/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "idlib/geometry/JointTransform.h" #include "idlib/math/Quat.h" #include "Game_local.h" #include "anim/Anim.h" bool idAnimManager::forceExport = false; /*********************************************************************** idMD5Anim ***********************************************************************/ /* ==================== idMD5Anim::idMD5Anim ==================== */ idMD5Anim::idMD5Anim() { ref_count = 0; numFrames = 0; numJoints = 0; frameRate = 24; animLength = 0; totaldelta.Zero(); } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::idMD5Anim ==================== */ idMD5Anim::~idMD5Anim() { Free(); } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::Free ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::Free( void ) { numFrames = 0; numJoints = 0; frameRate = 24; animLength = 0; name = ""; totaldelta.Zero(); jointInfo.Clear(); bounds.Clear(); componentFrames.Clear(); } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::NumFrames ==================== */ int idMD5Anim::NumFrames( void ) const { return numFrames; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::NumJoints ==================== */ int idMD5Anim::NumJoints( void ) const { return numJoints; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::Length ==================== */ int idMD5Anim::Length( void ) const { return animLength; } /* ===================== idMD5Anim::TotalMovementDelta ===================== */ const idVec3 &idMD5Anim::TotalMovementDelta( void ) const { return totaldelta; } /* ===================== idMD5Anim::TotalMovementDelta ===================== */ const char *idMD5Anim::Name( void ) const { return name; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::Reload ==================== */ bool idMD5Anim::Reload( void ) { idStr filename; filename = name; Free(); return LoadAnim( filename ); } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::Allocated ==================== */ size_t idMD5Anim::Allocated( void ) const { size_t size = bounds.Allocated() + jointInfo.Allocated() + componentFrames.Allocated() + name.Allocated(); return size; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::LoadAnim ==================== */ bool idMD5Anim::LoadAnim( const char *filename ) { int version; idLexer parser( LEXFL_ALLOWPATHNAMES | LEXFL_NOSTRINGESCAPECHARS | LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT ); idToken token; int i, j; int num; if ( !parser.LoadFile( filename ) ) { return false; } Free(); name = filename; parser.ExpectTokenString( MD5_VERSION_STRING ); version = parser.ParseInt(); if ( version != MD5_VERSION ) { parser.Error( "Invalid version %d. Should be version %d\n", version, MD5_VERSION ); } // skip the commandline parser.ExpectTokenString( "commandline" ); parser.ReadToken( &token ); // parse num frames parser.ExpectTokenString( "numFrames" ); numFrames = parser.ParseInt(); if ( numFrames <= 0 ) { parser.Error( "Invalid number of frames: %d", numFrames ); } // parse num joints parser.ExpectTokenString( "numJoints" ); numJoints = parser.ParseInt(); if ( numJoints <= 0 ) { parser.Error( "Invalid number of joints: %d", numJoints ); } // parse frame rate parser.ExpectTokenString( "frameRate" ); frameRate = parser.ParseInt(); if ( frameRate < 0 ) { parser.Error( "Invalid frame rate: %d", frameRate ); } // parse number of animated components parser.ExpectTokenString( "numAnimatedComponents" ); numAnimatedComponents = parser.ParseInt(); if ( ( numAnimatedComponents < 0 ) || ( numAnimatedComponents > numJoints * 6 ) ) { parser.Error( "Invalid number of animated components: %d", numAnimatedComponents ); } // parse the hierarchy jointInfo.SetGranularity( 1 ); jointInfo.SetNum( numJoints ); parser.ExpectTokenString( "hierarchy" ); parser.ExpectTokenString( "{" ); for( i = 0; i < numJoints; i++ ) { parser.ReadToken( &token ); jointInfo[ i ].nameIndex = animationLib.JointIndex( token ); // parse parent num jointInfo[ i ].parentNum = parser.ParseInt(); if ( jointInfo[ i ].parentNum >= i ) { parser.Error( "Invalid parent num: %d", jointInfo[ i ].parentNum ); } if ( ( i != 0 ) && ( jointInfo[ i ].parentNum < 0 ) ) { parser.Error( "Animations may have only one root joint" ); } // parse anim bits jointInfo[ i ].animBits = parser.ParseInt(); if ( jointInfo[ i ].animBits & ~63 ) { parser.Error( "Invalid anim bits: %d", jointInfo[ i ].animBits ); } // parse first component jointInfo[ i ].firstComponent = parser.ParseInt(); if ( ( numAnimatedComponents > 0 ) && ( ( jointInfo[ i ].firstComponent < 0 ) || ( jointInfo[ i ].firstComponent >= numAnimatedComponents ) ) ) { parser.Error( "Invalid first component: %d", jointInfo[ i ].firstComponent ); } } parser.ExpectTokenString( "}" ); // parse bounds parser.ExpectTokenString( "bounds" ); parser.ExpectTokenString( "{" ); bounds.SetGranularity( 1 ); bounds.SetNum( numFrames ); for( i = 0; i < numFrames; i++ ) { parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, bounds[ i ][ 0 ].ToFloatPtr() ); parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, bounds[ i ][ 1 ].ToFloatPtr() ); } parser.ExpectTokenString( "}" ); // parse base frame baseFrame.SetGranularity( 1 ); baseFrame.SetNum( numJoints ); parser.ExpectTokenString( "baseframe" ); parser.ExpectTokenString( "{" ); for( i = 0; i < numJoints; i++ ) { idCQuat q; parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, baseFrame[ i ].t.ToFloatPtr() ); parser.Parse1DMatrix( 3, q.ToFloatPtr() );//baseFrame[ i ].q.ToFloatPtr() ); baseFrame[ i ].q = q.ToQuat();//.w = baseFrame[ i ].q.CalcW(); } parser.ExpectTokenString( "}" ); // parse frames componentFrames.SetGranularity( 1 ); componentFrames.SetNum( numAnimatedComponents * numFrames ); float *componentPtr = componentFrames.Ptr(); for( i = 0; i < numFrames; i++ ) { parser.ExpectTokenString( "frame" ); num = parser.ParseInt(); if ( num != i ) { parser.Error( "Expected frame number %d", i ); } parser.ExpectTokenString( "{" ); for( j = 0; j < numAnimatedComponents; j++, componentPtr++ ) { *componentPtr = parser.ParseFloat(); } parser.ExpectTokenString( "}" ); } // get total move delta if ( !numAnimatedComponents ) { totaldelta.Zero(); } else { componentPtr = &componentFrames[ jointInfo[ 0 ].firstComponent ]; if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ANIM_TX ) { for( i = 0; i < numFrames; i++ ) { componentPtr[ numAnimatedComponents * i ] -= baseFrame[ 0 ].t.x; } totaldelta.x = componentPtr[ numAnimatedComponents * ( numFrames - 1 ) ]; componentPtr++; } else { totaldelta.x = 0.0f; } if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ANIM_TY ) { for( i = 0; i < numFrames; i++ ) { componentPtr[ numAnimatedComponents * i ] -= baseFrame[ 0 ].t.y; } totaldelta.y = componentPtr[ numAnimatedComponents * ( numFrames - 1 ) ]; componentPtr++; } else { totaldelta.y = 0.0f; } if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ANIM_TZ ) { for( i = 0; i < numFrames; i++ ) { componentPtr[ numAnimatedComponents * i ] -= baseFrame[ 0 ].t.z; } totaldelta.z = componentPtr[ numAnimatedComponents * ( numFrames - 1 ) ]; } else { totaldelta.z = 0.0f; } } baseFrame[ 0 ].t.Zero(); // we don't count last frame because it would cause a 1 frame pause at the end animLength = ( ( numFrames - 1 ) * 1000 + frameRate - 1 ) / frameRate; // done return true; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::IncreaseRefs ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::IncreaseRefs( void ) const { ref_count++; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::DecreaseRefs ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::DecreaseRefs( void ) const { ref_count--; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::NumRefs ==================== */ int idMD5Anim::NumRefs( void ) const { return ref_count; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::GetFrameBlend ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::GetFrameBlend( int framenum, frameBlend_t &frame ) const { frame.cycleCount = 0; frame.backlerp = 0.0f; frame.frontlerp = 1.0f; // frame 1 is first frame framenum--; if ( framenum < 0 ) { framenum = 0; } else if ( framenum >= numFrames ) { framenum = numFrames - 1; } frame.frame1 = framenum; frame.frame2 = framenum; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::ConvertTimeToFrame ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::ConvertTimeToFrame( int time, int cyclecount, frameBlend_t &frame ) const { int frameTime; int frameNum; if ( numFrames <= 1 ) { frame.frame1 = 0; frame.frame2 = 0; frame.backlerp = 0.0f; frame.frontlerp = 1.0f; frame.cycleCount = 0; return; } if ( time <= 0 ) { frame.frame1 = 0; frame.frame2 = 1; frame.backlerp = 0.0f; frame.frontlerp = 1.0f; frame.cycleCount = 0; return; } frameTime = time * frameRate; frameNum = frameTime / 1000; frame.cycleCount = frameNum / ( numFrames - 1 ); if ( ( cyclecount > 0 ) && ( frame.cycleCount >= cyclecount ) ) { frame.cycleCount = cyclecount - 1; frame.frame1 = numFrames - 1; frame.frame2 = frame.frame1; frame.backlerp = 0.0f; frame.frontlerp = 1.0f; return; } frame.frame1 = frameNum % ( numFrames - 1 ); frame.frame2 = frame.frame1 + 1; if ( frame.frame2 >= numFrames ) { frame.frame2 = 0; } frame.backlerp = ( frameTime % 1000 ) * 0.001f; frame.frontlerp = 1.0f - frame.backlerp; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::GetOrigin ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::GetOrigin( idVec3 &offset, int time, int cyclecount ) const { frameBlend_t frame; offset = baseFrame[ 0 ].t; if ( !( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ( ANIM_TX | ANIM_TY | ANIM_TZ ) ) ) { // just use the baseframe return; } ConvertTimeToFrame( time, cyclecount, frame ); const float *componentPtr1 = &componentFrames[ numAnimatedComponents * frame.frame1 + jointInfo[ 0 ].firstComponent ]; const float *componentPtr2 = &componentFrames[ numAnimatedComponents * frame.frame2 + jointInfo[ 0 ].firstComponent ]; if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ANIM_TX ) { offset.x = *componentPtr1 * frame.frontlerp + *componentPtr2 * frame.backlerp; componentPtr1++; componentPtr2++; } if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ANIM_TY ) { offset.y = *componentPtr1 * frame.frontlerp + *componentPtr2 * frame.backlerp; componentPtr1++; componentPtr2++; } if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ANIM_TZ ) { offset.z = *componentPtr1 * frame.frontlerp + *componentPtr2 * frame.backlerp; } if ( frame.cycleCount ) { offset += totaldelta * ( float )frame.cycleCount; } } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::GetOriginRotation ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::GetOriginRotation( idQuat &rotation, int time, int cyclecount ) const { frameBlend_t frame; int animBits; animBits = jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits; if ( !( animBits & ( ANIM_QX | ANIM_QY | ANIM_QZ ) ) ) { // just use the baseframe rotation = baseFrame[ 0 ].q; return; } ConvertTimeToFrame( time, cyclecount, frame ); const float *jointframe1 = &componentFrames[ numAnimatedComponents * frame.frame1 + jointInfo[ 0 ].firstComponent ]; const float *jointframe2 = &componentFrames[ numAnimatedComponents * frame.frame2 + jointInfo[ 0 ].firstComponent ]; if ( animBits & ANIM_TX ) { jointframe1++; jointframe2++; } if ( animBits & ANIM_TY ) { jointframe1++; jointframe2++; } if ( animBits & ANIM_TZ ) { jointframe1++; jointframe2++; } idQuat q1; idQuat q2; switch( animBits & (ANIM_QX|ANIM_QY|ANIM_QZ) ) { case ANIM_QX: q1.x = jointframe1[0]; q2.x = jointframe2[0]; q1.y = baseFrame[ 0 ].q.y; q2.y = q1.y; q1.z = baseFrame[ 0 ].q.z; q2.z = q1.z; q1.w = q1.CalcW(); q2.w = q2.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QY: q1.y = jointframe1[0]; q2.y = jointframe2[0]; q1.x = baseFrame[ 0 ].q.x; q2.x = q1.x; q1.z = baseFrame[ 0 ].q.z; q2.z = q1.z; q1.w = q1.CalcW(); q2.w = q2.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QZ: q1.z = jointframe1[0]; q2.z = jointframe2[0]; q1.x = baseFrame[ 0 ].q.x; q2.x = q1.x; q1.y = baseFrame[ 0 ].q.y; q2.y = q1.y; q1.w = q1.CalcW(); q2.w = q2.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QX|ANIM_QY: q1.x = jointframe1[0]; q1.y = jointframe1[1]; q2.x = jointframe2[0]; q2.y = jointframe2[1]; q1.z = baseFrame[ 0 ].q.z; q2.z = q1.z; q1.w = q1.CalcW(); q2.w = q2.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QX|ANIM_QZ: q1.x = jointframe1[0]; q1.z = jointframe1[1]; q2.x = jointframe2[0]; q2.z = jointframe2[1]; q1.y = baseFrame[ 0 ].q.y; q2.y = q1.y; q1.w = q1.CalcW(); q2.w = q2.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QY|ANIM_QZ: q1.y = jointframe1[0]; q1.z = jointframe1[1]; q2.y = jointframe2[0]; q2.z = jointframe2[1]; q1.x = baseFrame[ 0 ].q.x; q2.x = q1.x; q1.w = q1.CalcW(); q2.w = q2.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QX|ANIM_QY|ANIM_QZ: q1.x = jointframe1[0]; q1.y = jointframe1[1]; q1.z = jointframe1[2]; q2.x = jointframe2[0]; q2.y = jointframe2[1]; q2.z = jointframe2[2]; q1.w = q1.CalcW(); q2.w = q2.CalcW(); break; } rotation.Slerp( q1, q2, frame.backlerp ); } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::GetBounds ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::GetBounds( idBounds &bnds, int time, int cyclecount ) const { frameBlend_t frame; idVec3 offset; ConvertTimeToFrame( time, cyclecount, frame ); bnds = bounds[ frame.frame1 ]; bnds.AddBounds( bounds[ frame.frame2 ] ); // origin position offset = baseFrame[ 0 ].t; if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ( ANIM_TX | ANIM_TY | ANIM_TZ ) ) { const float *componentPtr1 = &componentFrames[ numAnimatedComponents * frame.frame1 + jointInfo[ 0 ].firstComponent ]; const float *componentPtr2 = &componentFrames[ numAnimatedComponents * frame.frame2 + jointInfo[ 0 ].firstComponent ]; if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ANIM_TX ) { offset.x = *componentPtr1 * frame.frontlerp + *componentPtr2 * frame.backlerp; componentPtr1++; componentPtr2++; } if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ANIM_TY ) { offset.y = *componentPtr1 * frame.frontlerp + *componentPtr2 * frame.backlerp; componentPtr1++; componentPtr2++; } if ( jointInfo[ 0 ].animBits & ANIM_TZ ) { offset.z = *componentPtr1 * frame.frontlerp + *componentPtr2 * frame.backlerp; } } bnds[ 0 ] -= offset; bnds[ 1 ] -= offset; } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::GetInterpolatedFrame ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::GetInterpolatedFrame( frameBlend_t &frame, idJointQuat *joints, const int *index, int numIndexes ) const { int i, numLerpJoints; const float *frame1; const float *frame2; const float *jointframe1; const float *jointframe2; const jointAnimInfo_t *infoPtr; int animBits; idJointQuat *blendJoints; idJointQuat *jointPtr; idJointQuat *blendPtr; int *lerpIndex; // copy the baseframe SIMDProcessor->Memcpy( joints, baseFrame.Ptr(), baseFrame.Num() * sizeof( baseFrame[ 0 ] ) ); if ( !numAnimatedComponents ) { // just use the base frame return; } blendJoints = (idJointQuat *)_alloca16( baseFrame.Num() * sizeof( blendPtr[ 0 ] ) ); lerpIndex = (int *)_alloca16( baseFrame.Num() * sizeof( lerpIndex[ 0 ] ) ); numLerpJoints = 0; frame1 = &componentFrames[ frame.frame1 * numAnimatedComponents ]; frame2 = &componentFrames[ frame.frame2 * numAnimatedComponents ]; for ( i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++ ) { int j = index[i]; jointPtr = &joints[j]; blendPtr = &blendJoints[j]; infoPtr = &jointInfo[j]; animBits = infoPtr->animBits; if ( animBits ) { lerpIndex[numLerpJoints++] = j; jointframe1 = frame1 + infoPtr->firstComponent; jointframe2 = frame2 + infoPtr->firstComponent; switch( animBits & (ANIM_TX|ANIM_TY|ANIM_TZ) ) { case 0: blendPtr->t = jointPtr->t; break; case ANIM_TX: jointPtr->t.x = jointframe1[0]; blendPtr->t.x = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->t.y = jointPtr->t.y; blendPtr->t.z = jointPtr->t.z; jointframe1++; jointframe2++; break; case ANIM_TY: jointPtr->t.y = jointframe1[0]; blendPtr->t.y = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->t.x = jointPtr->t.x; blendPtr->t.z = jointPtr->t.z; jointframe1++; jointframe2++; break; case ANIM_TZ: jointPtr->t.z = jointframe1[0]; blendPtr->t.z = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->t.x = jointPtr->t.x; blendPtr->t.y = jointPtr->t.y; jointframe1++; jointframe2++; break; case ANIM_TX|ANIM_TY: jointPtr->t.x = jointframe1[0]; jointPtr->t.y = jointframe1[1]; blendPtr->t.x = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->t.y = jointframe2[1]; blendPtr->t.z = jointPtr->t.z; jointframe1 += 2; jointframe2 += 2; break; case ANIM_TX|ANIM_TZ: jointPtr->t.x = jointframe1[0]; jointPtr->t.z = jointframe1[1]; blendPtr->t.x = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->t.z = jointframe2[1]; blendPtr->t.y = jointPtr->t.y; jointframe1 += 2; jointframe2 += 2; break; case ANIM_TY|ANIM_TZ: jointPtr->t.y = jointframe1[0]; jointPtr->t.z = jointframe1[1]; blendPtr->t.y = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->t.z = jointframe2[1]; blendPtr->t.x = jointPtr->t.x; jointframe1 += 2; jointframe2 += 2; break; case ANIM_TX|ANIM_TY|ANIM_TZ: jointPtr->t.x = jointframe1[0]; jointPtr->t.y = jointframe1[1]; jointPtr->t.z = jointframe1[2]; blendPtr->t.x = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->t.y = jointframe2[1]; blendPtr->t.z = jointframe2[2]; jointframe1 += 3; jointframe2 += 3; break; } switch( animBits & (ANIM_QX|ANIM_QY|ANIM_QZ) ) { case 0: blendPtr->q = jointPtr->q; break; case ANIM_QX: jointPtr->q.x = jointframe1[0]; blendPtr->q.x = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->q.y = jointPtr->q.y; blendPtr->q.z = jointPtr->q.z; jointPtr->q.w = jointPtr->q.CalcW(); blendPtr->q.w = blendPtr->q.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QY: jointPtr->q.y = jointframe1[0]; blendPtr->q.y = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->q.x = jointPtr->q.x; blendPtr->q.z = jointPtr->q.z; jointPtr->q.w = jointPtr->q.CalcW(); blendPtr->q.w = blendPtr->q.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QZ: jointPtr->q.z = jointframe1[0]; blendPtr->q.z = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->q.x = jointPtr->q.x; blendPtr->q.y = jointPtr->q.y; jointPtr->q.w = jointPtr->q.CalcW(); blendPtr->q.w = blendPtr->q.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QX|ANIM_QY: jointPtr->q.x = jointframe1[0]; jointPtr->q.y = jointframe1[1]; blendPtr->q.x = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->q.y = jointframe2[1]; blendPtr->q.z = jointPtr->q.z; jointPtr->q.w = jointPtr->q.CalcW(); blendPtr->q.w = blendPtr->q.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QX|ANIM_QZ: jointPtr->q.x = jointframe1[0]; jointPtr->q.z = jointframe1[1]; blendPtr->q.x = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->q.z = jointframe2[1]; blendPtr->q.y = jointPtr->q.y; jointPtr->q.w = jointPtr->q.CalcW(); blendPtr->q.w = blendPtr->q.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QY|ANIM_QZ: jointPtr->q.y = jointframe1[0]; jointPtr->q.z = jointframe1[1]; blendPtr->q.y = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->q.z = jointframe2[1]; blendPtr->q.x = jointPtr->q.x; jointPtr->q.w = jointPtr->q.CalcW(); blendPtr->q.w = blendPtr->q.CalcW(); break; case ANIM_QX|ANIM_QY|ANIM_QZ: jointPtr->q.x = jointframe1[0]; jointPtr->q.y = jointframe1[1]; jointPtr->q.z = jointframe1[2]; blendPtr->q.x = jointframe2[0]; blendPtr->q.y = jointframe2[1]; blendPtr->q.z = jointframe2[2]; jointPtr->q.w = jointPtr->q.CalcW(); blendPtr->q.w = blendPtr->q.CalcW(); break; } } } SIMDProcessor->BlendJoints( joints, blendJoints, frame.backlerp, lerpIndex, numLerpJoints ); if ( frame.cycleCount ) { joints[ 0 ].t += totaldelta * ( float )frame.cycleCount; } } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::GetSingleFrame ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::GetSingleFrame( int framenum, idJointQuat *joints, const int *index, int numIndexes ) const { int i; const float *frame; const float *jointframe; int animBits; idJointQuat *jointPtr; const jointAnimInfo_t *infoPtr; // copy the baseframe SIMDProcessor->Memcpy( joints, baseFrame.Ptr(), baseFrame.Num() * sizeof( baseFrame[ 0 ] ) ); if ( ( framenum == 0 ) || !numAnimatedComponents ) { // just use the base frame return; } frame = &componentFrames[ framenum * numAnimatedComponents ]; for ( i = 0; i < numIndexes; i++ ) { int j = index[i]; jointPtr = &joints[j]; infoPtr = &jointInfo[j]; animBits = infoPtr->animBits; if ( animBits ) { jointframe = frame + infoPtr->firstComponent; if ( animBits & (ANIM_TX|ANIM_TY|ANIM_TZ) ) { if ( animBits & ANIM_TX ) { jointPtr->t.x = *jointframe++; } if ( animBits & ANIM_TY ) { jointPtr->t.y = *jointframe++; } if ( animBits & ANIM_TZ ) { jointPtr->t.z = *jointframe++; } } if ( animBits & (ANIM_QX|ANIM_QY|ANIM_QZ) ) { if ( animBits & ANIM_QX ) { jointPtr->q.x = *jointframe++; } if ( animBits & ANIM_QY ) { jointPtr->q.y = *jointframe++; } if ( animBits & ANIM_QZ ) { jointPtr->q.z = *jointframe; } jointPtr->q.w = jointPtr->q.CalcW(); } } } } /* ==================== idMD5Anim::CheckModelHierarchy ==================== */ void idMD5Anim::CheckModelHierarchy( const idRenderModel *model ) const { int i; int jointNum; int parent; if ( jointInfo.Num() != model->NumJoints() ) { gameLocal.Error( "Model '%s' has different # of joints than anim '%s'", model->Name(), name.c_str() ); } const idMD5Joint *modelJoints = model->GetJoints(); for( i = 0; i < jointInfo.Num(); i++ ) { jointNum = jointInfo[ i ].nameIndex; if ( modelJoints[ i ].name != animationLib.JointName( jointNum ) ) { gameLocal.Error( "Model '%s''s joint names don't match anim '%s''s", model->Name(), name.c_str() ); } if ( modelJoints[ i ].parent ) { parent = modelJoints[ i ].parent - modelJoints; } else { parent = -1; } if ( parent != jointInfo[ i ].parentNum ) { gameLocal.Error( "Model '%s' has different joint hierarchy than anim '%s'", model->Name(), name.c_str() ); } } } /*********************************************************************** idAnimManager ***********************************************************************/ /* ==================== idAnimManager::idAnimManager ==================== */ idAnimManager::idAnimManager() { } /* ==================== idAnimManager::~idAnimManager ==================== */ idAnimManager::~idAnimManager() { Shutdown(); } /* ==================== idAnimManager::Shutdown ==================== */ void idAnimManager::Shutdown( void ) { animations.DeleteContents(); jointnames.Clear(); jointnamesHash.Free(); } /* ==================== idAnimManager::GetAnim ==================== */ idMD5Anim *idAnimManager::GetAnim( const char *name ) { idMD5Anim **animptrptr; idMD5Anim *anim; // see if it has been asked for before animptrptr = NULL; if ( animations.Get( name, &animptrptr ) ) { anim = *animptrptr; } else { idStr extension; idStr filename = name; filename.ExtractFileExtension( extension ); if ( extension != MD5_ANIM_EXT ) { return NULL; } anim = new idMD5Anim(); if ( !anim->LoadAnim( filename ) ) { gameLocal.Warning( "Couldn't load anim: '%s'", filename.c_str() ); delete anim; anim = NULL; } animations.Set( filename, anim ); } return anim; } /* ================ idAnimManager::ReloadAnims ================ */ void idAnimManager::ReloadAnims( void ) { int i; idMD5Anim **animptr; for( i = 0; i < animations.Num(); i++ ) { animptr = animations.GetIndex( i ); if ( animptr && *animptr ) { ( *animptr )->Reload(); } } } /* ================ idAnimManager::JointIndex ================ */ int idAnimManager::JointIndex( const char *name ) { int i, hash; hash = jointnamesHash.GenerateKey( name ); for ( i = jointnamesHash.First( hash ); i != -1; i = jointnamesHash.Next( i ) ) { if ( jointnames[i].Cmp( name ) == 0 ) { return i; } } i = jointnames.Append( name ); jointnamesHash.Add( hash, i ); return i; } /* ================ idAnimManager::JointName ================ */ const char *idAnimManager::JointName( int index ) const { return jointnames[ index ]; } /* ================ idAnimManager::ListAnims ================ */ void idAnimManager::ListAnims( void ) const { int i; idMD5Anim **animptr; idMD5Anim *anim; size_t size; size_t s; size_t namesize; int num; num = 0; size = 0; for( i = 0; i < animations.Num(); i++ ) { animptr = animations.GetIndex( i ); if ( animptr && *animptr ) { anim = *animptr; s = anim->Size(); gameLocal.Printf( "%8zd bytes : %2d refs : %s\n", s, anim->NumRefs(), anim->Name() ); size += s; num++; } } namesize = jointnames.Size() + jointnamesHash.Size(); for( i = 0; i < jointnames.Num(); i++ ) { namesize += jointnames[ i ].Size(); } gameLocal.Printf( "\n%zd memory used in %d anims\n", size, num ); gameLocal.Printf( "%zd memory used in %d joint names\n", namesize, jointnames.Num() ); } /* ================ idAnimManager::FlushUnusedAnims ================ */ void idAnimManager::FlushUnusedAnims( void ) { int i; idMD5Anim **animptr; idList<idMD5Anim *> removeAnims; for( i = 0; i < animations.Num(); i++ ) { animptr = animations.GetIndex( i ); if ( animptr && *animptr ) { if ( ( *animptr )->NumRefs() <= 0 ) { removeAnims.Append( *animptr ); } } } for( i = 0; i < removeAnims.Num(); i++ ) { animations.Remove( removeAnims[ i ]->Name() ); delete removeAnims[ i ]; } }