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2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
Doom 3 GPL Source Code
Copyright (C) 1999-2011 id Software LLC, a ZeniMax Media company.
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
2011-12-06 16:14:59 +00:00
This file is part of the Doom 3 GPL Source Code ("Doom 3 Source Code").
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
Doom 3 Source Code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Doom 3 Source Code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Doom 3 Source Code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
In addition, the Doom 3 Source Code is also subject to certain additional terms. You should have received a copy of these additional terms immediately following the terms and conditions of the GNU General Public License which accompanied the Doom 3 Source Code. If not, please request a copy in writing from id Software at the address below.
If you have questions concerning this license or the applicable additional terms, you may contact in writing id Software LLC, c/o ZeniMax Media Inc., Suite 120, Rockville, Maryland 20850 USA.
#include "sys/platform.h"
#include "framework/Licensee.h"
#include "framework/BuildVersion.h"
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
#include "GameBase.h"
#include "MultiplayerGame.h"
#include "SysCvar.h"
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
#if defined( _DEBUG )
#define BUILD_DEBUG "-debug"
#define BUILD_DEBUG "-release"
All game cvars should be defined here.
const char *si_gameTypeArgs[] = { "singleplayer", "deathmatch", "Tourney", "Team DM", "Last Man", NULL };
const char *si_readyArgs[] = { "Not Ready", "Ready", NULL };
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
const char *si_spectateArgs[] = { "Play", "Spectate", NULL };
const char *ui_skinArgs[] = { "skins/characters/player/marine_mp", "skins/characters/player/marine_mp_red", "skins/characters/player/marine_mp_blue", "skins/characters/player/marine_mp_green", "skins/characters/player/marine_mp_yellow", NULL };
const char *ui_teamArgs[] = { "Red", "Blue", NULL };
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
struct gameVersion_s {
gameVersion_s( void ) { sprintf( string, "%s.%d%s %s-%s %s %s", ENGINE_VERSION, BUILD_NUMBER, BUILD_DEBUG, BUILD_OS, BUILD_CPU, ID__DATE__, ID__TIME__ ); }
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
char string[256];
} gameVersion;
idCVar g_version( "g_version", gameVersion.string, CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ROM, "game version" );
// noset vars
idCVar gamename( "gamename", GAME_VERSION, CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ROM, "" );
idCVar gamedate( "gamedate", ID__DATE__, CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ROM, "" );
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
// server info
idCVar si_name( "si_name", "dhewm server", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "name of the server" );
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idCVar si_gameType( "si_gameType", si_gameTypeArgs[ 0 ], CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "game type - singleplayer, deathmatch, Tourney, Team DM or Last Man", si_gameTypeArgs, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<si_gameTypeArgs> );
idCVar si_map( "si_map", "game/mp/d3dm1",CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "map to be played next on server", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_MapName );
idCVar si_maxPlayers( "si_maxPlayers", "4", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "max number of players allowed on the server", 1, 4 );
idCVar si_fragLimit( "si_fragLimit", "10", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "frag limit", 1, MP_PLAYER_MAXFRAGS );
idCVar si_timeLimit( "si_timeLimit", "10", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_INTEGER, "time limit in minutes", 0, 60 );
idCVar si_teamDamage( "si_teamDamage", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "enable team damage" );
idCVar si_warmup( "si_warmup", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "do pre-game warmup" );
idCVar si_usePass( "si_usePass", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "enable client password checking" );
idCVar si_pure( "si_pure", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_BOOL, "server is pure and does not allow modified data" );
idCVar si_spectators( "si_spectators", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "allow spectators or require all clients to play" );
idCVar si_serverURL( "si_serverURL", "", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_SERVERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "where to reach the server admins and get information about the server" );
// user info
idCVar ui_name( "ui_name", "Player", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player name" );
idCVar ui_skin( "ui_skin", ui_skinArgs[ 0 ], CVAR_GAME | CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player skin", ui_skinArgs, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<ui_skinArgs> );
idCVar ui_team( "ui_team", ui_teamArgs[ 0 ], CVAR_GAME | CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "player team", ui_teamArgs, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<ui_teamArgs> );
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idCVar ui_autoSwitch( "ui_autoSwitch", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "auto switch weapon" );
idCVar ui_autoReload( "ui_autoReload", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "auto reload weapon" );
idCVar ui_showGun( "ui_showGun", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "show gun" );
idCVar ui_ready( "ui_ready", si_readyArgs[ 0 ], CVAR_GAME | CVAR_USERINFO, "player is ready to start playing", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<si_readyArgs> );
idCVar ui_spectate( "ui_spectate", si_spectateArgs[ 0 ], CVAR_GAME | CVAR_USERINFO, "play or spectate", idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_String<si_spectateArgs> );
idCVar ui_chat( "ui_chat", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_USERINFO | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ROM | CVAR_CHEAT, "player is chatting" );
// change anytime vars
idCVar developer( "developer", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar r_aspectRatio( "r_aspectRatio", "-1", CVAR_RENDERER | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "aspect ratio of view:\n0 = 4:3\n1 = 16:9\n2 = 16:10\n-1 = auto (guess from resolution)", -1, 2 );
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idCVar g_cinematic( "g_cinematic", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "skips updating entities that aren't marked 'cinematic' '1' during cinematics" );
idCVar g_cinematicMaxSkipTime( "g_cinematicMaxSkipTime", "600", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "# of seconds to allow game to run when skipping cinematic. prevents lock-up when cinematic doesn't end.", 0, 3600 );
idCVar g_muzzleFlash( "g_muzzleFlash", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "show muzzle flashes" );
idCVar g_projectileLights( "g_projectileLights", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "show dynamic lights on projectiles" );
idCVar g_bloodEffects( "g_bloodEffects", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "show blood splats, sprays and gibs" );
idCVar g_doubleVision( "g_doubleVision", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "show double vision when taking damage" );
idCVar g_hitEffect( "g_hitEffect", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "mess up player camera when taking damage" );
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idCVar g_monsters( "g_monsters", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_decals( "g_decals", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "show decals such as bullet holes" );
idCVar g_knockback( "g_knockback", "1000", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar g_skill( "g_skill", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar g_nightmare( "g_nightmare", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "if nightmare mode is allowed" );
idCVar g_gravity( "g_gravity", DEFAULT_GRAVITY_STRING, CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_skipFX( "g_skipFX", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_skipParticles( "g_skipParticles", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_disasm( "g_disasm", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "disassemble script into base/script/disasm.txt on the local drive when script is compiled" );
idCVar g_debugBounds( "g_debugBounds", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "checks for models with bounds > 2048" );
idCVar g_debugAnim( "g_debugAnim", "-1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "displays information on which animations are playing on the specified entity number. set to -1 to disable." );
idCVar g_debugMove( "g_debugMove", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_debugDamage( "g_debugDamage", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_debugWeapon( "g_debugWeapon", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_debugScript( "g_debugScript", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_debugMover( "g_debugMover", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_debugTriggers( "g_debugTriggers", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_debugCinematic( "g_debugCinematic", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_stopTime( "g_stopTime", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_damageScale( "g_damageScale", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "scale final damage on player by this factor" );
idCVar g_armorProtection( "g_armorProtection", "0.3", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "armor takes this percentage of damage" );
idCVar g_armorProtectionMP( "g_armorProtectionMP", "0.6", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "armor takes this percentage of damage in mp" );
idCVar g_useDynamicProtection( "g_useDynamicProtection", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "scale damage and armor dynamically to keep the player alive more often" );
idCVar g_healthTakeTime( "g_healthTakeTime", "5", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "how often to take health in nightmare mode" );
idCVar g_healthTakeAmt( "g_healthTakeAmt", "5", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "how much health to take in nightmare mode" );
idCVar g_healthTakeLimit( "g_healthTakeLimit", "25", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "how low can health get taken in nightmare mode" );
idCVar g_showPVS( "g_showPVS", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "", 0, 2 );
idCVar g_showTargets( "g_showTargets", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws entities and their targets. hidden entities are drawn grey." );
idCVar g_showTriggers( "g_showTriggers", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws trigger entities (orange) and their targets (green). disabled triggers are drawn grey." );
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idCVar g_showCollisionWorld( "g_showCollisionWorld", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_showCollisionModels( "g_showCollisionModels", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_showCollisionTraces( "g_showCollisionTraces", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_maxShowDistance( "g_maxShowDistance", "128", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_showEntityInfo( "g_showEntityInfo", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_showviewpos( "g_showviewpos", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_showcamerainfo( "g_showcamerainfo", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "displays the current frame # for the camera when playing cinematics" );
idCVar g_showTestModelFrame( "g_showTestModelFrame", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "displays the current animation and frame # for testmodels" );
idCVar g_showActiveEntities( "g_showActiveEntities", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws boxes around thinking entities. dormant entities (outside of pvs) are drawn yellow. non-dormant are green." );
idCVar g_showEnemies( "g_showEnemies", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws boxes around monsters that have targeted the the player" );
idCVar g_frametime( "g_frametime", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "displays timing information for each game frame" );
idCVar g_timeentities( "g_timeEntities", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "when non-zero, shows entities whose think functions exceeded the # of milliseconds specified" );
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idCVar ai_debugScript( "ai_debugScript", "-1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "displays script calls for the specified monster entity number" );
idCVar ai_debugMove( "ai_debugMove", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws movement information for monsters" );
idCVar ai_debugTrajectory( "ai_debugTrajectory", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws trajectory tests for monsters" );
idCVar ai_testPredictPath( "ai_testPredictPath", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar ai_showCombatNodes( "ai_showCombatNodes", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws attack cones for monsters" );
idCVar ai_showPaths( "ai_showPaths", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "draws path_* entities" );
idCVar ai_showObstacleAvoidance( "ai_showObstacleAvoidance", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "draws obstacle avoidance information for monsters. if 2, draws obstacles for player, as well", 0, 2, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,2> );
idCVar ai_blockedFailSafe( "ai_blockedFailSafe", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "enable blocked fail safe handling" );
2011-11-22 21:28:15 +00:00
idCVar g_dvTime( "g_dvTime", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_dvAmplitude( "g_dvAmplitude", "0.001", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_dvFrequency( "g_dvFrequency", "0.5", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_kickTime( "g_kickTime", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_kickAmplitude( "g_kickAmplitude", "0.0001", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_blobTime( "g_blobTime", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_blobSize( "g_blobSize", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_testHealthVision( "g_testHealthVision", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_editEntityMode( "g_editEntityMode", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "0 = off\n"
"1 = lights\n"
"2 = sounds\n"
"3 = articulated figures\n"
"4 = particle systems\n"
"5 = monsters\n"
"6 = entity names\n"
"7 = entity models", 0, 7, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,7> );
idCVar g_dragEntity( "g_dragEntity", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "allows dragging physics objects around by placing the crosshair over them and holding the fire button" );
idCVar g_dragDamping( "g_dragDamping", "0.5", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_dragShowSelection( "g_dragShowSelection", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_dropItemRotation( "g_dropItemRotation", "", CVAR_GAME, "" );
idCVar g_vehicleVelocity( "g_vehicleVelocity", "1000", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_vehicleForce( "g_vehicleForce", "50000", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_vehicleSuspensionUp( "g_vehicleSuspensionUp", "32", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_vehicleSuspensionDown( "g_vehicleSuspensionDown", "20", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_vehicleSuspensionKCompress("g_vehicleSuspensionKCompress","200", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_vehicleSuspensionDamping( "g_vehicleSuspensionDamping","400", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_vehicleTireFriction( "g_vehicleTireFriction", "0.8", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar ik_enable( "ik_enable", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "enable IK" );
idCVar ik_debug( "ik_debug", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show IK debug lines" );
idCVar af_useLinearTime( "af_useLinearTime", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "use linear time algorithm for tree-like structures" );
idCVar af_useImpulseFriction( "af_useImpulseFriction", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "use impulse based contact friction" );
idCVar af_useJointImpulseFriction( "af_useJointImpulseFriction","0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "use impulse based joint friction" );
idCVar af_useSymmetry( "af_useSymmetry", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "use constraint matrix symmetry" );
idCVar af_skipSelfCollision( "af_skipSelfCollision", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "skip self collision detection" );
idCVar af_skipLimits( "af_skipLimits", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "skip joint limits" );
idCVar af_skipFriction( "af_skipFriction", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "skip friction" );
idCVar af_forceFriction( "af_forceFriction", "-1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "force the given friction value" );
idCVar af_maxLinearVelocity( "af_maxLinearVelocity", "128", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "maximum linear velocity" );
idCVar af_maxAngularVelocity( "af_maxAngularVelocity", "1.57", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "maximum angular velocity" );
idCVar af_timeScale( "af_timeScale", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "scales the time" );
idCVar af_jointFrictionScale( "af_jointFrictionScale", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "scales the joint friction" );
idCVar af_contactFrictionScale( "af_contactFrictionScale", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "scales the contact friction" );
idCVar af_highlightBody( "af_highlightBody", "", CVAR_GAME, "name of the body to highlight" );
idCVar af_highlightConstraint( "af_highlightConstraint", "", CVAR_GAME, "name of the constraint to highlight" );
idCVar af_showTimings( "af_showTimings", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show articulated figure cpu usage" );
idCVar af_showConstraints( "af_showConstraints", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show constraints" );
idCVar af_showConstraintNames( "af_showConstraintNames", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show constraint names" );
idCVar af_showConstrainedBodies( "af_showConstrainedBodies", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show the two bodies contrained by the highlighted constraint" );
idCVar af_showPrimaryOnly( "af_showPrimaryOnly", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show primary constraints only" );
idCVar af_showTrees( "af_showTrees", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show tree-like structures" );
idCVar af_showLimits( "af_showLimits", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show joint limits" );
idCVar af_showBodies( "af_showBodies", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show bodies" );
idCVar af_showBodyNames( "af_showBodyNames", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show body names" );
idCVar af_showMass( "af_showMass", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show the mass of each body" );
idCVar af_showTotalMass( "af_showTotalMass", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show the total mass of each articulated figure" );
idCVar af_showInertia( "af_showInertia", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show the inertia tensor of each body" );
idCVar af_showVelocity( "af_showVelocity", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show the velocity of each body" );
idCVar af_showActive( "af_showActive", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show tree-like structures of articulated figures not at rest" );
idCVar af_testSolid( "af_testSolid", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "test for bodies initially stuck in solid" );
idCVar rb_showTimings( "rb_showTimings", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show rigid body cpu usage" );
idCVar rb_showBodies( "rb_showBodies", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show rigid bodies" );
idCVar rb_showMass( "rb_showMass", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show the mass of each rigid body" );
idCVar rb_showInertia( "rb_showInertia", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show the inertia tensor of each rigid body" );
idCVar rb_showVelocity( "rb_showVelocity", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show the velocity of each rigid body" );
idCVar rb_showActive( "rb_showActive", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "show rigid bodies that are not at rest" );
// The default values for player movement cvars are set in def/player.def
idCVar pm_jumpheight( "pm_jumpheight", "48", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "approximate hieght the player can jump" );
idCVar pm_stepsize( "pm_stepsize", "16", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "maximum height the player can step up without jumping" );
idCVar pm_crouchspeed( "pm_crouchspeed", "80", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "speed the player can move while crouched" );
idCVar pm_walkspeed( "pm_walkspeed", "140", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "speed the player can move while walking" );
idCVar pm_runspeed( "pm_runspeed", "220", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "speed the player can move while running" );
idCVar pm_noclipspeed( "pm_noclipspeed", "200", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "speed the player can move while in noclip" );
idCVar pm_spectatespeed( "pm_spectatespeed", "450", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "speed the player can move while spectating" );
idCVar pm_spectatebbox( "pm_spectatebbox", "32", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "size of the spectator bounding box" );
idCVar pm_usecylinder( "pm_usecylinder", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_BOOL, "use a cylinder approximation instead of a bounding box for player collision detection" );
idCVar pm_minviewpitch( "pm_minviewpitch", "-89", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "amount player's view can look up (negative values are up)" );
idCVar pm_maxviewpitch( "pm_maxviewpitch", "89", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "amount player's view can look down" );
idCVar pm_stamina( "pm_stamina", "24", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "length of time player can run" );
idCVar pm_staminathreshold( "pm_staminathreshold", "45", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "when stamina drops below this value, player gradually slows to a walk" );
idCVar pm_staminarate( "pm_staminarate", "0.75", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "rate that player regains stamina. divide pm_stamina by this value to determine how long it takes to fully recharge." );
idCVar pm_crouchheight( "pm_crouchheight", "38", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "height of player's bounding box while crouched" );
idCVar pm_crouchviewheight( "pm_crouchviewheight", "32", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "height of player's view while crouched" );
idCVar pm_normalheight( "pm_normalheight", "74", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "height of player's bounding box while standing" );
idCVar pm_normalviewheight( "pm_normalviewheight", "68", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "height of player's view while standing" );
idCVar pm_deadheight( "pm_deadheight", "20", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "height of player's bounding box while dead" );
idCVar pm_deadviewheight( "pm_deadviewheight", "10", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "height of player's view while dead" );
idCVar pm_crouchrate( "pm_crouchrate", "0.87", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "time it takes for player's view to change from standing to crouching" );
idCVar pm_bboxwidth( "pm_bboxwidth", "32", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "x/y size of player's bounding box" );
idCVar pm_crouchbob( "pm_crouchbob", "0.5", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "bob much faster when crouched" );
idCVar pm_walkbob( "pm_walkbob", "0.3", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "bob slowly when walking" );
idCVar pm_runbob( "pm_runbob", "0.4", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "bob faster when running" );
idCVar pm_runpitch( "pm_runpitch", "0.002", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar pm_runroll( "pm_runroll", "0.005", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar pm_bobup( "pm_bobup", "0.005", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar pm_bobpitch( "pm_bobpitch", "0.002", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar pm_bobroll( "pm_bobroll", "0.002", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar pm_thirdPersonRange( "pm_thirdPersonRange", "80", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "camera distance from player in 3rd person" );
idCVar pm_thirdPersonHeight( "pm_thirdPersonHeight", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "height of camera from normal view height in 3rd person" );
idCVar pm_thirdPersonAngle( "pm_thirdPersonAngle", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_FLOAT, "direction of camera from player in 3rd person in degrees (0 = behind player, 180 = in front)" );
idCVar pm_thirdPersonClip( "pm_thirdPersonClip", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_BOOL, "clip third person view into world space" );
idCVar pm_thirdPerson( "pm_thirdPerson", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_BOOL, "enables third person view" );
idCVar pm_thirdPersonDeath( "pm_thirdPersonDeath", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_BOOL, "enables third person view when player dies" );
idCVar pm_modelView( "pm_modelView", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_INTEGER, "draws camera from POV of player model (1 = always, 2 = when dead)", 0, 2, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,2> );
idCVar pm_airTics( "pm_air", "1800", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_INTEGER, "how long in milliseconds the player can go without air before he starts taking damage" );
idCVar g_showPlayerShadow( "g_showPlayerShadow", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "enables shadow of player model" );
idCVar g_showHud( "g_showHud", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_showProjectilePct( "g_showProjectilePct", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "enables display of player hit percentage" );
idCVar g_showBrass( "g_showBrass", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE | CVAR_BOOL, "enables ejected shells from weapon" );
idCVar g_gun_x( "g_gunX", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_gun_y( "g_gunY", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_gun_z( "g_gunZ", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_viewNodalX( "g_viewNodalX", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_viewNodalZ( "g_viewNodalZ", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "" );
idCVar g_fov( "g_fov", "90", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "" );
idCVar g_skipViewEffects( "g_skipViewEffects", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "skip damage and other view effects" );
idCVar g_mpWeaponAngleScale( "g_mpWeaponAngleScale", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_FLOAT, "Control the weapon sway in MP" );
idCVar g_testParticle( "g_testParticle", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "test particle visualation, set by the particle editor" );
idCVar g_testParticleName( "g_testParticleName", "", CVAR_GAME, "name of the particle being tested by the particle editor" );
idCVar g_testModelRotate( "g_testModelRotate", "0", CVAR_GAME, "test model rotation speed" );
idCVar g_testPostProcess( "g_testPostProcess", "", CVAR_GAME, "name of material to draw over screen" );
idCVar g_testModelAnimate( "g_testModelAnimate", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "test model animation,\n"
"0 = cycle anim with origin reset\n"
"1 = cycle anim with fixed origin\n"
"2 = cycle anim with continuous origin\n"
"3 = frame by frame with continuous origin\n"
"4 = play anim once", 0, 4, idCmdSystem::ArgCompletion_Integer<0,4> );
idCVar g_testModelBlend( "g_testModelBlend", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "number of frames to blend" );
idCVar g_testDeath( "g_testDeath", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_exportMask( "g_exportMask", "", CVAR_GAME, "" );
idCVar g_flushSave( "g_flushSave", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "1 = don't buffer file writing for save games." );
idCVar aas_test( "aas_test", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar aas_showAreas( "aas_showAreas", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar aas_showPath( "aas_showPath", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar aas_showFlyPath( "aas_showFlyPath", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar aas_showWallEdges( "aas_showWallEdges", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar aas_showHideArea( "aas_showHideArea", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar aas_pullPlayer( "aas_pullPlayer", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar aas_randomPullPlayer( "aas_randomPullPlayer", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar aas_goalArea( "aas_goalArea", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER, "" );
idCVar aas_showPushIntoArea( "aas_showPushIntoArea", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "" );
idCVar g_password( "g_password", "", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "game password" );
idCVar password( "password", "", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NOCHEAT, "client password used when connecting" );
idCVar g_countDown( "g_countDown", "10", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "pregame countdown in seconds", 4, 3600 );
idCVar g_gameReviewPause( "g_gameReviewPause", "10", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "scores review time in seconds (at end game)", 2, 3600 );
idCVar g_TDMArrows( "g_TDMArrows", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_BOOL, "draw arrows over teammates in team deathmatch" );
idCVar g_balanceTDM( "g_balanceTDM", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "maintain even teams" );
idCVar net_clientPredictGUI( "net_clientPredictGUI", "1", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_BOOL, "test guis in networking without prediction" );
idCVar g_voteFlags( "g_voteFlags", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_NETWORKSYNC | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "vote flags. bit mask of votes not allowed on this server\n"
"bit 0 (+1) restart now\n"
"bit 1 (+2) time limit\n"
"bit 2 (+4) frag limit\n"
"bit 3 (+8) game type\n"
"bit 4 (+16) kick player\n"
"bit 5 (+32) change map\n"
"bit 6 (+64) spectators\n"
"bit 7 (+128) next map" );
idCVar g_mapCycle( "g_mapCycle", "mapcycle", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "map cycling script for multiplayer games - see mapcycle.scriptcfg" );
idCVar mod_validSkins( "mod_validSkins", "skins/characters/player/marine_mp;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_green;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_blue;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_red;skins/characters/player/marine_mp_yellow", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "valid skins for the game" );
idCVar net_serverDownload( "net_serverDownload", "0", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_INTEGER | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "enable server download redirects. 0: off 1: redirect to si_serverURL 2: use builtin download. see net_serverDl cvars for configuration" );
idCVar net_serverDlBaseURL( "net_serverDlBaseURL", "", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "base URL for the download redirection" );
idCVar net_serverDlTable( "net_serverDlTable", "", CVAR_GAME | CVAR_ARCHIVE, "pak names for which download is provided, separated by ;" );