/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #ifndef __USERCMDGEN_H__ #define __USERCMDGEN_H__ /* =============================================================================== Samples a set of user commands from player input. =============================================================================== */ const int USERCMD_HZ = 60; // 60 frames per second const int USERCMD_MSEC = 1000 / USERCMD_HZ; // usercmd_t->button bits const int BUTTON_ATTACK = BIT(0); const int BUTTON_RUN = BIT(1); const int BUTTON_ZOOM = BIT(2); const int BUTTON_SCORES = BIT(3); const int BUTTON_MLOOK = BIT(4); const int BUTTON_5 = BIT(5); const int BUTTON_6 = BIT(6); const int BUTTON_7 = BIT(7); // usercmd_t->impulse commands const int IMPULSE_0 = 0; // weap 0 const int IMPULSE_1 = 1; // weap 1 const int IMPULSE_2 = 2; // weap 2 const int IMPULSE_3 = 3; // weap 3 const int IMPULSE_4 = 4; // weap 4 const int IMPULSE_5 = 5; // weap 5 const int IMPULSE_6 = 6; // weap 6 const int IMPULSE_7 = 7; // weap 7 const int IMPULSE_8 = 8; // weap 8 const int IMPULSE_9 = 9; // weap 9 const int IMPULSE_10 = 10; // weap 10 const int IMPULSE_11 = 11; // weap 11 const int IMPULSE_12 = 12; // weap 12 const int IMPULSE_13 = 13; // weap reload const int IMPULSE_14 = 14; // weap next const int IMPULSE_15 = 15; // weap prev const int IMPULSE_16 = 16; // <unused> const int IMPULSE_17 = 17; // ready to play ( toggles ui_ready ) const int IMPULSE_18 = 18; // center view const int IMPULSE_19 = 19; // show PDA/INV/MAP const int IMPULSE_20 = 20; // toggle team ( toggles ui_team ) const int IMPULSE_21 = 21; // <unused> const int IMPULSE_22 = 22; // spectate const int IMPULSE_23 = 23; // <unused> const int IMPULSE_24 = 24; // <unused> const int IMPULSE_25 = 25; // <unused> const int IMPULSE_26 = 26; // <unused> const int IMPULSE_27 = 27; // <unused> const int IMPULSE_28 = 28; // vote yes const int IMPULSE_29 = 29; // vote no const int IMPULSE_40 = 40; // use vehicle // usercmd_t->flags const int UCF_IMPULSE_SEQUENCE = 0x0001; // toggled every time an impulse command is sent class usercmd_t { public: int gameFrame; // frame number int gameTime; // game time int duplicateCount; // duplication count for networking byte buttons; // buttons signed char forwardmove; // forward/backward movement signed char rightmove; // left/right movement signed char upmove; // up/down movement short angles[3]; // view angles short mx; // mouse delta x short my; // mouse delta y signed char impulse; // impulse command byte flags; // additional flags int sequence; // just for debugging public: void ByteSwap(); // on big endian systems, byte swap the shorts and ints bool operator==( const usercmd_t &rhs ) const; }; typedef enum { INHIBIT_SESSION = 0, INHIBIT_ASYNC } inhibit_t; const int MAX_BUFFERED_USERCMD = 64; class idUsercmdGen { public: virtual ~idUsercmdGen( void ) {} // Sets up all the cvars and console commands. virtual void Init( void ) = 0; // Prepares for a new map. virtual void InitForNewMap( void ) = 0; // Shut down. virtual void Shutdown( void ) = 0; // Clears all key states and face straight. virtual void Clear( void ) = 0; // Clears view angles. virtual void ClearAngles( void ) = 0; // When the console is down or the menu is up, only emit default usercmd, so the player isn't moving around. // Each subsystem (session and game) may want an inhibit will OR the requests. virtual void InhibitUsercmd( inhibit_t subsystem, bool inhibit ) = 0; // Returns a buffered command for the given game tic. virtual usercmd_t TicCmd( int ticNumber ) = 0; // Called async at regular intervals. virtual void UsercmdInterrupt( void ) = 0; // Set a value that can safely be referenced by UsercmdInterrupt() for each key binding. virtual int CommandStringUsercmdData( const char *cmdString ) = 0; // Returns the number of user commands. virtual int GetNumUserCommands( void ) = 0; // Returns the name of a user command via index. virtual const char *GetUserCommandName( int index ) = 0; // Continuously modified, never reset. For full screen guis. virtual void MouseState( int *x, int *y, int *button, bool *down ) = 0; // Directly sample a button. virtual int ButtonState( int key ) = 0; // Directly sample a keystate. virtual int KeyState( int key ) = 0; // Directly sample a usercmd. virtual usercmd_t GetDirectUsercmd( void ) = 0; }; extern idUsercmdGen *usercmdGen; #endif /* !__USERCMDGEN_H__ */