In the savegame from that bugreport, "monster_zsec_shotgun_12" was
lying dead pretty much at its spawn point.
script/map_alphalabs4.script moves those "ride_of_death" platforms
around, and at the end of a cycle teleports "ride_of_death*_parent" back
to its starting position - and the "ride_of_death*" bound to it, which
is a pushing mover, just gets dragged along by the physics code and thus
can collide with that zombie cadaver, which then tries to push it along,
causing that assertion in TestHugeTranslation().
This is a map bug - Doom3 even prints a warning:
WARNING: script/map_alphalabs4.script(722): Thread
'map_alphalabs4::RideOfDeathPath': teleported 'ride_of_death2_parent'
which has the pushing mover 'ride_of_death2' bound to it
So I just disable that assertion for this specific case..
Also moved the assertion behind the corresponding warning, so that gets
printed before the assertion kills the game..
Also a small change to CMakeLists.txt that should make enabling
LINUX_RELEASE_BINS after CMake has already been run without it work
I was lazy and just renamed SDL_win32_main's stdout.txt - but I still
added the dhewm3log-old.txt backup function.
I also renamed Sys_GetHomeDir() to Win_GetHomeDir() as it's Win32-only
On Windows it's in Documents\My Games\dhewm3\dhewm3log.txt