based on a fix from @dezo2 from the >60Hz support branch
(TBH I don't know why the crosshair must be scaled to 4:3 but the
grabber cursor not, but this works..)
it could happen that UIs are added to the internal list twice,
and also that the last UI wasn't removed from the list when a new one
was focused fast enough.
That should work better now, I hope I didn't break anything..
If you save, you get a message like "Game Saved..." which goes away
after a few seconds. This happens at the very end of idPlayer::Save():
if ( hud ) {
hud->SetStateString( "message", /* .. left out .. */ );
hud->HandleNamedEvent( "Message" );
And handled in hud.gui, "onNamedEvent Message { ..."
However, if you save again before it's gone, it'll be shown after
loading the savegame and not go away until you save again..
This works around that issue by setting an empty message after loading
a savegame.
The underlying problem (which is not fixed!) seems to be that the
transition GUI command (that's executed when hud.gui handles the
"Message" event that's used to show this message) is probably not
properly saved/restored so fading out the message isn't continued
after loading.
WIN_DESKTOP means that this can currently only be set for the top-level
window in a .gui (all its subwindows/widgets will be scaled implicitly)
There are two ways to make a GUI use this:
1. in the .gui add a window variable "scaleto43 1", like
windowDef Desktop {
rect 0 ,0 ,640 ,480
nocursor 1
float talk 0
scaleto43 1
// .. etc rest of windowDef
2. When creating the GUI from C++ code, you can afterwards make the
UserInterface scale to 4:3 like this:
idUserInterface* ui = Whatever(); // create it
ui->SetStateBool("scaleto43", true);
Both lines are important!
As you can see in my changes to Player.cpp, my primary usecase for this
is the cursor/crosshair GUI.
Don't include the lazy precompiled.h everywhere, only what's
required for the compilation unit.
platform.h needs to be included instead to provide all essential
defines and types.
All includes use the relative path to the neo or the game
specific root.
Move all idlib related includes from idlib/Lib.h to precompiled.h.
precompiled.h still exists for the MFC stuff in tools/.
Add some missing header guards.
variable set but not used
Removes some CollisionModel code under _DEBUG which was probably a
leftover, since it was completely useless (its done later anyways).