in SkinDeep regs not being initialized caused random crashes
(in dhewm3 I haven't seen that so far, but fixing this won't hurt).
From SkinDeep commit message:
In idRegister::SetToRegs() at `registers[ regs[ i ] ] = v[i];`
regs[i] contained values like 21845 or 22010 or 32272, even though
the static registers array that's written to there only holds 4096
elements (it's `static float regs[MAX_EXPRESSION_REGISTERS];`
from `idWindow::EvalRegs()`).
So it overwrites other data, likely other global variables, like
`gameLocal.entities[4967]`, that now contain garbage and next time
someone tries to use them, bad things happen.
In this case, if someone tries to dereference gameLocal.entities[i]
and the pointer at i contains garbage, there's a segfault (crash).