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The supported formats are MD5MESH, LWO and ASE. This acts the same as the Open Mesh command in the File menu.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:2'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/openanim.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Opens an animation file. The supported format is MD5ANIM. This acts the same as the Open <span class="SpellE">Anim</span> command in the File Menu.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:3'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/firstanim.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Go to the first animation in the sequence.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:4'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/prevanim.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Go to the previous animation in the sequence</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:5'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/play.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Play the current sequence from the start.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:6'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/stop.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Stop the current sequence and retain the current frame.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:7'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/nextanim.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Go to the next animation in the sequence.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:8'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/lastanim.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Go to the last animation in the sequence.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:9'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/animloop.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Loop the sequence of animations. This defaults to on.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:10'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/orgoff.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Remove the movement embedded into the animation. This stops the models “walking” off the map, but can also make animations where there is subtle movement look wrong.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:11'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/diffuse.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Toggle diffuse lighting on and off. This defaults to on.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:12'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/specular.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Toggle <span class="SpellE">specular</span> lighting on and off. This defaults to on.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:13'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/showsurf.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Display the window containing the list of surfaces that make up the model. This window can be used to turn selected surfaces on and off, and to show the triangles that make up each surface.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:14'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/showbones.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Display the window containing the tree view of the bones that make up the skeleton. In conjunction with the show skeleton option, this allows the user to see which bones are where and at which orientation.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:15'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/showskel.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Cycles through the various show skeleton options. Pressed once, it will show the skeleton and the mesh. Pressed again, it will show the skeleton without the mesh. The bone window can be used to reduce the data to a more manageable level.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:16'> <td width="83" valign="top" height="44"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/showtris.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top" height="44"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Toggles primitive view on and off. Only surfaces selected in the surface window will show their primitives. When this button is first pressed, all surfaces are selected.</p> </td> </tr> <TR style="mso-yfti-irow: 16"> <TD vAlign="top" width="83" height="44"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/showoverdraw.png"></p> </TD> <TD vAlign="top" width="1152" height="44">Toggles the show overdraw mode. This can be used to check for models being textured multiple times.</TD> </TR> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:17'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/shownorms.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Cycles through the various show normal and show tangent options.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:18'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/resetcam.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Resets the camera to its initial viewing position.</p> </td> </tr> <tr style='mso-yfti-irow:19;mso-yfti-lastrow:yes'> <td width="83" valign="top"> <p align="center" style='TEXT-ALIGN:center'> <img width="43" height="43" src="images/reloadtex.png"></p> </td> <td width="1152" valign="top"> <p style='TEXT-ALIGN:justify'>Reloads any changed textures. Does not reload any material files.</p> </td> </tr> </table> <p><o:p> </o:p></p> </div> </body> </html>