if ( clip & 4 ) { // test up plane d1 = -fstart + lstart; d2 = -fend + lend; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( p.x > 0.0f ) { p.y = start.y + f * dir.y; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.y ) <= p.x * leftScale ) { p.y = p.y * dFar / ( p.x * dLeft ); p.z = 1.0f; bounds.AddPoint( p ); } } } } } if ( clip & 8 ) { // test down plane d1 = fstart + lstart; d2 = fend + lend; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( p.x > 0.0f ) { p.y = start.y + f * dir.y; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.y ) <= p.x * leftScale ) { p.y = p.y * dFar / ( p.x * dLeft ); p.z = -1.0f; bounds.AddPoint( p ); } } } } } } } /* ============ idFrustum::BoundsRayIntersection Returns true if the ray starts inside the bounds. If there was an intersection scale1 <= scale2 ============ */ bool idFrustum::BoundsRayIntersection( const idBounds &bounds, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &dir, float &scale1, float &scale2 ) const { idVec3 end, p; float d1, d2, f; int i, startInside = 1; scale1 = idMath::INFINITY; scale2 = -idMath::INFINITY; end = start + dir; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { d1 = start.x - bounds[i].x; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ i; d2 = end.x - bounds[i].x; if ( d1 != d2 ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.y = start.y + f * dir.y; if ( bounds[0].y <= p.y && p.y <= bounds[1].y ) { p.z = start.z + f * dir.z; if ( bounds[0].z <= p.z && p.z <= bounds[1].z ) { if ( f < scale1 ) scale1 = f; if ( f > scale2 ) scale2 = f; } } } d1 = start.y - bounds[i].y; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ i; d2 = end.y - bounds[i].y; if ( d1 != d2 ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( bounds[0].x <= p.x && p.x <= bounds[1].x ) { p.z = start.z + f * dir.z; if ( bounds[0].z <= p.z && p.z <= bounds[1].z ) { if ( f < scale1 ) scale1 = f; if ( f > scale2 ) scale2 = f; } } } d1 = start.z - bounds[i].z; startInside &= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ i; d2 = end.z - bounds[i].z; if ( d1 != d2 ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); p.x = start.x + f * dir.x; if ( bounds[0].x <= p.x && p.x <= bounds[1].x ) { p.y = start.y + f * dir.y; if ( bounds[0].y <= p.y && p.y <= bounds[1].y ) { if ( f < scale1 ) scale1 = f; if ( f > scale2 ) scale2 = f; } } } } return ( startInside != 0 ); } /* ============ idFrustum::ProjectionBounds ============ */ bool idFrustum::ProjectionBounds( const idBounds &bounds, idBounds &projectionBounds ) const { return ProjectionBounds( idBox( bounds, vec3_origin, mat3_identity ), projectionBounds ); } /* ============ idFrustum::ProjectionBounds ============ */ bool idFrustum::ProjectionBounds( const idBox &box, idBounds &projectionBounds ) const { int i, p1, p2, pointCull[8], culled, outside; float scale1, scale2; idFrustum localFrustum; idVec3 points[8], localOrigin; idMat3 localAxis, localScaled; idBounds bounds( -box.GetExtents(), box.GetExtents() ); // if the frustum origin is inside the bounds if ( bounds.ContainsPoint( ( origin - box.GetCenter() ) * box.GetAxis().Transpose() ) ) { // bounds that cover the whole frustum float boxMin, boxMax, base; base = origin * axis[0]; box.AxisProjection( axis[0], boxMin, boxMax ); projectionBounds[0].x = boxMin - base; projectionBounds[1].x = boxMax - base; projectionBounds[0].y = projectionBounds[0].z = -1.0f; projectionBounds[1].y = projectionBounds[1].z = 1.0f; return true; } projectionBounds.Clear(); // transform the bounds into the space of this frustum localOrigin = ( box.GetCenter() - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); localAxis = box.GetAxis() * axis.Transpose(); BoxToPoints( localOrigin, box.GetExtents(), localAxis, points ); // test outer four edges of the bounds culled = -1; outside = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = i; p2 = 4 + i; AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull( points[p1], points[p2], pointCull[p1], pointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); culled &= pointCull[p1] & pointCull[p2]; outside |= pointCull[p1] | pointCull[p2]; } // if the bounds are completely outside this frustum if ( culled ) { return false; } // if the bounds are completely inside this frustum if ( !outside ) { return true; } // test the remaining edges of the bounds for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = i; p2 = (i+1)&3; AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( points[p1], points[p2], pointCull[p1], pointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = 4 + i; p2 = 4 + ((i+1)&3); AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( points[p1], points[p2], pointCull[p1], pointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); } // if the bounds extend beyond two or more boundaries of this frustum if ( outside != 1 && outside != 2 && outside != 4 && outside != 8 ) { localOrigin = ( origin - box.GetCenter() ) * box.GetAxis().Transpose(); localScaled = axis * box.GetAxis().Transpose(); localScaled[0] *= dFar; localScaled[1] *= dLeft; localScaled[2] *= dUp; // test the outer edges of this frustum for intersection with the bounds if ( (outside & 2) && (outside & 8) ) { BoundsRayIntersection( bounds, localOrigin, localScaled[0] - localScaled[1] - localScaled[2], scale1, scale2 ); if ( scale1 <= scale2 && scale1 >= 0.0f ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale1 * dFar, -1.0f, -1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale2 * dFar, -1.0f, -1.0f ) ); } } if ( (outside & 2) && (outside & 4) ) { BoundsRayIntersection( bounds, localOrigin, localScaled[0] - localScaled[1] + localScaled[2], scale1, scale2 ); if ( scale1 <= scale2 && scale1 >= 0.0f ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale1 * dFar, -1.0f, 1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale2 * dFar, -1.0f, 1.0f ) ); } } if ( (outside & 1) && (outside & 8) ) { BoundsRayIntersection( bounds, localOrigin, localScaled[0] + localScaled[1] - localScaled[2], scale1, scale2 ); if ( scale1 <= scale2 && scale1 >= 0.0f ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale1 * dFar, 1.0f, -1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale2 * dFar, 1.0f, -1.0f ) ); } } if ( (outside & 1) && (outside & 2) ) { BoundsRayIntersection( bounds, localOrigin, localScaled[0] + localScaled[1] + localScaled[2], scale1, scale2 ); if ( scale1 <= scale2 && scale1 >= 0.0f ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale1 * dFar, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale2 * dFar, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); } } } return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ProjectionBounds ============ */ bool idFrustum::ProjectionBounds( const idSphere &sphere, idBounds &projectionBounds ) const { float d, r, rs, sFar; idVec3 center; projectionBounds.Clear(); center = ( sphere.GetOrigin() - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); r = sphere.GetRadius(); rs = r * r; sFar = dFar * dFar; // test left/right planes d = dFar * idMath::Fabs( center.y ) - dLeft * center.x; if ( ( d * d ) > rs * ( sFar + dLeft * dLeft ) ) { return false; } // test up/down planes d = dFar * idMath::Fabs( center.z ) - dUp * center.x; if ( ( d * d ) > rs * ( sFar + dUp * dUp ) ) { return false; } // bounds that cover the whole frustum projectionBounds[0].x = 0.0f; projectionBounds[1].x = dFar; projectionBounds[0].y = projectionBounds[0].z = -1.0f; projectionBounds[1].y = projectionBounds[1].z = 1.0f; return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ProjectionBounds ============ */ bool idFrustum::ProjectionBounds( const idFrustum &frustum, idBounds &projectionBounds ) const { int i, p1, p2, pointCull[8], culled, outside; float scale1, scale2; idFrustum localFrustum; idVec3 points[8], localOrigin; idMat3 localScaled; // if the frustum origin is inside the other frustum if ( frustum.ContainsPoint( origin ) ) { // bounds that cover the whole frustum float frustumMin, frustumMax, base; base = origin * axis[0]; frustum.AxisProjection( axis[0], frustumMin, frustumMax ); projectionBounds[0].x = frustumMin - base; projectionBounds[1].x = frustumMax - base; projectionBounds[0].y = projectionBounds[0].z = -1.0f; projectionBounds[1].y = projectionBounds[1].z = 1.0f; return true; } projectionBounds.Clear(); // transform the given frustum into the space of this frustum localFrustum = frustum; localFrustum.origin = ( frustum.origin - origin ) * axis.Transpose(); localFrustum.axis = frustum.axis * axis.Transpose(); localFrustum.ToPoints( points ); // test outer four edges of the other frustum culled = -1; outside = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = i; p2 = 4 + i; AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull( points[p1], points[p2], pointCull[p1], pointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); culled &= pointCull[p1] & pointCull[p2]; outside |= pointCull[p1] | pointCull[p2]; } // if the other frustum is completely outside this frustum if ( culled ) { return false; } // if the other frustum is completely inside this frustum if ( !outside ) { return true; } // test the remaining edges of the other frustum if ( localFrustum.dNear > 0.0f ) { for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = i; p2 = (i+1)&3; AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( points[p1], points[p2], pointCull[p1], pointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); } } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = 4 + i; p2 = 4 + ((i+1)&3); AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( points[p1], points[p2], pointCull[p1], pointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); } // if the other frustum extends beyond two or more boundaries of this frustum if ( outside != 1 && outside != 2 && outside != 4 && outside != 8 ) { localOrigin = ( origin - frustum.origin ) * frustum.axis.Transpose(); localScaled = axis * frustum.axis.Transpose(); localScaled[0] *= dFar; localScaled[1] *= dLeft; localScaled[2] *= dUp; // test the outer edges of this frustum for intersection with the other frustum if ( (outside & 2) && (outside & 8) ) { frustum.LocalRayIntersection( localOrigin, localScaled[0] - localScaled[1] - localScaled[2], scale1, scale2 ); if ( scale1 <= scale2 && scale1 >= 0.0f ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale1 * dFar, -1.0f, -1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale2 * dFar, -1.0f, -1.0f ) ); } } if ( (outside & 2) && (outside & 4) ) { frustum.LocalRayIntersection( localOrigin, localScaled[0] - localScaled[1] + localScaled[2], scale1, scale2 ); if ( scale1 <= scale2 && scale1 >= 0.0f ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale1 * dFar, -1.0f, 1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale2 * dFar, -1.0f, 1.0f ) ); } } if ( (outside & 1) && (outside & 8) ) { frustum.LocalRayIntersection( localOrigin, localScaled[0] + localScaled[1] - localScaled[2], scale1, scale2 ); if ( scale1 <= scale2 && scale1 >= 0.0f ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale1 * dFar, 1.0f, -1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale2 * dFar, 1.0f, -1.0f ) ); } } if ( (outside & 1) && (outside & 2) ) { frustum.LocalRayIntersection( localOrigin, localScaled[0] + localScaled[1] + localScaled[2], scale1, scale2 ); if ( scale1 <= scale2 && scale1 >= 0.0f ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale1 * dFar, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale2 * dFar, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); } } } return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ProjectionBounds ============ */ bool idFrustum::ProjectionBounds( const idWinding &winding, idBounds &projectionBounds ) const { int i, p1, p2, *pointCull, culled, outside; float scale; idVec3 *localPoints; idMat3 transpose, scaled; idPlane plane; projectionBounds.Clear(); // transform the winding points into the space of this frustum localPoints = (idVec3 *) _alloca16( winding.GetNumPoints() * sizeof( idVec3 ) ); transpose = axis.Transpose(); for ( i = 0; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { localPoints[i] = ( winding[i].ToVec3() - origin ) * transpose; } // test the winding edges culled = -1; outside = 0; pointCull = (int *) _alloca16( winding.GetNumPoints() * sizeof( int ) ); for ( i = 0; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i += 2 ) { p1 = i; p2 = (i+1)%winding.GetNumPoints(); AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull( localPoints[p1], localPoints[p2], pointCull[p1], pointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); culled &= pointCull[p1] & pointCull[p2]; outside |= pointCull[p1] | pointCull[p2]; } // if completely culled if ( culled ) { return false; } // if completely inside if ( !outside ) { return true; } // test remaining winding edges for ( i = 1; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i += 2 ) { p1 = i; p2 = (i+1)%winding.GetNumPoints(); AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( localPoints[p1], localPoints[p2], pointCull[p1], pointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); } // if the winding extends beyond two or more boundaries of this frustum if ( outside != 1 && outside != 2 && outside != 4 && outside != 8 ) { winding.GetPlane( plane ); scaled[0] = axis[0] * dFar; scaled[1] = axis[1] * dLeft; scaled[2] = axis[2] * dUp; // test the outer edges of this frustum for intersection with the winding if ( (outside & 2) && (outside & 8) ) { if ( winding.RayIntersection( plane, origin, scaled[0] - scaled[1] - scaled[2], scale ) ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale * dFar, -1.0f, -1.0f ) ); } } if ( (outside & 2) && (outside & 4) ) { if ( winding.RayIntersection( plane, origin, scaled[0] - scaled[1] + scaled[2], scale ) ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale * dFar, -1.0f, 1.0f ) ); } } if ( (outside & 1) && (outside & 8) ) { if ( winding.RayIntersection( plane, origin, scaled[0] + scaled[1] - scaled[2], scale ) ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale * dFar, 1.0f, -1.0f ) ); } } if ( (outside & 1) && (outside & 2) ) { if ( winding.RayIntersection( plane, origin, scaled[0] + scaled[1] + scaled[2], scale ) ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( scale * dFar, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); } } } return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ClipFrustumToBox Clips the frustum far extents to the box. ============ */ void idFrustum::ClipFrustumToBox( const idBox &box, float clipFractions[4], int clipPlanes[4] ) const { int i, index; float f, minf; idMat3 scaled, localAxis, transpose; idVec3 localOrigin, cornerVecs[4]; idBounds bounds; transpose = box.GetAxis(); transpose.TransposeSelf(); localOrigin = ( origin - box.GetCenter() ) * transpose; localAxis = axis * transpose; scaled[0] = localAxis[0] * dFar; scaled[1] = localAxis[1] * dLeft; scaled[2] = localAxis[2] * dUp; cornerVecs[0] = scaled[0] + scaled[1]; cornerVecs[1] = scaled[0] - scaled[1]; cornerVecs[2] = cornerVecs[1] - scaled[2]; cornerVecs[3] = cornerVecs[0] - scaled[2]; cornerVecs[0] += scaled[2]; cornerVecs[1] += scaled[2]; bounds[0] = -box.GetExtents(); bounds[1] = box.GetExtents(); minf = ( dNear + 1.0f ) * invFar; for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { index = FLOATSIGNBITNOTSET( cornerVecs[i].x ); f = ( bounds[index].x - localOrigin.x ) / cornerVecs[i].x; clipFractions[i] = f; clipPlanes[i] = 1 << index; index = FLOATSIGNBITNOTSET( cornerVecs[i].y ); f = ( bounds[index].y - localOrigin.y ) / cornerVecs[i].y; if ( f < clipFractions[i] ) { clipFractions[i] = f; clipPlanes[i] = 4 << index; } index = FLOATSIGNBITNOTSET( cornerVecs[i].z ); f = ( bounds[index].z - localOrigin.z ) / cornerVecs[i].z; if ( f < clipFractions[i] ) { clipFractions[i] = f; clipPlanes[i] = 16 << index; } // make sure the frustum is not clipped between the frustum origin and the near plane if ( clipFractions[i] < minf ) { clipFractions[i] = minf; } } } /* ============ idFrustum::ClipLine Returns true if part of the line is inside the frustum. Does not clip to the near and far plane. ============ */ bool idFrustum::ClipLine( const idVec3 localPoints[8], const idVec3 points[8], int startIndex, int endIndex, idVec3 &start, idVec3 &end, int &startClip, int &endClip ) const { float d1, d2, fstart, fend, lstart, lend, f, x; float leftScale, upScale; float scale1, scale2; int startCull, endCull; idVec3 localStart, localEnd, localDir; leftScale = dLeft * invFar; upScale = dUp * invFar; localStart = localPoints[startIndex]; localEnd = localPoints[endIndex]; localDir = localEnd - localStart; startClip = endClip = -1; scale1 = idMath::INFINITY; scale2 = -idMath::INFINITY; fstart = dFar * localStart.y; fend = dFar * localEnd.y; lstart = dLeft * localStart.x; lend = dLeft * localEnd.x; // test left plane d1 = -fstart + lstart; d2 = -fend + lend; startCull = FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ); endCull = FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ); if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = localStart.x + f * localDir.x; if ( x >= 0.0f ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( localStart.z + f * localDir.z ) <= x * upScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) { scale1 = f; startClip = 0; } if ( f > scale2 ) { scale2 = f; endClip = 0; } } } } } // test right plane d1 = fstart + lstart; d2 = fend + lend; startCull |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) << 1; endCull |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) << 1; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = localStart.x + f * localDir.x; if ( x >= 0.0f ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( localStart.z + f * localDir.z ) <= x * upScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) { scale1 = f; startClip = 1; } if ( f > scale2 ) { scale2 = f; endClip = 1; } } } } } fstart = dFar * localStart.z; fend = dFar * localEnd.z; lstart = dUp * localStart.x; lend = dUp * localEnd.x; // test up plane d1 = -fstart + lstart; d2 = -fend + lend; startCull |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) << 2; endCull |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) << 2; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = localStart.x + f * localDir.x; if ( x >= 0.0f ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( localStart.y + f * localDir.y ) <= x * leftScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) { scale1 = f; startClip = 2; } if ( f > scale2 ) { scale2 = f; endClip = 2; } } } } } // test down plane d1 = fstart + lstart; d2 = fend + lend; startCull |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) << 3; endCull |= FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) << 3; if ( FLOATNOTZERO( d1 ) ) { if ( FLOATSIGNBITSET( d1 ) ^ FLOATSIGNBITSET( d2 ) ) { f = d1 / ( d1 - d2 ); x = localStart.x + f * localDir.x; if ( x >= 0.0f ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( localStart.y + f * localDir.y ) <= x * leftScale ) { if ( f < scale1 ) { scale1 = f; startClip = 3; } if ( f > scale2 ) { scale2 = f; endClip = 3; } } } } } // if completely inside if ( !( startCull | endCull ) ) { start = points[startIndex]; end = points[endIndex]; return true; } else if ( scale1 <= scale2 ) { if ( !startCull ) { start = points[startIndex]; startClip = -1; } else { start = points[startIndex] + scale1 * ( points[endIndex] - points[startIndex] ); } if ( !endCull ) { end = points[endIndex]; endClip = -1; } else { end = points[startIndex] + scale2 * ( points[endIndex] - points[startIndex] ); } return true; } return false; } /* ============ idFrustum::AddLocalCapsToProjectionBounds ============ */ static int capPointIndex[4][2] = { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 2 }, { 0, 1 }, { 2, 3 } }; ID_INLINE bool idFrustum::AddLocalCapsToProjectionBounds( const idVec3 endPoints[4], const int endPointCull[4], const idVec3 &point, int pointCull, int pointClip, idBounds &projectionBounds ) const { int *p; if ( pointClip < 0 ) { return false; } p = capPointIndex[pointClip]; AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( endPoints[p[0]], point, endPointCull[p[0]], pointCull, projectionBounds ); AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( endPoints[p[1]], point, endPointCull[p[1]], pointCull, projectionBounds ); return true; } /* ============ idFrustum::ClippedProjectionBounds ============ */ bool idFrustum::ClippedProjectionBounds( const idFrustum &frustum, const idBox &clipBox, idBounds &projectionBounds ) const { int i, p1, p2, clipPointCull[8], clipPlanes[4], usedClipPlanes, nearCull, farCull, outside; int pointCull[2], startClip, endClip, boxPointCull[8]; float clipFractions[4], s1, s2, t1, t2, leftScale, upScale; idFrustum localFrustum; idVec3 clipPoints[8], localPoints1[8], localPoints2[8], localOrigin1, localOrigin2, start, end; idMat3 localAxis1, localAxis2, transpose; idBounds clipBounds; // if the frustum origin is inside the other frustum if ( frustum.ContainsPoint( origin ) ) { // bounds that cover the whole frustum float clipBoxMin, clipBoxMax, frustumMin, frustumMax, base; base = origin * axis[0]; clipBox.AxisProjection( axis[0], clipBoxMin, clipBoxMax ); frustum.AxisProjection( axis[0], frustumMin, frustumMax ); projectionBounds[0].x = Max( clipBoxMin, frustumMin ) - base; projectionBounds[1].x = Min( clipBoxMax, frustumMax ) - base; projectionBounds[0].y = projectionBounds[0].z = -1.0f; projectionBounds[1].y = projectionBounds[1].z = 1.0f; return true; } projectionBounds.Clear(); // clip the outer edges of the given frustum to the clip bounds frustum.ClipFrustumToBox( clipBox, clipFractions, clipPlanes ); usedClipPlanes = clipPlanes[0] | clipPlanes[1] | clipPlanes[2] | clipPlanes[3]; // transform the clipped frustum to the space of this frustum transpose = axis; transpose.TransposeSelf(); localFrustum = frustum; localFrustum.origin = ( frustum.origin - origin ) * transpose; localFrustum.axis = frustum.axis * transpose; localFrustum.ToClippedPoints( clipFractions, clipPoints ); // test outer four edges of the clipped frustum for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = i; p2 = 4 + i; AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull( clipPoints[p1], clipPoints[p2], clipPointCull[p1], clipPointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); } // get cull bits for the clipped frustum outside = clipPointCull[0] | clipPointCull[1] | clipPointCull[2] | clipPointCull[3] | clipPointCull[4] | clipPointCull[5] | clipPointCull[6] | clipPointCull[7]; nearCull = clipPointCull[0] & clipPointCull[1] & clipPointCull[2] & clipPointCull[3]; farCull = clipPointCull[4] & clipPointCull[5] & clipPointCull[6] & clipPointCull[7]; // if the clipped frustum is not completely inside this frustum if ( outside ) { // test the remaining edges of the clipped frustum if ( !nearCull && localFrustum.dNear > 0.0f ) { for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = i; p2 = (i+1)&3; AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( clipPoints[p1], clipPoints[p2], clipPointCull[p1], clipPointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); } } if ( !farCull ) { for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = 4 + i; p2 = 4 + ((i+1)&3); AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsUseCull( clipPoints[p1], clipPoints[p2], clipPointCull[p1], clipPointCull[p2], projectionBounds ); } } } // if the clipped frustum far end points are inside this frustum if ( !( farCull && !( nearCull & farCull ) ) && // if the clipped frustum is not clipped to a single plane of the clip bounds ( clipPlanes[0] != clipPlanes[1] || clipPlanes[1] != clipPlanes[2] || clipPlanes[2] != clipPlanes[3] ) ) { // transform the clip box into the space of the other frustum transpose = frustum.axis; transpose.TransposeSelf(); localOrigin1 = ( clipBox.GetCenter() - frustum.origin ) * transpose; localAxis1 = clipBox.GetAxis() * transpose; BoxToPoints( localOrigin1, clipBox.GetExtents(), localAxis1, localPoints1 ); // cull the box corners with the other frustum leftScale = frustum.dLeft * frustum.invFar; upScale = frustum.dUp * frustum.invFar; for ( i = 0; i < 8; i++ ) { idVec3 &p = localPoints1[i]; if ( !( boxVertPlanes[i] & usedClipPlanes ) || p.x <= 0.0f ) { boxPointCull[i] = 1|2|4|8; } else { boxPointCull[i] = 0; if ( idMath::Fabs( p.y ) > p.x * leftScale ) { boxPointCull[i] |= 1 << FLOATSIGNBITSET( p.y ); } if ( idMath::Fabs( p.z ) > p.x * upScale ) { boxPointCull[i] |= 4 << FLOATSIGNBITSET( p.z ); } } } // transform the clip box into the space of this frustum transpose = axis; transpose.TransposeSelf(); localOrigin2 = ( clipBox.GetCenter() - origin ) * transpose; localAxis2 = clipBox.GetAxis() * transpose; BoxToPoints( localOrigin2, clipBox.GetExtents(), localAxis2, localPoints2 ); // clip the edges of the clip bounds to the other frustum and add the clipped edges to the projection bounds for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = i; p2 = 4 + i; if ( !( boxPointCull[p1] & boxPointCull[p2] ) ) { if ( frustum.ClipLine( localPoints1, localPoints2, p1, p2, start, end, startClip, endClip ) ) { AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull( start, end, pointCull[0], pointCull[1], projectionBounds ); AddLocalCapsToProjectionBounds( clipPoints+4, clipPointCull+4, start, pointCull[0], startClip, projectionBounds ); AddLocalCapsToProjectionBounds( clipPoints+4, clipPointCull+4, end, pointCull[1], endClip, projectionBounds ); outside |= pointCull[0] | pointCull[1]; } } } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = i; p2 = (i+1)&3; if ( !( boxPointCull[p1] & boxPointCull[p2] ) ) { if ( frustum.ClipLine( localPoints1, localPoints2, p1, p2, start, end, startClip, endClip ) ) { AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull( start, end, pointCull[0], pointCull[1], projectionBounds ); AddLocalCapsToProjectionBounds( clipPoints+4, clipPointCull+4, start, pointCull[0], startClip, projectionBounds ); AddLocalCapsToProjectionBounds( clipPoints+4, clipPointCull+4, end, pointCull[1], endClip, projectionBounds ); outside |= pointCull[0] | pointCull[1]; } } } for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { p1 = 4 + i; p2 = 4 + ((i+1)&3); if ( !( boxPointCull[p1] & boxPointCull[p2] ) ) { if ( frustum.ClipLine( localPoints1, localPoints2, p1, p2, start, end, startClip, endClip ) ) { AddLocalLineToProjectionBoundsSetCull( start, end, pointCull[0], pointCull[1], projectionBounds ); AddLocalCapsToProjectionBounds( clipPoints+4, clipPointCull+4, start, pointCull[0], startClip, projectionBounds ); AddLocalCapsToProjectionBounds( clipPoints+4, clipPointCull+4, end, pointCull[1], endClip, projectionBounds ); outside |= pointCull[0] | pointCull[1]; } } } } // if the clipped frustum extends beyond two or more boundaries of this frustum if ( outside != 1 && outside != 2 && outside != 4 && outside != 8 ) { // transform this frustum into the space of the other frustum transpose = frustum.axis; transpose.TransposeSelf(); localOrigin1 = ( origin - frustum.origin ) * transpose; localAxis1 = axis * transpose; localAxis1[0] *= dFar; localAxis1[1] *= dLeft; localAxis1[2] *= dUp; // transform this frustum into the space of the clip bounds transpose = clipBox.GetAxis(); transpose.TransposeSelf(); localOrigin2 = ( origin - clipBox.GetCenter() ) * transpose; localAxis2 = axis * transpose; localAxis2[0] *= dFar; localAxis2[1] *= dLeft; localAxis2[2] *= dUp; clipBounds[0] = -clipBox.GetExtents(); clipBounds[1] = clipBox.GetExtents(); // test the outer edges of this frustum for intersection with both the other frustum and the clip bounds if ( (outside & 2) && (outside & 8) ) { frustum.LocalRayIntersection( localOrigin1, localAxis1[0] - localAxis1[1] - localAxis1[2], s1, s2 ); if ( s1 <= s2 && s1 >= 0.0f ) { BoundsRayIntersection( clipBounds, localOrigin2, localAxis2[0] - localAxis2[1] - localAxis2[2], t1, t2 ); if ( t1 <= t2 && t2 > s1 && t1 < s2 ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( s1 * dFar, -1.0f, -1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( s2 * dFar, -1.0f, -1.0f ) ); } } } if ( (outside & 2) && (outside & 4) ) { frustum.LocalRayIntersection( localOrigin1, localAxis1[0] - localAxis1[1] + localAxis1[2], s1, s2 ); if ( s1 <= s2 && s1 >= 0.0f ) { BoundsRayIntersection( clipBounds, localOrigin2, localAxis2[0] - localAxis2[1] + localAxis2[2], t1, t2 ); if ( t1 <= t2 && t2 > s1 && t1 < s2 ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( s1 * dFar, -1.0f, 1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( s2 * dFar, -1.0f, 1.0f ) ); } } } if ( (outside & 1) && (outside & 8) ) { frustum.LocalRayIntersection( localOrigin1, localAxis1[0] + localAxis1[1] - localAxis1[2], s1, s2 ); if ( s1 <= s2 && s1 >= 0.0f ) { BoundsRayIntersection( clipBounds, localOrigin2, localAxis2[0] + localAxis2[1] - localAxis2[2], t1, t2 ); if ( t1 <= t2 && t2 > s1 && t1 < s2 ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( s1 * dFar, 1.0f, -1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( s2 * dFar, 1.0f, -1.0f ) ); } } } if ( (outside & 1) && (outside & 2) ) { frustum.LocalRayIntersection( localOrigin1, localAxis1[0] + localAxis1[1] + localAxis1[2], s1, s2 ); if ( s1 <= s2 && s1 >= 0.0f ) { BoundsRayIntersection( clipBounds, localOrigin2, localAxis2[0] + localAxis2[1] + localAxis2[2], t1, t2 ); if ( t1 <= t2 && t2 > s1 && t1 < s2 ) { projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( s1 * dFar, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); projectionBounds.AddPoint( idVec3( s2 * dFar, 1.0f, 1.0f ) ); } } } } return true; }