Modern mice support ridiculously high DPI values, >20'000.
Not sure what that's actually good for, but if people use that, they
ran into the "idUsercmdGenLocal::MouseMove: Ignoring ridiculous
mouse delta" case which just threw away the mouse input values so the
game didn't respond to mouse input anymore or at least felt choppy.
I'm not sure what that code was originally good for, under which
(undesired) circumstances that happened, but for now it's disabled,
only the warning is still logged, but only once.
For these high DPI values to still be usable (camera not moving way
too fast), it probably makes sense if the mouse sensitivity can be set
to values < 1.0. The CVar always supported that, but I adjusted the
Dhewm3SettingsMenu so it sensitivity can also be set to values between
0.01 and 1 there (still going up to 30, like before).
When applying the currently configured graphics quality preset
(it's set in the `com_machineSpec` CVar and applied with the
`execMachineSpec` command, or by using the menu), now soft particles
are disabled for all quality presets except for ultra, because this
feature has a noticeable impact on performance with some (slower) GPUs.
Now the CVars are set immediately and "Apply" only does
`vid_restart partial`, while "Reset" resets the CVars to the values
that were set when opening the menu.
This also works the other way around: Changing a CVar (in the console
or other menu or r_fullscreen with Alt-Enter) is immediately reflected
in the menu.
Furthermore, "fullscreen desktop" now is its own setting (=> can be set
even if windowed mode is selected), to accommodate switchting between
windowed and fullscreen with Alt-Enter
"vid_restart partial" only changes the window size or its fullscreen
(or windowed) state, without recreating everything.
If that fails (or antialiasing settings have changed), it will fall back
to a full vid_restart (this behavior is different than original
"vid_restart partial" that probably was implemented in Vanilla Doom3
but not dhewm3)
This is used for Alt-Enter (which toggles between fullscreen and
windowed state) and when pressing the Apply button in the new Video Menu
incl. setting in SettingsMenu
With SDL 2.0.5 and newer this change is applied immediately,
2.0.0 to 2.0.4 need a vid_restart
(with SDL1.2 we don't support it at all)
for some reason <algorithm> dragged in <cstdio> which chocked on the
use_idStr_snPrintf #defines from Str.h
"fixed" by including <algorithm> first
also shut up some compiler warnings about signed/unsigned mismatch
ImGui uses UTF-8 for strings, Doom3 uses ISO8859-1, so the playername
must be translated.
Also it seems like the playername should have at least 40 chars,
at least that's the limit imposed by the original Doom3 menu
* Binding menu makes sure that the AllBindingsMenu always gets focus
when opened
* Give binding-related popups slightly rounder edges
* Move Game Options tab behind Video and Audio Options
* Make warning overlays a bit less translucent
Pause the game (with g_stopTime) when the settings menu is opened
while ingame, unpause it when it's closed.
If the menu is open while ingame and an ImGui window has focus,
the mouse cursor is shown. If the player clicks outside an ImGui window,
it gets unfocused and the cursor is hidden and the player can look
around. Pressing F10 (or whatever key is bound to "dhewm3Settings")
will give focus back to an open ImGui window, pressing it again then
will close the settings window, pressing it once again afterwards will
open the settings window again.
handleMouseGrab() (in sys/events.cpp) now checks if sys_imgui thinks
that a cursor should be shown (via D3::ImGuiHooks::ShouldShowCursor())
and if so, shows it and ungrabs the mouse. This, together with
D3::ImGuiHooks::NewFrame() checking ShouldShowCursor() to (unset)
ImGuiConfigFlags_NoMouseCursorChange, should prevent flickering cursor
problems that sometimes occurred when ImGui's SDL2 backend and dhewm3
disagreed on whether the cursor should be visible.
I actually did this before the prototyping of a keybindings menu
in the imgui example code, so the prototype is actually based on this.
I'll merge the code from the prototype back once it's done.