Fix savegame-compatibility of scripts, increase BUILD_NUMBER

"Fix "t->c->value.argSize == func->parmTotal" Assertion in Scripts, #303"
had broken old savegames because the script checksum
(idProgram::CalculateChecksum()) changed, see #344.
This is fixed now, also the BUILD_NUMBER is increased so old savegames
can be identified for a workaround.

Don't use this commit without the next one which will further modify the
savegame format (for the new BUILD_NUMBER 1305)
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Gibson 2021-02-01 05:55:31 +01:00
parent 2139a122c5
commit 2c58b2fb44
9 changed files with 215 additions and 81 deletions

View file

@ -987,6 +987,25 @@ idVarDef *idCompiler::EmitFunctionParms( int op, idVarDef *func, int startarg, i
// need arg size seperate since script object may be NULL
statement_t &statement = gameLocal.program.GetStatement( gameLocal.program.NumStatements() - 1 );
statement.c = SizeConstant( func->value.functionPtr->parmTotal );
// DG: before changes I did to ParseFunctionDef(), func->value.functionPtr->parmTotal was 0
// if the function declaration/prototype has been parsed already, but the
// definition/implementation hadn't been parsed yet. That was wrong and sometimes
// (with debug game DLLs) lead to assertions in custom scripts, because the
// stack space reserved for function parameters was wrong.
// Now func->value.functionPtr->parmTotal is calculated when parsing the prototype,
// but func->value.functionPtr->parmSize[i] is still only calculated when parsing
// the implementation (as it's not needed before and so we can tell the cases apart here).
// However, savegames from before the change have script checksums
// (by idProgram::CalculateChecksum()) from statements with the wrong size, so
// loading them would fail as the checksum doesn't match.
// Setting this flag allows using the parmTotal argSize 0 when calculating the checksum
// so it matches the one from old savegames (unless something else has also changed in
// the script state so they really are incompatible). That's only done when actually
// loading old savegames (detected via BUILD_NUMBER/savegame.GetBuildNumber())
if ( op == OP_OBJECTCALL && func->value.functionPtr->parmTotal > 0
&& func->value.functionPtr->parmSize.Num() == 0 ) {
statement.flags = statement_t::FLAG_OBJECTCALL_IMPL_NOT_PARSED_YET;
} else {
EmitOpcode( op, func, SizeConstant( size ) );
@ -2144,46 +2163,57 @@ void idCompiler::ParseFunctionDef( idTypeDef *returnType, const char *name ) {
// DG: make sure parmSize gets calculated when parsing prototype (not just when parsing
// implementation) so calling this function/method before implementation has been parsed
// DG: make sure parmTotal gets calculated when parsing prototype (not just when parsing
// implementation) so calling this function/method before the implementation has been parsed
// works without getting Assertions in IdInterpreter::Execute() and ::LeaveFunction()
// ("st->c->value.argSize == func->parmTotal", "localstackUsed == localstackBase", see #303)
// ("st->c->value.argSize == func->parmTotal", "localstackUsed == localstackBase", see #303 and #344)
// calculate stack space used by parms
numParms = type->NumParameters();
if( numParms != func->parmSize.Num() ) { // DG: make sure not to do this twice
// if it hasn't been parsed yet, parmSize.Num() should be 0..
assert( func->parmSize.Num() == 0 && "function had different number of arguments before?!" );
func->parmSize.SetNum( numParms );
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
parmType = type->GetParmType( i );
if ( parmType->Inherits( &type_object ) ) {
func->parmSize[ i ] = type_object.Size();
} else {
func->parmSize[ i ] = parmType->Size();
func->parmTotal += func->parmSize[ i ];
// define the parms
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
if ( gameLocal.program.GetDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def ) ) {
Error( "'%s' defined more than once in function parameters", type->GetParmName( i ) );
gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def, false );
// DG: moved this down here so parmSize also gets calculated when parsing prototype
// check if this is a prototype or declaration
if ( !CheckToken( "{" ) ) {
// it's just a prototype, so get the ; and move on
ExpectToken( ";" );
// DG: BUT only after calculating the stack space for the arguments because this
// function might be called before the implementation is parsed (see #303 and #344)
// which otherwise causes Assertions in IdInterpreter::Execute() and ::LeaveFunction()
// ("st->c->value.argSize == func->parmTotal", "localstackUsed == localstackBase")
func->parmTotal = 0;
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
parmType = type->GetParmType( i );
int size = parmType->Inherits( &type_object ) ? type_object.Size() : parmType->Size();
func->parmTotal += size;
// NOTE: Don't set func->parmSize[] yet, the workaround to keep compatibility
// with old savegames checks for func->parmSize.Num() == 0
// (see EmitFunctionParms() for more explanation of that workaround)
// Also not defining the parms yet, otherwise they're defined in a different order
// than before, so their .num is different which breaks compat with old savegames
// DG end
int totalSize = 0; // DG: totalsize might already have been calculated for the prototype, see a few lines above
func->parmSize.SetNum( numParms );
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
parmType = type->GetParmType( i );
if ( parmType->Inherits( &type_object ) ) {
func->parmSize[ i ] = type_object.Size();
} else {
func->parmSize[ i ] = parmType->Size();
totalSize += func->parmSize[ i ];
// DG: if parmTotal has been calculated before, it shouldn't have changed
assert((func->parmTotal == 0 || totalSize == func->parmTotal) && "function parameter sizes differ between protype vs implementation?!");
func->parmTotal = totalSize;
// define the parms
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
if ( gameLocal.program.GetDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def ) ) {
Error( "'%s' defined more than once in function parameters", type->GetParmName( i ) );
gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def, false );
oldscope = scope;
scope = def;

View file

@ -1634,7 +1634,9 @@ statement_t *idProgram::AllocStatement( void ) {
if ( statements.Num() >= statements.Max() ) {
throw idCompileError( va( "Exceeded maximum allowed number of statements (%d)", statements.Max() ) );
return statements.Alloc();
statement_t* ret = statements.Alloc();
ret->flags = 0; // DG: initialize the added flags (that are rarely set/used otherwise) to 0
return ret;
@ -2005,7 +2007,7 @@ void idProgram::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteByte( variables[i] );
int checksum = CalculateChecksum();
int checksum = CalculateChecksum(false);
savefile->WriteInt( checksum );
@ -2039,9 +2041,11 @@ bool idProgram::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
int saved_checksum, checksum;
savefile->ReadInt( saved_checksum );
checksum = CalculateChecksum();
bool isOldSavegame = savefile->GetBuildNumber() <= 1304;
checksum = CalculateChecksum(isOldSavegame);
if ( saved_checksum != checksum ) {
gameLocal.Warning( "WARNING: Real Script checksum didn't match the one from the savegame!");
result = false;
@ -2053,7 +2057,7 @@ bool idProgram::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
int idProgram::CalculateChecksum( void ) const {
int idProgram::CalculateChecksum( bool forOldSavegame ) const {
int i, result;
typedef struct {
@ -2069,6 +2073,17 @@ int idProgram::CalculateChecksum( void ) const {
memset( statementList, 0, ( sizeof(statementBlock_t) * statements.Num() ) );
// DG hack: get the vardef for the argSize == 0 constant for savegame-compat
int constantZeroNum = -1;
if ( forOldSavegame ) {
for( idVarDef* def = GetDefList( "<IMMEDIATE>" ); def != NULL; def = def->Next() ) {
if ( def->Type() == ev_argsize && def->value.argSize == 0 ) {
constantZeroNum = def->num;
// Copy info into new list, using the variable numbers instead of a pointer to the variable
for( i = 0; i < statements.Num(); i++ ) {
statementList[i].op = statements[i].op;
@ -2084,7 +2099,15 @@ int idProgram::CalculateChecksum( void ) const {
statementList[i].b = -1;
if ( statements[i].c ) {
statementList[i].c = statements[i].c->num;
// DG: old savegames wrongly assumed argSize 0 for some statements.
// So for the checksums to match we need to use the corresponding vardef num here
// See idCompiler::EmitFunctionParms() and ParseFunctionDef() for more details.
if ( forOldSavegame && statements[i].op == OP_OBJECTCALL
&& statements[i].flags == statement_t::FLAG_OBJECTCALL_IMPL_NOT_PARSED_YET ) {
statementList[i].c = constantZeroNum;
} else {
statementList[i].c = statements[i].c->num;
} else {
statementList[i].c = -1;

View file

@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ class idVarDef {
friend class idVarDefName;
int num;
int num; // global index/ID of variable
varEval_t value;
idVarDef * scope; // function, namespace, or object the var was defined in
int numUsers; // number of users if this is a constant
@ -432,11 +432,19 @@ extern idVarDef def_boolean;
typedef struct statement_s {
unsigned short op;
unsigned short flags; // DG: added this for ugly hacks
enum {
// op is OP_OBJECTCALL and when the statement was created the function/method
// implementation hasn't been parsed yet (only the declaration/prototype)
// see idCompiler::EmitFunctionParms() and idProgram::CalculateChecksum()
// DG: moved linenumber and file up here to prevent wasting 8 bytes of padding on 64bit
unsigned short linenumber;
unsigned short file;
idVarDef *a;
idVarDef *b;
idVarDef *c;
unsigned short linenumber;
unsigned short file;
} statement_t;
@ -488,7 +496,7 @@ public:
// save games
void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const;
bool Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile );
int CalculateChecksum( void ) const; // Used to insure program code has not
int CalculateChecksum( bool forOldSavegame ) const; // Used to insure program code has not
// changed between savegames
void Startup( const char *defaultScript );

View file

@ -25,4 +25,4 @@ If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms
const int BUILD_NUMBER = 1304;
const int BUILD_NUMBER = 1305;

View file

@ -1652,6 +1652,8 @@ void idSessionLocal::ExecuteMapChange( bool noFadeWipe ) {
fileSystem->CloseFile( savegameFile );
savegameFile = NULL;
common->Warning( "WARNING: Loading savegame failed, will restart the map with the player persistent data!" );
game->SetServerInfo( mapSpawnData.serverInfo );
game->InitFromNewMap( fullMapName + ".map", rw, sw, idAsyncNetwork::server.IsActive(), idAsyncNetwork::client.IsActive(), Sys_Milliseconds() );

View file

@ -447,6 +447,10 @@ void idGameLocal::SaveGame( idFile *f ) {
savegame.WriteBuildNumber( BUILD_NUMBER );
// DG: TODO: write other things (maybe internal savegame version so I don't have to bump BUILD_NUMBER AGAIN)
// and OS, architecture etc, see #344
// TODO: adjust InitFromSavegame() accordingly!
// go through all entities and threads and add them to the object list
for( i = 0; i < MAX_GENTITIES; i++ ) {
ent = entities[i];
@ -1240,6 +1244,12 @@ bool idGameLocal::InitFromSaveGame( const char *mapName, idRenderWorld *renderWo
if(savegame.GetBuildNumber() >= 1305)
// TODO: read stuff additionally written in SaveGame()
// Create the list of all objects in the game

View file

@ -987,6 +987,25 @@ idVarDef *idCompiler::EmitFunctionParms( int op, idVarDef *func, int startarg, i
// need arg size seperate since script object may be NULL
statement_t &statement = gameLocal.program.GetStatement( gameLocal.program.NumStatements() - 1 );
statement.c = SizeConstant( func->value.functionPtr->parmTotal );
// DG: before changes I did to ParseFunctionDef(), func->value.functionPtr->parmTotal was 0
// if the function declaration/prototype has been parsed already, but the
// definition/implementation hadn't been parsed yet. That was wrong and sometimes
// (with debug game DLLs) lead to assertions in custom scripts, because the
// stack space reserved for function parameters was wrong.
// Now func->value.functionPtr->parmTotal is calculated when parsing the prototype,
// but func->value.functionPtr->parmSize[i] is still only calculated when parsing
// the implementation (as it's not needed before and so we can tell the cases apart here).
// However, savegames from before the change have script checksums
// (by idProgram::CalculateChecksum()) from statements with the wrong size, so
// loading them would fail as the checksum doesn't match.
// Setting this flag allows using the parmTotal argSize 0 when calculating the checksum
// so it matches the one from old savegames (unless something else has also changed in
// the script state so they really are incompatible). That's only done when actually
// loading old savegames (detected via BUILD_NUMBER/savegame.GetBuildNumber())
if ( op == OP_OBJECTCALL && func->value.functionPtr->parmTotal > 0
&& func->value.functionPtr->parmSize.Num() == 0 ) {
statement.flags = statement_t::FLAG_OBJECTCALL_IMPL_NOT_PARSED_YET;
} else {
EmitOpcode( op, func, SizeConstant( size ) );
@ -2144,46 +2163,57 @@ void idCompiler::ParseFunctionDef( idTypeDef *returnType, const char *name ) {
// DG: make sure parmSize gets calculated when parsing prototype (not just when parsing
// implementation) so calling this function/method before implementation has been parsed
// DG: make sure parmTotal gets calculated when parsing prototype (not just when parsing
// implementation) so calling this function/method before the implementation has been parsed
// works without getting Assertions in IdInterpreter::Execute() and ::LeaveFunction()
// ("st->c->value.argSize == func->parmTotal", "localstackUsed == localstackBase", see #303)
// ("st->c->value.argSize == func->parmTotal", "localstackUsed == localstackBase", see #303 and #344)
// calculate stack space used by parms
numParms = type->NumParameters();
if( numParms != func->parmSize.Num() ) { // DG: make sure not to do this twice
// if it hasn't been parsed yet, parmSize.Num() should be 0..
assert( func->parmSize.Num() == 0 && "function had different number of arguments before?!" );
func->parmSize.SetNum( numParms );
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
parmType = type->GetParmType( i );
if ( parmType->Inherits( &type_object ) ) {
func->parmSize[ i ] = type_object.Size();
} else {
func->parmSize[ i ] = parmType->Size();
func->parmTotal += func->parmSize[ i ];
// define the parms
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
if ( gameLocal.program.GetDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def ) ) {
Error( "'%s' defined more than once in function parameters", type->GetParmName( i ) );
gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def, false );
// DG: moved this down here so parmSize also gets calculated when parsing prototype
// check if this is a prototype or declaration
if ( !CheckToken( "{" ) ) {
// it's just a prototype, so get the ; and move on
ExpectToken( ";" );
// DG: BUT only after calculating the stack space for the arguments because this
// function might be called before the implementation is parsed (see #303 and #344)
// which otherwise causes Assertions in IdInterpreter::Execute() and ::LeaveFunction()
// ("st->c->value.argSize == func->parmTotal", "localstackUsed == localstackBase")
func->parmTotal = 0;
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
parmType = type->GetParmType( i );
int size = parmType->Inherits( &type_object ) ? type_object.Size() : parmType->Size();
func->parmTotal += size;
// NOTE: Don't set func->parmSize[] yet, the workaround to keep compatibility
// with old savegames checks for func->parmSize.Num() == 0
// (see EmitFunctionParms() for more explanation of that workaround)
// Also not defining the parms yet, otherwise they're defined in a different order
// than before, so their .num is different which breaks compat with old savegames
// DG end
int totalSize = 0; // DG: totalsize might already have been calculated for the prototype, see a few lines above
func->parmSize.SetNum( numParms );
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
parmType = type->GetParmType( i );
if ( parmType->Inherits( &type_object ) ) {
func->parmSize[ i ] = type_object.Size();
} else {
func->parmSize[ i ] = parmType->Size();
totalSize += func->parmSize[ i ];
// DG: if parmTotal has been calculated before, it shouldn't have changed
assert((func->parmTotal == 0 || totalSize == func->parmTotal) && "function parameter sizes differ between protype vs implementation?!");
func->parmTotal = totalSize;
// define the parms
for( i = 0; i < numParms; i++ ) {
if ( gameLocal.program.GetDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def ) ) {
Error( "'%s' defined more than once in function parameters", type->GetParmName( i ) );
gameLocal.program.AllocDef( type->GetParmType( i ), type->GetParmName( i ), def, false );
oldscope = scope;
scope = def;

View file

@ -1634,7 +1634,9 @@ statement_t *idProgram::AllocStatement( void ) {
if ( statements.Num() >= statements.Max() ) {
throw idCompileError( va( "Exceeded maximum allowed number of statements (%d)", statements.Max() ) );
return statements.Alloc();
statement_t* ret = statements.Alloc();
ret->flags = 0; // DG: initialize the added flags (that are rarely set/used otherwise) to 0
return ret;
@ -2005,7 +2007,7 @@ void idProgram::Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const {
savefile->WriteByte( variables[i] );
int checksum = CalculateChecksum();
int checksum = CalculateChecksum(false);
savefile->WriteInt( checksum );
@ -2039,9 +2041,11 @@ bool idProgram::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
int saved_checksum, checksum;
savefile->ReadInt( saved_checksum );
checksum = CalculateChecksum();
bool isOldSavegame = savefile->GetBuildNumber() <= 1304;
checksum = CalculateChecksum(isOldSavegame);
if ( saved_checksum != checksum ) {
gameLocal.Warning( "WARNING: Real Script checksum didn't match the one from the savegame!");
result = false;
@ -2053,7 +2057,7 @@ bool idProgram::Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile ) {
int idProgram::CalculateChecksum( void ) const {
int idProgram::CalculateChecksum( bool forOldSavegame ) const {
int i, result;
typedef struct {
@ -2069,6 +2073,17 @@ int idProgram::CalculateChecksum( void ) const {
memset( statementList, 0, ( sizeof(statementBlock_t) * statements.Num() ) );
// DG hack: get the vardef for the argSize == 0 constant for savegame-compat
int constantZeroNum = -1;
if ( forOldSavegame ) {
for( idVarDef* def = GetDefList( "<IMMEDIATE>" ); def != NULL; def = def->Next() ) {
if ( def->Type() == ev_argsize && def->value.argSize == 0 ) {
constantZeroNum = def->num;
// Copy info into new list, using the variable numbers instead of a pointer to the variable
for( i = 0; i < statements.Num(); i++ ) {
statementList[i].op = statements[i].op;
@ -2084,7 +2099,15 @@ int idProgram::CalculateChecksum( void ) const {
statementList[i].b = -1;
if ( statements[i].c ) {
statementList[i].c = statements[i].c->num;
// DG: old savegames wrongly assumed argSize 0 for some statements.
// So for the checksums to match we need to use the corresponding vardef num here
// See idCompiler::EmitFunctionParms() and ParseFunctionDef() for more details.
if ( forOldSavegame && statements[i].op == OP_OBJECTCALL
&& statements[i].flags == statement_t::FLAG_OBJECTCALL_IMPL_NOT_PARSED_YET ) {
statementList[i].c = constantZeroNum;
} else {
statementList[i].c = statements[i].c->num;
} else {
statementList[i].c = -1;

View file

@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ class idVarDef {
friend class idVarDefName;
int num;
int num; // global index/ID of variable
varEval_t value;
idVarDef * scope; // function, namespace, or object the var was defined in
int numUsers; // number of users if this is a constant
@ -418,11 +418,19 @@ extern idVarDef def_boolean;
typedef struct statement_s {
unsigned short op;
unsigned short flags; // DG: added this for ugly hacks
enum {
// op is OP_OBJECTCALL and when the statement was created the function/method
// implementation hasn't been parsed yet (only the declaration/prototype)
// see idCompiler::EmitFunctionParms() and idProgram::CalculateChecksum()
// DG: moved linenumber and file up here to prevent wasting 8 bytes of padding on 64bit
unsigned short linenumber;
unsigned short file;
idVarDef *a;
idVarDef *b;
idVarDef *c;
unsigned short linenumber;
unsigned short file;
} statement_t;
@ -474,7 +482,7 @@ public:
// save games
void Save( idSaveGame *savefile ) const;
bool Restore( idRestoreGame *savefile );
int CalculateChecksum( void ) const; // Used to insure program code has not
int CalculateChecksum( bool forOldSavegame ) const; // Used to insure program code has not
// changed between savegames
void Startup( const char *defaultScript );