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2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
<chapter id="oal-operation">
<title>&OAL; Operation</title>
<title>&OAL; Fundamentals</title>
&OAL; (henceforth, the "&AL;") is concerned only with rendering audio
into an output buffer,
and primarily meant for spatialized audio.
There is no support for reading audio input from buffers at this
time, and no support for MIDI and other components usually
associated with audio hardware. Programmers must relay on other
mechanisms to obtain audio (e.g. voice) input or generate music.
The &AL; has three fundamental primitives or objects -- Buffers, Sources,
and a single Listener. Each object can be changed independently,
the setting of one object does not affect the setting of others.
The application can also set modes that affect processing. Modes
are set, objects specified, and other &AL; operations performed
by sending commands in the form of function or procedure calls.
Sources store locations, directions, and other attributes of an object in 3D
space and have a buffer associated with them for playback. There are
normally far more sources defined than buffers. When the program wants to play
a sound, it controls execution through a source object. Sources are
processed independently from each other.
Buffers store compressed or un-compressed audio data. It is common to
initialize a large set of buffers when the program first starts (or at
non-critical times during execution -- between levels in a game, for instance).
Buffers are referred to by Sources. Data (audio sample data) is associated
with buffers.
There is only one listener (per audio context). The listener attributes are
similar to source attributes, but are used to represent where the user is
hearing the audio from. The influence of all the sources from the
perspective of the listener is mixed and played for the user.
<![ %RFC [
<note id="rfc-bk000926-03"><title>RFC: Data Binding</title><para>
Have to specifiy when pointer arguments are dereferenced.
<title>Primitive Types</title>
As &AL; is meant to allow for seamless integration with &OGL; code
if needed, the &AL; primitive (scalar) data types mimic the
&OGL; data types. Guaranteed minimum sizes are stated for &OGL;
data types (see table 2.2 of the &OGL; 1.2 Specification), but
the actual choice of C datatype is left to the implementation.
All implementations on a given binary architecture, however, must
use a common definition of these datatypes.
<![ %RFC [
ALlong/ALulong are omitted from the Linux OpenGL Base ABI,
and the GL specification. Do we want to go ahead on this,
or trail GL? Do we include non-i386 architectures to list
sizes explicitely. I.e. do we make the ABI part of our
Note that this table uses explicit AL prefixes for clarity,
while they might be omitted from the rest of the document
for brevity. GCC equivalents are given for IA32, i.e. a
portable and widely available compiler on the most common
target architecture.
<title>&AL; Primitive Data Types</title>
<tgroup cols="4" align="left" colsep=1 rowsep=1>
<colspec colname=c1>
<colspec colname=c2>
<entry>AL Type</>
<entry>GL Type</>
<entry>GCC IA32</entry>
<entry> ALboolean </entry>
<entry> 8-bit boolean </entry>
<entry> GLboolean </entry>
<entry> unsigned char </entry>
<entry> ALbyte </entry>
<entry> signed 8-bit 2's-complement integer </entry>
<entry> GLbyte </entry>
<entry> signed char </entry>
<row >
<entry> ALubyte </entry>
<entry> unsigned 8-bit integer </entry>
<entry> GLubyte </entry>
<entry> unsigned char </entry>
<entry> ALshort </entry>
<entry> signed 16-bit 2's-complement integer </entry>
<entry> GLshort </entry>
<entry> short </entry>
<entry> ALushort </entry>
<entry> unsigned 16-bit integer </entry>
<entry> GLushort </entry>
<entry> unsigned short </entry>
<entry> ALint </entry>
<entry> signed 32-bit 2's-complement integer </entry>
<entry> GLint </entry>
<entry> int </entry>
<entry> ALuint </entry>
<entry> unsigned 32-bit integer </entry>
<entry> GLuint </entry>
<entry> unsigned int </entry>
<![ %RFC [
<entry> ALlong </entry>
<entry> signed 64-bit 2's-complement integer </entry>
<entry> n/a </entry>
<entry> long long </entry>
<entry> ALulong </entry>
<entry> unsigned 64-bit integer </entry>
<entry> n/a </entry>
<entry> unsigned long long </entry>
<entry> ALsizei </entry>
<entry> non-negative 32-bit binary integer size </entry>
<entry> GLsizei </entry>
<entry> int </entry>
<entry> ALenum </entry>
<entry> enumerated 32-bit value </entry>
<entry> GLenum </entry>
<entry> unsigned int </entry>
<entry> ALbitfield </entry>
<entry> 32 bit bitfield </entry>
<entry> GLbitfield </entry>
<entry> unsigned int </entry>
<entry> ALfloat </entry>
<entry> 32-bit IEEE754 floating-point </entry>
<entry> GLfloat </entry>
<entry> float </entry>
<entry> ALclampf </entry>
<entry> Same as ALfloat, but in range [0, 1] </entry>
<entry> GLclampf </entry>
<entry> float </entry>
<entry> ALdouble </entry>
<entry> 64-bit IEEE754 floating-point </entry>
<entry> GLdouble </entry>
<entry> double </entry>
<entry> ALclampd </entry>
<entry> Same as ALdouble, but in range [0, 1] </entry>
<entry> GLclampd </entry>
<entry> double </entry>
<![ %Annote [
<note><title>Annotation on Type Sizes</title><para>
It would be desirable to guarantee the bit size of &AL; data
types, but this might affect the mapping to &OGL; types
for which the &OGL; specification only guarantees a minimum
<note><title>Annotation on 64bit integral</title><para>
It would be desirable to define ulong and long, but again
we defer to &OGL; in this decision.
<note><title>Annotation on Enumeration</title><para>
&enum; is not a C or C++ enumeration, but implemented as
C preprocesor defines. This makes it easier to handle
extensions to the &AL; namespace, in particular in
dealing with delays in distributing updated reference
<title>Floating-Point Computation</title>
Any representable floating-point value is legal as input
to a &AL; command that requires floating point data.
The result of providing a value that is not a floating
point number to such a command is unspecified, but must not
lead to &AL; interruption or termination. In IEEE arithmetic,
for example, providing a negative zero or a denormalized
number to a GL command yields predictable results, while
providing an NaN or infinity yields unspecified results.
Some calculations require division. In such cases (including
implied divisions required by vector normalizations), a
division by zero produces an unspecified result but must
not lead to GL interruption or termination.
<title>AL State</title>
The &AL; maintains considerable state. This documents enumerates
each state variable and describes how each variable can be
changed. For purposes of discussion, state variables are
categorized somewhat arbitrarily by their function. For example,
although we describe operations that the &AL; performs on the
implied output buffer, the outbut buffer is not part of the
&AL; state. Certain states of &AL; objects (e.g. buffer states
with respect to queueing) are introduced for discussion purposes,
but not exposed through the API.
<title>AL Command Syntax</title>
&AL; commands are functions or procedures. Various groups of
commands perform the same operation but differ in how
arguments are supplied to them. To conveniently accomodate
this variation, we adopt the &OGL; nnotation for describing
commands and their arguments.
<![ %Annote [
<note><title>Annotation (Not all types supported yet)</title><para>
At this time &AL; does not support the full flexibility that
&OGL; offers. Certain entry points are supported only for
some data types. In general, &AL; tends to use less entry
points, using setter commands that use the same tokens
as the matching query commands.
<title>Basic AL Operation</title>
&AL; can be used for a variety of audio playback tasks, and is an
excellent complement to &OGL; for real-time rendering. A programmer who is
familiar with &OGL; will immediately notice the similarities between the
two APIs in that they describe their 3D environments using similar methods.
For an &OGL;/&AL; program, most of the audio programming will be in two
places in the code: initialization of the program, and the rendering loop.
An &OGL;/&AL; program will typically contain a section where the graphics and
audio systems are initialized, although it may be spread into multiple functions.
For OpenAL, initialization normally consists of creating a context, creating
the initial set of buffers, loading the buffers with sample data, creating
sources, attaching buffers to sources, setting locations and directions for
the listener and sources, and setting the initial values for state global
to &AL;.
<title>Initialization Example</title>
<![ %Example [
<title>Initialization Example</title>
The audio update within
the rendering loop normally consists of telling &AL; the current locations
of the sources and listener, updating the environment settings, and managing
<![ %Example [
<title>Processing Loop</title>
// PlaceCamera -- places OpenGL camera and updates OpenAL listener position and source state
void 3DEnvironemnt:PlaceCamera()
// update OpenGL camera position
glFrustum(-0.1333, 0.1333, -0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 50.0);
gluLookAt(listenerPos[0], listenerPos[1], listenerPos[2],
(listenerPos[0] + sin(listenerAngle)), listenerPos[1], (listenerPos[2] - cos(listenerAngle)),
0.0, 1.0, 0.0);
// OpenAL stuff...
// place listener at camera
alListener3f(AL_POSITION, listenerPos[0], listenerPos[1], listenerPos[2]);
float directionvect[6];
directionvect[0] = (float) sin(listenerAngle);
directionvect[1] = 0;
directionvect[2] = (float) cos(listenerAngle);
directionvect[3] = 0;
directionvect[4] = 1;
directionvect[5] = 0;
alListenerfv(AL_ORIENTATION, directionvect);
// play phasor if in range, else stop playback
if (range() < 9)
} else
<sect1 id="errors">
<title>AL Errors</title>
The AL detects only a subset of those conditions that could be
considered errors. This is because in many cases error checking
would adversely impact the performance of an error-free program.
The command
<funcdef> &enum; <function> GetError </function></funcdef>
is used to obtain error information. Each detectable error is
assigned a numeric code. When an error is detected by AL,
a flag is set and the error code is recorded. Further errors,
if they occur, do not affect this recorded code. When GetError
is called, the code is returned and the flag is cleared, so that
a further error will again record its code. If a call to GetError
returns NO_ERROR then there has been no detectable error since
the last call to GetError (or since the AL was initialized).
<![ %RFC [
<note id="rfc-bk000926-04"><title>RFC: GL distributed error </title><para>
To allow for distributed implementations there may be several
flag/code pairs. In this case, after a call to GetError returns a
value other than NO_ERROR each subsequent call returns the
non-NO_ERROR code of another distinct flag-code pair (in
unspecified order), until all NO_ERROR codes have been returned.
When there are no more non-NO_ERROR codes, all flags be reset.
The initial state of all flags is cleared and the initial value
of all codes is NO_ERROR.
<note><title>Annotation (Looping GetError)</title><para>
&AL; applications are advised to loop calls of GetError to
make sure that all flags are reset. Only the first error
occurence for each flag/code pair is recorded, subsequent
errors are ignored. The result of a repeated GetError call
is not a stack trace or LIFO sequence. All error handling
is context specific.
<![ %Annote [
<note><title>Annotation (Only First Error)</title><para>
Like &OGL; &AL; will ignore subsequent errors once an
error conditation has been encountered.
Error codes can be mapped to strings. The GetString function
returns a pointer to a constant (literal) string that is
identical to the identifier used for the enumeration value,
as defined in the specification.
<![ %Annote [
<note><title>Annotation/ Verbose Error String</title><para>
There is no need to maintain a separate GetErrorString
function (inspired by the proposed gluGetErrorStrings)
as the existing GetString entry point can be used.
<title>Error Conditions</title>
<tgroup cols="2" align="left" colsep=1 rowsep=1>
<colspec colname=c1>
<colspec colname=c2>
<entry>"No Error" token.</>
<entry>Invalid Name parameter.</>
<entry>Invalid parameter.</>
<entry>Invalid enum parameter value.</>
<entry>Illegal call.</>
<entry>Unable to allocate memory.</>
The table summarizes the AL errors. Currently, when an error flag
is set, results of AL operations are undefined only if OUT_OF_MEMORY
has occured. In other cases, the command generating the error is
ignored so that it has no effect on AL state or output buffer
contents. If the error generating command returns a value,
it returns zero. If the generating command modifies values
through a pointer argument, no change is made to these values.
These error semantics apply only to AL errors, not to system errors
such as memory access errors.
Several error generation conditions are implicit in the description
of the various AL commands. First, if a command that requires
an enumerated value is passed a value that is not one of those
specified as allowable for that command, the error INVALID_ENUM
results. This is the case even if the argument is a pointer to
a symbolic constant if that value is not allowable for the given
This will occur whether the value is allowable for other functions,
or an invalid integer value.
Integer parameters that are used as names for &AL; objects
such as Buffers and Sources are checked for validity. If an invalid
name parameter is specified in an &AL; command, an
INVALID_NAME error will be generated, and the command is ignored.
If a negative integer is provided where an argument of type
&sizei; is specified, the error INVALID_VALUE results. The same
error will result from attempts to set integral and floating
point values for attributes exceeding the legal range for
these. The specification does not guarantee that the implementation
emits INVALID_VALUE if a &NaN; or &Infty; value is
passed in for a &float; or &double; argument (as the specification
does not enforce possibly expensive testing of floating point
Commands can be invalid. For example, certain commands might not be
applicable to a given object. There are also illegal combinations
of tokens and values as arguments to a command. &AL; responds to any
such illegal command with an INVALID_OPERATION error.
<![ %Scratch [
No longer true except for extensions. To be avoided
in general: &AL; has
mutually exclusive commands operating on similar objects.
One example is treating a streaming buffer as a
non-streaming buffer, another is appending data to a
non-streaming buffer.
If memory is exhausted as a side effect of the execution of an
AL command, either on system level or by exhausting the allocated
resources at AL's internal disposal, the error OUT_OF_MEMORY
may be generated. This can also happen independent of recent
commands if &AL; has to request memory for an internal task
and fails to allocate the required memory from the operating
Otherwise errors are generated only for conditions that are
explicitely described in this specification.
<![ %RFC [
<note id="rfc-bk000807-01"><title>RFC: INVALID_SIZE?</title><para>
Specific error case in which the size argument is
negative, or mismatches internal conditions for a getter?
<![ %RFC [
<note id="rfc-bk000802-03"><title>RFC: INVALID_POINTER?</title><para>
GL seemingly does not specify a response to NULL pointer
destinations, and does not assign an error case. INVALID_VALUE
could be used, also we could introduce a separate INVALID_POINTER.
Is there a good reason not to catch these cases?
<sect1 id="control">
<title>Controlling AL Execution</title>
The application can temporarily disable certain AL capabilities
on a per Context basis. This allows the driver implementation
to optimize for certain subsets of operations.
Enabling and disabling capabilities is handled using a function
<funcdef> &void; <function> Enable </function></funcdef>
<paramdef> &enum; <parameter> target </parameter></paramdef>
<funcdef> &void; <function> Disable </function></funcdef>
<paramdef> &enum; <parameter> target </parameter></paramdef>
The application can also query whether a given capability is
currently enabled or not.
<funcdef> &bool; <function> IsEnabled </function></funcdef>
<paramdef> &enum; <parameter> target </parameter></paramdef>
If the token used to specify target is not legal,
an INVALID_ENUM error will be generated.
At this time, this mechanism is not used. There are no valid
<![ %Annote [
<note><title>Annotation (Enable/Disable)</title><para>
Currently, &AL; is controlled exploiting existing
commands. For example, to disable sound output but
not processing, the Listener can be muted setting
GAIN to zero. Selecting NONE as the distance model
disables distance attenuation. Setting DOPPLER_FACTOR
to zero disables the Doppler Effect. A redundant
mechanism to accomplish the same is not needed.
<sect1 id="objects">
<title>Object Paradigm</title>
&AL; is an object-oriented API, but it does not expose classes, structs,
or other explicit data structures to the application.
<sect2 id="object-overview-categories">
<title>Object Categories</title>
&AL; has three primary categories of Objects:
one unique Listener per Context
multiple Buffers shared among Contexts
multiple Sources, each local to a Context
In the following, "{Object}" will stand for either Source,
Listener, or Buffer.
<sect2 id="object-overview-dynamic">
<title>Static vs. Dynamic Objects</title>
The vast majority of &AL; objects are dynamic, and will be created
on application demand. There are also &AL; objects that do not have
to be created, and can not be created, on application demand.
Currently, the Listener is the only such static object in &AL;.
<title>Object Names</title>
Dynamic Objects are manipulated using an integer, which in
analogy to &OGL; is referred to as the object's "name". These
are of type unsigned integer (uint). Names can be valid
beyond the lifetime of the context they were requested
if the objects in question can be shared among contexts.
No guarantees or assumptions are
made in the specification about the precise values or their distribution
over the lifetime of the application. As objects might be shared,
Names are guaranteed to be
unique within a class of &AL; objects, but no guarantees are made
across different classes of objects. Objects that are unique
(singletons), like the Listener, do not require and do not have
an integer "name".
<title>Requesting Object Names</title>
&AL; provides calls to obtain Object Names. The application requests
a number of Objects of a given category using Gen{Object}s.
If the number n of Objects requested is negative,
an INVALID_VALUE error will caused. The actual values of the
Names returned are implementation dependent. No guarantees on
range or value are made. Unlike &OGL; &OAL does not offer alternative
means to define (bind) a Name.
Allocation of Object Names does not imply immediate allocation of
resources or creation of Objects: the implementation is free to
defer this until a given Object is actually used in mutator calls.
The Names are written at the memory location specified by the caller.
<funcdef> void <function> Gen{Object}s </function></funcdef>
<paramdef> &sizei; <parameter> n </parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef> &uint;* <parameter> objectNames </parameter></paramdef>
Requesting zero names is a legal NOP. Requesting a negative
number of names causes an INVALID_VALUE error.
&AL; will respond with an OUT_OF_MEMORY if the application
requests too many objects. The specification does not guarantee
that the &AL; implementation will allocate all resources
needed for the actual objects at the time the names are
reserved. In many cases (Buffers) this could only be
implemented by worst case estimation. Allocation of names
does not guarantee that all the named objects can actually
be used.
<![ %Scratch [
We do not re-use Names under any circumstance. Do we require
implementations throwing OUT_OF_MERMORY errors on allocation of
Names? No - we don't even specify buffer sizes. Ambiguity - could
an implementation throw OOM because of no names, or OOM because
of a (worst case) estimate of object sizes? Do we need OUT_OF_NAMES?
<![ %Scratch [
The current headers include a sizei return parameter:
"Returns the number of ids actually allocated."
This violates the "failed commands are NOPs" design
and introduces ambiguity in error handling, and has
thus been changed breaking backwards compatibility.
<![ %Annote [
<note><title>Annotation (No application selected Names)</title><para>
Unlike GL, applications are not free to choose Names; all
Names have to be requested. Aside from possible benefits for
the implementation, and avoidance of errors in projects
that have many modules using the AL implementation (a problem
encountered in GL, when the two generation mechanisms are
mixed), this also leaves open the door to feed different
kinds of objects by Name through the same API entry points.
<![ %Annote [
<note><title>Annotate (Negative/zero sizei)</title><para>
The specification does not guarantee that sizei is an
unsigned integer, but legal values have to be non-negative.
However, requesting zero names is a legal NOP.
<![ %RFC [
<note id=rfc-bk000626-02><title>RFC: Resource Release Hint</title><para>
Do we need a hint that resource release has to be done on DeleteXXX,
instead of leaving this housekeeping to &AL;?
<note id=rfc-bk000626-03><title>RFC: Zero Name</title><para>
Do we reserve the name "0"? &OGL; provides an alternative mechanism
which lets the application pick texture names, which we discarded
because it is prone to create error conditions when mixing both
approaches. As all our names are generated using GenXXXX, there
is no real need to treat "0" special.
<title>Releasing Object Names</title>
&AL; provides calls to the application to release Object Names
using Delete{Object}s, implicitly requesting deletion of the
Objects associated with the Names released. If the number n of Objects named
is negative, an INVALID_VALUE error will be caused.
If one or more of the specified Names is not valid, an INVALID_NAME
error will be caused. Implementation behavior following any error
is undefined.
Once deleted (even if an error occured on deletion), the Names are
no longer valid for use with any &AL; function calls including
calls to Delete{Objects}s. Any such use will cause an INVALID_NAME
The &AL; implementation is free to defer actual release of
resources. Ideally, resources should be released as soon as
possible, but no guarantees are made.
<![ %Annote [
GenXXX and DeleteXXX can not reasonably be expected to be used
for controlling driver-side resource management from the
application. A driver might never release a Source once allocated
during the lifetime of the application.
<![ %RFC [
<note id="rfc-bk000724-18"><title>RFC: Deletion Errors</title><para>
What happens if an active source (or its associated buffer) is deleted?
The source should be stopped? Or the delete operation is invalid?
<title>Validating an Object Name</title>
&AL; provides calls to validate the Name of an Object.
The application can verify whether an Object Name is valid
using the Is{Object} query. There is no vector (array)
version of this function as it defeats the purpose of
unambiguous (in)valdiation. Returns &TRUE; if id is a
valid Object Name, and &FALSE; otherwise. Object Names are
valid between request (Gen{Object}s) and release (Delete{Object}s).
Is{Object} does not distinguish between invalid and deleted Names.
<![ %RFC [
If zero is a valid name, this function will have to accept
it without an actyual object (or only an internal dummy)
being associated with it. I recommend that implementations
never return "0" as an object name.
<title>Setting Object Attributes</title>
For &AL; Objects, calls to control their attributes are provided.
These depend on the actual properties of a given Object
Category. The precise API is discussed for each category,
below. Each &AL; command affecting the state of
a named Object is usually of the form
<funcdef> void <function> {Object}{n}{sifd}{v} </function></funcdef>
<paramdef> &uint; <parameter> objectName </parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef> &enum; <parameter> paramName </parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef> &type; <parameter> values </parameter></paramdef>
In the case of unnamed (unique) Objects, the (integer) objectName
is omitted, as it is implied by the {Object} part of function name:
<funcdef> void <function> {Object}{n}{sifd}{v} </function></funcdef>
<paramdef> &enum; <parameter> paramName </parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef> &type; <parameter> values </parameter></paramdef>
For example, the Listener3d command would not require an (integer)
objectName argument.
The objectName specifies the &AL; object affected by this call.
Use of an invalid Name will cause an INVALID_NAME error.
The Object's Attribute to be affected has to be named
as paramName. &AL; parameters applicable to one category
of Objects are not necessarily legal for another catetgory
of &AL; Objects. Specification of a parameter illegal for
a given object will cause an INVALID_OPERATION error.
Not all possible values for a type will be legal for a
given objectName and parameterName. Use of an illegal value
or a NULL value pointer will cause an INVALID_VALUE error.
Any command that causes an error is a NOP.
<title>Querying Object Attributes</title>
For named and for unique &AL; Objects, calls to query their
current attributes are provided.
These depend on the actual properties of a given Object
Category. The performance of such queries is implementation
dependent, no performance guarantees are made. The valid values for the
parameter paramName are identical to the ones legal for the complementing
attribute setting function.
<funcdef> void <function> Get{Object}{n}{sifd}{v} </function></funcdef>
<paramdef> &uint; <parameter> objectName </parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef> &enum; <parameter> paramName </parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef> &type;* <parameter> destination </parameter></paramdef>
For unnamed unique Objects, the objectName is omitted as it is
implied by the function name:
<funcdef> void <function> Get{Object}{n}{sifd}{v} </function></funcdef>
<paramdef> &enum; <parameter> paramName </parameter></paramdef>
<paramdef> &type;* <parameter> destination </parameter></paramdef>
The precise API is discussed for each category separately, below.
Unlike their matching mutators, Query functions for non-scalar
properties (vectors etc.) are only available in array form.
Use of an invalid Name will cause an INVALID_NAME error.
Specification of an illegal parameter type (token) will cause
an INVALID_ENUM error. A call with a destination
NULL pointer will be quietly ignored. The &AL; state will not
be affected by errors. In case of errors, destination memory
will not be changed.
<title>Object Attributes</title>
Attributes affecting the processing of sounds can be set for various
&AL; Object categories, or might change as an effect of &AL; calls.
The vast majority of these Object properties are specific to the
&AL; Object category, in question, but some are applicable to two
or more categories, and are listed separately.
The general form in which this document describes parameters is
<title>{Object} Parameters</title>
<tgroup cols="4" align="left" colsep=1 rowsep=1>
<colspec colname=c1>
<colspec colname=c2>
<colspec colname=c3>
<colspec colname=c4>
<entry> range or set </>
<entry> scalar or n-tuple </>
The description specifies additional restrictions and details.
paramName is given as the &AL; enum defined as its name.
T can be a list of legal signatures, usually the array form
as well as the flat (unfolded) form.
<![ %RFC [
<note id="rfc-bk000626-04"><title>RFC: Initial (Default) State</title><para>
The default state of objects will have to be specified here.
There will be no commands that allow the application to set
other defaults.