/* =========================================================================== Doom 3 GPL Source Code Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code"). Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below. If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA. =========================================================================== */ /* =============================================================================== Trace model vs. polygonal model collision detection. =============================================================================== */ #include "sys/platform.h" #include "framework/FileSystem.h" #include "renderer/Material.h" #include "renderer/RenderWorld.h" #include "cm/CollisionModel_local.h" #define CM_FILE_EXT "cm" #define CM_FILEID "CM" #define CM_FILEVERSION "1.00" /* =============================================================================== Writing of collision model file =============================================================================== */ void CM_GetNodeBounds( idBounds *bounds, cm_node_t *node ); int CM_GetNodeContents( cm_node_t *node ); /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteNodes ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteNodes( idFile *fp, cm_node_t *node ) { fp->WriteFloatString( "\t( %d %f )\n", node->planeType, node->planeDist ); if ( node->planeType != -1 ) { WriteNodes( fp, node->children[0] ); WriteNodes( fp, node->children[1] ); } } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::CountPolygonMemory ================ */ int idCollisionModelManagerLocal::CountPolygonMemory( cm_node_t *node ) const { cm_polygonRef_t *pref; cm_polygon_t *p; int memory; memory = 0; for ( pref = node->polygons; pref; pref = pref->next ) { p = pref->p; if ( p->checkcount == checkCount ) { continue; } p->checkcount = checkCount; memory += sizeof( cm_polygon_t ) + ( p->numEdges - 1 ) * sizeof( p->edges[0] ); } if ( node->planeType != -1 ) { memory += CountPolygonMemory( node->children[0] ); memory += CountPolygonMemory( node->children[1] ); } return memory; } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WritePolygons ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WritePolygons( idFile *fp, cm_node_t *node ) { cm_polygonRef_t *pref; cm_polygon_t *p; int i; for ( pref = node->polygons; pref; pref = pref->next ) { p = pref->p; if ( p->checkcount == checkCount ) { continue; } p->checkcount = checkCount; fp->WriteFloatString( "\t%d (", p->numEdges ); for ( i = 0; i < p->numEdges; i++ ) { fp->WriteFloatString( " %d", p->edges[i] ); } fp->WriteFloatString( " ) ( %f %f %f ) %f", p->plane.Normal()[0], p->plane.Normal()[1], p->plane.Normal()[2], p->plane.Dist() ); fp->WriteFloatString( " ( %f %f %f )", p->bounds[0][0], p->bounds[0][1], p->bounds[0][2] ); fp->WriteFloatString( " ( %f %f %f )", p->bounds[1][0], p->bounds[1][1], p->bounds[1][2] ); fp->WriteFloatString( " \"%s\"\n", p->material->GetName() ); } if ( node->planeType != -1 ) { WritePolygons( fp, node->children[0] ); WritePolygons( fp, node->children[1] ); } } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::CountBrushMemory ================ */ int idCollisionModelManagerLocal::CountBrushMemory( cm_node_t *node ) const { cm_brushRef_t *bref; cm_brush_t *b; int memory; memory = 0; for ( bref = node->brushes; bref; bref = bref->next ) { b = bref->b; if ( b->checkcount == checkCount ) { continue; } b->checkcount = checkCount; memory += sizeof( cm_brush_t ) + ( b->numPlanes - 1 ) * sizeof( b->planes[0] ); } if ( node->planeType != -1 ) { memory += CountBrushMemory( node->children[0] ); memory += CountBrushMemory( node->children[1] ); } return memory; } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteBrushes ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteBrushes( idFile *fp, cm_node_t *node ) { cm_brushRef_t *bref; cm_brush_t *b; int i; for ( bref = node->brushes; bref; bref = bref->next ) { b = bref->b; if ( b->checkcount == checkCount ) { continue; } b->checkcount = checkCount; fp->WriteFloatString( "\t%d {\n", b->numPlanes ); for ( i = 0; i < b->numPlanes; i++ ) { fp->WriteFloatString( "\t\t( %f %f %f ) %f\n", b->planes[i].Normal()[0], b->planes[i].Normal()[1], b->planes[i].Normal()[2], b->planes[i].Dist() ); } fp->WriteFloatString( "\t} ( %f %f %f )", b->bounds[0][0], b->bounds[0][1], b->bounds[0][2] ); fp->WriteFloatString( " ( %f %f %f ) \"%s\"\n", b->bounds[1][0], b->bounds[1][1], b->bounds[1][2], StringFromContents( b->contents ) ); } if ( node->planeType != -1 ) { WriteBrushes( fp, node->children[0] ); WriteBrushes( fp, node->children[1] ); } } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteCollisionModel ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteCollisionModel( idFile *fp, cm_model_t *model ) { int i, polygonMemory, brushMemory; fp->WriteFloatString( "collisionModel \"%s\" {\n", model->name.c_str() ); // vertices fp->WriteFloatString( "\tvertices { /* numVertices = */ %d\n", model->numVertices ); for ( i = 0; i < model->numVertices; i++ ) { fp->WriteFloatString( "\t/* %d */ ( %f %f %f )\n", i, model->vertices[i].p[0], model->vertices[i].p[1], model->vertices[i].p[2] ); } fp->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" ); // edges fp->WriteFloatString( "\tedges { /* numEdges = */ %d\n", model->numEdges ); for ( i = 0; i < model->numEdges; i++ ) { fp->WriteFloatString( "\t/* %d */ ( %d %d ) %d %d\n", i, model->edges[i].vertexNum[0], model->edges[i].vertexNum[1], model->edges[i].internal, model->edges[i].numUsers ); } fp->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" ); // nodes fp->WriteFloatString( "\tnodes {\n" ); WriteNodes( fp, model->node ); fp->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" ); // polygons checkCount++; polygonMemory = CountPolygonMemory( model->node ); fp->WriteFloatString( "\tpolygons /* polygonMemory = */ %d {\n", polygonMemory ); checkCount++; WritePolygons( fp, model->node ); fp->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" ); // brushes checkCount++; brushMemory = CountBrushMemory( model->node ); fp->WriteFloatString( "\tbrushes /* brushMemory = */ %d {\n", brushMemory ); checkCount++; WriteBrushes( fp, model->node ); fp->WriteFloatString( "\t}\n" ); // closing brace fp->WriteFloatString( "}\n" ); } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteCollisionModelsToFile ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteCollisionModelsToFile( const char *filename, int firstModel, int lastModel, unsigned int mapFileCRC ) { int i; idFile *fp; idStr name; name = filename; name.SetFileExtension( CM_FILE_EXT ); common->Printf( "writing %s\n", name.c_str() ); // _D3XP was saving to fs_cdpath fp = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( name, "fs_devpath" ); if ( !fp ) { common->Warning( "idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteCollisionModelsToFile: Error opening file %s\n", name.c_str() ); return; } // write file id and version fp->WriteFloatString( "%s \"%s\"\n\n", CM_FILEID, CM_FILEVERSION ); // write the map file crc fp->WriteFloatString( "%u\n\n", mapFileCRC ); // write the collision models for ( i = firstModel; i < lastModel; i++ ) { WriteCollisionModel( fp, models[ i ] ); } fileSystem->CloseFile( fp ); } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteCollisionModelForMapEntity ================ */ bool idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteCollisionModelForMapEntity( const idMapEntity *mapEnt, const char *filename, const bool testTraceModel ) { idFile *fp; idStr name; cm_model_t *model; SetupHash(); model = CollisionModelForMapEntity( mapEnt ); model->name = filename; name = filename; name.SetFileExtension( CM_FILE_EXT ); common->Printf( "writing %s\n", name.c_str() ); fp = fileSystem->OpenFileWrite( name, "fs_devpath" ); if ( !fp ) { common->Printf( "idCollisionModelManagerLocal::WriteCollisionModelForMapEntity: Error opening file %s\n", name.c_str() ); FreeModel( model ); return false; } // write file id and version fp->WriteFloatString( "%s \"%s\"\n\n", CM_FILEID, CM_FILEVERSION ); // write the map file crc fp->WriteFloatString( "%u\n\n", 0 ); // write the collision model WriteCollisionModel( fp, model ); fileSystem->CloseFile( fp ); if ( testTraceModel ) { idTraceModel trm; TrmFromModel( model, trm ); } FreeModel( model ); return true; } /* =============================================================================== Loading of collision model file =============================================================================== */ /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseVertices ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseVertices( idLexer *src, cm_model_t *model ) { int i; src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); model->numVertices = src->ParseInt(); model->maxVertices = model->numVertices; model->vertices = (cm_vertex_t *) Mem_Alloc( model->maxVertices * sizeof( cm_vertex_t ) ); for ( i = 0; i < model->numVertices; i++ ) { src->Parse1DMatrix( 3, model->vertices[i].p.ToFloatPtr() ); model->vertices[i].side = 0; model->vertices[i].sideSet = 0; model->vertices[i].checkcount = 0; } src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ); } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseEdges ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseEdges( idLexer *src, cm_model_t *model ) { int i; src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); model->numEdges = src->ParseInt(); model->maxEdges = model->numEdges; model->edges = (cm_edge_t *) Mem_Alloc( model->maxEdges * sizeof( cm_edge_t ) ); for ( i = 0; i < model->numEdges; i++ ) { src->ExpectTokenString( "(" ); model->edges[i].vertexNum[0] = src->ParseInt(); model->edges[i].vertexNum[1] = src->ParseInt(); src->ExpectTokenString( ")" ); model->edges[i].side = 0; model->edges[i].sideSet = 0; model->edges[i].internal = src->ParseInt(); model->edges[i].numUsers = src->ParseInt(); model->edges[i].normal = vec3_origin; model->edges[i].checkcount = 0; model->numInternalEdges += model->edges[i].internal; } src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ); } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseNodes ================ */ cm_node_t *idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseNodes( idLexer *src, cm_model_t *model, cm_node_t *parent ) { cm_node_t *node; model->numNodes++; node = AllocNode( model, model->numNodes < NODE_BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL ? NODE_BLOCK_SIZE_SMALL : NODE_BLOCK_SIZE_LARGE ); node->brushes = NULL; node->polygons = NULL; node->parent = parent; src->ExpectTokenString( "(" ); node->planeType = src->ParseInt(); node->planeDist = src->ParseFloat(); src->ExpectTokenString( ")" ); if ( node->planeType != -1 ) { node->children[0] = ParseNodes( src, model, node ); node->children[1] = ParseNodes( src, model, node ); } return node; } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParsePolygons ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParsePolygons( idLexer *src, cm_model_t *model ) { cm_polygon_t *p; int i, numEdges; idVec3 normal; idToken token; if ( src->CheckTokenType( TT_NUMBER, 0, &token ) ) { model->polygonBlock = (cm_polygonBlock_t *) Mem_Alloc( sizeof( cm_polygonBlock_t ) + token.GetIntValue() ); model->polygonBlock->bytesRemaining = token.GetIntValue(); model->polygonBlock->next = ( (byte *) model->polygonBlock ) + sizeof( cm_polygonBlock_t ); } src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); while ( !src->CheckTokenString( "}" ) ) { // parse polygon numEdges = src->ParseInt(); p = AllocPolygon( model, numEdges ); p->numEdges = numEdges; src->ExpectTokenString( "(" ); for ( i = 0; i < p->numEdges; i++ ) { p->edges[i] = src->ParseInt(); } src->ExpectTokenString( ")" ); src->Parse1DMatrix( 3, normal.ToFloatPtr() ); p->plane.SetNormal( normal ); p->plane.SetDist( src->ParseFloat() ); src->Parse1DMatrix( 3, p->bounds[0].ToFloatPtr() ); src->Parse1DMatrix( 3, p->bounds[1].ToFloatPtr() ); src->ExpectTokenType( TT_STRING, 0, &token ); // get material p->material = declManager->FindMaterial( token ); p->contents = p->material->GetContentFlags(); p->checkcount = 0; // filter polygon into tree R_FilterPolygonIntoTree( model, model->node, NULL, p ); } } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseBrushes ================ */ void idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseBrushes( idLexer *src, cm_model_t *model ) { cm_brush_t *b; int i, numPlanes; idVec3 normal; idToken token; if ( src->CheckTokenType( TT_NUMBER, 0, &token ) ) { model->brushBlock = (cm_brushBlock_t *) Mem_Alloc( sizeof( cm_brushBlock_t ) + token.GetIntValue() ); model->brushBlock->bytesRemaining = token.GetIntValue(); model->brushBlock->next = ( (byte *) model->brushBlock ) + sizeof( cm_brushBlock_t ); } src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); while ( !src->CheckTokenString( "}" ) ) { // parse brush numPlanes = src->ParseInt(); b = AllocBrush( model, numPlanes ); b->numPlanes = numPlanes; src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); for ( i = 0; i < b->numPlanes; i++ ) { src->Parse1DMatrix( 3, normal.ToFloatPtr() ); b->planes[i].SetNormal( normal ); b->planes[i].SetDist( src->ParseFloat() ); } src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ); src->Parse1DMatrix( 3, b->bounds[0].ToFloatPtr() ); src->Parse1DMatrix( 3, b->bounds[1].ToFloatPtr() ); src->ReadToken( &token ); if ( token.type == TT_NUMBER ) { b->contents = token.GetIntValue(); // old .cm files use a single integer } else { b->contents = ContentsFromString( token ); } b->checkcount = 0; b->primitiveNum = 0; // filter brush into tree R_FilterBrushIntoTree( model, model->node, NULL, b ); } } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseCollisionModel ================ */ bool idCollisionModelManagerLocal::ParseCollisionModel( idLexer *src ) { cm_model_t *model; idToken token; if ( numModels >= MAX_SUBMODELS ) { common->Error( "LoadModel: no free slots" ); return false; } model = AllocModel(); models[numModels ] = model; numModels++; // parse the file src->ExpectTokenType( TT_STRING, 0, &token ); model->name = token; src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); while ( !src->CheckTokenString( "}" ) ) { src->ReadToken( &token ); if ( token == "vertices" ) { ParseVertices( src, model ); continue; } if ( token == "edges" ) { ParseEdges( src, model ); continue; } if ( token == "nodes" ) { src->ExpectTokenString( "{" ); model->node = ParseNodes( src, model, NULL ); src->ExpectTokenString( "}" ); continue; } if ( token == "polygons" ) { ParsePolygons( src, model ); continue; } if ( token == "brushes" ) { ParseBrushes( src, model ); continue; } src->Error( "ParseCollisionModel: bad token \"%s\"", token.c_str() ); } // calculate edge normals checkCount++; CalculateEdgeNormals( model, model->node ); // get model bounds from brush and polygon bounds CM_GetNodeBounds( &model->bounds, model->node ); // get model contents model->contents = CM_GetNodeContents( model->node ); // total memory used by this model model->usedMemory = model->numVertices * sizeof(cm_vertex_t) + model->numEdges * sizeof(cm_edge_t) + model->polygonMemory + model->brushMemory + model->numNodes * sizeof(cm_node_t) + model->numPolygonRefs * sizeof(cm_polygonRef_t) + model->numBrushRefs * sizeof(cm_brushRef_t); return true; } /* ================ idCollisionModelManagerLocal::LoadCollisionModelFile ================ */ bool idCollisionModelManagerLocal::LoadCollisionModelFile( const char *name, unsigned int mapFileCRC ) { idStr fileName; idToken token; idLexer *src; unsigned int crc; // load it fileName = name; fileName.SetFileExtension( CM_FILE_EXT ); src = new idLexer( fileName ); src->SetFlags( LEXFL_NOSTRINGCONCAT | LEXFL_NODOLLARPRECOMPILE ); if ( !src->IsLoaded() ) { delete src; return false; } if ( !src->ExpectTokenString( CM_FILEID ) ) { common->Warning( "%s is not an CM file.", fileName.c_str() ); delete src; return false; } if ( !src->ReadToken( &token ) || token != CM_FILEVERSION ) { common->Warning( "%s has version %s instead of %s", fileName.c_str(), token.c_str(), CM_FILEVERSION ); delete src; return false; } if ( !src->ExpectTokenType( TT_NUMBER, TT_INTEGER, &token ) ) { common->Warning( "%s has no map file CRC", fileName.c_str() ); delete src; return false; } crc = token.GetUnsignedIntValue(); if ( mapFileCRC && crc != mapFileCRC ) { common->Printf( "%s is out of date\n", fileName.c_str() ); delete src; return false; } // parse the file while ( 1 ) { if ( !src->ReadToken( &token ) ) { break; } if ( token == "collisionModel" ) { if ( !ParseCollisionModel( src ) ) { delete src; return false; } continue; } src->Error( "idCollisionModelManagerLocal::LoadCollisionModelFile: bad token \"%s\"", token.c_str() ); } delete src; return true; }