After loading a texture, Doom3 calculates an MD4-sum of it.. this is
mostly pointless and only used for the "reportImageDuplication" console
command, but whatever.
The problem here was that the image was 32000x2000 pixels (due to some
error when creating it) which dhewm3 wanted to convert to the next
bigger power-of-two values with R_ResampleTexture(), but that function
clamps to 4096x4096, so the actually used pixeldata was for 2048x4096.
However, R_ResampleTexture() didn't communicate this to its caller,
and thus a too big size was used for calculating the MD4-sum and it
That's fixed now and also a warning is printed about this.
By writing that info into the demo when recording it (when demos are
played back, isn't read, only mylevel.proc, so the
worldspawn can't be accessed to get allow_nospecular from there)
based on
The "nospecular" parm will only be used if either
r_supportNoSpecular is set to 1
or r_supportNoSpecular is set to -1 (the default) and the maps spawnargs
contain "allow_nospecular" "1"
This probably doesn't work with (time)demos yet, because I think when
they're being played I can't access the worldspawn entity
r_fillWindowAlphaChan is a hack to work around an older issue with
Wayland/Mesa, which has been fixed in Mesa 24.1 (and also seems to work
with current NVIDIA drivers). Additionally, in SDL3 the EGL-specific
(and thus mostly only affecting Wayland)
SDL_HINT_VIDEO_EGL_ALLOW_TRANSPARENCY has been replaced with the generic
other platforms), so it's harder to enable this only for Wayland.
I think most people using SDL3 will use a recent Mesa/driver versions,
so I don't enable it by default for SDL3 (SDL2 behaves like before).
However, with `r_fillWindowAlphaChan 1` the hack can be enabled anyway
(r_fillWindowAlphaChan defaults to "-1" which means "let dhewm3 decide
whether to enable this")
The previous commit didn't fix the issue for the pistol and only was a
workaround anyway. So I reverted that and fixed the issue properly.
The underlying issue is that the particle's material sets the
texture matrix (with "translate" or "scale" or whatever), and the soft
particle rendering code (and shader) didn't take the texture matrix
into account.
Now it does, in a similar way as the interaction shader code.
this avoid breaking the game DLL ABI (framework/DeclParticle.h is part
of the SDK), and for now doesn't make a difference, because that keyword
was introduced by TDM and thus is only used in their particle defs.
When we break the game ABI/API anyway (probably for high FPS support),
this commit can just be reverted
turned out the whole problem with soft particles what that the vertex
shader used vertex.attrib[8] instead of vertex.texcoord (and with
nvidia drivers those are equivalent)
I integrated the shader source into the c++ code so I don't have to
ship glprogs/soft_particles.vfp
before it displayed the float values from the depth buffers as
byte-wise RGBA values, which looked weird and wasn't super helpful..
now it's displayed as luminance float (i.e. one float representing
greyscale), and transformed in the same way the TDM particle shader
transforms the depth values to doom units (and then scaled back to
0..1, with 1 representing 3000 units)
thanks to
apparently the default doom3 texture filter was something using mipmaps,
which doesn't work so well for textures without mipmaps..
no idea why those two lines in idImage::CopyDepthbuffer() were commented
out, but they're needed (and also un-commented in TDM, I just missed
that when merging -_-)
disables partial vid_restarts, hopefully works around issues like
Note that resizing the window by dragging it does *not* call vid_restart
at all, so if you're having issues that are fixed by a full vid_restart
you should also set `r_windowResizable 0`
- screenshots on native wayland (SDL_VIDEODRIVER=wayland) were black,
at least on Gnome
=> fixed(?) by reading from the default (back) buffer instead of
the front buffer
- after taking a screenshot, resizing the window (or switching to
fullscreen) was broken (window remained black or became invisible
or partly contained garbage), both with native wayland and xwayland
=> fixed by restoring the glReadBuffer state after reading the pixels
it's queried from SDL so it should be up-to-date.
Using it in GLimp_SetScreenParms(), as it mostly did the same SDL calls
to get the current state for the partial vid_restart
"vid_restart partial" only changes the window size or its fullscreen
(or windowed) state, without recreating everything.
If that fails (or antialiasing settings have changed), it will fall back
to a full vid_restart (this behavior is different than original
"vid_restart partial" that probably was implemented in Vanilla Doom3
but not dhewm3)
This is used for Alt-Enter (which toggles between fullscreen and
windowed state) and when pressing the Apply button in the new Video Menu
incl. setting in SettingsMenu
With SDL 2.0.5 and newer this change is applied immediately,
2.0.0 to 2.0.4 need a vid_restart
(with SDL1.2 we don't support it at all)
the stb libs, miniz and minizip are now always optimized to speed up
performance, esp. level loading times, in debug builds.
So far the stb libs implementation were dragged into the source file
that uses them, now I created additional source files just for them so
those can be optimized while the engine source files using those libs
can remain unoptimized in debug builds.
apparently this happens sometimes, but not often enough to reproduce
also some small changes (mostly formatting) to
refs #540