/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "framework/Common.h" #include "framework/KeyInput.h" #include "renderer/RenderSystem.h" #include "framework/EditField.h" static autoComplete_t globalAutoComplete; /* =============== FindMatches =============== */ static void FindMatches( const char *s ) { int i; if ( idStr::Icmpn( s, globalAutoComplete.completionString, strlen( globalAutoComplete.completionString ) ) != 0 ) { return; } globalAutoComplete.matchCount++; if ( globalAutoComplete.matchCount == 1 ) { idStr::Copynz( globalAutoComplete.currentMatch, s, sizeof( globalAutoComplete.currentMatch ) ); return; } // cut currentMatch to the amount common with s for ( i = 0; s[i]; i++ ) { if ( tolower( globalAutoComplete.currentMatch[i] ) != tolower( s[i] ) ) { globalAutoComplete.currentMatch[i] = 0; break; } } globalAutoComplete.currentMatch[i] = 0; } /* =============== FindIndexMatch =============== */ static void FindIndexMatch( const char *s ) { if ( idStr::Icmpn( s, globalAutoComplete.completionString, strlen( globalAutoComplete.completionString ) ) != 0 ) { return; } if( globalAutoComplete.findMatchIndex == globalAutoComplete.matchIndex ) { idStr::Copynz( globalAutoComplete.currentMatch, s, sizeof( globalAutoComplete.currentMatch ) ); } globalAutoComplete.findMatchIndex++; } /* =============== PrintMatches =============== */ static void PrintMatches( const char *s ) { if ( idStr::Icmpn( s, globalAutoComplete.currentMatch, strlen( globalAutoComplete.currentMatch ) ) == 0 ) { common->Printf( " %s\n", s ); } } /* =============== PrintCvarMatches =============== */ static void PrintCvarMatches( const char *s ) { if ( idStr::Icmpn( s, globalAutoComplete.currentMatch, strlen( globalAutoComplete.currentMatch ) ) == 0 ) { common->Printf( " %s" S_COLOR_WHITE " = \"%s\"\n", s, cvarSystem->GetCVarString( s ) ); } } /* =============== idEditField::idEditField =============== */ idEditField::idEditField() { widthInChars = 0; Clear(); } /* =============== idEditField::~idEditField =============== */ idEditField::~idEditField() { } /* =============== idEditField::Clear =============== */ void idEditField::Clear( void ) { buffer[0] = 0; cursor = 0; scroll = 0; autoComplete.length = 0; autoComplete.valid = false; } /* =============== idEditField::SetWidthInChars =============== */ void idEditField::SetWidthInChars( int w ) { assert( w <= MAX_EDIT_LINE ); widthInChars = w; } /* =============== idEditField::SetCursor =============== */ void idEditField::SetCursor( int c ) { assert( c <= MAX_EDIT_LINE ); cursor = c; } /* =============== idEditField::GetCursor =============== */ int idEditField::GetCursor( void ) const { return cursor; } /* =============== idEditField::ClearAutoComplete =============== */ void idEditField::ClearAutoComplete( void ) { if ( autoComplete.length > 0 && autoComplete.length <= (int) strlen( buffer ) ) { buffer[autoComplete.length] = '\0'; if ( cursor > autoComplete.length ) { cursor = autoComplete.length; } } autoComplete.length = 0; autoComplete.valid = false; } /* =============== idEditField::GetAutoCompleteLength =============== */ int idEditField::GetAutoCompleteLength( void ) const { return autoComplete.length; } /* =============== idEditField::AutoComplete =============== */ void idEditField::AutoComplete( void ) { char completionArgString[MAX_EDIT_LINE]; idCmdArgs args; if ( !autoComplete.valid ) { args.TokenizeString( buffer, false ); idStr::Copynz( autoComplete.completionString, args.Argv( 0 ), sizeof( autoComplete.completionString ) ); idStr::Copynz( completionArgString, args.Args(), sizeof( completionArgString ) ); autoComplete.matchCount = 0; autoComplete.matchIndex = 0; autoComplete.currentMatch[0] = 0; if ( strlen( autoComplete.completionString ) == 0 ) { return; } globalAutoComplete = autoComplete; cmdSystem->CommandCompletion( FindMatches ); cvarSystem->CommandCompletion( FindMatches ); autoComplete = globalAutoComplete; if ( autoComplete.matchCount == 0 ) { return; // no matches } // when there's only one match or there's an argument if ( autoComplete.matchCount == 1 || completionArgString[0] != '\0' ) { /// try completing arguments idStr::Append( autoComplete.completionString, sizeof( autoComplete.completionString ), " " ); idStr::Append( autoComplete.completionString, sizeof( autoComplete.completionString ), completionArgString ); autoComplete.matchCount = 0; globalAutoComplete = autoComplete; cmdSystem->ArgCompletion( autoComplete.completionString, FindMatches ); cvarSystem->ArgCompletion( autoComplete.completionString, FindMatches ); autoComplete = globalAutoComplete; idStr::snPrintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%s", autoComplete.currentMatch ); if ( autoComplete.matchCount == 0 ) { // no argument matches idStr::Append( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), " " ); idStr::Append( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), completionArgString ); SetCursor( strlen( buffer ) ); return; } } else { // multiple matches, complete to shortest idStr::snPrintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), "%s", autoComplete.currentMatch ); if ( strlen( completionArgString ) ) { idStr::Append( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), " " ); idStr::Append( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), completionArgString ); } } autoComplete.length = strlen( buffer ); autoComplete.valid = ( autoComplete.matchCount != 1 ); SetCursor( autoComplete.length ); common->Printf( "]%s\n", buffer ); // run through again, printing matches globalAutoComplete = autoComplete; cmdSystem->CommandCompletion( PrintMatches ); cmdSystem->ArgCompletion( autoComplete.completionString, PrintMatches ); cvarSystem->CommandCompletion( PrintCvarMatches ); cvarSystem->ArgCompletion( autoComplete.completionString, PrintMatches ); } else if ( autoComplete.matchCount != 1 ) { // get the next match and show instead autoComplete.matchIndex++; if ( autoComplete.matchIndex == autoComplete.matchCount ) { autoComplete.matchIndex = 0; } autoComplete.findMatchIndex = 0; globalAutoComplete = autoComplete; cmdSystem->CommandCompletion( FindIndexMatch ); cmdSystem->ArgCompletion( autoComplete.completionString, FindIndexMatch ); cvarSystem->CommandCompletion( FindIndexMatch ); cvarSystem->ArgCompletion( autoComplete.completionString, FindIndexMatch ); autoComplete = globalAutoComplete; // and print it idStr::snPrintf( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), autoComplete.currentMatch ); if ( autoComplete.length > (int)strlen( buffer ) ) { autoComplete.length = strlen( buffer ); } SetCursor( autoComplete.length ); } } /* =============== idEditField::CharEvent =============== */ void idEditField::CharEvent( int ch ) { int len; if ( ch == 'v' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-v is paste Paste(); return; } if ( ch == 'c' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-c clears the field Clear(); return; } len = strlen( buffer ); if ( ch == 'h' - 'a' + 1 || ch == K_BACKSPACE ) { // ctrl-h is backspace if ( cursor > 0 ) { memmove( buffer + cursor - 1, buffer + cursor, len + 1 - cursor ); cursor--; if ( cursor < scroll ) { scroll--; } } return; } if ( ch == 'a' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-a is home cursor = 0; scroll = 0; return; } if ( ch == 'e' - 'a' + 1 ) { // ctrl-e is end cursor = len; scroll = cursor - widthInChars; return; } // // ignore any other non printable chars // if ( ch < 32 ) { return; } if ( idKeyInput::GetOverstrikeMode() ) { if ( cursor == MAX_EDIT_LINE - 1 ) { return; } buffer[cursor] = ch; cursor++; } else { // insert mode if ( len == MAX_EDIT_LINE - 1 ) { return; // all full } memmove( buffer + cursor + 1, buffer + cursor, len + 1 - cursor ); buffer[cursor] = ch; cursor++; } if ( cursor >= widthInChars ) { scroll++; } if ( cursor == len + 1 ) { buffer[cursor] = 0; } } /* =============== idEditField::KeyDownEvent =============== */ void idEditField::KeyDownEvent( int key ) { int len; // shift-insert is paste if ( ( ( key == K_INS ) || ( key == K_KP_INS ) ) && idKeyInput::IsDown( K_SHIFT ) ) { ClearAutoComplete(); Paste(); return; } len = strlen( buffer ); if ( key == K_DEL ) { if ( autoComplete.length ) { ClearAutoComplete(); } else if ( cursor < len ) { memmove( buffer + cursor, buffer + cursor + 1, len - cursor ); } return; } if ( key == K_RIGHTARROW ) { if ( idKeyInput::IsDown( K_CTRL ) ) { // skip to next word while( ( cursor < len ) && ( buffer[ cursor ] != ' ' ) ) { cursor++; } while( ( cursor < len ) && ( buffer[ cursor ] == ' ' ) ) { cursor++; } } else { cursor++; } if ( cursor > len ) { cursor = len; } if ( cursor >= scroll + widthInChars ) { scroll = cursor - widthInChars + 1; } if ( autoComplete.length > 0 ) { autoComplete.length = cursor; } return; } if ( key == K_LEFTARROW ) { if ( idKeyInput::IsDown( K_CTRL ) ) { // skip to previous word while( ( cursor > 0 ) && ( buffer[ cursor - 1 ] == ' ' ) ) { cursor--; } while( ( cursor > 0 ) && ( buffer[ cursor - 1 ] != ' ' ) ) { cursor--; } } else { cursor--; } if ( cursor < 0 ) { cursor = 0; } if ( cursor < scroll ) { scroll = cursor; } if ( autoComplete.length ) { autoComplete.length = cursor; } return; } if ( key == K_HOME || ( tolower( key ) == 'a' && idKeyInput::IsDown( K_CTRL ) ) ) { cursor = 0; scroll = 0; if ( autoComplete.length ) { autoComplete.length = cursor; autoComplete.valid = false; } return; } if ( key == K_END || ( tolower( key ) == 'e' && idKeyInput::IsDown( K_CTRL ) ) ) { cursor = len; if ( cursor >= scroll + widthInChars ) { scroll = cursor - widthInChars + 1; } if ( autoComplete.length ) { autoComplete.length = cursor; autoComplete.valid = false; } return; } if ( key == K_INS ) { idKeyInput::SetOverstrikeMode( !idKeyInput::GetOverstrikeMode() ); return; } // clear autocompletion buffer on normal key input if ( key != K_CAPSLOCK && key != K_ALT && key != K_CTRL && key != K_SHIFT && key != K_RIGHT_CTRL && key != K_RIGHT_SHIFT ) { // TODO: K_RIGHT_ALT ? ClearAutoComplete(); } } /* =============== idEditField::Paste =============== */ void idEditField::Paste( void ) { char *cbd; int pasteLen, i; cbd = Sys_GetClipboardData(); if ( !cbd ) { return; } // send as if typed, so insert / overstrike works properly pasteLen = strlen( cbd ); for ( i = 0; i < pasteLen; i++ ) { CharEvent( cbd[i] ); } Sys_FreeClipboardData( cbd ); } /* =============== idEditField::GetBuffer =============== */ char *idEditField::GetBuffer( void ) { return buffer; } /* =============== idEditField::SetBuffer =============== */ void idEditField::SetBuffer( const char *buf ) { Clear(); idStr::Copynz( buffer, buf, sizeof( buffer ) ); SetCursor( strlen( buffer ) ); } /* =============== idEditField::Draw =============== */ void idEditField::Draw( int x, int y, int width, bool showCursor, const idMaterial *shader ) { int len; int drawLen; int prestep; int cursorChar; char str[MAX_EDIT_LINE]; int size; size = SMALLCHAR_WIDTH; drawLen = widthInChars; len = strlen( buffer ) + 1; // guarantee that cursor will be visible if ( len <= drawLen ) { prestep = 0; } else { if ( scroll + drawLen > len ) { scroll = len - drawLen; if ( scroll < 0 ) { scroll = 0; } } prestep = scroll; // Skip color code if ( idStr::IsColor( buffer + prestep ) ) { prestep += 2; } if ( prestep > 0 && idStr::IsColor( buffer + prestep - 1 ) ) { prestep++; } } if ( prestep + drawLen > len ) { drawLen = len - prestep; } // extract <drawLen> characters from the field at <prestep> if ( drawLen >= MAX_EDIT_LINE ) { common->Error( "drawLen >= MAX_EDIT_LINE" ); } memcpy( str, buffer + prestep, drawLen ); str[ drawLen ] = 0; // draw it renderSystem->DrawSmallStringExt( x, y, str, colorWhite, false, shader ); // draw the cursor if ( !showCursor ) { return; } if ( (int)( com_ticNumber >> 4 ) & 1 ) { return; // off blink } if ( idKeyInput::GetOverstrikeMode() ) { cursorChar = 11; } else { cursorChar = 10; } // Move the cursor back to account for color codes for ( int i = 0; i<cursor; i++ ) { if ( idStr::IsColor( &str[i] ) ) { i++; prestep += 2; } } renderSystem->DrawSmallChar( x + ( cursor - prestep ) * size, y, cursorChar, shader ); }