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synced 2025-03-22 18:51:05 +00:00
Get rid of RegCodeHandler()
Unhooked ancient code in the OSX backend which isn't working for D3XP.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 0 additions and 174 deletions
@ -65,24 +65,8 @@ FPU_EXCEPTION_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO | \
#define kRegKey @"RegCode"
static const ControlID kRegCode1EditText = { 'RegC', 1 };
struct RegCodeInfo
char prefRegCode1[256];
bool okPressed;
WindowRef window;
ControlRef regCode1EditText;
static OSErr DoRegCodeDialog( char* ioRegCode1 );
@interface DOOMController (Private)
- (void)quakeMain;
- (BOOL)checkRegCodes;
- (BOOL)checkOS;
@ -370,29 +354,6 @@ extern void CL_Quit_f(void);
[pool release];
- (BOOL)checkRegCodes
BOOL retval;
NSString *cdKey;
NSUserDefaults *userDefaults;
userDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
cdKey = [userDefaults stringForKey:kRegKey];
retval = TRUE;
if ( cdKey == nil || [cdKey length] == 0 ) {
char regCode[256];
if ( DoRegCodeDialog( regCode ) != noErr ) {
retval = FALSE;
else {
[userDefaults setObject:[NSString stringWithCString: regCode] forKey:kRegKey];
[userDefaults synchronize];
return retval;
- (BOOL)checkOS
OSErr err;
@ -736,138 +697,3 @@ main
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
return NSApplicationMain( argc, (const char **)argv );
bool FormatRegCode(const char* inRegCode, char* outRegCode)
// Clean up the reg code. Remove spaces. Accept only numbers/letters.
char* dst = outRegCode;
const char* src = inRegCode;
while (*src)
if (isalnum(*src))
*dst++ = *src;
else if (*src != ' ')
return false;
*dst = 0;
// Reg codes are 18 characters in length
return strlen(outRegCode) == 18;
static pascal OSStatus RegCodeHandler( EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void* inUserData )
#if 1
// FIXME: the CD key API has changed for startup check support and expansion pack key support
return noErr;
HICommand cmd;
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr;
RegCodeInfo* regCodeInfo = (RegCodeInfo*)inUserData;
GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof( cmd ), NULL, &cmd );
switch ( cmd.commandID ) {
case kHICommandOK:
bool fValid;
Size actualSize;
char cntrl[256];
char doomKey[256];
char strippedKey[256];
fValid = false;
strippedKey[0] = doomKey[0] = NULL;
GetControlData ( regCodeInfo->regCode1EditText, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextTextTag, 256, cntrl, &actualSize );
cntrl[actualSize] = NULL;
if ( FormatRegCode( cntrl, strippedKey ) ) {
strncat( doomKey, strippedKey, 16 );
strcat( doomKey, " " );
strncat( doomKey, strippedKey + 16, 2 );
fValid = session->CheckKey( doomKey );
if ( fValid ) {
strcpy( regCodeInfo->prefRegCode1, doomKey );
session->SetCDKey( doomKey );
else {
unsigned char theError[512];
unsigned char theExplanation[512];
CFStringRef theErrorStr = CFCopyLocalizedString( CFSTR("DVD_KEY_ERROR"), "" );
CFStringRef theExplanationStr = CFCopyLocalizedString( CFSTR("DVD_KEY_EXPLANATION"), "" );
c2pstrcpy( theError, CFStringGetCStringPtr( theErrorStr, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman ) );
c2pstrcpy( theExplanation, CFStringGetCStringPtr( theExplanationStr, kCFStringEncodingMacRoman ) );
StandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, theError, theExplanation, NULL, NULL);
// Highlight the invalid reg code
SetKeyboardFocus( regCodeInfo->window, regCodeInfo->regCode1EditText, kControlEditTextPart );
ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel = {0, 32000};
SetControlData (regCodeInfo->regCode1EditText, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, sizeof(sel), &sel);
regCodeInfo->okPressed = true;
QuitAppModalLoopForWindow( regCodeInfo->window );
result = noErr;
case kHICommandCancel:
regCodeInfo->okPressed = false;
QuitAppModalLoopForWindow( regCodeInfo->window );
result = noErr;
return result;
static OSErr DoRegCodeDialog( char* ioRegCode1 )
OSErr err;
RegCodeInfo regCodeInfo;
memset(®CodeInfo, 0, sizeof(regCodeInfo));
IBNibRef aslNib;
CFBundleRef theBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
err = CreateNibReferenceWithCFBundle( theBundle, CFSTR("ASLCore"), &aslNib );
err = ::CreateWindowFromNib( aslNib, CFSTR("Reg Code Sheet"), ®CodeInfo.window );
if (err != noErr)
return err;
GetControlByID( regCodeInfo.window, &kRegCode1EditText, ®CodeInfo.regCode1EditText );
assert( regCodeInfo.regCode1EditText );
SetKeyboardFocus( regCodeInfo.window, regCodeInfo.regCode1EditText, kControlEditTextPart );
ControlEditTextSelectionRec sel = {0, 32000};
SetControlData (regCodeInfo.regCode1EditText, kControlEntireControl, kControlEditTextSelectionTag, sizeof(sel), &sel);
EventTypeSpec cmdEvent = { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess };
EventHandlerUPP handler = NewEventHandlerUPP( RegCodeHandler );
InstallWindowEventHandler( regCodeInfo.window, handler, 1, &cmdEvent, ®CodeInfo, NULL );
RepositionWindow( regCodeInfo.window, NULL, kWindowAlertPositionOnMainScreen );
ShowWindow( regCodeInfo.window );
RunAppModalLoopForWindow( regCodeInfo.window );
DisposeWindow( regCodeInfo.window );
if (regCodeInfo.okPressed) {
strcpy(ioRegCode1, regCodeInfo.prefRegCode1);
return regCodeInfo.okPressed ? (OSErr)noErr : (OSErr)userCanceledErr;
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