
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.

This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").

Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code.  If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.

If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.


#include "sys/platform.h"

#include "framework/FileSystem.h"
#include "renderer/jpeg_memory_src.h"
#include "renderer/tr_local.h"
#include "sound/sound.h"

#include "renderer/Cinematic.h"

#define CIN_system	1
#define CIN_loop	2
#define	CIN_hold	4
#define CIN_silent	8
#define CIN_shader	16

class idCinematicLocal : public idCinematic {
	virtual					~idCinematicLocal();

	virtual bool			InitFromFile( const char *qpath, bool looping );
	virtual cinData_t		ImageForTime( int milliseconds );
	virtual int				AnimationLength();
	virtual void			Close();
	virtual void			ResetTime(int time);

	size_t					mcomp[256];
	byte **					qStatus[2];
	idStr					fileName;
	idFile *				iFile;
	cinStatus_t				status;
	int						tfps;
	int						RoQPlayed;
	int						ROQSize;
	unsigned int			RoQFrameSize;
	int						onQuad;
	int						numQuads;
	int						samplesPerLine;
	unsigned int			roq_id;
	int						screenDelta;
	byte *					buf;
	int						samplesPerPixel;				// defaults to 2
	unsigned int			xsize, ysize, maxsize, minsize;
	int						normalBuffer0;
	int						roq_flags;
	int						roqF0;
	int						roqF1;
	int						t[2];
	int						roqFPS;
	int						drawX, drawY;

	int						animationLength;
	int						startTime;
	float					frameRate;

	byte *					image;

	bool					looping;
	bool					dirty;
	bool					half;
	bool					smootheddouble;
	bool					inMemory;

	void					RoQ_init( void );
	void					blitVQQuad32fs( byte **status, unsigned char *data );
	void					RoQShutdown( void );
	void					RoQInterrupt(void);

	void					move8_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl );
	void					move4_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl );
	void					blit8_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl );
	void					blit4_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl );
	void					blit2_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl );

	unsigned short			yuv_to_rgb( int y, int u, int v );
	unsigned int			yuv_to_rgb24( int y, int u, int v );

	void					decodeCodeBook( byte *input, unsigned short roq_flags );
	void					recurseQuad( int startX, int startY, int quadSize, int xOff, int yOff );
	void					setupQuad( int xOff, int yOff );
	void					readQuadInfo( byte *qData );
	void					RoQPrepMcomp( int xoff, int yoff );
	void					RoQReset();

const int DEFAULT_CIN_WIDTH		= 512;
const int DEFAULT_CIN_HEIGHT	= 512;
const int MAXSIZE				=	8;
const int MINSIZE				=	4;

const int ROQ_FILE				= 0x1084;
const int ROQ_QUAD				= 0x1000;
const int ROQ_QUAD_INFO			= 0x1001;
const int ROQ_CODEBOOK			= 0x1002;
const int ROQ_QUAD_VQ			= 0x1011;
const int ROQ_QUAD_JPEG			= 0x1012;
const int ROQ_QUAD_HANG			= 0x1013;
const int ROQ_PACKET			= 0x1030;
const int ZA_SOUND_MONO			= 0x1020;
const int ZA_SOUND_STEREO		= 0x1021;

// temporary buffers used by all cinematics
static int				ROQ_YY_tab[256];
static int				ROQ_UB_tab[256];
static int				ROQ_UG_tab[256];
static int				ROQ_VG_tab[256];
static int				ROQ_VR_tab[256];
static byte *			file = NULL;
static unsigned short *	vq2 = NULL;
static unsigned short *	vq4 = NULL;
static unsigned short *	vq8 = NULL;


void idCinematic::InitCinematic( void ) {
	float t_ub,t_vr,t_ug,t_vg;
	int i;

	// generate YUV tables
	t_ub = (1.77200f/2.0f) * (float)(1<<6) + 0.5f;
	t_vr = (1.40200f/2.0f) * (float)(1<<6) + 0.5f;
	t_ug = (0.34414f/2.0f) * (float)(1<<6) + 0.5f;
	t_vg = (0.71414f/2.0f) * (float)(1<<6) + 0.5f;
	for( i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) {
		float x = (float)(2 * i - 255);

		ROQ_UB_tab[i] = (int)( ( t_ub * x) + (1<<5));
		ROQ_VR_tab[i] = (int)( ( t_vr * x) + (1<<5));
		ROQ_UG_tab[i] = (int)( (-t_ug * x)		 );
		ROQ_VG_tab[i] = (int)( (-t_vg * x) + (1<<5));
		ROQ_YY_tab[i] = (int)( (i << 6) | (i >> 2) );

	file = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( 65536 );
	vq2 = (word *)Mem_Alloc( 256*16*4 * sizeof( word ) );
	vq4 = (word *)Mem_Alloc( 256*64*4 * sizeof( word ) );
	vq8 = (word *)Mem_Alloc( 256*256*4 * sizeof( word ) );

void idCinematic::ShutdownCinematic( void ) {
	Mem_Free( file );
	file = NULL;
	Mem_Free( vq2 );
	vq2 = NULL;
	Mem_Free( vq4 );
	vq4 = NULL;
	Mem_Free( vq8 );
	vq8 = NULL;

idCinematic *idCinematic::Alloc() {
	return new idCinematicLocal;

idCinematic::~idCinematic( ) {

bool idCinematic::InitFromFile( const char *qpath, bool looping ) {
	return false;

int idCinematic::AnimationLength() {
	return 0;

void idCinematic::ResetTime(int milliseconds) {

cinData_t idCinematic::ImageForTime( int milliseconds ) {
	cinData_t c;
	memset( &c, 0, sizeof( c ) );
	return c;

void idCinematic::Close() {


idCinematicLocal::idCinematicLocal() {
	image = NULL;
	status = FMV_EOF;
	buf = NULL;
	iFile = NULL;

	qStatus[0] = (byte **)Mem_Alloc( 32768 * sizeof( byte *) );
	qStatus[1] = (byte **)Mem_Alloc( 32768 * sizeof( byte *) );

idCinematicLocal::~idCinematicLocal() {

	Mem_Free( qStatus[0] );
	qStatus[0] = NULL;
	Mem_Free( qStatus[1] );
	qStatus[1] = NULL;

bool idCinematicLocal::InitFromFile( const char *qpath, bool amilooping ) {
	unsigned short RoQID;


	inMemory = 0;
	animationLength = 100000;

	if ( strstr( qpath, "/" ) == NULL && strstr( qpath, "\\" ) == NULL ) {
		sprintf( fileName, "video/%s", qpath );
	} else {
		sprintf( fileName, "%s", qpath );

	iFile = fileSystem->OpenFileRead( fileName );

	if ( !iFile ) {
		return false;

	ROQSize = iFile->Length();

	looping = amilooping;

	samplesPerPixel = 4;
	startTime = 0;	//Sys_Milliseconds();
	buf = NULL;

	iFile->Read( file, 16 );

	RoQID = (unsigned short)(file[0]) + (unsigned short)(file[1])*256;

	frameRate = file[6];
	if ( frameRate == 32.0f ) {
		frameRate = 1000.0f / 32.0f;

	if ( RoQID == ROQ_FILE ) {
		status = FMV_PLAY;
		ImageForTime( 0 );
		status = ( looping ) ? FMV_PLAY : FMV_IDLE;
		return true;

	return false;

void idCinematicLocal::Close() {
	if ( image ) {
		Mem_Free( (void *)image );
		image = NULL;
		buf = NULL;
		status = FMV_EOF;

int idCinematicLocal::AnimationLength() {
	return animationLength;

void idCinematicLocal::ResetTime(int time) {
	startTime = ( backEnd.viewDef ) ? 1000 * backEnd.viewDef->floatTime : -1;
	status = FMV_PLAY;

cinData_t idCinematicLocal::ImageForTime( int thisTime ) {
	cinData_t	cinData;

	if ( thisTime < 0 ) {
		thisTime = 0;

	memset( &cinData, 0, sizeof(cinData) );

	if ( r_skipROQ.GetBool() ) {
		return cinData;

	if ( status == FMV_EOF || status == FMV_IDLE ) {
		return cinData;

	if ( buf == NULL || startTime == -1 ) {
		if ( startTime == -1 ) {
		startTime = thisTime;

	tfps = ( ( thisTime - startTime ) * frameRate ) / 1000;

	if ( tfps < 0 ) {
		tfps = 0;

	if ( tfps < numQuads ) {
		buf = NULL;
		status = FMV_PLAY;

	if ( buf == NULL ) {
		while( buf == NULL ) {
	} else {
		while( (tfps != numQuads && status == FMV_PLAY) ) {

	if ( status == FMV_LOOPED ) {
		status = FMV_PLAY;
		while( buf == NULL && status == FMV_PLAY ) {
		startTime = thisTime;

	if ( status == FMV_EOF ) {
		if ( looping ) {
			buf = NULL;
			if ( status == FMV_LOOPED ) {
				status = FMV_PLAY;
			while ( buf == NULL && status == FMV_PLAY ) {
			startTime = thisTime;
		} else {
			status = FMV_IDLE;

	cinData.imageWidth = CIN_WIDTH;
	cinData.imageHeight = CIN_HEIGHT;
	cinData.status = status;
	cinData.image = buf;

	return cinData;

void idCinematicLocal::move8_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl ) {
#if 1
	int *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (int *)src;
	ddst = (int *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>2;

	ddst[0*dspl+0] = dsrc[0*dspl+0];
	ddst[0*dspl+1] = dsrc[0*dspl+1];
	ddst[0*dspl+2] = dsrc[0*dspl+2];
	ddst[0*dspl+3] = dsrc[0*dspl+3];
	ddst[0*dspl+4] = dsrc[0*dspl+4];
	ddst[0*dspl+5] = dsrc[0*dspl+5];
	ddst[0*dspl+6] = dsrc[0*dspl+6];
	ddst[0*dspl+7] = dsrc[0*dspl+7];

	ddst[1*dspl+0] = dsrc[1*dspl+0];
	ddst[1*dspl+1] = dsrc[1*dspl+1];
	ddst[1*dspl+2] = dsrc[1*dspl+2];
	ddst[1*dspl+3] = dsrc[1*dspl+3];
	ddst[1*dspl+4] = dsrc[1*dspl+4];
	ddst[1*dspl+5] = dsrc[1*dspl+5];
	ddst[1*dspl+6] = dsrc[1*dspl+6];
	ddst[1*dspl+7] = dsrc[1*dspl+7];

	ddst[2*dspl+0] = dsrc[2*dspl+0];
	ddst[2*dspl+1] = dsrc[2*dspl+1];
	ddst[2*dspl+2] = dsrc[2*dspl+2];
	ddst[2*dspl+3] = dsrc[2*dspl+3];
	ddst[2*dspl+4] = dsrc[2*dspl+4];
	ddst[2*dspl+5] = dsrc[2*dspl+5];
	ddst[2*dspl+6] = dsrc[2*dspl+6];
	ddst[2*dspl+7] = dsrc[2*dspl+7];

	ddst[3*dspl+0] = dsrc[3*dspl+0];
	ddst[3*dspl+1] = dsrc[3*dspl+1];
	ddst[3*dspl+2] = dsrc[3*dspl+2];
	ddst[3*dspl+3] = dsrc[3*dspl+3];
	ddst[3*dspl+4] = dsrc[3*dspl+4];
	ddst[3*dspl+5] = dsrc[3*dspl+5];
	ddst[3*dspl+6] = dsrc[3*dspl+6];
	ddst[3*dspl+7] = dsrc[3*dspl+7];

	ddst[4*dspl+0] = dsrc[4*dspl+0];
	ddst[4*dspl+1] = dsrc[4*dspl+1];
	ddst[4*dspl+2] = dsrc[4*dspl+2];
	ddst[4*dspl+3] = dsrc[4*dspl+3];
	ddst[4*dspl+4] = dsrc[4*dspl+4];
	ddst[4*dspl+5] = dsrc[4*dspl+5];
	ddst[4*dspl+6] = dsrc[4*dspl+6];
	ddst[4*dspl+7] = dsrc[4*dspl+7];

	ddst[5*dspl+0] = dsrc[5*dspl+0];
	ddst[5*dspl+1] = dsrc[5*dspl+1];
	ddst[5*dspl+2] = dsrc[5*dspl+2];
	ddst[5*dspl+3] = dsrc[5*dspl+3];
	ddst[5*dspl+4] = dsrc[5*dspl+4];
	ddst[5*dspl+5] = dsrc[5*dspl+5];
	ddst[5*dspl+6] = dsrc[5*dspl+6];
	ddst[5*dspl+7] = dsrc[5*dspl+7];

	ddst[6*dspl+0] = dsrc[6*dspl+0];
	ddst[6*dspl+1] = dsrc[6*dspl+1];
	ddst[6*dspl+2] = dsrc[6*dspl+2];
	ddst[6*dspl+3] = dsrc[6*dspl+3];
	ddst[6*dspl+4] = dsrc[6*dspl+4];
	ddst[6*dspl+5] = dsrc[6*dspl+5];
	ddst[6*dspl+6] = dsrc[6*dspl+6];
	ddst[6*dspl+7] = dsrc[6*dspl+7];

	ddst[7*dspl+0] = dsrc[7*dspl+0];
	ddst[7*dspl+1] = dsrc[7*dspl+1];
	ddst[7*dspl+2] = dsrc[7*dspl+2];
	ddst[7*dspl+3] = dsrc[7*dspl+3];
	ddst[7*dspl+4] = dsrc[7*dspl+4];
	ddst[7*dspl+5] = dsrc[7*dspl+5];
	ddst[7*dspl+6] = dsrc[7*dspl+6];
	ddst[7*dspl+7] = dsrc[7*dspl+7];
	double *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (double *)src;
	ddst = (double *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>3;

	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];

void idCinematicLocal::move4_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl  ) {
#if 1
	int *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (int *)src;
	ddst = (int *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>2;

	ddst[0*dspl+0] = dsrc[0*dspl+0];
	ddst[0*dspl+1] = dsrc[0*dspl+1];
	ddst[0*dspl+2] = dsrc[0*dspl+2];
	ddst[0*dspl+3] = dsrc[0*dspl+3];

	ddst[1*dspl+0] = dsrc[1*dspl+0];
	ddst[1*dspl+1] = dsrc[1*dspl+1];
	ddst[1*dspl+2] = dsrc[1*dspl+2];
	ddst[1*dspl+3] = dsrc[1*dspl+3];

	ddst[2*dspl+0] = dsrc[2*dspl+0];
	ddst[2*dspl+1] = dsrc[2*dspl+1];
	ddst[2*dspl+2] = dsrc[2*dspl+2];
	ddst[2*dspl+3] = dsrc[2*dspl+3];

	ddst[3*dspl+0] = dsrc[3*dspl+0];
	ddst[3*dspl+1] = dsrc[3*dspl+1];
	ddst[3*dspl+2] = dsrc[3*dspl+2];
	ddst[3*dspl+3] = dsrc[3*dspl+3];
	double *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (double *)src;
	ddst = (double *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>3;

	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1];
	dsrc += dspl; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1];

void idCinematicLocal::blit8_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl  ) {
#if 1
	int *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (int *)src;
	ddst = (int *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>2;

	ddst[0*dspl+0] = dsrc[ 0];
	ddst[0*dspl+1] = dsrc[ 1];
	ddst[0*dspl+2] = dsrc[ 2];
	ddst[0*dspl+3] = dsrc[ 3];
	ddst[0*dspl+4] = dsrc[ 4];
	ddst[0*dspl+5] = dsrc[ 5];
	ddst[0*dspl+6] = dsrc[ 6];
	ddst[0*dspl+7] = dsrc[ 7];

	ddst[1*dspl+0] = dsrc[ 8];
	ddst[1*dspl+1] = dsrc[ 9];
	ddst[1*dspl+2] = dsrc[10];
	ddst[1*dspl+3] = dsrc[11];
	ddst[1*dspl+4] = dsrc[12];
	ddst[1*dspl+5] = dsrc[13];
	ddst[1*dspl+6] = dsrc[14];
	ddst[1*dspl+7] = dsrc[15];

	ddst[2*dspl+0] = dsrc[16];
	ddst[2*dspl+1] = dsrc[17];
	ddst[2*dspl+2] = dsrc[18];
	ddst[2*dspl+3] = dsrc[19];
	ddst[2*dspl+4] = dsrc[20];
	ddst[2*dspl+5] = dsrc[21];
	ddst[2*dspl+6] = dsrc[22];
	ddst[2*dspl+7] = dsrc[23];

	ddst[3*dspl+0] = dsrc[24];
	ddst[3*dspl+1] = dsrc[25];
	ddst[3*dspl+2] = dsrc[26];
	ddst[3*dspl+3] = dsrc[27];
	ddst[3*dspl+4] = dsrc[28];
	ddst[3*dspl+5] = dsrc[29];
	ddst[3*dspl+6] = dsrc[30];
	ddst[3*dspl+7] = dsrc[31];

	ddst[4*dspl+0] = dsrc[32];
	ddst[4*dspl+1] = dsrc[33];
	ddst[4*dspl+2] = dsrc[34];
	ddst[4*dspl+3] = dsrc[35];
	ddst[4*dspl+4] = dsrc[36];
	ddst[4*dspl+5] = dsrc[37];
	ddst[4*dspl+6] = dsrc[38];
	ddst[4*dspl+7] = dsrc[39];

	ddst[5*dspl+0] = dsrc[40];
	ddst[5*dspl+1] = dsrc[41];
	ddst[5*dspl+2] = dsrc[42];
	ddst[5*dspl+3] = dsrc[43];
	ddst[5*dspl+4] = dsrc[44];
	ddst[5*dspl+5] = dsrc[45];
	ddst[5*dspl+6] = dsrc[46];
	ddst[5*dspl+7] = dsrc[47];

	ddst[6*dspl+0] = dsrc[48];
	ddst[6*dspl+1] = dsrc[49];
	ddst[6*dspl+2] = dsrc[50];
	ddst[6*dspl+3] = dsrc[51];
	ddst[6*dspl+4] = dsrc[52];
	ddst[6*dspl+5] = dsrc[53];
	ddst[6*dspl+6] = dsrc[54];
	ddst[6*dspl+7] = dsrc[55];

	ddst[7*dspl+0] = dsrc[56];
	ddst[7*dspl+1] = dsrc[57];
	ddst[7*dspl+2] = dsrc[58];
	ddst[7*dspl+3] = dsrc[59];
	ddst[7*dspl+4] = dsrc[60];
	ddst[7*dspl+5] = dsrc[61];
	ddst[7*dspl+6] = dsrc[62];
	ddst[7*dspl+7] = dsrc[63];
	double *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (double *)src;
	ddst = (double *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>3;

	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += 4; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += 4; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += 4; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += 4; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += 4; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += 4; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];
	dsrc += 4; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1]; ddst[2] = dsrc[2]; ddst[3] = dsrc[3];

void idCinematicLocal::blit4_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl  ) {
#if 1
	int *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (int *)src;
	ddst = (int *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>2;

	ddst[0*dspl+0] = dsrc[ 0];
	ddst[0*dspl+1] = dsrc[ 1];
	ddst[0*dspl+2] = dsrc[ 2];
	ddst[0*dspl+3] = dsrc[ 3];
	ddst[1*dspl+0] = dsrc[ 4];
	ddst[1*dspl+1] = dsrc[ 5];
	ddst[1*dspl+2] = dsrc[ 6];
	ddst[1*dspl+3] = dsrc[ 7];
	ddst[2*dspl+0] = dsrc[ 8];
	ddst[2*dspl+1] = dsrc[ 9];
	ddst[2*dspl+2] = dsrc[10];
	ddst[2*dspl+3] = dsrc[11];
	ddst[3*dspl+0] = dsrc[12];
	ddst[3*dspl+1] = dsrc[13];
	ddst[3*dspl+2] = dsrc[14];
	ddst[3*dspl+3] = dsrc[15];
	double *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (double *)src;
	ddst = (double *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>3;

	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1];
	dsrc += 2; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1];
	dsrc += 2; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1];
	dsrc += 2; ddst += dspl;
	ddst[0] = dsrc[0]; ddst[1] = dsrc[1];

void idCinematicLocal::blit2_32( byte *src, byte *dst, int spl  ) {
#if 1
	int *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (int *)src;
	ddst = (int *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>2;

	ddst[0*dspl+0] = dsrc[0];
	ddst[0*dspl+1] = dsrc[1];
	ddst[1*dspl+0] = dsrc[2];
	ddst[1*dspl+1] = dsrc[3];
	double *dsrc, *ddst;
	int dspl;

	dsrc = (double *)src;
	ddst = (double *)dst;
	dspl = spl>>3;

	ddst[0] = dsrc[0];
	ddst[dspl] = dsrc[1];

void idCinematicLocal::blitVQQuad32fs( byte **status, unsigned char *data ) {
	unsigned short	newd, celdata, code;
	unsigned int	index, i;

	newd	= 0;
	celdata = 0;
	index	= 0;

	do {
		if (!newd) {
			newd = 7;
			celdata = data[0] + data[1]*256;
			data += 2;
		} else {

		code = (unsigned short)(celdata&0xc000);
		celdata <<= 2;

		switch (code) {
			case	0x8000:													// vq code
				blit8_32( (byte *)&vq8[(*data)*128], status[index], samplesPerLine );
				index += 5;
			case	0xc000:													// drop
				index++;													// skip 8x8
				for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
					if (!newd) {
						newd = 7;
						celdata = data[0] + data[1]*256;
						data += 2;
					} else {

					code = (unsigned short)(celdata&0xc000); celdata <<= 2;

					switch (code) {											// code in top two bits of code
						case	0x8000:										// 4x4 vq code
							blit4_32( (byte *)&vq4[(*data)*32], status[index], samplesPerLine );
						case	0xc000:										// 2x2 vq code
							blit2_32( (byte *)&vq2[(*data)*8], status[index], samplesPerLine );
							blit2_32( (byte *)&vq2[(*data)*8], status[index]+8, samplesPerLine );
							blit2_32( (byte *)&vq2[(*data)*8], status[index]+samplesPerLine*2, samplesPerLine );
							blit2_32( (byte *)&vq2[(*data)*8], status[index]+samplesPerLine*2+8, samplesPerLine );
						case	0x4000:										// motion compensation
							move4_32( status[index] + mcomp[(*data)], status[index], samplesPerLine );
			case	0x4000:													// motion compensation
				move8_32( status[index] + mcomp[(*data)], status[index], samplesPerLine );
				index += 5;
			case	0x0000:
				index += 5;
	} while ( status[index] != NULL );

#define VQ2TO4(a,b,c,d) { \
		*c++ = a[0];	\
	*d++ = a[0];	\
	*d++ = a[0];	\
	*c++ = a[1];	\
	*d++ = a[1];	\
	*d++ = a[1];	\
	*c++ = b[0];	\
	*d++ = b[0];	\
	*d++ = b[0];	\
	*c++ = b[1];	\
	*d++ = b[1];	\
	*d++ = b[1];	\
	*d++ = a[0];	\
	*d++ = a[0];	\
	*d++ = a[1];	\
	*d++ = a[1];	\
	*d++ = b[0];	\
	*d++ = b[0];	\
	*d++ = b[1];	\
	*d++ = b[1];	\
	a += 2; b += 2; }

#define VQ2TO2(a,b,c,d) { \
	*c++ = *a;	\
	*d++ = *a;	\
	*d++ = *a;	\
	*c++ = *b;	\
	*d++ = *b;	\
	*d++ = *b;	\
	*d++ = *a;	\
	*d++ = *a;	\
	*d++ = *b;	\
	*d++ = *b;	\
	a++; b++; }

unsigned short idCinematicLocal::yuv_to_rgb( int y, int u, int v ) {
	int r,g,b,YY = (int)(ROQ_YY_tab[(y)]);

	r = (YY + ROQ_VR_tab[v]) >> 9;
	g = (YY + ROQ_UG_tab[u] + ROQ_VG_tab[v]) >> 8;
	b = (YY + ROQ_UB_tab[u]) >> 9;

	if (r<0) r = 0; if (g<0) g = 0; if (b<0) b = 0;
	if (r > 31) r = 31; if (g > 63) g = 63; if (b > 31) b = 31;

	return (unsigned short)((r<<11)+(g<<5)+(b));

unsigned int idCinematicLocal::yuv_to_rgb24( int y, int u, int v ) {
	int r,g,b,YY = (int)(ROQ_YY_tab[(y)]);

	r = (YY + ROQ_VR_tab[v]) >> 6;
	g = (YY + ROQ_UG_tab[u] + ROQ_VG_tab[v]) >> 6;
	b = (YY + ROQ_UB_tab[u]) >> 6;

	if (r<0) r = 0; if (g<0) g = 0; if (b<0) b = 0;
	if (r > 255) r = 255; if (g > 255) g = 255; if (b > 255) b = 255;

	return LittleInt((r)+(g<<8)+(b<<16));

void idCinematicLocal::decodeCodeBook( byte *input, unsigned short roq_flags ) {
	int	i, j, two, four;
	unsigned short	*aptr, *bptr, *cptr, *dptr;
	int	y0,y1,y2,y3,cr,cb;
	unsigned int *iaptr, *ibptr, *icptr, *idptr;

	if (!roq_flags) {
		two = four = 256;
	} else {
		two  = roq_flags>>8;
		if (!two) two = 256;
		four = roq_flags&0xff;

	four *= 2;

	bptr = (unsigned short *)vq2;

	if (!half) {
		if (!smootheddouble) {
// normal height
			if (samplesPerPixel==2) {
				for(i=0;i<two;i++) {
					y0 = (int)*input++;
					y1 = (int)*input++;
					y2 = (int)*input++;
					y3 = (int)*input++;
					cr = (int)*input++;
					cb = (int)*input++;
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y0, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y1, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y2, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y3, cr, cb );

				cptr = (unsigned short *)vq4;
				dptr = (unsigned short *)vq8;

				for(i=0;i<four;i++) {
					aptr = (unsigned short *)vq2 + (*input++)*4;
					bptr = (unsigned short *)vq2 + (*input++)*4;
			} else if (samplesPerPixel==4) {
				ibptr = (unsigned int *)bptr;
				for(i=0;i<two;i++) {
					y0 = (int)*input++;
					y1 = (int)*input++;
					y2 = (int)*input++;
					y3 = (int)*input++;
					cr = (int)*input++;
					cb = (int)*input++;
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y0, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y1, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y2, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y3, cr, cb );

				icptr = (unsigned int *)vq4;
				idptr = (unsigned int *)vq8;

				for(i=0;i<four;i++) {
					iaptr = (unsigned int *)vq2 + (*input++)*4;
					ibptr = (unsigned int *)vq2 + (*input++)*4;
						VQ2TO4(iaptr, ibptr, icptr, idptr);
		} else {
// double height, smoothed
			if (samplesPerPixel==2) {
				for(i=0;i<two;i++) {
					y0 = (int)*input++;
					y1 = (int)*input++;
					y2 = (int)*input++;
					y3 = (int)*input++;
					cr = (int)*input++;
					cb = (int)*input++;
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y0, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y1, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( ((y0*3)+y2)/4, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( ((y1*3)+y3)/4, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( (y0+(y2*3))/4, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( (y1+(y3*3))/4, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y2, cr, cb );
					*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y3, cr, cb );

				cptr = (unsigned short *)vq4;
				dptr = (unsigned short *)vq8;

				for(i=0;i<four;i++) {
					aptr = (unsigned short *)vq2 + (*input++)*8;
					bptr = (unsigned short *)vq2 + (*input++)*8;
					for(j=0;j<2;j++) {
			} else if (samplesPerPixel==4) {
				ibptr = (unsigned int *)bptr;
				for(i=0;i<two;i++) {
					y0 = (int)*input++;
					y1 = (int)*input++;
					y2 = (int)*input++;
					y3 = (int)*input++;
					cr = (int)*input++;
					cb = (int)*input++;
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y0, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y1, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( ((y0*3)+y2)/4, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( ((y1*3)+y3)/4, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( (y0+(y2*3))/4, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( (y1+(y3*3))/4, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y2, cr, cb );
					*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y3, cr, cb );

				icptr = (unsigned int *)vq4;
				idptr = (unsigned int *)vq8;

				for(i=0;i<four;i++) {
					iaptr = (unsigned int *)vq2 + (*input++)*8;
					ibptr = (unsigned int *)vq2 + (*input++)*8;
					for(j=0;j<2;j++) {
						VQ2TO4(iaptr, ibptr, icptr, idptr);
						VQ2TO4(iaptr, ibptr, icptr, idptr);
	} else {
// 1/4 screen
		if (samplesPerPixel==2) {
			for(i=0;i<two;i++) {
				y0 = (int)*input; input+=2;
				y2 = (int)*input; input+=2;
				cr = (int)*input++;
				cb = (int)*input++;
				*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y0, cr, cb );
				*bptr++ = yuv_to_rgb( y2, cr, cb );

			cptr = (unsigned short *)vq4;
			dptr = (unsigned short *)vq8;

			for(i=0;i<four;i++) {
				aptr = (unsigned short *)vq2 + (*input++)*2;
				bptr = (unsigned short *)vq2 + (*input++)*2;
				for(j=0;j<2;j++) {
		} else if (samplesPerPixel == 4) {
			ibptr = (unsigned int *) bptr;
			for(i=0;i<two;i++) {
				y0 = (int)*input; input+=2;
				y2 = (int)*input; input+=2;
				cr = (int)*input++;
				cb = (int)*input++;
				*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y0, cr, cb );
				*ibptr++ = yuv_to_rgb24( y2, cr, cb );

			icptr = (unsigned int *)vq4;
			idptr = (unsigned int *)vq8;

			for(i=0;i<four;i++) {
				iaptr = (unsigned int *)vq2 + (*input++)*2;
				ibptr = (unsigned int *)vq2 + (*input++)*2;
				for(j=0;j<2;j++) {

void idCinematicLocal::recurseQuad( int startX, int startY, int quadSize, int xOff, int yOff ) {
	byte *scroff;
	int bigx, bigy, lowx, lowy, useY;
	int offset;

	offset = screenDelta;

	lowx = lowy = 0;
	bigx = xsize;
	bigy = ysize;

	if (bigx > CIN_WIDTH) bigx = CIN_WIDTH;
	if (bigy > CIN_HEIGHT) bigy = CIN_HEIGHT;

	if ( (startX >= lowx) && (startX+quadSize) <= (bigx) && (startY+quadSize) <= (bigy) && (startY >= lowy) && quadSize <= MAXSIZE) {
		useY = startY;
		scroff = image + (useY+((CIN_HEIGHT-bigy)>>1)+yOff)*(samplesPerLine) + (((startX+xOff))*samplesPerPixel);

		qStatus[0][onQuad  ] = scroff;
		qStatus[1][onQuad++] = scroff+offset;

	if ( quadSize != MINSIZE ) {
		quadSize >>= 1;
		recurseQuad( startX,		  startY		  , quadSize, xOff, yOff );
		recurseQuad( startX+quadSize, startY		  , quadSize, xOff, yOff );
		recurseQuad( startX,		  startY+quadSize , quadSize, xOff, yOff );
		recurseQuad( startX+quadSize, startY+quadSize , quadSize, xOff, yOff );

void idCinematicLocal::setupQuad( int xOff, int yOff ) {
	int numQuadCels, i,x,y;
	byte *temp;

	numQuadCels  = (CIN_WIDTH*CIN_HEIGHT) / (16);
	numQuadCels += numQuadCels/4 + numQuadCels/16;
	numQuadCels += 64;							  // for overflow

	numQuadCels  = (xsize*ysize) / (16);
	numQuadCels += numQuadCels/4;
	numQuadCels += 64;							  // for overflow

	onQuad = 0;

			recurseQuad( x, y, 16, xOff, yOff );

	temp = NULL;

	for(i=(numQuadCels-64);i<numQuadCels;i++) {
		qStatus[0][i] = temp;			  // eoq
		qStatus[1][i] = temp;			  // eoq

void idCinematicLocal::readQuadInfo( byte *qData ) {
	xsize    = qData[0]+qData[1]*256;
	ysize    = qData[2]+qData[3]*256;
	maxsize  = qData[4]+qData[5]*256;
	minsize  = qData[6]+qData[7]*256;

	CIN_HEIGHT = ysize;
	CIN_WIDTH  = xsize;

	samplesPerLine = CIN_WIDTH*samplesPerPixel;
	screenDelta = CIN_HEIGHT*samplesPerLine;

	if (!image ) {
		image = (byte *)Mem_Alloc( CIN_WIDTH*CIN_HEIGHT*samplesPerPixel*2 );

	half = false;
	smootheddouble = false;

	t[0] = (0 - (ptrdiff_t)image)+(ptrdiff_t)image+screenDelta;
	t[1] = (0 - ((ptrdiff_t)image + screenDelta))+(ptrdiff_t)image;

	drawX = CIN_WIDTH;
	drawY = CIN_HEIGHT;

void idCinematicLocal::RoQPrepMcomp( int xoff, int yoff ) {
	int i, j, x, y, temp, temp2;

	i=samplesPerLine; j=samplesPerPixel;
	if ( xsize == (ysize*4) && !half ) { j = j+j; i = i+i; }

	for(y=0;y<16;y++) {
		temp2 = (y+yoff-8)*i;
		for(x=0;x<16;x++) {
			temp = (x+xoff-8)*j;
			mcomp[(x*16)+y] = normalBuffer0-(temp2+temp);

void idCinematicLocal::RoQReset() {

	iFile->Seek( 0, FS_SEEK_SET );
	iFile->Read( file, 16 );
	status = FMV_LOOPED;

/* jpeg error handling */
struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;

int JPEGBlit( byte *wStatus, byte *data, int datasize )
  /* This struct contains the JPEG decompression parameters and pointers to
   * working space (which is allocated as needed by the JPEG library).
  struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
  /* We use our private extension JPEG error handler.
   * Note that this struct must live as long as the main JPEG parameter
   * struct, to avoid dangling-pointer problems.
  /* More stuff */
  JSAMPARRAY buffer;		/* Output row buffer */
  int row_stride;		/* physical row width in output buffer */

  /* Step 1: allocate and initialize JPEG decompression object */

  /* We set up the normal JPEG error routines, then override error_exit. */
  cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);

  /* Now we can initialize the JPEG decompression object. */

  /* Step 2: specify data source (eg, a file) */

  jpeg_memory_src(&cinfo, data, datasize);

  /* Step 3: read file parameters with jpeg_read_header() */

  (void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
  /* We can ignore the return value from jpeg_read_header since
   *   (a) suspension is not possible with the stdio data source, and
   *   (b) we passed TRUE to reject a tables-only JPEG file as an error.
   * See libjpeg.doc for more info.

  /* Step 4: set parameters for decompression */

  /* In this example, we don't need to change any of the defaults set by
   * jpeg_read_header(), so we do nothing here.

  /* Step 5: Start decompressor */

	cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_IFAST;
	cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_FASTEST;
	cinfo.dither_mode = JDITHER_NONE;
	cinfo.do_fancy_upsampling = FALSE;
//	cinfo.out_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE;

  (void) jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
  /* We can ignore the return value since suspension is not possible
   * with the stdio data source.

  /* We may need to do some setup of our own at this point before reading
   * the data.  After jpeg_start_decompress() we have the correct scaled
   * output image dimensions available, as well as the output colormap
   * if we asked for color quantization.
   * In this example, we need to make an output work buffer of the right size.
  /* JSAMPLEs per row in output buffer */
  row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;

  /* Make a one-row-high sample array that will go away when done with image */
  buffer = (*cinfo.mem->alloc_sarray)
		((j_common_ptr) &cinfo, JPOOL_IMAGE, row_stride, 1);

  /* Step 6: while (scan lines remain to be read) */
  /*           jpeg_read_scanlines(...); */

  /* Here we use the library's state variable cinfo.output_scanline as the
   * loop counter, so that we don't have to keep track ourselves.

  wStatus += (cinfo.output_height-1)*row_stride;
  while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
	/* jpeg_read_scanlines expects an array of pointers to scanlines.
	 * Here the array is only one element long, but you could ask for
	 * more than one scanline at a time if that's more convenient.
	(void) jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, &buffer[0], 1);

	/* Assume put_scanline_someplace wants a pointer and sample count. */
	memcpy( wStatus, &buffer[0][0], row_stride );
	int x;
	unsigned int *buf = (unsigned int *)&buffer[0][0];
	unsigned int *out = (unsigned int *)wStatus;
	for(x=0;x<cinfo.output_width;x++) {
		unsigned int pixel = buf[x];
		byte *roof = (byte *)&pixel;
		byte temp = roof[0];
		roof[0] = roof[2];
		roof[2] = temp;
		out[x] = pixel;
	wStatus -= row_stride;

  /* Step 7: Finish decompression */

  (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);
  /* We can ignore the return value since suspension is not possible
   * with the stdio data source.

  /* Step 8: Release JPEG decompression object */

  /* This is an important step since it will release a good deal of memory. */

  /* At this point you may want to check to see whether any corrupt-data
   * warnings occurred (test whether jerr.pub.num_warnings is nonzero).

  /* And we're done! */
  return 1;

void idCinematicLocal::RoQInterrupt(void) {
	byte				*framedata;

	iFile->Read( file, RoQFrameSize+8 );
	if ( RoQPlayed >= ROQSize ) {
		if (looping) {
		} else {
			status = FMV_EOF;

	framedata = file;
// new frame is ready
		case	ROQ_QUAD_VQ:
			if ((numQuads&1)) {
				normalBuffer0 = t[1];
				RoQPrepMcomp( roqF0, roqF1 );
				blitVQQuad32fs( qStatus[1], framedata);
				buf =	image + screenDelta;
			} else {
				normalBuffer0 = t[0];
				RoQPrepMcomp( roqF0, roqF1 );
				blitVQQuad32fs( qStatus[0], framedata );
				buf =	image;
			if (numQuads == 0) {		// first frame
				memcpy(image+screenDelta, image, samplesPerLine*ysize);
			dirty = true;
			decodeCodeBook( framedata, (unsigned short)roq_flags );
			if (numQuads == -1) {
				readQuadInfo( framedata );
				setupQuad( 0, 0 );
			if (numQuads != 1) numQuads = 0;
		case	ROQ_PACKET:
			inMemory = ( roq_flags != 0 );
			RoQFrameSize = 0;           // for header
			RoQFrameSize = 0;
			if (!numQuads) {
				normalBuffer0 = t[0];
				JPEGBlit( image, framedata, RoQFrameSize );
				memcpy(image+screenDelta, image, samplesPerLine*ysize);
			status = FMV_EOF;
// read in next frame data
	if ( RoQPlayed >= ROQSize ) {
		if (looping) {
		} else {
			status = FMV_EOF;

	framedata		 += RoQFrameSize;
	roq_id		 = framedata[0] + framedata[1]*256;
	RoQFrameSize = framedata[2] + framedata[3]*256 + framedata[4]*65536;
	roq_flags	 = framedata[6] + framedata[7]*256;
	roqF0		 = (char)framedata[7];
	roqF1		 = (char)framedata[6];

	if (RoQFrameSize>65536||roq_id==0x1084) {
		status = FMV_EOF;
		if (looping) {
	if (inMemory && (status != FMV_EOF)) {
		inMemory = false; framedata += 8; goto redump;
// one more frame hits the dust
//	assert(RoQFrameSize <= 65536);
//	r = Sys_StreamedRead( file, RoQFrameSize+8, 1, iFile );
	RoQPlayed	+= RoQFrameSize+8;

void idCinematicLocal::RoQ_init( void ) {

	RoQPlayed = 24;

	/*	get frame rate */
	roqFPS	 = file[ 6] + file[ 7]*256;

	if (!roqFPS) roqFPS = 30;

	numQuads = -1;

	roq_id		= file[ 8] + file[ 9]*256;
	RoQFrameSize= file[10] + file[11]*256 + file[12]*65536;
	roq_flags	= file[14] + file[15]*256;

void idCinematicLocal::RoQShutdown( void ) {
	if ( status == FMV_IDLE ) {
	status = FMV_IDLE;

	if ( iFile ) {
		fileSystem->CloseFile( iFile );
		iFile = NULL;

	fileName = "";


bool idSndWindow::InitFromFile( const char *qpath, bool looping ) {
	idStr fname = qpath;

	if ( !fname.Icmp( "waveform" ) ) {
		showWaveform = true;
	} else {
		showWaveform = false;
	return true;

cinData_t idSndWindow::ImageForTime( int milliseconds ) {
	return soundSystem->ImageForTime( milliseconds, showWaveform );

int idSndWindow::AnimationLength() {
	return -1;