2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
2011-12-06 18:20:15 +00:00
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
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2011-12-06 16:14:59 +00:00
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "../../idlib/precompiled.h"
#include <Carbon/Carbon.h>
#include "PickMonitor.h"
#define kMaxMonitors 16
typedef struct
GDHandle device;
Rect origRect;
Rect scaledRect;
int isMain;
static GDHandle sSelectedDevice;
static int sNumMonitors;
static Monitor sMonitors[kMaxMonitors];
static RGBColor rgbBlack = { 0x0000, 0x0000, 0x0000 };
static RGBColor rgbWhite = { 0xffff, 0xffff, 0xffff };
static RGBColor rgbGray = { 0x5252, 0x8A8A, 0xCCCC }; // this is the blue used in the Displays control panel
#undef PtInRect
#undef OffsetRect
#undef InsetRect
#undef EraseRect
#undef MoveTo
#undef LineTo
// SetupUserPaneProcs
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// Call this to initialize the specified user pane control before displaying
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// the dialog window. Pass NULL for any user pane procs you don't need to install.
OSErr SetupUserPaneProcs( ControlRef inUserPane,
2011-12-06 18:20:15 +00:00
ControlUserPaneDrawProcPtr inDrawProc,
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ControlUserPaneHitTestProcPtr inHitTestProc,
ControlUserPaneTrackingProcPtr inTrackingProc)
OSErr err = noErr;
ControlUserPaneDrawUPP drawUPP;
ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP hitTestUPP;
ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP trackingUPP;
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if (0 == inUserPane) return paramErr;
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if (inDrawProc && noErr == err)
drawUPP = NewControlUserPaneDrawUPP(inDrawProc);
if (0 == drawUPP)
err = memFullErr;
err = SetControlData( inUserPane,
if (inHitTestProc && noErr == err)
hitTestUPP = NewControlUserPaneHitTestUPP(inHitTestProc);
if (0 == hitTestUPP)
err = memFullErr;
err = SetControlData( inUserPane,
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if (inTrackingProc && noErr == err)
trackingUPP = NewControlUserPaneTrackingUPP(inTrackingProc);
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if (0 == trackingUPP)
err = memFullErr;
err = SetControlData( inUserPane,
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return err;
// DisposeUserPaneProcs
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// Call this to clean up when you're done with the specified user pane control.
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OSErr DisposeUserPaneProcs(ControlRef inUserPane)
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ControlUserPaneDrawUPP drawUPP;
ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP hitTestUPP;
ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP trackingUPP;
Size actualSize;
OSErr err;
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err = GetControlData(inUserPane, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneDrawProcTag, sizeof(ControlUserPaneDrawUPP), (Ptr)&drawUPP, &actualSize);
if (err == noErr) DisposeControlUserPaneDrawUPP(drawUPP);
err = GetControlData(inUserPane, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneHitTestProcTag, sizeof(ControlUserPaneHitTestUPP), (Ptr)&hitTestUPP, &actualSize);
if (err == noErr) DisposeControlUserPaneHitTestUPP(hitTestUPP);
err = GetControlData(inUserPane, kControlEntireControl, kControlUserPaneTrackingProcTag, sizeof(ControlUserPaneTrackingUPP), (Ptr)&trackingUPP, &actualSize);
if (err == noErr) DisposeControlUserPaneTrackingUPP(trackingUPP);
return noErr;
// drawProc
// Custom drawProc for our UserPane control.
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static pascal void drawProc(ControlRef, SInt16)
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int i;
RGBColor saveForeColor;
RGBColor saveBackColor;
PenState savePenState;
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for (i = 0; i < sNumMonitors; i++)
if (sMonitors[i].isMain)
Rect r = sMonitors[i].scaledRect;
InsetRect(&r, 1, 1);
r.bottom = r.top + 6;
MoveTo(r.left, r.bottom);
LineTo(r.right, r.bottom);
if (sMonitors[i].device == sSelectedDevice)
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// restore the original pen state and colors
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// hitTestProc
// Custom hitTestProc for our UserPane control.
// This allows FindControlUnderMouse() to locate our control, which allows
// ModalDialog() to call TrackControl() or HandleControlClick() for our control.
static pascal ControlPartCode hitTestProc(ControlRef inControl, Point inWhere)
// return a valid part code so HandleControlClick() will be called
return kControlButtonPart;
// trackingProc
// Custom trackingProc for our UserPane control.
// This won't be called for our control unless the kControlHandlesTracking feature
// bit is specified when the userPane is created.
static pascal ControlPartCode trackingProc (
ControlRef inControl,
Point inStartPt,
2011-12-13 15:03:27 +00:00
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int i;
for (i = 0; i < sNumMonitors; i++)
if (PtInRect(inStartPt, &sMonitors[i].scaledRect))
if (sMonitors[i].device != sSelectedDevice)
sSelectedDevice = sMonitors[i].device;
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return kControlNoPart;
// SetupPickMonitorPane
// Call this to initialize the user pane control that is the Pick Monitor
// control. Pass the ControlRef of the user pane control and a display ID
// for the monitor you want selected by default (pass 0 for the main monitor).
// Call this function before displaying the dialog window.
OSErr SetupPickMonitorPane(ControlRef inPane, DisplayIDType inDefaultMonitor)
GDHandle dev = GetDeviceList();
OSErr err = noErr;
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// make the default monitor the selected device
if (inDefaultMonitor)
DMGetGDeviceByDisplayID(inDefaultMonitor, &sSelectedDevice, true);
sSelectedDevice = GetMainDevice();
// build the list of monitors
sNumMonitors = 0;
while (dev && sNumMonitors < kMaxMonitors)
if (TestDeviceAttribute(dev, screenDevice) && TestDeviceAttribute(dev, screenActive))
sMonitors[sNumMonitors].device = dev;
sMonitors[sNumMonitors].origRect = (**dev).gdRect;
sMonitors[sNumMonitors].isMain = (dev == GetMainDevice());
dev = GetNextDevice(dev);
// calculate scaled rects
if (sNumMonitors)
Rect origPaneRect, paneRect;
Rect origGrayRect, grayRect, scaledGrayRect;
float srcAspect, dstAspect, scale;
int i;
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GetControlBounds(inPane, &origPaneRect);
paneRect = origPaneRect;
OffsetRect(&paneRect, -paneRect.left, -paneRect.top);
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GetRegionBounds(GetGrayRgn(), &origGrayRect);
grayRect = origGrayRect;
OffsetRect(&grayRect, -grayRect.left, -grayRect.top);
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srcAspect = (float)grayRect.right / (float)grayRect.bottom;
dstAspect = (float)paneRect.right / (float)paneRect.bottom;
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scaledGrayRect = paneRect;
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if (srcAspect < dstAspect)
scaledGrayRect.right = (float)paneRect.bottom * srcAspect;
scale = (float)scaledGrayRect.right / grayRect.right;
scaledGrayRect.bottom = (float)paneRect.right / srcAspect;
scale = (float)scaledGrayRect.bottom / grayRect.bottom;
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for (i = 0; i < sNumMonitors; i++)
Rect r = sMonitors[i].origRect;
Rect r2 = r;
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// normalize rect and scale
OffsetRect(&r, -r.left, -r.top);
r.bottom = (float)r.bottom * scale;
r.right = (float)r.right * scale;
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// offset rect wrt gray region
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OffsetRect(&r, (float)(r2.left - origGrayRect.left) * scale,
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(float)(r2.top - origGrayRect.top) * scale);
sMonitors[i].scaledRect = r;
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// center scaledGrayRect in the pane
OffsetRect(&scaledGrayRect, (paneRect.right - scaledGrayRect.right) / 2,
(paneRect.bottom - scaledGrayRect.bottom) / 2);
// offset monitors to match
for (i = 0; i < sNumMonitors; i++)
OffsetRect(&sMonitors[i].scaledRect, scaledGrayRect.left, scaledGrayRect.top);
return paramErr;
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// setup the procs for the pick monitor user pane
err = SetupUserPaneProcs(inPane, drawProc, hitTestProc, trackingProc);
return err;
// TearDownPickMonitorPane
// Disposes of everything associated with the Pick Monitor pane. You should
// call this when disposing the dialog.
OSErr TearDownPickMonitorPane(ControlRef inPane)
OSErr err;
err = DisposeUserPaneProcs(inPane);
sNumMonitors = 0;
return err;
// <20> PickMonitorHandler
// Our command handler for the PickMonitor dialog.
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static pascal OSStatus PickMonitorHandler( EventHandlerCallRef, EventRef inEvent, void* inUserData )
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
HICommand cmd;
OSStatus result = eventNotHandledErr;
WindowRef theWindow = (WindowRef)inUserData;
// The direct object for a 'process commmand' event is the HICommand.
// Extract it here and switch off the command ID.
GetEventParameter( inEvent, kEventParamDirectObject, typeHICommand, NULL, sizeof( cmd ), NULL, &cmd );
switch ( cmd.commandID )
2011-12-06 18:20:15 +00:00
case kHICommandOK:
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QuitAppModalLoopForWindow( theWindow );
result = noErr;
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case kHICommandCancel:
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// Setting sSelectedDevice to zero will signal that the user cancelled.
sSelectedDevice = 0;
QuitAppModalLoopForWindow( theWindow );
result = noErr;
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return result;
#pragma mark -
// CanUserPickMonitor
// Returns true if more than one monitor is available to choose from.
Boolean CanUserPickMonitor (void)
GDHandle dev = GetDeviceList();
OSErr err = noErr;
int numMonitors;
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// build the list of monitors
numMonitors = 0;
while (dev && numMonitors < kMaxMonitors)
if (TestDeviceAttribute(dev, screenDevice) && TestDeviceAttribute(dev, screenActive))
dev = GetNextDevice(dev);
if (numMonitors > 1) return true;
else return false;
// PickMonitor
// Prompts for a monitor. Returns userCanceledErr if the user cancelled.
OSStatus PickMonitor (DisplayIDType *inOutDisplayID, WindowRef parentWindow)
WindowRef theWindow;
OSStatus status = noErr;
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static const ControlID kUserPane = { 'MONI', 1 };
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// Fetch the dialog
IBNibRef aslNib;
CFBundleRef theBundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle();
status = CreateNibReferenceWithCFBundle(theBundle, CFSTR("ASLCore"), &aslNib);
status = ::CreateWindowFromNib(aslNib, CFSTR( "Pick Monitor" ), &theWindow );
if (status != noErr)
return userCanceledErr;
#if 0
// Put game name in window title. By default the title includes the token <<<kGameName>>>.
Str255 windowTitle;
GetWTitle(theWindow, windowTitle);
SetWTitle(theWindow, windowTitle);
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// Set up the controls
ControlRef monitorPane;
GetControlByID( theWindow, &kUserPane, &monitorPane );
SetupPickMonitorPane(monitorPane, *inOutDisplayID);
// Create our UPP and install the handler.
EventTypeSpec cmdEvent = { kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess };
EventHandlerUPP handler = NewEventHandlerUPP( PickMonitorHandler );
InstallWindowEventHandler( theWindow, handler, 1, &cmdEvent, theWindow, NULL );
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// Show the window
if (parentWindow)
ShowSheetWindow( theWindow, parentWindow );
ShowWindow( theWindow );
// Now we run modally. We will remain here until the PrefHandler
// calls QuitAppModalLoopForWindow if the user clicks OK or
// Cancel.
RunAppModalLoopForWindow( theWindow );
// OK, we're done. Dispose of our window and our UPP.
// We do the UPP last because DisposeWindow can send out
// CarbonEvents, and we haven't explicitly removed our
// handler. If we disposed the UPP, the Toolbox might try
// to call it. That would be bad.
if (parentWindow)
HideSheetWindow( theWindow );
DisposeWindow( theWindow );
DisposeEventHandlerUPP( handler );
// Return settings to caller
if (sSelectedDevice != 0)
// Read back the controls
DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice (sSelectedDevice, &*inOutDisplayID, true);
return noErr;
return userCanceledErr;