/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "tools/compilers/dmap/dmap.h" //================================================================================= #if 0 should we try and snap values very close to 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, etc? do we write out normals, or just a "smooth shade" flag? resolved: normals. otherwise adjacent facet shaded surfaces get their vertexes merged, and they would have to be split apart before drawing do we save out "wings" for shadow silhouette info? #endif static idFile *procFile; #define AREANUM_DIFFERENT -2 /* ============= PruneNodes_r Any nodes that have all children with the same area can be combined into a single leaf node Returns the area number of all children, or AREANUM_DIFFERENT if not the same. ============= */ int PruneNodes_r( node_t *node ) { int a1, a2; if ( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) { return node->area; } a1 = PruneNodes_r( node->children[0] ); a2 = PruneNodes_r( node->children[1] ); if ( a1 != a2 || a1 == AREANUM_DIFFERENT ) { return AREANUM_DIFFERENT; } // free all the nodes below this point FreeTreePortals_r( node->children[0] ); FreeTreePortals_r( node->children[1] ); FreeTree_r( node->children[0] ); FreeTree_r( node->children[1] ); // change this node to a leaf node->planenum = PLANENUM_LEAF; node->area = a1; return a1; } static void WriteFloat( idFile *f, float v ) { if ( idMath::Fabs(v - idMath::Rint(v)) < 0.001 ) { f->WriteFloatString( "%i ", (int)idMath::Rint(v) ); } else { f->WriteFloatString( "%f ", v ); } } void Write1DMatrix( idFile *f, int x, float *m ) { int i; f->WriteFloatString( "( " ); for ( i = 0; i < x; i++ ) { WriteFloat( f, m[i] ); } f->WriteFloatString( ") " ); } static int CountUniqueShaders( optimizeGroup_t *groups ) { optimizeGroup_t *a, *b; int count; count = 0; for ( a = groups ; a ; a = a->nextGroup ) { if ( !a->triList ) { // ignore groups with no tris continue; } for ( b = groups ; b != a ; b = b->nextGroup ) { if ( !b->triList ) { continue; } if ( a->material != b->material ) { continue; } if ( a->mergeGroup != b->mergeGroup ) { continue; } break; } if ( a == b ) { count++; } } return count; } /* ============== MatchVert ============== */ #define XYZ_EPSILON 0.01 #define ST_EPSILON 0.001 #define COSINE_EPSILON 0.999 static bool MatchVert( const idDrawVert *a, const idDrawVert *b ) { if ( idMath::Fabs( a->xyz[0] - b->xyz[0] ) > XYZ_EPSILON ) { return false; } if ( idMath::Fabs( a->xyz[1] - b->xyz[1] ) > XYZ_EPSILON ) { return false; } if ( idMath::Fabs( a->xyz[2] - b->xyz[2] ) > XYZ_EPSILON ) { return false; } if ( idMath::Fabs( a->st[0] - b->st[0] ) > ST_EPSILON ) { return false; } if ( idMath::Fabs( a->st[1] - b->st[1] ) > ST_EPSILON ) { return false; } // if the normal is 0 (smoothed normals), consider it a match if ( a->normal[0] == 0 && a->normal[1] == 0 && a->normal[2] == 0 && b->normal[0] == 0 && b->normal[1] == 0 && b->normal[2] == 0 ) { return true; } // otherwise do a dot-product cosine check if ( DotProduct( a->normal, b->normal ) < COSINE_EPSILON ) { return false; } return true; } /* ==================== ShareMapTriVerts Converts independent triangles to shared vertex triangles ==================== */ srfTriangles_t *ShareMapTriVerts( const mapTri_t *tris ) { const mapTri_t *step; int count; int i, j; int numVerts; int numIndexes; srfTriangles_t *uTri; // unique the vertexes count = CountTriList( tris ); uTri = R_AllocStaticTriSurf(); R_AllocStaticTriSurfVerts( uTri, count * 3 ); R_AllocStaticTriSurfIndexes( uTri, count * 3 ); numVerts = 0; numIndexes = 0; for ( step = tris ; step ; step = step->next ) { for ( i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) { const idDrawVert *dv; dv = &step->v[i]; // search for a match for ( j = 0 ; j < numVerts ; j++ ) { if ( MatchVert( &uTri->verts[j], dv ) ) { break; } } if ( j == numVerts ) { numVerts++; uTri->verts[j].xyz = dv->xyz; uTri->verts[j].normal = dv->normal; uTri->verts[j].st[0] = dv->st[0]; uTri->verts[j].st[1] = dv->st[1]; } uTri->indexes[numIndexes++] = j; } } uTri->numVerts = numVerts; uTri->numIndexes = numIndexes; return uTri; } /* ================== CleanupUTriangles ================== */ static void CleanupUTriangles( srfTriangles_t *tri ) { // perform cleanup operations R_RangeCheckIndexes( tri ); R_CreateSilIndexes( tri ); // R_RemoveDuplicatedTriangles( tri ); // this may remove valid overlapped transparent triangles R_RemoveDegenerateTriangles( tri ); // R_RemoveUnusedVerts( tri ); R_FreeStaticTriSurfSilIndexes( tri ); } /* ==================== WriteUTriangles Writes text verts and indexes to procfile ==================== */ static void WriteUTriangles( const srfTriangles_t *uTris ) { int col; int i; // emit this chain procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* numVerts = */ %i /* numIndexes = */ %i\n", uTris->numVerts, uTris->numIndexes ); // verts col = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < uTris->numVerts ; i++ ) { float vec[8]; const idDrawVert *dv; dv = &uTris->verts[i]; vec[0] = dv->xyz[0]; vec[1] = dv->xyz[1]; vec[2] = dv->xyz[2]; vec[3] = dv->st[0]; vec[4] = dv->st[1]; vec[5] = dv->normal[0]; vec[6] = dv->normal[1]; vec[7] = dv->normal[2]; Write1DMatrix( procFile, 8, vec ); if ( ++col == 3 ) { col = 0; procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" ); } } if ( col != 0 ) { procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" ); } // indexes col = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < uTris->numIndexes ; i++ ) { procFile->WriteFloatString( "%i ", uTris->indexes[i] ); if ( ++col == 18 ) { col = 0; procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" ); } } if ( col != 0 ) { procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" ); } } /* ==================== WriteShadowTriangles Writes text verts and indexes to procfile ==================== */ static void WriteShadowTriangles( const srfTriangles_t *tri ) { int col; int i; // emit this chain procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* numVerts = */ %i /* noCaps = */ %i /* noFrontCaps = */ %i /* numIndexes = */ %i /* planeBits = */ %i\n", tri->numVerts, tri->numShadowIndexesNoCaps, tri->numShadowIndexesNoFrontCaps, tri->numIndexes, tri->shadowCapPlaneBits ); // verts col = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < tri->numVerts ; i++ ) { Write1DMatrix( procFile, 3, &tri->shadowVertexes[i].xyz[0] ); if ( ++col == 5 ) { col = 0; procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" ); } } if ( col != 0 ) { procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" ); } // indexes col = 0; for ( i = 0 ; i < tri->numIndexes ; i++ ) { procFile->WriteFloatString( "%i ", tri->indexes[i] ); if ( ++col == 18 ) { col = 0; procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" ); } } if ( col != 0 ) { procFile->WriteFloatString( "\n" ); } } /* ======================= GroupsAreSurfaceCompatible Planes, texcoords, and groupLights can differ, but the material and mergegroup must match ======================= */ static bool GroupsAreSurfaceCompatible( const optimizeGroup_t *a, const optimizeGroup_t *b ) { if ( a->material != b->material ) { return false; } if ( a->mergeGroup != b->mergeGroup ) { return false; } return true; } /* ==================== WriteOutputSurfaces ==================== */ static void WriteOutputSurfaces( int entityNum, int areaNum ) { mapTri_t *ambient, *copy; int surfaceNum; int numSurfaces; idMapEntity *entity; uArea_t *area; optimizeGroup_t *group, *groupStep; int i; // , j; // int col; srfTriangles_t *uTri; // mapTri_t *tri; typedef struct interactionTris_s { struct interactionTris_s *next; mapTri_t *triList; mapLight_t *light; } interactionTris_t; interactionTris_t *interactions, *checkInter; //, *nextInter; area = &dmapGlobals.uEntities[entityNum].areas[areaNum]; entity = dmapGlobals.uEntities[entityNum].mapEntity; numSurfaces = CountUniqueShaders( area->groups ); if ( entityNum == 0 ) { procFile->WriteFloatString( "model { /* name = */ \"_area%i\" /* numSurfaces = */ %i\n\n", areaNum, numSurfaces ); } else { const char *name; entity->epairs.GetString( "name", "", &name ); if ( !name[0] ) { common->Error( "Entity %i has surfaces, but no name key", entityNum ); } procFile->WriteFloatString( "model { /* name = */ \"%s\" /* numSurfaces = */ %i\n\n", name, numSurfaces ); } surfaceNum = 0; for ( group = area->groups ; group ; group = group->nextGroup ) { if ( group->surfaceEmited ) { continue; } // combine all groups compatible with this one // usually several optimizeGroup_t can be combined into a single // surface, even though they couldn't be merged together to save // vertexes because they had different planes, texture coordinates, or lights. // Different mergeGroups will stay in separate surfaces. ambient = NULL; // each light that illuminates any of the groups in the surface will // get its own list of indexes out of the original surface interactions = NULL; for ( groupStep = group ; groupStep ; groupStep = groupStep->nextGroup ) { if ( groupStep->surfaceEmited ) { continue; } if ( !GroupsAreSurfaceCompatible( group, groupStep ) ) { continue; } // copy it out to the ambient list copy = CopyTriList( groupStep->triList ); ambient = MergeTriLists( ambient, copy ); groupStep->surfaceEmited = true; // duplicate it into an interaction for each groupLight for ( i = 0 ; i < groupStep->numGroupLights ; i++ ) { for ( checkInter = interactions ; checkInter ; checkInter = checkInter->next ) { if ( checkInter->light == groupStep->groupLights[i] ) { break; } } if ( !checkInter ) { // create a new interaction checkInter = (interactionTris_t *)Mem_ClearedAlloc( sizeof( *checkInter ) ); checkInter->light = groupStep->groupLights[i]; checkInter->next = interactions; interactions = checkInter; } copy = CopyTriList( groupStep->triList ); checkInter->triList = MergeTriLists( checkInter->triList, copy ); } } if ( !ambient ) { continue; } if ( surfaceNum >= numSurfaces ) { common->Error( "WriteOutputSurfaces: surfaceNum >= numSurfaces" ); } procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* surface %i */ { ", surfaceNum ); surfaceNum++; procFile->WriteFloatString( "\"%s\" ", ambient->material->GetName() ); uTri = ShareMapTriVerts( ambient ); FreeTriList( ambient ); CleanupUTriangles( uTri ); WriteUTriangles( uTri ); R_FreeStaticTriSurf( uTri ); procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" ); } procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" ); } /* =============== WriteNode_r =============== */ static void WriteNode_r( node_t *node ) { int child[2]; int i; idPlane *plane; if ( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) { // we shouldn't get here unless the entire world // was a single leaf procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* node 0 */ ( 0 0 0 0 ) -1 -1\n" ); return; } for ( i = 0 ; i < 2 ; i++ ) { if ( node->children[i]->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) { child[i] = -1 - node->children[i]->area; } else { child[i] = node->children[i]->nodeNumber; } } plane = &dmapGlobals.mapPlanes[node->planenum]; procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* node %i */ ", node->nodeNumber ); Write1DMatrix( procFile, 4, plane->ToFloatPtr() ); procFile->WriteFloatString( "%i %i\n", child[0], child[1] ); if ( child[0] > 0 ) { WriteNode_r( node->children[0] ); } if ( child[1] > 0 ) { WriteNode_r( node->children[1] ); } } static int NumberNodes_r( node_t *node, int nextNumber ) { if ( node->planenum == PLANENUM_LEAF ) { return nextNumber; } node->nodeNumber = nextNumber; nextNumber++; nextNumber = NumberNodes_r( node->children[0], nextNumber ); nextNumber = NumberNodes_r( node->children[1], nextNumber ); return nextNumber; } /* ==================== WriteOutputNodes ==================== */ static void WriteOutputNodes( node_t *node ) { int numNodes; // prune unneeded nodes and count PruneNodes_r( node ); numNodes = NumberNodes_r( node, 0 ); // output procFile->WriteFloatString( "nodes { /* numNodes = */ %i\n\n", numNodes ); procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* node format is: ( planeVector ) positiveChild negativeChild */\n" ); procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* a child number of 0 is an opaque, solid area */\n" ); procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* negative child numbers are areas: (-1-child) */\n" ); WriteNode_r( node ); procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" ); } /* ==================== WriteOutputPortals ==================== */ static void WriteOutputPortals( uEntity_t *e ) { int i, j; interAreaPortal_t *iap; idWinding *w; procFile->WriteFloatString( "interAreaPortals { /* numAreas = */ %i /* numIAP = */ %i\n\n", e->numAreas, numInterAreaPortals ); procFile->WriteFloatString( "/* interAreaPortal format is: numPoints positiveSideArea negativeSideArea ( point) ... */\n" ); for ( i = 0 ; i < numInterAreaPortals ; i++ ) { iap = &interAreaPortals[i]; w = iap->side->winding; procFile->WriteFloatString("/* iap %i */ %i %i %i ", i, w->GetNumPoints(), iap->area0, iap->area1 ); for ( j = 0 ; j < w->GetNumPoints() ; j++ ) { Write1DMatrix( procFile, 3, (*w)[j].ToFloatPtr() ); } procFile->WriteFloatString("\n" ); } procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" ); } /* ==================== WriteOutputEntity ==================== */ static void WriteOutputEntity( int entityNum ) { int i; uEntity_t *e; e = &dmapGlobals.uEntities[entityNum]; if ( entityNum != 0 ) { // entities may have enclosed, empty areas that we don't need to write out if ( e->numAreas > 1 ) { e->numAreas = 1; } } for ( i = 0 ; i < e->numAreas ; i++ ) { WriteOutputSurfaces( entityNum, i ); } // we will completely skip the portals and nodes if it is a single area if ( entityNum == 0 && e->numAreas > 1 ) { // output the area portals WriteOutputPortals( e ); // output the nodes WriteOutputNodes( e->tree->headnode ); } } /* ==================== WriteOutputFile ==================== */ void WriteOutputFile( void ) { int i; uEntity_t *entity; idStr qpath; // write the file common->Printf( "----- WriteOutputFile -----\n" ); sprintf( qpath, "%s." PROC_FILE_EXT, dmapGlobals.mapFileBase ); common->Printf( "writing %s\n", qpath.c_str() ); // _D3XP used fs_cdpath procFile = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( qpath, "fs_devpath" ); if ( !procFile ) { common->Error( "Error opening %s", qpath.c_str() ); } procFile->WriteFloatString( "%s\n\n", PROC_FILE_ID ); // write the entity models and information, writing entities first for ( i=dmapGlobals.num_entities - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i-- ) { entity = &dmapGlobals.uEntities[i]; if ( !entity->primitives ) { continue; } WriteOutputEntity( i ); } // write the shadow volumes for ( i = 0 ; i < dmapGlobals.mapLights.Num() ; i++ ) { mapLight_t *light = dmapGlobals.mapLights[i]; if ( !light->shadowTris ) { continue; } procFile->WriteFloatString( "shadowModel { /* name = */ \"_prelight_%s\"\n\n", light->name ); WriteShadowTriangles( light->shadowTris ); procFile->WriteFloatString( "}\n\n" ); R_FreeStaticTriSurf( light->shadowTris ); light->shadowTris = NULL; } fileSystem->CloseFile( procFile ); }