Some entities wrote the handle from gameRenderWorld->AddLightDef()
into savegames and reused it after restoring it.
That's a bad idea, because at that point the handle most likely belongs
to something else (likely some idLight). The most visible issue this
can create is that the flashlight may not work correctly after loading
a savegame with flashlight on, when it happens to alias a light that's
updated each frame to (mostly) being off..
The correct way to handle this (THAT FOR SOME REASON WAS ALREADY
handle with AddLightDef() when restoring a savegame - unless the handle
was -1, which means that the light didn't exist when saving.
Some level scripts in d3xp (erebus4, erebus4, phobos2) use
$entity.startSoundShader( "", SND_CHANNEL_BODY );
(or whatever channel) to stop the sound currently playing there.
With s_playDefaultSound 1 that results in a beep..
Added a special case to that event implementation to call StopSound()
instead when the soundName is "" (or NULL)
the problem was a double-free on files, because USE_COLLADA is not defined.
I'm not even sure why this USE_COLLADA code exists, as we don't have any
real collada support code anywhere..
.. by surrounding it with newlines.
This warning is shown when trying to start a mod without its game dll
(because the user has forgotten to unpack the mod dll archive, or
because it's a mod that doesn't have its own dll).
Surrounding it with empty lines hopefully makes it easier for users
to figure out what went wrong when they look at the log.
When selecting a light in the Radiant (builtin Windows-only level editor)
and pressing `j`, the light editor opened (as expected) but said that
no entity was selected.
That was because com_editorActive was false, most probably because of
e8a1eb8b Fix mouse remaining ungrabbed when running map from Radiant
which sets com_editorActive to false (via com->ActivateTool(false)) if
the Radiant window loses focus, which should be the case when opening
the light editor window.
`com_editors & EDITOR_RADIANT` is != 0 as long as the radiant is
running, no matter which window currently has focus, so it works better.
and add entry to changelog about absolute mouse input etc - this change
was already in RC1 but I forgot to mention it..
and fixed comments for GAME_NAME and ENGINE_VERSION (nowadays dhewm3
uses ENGINE_VERSION for the window title)
It happened a lot more since
504b572a Update sounds at ~60Hz instead of ~10Hz, fixes#141
(because then MixLoop() is more likely to be called in the narrow
timeframe this can happen during level load) but could happen before.
So far I only observed it when starting a new game in Classic Doom 3.
See comment in the change and #461 for more information.
Hoping that Team Future eventually fulfills their promise of releasing
the source of the highly praised Phobos mod, I'm adding it to the list.
Currently this is not very useful, but when (if) the phobos source
becomes available I at least won't have to do a new dhewm3 release to
support it (but only provide tfphobos.dll/.so/.dylib).
by adding special cases for them that set `fs_game_base d3xp`.
Unfortunately there is no more generic way to do this, as mods have
no way to tell the engine if they need fs_game_base.
The assertion that triggered was "assert(iconvDesc == (SDL_iconv_t)-1);"
in Sys_InitInput() - because when loading a mod the window is recreated,
calling Com_ReloadEngine_f() -> idCommonLocal::InitGame()
-> idCommonLocal::InitRenderSystem() -> idCommonLocal::InitOpenGL()
-> R_InitOpenGL() -> Sys_InitInput()
Before that Com_ReloadEngine_f() calls commonLocal.ShutdownGame( true );
which calls the equivalent Shutdown() functions - except so far no one
called Sys_ShutdownInput() (which closes iconvDesc and resets it to -1).
Fixed that by making idRenderSystemLocal::ShutdownOpenGL() call it.
In the savegame from that bugreport, "monster_zsec_shotgun_12" was
lying dead pretty much at its spawn point.
script/map_alphalabs4.script moves those "ride_of_death" platforms
around, and at the end of a cycle teleports "ride_of_death*_parent" back
to its starting position - and the "ride_of_death*" bound to it, which
is a pushing mover, just gets dragged along by the physics code and thus
can collide with that zombie cadaver, which then tries to push it along,
causing that assertion in TestHugeTranslation().
This is a map bug - Doom3 even prints a warning:
WARNING: script/map_alphalabs4.script(722): Thread
'map_alphalabs4::RideOfDeathPath': teleported 'ride_of_death2_parent'
which has the pushing mover 'ride_of_death2' bound to it
So I just disable that assertion for this specific case..
Also moved the assertion behind the corresponding warning, so that gets
printed before the assertion kills the game..
Also a small change to CMakeLists.txt that should make enabling
LINUX_RELEASE_BINS after CMake has already been run without it work
For some reason Wayland thought it would be clever to be the only
windowing system that (non-optionally) uses the alpha chan of the
window's default OpenGL framebuffer for window transparency.
This always caused glitches with dhewm3, as Doom3 uses that alpha-chan
for blending tricks (with GL_DST_ALPHA) - especially visible in the main
menu or when the flashlight is on.
So far the workaround has been r_waylandcompat which requests an OpenGL
context/visual without alpha chan (0 alpha bits), but that also causes
There's an EGL extension that's supposed to fix this issue
(EGL_EXT_present_opaque), and newer SDL2 versions use it (when using
the wayland backend) - but unfortunately the Mesa implementation is
broken (seems to provide a visual without alpha channel even if one was
requested), see
for the corresponding SDL2 discussion
To work around this issue, dhewm3 now disables the use of that EGL
extension and (optionally) makes sure the alpha channel is opaque at
the end of the frame.
This behavior is controlled with the r_fillWindowAlphaChan CVar:
If it's 1, this always is done (regardless if wayland is used or not),
if it's 0 it's not done (even on wayland),
if it's -1 (the default) it's only done if the SDL "video driver" is
wayland (this could be easily enhanced later in case other windowing
systems have the same issue)
r_waylandcompat has been removed (it never worked properly anyway),
so now the window always has an alpha chan
so if someone configured 16x AA on a system that doesn't support it
(like when using AMDs open source driver), 8x will be tried before
falling back to a 640x480 window with no AA at all.
(and then it'll try 4x and then 2x and then no AA at all, and only then
reducing color depth will start, and even later it'll fall back to
a small 640x480 window)
I don't have such hardware, so I can't test; I also didn't actually build
dhewm3 (would have to build dependencies for ARM first..), but when
configuring ARM or ARM64 targets for Visual C++ in CMake, that's now
correctly detected in CMake.
Also, now D3_ARCH should always be "arm" for 32bit ARM
and "arm64" for 64bit ARM, also when building with GCC or clang.
I was lazy and just renamed SDL_win32_main's stdout.txt - but I still
added the dhewm3log-old.txt backup function.
I also renamed Sys_GetHomeDir() to Win_GetHomeDir() as it's Win32-only
On Windows it's in Documents\My Games\dhewm3\dhewm3log.txt
and refactorings needed for that (I want to create the log right at the
beginning before much else has been initialized, so using things like
idStr or Sys_GetPath() isn't safe)
save_path being $XDG_DATA_HOME/dhewm3/ (usually ~/.local/share/dhewm3/)
on most POSIX systems, $HOME/Library/Application Support/dhewm3/ on Mac
If the log file already exists, it's renamed to dhewm3log-old.txt first,
so there's always the most recent and the last log available.
These are now used by idStr::(v)snPrintf(), and in the future can
be used if a (v)snprintf() that's guaranteed not to call
common->Warning() or similar is needed (e.g. used during early startup)
There were lots of places in the code that called Sys_GrabInput(),
some of them each frame.
Most of this is unified in events.cpp now, in handleMouseGrab() which
is called once per frame by Sys_GenerateEvents() - this makes reasoning
about when the mouse is grabbed and when not a lot easier.
Sys_GrabInput(false) still is called in a few places, before operations
that tend to take long (like loading a map or vid_restart), but
(hopefully) not regularly anymore.
The other big change is that the game now uses SDLs absolute mouse mode
for fullscreen menus (except the PDA which is an ugly hack), so the
ingame cursor is at the same position as the system cursor, which
especially helps when debugging with `in_nograb 1` and should also help
if someone wants to integrate an additional GUI toolkit like Dear ImGui.
glStencilOpSeparateATI() should behave exactly the same as
glStencilOpSeparate() so supporting it is easy enough and might help
some people with hardware or drivers that don't support OpenGL 2.0,
like the Mac OSX versions for PPC.
- Fix build with SDL <=2.0.3
SDL_GetGlobalMouseState was introduced in 2.0.4
(which doesn't support OSX 10.5 or older)
- Don't include execinfo.h on Mac OS X 10.4
This file isn't included in the 10.4 SDK
- Use custom typedef for PFNGLSTENCILOPSEPARATEPROC on OSX 10.4/10.5
because the system OpenGL headers for those versions don't have it
CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR used to be broken, CMake "fixed" it by redefining
its meaning (from "Target CPU" to "Host CPU except when crosscompiling").
On Windows it always prints the host CPU, on Linux it at least made trouble
in chroots and when running 64bit kernels with 32bit userlands (this used
to be not totally uncommon on x86 before distros completely switched to
amd64, and apparently Raspbian/Raspberry Pi OS does this on RPi4, see #267)
Thankfully gcc and clang support "-dumpmachine" to print their (default)
target system, so use that instead (MSVC already had a special case).
On the upside, this allows getting rid of the MinGW special case.
I hope this also works with Apple Clang..
The problem was that negative values (from were passed
to POW, and POW doesn't have to support negative bases, according to
ARB_fragment_program.txt, and Intels Linux drive apparently doesn't,
see also
Using MUL_SAT instead of MUL to clamp the value that gets passed to POW
afterwards to [0, 1] fixes the problem without any disadvantages.
so far the code assumed that "result.color" is always used directly,
but the ARB shaders allow creating an alias with the aforementioned
syntax. So turn that into an variable-alias for dhewm3tmpres.