diff --git a/neo/sys/osx/English.lproj/ASLCore.xib b/neo/sys/osx/English.lproj/ASLCore.xib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c988acf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neo/sys/osx/English.lproj/ASLCore.xib
@@ -0,0 +1,3804 @@
+ 1030
+ 10K549
+ 851
+ 1038.36
+ 461.00
+ <<<kGameName>>>
+ 256
+ 256
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{16, 16}, {336, 184}}
+ {{0, 14}, {368, 216}}
+ {{20, 6}, {368, 230}}
+ Select a Monitor
+ 256
+ {{230, 252}, {82, 32}}
+ Cancel
+ 256
+ {{312, 252}, {82, 32}}
+ OK
+ {408, 296}
+ {{175, 366}, {408, 296}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ Doom 3
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{297, 84}, {82, 32}}
+ Quit
+ 256
+ {{84, 20}, {289, 48}}
+ Please insert the disc "Doom 3" or press Quit.
+ 256
+ {{20, 20}, {48, 48}}
+ {393, 128}
+ {{341, 648}, {393, 128}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ <<<kGameName>>>
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{151, 88}, {366, 32}}
+ This dialog will always be displayed if the shift key is held down when the game starts.
+ 256
+ {{359, 136}, {82, 32}}
+ Cancel
+ 256
+ {{441, 136}, {82, 32}}
+ OK
+ 256
+ {{20, 20}, {102, 16}}
+ Command Line:
+ 256
+ {{126, 14}, {313, 30}}
+ 256
+ {{130, 61}, {387, 20}}
+ Always display this dialog at startup
+ 256
+ {{441, 15}, {82, 32}}
+ Revert
+ {537, 180}
+ {{42, 290}, {537, 180}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ <<<kGameName>>> Warning
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{411, 47}, {112, 32}}
+ Ignore all warnings and assertions in the future. This warning dialog wll no longer be displayed.
+ Ignore all warnings and assertions in the future
+ Ignore This
+ 256
+ {{411, 15}, {112, 32}}
+ Continue running the application. If this same condition occurs again, you will be notified.
+ Continue running the application
+ Continue
+ 256
+ {{20, 20}, {64, 64}}
+ 256
+ {{92, 20}, {317, 120}}
+ Message
+ 256
+ {{411, 79}, {112, 32}}
+ Ignore all future warnings and assertions everywhere they occur. If this same condition occurs again, you will not be notified.
+ Ignore all future warnings and assertions everywhere
+ Ignore All
+ 256
+ {{411, 111}, {112, 32}}
+ Drop into the debugger
+ Debug
+ 256
+ {{411, 143}, {112, 32}}
+ Force Quit the applicatiion
+ Quit
+ 256
+ {{92, 151}, {317, 16}}
+ File and Line Number
+ {537, 187}
+ {{67, 495}, {537, 187}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ License Agreement
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{20, 44}, {560, 276}}
+ 256
+ {{490, 336}, {96, 32}}
+ Agree
+ 256
+ {{394, 336}, {96, 32}}
+ Disagree
+ 256
+ {{20, 20}, {560, 16}}
+ End User License Agreement
+ {600, 380}
+ {{152, 207}, {600, 380}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ Doom 3 Registration
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{16, 40}, {449, 30}}
+ 256
+ {{20, 74}, {441, 28}}
+ 256
+ {{20, 20}, {441, 16}}
+ Doom 3 Registration Code:
+ 256
+ {{385, 114}, {82, 32}}
+ OK
+ 256
+ {{303, 114}, {82, 32}}
+ Cancel
+ {481, 158}
+ {{235, 449}, {481, 158}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ 0
+ 29
+ MenuBar
+ 250
+ Preferences
+ 289
+ Pick Monitor
+ 305
+ Insert CD
+ 316
+ Command Line
+ 327
+ Developer Alert
+ 364
+ 375
+ Reg Code Sheet
+ 185
+ 251
+ 294
+ 307
+ 318
+ 326
+ 361
+ 373
+ 184
+ 252
+ 275
+ 277
+ 278
+ 322
+ 377
+ 285
+ 295
+ 297
+ 303
+ 309
+ 348
+ 313
+ 314
+ 315
+ 317
+ 319
+ 320
+ 321
+ 325
+ 330
+ 332
+ 333
+ 334
+ 335
+ 336
+ 338
+ 362
+ 363
+ 365
+ 366
+ 370
+ 371
+ 372
+ 374
+ 376
+ 186
+ 187
+ 228
+ 229
+ 248
+ 249
+ 257
+ 262
+ 264
+ 269
+ 273
+ 274
+ 302
+ 266
+ 270
+ 263
+ 265
+ 267
+ 271
+ 279
+ 382
+ 0
+ IBCarbonFramework
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CarbonPlugin.macosx
+ 3
diff --git a/neo/sys/osx/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib b/neo/sys/osx/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1aa599d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neo/sys/osx/English.lproj/MainMenu.xib
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+ 1060
+ 10K549
+ 851
+ 1038.36
+ 461.00
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ 851
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ PluginDependencyRecalculationVersion
+ NSApplication
+ FirstResponder
+ NSApplication
+ DOOMController
+ delegate
+ 213
+ delegate
+ 214
+ unhideAllApplications:
+ 247
+ terminate:
+ 248
+ hideOtherApplications:
+ 249
+ hide:
+ 250
+ 0
+ -2
+ File's Owner
+ -1
+ First Responder
+ 29
+ MainMenu
+ 233
+ 242
+ 234
+ 235
+ 236
+ 237
+ 238
+ 240
+ 239
+ 241
+ 243
+ 244
+ 245
+ 246
+ 211
+ DOOMController
+ -3
+ Application
+ 211.ImportedFromIB2
+ 233.IBPluginDependency
+ 233.ImportedFromIB2
+ 234.IBPluginDependency
+ 234.ImportedFromIB2
+ 235.IBPluginDependency
+ 235.ImportedFromIB2
+ 236.IBPluginDependency
+ 236.ImportedFromIB2
+ 237.IBPluginDependency
+ 237.ImportedFromIB2
+ 238.IBPluginDependency
+ 238.ImportedFromIB2
+ 239.IBPluginDependency
+ 239.ImportedFromIB2
+ 240.IBPluginDependency
+ 240.ImportedFromIB2
+ 241.IBPluginDependency
+ 241.ImportedFromIB2
+ 242.IBPluginDependency
+ 242.ImportedFromIB2
+ 243.IBPluginDependency
+ 243.ImportedFromIB2
+ 244.IBPluginDependency
+ 244.ImportedFromIB2
+ 245.IBPluginDependency
+ 245.ImportedFromIB2
+ 246.IBPluginDependency
+ 246.ImportedFromIB2
+ 29.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect
+ 29.IBPluginDependency
+ 29.ImportedFromIB2
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ {{329, 964}, {125, 20}}
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ 251
+ DOOMController
+ NSObject
+ IBUserSource
+ FirstResponder
+ IBUserSource
+ 0
+ IBCocoaFramework
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.macosx
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.InterfaceBuilder3
+ 3
+ NSMenuCheckmark
+ NSMenuMixedState
+ {9, 8}
+ {7, 2}
diff --git a/neo/sys/osx/French.lproj/ASLCore.xib b/neo/sys/osx/French.lproj/ASLCore.xib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b7ab0d70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neo/sys/osx/French.lproj/ASLCore.xib
@@ -0,0 +1,3749 @@
+ 1030
+ 10K549
+ 851
+ 1038.36
+ 461.00
+ Préférences de Doom 3
+ 256
+ 256
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{30, 119}, {76, 66}}
+ Fullscreen
+ 256
+ {{146, 119}, {76, 66}}
+ In a Window
+ 256
+ {{16, 16}, {125, 16}}
+ Écrans multiples :
+ 256
+ {{143, 5}, {99, 32}}
+ Choisir...
+ {{0, 14}, {252, 201}}
+ {{20, 6}, {252, 215}}
+ Options de moniteur
+ 256
+ {{317, 59}, {231, 56}}
+ Ce dialogue apparaitra lorsque la touche Majuscule sera maintenue enfoncée lors du démarrage du jeu.
+ 256
+ {{390, 197}, {82, 32}}
+ Annuler
+ 256
+ {{472, 197}, {82, 32}}
+ OK
+ 256
+ {{296, 20}, {252, 31}}
+ Toujours afficher ce dialogue au démarrage.
+ {568, 241}
+ {{261, 640}, {568, 241}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ <<<kGameName>>>
+ 256
+ 256
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{16, 16}, {336, 184}}
+ {{0, 14}, {368, 216}}
+ {{20, 6}, {368, 230}}
+ Choisissez un moniteur
+ 256
+ {{230, 252}, {82, 32}}
+ Annuler
+ 256
+ {{312, 252}, {82, 32}}
+ OK
+ {408, 296}
+ {{175, 366}, {408, 296}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ Doom 3
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{297, 84}, {82, 32}}
+ Quitter
+ 256
+ {{84, 20}, {289, 48}}
+ Veuillez insérer le disque "DOOM 3" ou cliquez sur "Quitter".
+ 256
+ {{20, 20}, {48, 48}}
+ {393, 128}
+ {{341, 648}, {393, 128}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ <<<kGameName>>>
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{151, 88}, {366, 32}}
+ Ce dialogue apparaitra lorsque la touche Majuscule sera maintenue enfoncée lors du démarrage du jeu.
+ 256
+ {{359, 136}, {82, 32}}
+ Annuler
+ 256
+ {{441, 136}, {82, 32}}
+ OK
+ 256
+ {{32, 11}, {84, 36}}
+ Ligne de commande :
+ 256
+ {{126, 14}, {313, 30}}
+ 256
+ {{130, 61}, {387, 20}}
+ Toujours afficher ce dialogue au démarrage
+ 256
+ {{441, 15}, {82, 32}}
+ Revenir
+ {537, 180}
+ {{42, 290}, {537, 180}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ Alerte de <<<kGameName>>>
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{411, 47}, {112, 32}}
+ Ignore all warnings and assertions in the future. This warning dialog wll no longer be displayed.
+ Ignore all warnings and assertions in the future
+ Ignorer
+ 256
+ {{411, 15}, {112, 32}}
+ Continue running the application. If this same condition occurs again, you will be notified.
+ Continue running the application
+ Continuer
+ 256
+ {{20, 20}, {64, 64}}
+ 256
+ {{92, 20}, {317, 120}}
+ Message
+ 256
+ {{411, 79}, {112, 32}}
+ Ignore all future warnings and assertions everywhere they occur. If this same condition occurs again, you will not be notified.
+ Ignore all future warnings and assertions everywhere
+ Tout ignorer
+ 256
+ {{411, 111}, {112, 32}}
+ Drop into the debugger
+ Debogue
+ 256
+ {{411, 143}, {112, 32}}
+ Force Quit the applicatiion
+ Quitter
+ 256
+ {{92, 151}, {317, 16}}
+ Fichier et numéro de ligne
+ {537, 187}
+ {{67, 495}, {537, 187}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ License Agreement
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{20, 44}, {560, 276}}
+ 256
+ {{490, 336}, {96, 32}}
+ Accepter
+ 256
+ {{349, 336}, {141, 32}}
+ Ne pas accepter
+ 256
+ {{20, 20}, {560, 16}}
+ Contrat de licence pour l'utilisateur final
+ {600, 380}
+ {{152, 207}, {600, 380}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ Enregistrement de DOOM 3
+ 256
+ 256
+ {{16, 40}, {449, 30}}
+ 256
+ {{20, 74}, {441, 28}}
+ TGUgY29kZSBkJ2VucmVnaXN0cmVtZW50IGVzdCBzaXR1w6kgw6AgbCdhcnJpw6hyZSBkZSBsYSBib8Ou
+ 256
+ {{20, 20}, {441, 16}}
+ Code d'enregistrement de DOOM 3 :
+ 256
+ {{385, 114}, {82, 32}}
+ OK
+ 256
+ {{303, 114}, {82, 32}}
+ Annuler
+ {481, 158}
+ {{235, 449}, {481, 158}}
+ {{0, 0}, {1024, 768}}
+ 0
+ 29
+ MenuBar
+ 250
+ Preferences
+ 289
+ Pick Monitor
+ 305
+ Insert CD
+ 316
+ Command Line
+ 327
+ Developer Alert
+ 364
+ 375
+ Reg Code Sheet
+ 185
+ 251
+ 294
+ 307
+ 318
+ 326
+ 361
+ 373
+ 184
+ 252
+ 275
+ 277
+ 278
+ 322
+ 285
+ 295
+ 297
+ 303
+ 309
+ 348
+ 313
+ 314
+ 315
+ 317
+ 319
+ 320
+ 321
+ 325
+ 330
+ 332
+ 333
+ 334
+ 335
+ 336
+ 338
+ 362
+ 363
+ 365
+ 366
+ 370
+ 371
+ 372
+ 374
+ 376
+ 186
+ 187
+ 228
+ 229
+ 248
+ 249
+ 257
+ 262
+ 264
+ 269
+ 273
+ 274
+ 302
+ 266
+ 270
+ 263
+ 265
+ 267
+ 271
+ 279
+ 381
+ 0
+ IBCarbonFramework
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CarbonPlugin.macosx
+ 3
diff --git a/neo/sys/osx/French.lproj/MainMenu.xib b/neo/sys/osx/French.lproj/MainMenu.xib
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6556ae64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/neo/sys/osx/French.lproj/MainMenu.xib
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+ 1060
+ 10K549
+ 851
+ 1038.36
+ 461.00
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ 851
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ PluginDependencyRecalculationVersion
+ NSApplication
+ FirstResponder
+ NSApplication
+ DOOMController
+ delegate
+ 213
+ delegate
+ 214
+ unhideAllApplications:
+ 247
+ terminate:
+ 248
+ hideOtherApplications:
+ 249
+ hide:
+ 250
+ 0
+ -2
+ File's Owner
+ -1
+ First Responder
+ 29
+ MainMenu
+ 233
+ 242
+ 234
+ 235
+ 236
+ 237
+ 238
+ 240
+ 239
+ 241
+ 243
+ 244
+ 245
+ 246
+ 211
+ DOOMController
+ -3
+ Application
+ 211.ImportedFromIB2
+ 233.IBPluginDependency
+ 233.ImportedFromIB2
+ 234.IBPluginDependency
+ 234.ImportedFromIB2
+ 235.IBPluginDependency
+ 235.ImportedFromIB2
+ 236.IBPluginDependency
+ 236.ImportedFromIB2
+ 237.IBPluginDependency
+ 237.ImportedFromIB2
+ 238.IBPluginDependency
+ 238.ImportedFromIB2
+ 239.IBPluginDependency
+ 239.ImportedFromIB2
+ 240.IBPluginDependency
+ 240.ImportedFromIB2
+ 241.IBPluginDependency
+ 241.ImportedFromIB2
+ 242.IBPluginDependency
+ 242.ImportedFromIB2
+ 243.IBPluginDependency
+ 243.ImportedFromIB2
+ 244.IBPluginDependency
+ 244.ImportedFromIB2
+ 245.IBPluginDependency
+ 245.ImportedFromIB2
+ 246.IBPluginDependency
+ 246.ImportedFromIB2
+ 29.IBEditorWindowLastContentRect
+ 29.IBPluginDependency
+ 29.ImportedFromIB2
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ {{329, 941}, {99, 20}}
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin
+ 251
+ DOOMController
+ NSObject
+ IBUserSource
+ FirstResponder
+ IBUserSource
+ 0
+ IBCocoaFramework
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.macosx
+ com.apple.InterfaceBuilder.CocoaPlugin.InterfaceBuilder3
+ 3
+ NSMenuCheckmark
+ NSMenuMixedState
+ {9, 8}
+ {7, 2}