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synced 2025-03-21 02:01:03 +00:00
Get rid of socks proxy code in win_net.cpp
That was never active.
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 2 additions and 211 deletions
@ -36,25 +36,13 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
static WSADATA winsockdata;
static bool winsockInitialized = false;
static bool usingSocks = false;
idCVar net_ip( "net_ip", "localhost", CVAR_SYSTEM, "local IP address" );
idCVar net_port( "net_port", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INTEGER, "local IP port number" );
idCVar net_forceLatency( "net_forceLatency", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INTEGER, "milliseconds latency" );
idCVar net_forceDrop( "net_forceDrop", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_INTEGER, "percentage packet loss" );
idCVar net_socksEnabled( "net_socksEnabled", "0", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar net_socksServer( "net_socksServer", "", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "" );
idCVar net_socksPort( "net_socksPort", "1080", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar net_socksUsername( "net_socksUsername", "", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "" );
idCVar net_socksPassword( "net_socksPassword", "", CVAR_SYSTEM | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "" );
static struct sockaddr socksRelayAddr;
static SOCKET ip_socket;
static SOCKET socks_socket;
static char socksBuf[4096];
typedef struct {
unsigned long ip;
@ -307,172 +295,6 @@ int NET_IPSocket( const char *net_interface, int port, netadr_t *bound_to ) {
return newsocket;
void NET_OpenSocks( int port ) {
struct sockaddr_in address;
struct hostent *h;
int len;
bool rfc1929;
unsigned char buf[64];
usingSocks = false;
common->Printf( "Opening connection to SOCKS server.\n" );
if ( ( socks_socket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP ) ) == INVALID_SOCKET ) {
common->Printf( "WARNING: NET_OpenSocks: socket: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
h = gethostbyname( net_socksServer.GetString() );
if ( h == NULL ) {
common->Printf( "WARNING: NET_OpenSocks: gethostbyname: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
if ( h->h_addrtype != AF_INET ) {
common->Printf( "WARNING: NET_OpenSocks: gethostbyname: address type was not AF_INET\n" );
address.sin_family = AF_INET;
address.sin_addr.s_addr = *(int *)h->h_addr_list[0];
address.sin_port = htons( (short)net_socksPort.GetInteger() );
if ( connect( socks_socket, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof( address ) ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: connect: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
// send socks authentication handshake
if ( *net_socksUsername.GetString() || *net_socksPassword.GetString() ) {
rfc1929 = true;
else {
rfc1929 = false;
buf[0] = 5; // SOCKS version
// method count
if ( rfc1929 ) {
buf[1] = 2;
len = 4;
else {
buf[1] = 1;
len = 3;
buf[2] = 0; // method #1 - method id #00: no authentication
if ( rfc1929 ) {
buf[2] = 2; // method #2 - method id #02: username/password
if ( send( socks_socket, (const char *)buf, len, 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: send: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
// get the response
len = recv( socks_socket, (char *)buf, 64, 0 );
if ( len == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: recv: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
if ( len != 2 || buf[0] != 5 ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: bad response\n" );
switch( buf[1] ) {
case 0: // no authentication
case 2: // username/password authentication
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: request denied\n" );
// do username/password authentication if needed
if ( buf[1] == 2 ) {
int ulen;
int plen;
// build the request
ulen = strlen( net_socksUsername.GetString() );
plen = strlen( net_socksPassword.GetString() );
buf[0] = 1; // username/password authentication version
buf[1] = ulen;
if ( ulen ) {
memcpy( &buf[2], net_socksUsername.GetString(), ulen );
buf[2 + ulen] = plen;
if ( plen ) {
memcpy( &buf[3 + ulen], net_socksPassword.GetString(), plen );
// send it
if ( send( socks_socket, (const char *)buf, 3 + ulen + plen, 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: send: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
// get the response
len = recv( socks_socket, (char *)buf, 64, 0 );
if ( len == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: recv: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
if ( len != 2 || buf[0] != 1 ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: bad response\n" );
if ( buf[1] != 0 ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: authentication failed\n" );
// send the UDP associate request
buf[0] = 5; // SOCKS version
buf[1] = 3; // command: UDP associate
buf[2] = 0; // reserved
buf[3] = 1; // address type: IPV4
*(int *)&buf[4] = INADDR_ANY;
*(short *)&buf[8] = htons( (short)port ); // port
if ( send( socks_socket, (const char *)buf, 10, 0 ) == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: send: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
// get the response
len = recv( socks_socket, (char *)buf, 64, 0 );
if( len == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: recv: %s\n", NET_ErrorString() );
if( len < 2 || buf[0] != 5 ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: bad response\n" );
// check completion code
if( buf[1] != 0 ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: request denied: %i\n", buf[1] );
if( buf[3] != 1 ) {
common->Printf( "NET_OpenSocks: relay address is not IPV4: %i\n", buf[3] );
((struct sockaddr_in *)&socksRelayAddr)->sin_family = AF_INET;
((struct sockaddr_in *)&socksRelayAddr)->sin_addr.s_addr = *(int *)&buf[4];
((struct sockaddr_in *)&socksRelayAddr)->sin_port = *(short *)&buf[8];
memset( ((struct sockaddr_in *)&socksRelayAddr)->sin_zero, 0, 8 );
usingSocks = true;
@ -545,20 +367,7 @@ bool Net_GetUDPPacket( int netSocket, netadr_t &net_from, char *data, int &size,
memset( ((struct sockaddr_in *)&from)->sin_zero, 0, 8 );
if ( usingSocks && netSocket == ip_socket && memcmp( &from, &socksRelayAddr, fromlen ) == 0 ) {
if ( ret < 10 || data[0] != 0 || data[1] != 0 || data[2] != 0 || data[3] != 1 ) {
return false;
net_from.type = NA_IP;
net_from.ip[0] = data[4];
net_from.ip[1] = data[5];
net_from.ip[2] = data[6];
net_from.ip[3] = data[7];
net_from.port = *(short *)&data[8];
memmove( data, &data[10], ret - 10 );
} else {
Net_SockadrToNetadr( &from, &net_from );
Net_SockadrToNetadr( &from, &net_from );
if( ret == maxSize ) {
char buf[1024];
@ -586,19 +395,7 @@ void Net_SendUDPPacket( int netSocket, int length, const void *data, const netad
Net_NetadrToSockadr( &to, &addr );
if( usingSocks && to.type == NA_IP ) {
socksBuf[0] = 0; // reserved
socksBuf[1] = 0;
socksBuf[2] = 0; // fragment (not fragmented)
socksBuf[3] = 1; // address type: IPV4
*(int *)&socksBuf[4] = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&addr)->sin_addr.s_addr;
*(short *)&socksBuf[8] = ((struct sockaddr_in *)&addr)->sin_port;
memcpy( &socksBuf[10], data, length );
ret = sendto( netSocket, socksBuf, length+10, 0, &socksRelayAddr, sizeof(socksRelayAddr) );
} else {
ret = sendto( netSocket, (const char *)data, length, 0, &addr, sizeof(addr) );
ret = sendto( netSocket, (const char *)data, length, 0, &addr, sizeof(addr) );
if( ret == SOCKET_ERROR ) {
int err = WSAGetLastError();
@ -889,12 +686,6 @@ bool idPort::InitForPort( int portNumber ) {
return false;
#if 0
if ( net_socksEnabled.GetBool() ) {
NET_OpenSocks( portNumber );
udpPorts[ bound_to.port ] = new idUDPLag;
return true;
Reference in a new issue