/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "gamesys/SaveGame.h" #include "Entity.h" #include "Game_local.h" #include "physics/Clip.h" #define MAX_SECTOR_DEPTH 12 #define MAX_SECTORS ((1<<(MAX_SECTOR_DEPTH+1))-1) typedef struct clipSector_s { int axis; // -1 = leaf node float dist; struct clipSector_s * children[2]; struct clipLink_s * clipLinks; } clipSector_t; typedef struct clipLink_s { idClipModel * clipModel; struct clipSector_s * sector; struct clipLink_s * prevInSector; struct clipLink_s * nextInSector; struct clipLink_s * nextLink; } clipLink_t; typedef struct trmCache_s { idTraceModel trm; int refCount; float volume; idVec3 centerOfMass; idMat3 inertiaTensor; } trmCache_t; idVec3 vec3_boxEpsilon( CM_BOX_EPSILON, CM_BOX_EPSILON, CM_BOX_EPSILON ); idBlockAlloc<clipLink_t, 1024> clipLinkAllocator; /* =============================================================== idClipModel trace model cache =============================================================== */ static idList<trmCache_s*> traceModelCache; static idHashIndex traceModelHash; /* =============== idClipModel::ClearTraceModelCache =============== */ void idClipModel::ClearTraceModelCache( void ) { traceModelCache.DeleteContents( true ); traceModelHash.Free(); } /* =============== idClipModel::TraceModelCacheSize =============== */ int idClipModel::TraceModelCacheSize( void ) { return traceModelCache.Num() * sizeof( idTraceModel ); } /* =============== idClipModel::AllocTraceModel =============== */ int idClipModel::AllocTraceModel( const idTraceModel &trm ) { int i, hashKey, traceModelIndex; trmCache_t *entry; hashKey = GetTraceModelHashKey( trm ); for ( i = traceModelHash.First( hashKey ); i >= 0; i = traceModelHash.Next( i ) ) { if ( traceModelCache[i]->trm == trm ) { traceModelCache[i]->refCount++; return i; } } entry = new trmCache_t; entry->trm = trm; entry->trm.GetMassProperties( 1.0f, entry->volume, entry->centerOfMass, entry->inertiaTensor ); entry->refCount = 1; traceModelIndex = traceModelCache.Append( entry ); traceModelHash.Add( hashKey, traceModelIndex ); return traceModelIndex; } /* =============== idClipModel::FreeTraceModel =============== */ void idClipModel::FreeTraceModel( int traceModelIndex ) { if ( traceModelIndex < 0 || traceModelIndex >= traceModelCache.Num() || traceModelCache[traceModelIndex]->refCount <= 0 ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idClipModel::FreeTraceModel: tried to free uncached trace model" ); return; } traceModelCache[traceModelIndex]->refCount--; } /* =============== idClipModel::GetCachedTraceModel =============== */ idTraceModel *idClipModel::GetCachedTraceModel( int traceModelIndex ) { return &traceModelCache[traceModelIndex]->trm; } /* =============== idClipModel::GetTraceModelHashKey =============== */ int idClipModel::GetTraceModelHashKey( const idTraceModel &trm ) { const idVec3 &v = trm.bounds[0]; return ( trm.type << 8 ) ^ ( trm.numVerts << 4 ) ^ ( trm.numEdges << 2 ) ^ ( trm.numPolys << 0 ) ^ idMath::FloatHash( v.ToFloatPtr(), v.GetDimension() ); } /* =============== idClipModel::SaveTraceModels =============== */ void idClipModel::SaveTraceModels( idSaveGame *savefile ) { int i; savefile->WriteInt( traceModelCache.Num() ); for ( i = 0; i < traceModelCache.Num(); i++ ) { trmCache_t *entry = traceModelCache[i]; savefile->WriteTraceModel( entry->trm ); savefile->WriteFloat( entry->volume ); savefile->WriteVec3( entry->centerOfMass ); savefile->WriteMat3( entry->inertiaTensor ); } } /* =============== idClipModel::RestoreTraceModels =============== */ void idClipModel::RestoreTraceModels( idRestoreGame *savefile ) { int i, num; ClearTraceModelCache(); savefile->ReadInt( num ); traceModelCache.SetNum( num ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { trmCache_t *entry = new trmCache_t; savefile->ReadTraceModel( entry->trm ); savefile->ReadFloat( entry->volume ); savefile->ReadVec3( entry->centerOfMass ); savefile->ReadMat3( entry->inertiaTensor ); entry->refCount = 0; traceModelCache[i] = entry; traceModelHash.Add( GetTraceModelHashKey( entry->trm ), i ); } } /* =============================================================== idClipModel =============================================================== */ /* ================ idClipModel::LoadModel ================ */ bool idClipModel::LoadModel( const char *name ) { renderModelHandle = -1; if ( traceModelIndex != -1 ) { FreeTraceModel( traceModelIndex ); traceModelIndex = -1; } collisionModelHandle = collisionModelManager->LoadModel( name, false ); if ( collisionModelHandle ) { collisionModelManager->GetModelBounds( collisionModelHandle, bounds ); collisionModelManager->GetModelContents( collisionModelHandle, contents ); return true; } else { bounds.Zero(); return false; } } /* ================ idClipModel::LoadModel ================ */ void idClipModel::LoadModel( const idTraceModel &trm ) { collisionModelHandle = 0; renderModelHandle = -1; if ( traceModelIndex != -1 ) { FreeTraceModel( traceModelIndex ); } traceModelIndex = AllocTraceModel( trm ); bounds = trm.bounds; } /* ================ idClipModel::LoadModel ================ */ void idClipModel::LoadModel( const int renderModelHandle ) { collisionModelHandle = 0; this->renderModelHandle = renderModelHandle; if ( renderModelHandle != -1 ) { const renderEntity_t *renderEntity = gameRenderWorld->GetRenderEntity( renderModelHandle ); if ( renderEntity ) { bounds = renderEntity->bounds; } } if ( traceModelIndex != -1 ) { FreeTraceModel( traceModelIndex ); traceModelIndex = -1; } } /* ================ idClipModel::Init ================ */ void idClipModel::Init( void ) { enabled = true; entity = NULL; id = 0; owner = NULL; origin.Zero(); axis.Identity(); bounds.Zero(); absBounds.Zero(); material = NULL; contents = CONTENTS_BODY; collisionModelHandle = 0; renderModelHandle = -1; traceModelIndex = -1; clipLinks = NULL; touchCount = -1; } /* ================ idClipModel::idClipModel ================ */ idClipModel::idClipModel( void ) { Init(); } /* ================ idClipModel::idClipModel ================ */ idClipModel::idClipModel( const char *name ) { Init(); LoadModel( name ); } /* ================ idClipModel::idClipModel ================ */ idClipModel::idClipModel( const idTraceModel &trm ) { Init(); LoadModel( trm ); } /* ================ idClipModel::idClipModel ================ */ idClipModel::idClipModel( const int renderModelHandle ) { Init(); contents = CONTENTS_RENDERMODEL; LoadModel( renderModelHandle ); } /* ================ idClipModel::idClipModel ================ */ idClipModel::idClipModel( const idClipModel *model ) { enabled = model->enabled; entity = model->entity; id = model->id; owner = model->owner; origin = model->origin; axis = model->axis; bounds = model->bounds; absBounds = model->absBounds; material = model->material; contents = model->contents; collisionModelHandle = model->collisionModelHandle; traceModelIndex = -1; if ( model->traceModelIndex != -1 ) { LoadModel( *GetCachedTraceModel( model->traceModelIndex ) ); } renderModelHandle = model->renderModelHandle; clipLinks = NULL; touchCount = -1; } /* ================ idClipModel::~idClipModel ================ */ idClipModel::~idClipModel( void ) { // make sure the clip model is no longer linked Unlink(); if ( traceModelIndex != -1 ) { FreeTraceModel( traceModelIndex ); } } /* ================ idClipModel::Save ================ */ void idClipModel::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const { savefile->WriteBool( enabled ); savefile->WriteObject( entity ); savefile->WriteInt( id ); savefile->WriteObject( owner ); savefile->WriteVec3( origin ); savefile->WriteMat3( axis ); savefile->WriteBounds( bounds ); savefile->WriteBounds( absBounds ); savefile->WriteMaterial( material ); savefile->WriteInt( contents ); if ( collisionModelHandle >= 0 ) { savefile->WriteString( collisionModelManager->GetModelName( collisionModelHandle ) ); } else { savefile->WriteString( "" ); } savefile->WriteInt( traceModelIndex ); savefile->WriteInt( renderModelHandle ); savefile->WriteBool( clipLinks != NULL ); savefile->WriteInt( touchCount ); } /* ================ idClipModel::Restore ================ */ void idClipModel::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) { idStr collisionModelName; bool linked; savefile->ReadBool( enabled ); savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast<idClass *&>( entity ) ); savefile->ReadInt( id ); savefile->ReadObject( reinterpret_cast<idClass *&>( owner ) ); savefile->ReadVec3( origin ); savefile->ReadMat3( axis ); savefile->ReadBounds( bounds ); savefile->ReadBounds( absBounds ); savefile->ReadMaterial( material ); savefile->ReadInt( contents ); savefile->ReadString( collisionModelName ); if ( collisionModelName.Length() ) { collisionModelHandle = collisionModelManager->LoadModel( collisionModelName, false ); } else { collisionModelHandle = -1; } savefile->ReadInt( traceModelIndex ); if ( traceModelIndex >= 0 ) { traceModelCache[traceModelIndex]->refCount++; } savefile->ReadInt( renderModelHandle ); savefile->ReadBool( linked ); savefile->ReadInt( touchCount ); // the render model will be set when the clip model is linked renderModelHandle = -1; clipLinks = NULL; touchCount = -1; if ( linked ) { Link( gameLocal.clip, entity, id, origin, axis, renderModelHandle ); } } /* ================ idClipModel::SetPosition ================ */ void idClipModel::SetPosition( const idVec3 &newOrigin, const idMat3 &newAxis ) { if ( clipLinks ) { Unlink(); // unlink from old position } origin = newOrigin; axis = newAxis; } /* ================ idClipModel::Handle ================ */ cmHandle_t idClipModel::Handle( void ) const { assert( renderModelHandle == -1 ); if ( collisionModelHandle ) { return collisionModelHandle; } else if ( traceModelIndex != -1 ) { return collisionModelManager->SetupTrmModel( *GetCachedTraceModel( traceModelIndex ), material ); } else { // this happens in multiplayer on the combat models gameLocal.Warning( "idClipModel::Handle: clip model %d on '%s' (%x) is not a collision or trace model", id, entity->name.c_str(), entity->entityNumber ); return 0; } } /* ================ idClipModel::GetMassProperties ================ */ void idClipModel::GetMassProperties( const float density, float &mass, idVec3 ¢erOfMass, idMat3 &inertiaTensor ) const { if ( traceModelIndex == -1 ) { gameLocal.Error( "idClipModel::GetMassProperties: clip model %d on '%s' is not a trace model\n", id, entity->name.c_str() ); } trmCache_t *entry = traceModelCache[traceModelIndex]; mass = entry->volume * density; centerOfMass = entry->centerOfMass; inertiaTensor = density * entry->inertiaTensor; } /* =============== idClipModel::Unlink =============== */ void idClipModel::Unlink( void ) { clipLink_t *link; for ( link = clipLinks; link; link = clipLinks ) { clipLinks = link->nextLink; if ( link->prevInSector ) { link->prevInSector->nextInSector = link->nextInSector; } else { link->sector->clipLinks = link->nextInSector; } if ( link->nextInSector ) { link->nextInSector->prevInSector = link->prevInSector; } clipLinkAllocator.Free( link ); } } /* =============== idClipModel::Link_r =============== */ void idClipModel::Link_r( struct clipSector_s *node ) { clipLink_t *link; while( node->axis != -1 ) { if ( absBounds[0][node->axis] > node->dist ) { node = node->children[0]; } else if ( absBounds[1][node->axis] < node->dist ) { node = node->children[1]; } else { Link_r( node->children[0] ); node = node->children[1]; } } link = clipLinkAllocator.Alloc(); link->clipModel = this; link->sector = node; link->nextInSector = node->clipLinks; link->prevInSector = NULL; if ( node->clipLinks ) { node->clipLinks->prevInSector = link; } node->clipLinks = link; link->nextLink = clipLinks; clipLinks = link; } /* =============== idClipModel::Link =============== */ void idClipModel::Link( idClip &clp ) { assert( idClipModel::entity ); if ( !idClipModel::entity ) { return; } if ( clipLinks ) { Unlink(); // unlink from old position } if ( bounds.IsCleared() ) { return; } // set the abs box if ( axis.IsRotated() ) { // expand for rotation absBounds.FromTransformedBounds( bounds, origin, axis ); } else { // normal absBounds[0] = bounds[0] + origin; absBounds[1] = bounds[1] + origin; } // because movement is clipped an epsilon away from an actual edge, // we must fully check even when bounding boxes don't quite touch absBounds[0] -= vec3_boxEpsilon; absBounds[1] += vec3_boxEpsilon; Link_r( clp.clipSectors ); } /* =============== idClipModel::Link =============== */ void idClipModel::Link( idClip &clp, idEntity *ent, int newId, const idVec3 &newOrigin, const idMat3 &newAxis, int renderModelHandle ) { this->entity = ent; this->id = newId; this->origin = newOrigin; this->axis = newAxis; if ( renderModelHandle != -1 ) { this->renderModelHandle = renderModelHandle; const renderEntity_t *renderEntity = gameRenderWorld->GetRenderEntity( renderModelHandle ); if ( renderEntity ) { this->bounds = renderEntity->bounds; } } this->Link( clp ); } /* ============ idClipModel::CheckModel ============ */ cmHandle_t idClipModel::CheckModel( const char *name ) { return collisionModelManager->LoadModel( name, false ); } /* =============================================================== idClip =============================================================== */ /* =============== idClip::idClip =============== */ idClip::idClip( void ) { numClipSectors = 0; clipSectors = NULL; worldBounds.Zero(); numRotations = numTranslations = numMotions = numRenderModelTraces = numContents = numContacts = 0; } /* =============== idClip::CreateClipSectors_r Builds a uniformly subdivided tree for the given world size =============== */ clipSector_t *idClip::CreateClipSectors_r( const int depth, const idBounds &bounds, idVec3 &maxSector ) { int i; clipSector_t *anode; idVec3 size; idBounds front, back; anode = &clipSectors[idClip::numClipSectors]; idClip::numClipSectors++; if ( depth == MAX_SECTOR_DEPTH ) { anode->axis = -1; anode->children[0] = anode->children[1] = NULL; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( bounds[1][i] - bounds[0][i] > maxSector[i] ) { maxSector[i] = bounds[1][i] - bounds[0][i]; } } return anode; } size = bounds[1] - bounds[0]; if ( size[0] >= size[1] && size[0] >= size[2] ) { anode->axis = 0; } else if ( size[1] >= size[0] && size[1] >= size[2] ) { anode->axis = 1; } else { anode->axis = 2; } anode->dist = 0.5f * ( bounds[1][anode->axis] + bounds[0][anode->axis] ); front = bounds; back = bounds; front[0][anode->axis] = back[1][anode->axis] = anode->dist; anode->children[0] = CreateClipSectors_r( depth+1, front, maxSector ); anode->children[1] = CreateClipSectors_r( depth+1, back, maxSector ); return anode; } /* =============== idClip::Init =============== */ void idClip::Init( void ) { cmHandle_t h; idVec3 size, maxSector = vec3_origin; // clear clip sectors clipSectors = new clipSector_t[MAX_SECTORS]; memset( clipSectors, 0, MAX_SECTORS * sizeof( clipSector_t ) ); numClipSectors = 0; touchCount = -1; // get world map bounds h = collisionModelManager->LoadModel( "worldMap", false ); collisionModelManager->GetModelBounds( h, worldBounds ); // create world sectors CreateClipSectors_r( 0, worldBounds, maxSector ); size = worldBounds[1] - worldBounds[0]; gameLocal.Printf( "map bounds are (%1.1f, %1.1f, %1.1f)\n", size[0], size[1], size[2] ); gameLocal.Printf( "max clip sector is (%1.1f, %1.1f, %1.1f)\n", maxSector[0], maxSector[1], maxSector[2] ); // initialize a default clip model defaultClipModel.LoadModel( idTraceModel( idBounds( idVec3( 0, 0, 0 ) ).Expand( 8 ) ) ); // set counters to zero numRotations = numTranslations = numMotions = numRenderModelTraces = numContents = numContacts = 0; } /* =============== idClip::Shutdown =============== */ void idClip::Shutdown( void ) { delete[] clipSectors; clipSectors = NULL; // free the trace model used for the temporaryClipModel if ( temporaryClipModel.traceModelIndex != -1 ) { idClipModel::FreeTraceModel( temporaryClipModel.traceModelIndex ); temporaryClipModel.traceModelIndex = -1; } // free the trace model used for the defaultClipModel if ( defaultClipModel.traceModelIndex != -1 ) { idClipModel::FreeTraceModel( defaultClipModel.traceModelIndex ); defaultClipModel.traceModelIndex = -1; } clipLinkAllocator.Shutdown(); } /* ==================== idClip::ClipModelsTouchingBounds_r ==================== */ typedef struct listParms_s { idBounds bounds; int contentMask; idClipModel ** list; int count; int maxCount; } listParms_t; void idClip::ClipModelsTouchingBounds_r( const struct clipSector_s *node, listParms_t &parms ) const { while( node->axis != -1 ) { if ( parms.bounds[0][node->axis] > node->dist ) { node = node->children[0]; } else if ( parms.bounds[1][node->axis] < node->dist ) { node = node->children[1]; } else { ClipModelsTouchingBounds_r( node->children[0], parms ); node = node->children[1]; } } for ( clipLink_t *link = node->clipLinks; link; link = link->nextInSector ) { idClipModel *check = link->clipModel; // if the clip model is enabled if ( !check->enabled ) { continue; } // avoid duplicates in the list if ( check->touchCount == touchCount ) { continue; } // if the clip model does not have any contents we are looking for if ( !( check->contents & parms.contentMask ) ) { continue; } // if the bounds really do overlap if ( check->absBounds[0][0] > parms.bounds[1][0] || check->absBounds[1][0] < parms.bounds[0][0] || check->absBounds[0][1] > parms.bounds[1][1] || check->absBounds[1][1] < parms.bounds[0][1] || check->absBounds[0][2] > parms.bounds[1][2] || check->absBounds[1][2] < parms.bounds[0][2] ) { continue; } if ( parms.count >= parms.maxCount ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idClip::ClipModelsTouchingBounds_r: max count" ); return; } check->touchCount = touchCount; parms.list[parms.count] = check; parms.count++; } } /* ================ idClip::ClipModelsTouchingBounds ================ */ int idClip::ClipModelsTouchingBounds( const idBounds &bounds, int contentMask, idClipModel **clipModelList, int maxCount ) const { listParms_t parms; if ( bounds[0][0] > bounds[1][0] || bounds[0][1] > bounds[1][1] || bounds[0][2] > bounds[1][2] ) { // we should not go through the tree for degenerate or backwards bounds assert( false ); return 0; } parms.bounds[0] = bounds[0] - vec3_boxEpsilon; parms.bounds[1] = bounds[1] + vec3_boxEpsilon; parms.contentMask = contentMask; parms.list = clipModelList; parms.count = 0; parms.maxCount = maxCount; touchCount++; ClipModelsTouchingBounds_r( clipSectors, parms ); return parms.count; } /* ================ idClip::EntitiesTouchingBounds ================ */ int idClip::EntitiesTouchingBounds( const idBounds &bounds, int contentMask, idEntity **entityList, int maxCount ) const { idClipModel *clipModelList[MAX_GENTITIES]; int i, j, count, entCount; count = idClip::ClipModelsTouchingBounds( bounds, contentMask, clipModelList, MAX_GENTITIES ); entCount = 0; for ( i = 0; i < count; i++ ) { // entity could already be in the list because an entity can use multiple clip models for ( j = 0; j < entCount; j++ ) { if ( entityList[j] == clipModelList[i]->entity ) { break; } } if ( j >= entCount ) { if ( entCount >= maxCount ) { gameLocal.Warning( "idClip::EntitiesTouchingBounds: max count" ); return entCount; } entityList[entCount] = clipModelList[i]->entity; entCount++; } } return entCount; } /* ==================== idClip::GetTraceClipModels an ent will be excluded from testing if: cm->entity == passEntity ( don't clip against the pass entity ) cm->entity == passOwner ( missiles don't clip with owner ) cm->owner == passEntity ( don't interact with your own missiles ) cm->owner == passOwner ( don't interact with other missiles from same owner ) ==================== */ int idClip::GetTraceClipModels( const idBounds &bounds, int contentMask, const idEntity *passEntity, idClipModel **clipModelList ) const { int i, num; idClipModel *cm; idEntity *passOwner; num = ClipModelsTouchingBounds( bounds, contentMask, clipModelList, MAX_GENTITIES ); if ( !passEntity ) { return num; } if ( passEntity->GetPhysics()->GetNumClipModels() > 0 ) { passOwner = passEntity->GetPhysics()->GetClipModel()->GetOwner(); } else { passOwner = NULL; } for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { cm = clipModelList[i]; // check if we should ignore this entity if ( cm->entity == passEntity ) { clipModelList[i] = NULL; // don't clip against the pass entity } else if ( cm->entity == passOwner ) { clipModelList[i] = NULL; // missiles don't clip with their owner } else if ( cm->owner ) { if ( cm->owner == passEntity ) { clipModelList[i] = NULL; // don't clip against own missiles } else if ( cm->owner == passOwner ) { clipModelList[i] = NULL; // don't clip against other missiles from same owner } } } return num; } /* ============ idClip::TraceRenderModel ============ */ void idClip::TraceRenderModel( trace_t &trace, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const float radius, const idMat3 &axis, idClipModel *touch ) const { trace.fraction = 1.0f; // if the trace is passing through the bounds if ( touch->absBounds.Expand( radius ).LineIntersection( start, end ) ) { modelTrace_t modelTrace; // test with exact render model and modify trace_t structure accordingly if ( gameRenderWorld->ModelTrace( modelTrace, touch->renderModelHandle, start, end, radius ) ) { trace.fraction = modelTrace.fraction; trace.endAxis = axis; trace.endpos = modelTrace.point; trace.c.normal = modelTrace.normal; trace.c.dist = modelTrace.point * modelTrace.normal; trace.c.point = modelTrace.point; trace.c.type = CONTACT_TRMVERTEX; trace.c.modelFeature = 0; trace.c.trmFeature = 0; trace.c.contents = modelTrace.material->GetContentFlags(); trace.c.material = modelTrace.material; // NOTE: trace.c.id will be the joint number touch->id = JOINT_HANDLE_TO_CLIPMODEL_ID( modelTrace.jointNumber ); } } } /* ============ idClip::TraceModelForClipModel ============ */ const idTraceModel *idClip::TraceModelForClipModel( const idClipModel *mdl ) const { if ( !mdl ) { return NULL; } else { if ( !mdl->IsTraceModel() ) { if ( mdl->GetEntity() ) { gameLocal.Error( "TraceModelForClipModel: clip model %d on '%s' is not a trace model\n", mdl->GetId(), mdl->GetEntity()->name.c_str() ); } else { gameLocal.Error( "TraceModelForClipModel: clip model %d is not a trace model\n", mdl->GetId() ); } } return idClipModel::GetCachedTraceModel( mdl->traceModelIndex ); } } /* ============ idClip::TestHugeTranslation ============ */ ID_INLINE bool TestHugeTranslation( trace_t &results, const idClipModel *mdl, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const idMat3 &trmAxis ) { if ( mdl != NULL && ( end - start ).LengthSqr() > Square( CM_MAX_TRACE_DIST ) ) { #ifndef CTF // May be important: This occurs in CTF when a player connects and spawns // in the PVS of a player that has a flag that is spawning the idMoveableItem // "nuggets". The error seems benign and the assert was getting in the way // of testing. assert( 0 ); #endif results.fraction = 0.0f; results.endpos = start; results.endAxis = trmAxis; memset( &results.c, 0, sizeof( results.c ) ); results.c.point = start; if ( mdl->GetEntity() ) { gameLocal.Printf( "huge translation for clip model %d on entity %d '%s'\n", mdl->GetId(), mdl->GetEntity()->entityNumber, mdl->GetEntity()->GetName() ); } else { gameLocal.Printf( "huge translation for clip model %d\n", mdl->GetId() ); } return true; } return false; } /* ============ idClip::TranslationEntities ============ */ void idClip::TranslationEntities( trace_t &results, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, const idEntity *passEntity ) { int i, num; idClipModel *touch, *clipModelList[MAX_GENTITIES]; idBounds traceBounds; float radius; trace_t trace; const idTraceModel *trm; if ( TestHugeTranslation( results, mdl, start, end, trmAxis ) ) { return; } trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); results.fraction = 1.0f; results.endpos = end; results.endAxis = trmAxis; if ( !trm ) { traceBounds.FromPointTranslation( start, end - start ); radius = 0.0f; } else { traceBounds.FromBoundsTranslation( trm->bounds, start, trmAxis, end - start ); radius = trm->bounds.GetRadius(); } num = GetTraceClipModels( traceBounds, contentMask, passEntity, clipModelList ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { touch = clipModelList[i]; if ( !touch ) { continue; } if ( touch->renderModelHandle != -1 ) { idClip::numRenderModelTraces++; TraceRenderModel( trace, start, end, radius, trmAxis, touch ); } else { idClip::numTranslations++; collisionModelManager->Translation( &trace, start, end, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, touch->Handle(), touch->origin, touch->axis ); } if ( trace.fraction < results.fraction ) { results = trace; results.c.entityNum = touch->entity->entityNumber; results.c.id = touch->id; if ( results.fraction == 0.0f ) { break; } } } } /* ============ idClip::Translation ============ */ bool idClip::Translation( trace_t &results, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, const idEntity *passEntity ) { int i, num; idClipModel *touch, *clipModelList[MAX_GENTITIES]; idBounds traceBounds; float radius; trace_t trace; const idTraceModel *trm; if ( TestHugeTranslation( results, mdl, start, end, trmAxis ) ) { return true; } trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); if ( !passEntity || passEntity->entityNumber != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { // test world idClip::numTranslations++; collisionModelManager->Translation( &results, start, end, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, 0, vec3_origin, mat3_default ); results.c.entityNum = results.fraction != 1.0f ? ENTITYNUM_WORLD : ENTITYNUM_NONE; if ( results.fraction == 0.0f ) { return true; // blocked immediately by the world } } else { memset( &results, 0, sizeof( results ) ); results.fraction = 1.0f; results.endpos = end; results.endAxis = trmAxis; } if ( !trm ) { traceBounds.FromPointTranslation( start, results.endpos - start ); radius = 0.0f; } else { traceBounds.FromBoundsTranslation( trm->bounds, start, trmAxis, results.endpos - start ); radius = trm->bounds.GetRadius(); } num = GetTraceClipModels( traceBounds, contentMask, passEntity, clipModelList ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { touch = clipModelList[i]; if ( !touch ) { continue; } if ( touch->renderModelHandle != -1 ) { idClip::numRenderModelTraces++; TraceRenderModel( trace, start, end, radius, trmAxis, touch ); } else { idClip::numTranslations++; collisionModelManager->Translation( &trace, start, end, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, touch->Handle(), touch->origin, touch->axis ); } if ( trace.fraction < results.fraction ) { results = trace; results.c.entityNum = touch->entity->entityNumber; results.c.id = touch->id; if ( results.fraction == 0.0f ) { break; } } } return ( results.fraction < 1.0f ); } /* ============ idClip::Rotation ============ */ bool idClip::Rotation( trace_t &results, const idVec3 &start, const idRotation &rotation, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, const idEntity *passEntity ) { int i, num; idClipModel *touch, *clipModelList[MAX_GENTITIES]; idBounds traceBounds; trace_t trace; const idTraceModel *trm; trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); if ( !passEntity || passEntity->entityNumber != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { // test world idClip::numRotations++; collisionModelManager->Rotation( &results, start, rotation, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, 0, vec3_origin, mat3_default ); results.c.entityNum = results.fraction != 1.0f ? ENTITYNUM_WORLD : ENTITYNUM_NONE; if ( results.fraction == 0.0f ) { return true; // blocked immediately by the world } } else { memset( &results, 0, sizeof( results ) ); results.fraction = 1.0f; results.endpos = start; results.endAxis = trmAxis * rotation.ToMat3(); } if ( !trm ) { traceBounds.FromPointRotation( start, rotation ); } else { traceBounds.FromBoundsRotation( trm->bounds, start, trmAxis, rotation ); } num = GetTraceClipModels( traceBounds, contentMask, passEntity, clipModelList ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { touch = clipModelList[i]; if ( !touch ) { continue; } // no rotational collision with render models if ( touch->renderModelHandle != -1 ) { continue; } idClip::numRotations++; collisionModelManager->Rotation( &trace, start, rotation, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, touch->Handle(), touch->origin, touch->axis ); if ( trace.fraction < results.fraction ) { results = trace; results.c.entityNum = touch->entity->entityNumber; results.c.id = touch->id; if ( results.fraction == 0.0f ) { break; } } } return ( results.fraction < 1.0f ); } /* ============ idClip::Motion ============ */ bool idClip::Motion( trace_t &results, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const idRotation &rotation, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, const idEntity *passEntity ) { int i, num; idClipModel *touch, *clipModelList[MAX_GENTITIES]; idVec3 dir, endPosition; idBounds traceBounds; float radius; trace_t translationalTrace, rotationalTrace, trace; idRotation endRotation; const idTraceModel *trm; assert( rotation.GetOrigin() == start ); if ( TestHugeTranslation( results, mdl, start, end, trmAxis ) ) { return true; } if ( mdl != NULL && rotation.GetAngle() != 0.0f && rotation.GetVec() != vec3_origin ) { // if no translation if ( start == end ) { // pure rotation return Rotation( results, start, rotation, mdl, trmAxis, contentMask, passEntity ); } } else if ( start != end ) { // pure translation return Translation( results, start, end, mdl, trmAxis, contentMask, passEntity ); } else { // no motion results.fraction = 1.0f; results.endpos = start; results.endAxis = trmAxis; return false; } trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); radius = trm->bounds.GetRadius(); if ( !passEntity || passEntity->entityNumber != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { // translational collision with world idClip::numTranslations++; collisionModelManager->Translation( &translationalTrace, start, end, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, 0, vec3_origin, mat3_default ); translationalTrace.c.entityNum = translationalTrace.fraction != 1.0f ? ENTITYNUM_WORLD : ENTITYNUM_NONE; } else { memset( &translationalTrace, 0, sizeof( translationalTrace ) ); translationalTrace.fraction = 1.0f; translationalTrace.endpos = end; translationalTrace.endAxis = trmAxis; } if ( translationalTrace.fraction != 0.0f ) { traceBounds.FromBoundsRotation( trm->bounds, start, trmAxis, rotation ); dir = translationalTrace.endpos - start; for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if ( dir[i] < 0.0f ) { traceBounds[0][i] += dir[i]; } else { traceBounds[1][i] += dir[i]; } } num = GetTraceClipModels( traceBounds, contentMask, passEntity, clipModelList ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { touch = clipModelList[i]; if ( !touch ) { continue; } if ( touch->renderModelHandle != -1 ) { idClip::numRenderModelTraces++; TraceRenderModel( trace, start, end, radius, trmAxis, touch ); } else { idClip::numTranslations++; collisionModelManager->Translation( &trace, start, end, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, touch->Handle(), touch->origin, touch->axis ); } if ( trace.fraction < translationalTrace.fraction ) { translationalTrace = trace; translationalTrace.c.entityNum = touch->entity->entityNumber; translationalTrace.c.id = touch->id; if ( translationalTrace.fraction == 0.0f ) { break; } } } } else { num = -1; } endPosition = translationalTrace.endpos; endRotation = rotation; endRotation.SetOrigin( endPosition ); if ( !passEntity || passEntity->entityNumber != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { // rotational collision with world idClip::numRotations++; collisionModelManager->Rotation( &rotationalTrace, endPosition, endRotation, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, 0, vec3_origin, mat3_default ); rotationalTrace.c.entityNum = rotationalTrace.fraction != 1.0f ? ENTITYNUM_WORLD : ENTITYNUM_NONE; } else { memset( &rotationalTrace, 0, sizeof( rotationalTrace ) ); rotationalTrace.fraction = 1.0f; rotationalTrace.endpos = endPosition; rotationalTrace.endAxis = trmAxis * rotation.ToMat3(); } if ( rotationalTrace.fraction != 0.0f ) { if ( num == -1 ) { traceBounds.FromBoundsRotation( trm->bounds, endPosition, trmAxis, endRotation ); num = GetTraceClipModels( traceBounds, contentMask, passEntity, clipModelList ); } for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { touch = clipModelList[i]; if ( !touch ) { continue; } // no rotational collision detection with render models if ( touch->renderModelHandle != -1 ) { continue; } idClip::numRotations++; collisionModelManager->Rotation( &trace, endPosition, endRotation, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, touch->Handle(), touch->origin, touch->axis ); if ( trace.fraction < rotationalTrace.fraction ) { rotationalTrace = trace; rotationalTrace.c.entityNum = touch->entity->entityNumber; rotationalTrace.c.id = touch->id; if ( rotationalTrace.fraction == 0.0f ) { break; } } } } if ( rotationalTrace.fraction < 1.0f ) { results = rotationalTrace; } else { results = translationalTrace; results.endAxis = rotationalTrace.endAxis; } results.fraction = Max( translationalTrace.fraction, rotationalTrace.fraction ); return ( translationalTrace.fraction < 1.0f || rotationalTrace.fraction < 1.0f ); } /* ============ idClip::Contacts ============ */ int idClip::Contacts( contactInfo_t *contacts, const int maxContacts, const idVec3 &start, const idVec6 &dir, const float depth, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, const idEntity *passEntity ) { int i, j, num, n, numContacts; idClipModel *touch, *clipModelList[MAX_GENTITIES]; idBounds traceBounds; const idTraceModel *trm; trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); if ( !passEntity || passEntity->entityNumber != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { // test world idClip::numContacts++; numContacts = collisionModelManager->Contacts( contacts, maxContacts, start, dir, depth, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, 0, vec3_origin, mat3_default ); } else { numContacts = 0; } for ( i = 0; i < numContacts; i++ ) { contacts[i].entityNum = ENTITYNUM_WORLD; contacts[i].id = 0; } if ( numContacts >= maxContacts ) { return numContacts; } if ( !trm ) { traceBounds = idBounds( start ).Expand( depth ); } else { traceBounds.FromTransformedBounds( trm->bounds, start, trmAxis ); traceBounds.ExpandSelf( depth ); } num = GetTraceClipModels( traceBounds, contentMask, passEntity, clipModelList ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { touch = clipModelList[i]; if ( !touch ) { continue; } // no contacts with render models if ( touch->renderModelHandle != -1 ) { continue; } idClip::numContacts++; n = collisionModelManager->Contacts( contacts + numContacts, maxContacts - numContacts, start, dir, depth, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, touch->Handle(), touch->origin, touch->axis ); for ( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) { contacts[numContacts].entityNum = touch->entity->entityNumber; contacts[numContacts].id = touch->id; numContacts++; } if ( numContacts >= maxContacts ) { break; } } return numContacts; } /* ============ idClip::Contents ============ */ int idClip::Contents( const idVec3 &start, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, const idEntity *passEntity ) { int i, num, contents; idClipModel *touch, *clipModelList[MAX_GENTITIES]; idBounds traceBounds; const idTraceModel *trm; trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); if ( !passEntity || passEntity->entityNumber != ENTITYNUM_WORLD ) { // test world idClip::numContents++; contents = collisionModelManager->Contents( start, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, 0, vec3_origin, mat3_default ); } else { contents = 0; } if ( !trm ) { traceBounds[0] = start; traceBounds[1] = start; } else if ( trmAxis.IsRotated() ) { traceBounds.FromTransformedBounds( trm->bounds, start, trmAxis ); } else { traceBounds[0] = trm->bounds[0] + start; traceBounds[1] = trm->bounds[1] + start; } num = GetTraceClipModels( traceBounds, -1, passEntity, clipModelList ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { touch = clipModelList[i]; if ( !touch ) { continue; } // no contents test with render models if ( touch->renderModelHandle != -1 ) { continue; } // if the entity does not have any contents we are looking for if ( ( touch->contents & contentMask ) == 0 ) { continue; } // if the entity has no new contents flags if ( ( touch->contents & contents ) == touch->contents ) { continue; } idClip::numContents++; if ( collisionModelManager->Contents( start, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, touch->Handle(), touch->origin, touch->axis ) ) { contents |= ( touch->contents & contentMask ); } } return contents; } /* ============ idClip::TranslationModel ============ */ void idClip::TranslationModel( trace_t &results, const idVec3 &start, const idVec3 &end, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, cmHandle_t model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis ) { const idTraceModel *trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); idClip::numTranslations++; collisionModelManager->Translation( &results, start, end, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, model, modelOrigin, modelAxis ); } /* ============ idClip::RotationModel ============ */ void idClip::RotationModel( trace_t &results, const idVec3 &start, const idRotation &rotation, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, cmHandle_t model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis ) { const idTraceModel *trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); idClip::numRotations++; collisionModelManager->Rotation( &results, start, rotation, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, model, modelOrigin, modelAxis ); } /* ============ idClip::ContactsModel ============ */ int idClip::ContactsModel( contactInfo_t *contacts, const int maxContacts, const idVec3 &start, const idVec6 &dir, const float depth, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, cmHandle_t model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis ) { const idTraceModel *trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); idClip::numContacts++; return collisionModelManager->Contacts( contacts, maxContacts, start, dir, depth, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, model, modelOrigin, modelAxis ); } /* ============ idClip::ContentsModel ============ */ int idClip::ContentsModel( const idVec3 &start, const idClipModel *mdl, const idMat3 &trmAxis, int contentMask, cmHandle_t model, const idVec3 &modelOrigin, const idMat3 &modelAxis ) { const idTraceModel *trm = TraceModelForClipModel( mdl ); idClip::numContents++; return collisionModelManager->Contents( start, trm, trmAxis, contentMask, model, modelOrigin, modelAxis ); } /* ============ idClip::GetModelContactFeature ============ */ bool idClip::GetModelContactFeature( const contactInfo_t &contact, const idClipModel *clipModel, idFixedWinding &winding ) const { int i; cmHandle_t handle; idVec3 start, end; handle = -1; winding.Clear(); if ( clipModel == NULL ) { handle = 0; } else { if ( clipModel->renderModelHandle != -1 ) { winding += contact.point; return true; } else if ( clipModel->traceModelIndex != -1 ) { handle = collisionModelManager->SetupTrmModel( *idClipModel::GetCachedTraceModel( clipModel->traceModelIndex ), clipModel->material ); } else { handle = clipModel->collisionModelHandle; } } // if contact with a collision model if ( handle != -1 ) { switch( contact.type ) { case CONTACT_EDGE: { // the model contact feature is a collision model edge collisionModelManager->GetModelEdge( handle, contact.modelFeature, start, end ); winding += start; winding += end; break; } case CONTACT_MODELVERTEX: { // the model contact feature is a collision model vertex collisionModelManager->GetModelVertex( handle, contact.modelFeature, start ); winding += start; break; } case CONTACT_TRMVERTEX: { // the model contact feature is a collision model polygon collisionModelManager->GetModelPolygon( handle, contact.modelFeature, winding ); break; } } } // transform the winding to world space if ( clipModel ) { for ( i = 0; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { winding[i].ToVec3() *= clipModel->axis; winding[i].ToVec3() += clipModel->origin; } } return true; } /* ============ idClip::PrintStatistics ============ */ void idClip::PrintStatistics( void ) { gameLocal.Printf( "t = %-3d, r = %-3d, m = %-3d, render = %-3d, contents = %-3d, contacts = %-3d\n", numTranslations, numRotations, numMotions, numRenderModelTraces, numContents, numContacts ); numRotations = numTranslations = numMotions = numRenderModelTraces = numContents = numContacts = 0; } /* ============ idClip::DrawClipModels ============ */ void idClip::DrawClipModels( const idVec3 &eye, const float radius, const idEntity *passEntity ) { int i, num; idBounds bounds; idClipModel *clipModelList[MAX_GENTITIES]; idClipModel *clipModel; bounds = idBounds( eye ).Expand( radius ); num = idClip::ClipModelsTouchingBounds( bounds, -1, clipModelList, MAX_GENTITIES ); for ( i = 0; i < num; i++ ) { clipModel = clipModelList[i]; if ( clipModel->GetEntity() == passEntity ) { continue; } if ( clipModel->renderModelHandle != -1 ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugBounds( colorCyan, clipModel->GetAbsBounds() ); } else { collisionModelManager->DrawModel( clipModel->Handle(), clipModel->GetOrigin(), clipModel->GetAxis(), eye, radius ); } } } /* ============ idClip::DrawModelContactFeature ============ */ bool idClip::DrawModelContactFeature( const contactInfo_t &contact, const idClipModel *clipModel, int lifetime ) const { int i; idMat3 axis; idFixedWinding winding; if ( !GetModelContactFeature( contact, clipModel, winding ) ) { return false; } axis = contact.normal.ToMat3(); if ( winding.GetNumPoints() == 1 ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, winding[0].ToVec3(), winding[0].ToVec3() + 2.0f * axis[0], lifetime ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorWhite, winding[0].ToVec3() - 1.0f * axis[1], winding[0].ToVec3() + 1.0f * axis[1], lifetime ); gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorWhite, winding[0].ToVec3() - 1.0f * axis[2], winding[0].ToVec3() + 1.0f * axis[2], lifetime ); } else { for ( i = 0; i < winding.GetNumPoints(); i++ ) { gameRenderWorld->DebugLine( colorCyan, winding[i].ToVec3(), winding[(i+1)%winding.GetNumPoints()].ToVec3(), lifetime ); } } axis[0] = -axis[0]; axis[2] = -axis[2]; gameRenderWorld->DrawText( contact.material->GetName(), winding.GetCenter() - 4.0f * axis[2], 0.1f, colorWhite, axis, 1, 5000 ); return true; }